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Growth Hormone

REGULATIONS 1-Hypothalamic control 2-Feedback control 3.Stimuli increase secretion : - hypoglycemia & starvation - increase blood level certain amino acid (Arginine) -decrease FFA concentration in blood - deep sleep - exercise & trauma 1-Hypothalamic regulation (PRH & PIH) 2-Negative feedback regulation 3-Sleep 4-Other factors : -exercise, stress, trauma -stimulation of nipple 1- Osmotic stimuli 2- Volume depletion 3- Angiotensin II 4- Drugs -increase : nicotine, morphine, transquilizers, anesthetics -decrease : alcohol 5- stress 1- Suckling reflex 2- Stretching of uterine cervix 3- Genital stimulation 4- (inhibition) fear, pain, anxiety, alcohol 1- Hypothalamic regulation (TRH.TSH) 2- Pituitary regulation 3- feedback regulation 4-Blood iodine level

HYPOFUNCTION Dwarfism (childhood) Partial hypopituitarism Panhypopituitarism

HYPERFUNCTION Gigantism (childhood) Acromegaly (Adult)


Galactorrhea Amenorrhea Impotence in male


Diabetes insipidus : -polyuria -polydepsia


5.Thyroid hormone(T3,T4)

Hypothyroidism : 1. Myxedema (adult) 2. Cretinism

Hyperthyroidism (toxicgoiter, thyrotoxicosis, Graves disease)

5- Prolonged emotional reaction 6- Excitement & anxiety 7- Effect of cold 6.Parathyroid hormone 1-Calcium concentration in blood 2- Phosphate concentration 1- ^ plasma Ca concentration >10% 2- (stimulate) dopamine & estrogen 3- (stimulate) gastrin, CCK, glucagon, secretin 1-Effect of plasma calcium level 2- Effect of plasma PO4 level -markedly increase during emergencies (diffuse sympathetic discharge) 1- K ion concentration in ECF 2- Renin-angiotensin sys. 3- Quantity body Na 4- effect of ACTH 1-Hypothalamic regulations (CRF) 2- Pituitary regulation (ACTH) 3- Negative feedback 4- Physiological stress 5- Cicardian rhythm Controlled by ACTH (pituitary regulation)


Hypoparathyroidism hypocalcemia tatany: -manifest tetany -latent tetany

Hyperparathyroidism ostitisfibrosacystica


8.Vitamin D3





-Na & water lost in urine - hyperkalemia - mild acidosis

Hyperaldosteronism primary : Conns syndrome


-Primary hypoadrenalism (Addisons disease) -Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency -

Hyperadrenalism Cushings syndrome

12. Adrenal androgens

Adrenal virilism (Adrenogenital syndrome) Hyperinsulinism


1-Stimulation by blood glucose 2- (stimulation) Amino

Diabetes mellitus

acid : arginine, lysine 3- increase intracellular K decrease secretion 4- GIT hormones : gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, gastric inhibitory peptide 5- other hormones : GH, glucagon, cortisol, progesterone & testosterone 6-Autonomic nervous system 14.Glucagon 1-Blood glucose concentration 2-(stimulate) high concentration amino acid : arginine & phenylalanine 3-(stimulate) CCK & gastrin (inhibit) secretin 4-Exercise 5-sympathetic stimulation of pancreas All factors related ingestion of food stimulate SS : - ^ blood glucose - ^ amino acid - ^ fatty acid - ^ GIT hormones in response to food intake


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