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I usually write about themes I am concerned about, and I do it so the rest of th e people can reflect on it.

I think this is a very important topic because educa tion is not everything, but it plays a big role in people s live, so as it is big I think it is the major part of our personal presentation. So, what happens when w e have a normal academic education? What happens when we have a really bad acade mic education? And worse than that, what happens when we do not have an academic education? Well, we may ignore lots of things, if that is the case. It would be great that we all could have access to an excellent education. Surel y our country could progress more, and when big problems come up in our country we will act differently and even the personal decisions that we are going to mak e will be much better. I cannot say that if we get a good education we are going to be successful in our lives or that we are going to become rich or that we ar e or will be better than other people, no, but things would be better. But nowadays, how are things at present? Is it academic education getting better or worse? How is it having influence in people lives? Is our government paying enough attention to it? Well, we can have many different answers to those questi ons, and they must surely be very relative. I give my opinion according to my ec onomic position, about how much I have been affected by this government and abou t my beliefs, religion etc I think that the academic education is going bad, and it is getting worse, it is true that people want to be better and have more prepar ation and that now many universities are becoming free; what I agree with that, it is good. But that is in a 3rd Level kind of education, but not talking about Primary school and High School education. It s a true that the government has payed a lot of attention to education, but I do not think it has been by equal for all . I must not pay more to continue receiving the one that I have got now. There is a new decree that says that students now can approve the academic year with a 12 average. In most Schools you bordy pass the year with 14. Because there are hig h schools that have ISO so their average is higher, and when you want to go to a un iversity you need a 17.5 average, so, what does this mean? That our dear governm ent wants everybody to graduate from High School, but not everybody getting in universities, so that is better for them because in that way nobody will overthr ow them from that position where they are. In our country there should be a reform for the whole academic education, in tha t way High Schools can be divided in categories. Maybe three, and the rest must be dissolved, because they are not offering a good thing, so they do not contribute to Ecuador s progress, and even schools are not more than businesses their principa l objective must be that one!

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