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A Life Care Guide

Before Cradle to Retirement

All Rights Reserved to Operated System. Written by: Syed Faraz Mujtaba

Table of Contents 1st Section Prepare Ahead 2nd Section Children 3rd Section Teenagers 4th Section Adults 5th Section Parents 6th Section - Retirement

1st Section Prepare Ahead

1) How important you are to your baby Having a baby is an invaluable gift of God and precious moments of parents life whereas parenting is a huge responsibility. From this moment, the newborn picks up signals and immediate learning from his surroundings. This is the time, when a mother should concentrate on the bonding with the baby through talking, touching, caressing, carrying & loving. 2) Baby Health & Baby Care A mothers first priority should be to take care of babys health. Your medicine cabinet should be filled with the entire basic requirement for the health & care of a baby. Telephone numbers of doctors and other health care professional need to be at hand for any emergencies. There are various books available on the subject of infants health and care. 3) Baby Clothes Shopping for infant clothing is an entertaining event for both the mother and father. Choosing the right infant clothing is even more important because of the infants extra vulnerable state. Infant clothing can be readily available in different styles. While buying the infant clothing you should consider comfort and style. There are numerous newborn clothing and linen items that your baby will need. You should consider buying three to six size month old sizes because babies grow out quickly of newborn size clothing. You should also purchase flame retardant clothing for newborn. 4) Baby Toys Following is a list of baby toys, which you may need for your newborn. Crib mobile Doorway jumper Walker Baby gym Bouncer Swing Toy box Rattles Activity mat Wooden toy

5) Baby Safety and Home Protection

A newborn arrival in the home means that you will have to start looking at you home with a keen eye for the baby safety and home protection. These items are necessary to child proof your house: Doorstops VCR locks Corner cushions Fire guards Safety Gates Cabinet locks Drawer latches Toilet seat cover Doorknob covers Outlet plugs Bed rail Faucet covers Cellular phone Smoke detection Household disinfectant Carbon monoxide detectors Health and child care books Plastic covers for electric outlets 6) Baby Development Chart Baby Development chart provides guidelines to the development stages and appropriate educational toys and interactive toys that can be chosen and introduced to compliment and development of mental and movement skills at the proper time. 7) Baby Crib Baby will spend much of its time in the crib. This first "home" should be a cheerful and secure environment. A safe crib should have no missing, loose, broken or improperly installed screws, brackets or other hardware on the crib or the mattress support. The crib mattress should fit snugly with no more than two fingers width between the edge of the mattress and the crib. Always keep the drop side up when baby is in the crib. 8) Baby Stroller Strollers perform a tremendous service to parents and childcare givers. These vehicles make it easier and safer to transport a child. Choose a stroller or carriage that has a base wide enough to prevent tipping, even when your baby leans over the side. If the seat adjusts to a reclining position, make sure the stroller doesn't tip backward when the child lies down. 9) Prevention of Infection Infections in the neonate spread rapidly and babies easily succumb to these infections. Prevention of infections therefore assumes utmost

importance if one has to decrease neonatal mortality. Measures that could have a major impact in lowering infection include: Administration of medicine Proper care of the cord and skin Exclusive breastfeeding Early detection and prompt treatment of minor infections

10) Daily work load pre-planning After having a baby, routine becomes tough for mothers and working mothers specially. Mothers should pre-plan their daily schedule. Take help from family and relatives as much as possible. Make a daily schedule chart that will be helpful to accomplish all tasks on time. 2. Breastfeeding Special Bond of mother & her child 1) Breastfeeding duration Most breastfeeding sessions take 20 to 45 minutes. However, newborn babies are often sleepy, this length of time may require patience and persistence. Feed on the first side until your baby stops suckling, hands are no longer fisted, and your baby appears sleepy and relaxed. It is normal for babies to cluster feed, meaning they feed several times close together and then go several hours without feeding. 2) The let-down-reflex Let-down is experienced in numerous ways including:

Infant starts to actively suck and swallow. Milk may drip from the opposite breast. Mother can experience a tingling or a full sensation (after the first week of nursing) in your breasts or uterine cramping. Mother can feel thirsty.

3) Breastfeeding positions Sit tummy-to-tummy with your baby. Make sure your babys ear, shoulder and hip are in a straight line and the babys nose is level with the nipple. Bring baby close to your breast. Touch your nipple to your babys lower lip.

When babys mouth opens wide, quickly pull your baby in to latch-on since the mouth will be open for only a few seconds. 4) Breastfeeding diary

5) Lactation consultancy A lactation consultant can be of great help to you with different situations and feelings, such as:

If you do not feel your milk has increased by day four. Treatment of sore nipples. Concern about your babys output (urine and stools). Your baby is not feeding 8 to 12 times in a 24 hour period. Your baby is sleeping on the breast, not suckling well, and seems hungry each time you take him/her off. Ineffective positioning, latch-on and engorgement. Breastfeeding challenges, such as twins, premature infants, babies with a slow weight gain, and women who have had breast surgery. Advice for the working mother regarding how to continue breastfeeding after returning to work and help with planning a daily routine. Advice on the most appropriate nursing bras and clothing items which allow for discrete and comfortable breastfeeding. 6) Expressing hand milk Hand expression

The easiest time to learn hand expression is during a feeding. The letdown reflex has triggered the milk to flow in both breasts, making it possible to express milk from the side on which the baby is not nursing. Hand expression becomes easier with practice. 7) Guideline for storing expressed breast milk

Fresh pumped milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Once breast milk has been refrigerated or frozen and then brought to room temperature, it will only be good in room temperature for hour.

Fresh pumped milk may be refrigerated for up to five to seven days. Smell or taste your milk for freshness before offering it to your baby. Fresh pumped milk that has been refrigerated for up to 48 hours may be frozen.

8) Sexuality during the time of feeding It is important for a new mother to know that her partner still finds her desirable. A new mothers sex drive often may be somewhat lower after delivery due to vaginal discomfort and lowered estrogen level. Exhaustion may contribute to lack of interest. Be patient with each other during this short transition period. Try to feed your baby before making love, if possible, so your breasts will be softer, more comfortable and less likely to leak. 9) Engorgement Breast fullness is a normal condition in which the breasts become full two to three days after birth. Engorgement is caused by increased blood supply, fluids and milk in the breast tissue. If enough milk is not being removed, because of a skipped feeding or limited feeding time, your breasts may become tender and engorged. An engorged breast may flatten your nipple and make it harder for your baby to latch-on. 10) Familys role The family plays a major role in the breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby. One of the most precious gifts a family can give is to take care of you and encourage and support a healthy breastfeeding relationship. There are many rewarding ways for family members to be

involved in caring for the baby. Burping, diapering, playing, giving the baby massages, comforting (holding and rocking, etc.) and taking the baby for a walk are wonderful ways to help. 3. Sleeping 1) Sleeping timing Short Wake Time The first week or so, your newborn baby will most likely hardly be awake, but after the first week or two, the number1 key with your newborn is to keep wake times very short, at first. You should soothe your baby for sleep after just 1-2 hours of wake time TOPS. You should look for signs that she is getting sleepy and start soothing her. If you wait until she is fussy, cranky or crying, you are actually too late! 2) Cover Up Your Baby To help mimic the feeling of the womb, it helps to swaddle your newborn baby. This basically means to wrap him up in a blanket like a little burrito. You may have seen them do it at the hospital. This helps him feel safe and secure and also helps him stay asleep. It can take up to 4 or 5 months for your baby to stop the startling. 3) Ferber baby sleep pattern Ferber baby sleep pattern is the most common way of weaning your child away from the mother. The Ferber baby sleep method involves letting the baby cry herself to sleep. If you are stick to particular bed times, your baby will learn soon to comfort herself to sleep. Even if your baby is still crying, you dont pick her up or rock her. Using this baby sleep pattern your child will soon learn to go to sleep on her own. Letting the baby cry herself is stressful for everyone in the household. But this is the safe and effective way of getting your baby to learn to sleep on his or her own. 4) Controlled Crying baby sleep pattern This baby sleep pattern involves a lot of commitment and perseverance but can be very successful in getting your baby to sleep through. This pattern involves usual bed time rituals such as bath, possibly a snack and a story, rocking and cuddling. Put your baby in her crib to get to sleep. If your baby starts crying allow a minimum of 5-10 minutes of crying before returning to comfort her. Dont pick up the baby, just shush her quietly and pat her on the back. Leave the room after 2 minutes even if your baby continues to cry. Some experts suggest that not talking at this moment can support the walking and crying behavior. You have to comfort your baby that you are there but still encourage her to go to sleep.

After the first half hour of crying, the time difference between visits should be increased by 5-10 minutes each time to 15-20 minutes. This method can take time, and can be trying on your nerves, but in time. Soon your baby will learn that you are not going away and that you are nearby. This baby sleep pattern instructs your baby self-comforting, but also gives her the assurance and protection that you are there for her. 5) Post-Feeding routine To help your newborn baby sort out day and night sleeping even more, you may want to develop a play routine after she eats during the day. Keep her awake 30 minutes after feeding by playing, singing, bathing, etc. Again, the light stimulating her eyes will help her sort out that daylight is for being awake at least a little bit. Many people recommend the eat-play-sleep routine for newborns. 6) Co-Sleeping

Sometimes it helps to have your newborn in the room with you for quick access for middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes. This also can help give him more comfort being close by as he will be able to hear and smell you. For safety reasons, you should use a Co-Sleeper, sleeppositioner or bassinette. 7) Swing Moms movements lulled baby to sleep while in the womb, so use trying a swing, but dont be surprised if your newborn only likes it at high speeds or use something like this swing to help him sleep. 8) White Noises White noise is made up of the sounds like a fan whirring, vacuum cleaner, hair-dryer, etc. It helps a newborn sleep because inside moms womb was all white noise. The sound of her blood flow, heart beating, etc. Thats why he finds comfort when you may run the vacuum cleaner. 9) A baby sling You carried baby for nine months without a hitch. Maybe she needs a little time to adjust to the world? The motion of your body may be all that it takes to get you through a rough patch and get a few chores done while you're at it! Start baby out in a ring sling and if it proves to be a workable solution for the two of you, graduate into a mei tai or a backpack.


A warm bottle

Place a warm water bottle in the crib as part of your routine, and when you slip baby out of your arms safely into her crib the sheets will be warmed and the transition won't be as much of a shock. Always remove the water bottle before placing baby in the crib. 4. Comforting 1) Babys care It is the first priority of mothers to provide comfort and take care of their babies. Following are some comforting tips for your newborn babies. We assure you its best results. 2) Comforting crying baby All babies cry. And at about two weeks of age, it is common for babies to develop a fussy period in the evening that can last for as long as two hours. If your baby becomes fussy, what will you do? Try some of the following techniques, or perhaps a combination of them, to soothe your baby. As you offer comfort, pay attention to what your baby is trying to tell you. Through trial and error, and with loving patience, you'll soon discover together which soothing methods work best. 3) New Positions of holding your baby

Here are some techniques to try: Hold your baby facedown over your forearm with his head at your elbow and your thumb and fingers wrapped around his thigh. Hold your baby seated in your hand with his back to your chest and your other hand across his chest, wrapping your thumb and fingers around his upper arm. Hold your baby high over your shoulder so his stomach is being pressed into your shoulder bone. Cradle your baby in your arms, holding him tummy-to-tummy tightly against you. 4) Rhythmic Motion Babies are most comforted at a pace of 60 times each minute, so try these methods: Walking around. Rocking vertically by doing deep-knee bends. Swaying side to side or back and forth while standing up. Rocking back and forth in a comfortable rocking chair. 5) Warmth Swaddle your baby tightly in a receiving blanket. Hold your baby close to you so she can receive your warmth.

Put a heating pad in your baby's sleep area to warm the sheets before putting her down. Take out the heating pad and check the temperature of the sheets to be sure they're comfortably warm. Lay your baby facedown over a wrapped hot-water bottle on your lap. 6) Soothing Sounds Speak reassuring words in a soft, low voice. Hum and sing familiar songs you enjoy. Make a tape recording of a dishwasher, washing machine, vacuum cleaner or clothes dryer to let your baby hear repeated swooshing sounds. A fan or humidifier in the baby's room can sometimes do the trick, as can a radio tuned to the static between stations. Play classical, new age, soft rock or soft jazz music. No heavy metal, please! It makes babies nervous. 7) Touch Firmly but gently massage your baby's back from the neck down to his bottom. Firmly pat or rub your baby on his back and bottom. In a warm room, lay your baby on a firm surface and gently massage his tummy with clockwise strokes. If you think his discomfort may be resulting from gas, this can help move down the gas. Then gently press his knees into his abdomen to push out the gas. 8) Comforting clothes

The clothes you bought for your child should be warm, non-irritating and not constrictive. Always look for the best combination of function and style. Dont select infant clothing, which is too tight or small for your child. Ensure that the baby clothes you choose are easy to use and are easy to change in and out of. All sleepwear is to be flame redundant and should be safe with no strings or buttons that may be hazardous. While buying infant clothing, choose the material that is soft, comfort and with good airflow around it. Choose crotch snaps, because they make diaper changing fast and easy. Select infant clothing with a button up front to ease stress on the baby from having clothes pulled over their head. Avoid the clothes with too much decorations and small buttons. This can be a chocking hazard. While selecting luxury baby clothing, check what fabrics the clothes are made of. Ensure that the clothing is comfortable, flame redundant, warm, and wont react with your childs sensitive skin.

Select the organic fabrics that are made from pesticides, feature flame-retardant qualities, bleaches, and heavy dyes. These fabrics are light and allow skin ventilation to keep the skin at an even body temperature while absorbing body moisture. Stay away from contracting or itchy material such as wool or other stiff materials. Less restrictive clothes will provide active movements. Avoid infant clothing with a lot of buckles, belts, or too many buttons. Merino wool is a natural fabric that doesnt consist of any synthetics and unnatural colors. It is ideal infant clothing and is different from regular wool.

When dressing your infant, you should pay attention to the current weather. Dress your child appropriately depending on their activity level and the weather. This helps to keep your baby as comfortable as possible. 9) Breastfeeding/Sucking Another activity that comforts babies is sucking. Because babies get satisfaction from oral stimulation, sucking calms them -- and it can relieve discomfort. 10) Avoid abrupt change in volume and environment Abrupt changes in volume such as a balloon popping, a door slamming or loud voices Irregular movements or sounds. Abrupt changes in environment; for example, when the child is playing on the floor and someone comes up from behind and picks up the baby and goes somewhere else. 5.Bathing 1) Bathing your baby first time Bath time can be an intimidating undertaking for new moms and dads. Many young babies are frightened of the water and cry the whole time and handling a squirming, slippery baby can cause the most confident parent to break out in a nervous sweat. But with a little preparation, practice, and patience, bath time can become one of those treasured routines of raising a baby. 2) Sponge bath You should stick with sponge baths for the first several weeks after birth, or until the umbilical stump has fallen off and the area has healed, and the circumcision site has healed. You can sponge-bathe your baby anywhere that is convenient, but it's best to choose somewhere warm and free from drafts so your baby doesn't get cold. You can also keep your baby's clothes on any part of him you're not washing, and put them back on as soon as each area is cleaned and dried. 3) Steps for sponge bath

Keep baby warm during a sponge bath. Expose only the parts you are washing. Lay baby on his or her back on the towel or pad Wet washcloth, wring out excess water and wipe baby's face, no need for soap. You can use a formula especially for babies (helps to give baby a nice clean smell after the bath). Use a damp cotton ball or clean cotton cloth to wipe each eyelid, from inside to outside corners. Pay special attention to creases under arms, behind ears, around neck and in diaper area. Wash between baby's fingers and toes 4) Tub bath

When you progress to a tub bath for your baby, you need only a few inches of warm water. It is probably a good idea to lather your baby on a towel at first and use the tub only for rinsing. Warm water is best. You can set your water heater to below 120 F to prevent scalding. Also, always check the temperature of the water with your hand before you begin baby's bath. Room temperature should be about 75 F. 5) Steps to washing baby in tub Support your baby's head and torso with your arm and hand to wash the front of baby's body. Hold baby securely to help him or her feel comfortable, and to stay safe while in the tub. With one arm and hand support your baby's head and torso. Wrap your arm under baby's back, grasping baby firmly under the armpit. Lean baby forward on your arm to clean baby's back and buttocks while continuing to grasps baby under the armpit. 6) Steps to wash babys hair Support baby's head and shoulders with your free hand. Gently massage a drop of mild baby shampoo into his or her scalp. Rinse the shampoo with a damp washcloth. For cradle cap, loosen the scales with a small, soft-bristled brush before rinsing off the shampoo. 7) Accessories for bathing your new born baby A warm place with a flat surface A soft blanket, towel or changing pad A free hand A sink or shallow plastic basin to hold the water A washcloth, an extra towel, cotton balls, mild baby shampoo, wipes, a clean diaper and a change of clothes. 8) Dont use lotions or creams

It is not recommended to use lotion after a bath for most newborns. Greasy lotions or ointments may cause skin irritation or block baby's tiny sweat glands. Carefully dry inside baby's folds of skin after each bath to prevent rash and skin irritation. 9) Perfect time for bath Time for baby's bath is your choice. Some babies may be more alert and ready to enjoy the experience in the morning, while others may prefer a bath at night as a calming bedtime ritual. It is important to choose a time when you will not be rushed or interrupted. 10) Never leave your baby in bath unattended Never leave your baby unattended in the bath, even for a second. A baby can drown in as little as one inch of water, in less than 60 seconds. If the phone or doorbell rings during the bath, wrap your baby in a towel and take him with you, or let the answering machine pick it up. Bath seats and bath rings should only be used with children who are able to sit up without assistance. 6. Diaper Changing 1) How to change a diaper Changing diapers is certainly on the dark side of parenting. It is the moment of truth when your love is acted out and you sacrifice your olfactory nerves (a.k.a. nose) to a higher calling. Much of the time you will spend with your little baby will involve this act. 2) Steps for changing diaper Lay your baby on his back on the changing surface. If you are using a changing table, it's recommended to use the safety straps. Unfasten the diaper tabs. You can raise your child's bottom off the diaper by gently grasping his ankles and lifting. If there is a lot of bowel movement present, you may want to use the upper half of the diaper to gently sweep it towards the lower half of the diaper. If you are changing a girl, make sure you always wipe from front to back to help prevent infection. Slide the diaper away from the baby and place nearby, but out of reach of baby. Place any used disposable cleaning supplies on top of the soiled diaper. Slide a clean diaper under your baby's bottom making sure tabs are on the portion located under your child's bottom. Most diapers today have colorful markings or characters indicating the front of the diaper. Close the new diaper by pulling the front up over his belly and pulling the tabs open and around to the fastening surface. If you are not using specially cut newborn diapers, be sure to fold the diaper down to avoid irritation of the umbilical stump.

Dispose of old diaper by wrapping tabs all the way around and securing inside a bag if desired. 3) Diapers changing table If you are using a changing table, always make sure that you use the safety straps. Even when using the straps, never leave a child unattended on an elevated surface. Some parents don't like using a changing table. An alternative to this is to use a changing pad on the floor. These are easily concealed underneath a couch or bed, and you can keep a decorative basket nearby (but out of baby's reach) for changing supplies. 4) Clean & disposal diapers When you have to run somewhere, always bring extra diapers. Even if you know that you are only running to the post office it is better to be prepared. You never know if your baby is going to decide to make an extra full diaper. 5) Cotton balls, baby washcloths or wipes If your baby is a newborn, you will want to cleanse the area thoroughly with either cotton balls and warm water or with a wet baby washcloth. Wipes, especially those containing alcohol, can cause rashes and irritation until children are about two months old. 6) Diaper ointments for rashes Before closing the diaper, apply any ointments or creams your doctor has recommended for rashes. Doing this step after you've placed the new diaper under your baby will help prevent you from having to clean ointments off the changing surface, which can sometimes be difficult. 7) Luke-warm water for cleansing if wipes aren't used If you use washcloths to wipe your baby's bottom you should get two wet ones just to be safe. If you only needed to use one you can hang the other over something to dry and wet it again next time that you need to use it. If you do need the second one you are going to be very glad that you brought it. 8) Color of babys urine Healthy babies should have light to dark-yellow urine. The darker the color, the less liquid the baby is getting. So, lighter is better. Occasionally you may see what looks like a pink stain on the diaper. This is usually not blood, but highly concentrated urine interacting with the gel used in disposable diapers, producing a pinkish color.

9) Let your infant busy while diaper changing There are fewer things as frustrating as changing the diaper on a squirmy baby. Eliminate that by offering a small container of toys to hear at diaper changes. The toys should only be for diaper changes, so they stay new and exciting. 10) Wash changing surface and hands

This step is especially important if your baby is ill, to avoid recontamination. 7. Traveling 1) Baby seat If you are using an Infant Car Seat, you can transport your seat in a lightweight and convenient frame that converts the seat into a stroller. 2) Wear Baby Close, safe & sound Up the stairs, off the beaten path, or dancing under the stars, baby carriers provide the easiest, safest, hands-free way to take baby along. If buckles are more your thing, check out the Ergo (a Dad favorite) and add the ergo backpack accessory for extra storage. 3) Take portable infant bed You never know what sleeping arrangements will be available, so for your and babys convenience, take a folding infant travel bed. 4) Take baby favorite toys Don't forget babys favorite toys with you. 5) Babys accessories If baby is eating solids, bring some convenient snacks along, just in case you cannot find appropriate foods where you are. Other things include babys shampoo, soaps, lotions, extra diapers in bag, neck pillows and travel pillows. 6) Take baby clothes according to the season Take baby clothes according to the season. If its summer, bring along cotton sleeveless suits, which can comfort baby in traveling. If its winter, dont forget to take blanket, warm clothes, sweaters, woolen caps, socks etc. 7) First Aid kit Depending on the age of your child, your Baby First Aid Kit should include an aspirator, thermometer, calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream, petroleum jelly, antibacterial cream, tweezers, scissors, nasal aspirator bulb, adhesive tape, cotton-tipped swabs (Q-tips), liquid soap, oral syringe or medicine dropper, a hot-water bottle, an ice pack, butterfly bandages, band-aids, cotton gauze, Tylenol.

8) Zip lock bag You can store food items, garbage (including stinky diapers), and wet clothing in these. Of course, being a parent you already know thisjust dont forget them! 9) Breastfeeding in traveling If you have a newborn, try feeding baby or using a pacifier. That would be convenient for you in traveling. 10) Light weight stroller A lightweight stroller (sometimes called an umbrella stroller) makes sense for babies who can sit up. It isn't as cushy as a larger stroller, but is tops for travel because it can be carried easily and folded compactly and even stowed in a plane's overhead bin, if permitted by your airline. 8) Staying Sane 1) Adequate support system When you first return home, it's important to have someone not only to provide emotional support but also to help with infant care, cleaning, cooking, errands, and laundry. This support person may be a spouse, mother, mother-in-law, sister, doula, housekeeper, or baby nurse. Allow people to bring you nutritious meals or to care for your infant for an hour or two while you take a nap. 2) Getting your hubby involved

Get your hubby involved into the habit of taking lots of photos of newborn baby. Infants change every week, and capturing every stage on film allows you to enjoy your baby's development, both now and in the future. 3) Spend time with your hubby After newborn baby, it does not mean that your husband does not need you anymore. Dad may feel abandoned and jealous of Mom's new love affair with a newborn, Mom needs to spend some time listening to, laughing with, and enjoying her spouse, no matter how tired she feels. Share baby problems with him and dont let him feel ever that you are taking of his care less. 4) Hubbys time to care his wife After newborn birth, its husbands duty to take care of his wife as she used to take care of himself. True relations always go hand by hand. After

delivery, women become more sensitive and needs special care of their husbands. Now, its hubbys time to take his wife care with love and affections. When his wife will be comfortable and peaceful mentally, she will be in better position to take care of baby. 5) Maintain a sense of optimism It is a fact that a mother passes from a very complex and tiresome period from the news of becoming a mother till delivery time. But she should realize that its not only with her, father also having different time with his wife. After returning to home with a newborn baby, fathers all time is taken by a new baby, which previously was given to him. So mothers should maintain a sense of optimism and try to cope up with new situation and circumstances. Dont take things negative but be optimistic. 6) Forget about housework Caring for a newborn requires an enormous amount of time and attentionholding and cuddling, stroking and burping, changing and feeding. Until you get organized and your baby falls into some sort of routine, it may be difficult to find time for household chores or cooking. Give yourself permission to cut corners, to use easily prepared foods, or to order in. Rest when your newborn is resting! 7) Ignore unwanted advices Infants cry for a variety of reasons ranging from hunger to discomfort to the need to be held. For babies to develop a sense of security and basic trust they must know that Mom or Dad will consistently respond to their needs. When the child is a bit older, parents can use their voices to comfort the baby, but in early infancy touch is of paramount importance. Walking around with your infant in a Snugli or doing infant massage are wonderful ways to help your baby feel nurtured and soothed. In the end, you're the parents, so you decide what's best. 8) The key to soothing fussy infants The key to soothing fussy infants is to mimic the womb. Swaddling, shushing, and swinging, as well as allowing babies to suck and holding them on their sides, may trigger a calming reflex. 9) Take shifts One night it's Mom's turn to rock the cranky baby, the next it's Dad's turn. Sleep when your baby sleeps" really is the best advice. Take naps together and go to bed early.



To keep yourself from feeling detached from the world. Get outside on your own, even for five minutes. 9. Ask For Help 1) Dont be afraid or shy to take help Dont be afraid or shy to take help from your family and friends. Following are few tips to keep your condition safe and sound after newborn baby. 2) Seek out assistance from your spouse, family, relatives, friends Take help from family, relatives and friends. Dont refuse because you are passing through from very new situation. You have to take care of baby as well, so seek assistance as much as possible. 3) Take emotional support from your spouse Get your spouse involved in baby related matters as well as let him realize that you need his emotional support and caring and loving behavior too. Many husband dont realize that how much their wives need their care. So if your hubby is not able to give you time,let him realize and take emotional support from him. 4) Share your problems with your spouse Share your problems with your spouse first. Discuss all issues related to newborn baby or with yourself. Do share, it helps to minimize the intensity of that problem. 5) Take assistance from family in baby matters As you are a mother of a newborn child, same is with other relations. Let other family members to help you out in babys matters. Take their assistance as much as possible. 6) Take help of servant/maid in home chores Caring for a newborn requires an enormous amount of time and attention, holding and cuddling, stroking and burping, changing and feeding. Until you get organized and your baby falls into some sort of routine, it may be

difficult to find time for household chores or cooking. Give yourself permission to cut corners, to use easily prepared foods, or to order in. Rest when your newborn is resting! 7) Discuss your health issue with your doctor If you feel something wrong with your health after delivery, do consult doctor as soon as possible because babys overall health depends on feeding and mothers health. 8) Discuss health issue of your baby with your doctor Take your baby to doctor often for frequent checkup. If you notice something new to babys health, dont waste time and take your baby to doctor. 9) Take lactation consultancy if needed If you are having problem in breastfeeding, do consult lactation expert. It is also advisable for mothers to attend classes about lactation near their homes. 10) Choosing the child minder if needed

If you are a working lady and you have to chose a child minder, do choose by keeping all points of babys necessities in mind. But it is highly recommended to take care of child by mother herself. 10 Get Your Spouse Involved 1) Talk to Your Spouse Many pregnant women complain that their husbands don't take an active part in their pregnancies. Many marriages experience stress and couples may even drift apart due to the husband's attitude. Talk to your husband - Share with you husband what's going on in your pregnancy. Men are ignorant of pregnancies and dislike changes. Talk to your man. Get him involved. 2) Get Your Spouse to Join you in doctors visit Get your husband to join you in your doctor visits - If your husband joins you in your visits to the doctor, he will feel more involved. It doesn't have to be every visit, but once in a while is very important.

3) Dont Stop having Sex Don't stop having sex - many pregnant women lose their desire for sex during their pregnancies. First, there's no danger to the baby. Second, don't think that because you're starting to show you're not attractive. Many men find pregnant women very attractive, especially if they keep their weight gain to a healthy minimum. Your man hasn't lost his desire for you; don't make it look as if you've lost yours for him. 4) Get Your Spouse involved in babys shopping Before baby birth, it is very lovely for couples to shop for coming baby. After birth, get him still involved in babys shopping. 5) After baby birth, dont ignore him Fathers should try and draw out your own memories of childhood when raising your children. What did your father do right, and wrong? Learn from your own experiences. Dont ignore him by giving all your time to baby. Let other family members keep close to baby and try to give him time. 6) Communication is the key to successful relation The role of a father is just as important when it comes to raising children. It is imperative that mothers give fathers certain responsibilities. Dads should try and watch all those TV shows, which encourage father-child bonding, and should refer to books on 'infant care' or 'fatherhood'. Couples should discuss and communicate anxieties about the newborn. Sooner or later, as dad gets more involved in the upbringing of the children, he will realize the importance and significance of this involvement. 7) Demonstration of newborns response to Your Spouse As a wife, you could demonstrate to your husband how the newborn responds and relates to moms and dads differently. As much as the baby needs the tender caress of his Mom, he also craves for the reassuring, firm touch of his dad. Whenever your baby is in a good mood and recently fed, leave him in the care of your husband. Encourage him to interact with the baby, and guide him subtly if he still finds it difficult to bond with him. Try to discover the ways to make your baby gurgle with joy, and share these pleasures together.

8) Give time and space to father and baby to understand their relation Don't dole out advice or rush to comfort the baby every time he cries. Let dad console him. Give father and child him time and space, so they can work out their relationship and equations by themselves. Your husband will device his own ways of taking care of the infant and coping up with situations. In fact, you will be encouraged by the reassuring tips he will come up with, which somehow never occurred to you. 9) Realize Your Spouse his responsibilities towards newborn What a new dad hates most is watching his newborn cry, and being unable to soothe him or not knowing how to. Most dads avoid participating in infant care due to this very sense of helplessness and of being overpowered by feelings of inadequacy and distress. Help your husband overcome his uncertainties and master the techniques of baby care. 10) A healthy bond between father and a child

Remember, a father who is actively involved in his child's life (not just financially) by shouldering responsibilities and contributing to decisions on child-raising, plays a tremendous role in determining whether the child will grow up having strong family ties and a healthy, well-balanced attitude, or not. Such participation not only lays the foundation for a healthy bond between father and child, but also leaves the mother with more time on her hands for other work - and play!

2nd Section - Children

1. Parenting First 1) Understand your child Attitude Define simply and clearly any difficult behavior. What are the "pay-offs" to your child - are you giving the behavior a lot of attention and "giving in for a quiet life"? Dont blame yourself but work at changing your responses. Once you have a clear picture you are ready to change the pattern by changing the triggers and consequences. You may have to try and ignore certain behaviour, try not to give in, remove certain privileges, look and sound as if you mean it when asking you child to do something. Most importantly concentrate on encouraging and rewarding good behaviour! 2) Build Trust Build your childs trust by always be there whenever he/she needs you. Always be consistent, it will fell child safe and secure. Clear-cut rules also help a child learn what is right and wrong. Dont hide anything from your child. Dont let him curious about any thing. 3) Coping with difficult behavior Make simple rules for you child. If any turn of your life, you are unable to understand childs behavior, apply love and let him sure that he/she can trust you. If you feel that your child's behaviour is beginning to get out of control, "nip it in the bud" by distracting your child's attention onto a positive activity or game. Try to avoid yelling at your children in anger.

4) Improve Your Child Behavior Children are always subject to care, love and get attention by praise. You can improve your child behavior by showing your love to him. Just few words like I love you or You are important and special to me will enhance his abilities and he will avoid doing those things which can make you angry. Praise talent.

5) Give Your Child Self-Confidence The first and foremost source for children to get self-confidence is parents. By showing your love to them, by encouraging them on their positive acts and make them understand gently if they do any wrong can never let your child down. Kids need to feel your affection through positive physical touch by hand holding, an arm around the shoulder or a simple hug. Spend more time doing things your child enjoys. Teach your children to trust their instincts too, by listening to them and respecting what they feel. The most effective reward is your time and positive attention. Praise, smile and say why you are pleased. 6) Learning through play

Play brings you closer to your children; it helps them to become more independent; they are more able to work problems out; to develop their own concentration and imagination. 7) Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and hyperkinetic disorder The terms attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are used in the USA. The official term in the UK is hyperkinetic disorder. These differences in terminology can sometimes cause confusion. In both instances, these children usually have problems with attention control and over activity. 8) Assessing the development of Your child In the course of development, ups and downs are inevitable even for children whose physical and mental endowments are normal. Occasionally children require intervention to get them successfully through a "down" period. Parents can observe behaviors in the nine aspects listed below during periods when they suspect a bit of a downturn. o o o o o o o o o Eating Habits Sleeping Habits Toilet Habits Range of Emotions Friendship Variations in Play Responses to Authority Curiosity Interest 9) Suggestion for Intervention

The first three of these eleven criteria of sound development- -sleeping, eating, and toilet habits--are particularly sensitive indicators of the child's well being because only the child has control of them. The other criteria are more culture-bound and situationally determined. When the pattern of a child's behaviour on about half of the criteria seems less than optimum over a period of about a month, some remedial action should be taken. 10) Six Parenting Tactics which can damage your childs Self Esteem 1. Bribes. Rewarding children is okay, but avoid bribes - children need to learn at an early age that they just have to do some things such as cleaning their room because theyre responsible family members, not because theyre paid to do it. 2. Wise: Encourage them to take responsibility for appropriate tasks as early as possible so that it becomes a habit; its easier than introducing the idea later on. Even a toddler can be encouraged to tidy away crayons. 3. Threats. We often let our children get away with things, so they soon learn that the first threat is meaningless because we dont follow through on it. They then assume that other threats will be equally irrelevant. If you issue a threat, make it clear that its a one and only, final warning and carry it out if necessary. Its then far less likely that youll have to issue threats in the future. 4. Nagging. The nagging parent starts to assume responsibility for the child, who never learns to be responsible for their own actions - which is fundamental if their self-esteem is to grow. The child doesnt need to accept responsibility because Mum or Dad is always there to do it for them! 5. Smacking. Most experts agree that smacking, as a means of disciplining a child should be avoided. In the short-term it may be effective, but long-term it just builds resentment. 6. Giving insincere praise. Dont ever give false praise to a child - this is detected easily even by small children, and eventually theyll lose trust in you. Find something that you can praise genuinely.

2. Safety 1) Opening the front door For those children who spend some time at home alone, answering the front door can be extremely important. When alone, a child should never answer the door. Even if its a friend or relative of the family if that person has arrived unexpectedly, its better for the child to not let them in. Statistics show that abductors of children are usually someone the child already knows. Children also need to be taught that even though the parent is home, its still important for the child to get the parent before answering the door. 2) Answering the telephone call When children are alone at home and they answer the phone, they are never to state that they are home alone. Teach your child to say that the parent is unavailable, to take a message, and then hang up. If the child receives any prank or obscene phone calls, he or she should tell the parent. Children should also be taught to never give out any personal information, no matter who is calling. That should be left to the parent to decide on. 3) Around the home When cooking, make sure you always turn your pot handles in so that they are not hanging over the side of the stove. Children can be badly burned if they grab hold of the handle and pull it down, or if they knock it off by accident. Never leave a cup of hot coffee or tea on a counter where a child can reach. Never leave knives or other sharp objects where a child can reach them. Never leave cupboard doors or drawers open as fingers can get caught or shut in them. 4) If your child gets lost Its always good to know where your child is but sometimes that can be out of our control. We need to prepare our children for whatever may come up. Make sure that your child always has money for a phone call. I know that many children today now have cellular phones in cases of emergency. Encourage them to always go with a buddy there is safety in numbers. Explain to your children the importance of always telling you where they are going and for how long they will be gone. 5) Secret Code

Many families are now developing a code word that is known only by them and close friends. This code is used in instances where a child is approached by a family member, or someone else, telling the child to come with them to see their parent or other family member. If that person does not know the code, the child is not to go with them no matter what. 6) Strangers Strangers can be confusing for children, especially when a stranger talks to a parent of a child. When it comes to strangers, we can never be too careful. There are certain rules to follow that will help keep our children safe. Basically, the only time a child should talk to a stranger is when he or she is in trouble and needs help. Children should only seek out a strangers help when they are lost or hurt, or are trying to get away from someone who is hurting them. We need to make sure our children understand the importance of this. Lastly, make sure your child realizes that strangers look like everyone else they dont look like a wild monster or strange creature meaning your child will not be able to judge a nice stranger from a stranger bent on harming them. 7) Precautions for children during travelling a. Escort the child onto the aircraft and check the area around the seat for hazards such as heavy carry-on items in the overhead storage bins. b. Inform the chief flight attendant that the child is traveling alone c. Ensure that the person meeting the child at the destination will have proper identification. d. Make it clear to the child that they should report any problems to a flight attendant. This could range from feeling sick to having a suspicious character seated next to them. e. If the child has to change planes, make arrangements for the child to be escorted between gates. This usually costs extra and is required for small children and is recommended for older children, especially those old enough to do it on their own but not mature enough to deal with potential problems or temptations at a busy airport. 8) Water Safety Infants and toddlers can drown in an inch or two of water. Children under 4 are at especially high risk. It takes only a few moments for a child to drown. It could happen in a bathtub, "kiddie pool," toilet bowl, bucket or

fishpond. Never leave your child alone - even for a second - when they are in or near a body of water. Teach your child to swim once he or she is ready (usually upon reaching 5 years). 9) Personal Safety Preventing fall: A simple fall can mean a major change in someone's life. Yet, small changes in homes and lifestyles might prevent such falls. 10) Make Your Home Safe

To make your home safe follow these recommendations: Living areas should have: Good lighting and be free of clutter Electric cords and telephone wires placed away from walking paths Rugs well secured to the floor

3.Schooling 1) How to choose your child school However, choosing a preschool that's right for your child and your family may not be as easy as you think. The right preschool can help children be better prepared for reading, math, and social interaction that come with kindergarten. But "right" may mean different things to different children. What should you consider before making this important decision? And where can you get help?

2) Academic Values of school Consider the academic reputation of the school. How do the students score on standardized tests? What kinds of programs do they offer for children with specific needs (either remedial or advanced)? Are academics important at the school or do they focus more on the emotional and interpersonal aspects of education? Parents should also consider the childs long-term goals and make choices most in line with those goals whether they be college, trade school and something else. 3) Campus Security This has rarely been an issue in the past. But as school shootings have become more common, it is a question that parents must consider. How

does the school deal with security-related issues. How important is security? Is a school more secure because it has security officers or is a school more secure when this is not a factor? The student population will also impact the level of security. Are there a lot of bullies? Gangs? Social pressures? 4) School leadership

The best schools have the best leadership. This includes everyone from the school board to the teachers in the classroom. Especially when considering a private or charter school, carefully evaluate the leadership skills of those in charge. Lack of leadership will frequently lead to much discontent. Strong leadership will keep a school moving forward and spur on greater success for everyone children, teachers, parents and community. Ask about the teacher and administrator qualifications and make sure they are acceptable. 5) Personal Values Lastly, and probably most importantly, does the school fit your familys personal values? What kinds of things are very important to you and are they available at the school? Are there areas of the school that run directly opposite those highest values? Or are they smaller issues where compromise is acceptable? Do you trust the people at the school to take care of your child and nurture him/her? 6) Help your child in reading This is the most essential step for later academic success. Keep magazines, books and newspapers around house. You can buy books from yard and library sales. Read to your child as often as you can. If you are not confident of your abilities, then seek the help of the library-reading program. 7) Answering Questioning Session Children ask questions that deserve to be answered. If you keep your ears and mind open, your child will become a knowledge seeking confident person in school. 8) Encourage him in reading and writing Let your ask questions about the world around, solve problems and explore interests. Your child could be learning when he or she plays simple musical instruments, scribbles, plays with friends or in the park, visits supermarkets, museums, etc. Shut the television and let your child

explore the world around, you will see a curious, interested child, who is keen to find out abut so many things that are around. 9) Help your child responsible and independent He or she has to follow house rules, and help at home. There has to be schedule that the child follows. This will build a sense of responsibility within the child. A child who learns to keep away toys, books and clothes, dress up and more are also independent. These skills will go a long way in helping prepare your child for school. 10) Your child is center of your attention

Always remember that a child needs mothers attention more than anyone else in the world. By giving him time in his studies, in extra curricular activities, by spending time with him, by discussing every issue your child is worried about, you are polishing a diamond. 4.New Friends 1) Help your Child to identify her/his interests Identifying your child's interests is an important first step in building a social network and making friends:

Make a list of things your child chooses to do in her free time. Consider athletic ability. Does your child have a favorite sport? Is your child musically inclined? Does your child enjoy arts and crafts? 2) Play Games with your child to practice social skills

Consider creating your own group activities for him and others from your neighborhood, school, or church. Provide a back yard, games, sports equipment, and healthy snacks, add children, and stir. Monitor activity to ensure safety and good sportsmanship. 3) Talk to your child about choosing friends Dont let your child free to chose friends. Discuss his interests and choices with him and try to make him/her understand the dos and donts of friends. 4) Find a family with children the same age of your child

It is highly recommended to find a family in neighbourhood with children the same age of your child. Meet those families and invite them at home. By doing this, you will be knowing their family as well and all activities of your child will be always open to you. 5) Arrange parties and invite the neighboring children Being a mother, it is your duty to arrange parties and invite your childs school and neighbour friends at home and their families. It would be like a social gathering. You will find your child pleased by it.

6) Read books with your child of making new friends Buy books about making new friends for your child. Accompany him when he/she is reading those books and share your personal experiences of how you made friends when you were a child. 7) Tell your child the importance of relations It is though advisable to take your child on evening walk and draw the light on importance of every relation. Do tell him the inevitability of the relations of friends and family. Try to inculcate the bonding habit in your child which will benefit him later in his/her life. 8) Problem-solving skills about friendship If sometime, you find your child disturbed after bullying with a friend. Try to make him/her understand with love and effection. This is the time, when he/she is facing some problem in his/her personal life. Start guiding him/her how to come out from this problem. At this turn of life, though there would be a tinny issue on which your child got angry with his/her friend but your guidance and proper advice can create problemsolving skills in your child which would be an asset for the future life of your child. 9) Arrange entertainment program for your child & his friends There is no doubt in it that good friends are a precious gift from God. You will find your child highly relaxed, happy and jolly after having friends. Let them enjoy more by celebrating small events. Start arranging

entertainment programs at your home for your child and invite his/her friends. You will find in no time the boldness in your child. 10) Help to Cope up your child if his friend moves away Although a child of any age will most likely experience some level of sadness when a good friend moves away, psychologists say that older children are more likely to suffer greatly from such a change. Because children less than five or six years of age are just beginning to form and understand friendships, a four-year-old may not even notice when a friend moves away. However, even a young toddler could become upset if her friend's move creates a change in her weekly routines. For example, if her regular playmate pal moves away, this will affect her normal schedule, which could in turn cause her to feel somewhat confused. It's important for parents to schedule playmates with new friends both before and after their child's best buddy moves away. This way, your child will continue her usual schedule while growing accustomed to playing with different children. 5. Recreation 1) Cycling and Recycling adventures

Go with your kids on such long bike adventures, they certainly enjoy the views along the way and will develop a love for bike riding for years to come. 2) Sports day at park Load up your vehicle with all the sports balls and equipment and head to the park. Call it "Sports Day. Definitely your family will enjoy it. 3) Homework breaks with activities Usually childrens schedule is so hard that they find it difficult to fit in physical activity between homework, scouting, etc. during the school week. So having to block out an hour or more each day to exercise but to break it up into 10- or 15-minute increments. 4) Clean & Green, Plus Wildlife Friends

In the nice weather go to hike, bike, and enjoy all that nature has to offer. But with the cooler weather it has been much more difficult for the kids to enjoy some brisk exercise in the park. Lets keep the idea Keep The Park Clean. Venture out at least three days a week, all bundled up, and look for trash to pick up. Always find some cans tossed along the roadside or a water bottle from a careless biker. You will come across as

far as to learning about animals in the park and their habitats. As the cold, snowy weather hits, instead of picking up trash venture out to check on wildlife friends and bring them bread and seeds. Not only has this proved a great way to keep in shape, especially in the off-season, but has been a super lesson in conservation and wildlife preservation. 5) Kids ride, parents job Take your kids to a bike trail to ride his bike. Since he's moving so fast, parents keep active by jogging alongside as pushing your kid in her/his push car. 6) Hiking Games

Enjoy long, scenic hikes, and to keep your family interested while playing games during the hikes. A popular game is a person will name an animal (say, elephant) and the next person has to name an animal using the last letter of the animal just named (i.e., turtle from the "t" in elephant). 7) Finding Nemo

Do make trail markers with rocks, twigs, and leaves. But one of the funniest things you can do is reciting lines from the movie "Finding Nemo." 8) Hunting for Rocks and Minerals

Take your family and go to hiking in nearby areas to look for different rocks and minerals and also go looking for fossils. You can also come across about the different time periods these treasures come from. 9) Splash and Dive This is a great pool game. As you throw a diving toy in, state a 5- or 10point total. The child who retrieves it gets the points. Play up to 100. The kids love it and beg to play again! 10) Evening Walks Together Take daily evening walks together. It gives a chance to not only get in daily fitness activity, but also use the time to talk and reconnect. 6. Teach toddlers through play 1) Educational toys for toddlers There are several different ways to get educational toys for toddlers. The first, and most obvious, place to look would be your local toy stores. You'll almost certainly come across an educational toy between the aisles of Barbie and toy soldiers. In fact, you might be overwhelmed by the selection!

2) Chatterbox telephone The chatterbox telephone is a toy telephone that speaks to kids who play with it in several different languages. You can use it to teach your toddler your native language, or even perhaps help them to pick up a bit of a foreign tongue. Children love to pretend to talk on the telephone so this toy is always an attraction and they will learn by playing. 3) Spin & play centers Spin and play centers are engrossing toys that stick to any surface with their suction cup bottoms and provide logical problems for your toddler to solve by spinning dials, pulling levers, and turning knobs. Needless to say, it will keep them occupied for hours, and build their ability to think abstractly. 4) Curiosity Cube The curiosity cube is a cube that provides a wide range of activities tide to different senses. It will help toddlers focus their attention, and increase their knowledge in various areas, including understanding of words and recognition of different colors, shapes, and numbers. 5) Veritable classic of children's toys This is a veritable classic of children's toys, present in waiting rooms around the world. The primary colored wooden blocks glide along metal rails, directed by toddlers' hands and gravity. This will teach toddlers that most basic premise, what goes up must come down. 6) Touch poems for toddlers Finger poems, or "touch poems" are a gentle caressing while forming shapes of objects or emotions in a story form. These may be performed with or without telling a story to go with them. 7) How Do Touch Poems Work? By using the sense of touch, you can soothe, or teach your children by having them to lay on their tummy while you "illustrate" a story on their back. Although words are optional, it is more beneficial to add words. Also, children will enjoy having words to their stories and hearing your voice will definitely be an added plus. Just keep your voice soft and low and focus on touch. 8) Teach Your Child Through Touch

You can also use touch to help teach your child. This is great for preschoolers. Pick one letter of the alphabet and work on it every night for a week. For example: Draw an "A" on your child's back. Then say, "This is an "A." Then draw it again. "A makes the sound we hear in apple." Reinforce the sound of "A," as you say apple and draw an apple on their back." Show them during the day a picture of an A so that they can better grasp the mental picture of what it should look like. After doing this a few days, have the child to draw an "A" on your hand with his finger and watch to see if he does it right. 9) Benefits of Touch Poems and touch teaching

Touch poems allows children to create mental word pictures to the stories they hear by what they feel. It is also an excellent bonding time for both children and parents. 10) Importance of Educational Toys for toddlers The educational toys will help educate your toddler, and the field continues to grow daily. By keeping your eyes attuned when you are in toyshops, or doing an occasional web search for educational toys, you will stay on top of recent arrivals. And it is worth it to do so, because everything that helps your toddler increase their mental ability will help ensure that they succeed later in life. 7.Show Your Love 1) Love One Another

It probably goes without saying, but the best way you can show love to your children is to love each other. So, Mom and Dad, make sure they know you do! 2) Look deep into your childs eyes

When was the last time you looked deeply into your child's eyes for at least 5 seconds? There is no better way to see--or be seen by--a child. Take time to look into those eyes. 3) spend time with your child Spend time with each of your children separately. It will be an experience they will never forget. Hold hands with your child. 4) Listen to your child

Really listen to your child. Don't interrupt them when they are talking, or finish their sentences for them. 5) Dont break their confidence If you want your children to confide in you, show them that it is safe to do so first. Don't break their confidences and share their secrets with your friends. 6) Eat meal together Eat meals together as a family, without the distractions of the TV or cell phones. Take this time to just talk to your children. 7) Display your children work at prominent places Display your child's artwork (as well as their schoolwork) in prominent places. That is what a refrigerator door is for. If your child makes it, cherish it. 8) Value their opinion Remember, if your child thinks it's important, it's important. Show them you value their opinions and ideas. Respect your child's privacy. 9) Be interested in your childs day Be genuinely interested in your child's day. Ask about how their day went, and let them share their triumphs and disappointments with you. Make sure you listen carefully. 10) Include a love note or call when they are away Include an unexpected love note in your child's lunch box. Or perk up a brown lunch bag by drawing a picture on it. Put lots of "smilies" on it. When you're away, call to tell your children you miss them. Make sure they are well cared for while you are gone. 8) Sports 1) Getting Started The best sport for a child is one that the child finds fun and interesting. To encourage a healthy and active lifestyle, you might casually expose your

child to a variety of physical activities and let the child's desires and abilities act as a guide to further commitment. Spend some one-on-one time with your child practicing and learning different sports and recreational activities. 2) The Doctor's OK

To help your child enjoy the activity to the fullest, you may want to consult with your doctor about participation in organized sports. A presports checkup should include a complete physical exam. If your child has experienced chronic health conditions in the past, do not rule out sports participation. Ask your doctor whether a specific activity might be appropriate for your child. 3) Fair Play

A child learns by example. How the child is treated-on the field and off the field can have lasting effects. An atmosphere that is fun and educational is likely to promote healthy self esteem in children. An atmosphere that is negative and critical can hurt the child's self esteem. To promote an enjoyable environment, help your child follow a philosophy of "fair play." Respect teammates, as well as opponents, whether they are winning or losing. Fair play applies to children, parents and coaches. 4) Player Pointers

Some things for players to keep in mind: a. Enjoy the game! b. Respect teammates, as well as opponents, whether they are winning or losing. c. Remember that the outcome is never as important as the lasting impression of warmth, understanding and pure enjoyment of playing. d. Remember that scoring is most thrilling when it rewards a true achievement. e. Recognize that playing to win is an essential component of competition, but seeking victory at any cost defeats the true meaning of competition. f. Lose gracefully, as well as win gracefully. Be positive and dont criticize


Make your child feel important and encourage contribution to a team effort. Understand that your child will make mistakes. Be positive and do not criticize. 4) Keep your options open.

Whenever possible, buy equipment that can serve multiple purposes. For instance, a utility baseball glove could let your young athlete make numerous position changes and that, of course, would be less expensive than buying three or four different gloves. 5) Conduct an honest assessment.

How motivated is your child as far as this sport is concerned? If you see genuine motivation, talent and even scholarship potential, then it could be worth it to pay the higher fees for the club level of play. Otherwise, the lower-cost recreational level might be a better bet, both for your child and your wallet. 6)

Tips for safe skating Skates should fit comfortably and provide ankle support. Only skate in designated skating areas where the ice is known to be strong. Always check for cracks, holes, and debris on the ice. Never skate alone. Tips for skiing and snowboarding safety Be familiar with skiing and snowboarding safety guidelines Prepare before you hit the slopes by being in good physical condition and taking lessons. Use the right equipment and make sure its in good condition. Wear a helmet. Helmet use by skiers and snowboarders could reduce head injuries by about fifty percent. When skiwear shopping, purchase fabrics which are water and wind resistant. Clothing should not be loose at the ankles or wrists. Collars that completely cover the neck are also helpful for wind resistance. Dress in layers Use sun block. Sun reflecting off snow is surprisingly strong. Wear eye protection. Goggles or glasses help protect your eyes from the sun and flying objects. The Mental Game



Your child's developing character traits will also determine to what extent she develops as an athlete, as her character helps shape her day-to-day behavior and serves as the basis for her actionsboth on and off the playing field. The experts all agree that the main factor influencing your child's character through organized sports involvement is that she enjoys playing the game, win or lose.

9.Behavior 1) Getting Started

Are your kids lacking respect, whining, biting, not listening, backchatting, having tantrums, using bad language... or worse. Is your home basically a battleground? Read these tips for good behavior and get your family life off to a fresh start today. 2) Kids Need Boundaries

Young kids often dont realize where the line is drawn, and older kids will push were they can to exert their independence. Have a family meeting and agree on 5 10 appropriate and realistic House Rules according to how old your kids are. 3) Clarify Consequences

If your child refuses to obey the House Rules, or does something youve asked them not to, give them a warning: explain clearly and calmly what will happen if they dont stop this behavior within a designated time (1-10 minutes, depending on what theyre doing and how old they are). Back off and allow them this time to stop it by themselves 4) Follow Through

If they wont stop acting up, make sure you follow through on the consequence calmly and without aggression. Then forget about it. Make sure your child has the chance to start all over and show you how good he really can be. 5) Reward Good Behavior

Time and time again its clear that prevention is better than cure, and kids are more likely to behave well if you spontaneously encourage them when you catch him being good. Keep a Reward Chart and make space for bonus points for extra-special behavior. 6) R&R: Routine and Rest

Poor sleep patterns can affect the way kids behave, develop and learn. Watch out for mood swings and tantrums when your child is tired and hungry, and change your daily schedule to avoid these peaks. A solid, realistic daily routine will help them (and you!) get adequate rest and enable them to physically face the day. 7) One-To-One Time

Often, kids behave poorly to get themselves some parental attention. Schedule time with your children for having fun and youll get less bad Behavior from the start. 8) Choice and Control

From a limited list of options youre comfortable with, let the kids choose what they eat, what they do, what they wear, what they play with and for how long. Whilst youre having your family meeting about House Rules, give them a say in the consequences for disobeying rules from no TV to 5 minutes time out as well as how good Behavior should be rewarded. 9) Stay Calm

If youre tired or youve been there a million times already that day, its easy to have a snap reaction. Having a plan to say calm will help your child to follow suit, and will avoid overly harsh disciplining and stand-offs. If you feel yourself getting wound up, take a break in another room (if youre not endangering your child), distract yourself with some music or a spot of washing up, or simply count to ten before responding. 10) Talk About It

Parenting is 110% easier if youre not doing it alone. Join a forum, a mothers group, talk to friends and family or even just keep a journal. Ask for solutions to issues; try not to complain about things and notice positive changes in your family life so you can pass on good advice to others. 10. 1) Different views There are many debates among parents and child care specialists about which punishments are most effective, and which do not work. Some experts believe that punishment itself is ineffective. Their claim is that if your child has come to a point at which punishment is warranted, your disciplinary methods have already failed and should be re-evaluated. Nonetheless, if you feel it is time to administer punishment to your child, avoid these pitfalls that may make it a lost lesson. 2) Method of punishment Methods of punishment in themselves are not necessarily effective or ineffective. The determining factor in whether a punishment is effective or not depends on how the parent administers the punishment. If a punishment is given unfairly, inconsistently, or too often, or if it Punishment

perpetuates bad behavior, it can bring about the opposite effect than was intended. 3) Teach a child cause-and-effect relationship If a punishment is doled out unfairly, for example, when the child did not actually do anything wrong, it undermines all punishments that the parents may give. Punishments are consequences, and teach a child cause-and-effect relationships. This is why it is very important to give the child the benefit of the doubt if you are not 100% certain that he committed the offense in question. 4) Consistent punishment Punishments also need to be consistent. If a child learns that she will be punished only some of the time when she breaks a rule, she begins to test boundaries. Rules, limits and threats become questionable when the child knows that they have no real meaning. It is easy to give into temptations and gamble on the consequences when the odds are in her favor. 5) Poor result in discipline Punishing too often or too harshly also brings about poor results in discipline. It sends the message that the parent is a time bomb and will go off occasionally no matter what the child does. Mistakes are part of life, and it is only natural that children will make some poor choices. 6) Make your child straight and narrow By trying to keep your child on the straight and narrow, allowing little to no margin for error or human nature, you may be pushing your child toward rebellion. A child may adopt the attitude, If Im going to get punished anyway, I might as well do what I want. 7) Parents responsibility Finally, it is the parents responsibility to teach a child good behavior by setting an example of how a person should act. This is why yelling, hitting, or destroying a childs property is ineffective. Employing any of these methods only serves to communicate the message that when one is in a power position (such as bigger, or in charge) that it is okay to lose ones temper and hurt people in a weaker position. Teaching a child that it is okay to yell, hit, or destroy something, even when anger is justified, teaches her that yelling, hitting and destruction is acceptable when she feels justified. 8) Positive reinforcement

Punishment itself is actually the least effective method of discipline. The most effective method is positive reinforcement--that is, making a point to let the child know that you notice efforts towards good behavior. Letting him know that he is doing things well boosts his confidence in himself and gives him incentive to continue to do well 9) Negative reinforcement

Negative enforcement is the next preferred disciplinary action. It is in a childs nature to want to please people. Only when these options are exhausted should we resort to punishment. When the only time we let children know that we notice them is when they have already crossed the line, it only leads to more negative attention seeking or rebellion. 10)Physical punishment hurts your childs feelings Physical punishment hurts your children's feelings. It can also harm their grades in school and make it harder for them to make friends. Notice and praise all the good things your child does. Let your child know that you love him just for being who he/she is. It seems odd, but sometimes ignoring bad behavior actually makes it stop.

3rd Section - Teenagers

1. Driving 1) Know Your Teen

Not all teens are ready to drive at the same age. Teenagers mature, develop emotionally and become responsible at different ages Parents need to truly know their teen in order to determine when their teen is ready to drive. 2) Be a Responsible Role Model

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Parents driving behavior directly influences the driving actions of their teens. It has been found that when using the number of collisions and traffic tickets as criteria, the parents of teens involved in crashes were more likely to have poor driving records than the parents of collision-free teens.


Choose Quality Driving School

Driving can be a risky activity for teens and warrants professional instruction. It's essential for parents to find a driving school with current curricula and professionally trained instructors.


Practice Makes Better Teen Drivers

Supervised driving sessions with parents can provide teens with opportunities to enhance learning, reinforce proper driving techniques and skills, and receive constructive feedback from the people who care most about their safety and success. 5) No Teen Passengers At Night

Teen drivers' chances of crashing increase with each additional teen passenger. Parents need to make sure they know who is driving with their teen at all times. Teen crash rates spike at night and most nighttime crashes occur between 9 p.m. and midnight. 6) Teens Need Sleep

Teens need about nine hours of sleep every night, but many teens fall short due to the combination of early-morning school start times and homework, sports, after-school jobs and other activities. Lack of sleep negatively affects vision, hand-eye coordination, reaction time and judgment. 7) Eliminate Distractions

Cell phones and text messaging have rightly gotten significant media and legislative attention as hazardous distractions for teen drivers. 1/3 of states have recently banned cell phone use by new teen drivers. Parents should make it a strict rule in their households, too. 8) Discuss and Review

Parental involvement and communication is critical in the prevention of teen-related crashes, injuries and fatalities. Designate a time each week to address concerns (both parent and teen) and review the teens driving performance. 9) Make Smart Vehicle Choices

As the family member most likely to crash, a teen should drive the safest vehicle the family owns. Things to consider are vehicle type, size and safety technology. 10) Planning for Safety

Perhaps your teen is fine with highway driving but isnt ready to handle a strange big city. Make sure to take the wheel yourself in plenty of time so that he/she is not plunged into heavy traffic and confusing interchanges. Also, be sure you know the rules about teen drivers in individual states: some states prohibit teens from driving late at night. And double-check that you have adequate insurance always, always, buckle up! 2. Friendship 1) Getting Started Being friends through thick and thin is no small feat. Make your friendships deeper and stronger with this list of friendship tips for teens. 2) Be Yourself It may seem like a no-brainer, but a lot of teens struggle not to lose their identity once they become part of a group of friends. Though your personality is always changing, especially during your teenage years,

some aspects of your personality will stay pretty much the same. Figure out what those things are and think hard about who you want to be, then present yourself honestly and genuinely to the people you hand around with. 3) Avoid Gossips Friends dont spread rumors about other friends even within their own group. If you have heard something shocking about someone youre friends with, find a considerate way of asking them about it personally. 4) Defend Your Friends At some points, somebody youre not tight with is going to question the integrity of one of your friends. Its important to find out both sides of the story in a situation like this, but its also a good chance to show your friend that you have faith in them by standing up for their reputation. 5) Protect Your Friends When a friend of yours is making not-so-great decisions whether its about drugs, alcohol, studying or dating do your best to look out for them. This does not mean telling them what to do constantly, but you can offer gentle advice and guidance from time to time. 6) Be careful about boyfriends and Girlfriends Its a good rule to stay away from dating the exes of your friends. Its an even better rule of thumb to avoid dating the people your friends have crushes on or people who have turned down your friends for dates. Even if your friends gives you the go ahead, wait a while to get involved with someone who broke their heart or betrayed their confidence. 7) Return the Favor There are times when a friend will lend you a jacket, a textbook or a shoulder to cry on. A good friend will pick you up when youre stuck in a rainstorm and listen patiently when you share a problem with them. Be sure that youre equally as generous with your time, your emotions and your possessions. 8)Importance of Teenage Friends Friendship provides teens with opportunities to develop their personality. They learn how to make up form a fight and strengthen their friendship at the same time. Friends provide fun and excitement for the teens by companionship and recreation. 9) Stability in times of stress

Friendship also provides stability in the times of stress and changes that every teenager undergoes. It is helpful to talk to a friend as both are going through the same phase. 10) Teen without friends If you don't have good friends in teens you land up being lonely and sad. They even have lower academic achievement and low self-esteem as well. One can say teen friendship is the stepping-stone for a bright future ahead. 3. Safety 1) Dont give personal information Dont give out personal information about yourself, your family situation, your school, your telephone number, or your address. 2) Dont go out alone When possible don't go out alone, take friends with you, and return home with them. If you do go out alone, arrange transport to and from where you are going, with a relative, friend or taxi and confirm arrangement for your return journey before you set off. 3) During travel, dont except offer of ride Don't accept the offer of a ride from someone you have just met. Don't trust people you do not know. It's that simple. 4) Do inform parents where are you going Be sure that your parents or at least your closest friends always know where you are going, whom you are with, and when you expect to be back. Make sure they know how to contact you and what to do if you don't come home from a date. If you won't tell a parent, please at least tell a friend. 5) Be aware of your surroundings Wherever you are be aware of your surroundings. Don't get wasted so you don't know where you are and lose your sense of direction and your judgment. Keep money on you to call a friend or family member. Make sure you know how to make an emergency call and you know the quickest way out where you are. 6) Dont feel guilty if something happened to you

After an aggression, altercation, or a rape, go to a place where you will feel more secure. Inform a friend, a doctor or the Police. Don't wash yourself or change your clothing prior to an examination by the Police Medical Officer. Don't forget you are only the VICTIM. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY of what happened. It is not your fault. Help the police capture the perpetrator before they repeat their crime with someone else. 7) Defending yourself If you ever feel threatened, you should shout or scream to draw attention to the situation. It's even a good idea to practice speaking loudly (or yelling) so if you were ever in danger, you wouldn't freeze up. Commands like "No!" "Go away!" or "Back off!" are excellent attention-getters if you feel threatened. You can also yell "FIRE! That gets people's attention quickly. 8) Internet Safety Avoid chat rooms or discussion areas that look sketchy or provocative, and don't let people online trick you into thinking of them as real-life friends if you've never met them in person. Just the same, don't let people goad you into online fights. If you go looking for trouble on the Internet, you'll find it, and things can get out of control really fast. 9) Cyber bullying Cyber bullying refers to cruel or bullying messages sent to you online. These might be from former friends or other people you know. They can be irritating and, in some cases, even frightening. But if you're getting cyber bullied and ignoring it doesn't make it go away, getting help from a parent, school counselor, or another trusted adult may be a good idea. 10) Online Annoyances

Although email is relatively private, hackers can still access it or add you to their spam lists. Spam, like advertisements or harassing or offensive notes, is annoying. But spam blockers can keep your mailbox from getting clogged. Many service providers will help you block out or screen inappropriate emails if your parents agree to set up ageappropriate parental controls. 4. Peer Pressure 1) Common in everyone Peer pressure is one thing that all teens have in common. You can't escape it; it is everywhere. No matter how popular you are, how well

liked you may be or how together you feel, sooner or later you will have to face peer pressure. 2) When feel pear pressure Whether it is pressure to conform to a group norm or pressure to act a certain way peer pressure is something everybody has to deal with at some time in their life. How successfully you handle peer pressure depends a great deal on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world. 3) Peer Pressure Risk Factors There are certain risk factors for peer pressure, personality traits that make you more prone to give in to pressure. The traits that put you at higher risk for falling in to the peer pressure trap include low self esteem, lack of confidence, feeling isolated from peers and/or family, poor academic abilities or performance, fear of one's peers and lack of strong ties to friends. 4) Handling Peer Pressure

Prepare a mental script of how you would like to deal with uncomfortable situations. Script out the reaction you want to have in a given situation and play that script out in your head over and over again. 5) Where you stand Know where you stand on key issues like sex, drugs and alcohol and do not allow anybody to make you deviate from your position. Never be afraid to speak up and let others know your boundaries. You may get a bit of teasing at first but most people respect the boundaries of others when they know what they are. 6) Dont take part in bullying Never take part in any bullying. Making other people feel bad or sad is a terrible way to try to fit in. Flatly refuse to take part in anything designed to cause harm or distress to another person and speak up if such a situation arises. You do not have to be angry or confrontational but one person standing up for what is right is usually enough to inspire others to follow. 7) Think yourself as a leader Think of yourself as a leader and act accordingly. The more you see yourself in a leadership role the more comfortable you will feel asserting your own opinions and feelings.


Always Be Comfortable With Your Choices

When ugly situations arise and peer pressure kicks in to high gear it is very easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that you will have to live with the choices you make. If you give in and do something that is contrary to your character or core value system it will cause you distress later and you will feel regret. 9) Always stand up for what you think is right When peer pressure rears its ugly head try to focus on how you feel about what is happening rather than getting caught up in the crowd. Always stand up for what you think is right. 10) How to win peer pressure Some people may not like it when you go against the group but doing the right thing is rewarding. Peer pressure only works if you let it, if you refuse to let it intimidate you it loses its power. The secret is to be assertive without becoming preachy or self-righteous. Stand your ground but refrain from standing on a soapbox. Remember, peer pressure can only win if you let it. 5.Education 1) Know your child interest Get to know your child interest. Discuss with him in which field he/she takes interest. Try to figure out whether your teen is having great sense of aesthetic sense so he/she can do well in fine arts etc or he/she is interested in computer etc. 2) Dont Impost your Choice It is highly recommended not to impose your choice of career for your teen. Let them free to choose the subjects of their own interest.

3) For the Undecided Student

Despite the probability that you'll change majors once or twice during your college years, you still have some idea of what types of majors interest or bore you. For example, if your favorite subjects are math and computers, you probably won't suddenly want to switch to an English major. You'll want to look for colleges that have strong programs in fields that use mathematics (physics, engineering, astronomy, etc.) and technology (computer science).

4) Know your interest Plan to spend the first year or two at college exploring these possible career interests. Don't limit yourself to taking classes; check out the college's career center, look into summer jobs or internships in your fields of interest, and try to connect with people who work in the career(s) you're considering. In fact, you may want to take some time to explore your career interests while you're still in high school. The more experience and knowledge you have about possible careers, the easier it will be to make good decisions. 5) Career Planning Career planning involves three steps: learning about yourself (strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, goals), learning about careers (education required, career ladders, salaries, working conditions), and learning how to make decisions," says Yaegel. "You can only learn these things over time and not one day before you declare your major at college."


For the Focused Student

Of course, some students have a very clear idea of what career they wish to pursue. Everyone knows at least a few people who seem destined to be engineers, teachers, forest rangers, etc. If you already have specific career goals, make sure they are based on knowing about both yourself and your chosen career.


Major Timelines

Some majors require students to decide on them early. Competitive engineering, architecture, nursing, fine arts, and other programs may be difficult to transfer into later in your college career. If you're interested in one of these types of majors, make sure to find out the requirements to get into the specific program (not just the college).


The Rest of Your Life

As you think about how your career interests intersect with your college choices, remember that college is about more than career training. In fact, many adults change careers at least onceand often several times throughout their lifetimes. College is about preparing yourself for the rest of your life, so choose a college that will help you grow as a person, as well as train you for a career. 9) Homework at Home

Just as cooking is a drag when you find you don't have the right ingredients, homework is tough without the necessary tools. At the beginning of the year, ask your teen what school supplies she needs. Don't be surprised if she mentions paints, nails, or textiles; with the new emphasis on experiential learning, many middle and high school students have to create, cook, or fashion something for class. Be flexible. If the plastic protractors he uses for math keep getting broken in his backpack, do the smart thing: buy two and tell him to keep one at home and leave one at school.

Foiling Procrastination

A lifelong bad habit like procrastination starts with simple things, like chores and homework. If you sometimes procrastinate (and don't we all?), you know the feeling. You wait and wait, hoping the task will go awaythen when it doesn't, you're stuck sweating it out at the last minute, doing a halfway job. You never feel good about itnot before, or during, or after the project. Here are the five major reasons people procrastinate, and what you can do to help your teen get past each of them:
They don't know how to do something. They have poor work habits. They're afraid of not doing well, so they They'd rather be doing something else. They feel it has to be perfect.

don't try.

6. Dating 1) Who you are

The first and foremost tip related to teens dating is to remember who you are. That sounds so trivial and even a little condescending, but the truth is that teenagers, young adult, and even some adults wandering around in their thirties are still growing and figuring out who they are along the way. 2) What you want

Knowing what you want, and more importantly what you dont want, puts you ahead of most kids in the dating game. If you want someone to treat you with respect, then you have to treat yourself with respect. If youre looking for an uncomplicated, easy going relationship than youre going to have to remove some of the complicated boundaries, like determining that youre not going to have sex and sticking with that decision.


Involve Parents

Hopefully you have a good relationship with one or both of your parents, it would be ideal to ask your parents dating questions you might have, either privately with the same sex parent, or with both parents present. REMEMBER, they were once teenagers, however difficult it is to believe, but they were. And they have gone through the dating 4) What Dating is? Dating is, by definition, putting aside some time to get to know someone better and to learn how he or she may or may not fit into your life. The fact of the matter is this usually involves talking, discovering, hopefully laughter, and usually a few kisses. Between the ages of 13 and 21, most kissing, and other sexually related actions, is just as much about figuring out what excites you as it is about caring for someone. 5) Body language

Body language during the 'look' can be equally important. You want to look relaxed and confident, yet not like you're full of yourself. Guys don't flex your muscles intentionally, unless you're in the gym. For the girls, fixing your makeup, hair, or other personal appearance detail may just send the message that you're 'high maintenance.' If you want to make sure you look good, check in a mirror before you begin 'the glancing game,' 6) Learning about other person While youre learning about the other person, youre also learning about yourself. You are excited because someone is interested in you; someone that you find high enough on the social scale to be excited about their interest in you. And despite the fact that the adults in your world keep telling you to wait, you are feeling rather excited to find out what all the fuss is about. Sex doesnt answer questions. It only creates more questions. 7) Group dating

Going out on group dates can either provide a safety net for you or add to the peer pressure to go farther than you are really comfortable with, especially if youre a guy. In our society, guys are held up as sexually powerful creatures that should be out on the prowl, scoping out their prey and never backing down from a good opportunity. Girls have been taught to say no, while guys have been taught to say yes. 8) Keep cell phone with you

Regardless of whether you are 13 or 18, you should always take a cell phone with you. You should also feel that you could call home for a ride should things start getting out of control. Set it up previously with a parent that a phone call to come and get you means that you will meet them around the corner to avoid the inevitable jostling from those friends who think that there is contest in life about taking girls to bed. 9) Dating should remain dating

During the teen years, dating should be fun. It should be about having a date to a party, developing bonds that will hopefully last throughout the entire time your high school career is in the forefront of your life. It shouldnt be about sex. Sex, when youre ready, is about a committed and loving relationship that means more to you than you ever thought was possible. 10) Have fun & be safe

Everything feels so huge when youre a teenager. Life feels complicated and fun and hard and simple and frustrating all at the same time. Why would you be in a hurry to make this time in your life any more difficult or frustrating than it already is? Just be relaxed, have fun, be safe, and strive to become about more than the hype. 7. Skin care 1) Care in choosing cosmetics Take care when choosing cosmetics: Cosmetics like foundation, blush and moisturizer should be oil-free. Chose products that do not promote the formation of blemishes or cause blocked pores. Ask a qualified sales person or a dermatologist which skin products would be best for your skin type. 2) Be gentle with cleaning

Hard scrubbing will only make your skin condition worse. Gently wash your skin with a mild cleanser in the morning, at bedtime, and after heavy exercise. Avoid rough scrubs or pads. After you wash your skin, rinse it thoroughly. 3)Use sunscreen The sun can damage the skin and promote skin's premature aging; therefore, daily use of sunscreen is recommended. For this reason, use sunscreens all of the time. Re-apply sunscreen when you are in the sun for prolonged periods of time.

5) Be careful when shaving Avoid the accidental nicks of blemishes by shaving lightly and only when you have to. You can experiment with different razors to find the one that is more comfortable for your skin. 5) What Acne Is?

A pimple starts when the pores in the skin become clogged with a type of oil called sebum, which normally lubricates the skin and hair. Acne is common during puberty when hormones go into overdrive, causing the skin to overproduce sebum. Because many oil-producing glands are on the forehead, nose, and chin, this area the T-zone is where a person is most prone to pimples. 6) How to get rid of Acne? Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Don't scrub. Apply any lotion containing benzoyl peroxide. This will decrease oil and bacteria. 7) Don't pop pimples It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring. Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver. Touching your face can spread the bacteria that cause pores to become inflamed and irritated. To keep bacteria at bay, wash your hands before applying anything to your face, such as treatment creams or makeup. 8) How to avoid sunscreen?

Wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, even if it's cloudy or you don't plan on spending a lot of time outdoors. If you sweat a lot or go swimming, reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours (even if the bottle says the sunscreen is waterproof). Choose a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Look for the words "broad spectrum protection" or UVA protection in addition to the SPF of 15 or greater. Select a sunscreen that says "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label to help keep pores clear. The sun's rays are strongest between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, so make sure you reapply sunscreen frequently and take breaks indoors if you can. If your shadow is longer than you are tall, then it's a safer time to be in the sun (you should still wear sunscreen, though).


Cold Sores Avoid getting cold sores in the first place by not sharing stuff like lip balm, toothbrushes, or drinks with other people who might have cold sores. The virus that causes cold sores is transmitted through the nose (in mucus) and the mouth (in saliva). People who have the virus know that cold sores can flare up from things like too much sun, stress, or being sick. Just one more reason to lather on that suntan lotion, eat well, exercise, and get plenty of sleep! Eczema


Eczema is a condition that causes skin to become red, itchy, and dry. Stay away from things like harsh detergents, perfumed soaps, and heavily fragranced lotions that tend to irritate the skin and trigger eczema. Keep stress in check. Because stress can lead to eczema flares, try activities like yoga or walking after a long day to keep your stress levels low. 8. Depression 1) What depression feels like?

Depression is far more common in teens than you may think, and there is a lot of hope and help on the horizon. No matters what you believe, people love and care about you, and if you can muster the courage to talk about your depression, it can and will be resolved. Some people think that talking about sad feelings will make them worse, but the opposite is almost always true. It is very helpful to share your worries with someone who will listen and care, especially a trained professional who can guide you towards feeling better. 2) Signs and symptoms of depression in teens

There are, however, some common problems and symptoms those teens with depression experience. You constantly feel irritable, sad, or angry. Nothing seems fun anymore, and you just dont see the point of trying. You feel bad about yourselfworthless, guilty, or just "wrong" in some way. You sleep too much or not enough. You have frequent, unexplained headaches or other physical problems. Anything and everything makes you cry. Youve gained or lost weight without consciously trying to.

You just cant concentrate. Your grades may be plummeting because of it. You feel helpless and hopeless. Youre thinking about death or suicide.

3) Dealing with suicidal thoughts If your feelings become so overwhelming that you cant see any solution besides harming yourself or others, you need to get help right away. There is ALWAYS another solution, even if you cant see it right now. Remember that no matter how horribly you feel, these emotions will pass.

Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others does not make you a bad person. Depression can make you think and feel things that are out of character. No one should judge you or condemn you for these feelings if you are brave enough to talk about them. If your feelings are uncontrollable, tell yourself to wait 24 hours before you take any action. This can give you time to really think things through and give yourself some distance from the strong emotions that are plaguing you. During this 24-hour period, try to talk to someone anyone - as long as they are not another suicidal or depressed person. Call a hotline or talk to a friend. What do you have to lose? If youre afraid you cant control yourself, make sure you are never alone. Even if you cant verbalize your feelings, just stay in public places, hang out with friends or family members, or go to a movie anything to keep from being by yourself and in danger. What you can do to feel better


Depression is not your fault, and you didnt do anything to cause it. However, you do have some control over feeling better. Staying connected to friends and family, sharing your feelings with someone you trust, and making healthy lifestyle decisions can all have a hugely positive impact on your mood. 5) Ask for help if youre stressed

Stress and worry can take a big toll, even leading to depression. Talk to a teacher or school counselor if exams or classes seem overwhelming. Likewise, if you have a health concern you feel you cant talk to your parents aboutsuch as a pregnancy scare or drug problemseek medical attention at a clinic or see a doctor. A health professional can help you approach your parents (if that is required) and guide you toward appropriate treatment.

If youre dealing with relationship, friendship, or family problems, talk to an adult you trust. 6) Try not to isolate yourself

When youre depressed, you may not feel like seeing anybody or doing anything. Spend time with friends, especially those who are active, upbeat, and make you feel good about yourself. Avoid hanging out with those who abuse drugs or alcohol, get you into trouble, or who make you feel insecure. Its also a good idea to limit the time you spend playing video games or surfing online. 7) Remember that you are not alone

You might be surprised at how many other teens suffer from depression. You are not alone, and neither is your depression a hopeless case. Even though it can feel like depression will never lift, it eventually willand with proper treatment and healthy choices, that day can come even sooner. Look into your treatment options with your parents. If medication is being considered, do your research before making a decision, as some antidepressants used for adults can actually make teens feel worse. 8) Keep your body healthy

Making healthy lifestyle choices can do wonders for your mood. Things like diet and exercise have been shown to help depression. Physical activity can be as effective as medications or therapy for depression, so get involved in sports, ride your bike, or take a dance class. Any activity helps! Even a short walk can be beneficial. 9) Avoid alcohol and drugs

You may be tempted to drink or use drugs in an effort to escape from your feelings and get a "mood boost", even if just for a short time. However, substance use cannot only make depression worse, but can cause you to become depressed in the first place. Alcohol and drug use can also increase suicidal feelings. In short, drinking and taking drugs will make you feel worsenot betterin the long run. 10) Talking to your parents about depression

It may seem like theres no way your parents will be able to help, especially if they are always nagging you or getting angry about your behavior. The truth is, parents hate to see their kids hurting. Many parents dont know enough about depression to recognize it in their own kids. Letting your parents know that you are feeling depressed will probably motivate them to get you the help you need.

9. 1)

Self Image Getting Started

Having a good sense of oneself or self-esteem during the teenage years is a very big factor that affects the decisions of the teenager. A teenager with a low self-esteem may distance himself or herself from other peers or if with peers, he or she may easily succumb to peer pressure. But a teenager with self-esteem and good sense of one's worth can make good decisions. Here are a few tips for parents, as well as for teenagers on how to improve the self-esteem of teenagers. 2) Start Young

The self esteem of teenagers is developed when they are still young. For parents, if you want your children to grow up with good levels of self esteem, you need to establish this when they are still young. There are a lot of different ways on how to do this like giving hugs and kisses, showing and letting them feel that they are loved, etc. 3) Self Image

As teenagers, looks can be a very good source of self esteem. So as to boost self esteem of teenagers, it is important that they change their perception about themselves. They should create a self image that exudes a positive appearance. You should always see yourself as somebody handsome or beautiful. 4) Positive Self-Image

Positive self-image includes feeling great about your body and appearance, finding great qualities that your children have and cultivating them, and giving them ways to defeat negative self talk. There are times when it's difficult to make sure negative habits are not shown to the children. Parents are human and may be working on building their self esteem also. If parents harbor negative habits, children will likely follow in those footsteps. 5) Negative Self-Image

Lifestyles that include smoking or not eating healthy are negative influences. A negative self image in parents is just as destructive. Negative self-image causes shame and embarrassment. Sometimes it is possible not to be aware of destructive habits. These destructive habits may have been around for most of your life. It's time to break the cycle and begin life on the other side. 6) The Peer Factor

Some teenagers consider their peers or circle of friends as the source of self esteem. If you belong to the popular or in crowd, then naturally you develop a high level of self esteem. But as a teenager this should not be the case. It really does not matter whom you are with. Whether you are with the popular crowd or the geeky crowd, you should always take pride. You could make your peers as a source to boost your self esteem. 7) Parents When teens experience problems or difficulties, it is usually automatic that they go to their friends and peers for help and asking for solutions and course of action. But as teenagers, you should remember that your peers, being in the same age bracket as you, may also be experiencing the same problems and can't offer a good solution. When these kinds of situations come up, you should also confide to your parents. They are there to help you go through the tough times. It is very important that you put your trust in your parents. And as for parents, it is important that you spend time with your teenager. Give him or her the love and time that he or she deserves. 8) Develop Self-Confidence in Daughters Give her opportunities to be herself. Explore her interests and use those activities to help her be strong. Remember to be proud of her. Help daughters keep self-talk positive. Rewind negative messages and replace them with positive ones. Negative self-talk is something that is sometimes below normal awareness. Don't allow this urge to keep the life parents want for their daughters out of reach. Explore ways to help develop your child's body image. Showcase the positive things to help make a strong foundation. Daughters can use this to fall back on when dealing with teenage pressures. 9) Respect and Dignity

Help your children choose to believe they should take care of their bodies. Each human being has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Show all children that they matter and that they are beautiful. Help change the inner voice that is speaking negativity. Compliments are usually given to others and not ourselves. Remind children that they are unique and special. There is only one body. Treat the body with respect. 10) Give them boundaries.

Even though they may not tell you or show you they like it, they like it. Knowing in advance just what you can and can't do will eliminate all

sorts of problems. Clearly define the rules for dating, cell phones, movie ratings, television viewing, appropriate dress, and other areas that might be cause for confusion. 10) For Parents 1) Saying No

The trick for parents is to help kids become assertive adults while keeping them in line. To do this we need, obviously, a lot of patience, combined with a huge amount of stamina, tempered with a bit of humility. 2) Use Cliques for drugs and self-destructive behavior

With them, discuss drugs and self-destructive behaviors associated with different cliques. However, keep in mind that the vast majority of teens get through high school and become productive adults without troubled adolescence, and very few will develop these problems. 3) Understands children fears Many common fears in young children, such as being afraid of the dark, stem from anxiety over being separated from one or both parents. Nighttime is a time of uncertainty for children because it is the only time they are entirely alone. Without the presence of a parental figure, a child may not feel entirely safe or secure. The dark is only one of various fears that can stem from separation anxiety. Reeve cites the fear of a parent getting hit by a car as the most common. 4) Self-Cutting & Adolescence Adolescents may deliberately harm themselves for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes teenagers cut themselves to be part of a peer group. Often, self-cutting is a means of coping with emotional distress. It may be a call for help because of emotional issues or suicidal thoughts. Parents can be alert to adolescents who have unexplained injuries to their arms or legs, as well as those who frequently cover their extremities, particularly in hot weather. Parents need to be alert to the warning signs of a change in their adolescents general mood, friendships, school performance, or the onset of impulsive behaviors such as drug use. 5) Watch what your children watch It is important to be aware of the content in your children's video games. The younger the child, the more impressionable he or she is, and less experienced in evaluating content. Even though a child may

be chronologically a certain age, their social and emotional level of maturity may be different. Parents need to decide what is in the best interest of their children. 6) Protect your children from possible victimization Make sure that your childrens caretakers are people you completely trust. Dont leave your children with neighbors, casual friends and people they barely know. Be aware of a male friend who insists on babysitting your kids or a person who takes surprising, unusual or excessive interest in your children. 7) Keep Communication Open

In order to protect your children, there needs to be open lines of communication between yourself and your kids, as well as within the extended family. 8)Child Molester The child and the family know most molesters. They are often family members or family friends. Family secrets put children at risk. Talk openly in your extended family about others experiences as children. If someone in your family has been molested in the past, keep your children away from the person who did the molesting. Though it is essential to teach your children about sexual abuse, it is unfair to make children responsible for their own safety. This is why parents need to be aware and make every effort to see that children are safe and well supervised. 9) Recognize the Signs

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, sometimes children are abused. They may hide the abuse. They may be afraid to tell someone for fear of being judged or may be intimidated into silence by their abuser. This is why it is so important for parents to keep an eye out for warning signs. The most reliable indicator that a child is being abused is when the child acts out sexually. Sometimes, a child will show non-specific signs, such as depression or unusual anger. Having said that, many times children will show no outward signs of abuse. 10) Healing in the Aftermath of Abuse

If your child tells you that they have been sexually abused in any way, listen and be supportive. The most important thing a parent can do when a child reports abuse is to believe and support the child. One of the conditions that is known to cause severe psychological problems in abuse survivors is when parents ignore the childs report of abuse.

Also, parents should stay calm and reassure their children. Jenny says that if parents react emotionally in front of the child, he or she will feel frightened and insecure. Let your child know that everything will be okay and you are going to keep him or her safe.

4th Section - Adults

Why does adult dating? There are so many situations in life that can result in someone seeking adult dating. Common among our members, are single-but-dont want a serious relationship types. For example, students and young people often fall into this category. Then there are single parents, who with the demands of parenting and maybe holding down a job simply havent got time for a serious relationship but still want sex. 1) Ensure every date is fun Not only does trying to make your date happy make you feel good, but it is also one of the first signs of attraction. And studies have shown that when taking someone out on a date, the primary way your date will determine the success of the event is how much fun was had. 2) Phone call before dating It is highly recommended to have much correspondence before dating, so that atleast you should know each other a little bit. 3) Dress to Impress Always make sure you dress to impress, but dont over do it. Comfort and style, all in one. Maybe for women a nice long skirt with a low cut shirt, and for men a comfortable pair of trousers with a stylish collar golf t-shirt. 4) Keep up-to-date on current evenings Keep up-to-date on your current events, so you will have something to talk about. 5) Adults health Also, ensure you are in the know about all the adult health concerns that are around these days. 6) Dates timings Plan a date that starts earlier on in the evening, or maybe even the afternoon. As a teenager, dates will usually take place at night, but as an adult, you want to get to know this person more than just a fling. This is why afternoon or early evening dating is so important. Get to

know your partner in daylight where you can see them for who they really are. 8)Outer activities Do something fun. Go bowling, or play pool. An activity where she gets the chance to be cute and bubbly, and something where he gets the chance to help her out if she needs it! Also, an activity where communication will occur and maybe even some laughing and jokes! A date like a movie won't go over very well for adults, as you need to talk to each other to get to know each other. 9) Go Dancing Don't forget, even though you are adults, you're not dead either! Go dancing, have a few drinks, and share many romantic nights! If the date does happened to follow back to your place, then so be it! Have fun with it, and be sure to make it a very comfortable encounter for both of you. Maybe best to clean up before you go on your date. 10) Gift Buy any gift for your partner. It can be roses, perfumes for guys and chocolates for girls. 2. Drinking 1) Getting Started

Count your drinks. This way at least you will realize when you go over the top how the heck you got so plastered. You will also realize you are unable to drive, and that you probably shouldnt take on any sort of responsibility. Best to be aware of your capabilities or incapacitates as the case may be. 2) Stick with one kind of alcohol. Nothing will make you flake faster than a cocktail of liqueurs swilling around in your stomach. If you want to see the stroke of twelve then stay loyal to one beverage. 3) Watch out for your friends. Make sure you keep tabs on your mates. Take their keys off them and mind they dont get wandering on their own. If they doze off make sure you keep an eye on them and check that they are breathing ok. 4) Organize a place to stay

There is nothing worse than wandering the streets drunk, disorientated and with nowhere to go. Organize where you are staying in advance; even make your bed before hand. It will make that 4am drop into deep, deep sleep that much sweeter. 5) Trivial remedy

It is highly recommended as a trivial remedy to have a couple of pieces of marmite on toast before crashing out helped with the stomach vengeance the morning after. 6) Use plenty of water When you wake up and you feel like youve eaten a plate of sand and listened to a rock band full boar - that will be your body screaming out for re-hydration. Drink a glass of water, and then another and then another. 7) Stick to limits A bit obvious really, but the best way to stay healthy is not to drink more than the sensible daily limit and to have at least two alcohol-free days every week. To find out about drink strengths and sensible limits, see our section on what's in a drink. 8) Use soft-drink 'spacers'

Why not alternate between alcoholic and soft drinks? That way, you can spin your alcohol quota out for longer. It'll stop you getting dehydrated too and lessen the chance of having a hangover in the morning. 9) Don't drink every day The human liver is an incredible (and vital!) organ. Not only does it deal with all kinds of poisons for us, including alcohol, it can also repair itself. Drinking alcohol causes changes in some liver cells and kills off others. But you have to give it a chance.Give yourself a 'liver detox' by making sure you have at least two alcohol free days every week. 10) Keep a drinking diary With the best will in the world, trying to remember exactly what we drank over the last week can be hard. Keep a daily diary for a couple of weeks, detailing what you drank and where. It will help you get a better picture of what's going on and to decide what you should do to keep your drinking at a sensible level. 3. Buying a House

1) Getting Started Its not uncommon for a first-time homebuyer to get their desired house very easily. First time homebuyers start the search long before most even realizes it. Here are few tips to help you when you are looking for a new house. 2) Finding the right real estate agent Finding the right real estate agent can make all the difference in your home buying process, especially if you're a first time home buyer new to the whole process. A good real estate agent can steer you through the buying process and help you avoid costly mistakes. 3) Finding out the benefits You should buy a home. Thats what youve been hearing from friends and family. So, by now you have likely already weighed the benefits and decided that home ownership was the best decision for you. 4) Defining Search Parameters Almost 80% of all home searches today begin on the Internet. With just a few clicks of the mouse, homebuyers can search through hundreds of online listings, view virtual tours, and sort through dozens of photographs and aerial shots of neighborhoods and homes. Youve probably defined your goals and have a pretty good idea of the type of home and neighborhood you want. By the time you reach your real estates agents office, you are halfway to home ownership. 5) How Long Should It Take to Find What You Want? A few buyers will look for years, but buyers who do that aren't motivated. A motivated buyer will find a home within two weeks. Most of buyers find a home within two days. Good real estate agents will listen to your wants and needs and arrange to show only those homes that fit your particular parameters. Your agent should preview homes before showing them to you as well. 6) How Many Homes Will You See? Studies show that your memory dramatically improves after consumption of crabs and slows upon consuming sugar. So, layoffs the soft drinks and have a hearty meal before venturing out to tour homes. The average number of homes that you should see in one day is seven. Any more than that, and the brain is on overload. Therefore, don't expect to see 20 or 30

homes; although it's physically possible to do so, you probably will not remember specific details about any of them. 7) The "Red Shoes" Experience Women will relate to this. Say, you need a new pair of red shoes. You go to the mall. At the first shoe store, you find a fabulous pair of red shoes. You try them on. They fit perfectly. They are glamorous. Priced right, too. Do you buy them? Of course not! You go to every other store in the mall trying on red shoes until you are ready to drop from exhaustion. Then you return to the first store and buy those red shoes. Do not shop for a home this way. When you find the perfect home, buy it. 8) How to Rate Inventory Bring a digital camera and begin each series of photos with a close-up of the house number to identify where each group of home photos start and end. Take copious notes of unusual features, colors and design elements. Pay attention to the homes surroundings. What is next door? Do 2-story homes tower over your single story? Do you like the location? Is it near a park or a power plant? Immediately after leaving, rate each home on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. 9) View Top Choices a Second Time After touring homes for a few days, you will probably instinctively know which one or two homes you would like to buy. Ask to see them again. You will see them with different eyes and notice elements that were overlooked the first go-around. At this point, your agent should call the listing agents to find out more about the sellers' motivation and to double-check that an offer hasn't come in, making sure these homes are still available to purchase. 10) Making the Selection

Real estate agents are required, however, to point out defects and should help buyers feel confident that the home selected meets the buyer's search parameters. 4. Buying a Car 1) Can buying a new car be less of an ordeal for you?

We think so. If you arm yourself with knowledge and an organized plan, you'll get the car you want, equipped to your liking, at a fair price. Once

you've decided on the size and type of car that suits your needs, follow these 5 simple steps. 2) What you want?

You also need to know what kind of vehicle you want; a luxury sedan, a mini van, a full size van, a truck etc.? Do you want a two-door vehicle or a four door? Do you want an automatic transmission or a stick? What kind of add-ons do you want, power locks, power windows, power steering, leather seats, air conditioning, cruise control, rust proof paint, an upgraded stereo, pin striping, a sun roof? Dont get talked into extras you dont want. You should know that many times a whole bunch of extras are put on the cars even before they are put on the lot and you are stuck with them; but dont think you have to pay for them! 3) Keep in mind

Before you go shop for a new car or truck you should do some research and make some decisions about what you want and what you are willing to pay. What is your financial limit? What kind of a down payment are you willing to make, if any. In addition, check into the financing that is available through your own bank and other banks in the area. 4) Take finances from your own bank not the dealer

The dealer will always offer to finance it at their bank, but the interest rates are always higher than what you can get on your own. They will also try to discourage you from getting your own financing because they make money off of their financing. 5) Your Attitude

The most important decision you need to make before you walk into a car dealership is, your attitude. You must decide that you will walk a way from a bad deal even if you have totally fallen in love with the car and you want it so bad you could scream. Do not let your desires over take your good judgment? You need to be calm and friendly and get the dealer to want you to have the car so bad they will give you what you want at the price you want. Dont be a jerk; the dealers wont work with you. Dont be a pushover either. 6) Learn the "Invoice" Cost (Find out what the dealer paid for the car!)

You must find out what the dealer paid for the car so you can negotiate the price you'll pay for it. You have to find out this information for yourself and you have to be sure it's up-to-date and correct!


Get Ready to Bargain

Your homework is done. It's all in your report in plain English with an easy-to-follow worksheet. The invoice and sticker price comparisons give you a clear understanding of your negotiating room. You're ready. 8) Start Bargaining

Ask the salesperson for the dealership's lowest markup over their cost. And always bargain with the invoice price, never down from the sticker price. If the car you want is in tight supply, you may have to pay the full sticker price. Otherwise, $300 to $500 over the invoice price is reasonable. 9) Play the Game

The advice you receive with your report takes you through the hard part, negotiating a fair price. It takes you step-by-step through the rest of the negotiating game with professional new-car-buying advice such as.....Be wary. The dealership's "business manager" may try to sell you undercoating, rustproofing, fabric protection, extended warranty, windshield etching, etc. They're all worthless or overpriced. 10) Extras

You should also know that dealers like to charge unreasonable prices for extras you really dont want such as rust proofing for $1,000.00 or scotch guarding the upholstery for $500.00. Sometimes dealers will charge you for add-ons that are not really done. Make sure that you are getting upgraded speakers if you are being charged for them, or pin striping or a bed liner or whatever is listed. Remember the dealer will inflate the prices on all of these add-ons to make up for any loss in negotiating price. 5. Safety 1) Traveling Travel with a friend, or better yet, a group of friends when going to your office or other destinations. 2) Dont go with stranger If a stranger offers you a ride somewhere, say no. 3) If someone follows you on foot If someone follows you on foot, get away as quickly as you can. Go to someones house you know or run to other people.

4) If someone is following you in a car If someone is following you in a car, turn around and go in the opposite direction or take a path where a car would not go. 5) Do check

If a stranger tells you that there is an emergency or that a family member is hurt or that a pet has been in an accident, always check with your mom or dad or other trusted people. 6) Boys and Girls are Equal in risk

Adults should understand that boys are at just as greatest of risk as girls. It is common safety tips misconception that child molesters or perpetrators are typically men and seek only girls. Molesters come in all ages and both genders, and their victims can be of either sex. 7) Dont indulge in bad company Dont get indulge in bad peoples company. Take yourself away from friends who are prone to too much drug, alcohol, sex and other illegal acts. 8) Unsafe Sex Adults must control their desires. They should not go for open and unsafe sex. Committed relationship is fine but they should not adopt unhealthy and immoral lifestyle. 9) Adopt healthy lifestyle Adults should take care of their physical health as well as mental health. Try to adopt healthy lifestyle. Join Jims and keep exercise in your daily schedule. 10) Network Safety When you join a social networking website, most ask for a username, gender, country/state and zip code. This information is usually displayed on your personal profile. Revealing more information such as your last name and address is not recommended since it is impossible to know the mindset of every person who views your profile. For example, if you describe where you live in detail or reveal where you work and your zip code is already posted on your profile, with a little digging, someone could track you down even if they only knew your first name. It just takes one person with criminal intentions to put you at risk. 6. Fitness 1) Getting Started

Fitness for the adults is an important part of staying healthy for many more years. The human body needs activity to stay healthy and the baby boomer needs fun to stay interested in the fitness program. Keeping these tips in mind when starting an exercise or fitness routine will make that time all the more a part of your aging life for today, tomorrow and well into the future. 2) Listen to your body As the body ages, it tends to take longer to recover. The key to keeping active well into your aging years is to listen to what your body is telling you. Some activities of your youth may be too strenuous for the body as you age, but that does not mean you cannot adjust those activities to be less taxing on the body. The aches and pains associated with fitness are the body telling you that it needs to rest. 3) Daily Exercise Adults should keep themselves healthy by proper diet and daily exercise. At least thirty minutes walk is necessary. 4) Be social As the years add up, adults tend to be less social than they once were. This isolation can make exercise programs a bore and they are they just left to the way side for other activities. Including a friend on a daily walk can keep your life full of the social interaction needed to stay happy and fight off depression. 5) Push yourself but not too hard Adults need to sweat, but that does not mean pushing yourself beyond the limits of comfortable. During a workout you should still be able to talk in complete sentences and not be totally out of breath. 6) Exercise Moderate activities for adults include a brisk walk, water aerobics, ballroom dancing and general gardening. Vigorous activities for adults include race walking, jogging or running, swimming laps, jumping rope and hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack. 7) Be happy Exercise should be something that is fun and enjoyable. When a program becomes stale or boring, that program will no longer be something the baby boomer wants to do. Don't be afraid to change the program and add fun, exciting events to your day. 7) Importance of physical fitness Being physically active helps reduce the risk of dying early from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast

cancer, and depression -- and it also helps you think better, according to the guidelines. People with chronic medical conditions should also be physically active, but they should do so with the advice of their doctor, the guidelines say. 8) Aerobic Exercise Aerobic exercise should be done for at least 10 minutes. To get even more health benefits, adults should get at least five hours a week of moderate exercise or 2 1/2 hours a week of intensive exercise. 10) Keep the doctor informed Your doctor needs to have all of the information pertaining to your body. When visiting the doctor, tell them about your fitness program and how the exercise makes you feel. Write down the program you are following just in case some of the aches you are feeling can be explained more easily by the actions and daily activities you are choosing. 7. Career 1) Career-Planning Development Most people spend the major part of their adult lives working for a living and because of this it is important that you are doing something that you enjoy and not something that you are forced to do. This is where careerplanning development comes in useful and can help you in finding the right choice of profession for you. 2) Career Planning Career planning means learning about the job market and also where you will fit into it. Career planning helps you to gauge your strengths and skills and what kind of a job would be suitable for you. By knowing about the job market you will get to know what sort of work is popular and easy to get in the present day. Career planning will help you to search for a job and assist you in your search. You could even try to get a good position in the beginning based on your qualifications and skills. 3) Choice of Career The choice of career starts when you are in high school and have to select the subjects that will help you in your future profession. This is also a period when you can see whether you really like the subjects and would like to continue with them. 4) Take Help from Counselors Counselors can help you to decide on your career and what subjects you should take accordingly. 5) Jot Down your goals Look at your Idea List and your Goal List side by side. Are there ideas you can eliminate or set aside because they do not meet enough of your

goals? If so, do it and narrow down your list of ideas into a shorter list of maybe 6 or less. 6) Select one Career For each of the ideas on your short list (or some combination of the ideas), come up with a career or job. E.g., author of children's book, chef on a cooking show, journalist writing targeted travelogues, computer programmer, catering business owner, specialized building contractor etc. 7) Decide

Decide on the best career for you. Write down the pros and the cons and the reasons you made this decision. This will be useful in the future if you start having doubts about your choice. You can reassure yourself that you thought this through carefully. Alternative Plan


Come up with an alternative plan if things don't work out exactly the way you're planning them. A brand new career 9) What do different jobs entail?

Learning what people actually do on a day-to-day basis is a crucial step in your job search. Understanding jobs is the best way to ensure you make the right decision for you. 10) Strong Resume

It is also essential for writing strong applications, which persuade a company or organization that you are a good fit for the job. 8. Education 1) Getting Started It is very often situation when working people make a decision to come back to studies in order to improve their knowledge or to get necessary degree. There are many reasons for such decision, but the most common are desire to advance at the career ladder. And all people usually are afraid to return to studies and think that they wont cope with it. Of course, it is not easy to combine work, family life and studies. Thats why here there are several advices how to make the process of your education a little bit easy. 2) Dont forget about your goals

Do not forget about your goals and motivations. It is rather advantageous to be an adult from the one side, as the person who has decided to get the education has the goal of his or her own which has made him or her

to start studying. This goal really helps to the person when he or she does not want to make this or that assignment or to study at all. 3) Manage your time

Always take your txt book with you. You should realize that if you are a working person, then you have to manage your time, because you dont have a lot of free time. So, when you have some free minutes, dont waste them and read your book. 4) Take the recorder with you all the time It is often happens that some clever and extraordinary idea come t your heard and you cant write it down at the same moment. And later you wont recall it. So, use recorder is some exclusive idea has visited your head. If you dont have recorder, then take at least pen and small notebook. 5) Use sticky notes. After finishing chapter of the book, in order to remember its content, make some notes on the sticky note and put it on the page. 6) Learn to refuse You have to limit the time you dedicate to entertainment and shopping for the period of education. Thats why you have to learn how to refuse the offers to go to movie or for a walk. 7) Find comfortable place to study If you are so busy person who is often interrupted, then it is strongly necessary to find such place where nobody can interrupt you. 8) Reading & Listening

You should read a lot, for pleasure and for purpose. It is not necessary to read heavy and thick volumes; you may read various magazines where a lot of new and useful information is presented. Dont forget about such immense source of news and information as the Internet. World Wide Web doesnt need recommendations. Listening is the second way to get knowledge. You can listen to everybody and everything everywhere. Dont close your ears and youll hear the truth. 9) Observe & Ask Questions Look around and you can see a lot of interesting things, which you have not paid attention on before. If you want to know something, dont want and ask about it and you will get the answer. 10) Looking for knowledge

It doesnt important what do you want to know and when, you may change objects of your interest as many times as you wish, them main thing is the desire to learn something new. 9. Marriage 1) Honor and respect your partner Be honoring all the time. That means no "my old lady" stories, he says. And it also means a wife shouldn't be flirting with male co-workers or other men. Respect can be in terms of not undermining your partner in front of the children. Or don't go outside the marriage when you are having a problem, discuss it with your partner. Respect also means not criticizing your mate in front of others. You can have respect without love, but you cannot have love without respect. 2) Post-Marriage Dating Marriage can be boring as honeymoon is over once. The monotony of daily life can slowly begin to take its toll. One of the best ways to ensure your relationship remains fresh is to keep dating. Go to a restaurant for dinner, go to the movies, stay one night in a hotel - just get out and have fun. Remember how great it was when you first started dating? There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't feel the same way as a married couple. 3) Bodily Contcact Bodily contact is an essential part of any marriage. It's all too easy to slip into a routine of never having any except when you're having sex. So before you leave the house in the morning, share a little kiss. It doesn't need to be a long, passionate song but it should be more than a quick peck on the cheek. It's kiss to say "I love you" so put some feeling into it. Not only, is it pleasurable but it helps reaffirm your unity every morning of the week. 4) Think Before You Speak So many marital arguments could be avoided if we just took a moment to think before we spoke. Blurting out whatever pops into your head will only cause problems. Take a moment to think, "Do I really need to moan about that?" or "How can I phrase this in a non confrontational way?" A little bit of tact and common sense can really make all the difference. Remember, engage your brain before you let loose with your tongue. 5) Don't fight fire with fire All married couples have arguments, although some more than others. They key is to try to keep the temperature down and deal with the

disagreement calmly. If you're husband is angry about something, the worst possible thing you can do is meet him head on with your own anger. The result will simply be a huge argument, which will usually be out of proportion to the issue you are disagreeing on. Listen to what he has to say, and then put across your point of view in a quiet, mature manner. 6) Resolve everything Unless arguments and disagreements are resolved, they can fester in your mind and slowly begin to poison your marriage. To ensure a happy marriage you must communicate effectively. It is a mistake to "agree to disagree" and then allow resentment to grow. Of course, you can't always avoid conflict and tension. But you can deal with it sensibly and maturely. Talk things through; reach a compromise, meet somewhere in the middle. There is always a satisfactory solution for both parties. 7) Celebrate birthdays

Every birthday should be a special day where you break from the usual routine and do something a little special. You don't need to organize a big party or buy an expensive present but you should make an effort to show how much you love your other half. Make him/her a lovely dinner, go to the theatre or even give him /her something he/she'll remember in the bedroom. It all helps to etch the day in your memories and therefore provide a reminder of the bond between you. 8) Make Sacrifices

When you are married, you shouldn't expect to always have things your own way. You and your spouse are a team and therefore sometimes you must hand the reigns over to him. For the sake of your marriage, you must occasionally sacrifice your own wishes to accommodate those of your partner. 9) Reassurance

Doubts and insecurities can creep into your mind at any given time. Nobody is immune from these negative thoughts, and that includes your husband. Sometimes we need to be told, "everything is going to be alright" and who better to tell you than your partner. Reassurance from the one you love can feel like a warm blanket being wrapped around your shoulders on a cold day. It provides a feeling of safety and security and immediately sets to work expelling those negative thoughts from your head. 10) Be honest

The importance of honesty in a marriage isn't just in relation to the big issues such as infidelity. You should try to be truthful with regard to all the day-to-day issues as well. Every time you tell a lie or hide the truth, the trust that holds your marriage together takes a knock. And once that trust has gone, your marriage is effectively over. Also, the more lies you tell, the easier it becomes. Before you know it, you can find yourself deceiving your husband/wife on a regular basis. 11) Admit when you're wrong

We all find it difficult to admit when we're wrong. But in a marriage, you simply have to put your pride to one side and bite the bullet. It's all too easy to refuse to say sorry and wait for enough time to pass for the issue to go away. However, without an apology the air cannot be fully cleared. Resentment can slowly build and one day you may well regret not uttering those three simple words, "I am sorry." 12) Laughter

It may be a clich but laughter really is the best medicine. Married life can quickly lose its sense of fun, and without fun, a happy marriage is harder to maintain. So try to share good laughs together. You can laugh at events in your daily life or watch a comedy on television or at the cinema. You will be surprised at how the laughter invigorates the rest of your day and freshens your relationship. 13) Avoid these Seven Bad Habits

The seven deadly habits are criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing, and bribing. Avoid all these. 14) Adopt these Seven Caring Habits

Adopt these seven caring habits include supporting, encouraging, listening, accepting, trusting, respecting, and negotiating your differences. 10. Stress 1) Stop and Breath We are not always aware that we hold our breath when we encounter stress. At the very beginning of a stressful situation, remind yourself to keep breathing. Make an effort to breathe smoothly, deeply and evenly from the diaphragm. Also make sure to exhale each breath completely to help you lengthen your breaths.

2) Smile & Relax Smiling boosts your emotional state by stimulating nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the limbic system, a key emotional center of the brain. Sit up, or stand up straight, as you smile. Balance your posture by lifting up your head and chin and relax your jaw and shoulders. Smile and let yourself you feel happy and light, as your body relaxes. 3) Wave away unnecessary tension Try visualizing a wave or breeze washing or blowing away all unnecessary tension from your body. Feel centered, in control, and relaxed. Soothing music and sounds can help you achieve this feeling. Look to sound machines and other stress controlling gadgets for help. 4) Take control of situation Don't start to fret with useless questions like, "Why is this happening to me?" Instead, ask yourself, "What can I do right now that will make this situation better?" 5) Focus Focus on what you can control instead of what you cant. 6) Focus on the positive There is obviously no way a child can be shielded from a major trauma such as a death in the family, a house fire or a natural disaster. Instead, help children count their Blessings! Comfort and reassure them by saying, "We're strong and we're going to make it." And as difficult as it may be, try to maintain everyday routines. For many young victims of floods or fire, for example, going back to school, even in another city, can help bring some normalcy back to their disrupted lives. What can also help is to make sure children have positive outlets like physical activity, going to the movies or spending time with friends. 7) Develop a support network. Support networks can include family, friends, or workmates. If you're a stay-at-home parent, it's especially important to reach out to others for support. Get to know the other parents at your child's school. If you have a very young child, try to find a play group or mom's group to attend. Volunteer at your child's school. 8) Leave time for relaxing. Don't overbook yourself. Be selective about the activities you choose for yourself and your family members. Kids need time to unwind, just like adults. Stressed parents can create stressed children. Enjoy relaxing with your kids.

Have fun playing board games, going for walks, or watching movies together. And don't forget taking time to relax by yourself or with friends. Get yourself a babysitter and enjoy some kid free time! 9) Start a hobby. Some hobbies might include crafts, gardening, reading, or playing music. Participating in a hobby is also good role modeling for your kids. Help your child take interest in a hobby or participate in a hobby together with your child. Hobbies can be great outlets for stress. Take a class to learn more about your hobby. 10) Keep a journal. Jot things down that make you feel stressed. Look for patterns. Try to pinpoint your exact stressors. Formulate solutions. Sometimes, merely the act of recording your feelings in a journal will help alleviate your stress.

5th Section - Parents

1. Safety 1) Internet Safety Rules Clear, simple, easy-to-read house rules should be posted on or near the monitor. Create your own computer rules or print the Internet safety pledge. The pledge can be signed by adults and children and should be periodically reviewed. 2) Safeguarding Programs Look into safeguarding programs or options your online service provider might offer. These may include monitoring or filtering capabilities. 3) Privacy Policy Always read a web site's privacy policy before giving any personal information. Also make sure that a web site offers a secure connection before giving credit-card information. 4) Dont give Personal Information

Web sites for children are not permitted to request personal information without a parent's permission. Talk to children about what personal information is and why you should never give it to people online. 5) Auto Safety Children between 40 and 60/80 pounds should be in booster seats. A booster seat makes lap and shoulder belts fit correctly - low over the hips and upper thighs and snug over the shoulders. These seats must be used with both lap and shoulder belts. The safest location for your child is the center of the back seat of the car. 6) Burns Teach the danger of matches, open flames, kitchen equipment and show your child the right way to use it - always with your assistance. It is important to remind your children: Matches and lighters are tools, NOT toys! 7) Bicycle Buy a bicycle that is appropriately sized for your child and dont allow him to ride double with friends. Teach your child to always wear a bike helmet. Make sure the helmet fits properly and is worn correctly. Instruct your children to obey traffic signs, signals and pavement markings. Remind them to ride with traffic and walk against traffic.

8) Gun Safety The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests not having a gun in your home if you have children or children visit your home. If you choose to have a gun, it should be kept secured and locked with ammunition stored in a separate locked area. Children should never have access to any keys or combination of the locking mechanism(s). 9) Supervision Check your childs play areas for such hazards as old refrigerators, deep holes, construction sites, water, old buildings, etc. Frequently check on his/her activities. 10) Sports For sports, your child must learn the rules and abide by them, have the proper safety equipment and keep the equipment in good condition. Supervise any water sports such as swimming, skiing, etc. 2. Reading

1. Read aloud to your child every day

Read to babies even before they can talk Let your child see and touch the book Play with voices and the sounds of words

2. Create a print rich home environment

Have a wide variety of books available to children Encourage children to look at books on their own Set aside a family reading area and a family reading time

3. Model reading and writing

Make use of the family reading area on your own Let children see you reading for work or to learn something Let children see you reading for pleasure

4. Use grocery shopping to encourage reading

Have children help you search for specific brands Use the aisle markers with your child to find items Match coupons to products

5. Cook with your child to develop literacy

Show your child how to read a recipe Read the labels on ingredients together Make a family cookbook of favorite recipes

6. Explore books together

As you read, point out important features about the book Ask your child questions Point out new vocabulary

7. Tell stories together

Talk together about your family history Look at old vacation photos and discuss your memories of the trip Tape your storytelling

8. Sing and rhyme with your child

Choose songs with rhymes and word play Play rhyming games with your child what other words sound like monkey? Challenge your child to sing or say rhymes as fast as he can and dont forget to laugh if the results come out silly

9. Write with your child

Provide lots of writing materials chalk, markers, crayons, and pencils Encourage your child to draw and write on her own Encourage your child to write thank you notes to grandparents, make to do lists and the like

10. Visit the library often

Make weekly trips Encourage your child to get her own library card. Take advantage of library programs such as read alouds and family book clubs

3. Communication 1) Teach children to listen Gently touch a child before you talk... say their name. 2) Speak in a quiet voice. Whisper sometimes so children have to listen... they like this. 3) Become the childs size Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand... bend or sit down... become the child's size.

4) Practice listening Practice listening and talking: talk with your family about what you see on TV, hear on the radio or see at the park or store. (Talk with your children about school and their friends.) 5) Respect children Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice. If we talk to our children as we would our friends, our youngsters may be more likely to seek us out as confidants. 6) Praise them Catch children and teens being good. Praise them for cooperating with you or their siblings, or for doing those little things that are so easy to take for granted. 7) Welcome them when they come home Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings. "I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again, I want to be sure I understand you." 8) Dont use unkind words Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication. Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough. 9) Show your love Children are never too old to be told they are loved. Saying "I love you" is important. Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to. 10) Give them complete attention

Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you. Don't read, watch TV, fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks.

4. School
1) Remember Routines Family routines tend to slide in the summer. So Practice school bedtimes a week before school starts so that the new routine is established. 2) Get ready

Dont understimate the fun and importance of new stuff for the big day. With younger kids, a bag full of school supplies, a new backpack and a few new items of clothing tend to hear them up without any further encouragement. 3) Show her/him a Way If your child is new to school, show your child her/his classroom, what entrance and exit to use and where the bathroom is located. 4) Prepare the teacher Let your childs teacher know about any specifics about behavior or health such as bldder infection. You dont want to child to have a bad experience because he is asking to go to the bathroom every half hour and the teacher says, no, thinking he does not need to go so frequently but he really does. 5) Talk, Talk, Talk. Talk to your child all things they like about school. Also look at your kids and note anything different that their friends will notice, such as a new hairstyle or if theyve grown over the summer. 6) Be organized Ease back to school anxiety be being prepared. Help your child to lay out her/his clothes and pack her/his backpack the night before. 7) Take it Easy Preparation is great but dont go overboard. You can make back-to-school too big a deal. 8) Understand the expertise and responsibilities of your childs school counselor. School counselors make a measurable impact in every students life, assisting with academic, career and personal/social development. Professional school counselors are trained in both educating and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers and the student in matters concerning the students goals, abilities and any areas needing improvement. School counselors provide services not only to students in need, but to all students. 9) Meet or contact your childs school counselor at least three times per school year. The beginning of a school year is an excellent opportunity to initiate contact with your childs school counselor and doing so can ensure your childs positive school experience. Find out who the counselor is and what his or her experience and background are. By communicating with one another at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, parents and counselors can have a definite impact on a childs success. 10) Discuss your childs challenges and concerns with the school counselor.

As a parent, you know your child best. However, the school counselor can help you better understand your child as a student. Its important to encourage your childs expression of needs, hopes and frustrations. School counselors are trained to help your children. 5. Motivation 1) Encourage Children to Plan Their Own Projects

When children are in a social setting, or a setting outside of school it is an ideal time for them to explore new things and make choices about what it is they want to learn. Encouraging them to create, plan and execute their own projects gives them ownership of what they are doing. Ownership fosters excitement, and can increase the amount of effort they put into what they are doing. When you give them the opportunity to have input into what they are doing it helps them develop intrinsic motivation and helps cultivate problem solving skills. 2) Capitalize on Teaching Moments in Life

When you are doing something with your children, and you are leading them try to encourage risk taking, be a facilitator to what they want to do. The best way to figure out when they need the little extra push is by simply listening to them. You can also use failed activities as an opportunity to teach them by asking, what could you have done differently to make it a success. 3: Expect Them to Learn Make sure that you have the expectation that your children need to learn. That you want them to learn. Be enthusiastic, accepting and warm all the while maintaining high expectations. Give your children feedback about their work, try to avoid being negative, be constructive and positive, and let them know what your expectations of them are. 4: Forget the Clock Dont limit your childs learning activities to the clock. While you dont want to give them all day, you dont want to cut them short when they are really involved and excited about what they are learning. Provide them with long term, open ended projects. One of my favorites is homemade science experiments. Small children would enjoy planting a seed and watching a plant grow. 5: Create and Foster a Positive Physical Environment Make sure that you have ample supplies to carry out projects that your children are involved in. Make sure that you have a special area

designated and used for the project they are working on and that it is okay for them to leave their unfinished projects out. 6: Encourage Cooperative Work When your child is working on a project, encourage them to involve siblings or friends. Recognize the benefits of doing group work. 7: Foster Family Participation It is an option to go and see one of the siblings sporting events or school activities or other extracurricular activities. Having family there to support your child is important. It gives you motivation to do better; it helps your child feel important. So support your children. Point out mistakes and then encourage them to correct them, and find better ways to accomplish something. 8) Why Goals Why should your children spend time setting and work toward goals in the first place? The answer may seem obvious to you, but not so with most children. They live in the here and now, putting little thought into tomorrow. Explain the role of goal-setting in a happy, healthy life by using concrete examples such as personal goals you've set in your own life or, even better, past experiences they've had with choosing and working toward bigger and better things. 9) Start Small Begin to build their experience with goal setting by using small goals in place of lofty or ambitious objectives. Overwhelming them at this stage could create negative associations to the idea of setting goals down the road. 10) Explain the role of Setbacks If you set goals, you're going to encounter a setback or two along the way, and it's up to you to make sure these small bumps in the road don't bring an end to the goals your children have set. The great advantage of setbacks and short-term failures is what you learn from the experience; knowing what not to do does just as important as know the right steps to take. Develop your child's insight into the benefits of setbacks by bringing up past experiences they've had with problems and what they learned from them. If nothing comes to mind, offer common examples of goals and

their setbacks, asking your children to describe what can be learned from such experiences. 6. Health Care 1) Be Involved in Your Child's Health Care

The single most important way you can help to prevent errors is to be an active member of your child's health care team. That means taking part in every decision about your child's health care. Research shows that parents who are more involved with their child's care tend to get better results. Some specific tips, based on the latest scientific evidence about what works best, follow. 2) Medicines

Make sure that all of your child's doctors know about everything your child is taking and his or her weight. This includes prescription and overthe-counter medicines, and dietary supplements such as vitamins and herbs. At least once a year, bring all of your child's medicines and supplements with you to the doctor. "Brown bagging" your child's medicines can help you and your doctor talk about them and find out if there are any problems. Knowing your child's medication history and weight can help your doctor keep your child's records up to date, which can help your child get better quality care. 3) Make sure your child's doctor knows about any allergies and how your child reacts to medicines. This can help you avoid getting a medicine that can harm your child. 4) Hospital Stays

If you have a choice, choose a hospital at which many children have the procedure or surgery your child needs. Research shows that patients tend to have better results when they are treated in hospitals that have a great deal of experience with their condition. Find out how many of the procedures have been performed at the hospital. While your child is in the hospital, make sure he or she is always wearing an identification bracelet. 5) Surgery

13. If your child is having surgery, make sure that you, your child's doctor, and the surgeon all agree and are clear on exactly what will be done. Doing surgery at the wrong site (for example, operating on the left knee instead of the right) is rarebut even once is too often. The good news is that wrong-site surgery is 100 percent preventable. The

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons urges its members to sign their initials directly on the site to be operated on before the surgery. 6) Other Steps You Can Take

Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You have a right to question anyone who is involved with your child's care. Make sure that you know who (such as your child's pediatrician) is in charge of his or her care. This is especially important if your child has many health problems or is in a hospital. 7) Involve health professional

Make sure that all health professionals involved in your child's care have important health information about him or her. 8. Stay with your child Ask a family member or friend to be there with you and to be your advocate. Choose someone who can help get things done and speak up for you if you can't. 9. Ask questions Ask why each test or procedure is being done. It is a good idea to find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help. Your child could be better off without it. If your child has a test, ask when the results will be available. 10. Take all updates about your childs condition Learn about your child's condition and treatments by asking the doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. 7. Am I a good parent? 1) Getting Started Certainly if you are a concerned parent this question comes up frequently. Your child is important to you and you recognize that you have an important obligation to raise your child to be healthy, confident, and independent. With this in mind, here are five key areas to master to be a good parent. 2) Listen. Children need to be heard. Take the time to listen and communicate in your childs language. Your child will feel understood and trust you.

3) Be consistent. Children need structure. They want to know the rules. Both parents must agree on the rules so that your child doesnt become confused. Until your rules become internalized for the child that is until your child begins to believe the rules too it is important that there are consistent and logical consequences for following the rule or breaking the rule. 4. Be a teacher. Remember that punishment usually only evokes anger and hurt in a child. Obviously, the goal is not to teach anger and hurt. The goal is to teach important values such as honesty, responsibility, creativity, sensitivity. Development of these values requires positive interactions with a parent. Liberal amounts of praise and love encourages the child to accept the values you are teaching. 5. Be a model. You are your childs first example of what an adult should be like. Because they love you, it is natural that they want to grow up to be like you. Perhaps youve laughed over the cute way your child imitates your walk or the way you slip your hands into your pockets when you talk on the phone. But is it equally humorous to watch you child pretend to smoke a cigarette or to use obscene language? 6. Love. There are many ways to demonstrate that you love your child. Through listening and teaching and consistency and modeling you are showing you child your love. Buying you child gifts is far less important than hugs and kisses, private talks in general showing an interest in who your child is. 7) Help them feel safe

Respect their privacy as you would want them to respect yours; for example, if you teach your child that your room is out of boundaries to them, respect the same with their room. Allow them to feel that once they enter their room they can know that no one will look through their drawers, or read their diary. Instill in them, a sense of belonging by displaying individual and family portraits on the walls of the house. 8) Provide Order

Set boundaries such as bedtimes and curfews, so they learn that they have limitations. By doing so, they actually get a sense of being loved and cared about by their parents. They might rebel at those boundaries, but inwardly enjoy knowing that concerned parents love them. Encourage responsibility by insisting they clean their room and make their bed every morning. Even the youngest of children can learn to tidy their room and put their toys away in the box at the end of the day. As your child grows, give them more responsibility.

9. Avoid criticism by focusing on the behavior. When your child acts out in a harmful and spiteful manner, tell him or her that such behavior is unacceptable and suggest alternatives. Avoid statements such as: "You're bad." "Go away!" etc. Be assertive yet kind when pointing out what they have done wrong. Be stern, but not cross, when you tell them what you expect. Avoid public humiliation. If they misbehave in public, take them aside, and scold them privately. Model the behavior and character you hope your children will adopt and live by the rules you set. Show them by example in addition to verbal explanations. Children have a tendency to become what they see and hear unless they make a conscious and concerted effort to break the mold. 10. Allow them to experience life for themselves - But don't just lose total control. Don't make decisions for them all the time, they must learn how to live so that they are ready when they are adults. 8. 1) Bed Wetting Relax. You're not alone. There is approximately 5 million children age 6 or older in the United States who suffer from this problem. While most children outgrow bed-wetting by age 6, and another 15% of older children stop bed-wetting each year without treatment, for many it can continue on for years. This can potentially cause embarrassment and shame that may in turn restrict social interaction and development. Wet sheets are only part of the problem. Bed-wetting can affect your child's self-esteem. It can make your child subject to teasing and embarrassment. This can limit your child's participation in certain activities -like slumber parties, campouts, and summer camp. Since this happens during the years when children are building friendships and developing their self-images, it can be of particular concern. 3) Encourage your child to talk about feelings Correct any misconceptions about bed-wetting. Let your child know that millions of other children also wet the bed. 4) Bed-wetting is no one's fault.


While doctors believe there may be a number of reasons why a child wets the bed, there is one thing about which they agree: It's not your child's fault.

That's why it's important not to punish or humiliate your child after an "accident." However, you may want to teach your child to take responsibility for remaking the bed and changing into dry pajamas. 5) Some possible reasons for bed-wetting

Heredity. Bed-wetting has been found to run in families, so if both parents have a history of bed-wetting, their children will have a 77 percent chance of wetting the bed. Even if only one parent wet the bed, a child still has a 44 percent chance of wetting the bed. 6)Hormones. Studies suggest some children who wet the bed don't produce enough of a hormone at night. This is called antidiuretic hormone and it helps concentrate urine so that the bladder doesn't overfill. Before beginning any treatment, your healthcare professional will complete a medical history and physical examination to rule out specific medical problems as the cause of your child's bed-wetting. Whatever the specific cause for bed-wetting might be, it is not usually caused by serious medical problems 7) There is help for bed-wetting. Simple changes in your child's routine or behavior may help your child sleep drier. In addition, there are treatments available. The most common options your doctor may recommend are listed here. 8)Dietary Habits: If your child has a history of allergies, a change in diet may be beneficial. In addition, consider limiting beverages after dinner and remind your child to go to the bathroom before bed. 9) Conditioning Therapy

Bed-wetting alarm devices attach to pajamas and are activated by moisture. Such products teach a child to wake upon sensing a full bladder. These, too, may provide help. 10) Medications:

One medication commonly used to treat bed-wetting is DDAVP (desmopressin acetate). Available as a nasal spray since 1989, it is

available in easy-to-take tablets. Imipramine, in tablet form, is another pharmacologic treatment option. Be sure to follow the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional when using any medication. 9. Parent/Teacher Conferences Here are some general hints on how to have a successful conference: 1) Ask your child

Ask your child if there is anything that he would like you to discuss with the teacher. 2) Jot Down everything Jot down everything that you want to talk about at the conference. 3) Arrive before given time Arrive promptly or a few minutes early. 4) Begin with positive comments Begin with positive comments about the teacher or classroom. 5) Avoid lengthy discussion Avoid lengthy discussions of topics that are not related to the purpose of the conference. 6) Be open-minded Be open-minded to suggestions from the teacher. 7) Keep your emotions control Keep your emotions under control. You are discussing your childs overall academic condition with his/her teacher. No need to be emotional. 8) Take notes Take notes about what has been discussed to share with your child. 9) Express appreciation Express appreciation for the conference.


Dont stay beyond your time

Do not stay beyond your allotted time. 10. Coping with Trauma 1) What stress really is?

The best way to reduce your stress is to really know what it IS, that is making you stressed! So sit down for a minute and think about last year. 2) How stress grows? Stress can also grow from your surroundings. Are you disorganized? Are your drawers and closets filled with clutter? Do you waste a lot of time searching for items? List them in order of what stresses you the most Divide them into categories Determine how often a particular thing makes you feel stress 3) Get proactive It would be nice if we could wave a wand and all our stress would vanish. Of course thats not going to happen, but find a solution will lower stress. You must commit your time to take positive action. Get Proactive. 4) What will give you the most peace? No matter what you will run into stress. Yes you can reduce it in many ways, but a good way to ride through the little stresses in life is combating the big one. 5) Come up with solution How much time do you lose daily just looking for misplace items? Hiring a professional organizer can be a solution for many. Professional organizers do more than clear out file cabinets. They help determine what aspects of your life are making you disorganized, whether in your home or office, and they find solutions that will make you more productive and less stressed. 6) Few solutions Teach your children to use an alarm clock Set up a dry erase board or list where everyone rights down items they need. (If they dont put chocolate milk or shampoo on the list, then you wont know to shop for it and they wont get it) Have a dirty laundry basket in a central location. (If someone needs a shirt for the next day, it better be in there or they wear something else) Create a special place (folder, drawer, shelf) for your child to put the papers he brings home from school

Let the answer machine take a message Keep extra supplies in your car. Pack lunches the night before Lay out clothes for school/work the night before Run errands a non-rush hour times (if possible) Limit what you can do in a day. (Train yourself to not bite off more than you can chew!) 7) Categorize the problem You may have done this already when you assessed your stresses. If not, then create categories how, and determine where your stresses fall. It is important to know whether something makes you very stressed or minutely stressed. Categories can include such things as; driving, shopping, phone calls, volunteer work, travel, kids, pets, other family responsibilities/commitments, house maintenance, finances, cooking and cleaning. 8) Do whatever it takes to get you peace Your home will only run as well as you do. Its important to do whatever it takes to get the peace you need. That often means putting yourself first. It is not selfish to take care of yourself, it is irresponsible not to. If you continue to build stress you will become ill. 9) Try something new and dont be afraid to change the rules Every item around you represents a choice you made. You either went out and selected it; or it came to you, and you accepted it. Look at that item, whether it is a piece of paper, a piece of jewelry or a piece of furniture and ask yourself do you love it? If you do not know that item to be useful, believe it to be beautiful or love it for personal reasons, its time to get rid of it. 10) Stay in control Maintaining your success and keeping the process flowing is essential. Take a real look at the improvements in your life and the reduction of your stress. That should be incentive enough to keep up the good work. But if you need a bit more encouragement then look for a support group or a person that will hold you accountable. Maybe you buy your daughter new earrings every time you are late picking her up from band practice. Maybe she buys you a pair if she is late and you have to wait! You can also celebrate your success. If you manage to keep your desk top clean for a week you can treat yourself to a half hour soak in the tub. Of course your husband will have to watch the kids! Get him involved in helping you

stay in control. One persons stress can easily carry over to another, but on the flip side, if you are happy, those around you will be too.

6th Section - Retirement

1.Prepare Ahead 1. Know your retirement needs. Retirement is expensive. Experts estimate that you'll need to save about 70 percent to 90 percent of your present income. 2. Find out about your Social Security benefits. Social Security pays about 40 percent of your pre-retirement earnings. 3. Learn about your employer's pension or profit-sharing plan. If your employer offers a plan, check to see what your benefit is worth. Your employer should give you a statement if you ask for one. Before you change jobs, find out what will happen to your pension. Learn what benefits you may have from a former job. See if you will be entitled to benefits from your spouse's plan. 4 Contribute to a tax-sheltered savings plan. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, contribute all you can. Your taxes will be lower - and automatic payroll deductions make it easy. 5 Ask your employer to start a plan. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, ask to have one started. 6 Put your money into an individual retirement account. You can put up to $4,000 a year into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). You'll also gain tax advantages. When you open an IRA, you have two types of IRAs to choose from. How your contributions and withdrawals are taxed depends on which type you choose. 7 Don't touch your savings. Don't dip into your retirement savings. You'll lose principal and interest, and you may lose tax benefits. If you change jobs, roll over your savings into an IRA or the retirement plan your new employer offers. 8 Start now, set goals and stick to them. Start early. Start saving early so your money has time to grow. Make saving a high priority. Have a plan, stick to it and set goals for yourself. Remember, it's never too early or too late to start saving. So start now, whatever your age. 9 Consider basic investment principles. How you save is as important as how much you save. Inflation and the types of investments you make determine how much you'll save. Know how your pension or savings plan is invested.


Ask questions

Talk to your employer, your bank, your union or a financial advisor. Ask questions and make sure the answers make sense to you. Get practical advice and act now.

2. Saving Money 1. Switch your bank accounts to a bank that respects you. You shouldnt be spending your hard-earned money on maintenance fees - you also should be earning some serious interest on your checking and savings accounts. 2. Turn off the television. One big way to save money is to watch less television. There are a lot of financial benefits to this: less exposure to guilt-inducing ads, more time to focus on other things in life, less electrical use, and so on. Its great to unwind in the evening, but seek another hobby to do that. 3. Turn a critical eye to your collections. Most people collect something - what do you collect? Is it something that consistently brings you joy? Or is it something that you just do out of habit at this point? Does the collection itself have value? Could you perhaps trim the fat from this collection by getting rid of duplicates or getting rid of the items you no longer use? Also, could you perhaps cut down on your spending on that hobby? Focus on trimming the things you dont feel strongly about - if you dig into things that bother you, youre going to eventually relapse. 4. Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can. Even if you rarely shop at that place, having a rewards card for that place will eventually net you some coupons and discounts. Heres the basic game plan for maximizing these programs: create a Gmail address just for these mailings, collect every card you can, and then check that account for extra coupons whenever youre ready to shop. 5. Make your own gifts instead of buying stuff from the store. You can make food mixes, candles, bread, cookies, soap, and all kinds of other things at home quite easily and inexpensively. These make spectacular gifts for others because they involve your homemade touch, plus quite often theyre consumable, meaning they dont wind up filling someones closet with junk. Even better - include a personal handwritten note with the gift. This will make it even more special than anything you could possibly buy down at the mall, plus it saves you money. 6. Master the thirty day rule. Whenever youre considering making an unnecessary purchase, wait thirty days and then ask yourself if you still want that item. Quite often, youll find that the urge to buy has passed and youll have saved yourself some money by simply waiting. If you want, you can even keep a thirty day list where you write down the item and the day youll reconsider it, but I prefer just to keep this one in my head - that way, I often just forget about the unimportant things. 7. Write a list before you go shopping - and stick to it. One should never go into a store without a strong idea of what one will be buying while in there. Make a careful plan of what youll buy before you go, then stick strictly to that list when you go to the store. Dont

put anything in the cart thats not on the list, no matter how tempting, and youll come out of the store saving a bundle. 8. Invite friends over instead of going out. Almost every activity at home is less expensive than going out. Invite some friends over and have a cookout or a potluck meal, then play some cards and have a few drinks. Everyone will have fun, the cost will be low, and the others will likely reciprocate not long afterwards. 9. Instead of throwing out some damaged clothing, repair it instead. Dont toss out a shirt because of a broken button - sew a new one on with some closely-matched thread. Dont toss out pants because of a hole in them - put in a patch of some sort and save them for times when youre working around the house. Simple sewing can be done by anyone - it just takes a few minutes and it saves a lot of money by keeping you from buying new clothes when you dont really need to. 10. Dont spend big money entertaining your children. Most children, especially young ones, can be entertained very cheaply. Buy them an end roll of newspaper from your local paper and let their creativity run wild. Make a game out of ordinary stuff around the house, like tossing pennies into a jar, even. Realize that what your children want most of all is your time, not your stuff, and youll find money in your pocket and joy in your heart. 3.Pre Retirement Investing 1. Reduce exposure to property and use the proceeds to reduce loans, supplement your cash flow and increase your income producing assets. 2. Timing property sales and salary sacrificing: make credit work for you. 3. Use asset-splitting to distribute assets tax effectively. 4.Income producing assets: master trusts. 5. Be realistic with your budget and seek independent advice. 6. Investment in Government Investing in the government means a bit less money, however it is the safest way to place your money in the long run. You are pretty safe with almost any established company provided they don't go out of business. 7.Invest in stock 3) At the beginning of work age invest in stocks. After about 15 years, try having perhaps 25 percent of bonds. Some ten years later, in your middle 40's or early 50's age range, have fifty percent in bonds. This is a safe average and will produce your most stable security. 8. Take help from lawyer 4) Do research or talk to someone you know and trust. Some lawyers can give you excellent advice if they specialize in investment knowledge. Go slow and get the facts before taking opinions from anyone - especially before investing a sum of money. 9. Real Estate investment If you do have extra cash, stay aware of overly depressed investment prices and commodity prices (oil and gold)that will recover after the

recession ends and present low risk retirement investing opportunities. Real estate investments especially condos are a typical case. It may even be worth a small remortgage of your paid off house for some investments (this strategy is not suitable for everyone as any borrowing will incur a fixed payment commitment while the return on investments is not assured). 10. Refine your home Refinance your home. If you have a mortgage, refinance at lower interest rate to cut your monthly costs or to pay it off over a reduced time period. 4. Post-Retirement Investment 1) Equity: Traditionally, discouraged as a retirement planning tool, it could give your investments a boost if you start early. 2) Insurance: This one is popularly used for retirement planning. Experts say it should only be used as a risk cover, and not as an investment tool. 3) Provident Fund and Public Provident Fund: The all-time favourite option. Our grandfathers believed in these low-risk schemes implicitly. 4) Fixed deposits: Safe and secure, but may cower under inflation with their low returns. 5) Mutual funds: Preferable one, this. There are the professionals whose experience and expertise will come handy. 6) Property: Ever-appreciating asset in the long run especially with the real estate boom. Small catch: the liquidity concern. Not everyone has money on hand to invest. 7) Pension plans They are ideal for retirement because they provide a cushion of debt in your portfolio and help you diversify. You could choose to have a monthly or quarterly income from it. 8) Unit linked pension plans These are good if you don't mind a little risk and policy monitoring. Here are some ways you could go about them: 1. You could invest your funds in aggressive equity schemes. 2. You could switch funds across schemes (from debt to equity and vice versa), as and when required. Switches are exempt from capital gains tax and transaction fees (some companies do charge though). 9. Rent before you buy Looking to try out a new lifestyle, such as living out of an RV or moving to a fishing cabin in the north woods? Try it before you buy it. "Sure you enjoyed your vacation in the RV, but do you really want to live in it?". Instead, negotiate to try it out for six months, and see how it wears on

you. "You're not sinking your hard-earned savings into a new lifestyle". "You're leaving your options open." 10.Work part-time If you enjoy your job, or the job you're considering, this is a great move. Any money you're earning isn't coming out of your 401(k), which means you're actually saving cash for later. But run the numbers before you go back to work. And if you don't do your own taxes every year, this might be a good time to hire a pro totally it up for you. 5.Protect Your Income 1) Invest your money in different areas

Investing is a good way for you to spread your money around and keep it in different "pockets." This method of spreading money is typically referred to as "diversification" in the investing world. Through spreading money and diversification you can keep your money protected and secure against small "hiccups" in the economy. 2) Invest in local and domestic areas It is a good idea generally to invest your money in both local, domestic areas, and also in other nations overseas. Actually, by investing your money into different locations you are also doubly-protecting your money because it decreases the risks involved in investing itself! 3) Invest in different areas Furthermore, spreading your money and investing it in different areas also creates diversification, for each asset will behave differently over a period of time and will gain or lose at different rates. 4) Protect your money from bank fraud Although fraud exists in all different parts of society, one way that you can decrease your chances of bank fraud is by having your money invested! This way, if anyone does get a hold of your bank account and access information, they will not be able to "clean out" all of your money because it is located in different areas of investment! 5) Savings If you want to protect your income, fixed-rate bonds from banks and building societies are a good place to start. 6)Corporate Bonds If interest rates are slashed sharply, corporate bonds prices should rise, creating healthy returns for those who lock in now. 7) Gilts Buying gilts now, before interest rates fall, could be a good idea. Gilts are issued by the Government. 'If interest rates come crashing down, then gilts provide a better level of income and you get your money back. 8) Guaranteed Income Bonds

Offered by insurance companies, these pay a fixed income over one to five years. Average rates for a five-year GIB are around 3.25%. But there are still some decent deals around for those with bigger lump sums to invest looking to fix for one year. 9) Equity Income Funds Equity income funds seek out the shares of UK companies, which pay good dividends to provide an income and capital growth. Exposure to the stock market means you could lose capital, but if dividends grow you have greater inflation-busting potential over the longer term. 10) Income protection insurance It pays a regular benefit equivalent to up to 75% to 80% of your income if you are unable to earn that income for a period of time due to sickness or injury. While income protection insurance can provide peace of mind and help to protect your assets in the event that you are unable to earn your regular income, it is still important to ensure that you review your needs regularly and ensure that your income protection benefit and waiting period will be appropriate for your needs. 6. Social Security 1) Social security It refers to a social insurance program providing social protection, or protection against socially recognized conditions, including poverty, old age, disability, unemployment and others. 2) Social insurance, Where people receive benefits or services in recognition of contributions to an insurance scheme. These services typically include provision for retirement pensions, disability insurance, survivor benefits and unemployment insurance. 3) Income maintenance It is mainly the distribution of cash in the event of interruption of employment, including retirement, disability and unemployment 4) Services These services are provided by administrations responsible for social security. In different countries this may include medical care, aspects of social work and even industrial relations. 5) Governments policy It must be governments policy to compensate old age people financially and secure their remaining life. 6) Subsidize those who cant work It's wonderful that Social Security brings so many old people out of poverty. But the point was to subsidize those who couldn't work, not those who could. 7) Three Social Security programs.

First pays benefits based on age; another pays you if you lose your spouse; a third pays you if you become disabled. 8) Social protection It refers to a set of benefits available (or not available) from the state, market, civil society and households, or through a combination of these agencies, to the individual/households to reduce multi-dimensional deprivation. 9) Non-contributory benefits. Several countries have special schemes, administered with no requirement for contributions and no means test, for people in certain categories of need - for example, veterans of armed forces, people with disabilities and very old people. 10) Universal or categorical benefits, They are also known as demogrants. These are non-contributory benefits given for whole sections of the population without a test of means or need, such as family allowances or the public pension in New Zealand (known as New Zealand Superannuation). See also, Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend. 7. Vacation 1) Getting Started As you get older you sometimes want a holiday that's a little different from the usual beach holidays, or the resorts full of young families or youngsters living it up. You just want to get away from it all and relax and enjoy yourself doing something that you are interested in. 2) Few Tips Whether your interests are, sport, wildlife, nature, history or any other number of activities there will be a holiday available somewhere that will be suitable for all your needs. Following are few tips: 3) Golf If you play golf then you have a wide range of holidays available. From Spain to Portugal, Ireland to the home of golf itself -Scotland- a trip will be available to suit you no matter your handicap. Portugal's Algarve has many championship quality courses where tourists can play for reasonable fees. A country, which is just starting to advertise itself as a golfing holiday destination, is Cyprus, where many new courses are springing up and holidays are available at reasonable prices. 4) Walking Make your evening a memorable. Take your partner and go on long walk. Share your past memories. It would become one of the best evening of your old age. 5) Creative Holidays For the less energetic and the more creative type of person some holidays that are available include: writing-writing retreats. Other crafts and creative courses include: Painting, pottery, song-writing, sculpture, learning to write comedy or stand-up comedy, and photography, to name just a few.

6) Food and Wine For food and wine buffs there are wine tasting holidays and tours of vineyards available in France and Italy. These consist of visits to vineyards, with wine tasting and wine samples as well as history and background information on the vineyards and grapes used in the production of the wine. A little bit closer to home, you could book a Scottish whisky trail tour, which will take you to distilleries in the highlands and islands of Scotland for tastings of the various malt whiskies. If food is your passion there are gourmet tours available where you can sample the delights of French cuisine, or even learn to create and cook your own wonderful dishes. Cookery holidays are available in the UK, Ireland and many countries in Europe. 7) Wildlife The thrill of getting up close to wild animals in their natural environment is a once in a lifetime experience, lots of travel companies offer safari trips to Kenya, Zambia and South Africa where local guides will take you to see lions, elephants and a host of other animals in their natural habitat. The barrier reef in Australia offers you the chance to see marine life like sharks, colourful tropical fish, turtles and a host of other sea creatures. You can swim, scuba dive or snorkel in the reef and see first hand all the beautiful coral in clear blue water. 8) Visit others who may feel alone Older people in a retirement or nursing home may be away from loved ones during the holidays. Check with the home or a local hospital to find out if there are people who would enjoy having company during the holidays. Consider bringing a favorite holiday story to read aloud or load your iPod with a favorite Christmas song (you may have to explain how you got the song in there!). 9) Youll make it Everyone appreciates a homemade gift. Consider making holiday ornaments, knitting scarves, or crafting bookmarks. Search the internet for ideas and instructions about making inexpensive holiday crafts. Most everyone loves homemade cookies or candies wrapped in pretty boxes. 10) Connect at church If you belong to a church, check into all the holiday activities that might be going on and join in! Activities around the holidays might include social gatherings, caroling (singing around the neighborhood), volunteer efforts, and extra services. If you do not belong to a church but have been thinking about joining one, the holidays can be a fun time to get acquainted with a church or churches in your community.

8. Eating Healthy
1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat,

poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. 2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods. 3. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight. 4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. 5. Eat regular meals Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal. 6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them. Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. 7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern. 8. Know your diet pitfalls To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients. 9. Make changes gradually.

Just as there are no "super foods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too. 10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.



1) What is Insurance? Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. 2) The Premium The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the premium. 3) Principle of Insurance A large number of homogeneous exposure units 4) Definite Loss. The event that gives rise to the loss that is subject to the insured, at least in principle, take place at a known time, in a known place, and from a known cause. The classic example is death of an insured person on a life insurance policy. Fire, automobile accidents, and worker injuries may all easily meet this criterion. Other types of losses may only be definite in theory. Occupational disease, for instance, may involve prolonged exposure to injurious conditions where no specific time, place or cause is identifiable. Ideally, the time, place and cause of a loss should be clear enough that a reasonable person, with sufficient information, could objectively verify all three elements. 5) Accidental Loss. The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance. The loss should be pure, in the sense that it results from an event for which there is only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative elements, such as ordinary business risks, are generally not considered insurable. Large Loss. The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective of the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of losses, plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses, and supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be able to pay claims. For small losses these latter costs may

be several times the size of the expected cost of losses. There is little point in paying such costs unless the protection offered has real value to a buyer. 6) Affordable Premium If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the amount of protection offered, it is not likely that anyone will buy insurance, even if on offer. Further, as the accounting profession formally recognizes in financial accounting standards, the premium cannot be so large that there is not a reasonable chance of a significant loss to the insurer. If there is no such chance of loss, the transaction may have the form of insurance, but not the substance. 7) Calculable Loss. There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost. Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim. 8) Limited risk of catastrophically large losses The essential risk is often aggregation. If the same event can cause losses to numerous policyholders of the same insurer, the ability of that insurer to issue policies becomes constrained, not by factors surrounding the individual characteristics of a given policyholder, but by the factors surrounding the sum of all policyholders so exposed. 9) Claims Finally, claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance; it is the actual "product" paid for, though one hopes it will never need to be used. Claims may be filed by insured directly with the insurer or through brokers or agents. The insurer may require that the claim be filed on its own proprietary forms, or may accept claims on a standard industry form such as those produced. 10) Types of Insurance 1. Business Insurance 2. Auto Insurance 3. Home Insurance 4. Healthy Insurance

10. Lifestyle
1) Healthy Life in Youth Many aged people who still live on their own and do not need the help of their family due to physical disabilities are an excellent example of what a healthy lifestyle can do. Choosing to live a healthy life in youth will ensure an easier ride in the old age.

2) Old People need warmth and love As elders need warmth, love and affection, it is the duty of youngsters to set aside time for their aged parents or elders inspite of their busy schedule. Listening to the elders with patience, showering them with love and affection and assuring them of support when in need, relieves many psychological problems during old age. 3) Diet A balanced diet is very essential during old age and plays an important role in alleviating diseases pertaining to diet imbalance. Increasing intake of vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, rice and milk and simultaneously reducing intake of oil, salt, egg and meat is the recommended diet during old age. Food should be taken in smaller portions, in fixed intervals to avoid problems related to digestion. Also it is recommended that elders should drink a minimum of three liters of water a day. 4) Supplements Another essential requirement is including food items and supplements that contain more of anti-oxidants like Vitamin E, Vitamin C, betacarotene and selenium. Green leafy vegetables, carrot, apple, and gooseberry and orange are rich sources of antioxidants. 5) Drink a glass of water As the biological clocks of human body is tuned to sunrise and sunset, it is best to wake up at sunrise, and drink a glass of luke-warm water which helps in flushing out the toxins that gets accumulated in the body overnight. 6) Defection Dawn is considered the best time for elimination of physical waste in the body thereby removing the kapha which gets accumulated in the body overnight. Hence defecation once or twice a day is recommended. A thorough washing of the sense organs of the body in clean water is recommended. This should include brushing of teeth (after every meal), scraping toxins from the tongue surface, gargling with salt water to which turmeric is added for keeping gums, throat and mouth healthy. Hair and nails should be trimmed and kept clean, and clean clothes and accessories should be worn. 7) Exercise Regular exercise on a daily basis should also be part of morning routine of every person, as half an hour spent in this activity will keep you in shape. Exercises like yoga or aerobics or simple walking should definitely be incorporated into ones daily routine. This helps to increase immunity of the body, promotes blood circulation, burns calories and reduces stress. 8) Herbal Oil Massage A herbal oil self massage helps in controlling increases blood circulation and removes toxins from the body. 9) Medication

Meditation is considered ideal for removing stress and disciplining the mind. It is essential to set aside a few minutes time for meditation everyday Hence, through proper modifications in diet and good physical and mental regimens, age related problems could be coped to a great extent. 10) Recreational Activities A balance between work and recreational activities is also very important, as this will stimulate your mental powers. Also taking a day off to visit a painting exhibition or watch a match between the local clubs will keep your spirits high and will always help you see the brighter side of the picture. But living a healthy lifestyle is not all about eating healthy food; in fact it involves a way of thinking that will show its result in all the aspects of your life.

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