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Nguyn Kiu Nhung - ROLE #1 You are against having any of the team members work from home.

You have worked with " teams" before who were at different locations, and you believe it hurt the team. It was simple too difficult to get everyone together as frequently as necessary, and the work stalled as a result. There was not enough co-worker interaction and support. Working together at any places Nguyn Th Thanh Trc - Role #15 You are new to the team and don't want to rock the boat. You will go along with whatever the team decides. However, you have worked out of your home before and have some firsthand experience with both the pros and cons of doing so. You are also aware of the pros and cons of working in an office. No place is perfect. You will do your best to help the team reach a win-win for the company and the team members both. Trn Phm Qunh Nh - Role #6 You know that working from home would be difficult for you. Teenagers coming and going there night and day make it difficult to concentrate. You are also short on space and don't know where you would set up an office. However, you are not particularly happy about squeezing into a cramped office with some of your co-workers. You don't have much reason to work so closely with any of them, and some of them would make it almost impossible for you to get anything done. You think the company should spring now for offices and adequate space for all of you, since that is what you are going to need in two years anyway. No working at home and no doubling up on office space, company should spring Role #7: your main concern is working up in the organization. you want to have a highly visible role on this team and in the future with the company. you definitely want to work at the offices where the other managers are, but you dont mind if some of the team works at home. for you, teamwork is simply a way of getting ahead in the organization. Working at the offices where the other managers are Analysis: I dont care about the other team members, where they will work or what their opinions are. I just know that I want to be promoted, I want to show to my boss that Im a good and hard-working employee so that I will work at the offices where the other managers are no matter what. I dont care I will have to work on my own or together in a team because for me, teamwork is simply a way of getting ahead in the organization. I still can give my best to do the administrative work either by myself or work with the other members. Working individually or in the team is the same. I dont care if I have to double up on offices or not but I prefer just some of team members work at the office including me and the others who prefer to work at home should work at home so that I can show off to my boss easier. But the best solution to me is that most members should work together at the office and the others who are willing to work at home and can be done the job well can work at home
Phm phng tho_ BABAIU10089 Sdt: 0943511051 Role: you are convinced that for the team to be productive and pull off this goal of profitability in two years, most of the team members need to work out of the same location. If people worked at home, they would have to do much of the administrative work, and this would slow down progress on their own work. At the office, there is an excellent and loyal administrator whom the team can rely on. You might consider having one or two of the team members work at home for one or two days a week, but for the most part, you think the team needs to be togerther.

y l role ca Tn : Role #14 You think this whole thing is silly. Why even discuss the complications of setting everyone up in their home offices when in less than two years they will have to be moved back into offices? As for some working at home and others not, you think this should become a nightmare of communication problems, liability issues, lack of productivity, etc. You also don't trust two or three of the team members to be at home working. They will probably be out golfing or at the mall, returning their messages later in the day. You wish the meeting were over because you think it is a waste of time. Nguyn Th Minh Nguyt BABAIU071 Case of Moon You would really love to work from home for a while. One of your children is young and you could be home when he gets home from school. You envision that could build your workday around the needs of the family, leaving the easier administrative work until the afternoon and some of the tedious work for evenings when your son is doing homework. You could set up your office in one corner of the rarely used living room. Working at home

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