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The cause and effects of teenage depression

Irish Salvador Remejohn Obina

This research paper is submitted in partial fulfillment for the subject ENGLISH IV for the High

School department of The Lord is My Shepherd School of Manila. School Year 20122013.

Approval Sheet
This research paper entitled: The Cause and Effects of Student Depression attached here is diligently prepared by Irish Salvador and Remejohn Obina. In order to fulfill the

requirements for ENGLISH IV is hereby accepted and approved by: Mr. Arvie Sebarillo, Subject Teacher

Acknowledgem ents
We would like to extend our heartfelt thank you to our parents. Thank you for letting us have a wonderful and comfortable life, thank you for all your hard works so that you can provide for us. We would like to thank our

classmates and friends who encouraged us to do the best that we can, thank you for believing in us and thank you for being with us. And definitely thank you to our subject teacher Sir. Arvie Sebarillo for passing unto us his knowledge, thank you very much. And definitely a THANK YOU to the Lord, God Almighty who had put us into our families, friends, classmates and teachers. Thank you for letting us fulfill this task and thank you for the life you have given us. Irish Salvador Remejohn Obina


We decided to make this topic TEENAGE DEPRESSION as our research paper. Recently news about students who commits suicide is very alarming. The reasons of their suicide are failing grades, school bullies and peer pressure. The question is WHY? The ultimate answer is DEPRESSION. Yes, depression is the answer. In this research paper you would learn how teenagers surpass depression and how come some are not able to do so. What are the reasons why teenagers feel so much depression and they cannot think of any way out but suicide. No two people have exactly the same experience. No single strategy offers a Miracle Cure to banish depression. But what can be done to prevent depression?

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