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"I love the sunrise.It's like seeing a new beginning. A new reason to get out of bed.

If the sun can rise every morning, then there's a reason to hope." My heart beats for yours. My soul lives for yours. My body, my hands, my lips. They love only you. Only you would measure every intimate relationship in terms of profit. But that s what whores do, isn t it? that sometimes how a situation is perceived carries more weight than the reality of the matter unfortunately that ideal is not representative of the reality Oh come on! Every girl's allowed to have a ridiculous never-to-come-true fantasy , I'm no different! There s a mythology story about Aristophanes in Plato s Symposium. It was thought by them that humans consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces. Zeus feared their power together and separated them, splitting them in half, condemning them to spend the rest of their lives There s a mythology story about Aristophanes in Plato s Symposium. It was thought by them that humans consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces. Zeus feared their power together and separated them, splitting them in half, condemning them to spend the rest of their livesThere s a mythology story about Aristophanes in Plato s Symposium. It was thought by them that humans consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces. Zeus feared their power together and separated them, splitting them in half, condemning them to spend the rest of their lives searching for the other half to complete them which was said to be their soul mate. In 365 days, 52 weeks, 8,765 hours, or 525,948 minutes your life can change completely. A man should live if only to satisfy his curiosity Hormones, you'd be the death of me. An alarming situation for the clich police. Bite me. Romance was corny with a cap ital C but I was still a sucker for dramatic displays of devotion. I finally understood that our game of masquerade just got even more dangerous be cause we were playing dice with our hearts on the chopping block. Watching them cooing to each other made the bile rise in my throat. Fuck this ma sochistic excuse for a heart. Pride is clearly your favorite sin The abomination of the whole situation penchant for promiscuity One would think with your superior intellect, If you want a real answer, everyone out there horny as hell. So they all want to have sex, s easier and a lot less awkward. That's about you wouldn't stereotype is a teenager. Hormonal, insecure, and alcohol makes the whole proces the scope of it."

When I'd pointed out that this did not particularly mesh with her liberated, agg ressive persona, she had informed me sweetly that part of being liberated was ha ving good financial skills, and that it was smarter to make me pay for the gas. Why can't I just fucking be happy? Because happiness isn't trustworthy. It doesn 't last. It's just a front for what's to come. For the pain and anger over your utterly wretched life Women are cursed with periods, but men are cursed with temptation. But the romanticism of the idea wins over the reality "Falling for someone isn't an intellectual failure, You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth. The forbidden path was always so much more exciting than the straight-and-narrow one Live to the extreme, take chances, go places, don t wait for anything you want, go out and find it or make it happen. And never let anyone tie you down. reckless, free-wheeling, never-can-stand-to-be-tied-down genes Must be Stockholm Syndrome You keep using that word I do not think it means what you think it means Incendiary. to act on urges society has taught us to ignore or suppress in the name of pseud omorality and human decency Intimate body parts started to tingle Denial wasn't just a river in Egypt, Jake thought morosely. Denial had always be en a form of self-preservation made her heart glow in Technicolor. I do wish my heart and my head would make the same decisions, though Follow your star wherever it takes you could quote something for you, if you like,but that wouldn't prove anything but my ability to borrow someone else's pretty words." the danger makes the adventure more worthwhile He looked at her, and she looked at him, and they were quiet. Awkward. Dreamers never die Aristotle taught that stars are made of a different matter than the four earthly elements a quintessence that also happens to be what the human psyche is made of. W

hich is why man s spirit corresponds to the stars. Perhaps that s not a very scienti fic view, but I do like the idea that there s a little starlight in each of us. I m fairly certain, Captain, she said, that the more you discover about me, the more you will dislike me. Therefore, let s cut to the chase and acknowledge that we don t like each other. Then we won t have to bother with the in-between part. Take too much time, and time will take you Life is dangerous enough without your tempting fate. That s the point of having a dog. No conversation. Just admiring gazes and endless panting Yes, after the medieval French nun. My father loved her writings. In fact, it occ urs to me . . . Hlose was renowned for the love letters she exchanged with Ablard. eatrix s expression brightened. I ve rather lived up to my namesake, haven t I? The trick was forgetting about what she had lost . . . and learning to go on wit h what she had left. n case you have forgotten I have no talent for hoping. I don t hope. Iknow . Ibeliev e . Iexpect A man doesn t want to stoop to love. He wants to reach higher, stand taller. He de sires something more than a woman. He wants an angel. A dream. Generated by ABC A mber LIT Converter, A goddess? If you will. I want to go cold, she said. All these feelings they re like flames inside me. I m tired of getting burnt. I don t want them anymore. I want to put out the fire and just go cold. I never imagined I d envy you, but today Life is nothing more than being forced to do what we d rather not. it s the stuff of fairytales If, by some miracle, you re lucky enough to meet the One, whatever you do, don t let them go. Because you don t get another shot at it. Soulmates aren t like buses; the re s not going to be another one along in a minute. That s why they re called the One Caffeine is really bad for you. You know it s more addictive than nicotine? But I figure you re never too old to learn. That s when you become old, when you sto p being fascinated by things, when you stop wanting to learn and explore. . . "And mayhap, if you wish hard enough, a fairy will appear and sprinkle gold dust over your head, my lord." Never anticipate failure Sometimes brilliance requires extreme measures You never told me about your psychology degree, Dad He can be charming," I allowed. "Every spider knows how to spin a web I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I wa s beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, yo u might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together. After the duckling is hatched, there's a window of time during which another cre ature, or even an inanimate object, is stamped onto his nervous system, and he b B

ecomes bonded to it. In the study I read, "I've never understood why people say something is just a piece of paper. Some p ieces of paper are worth a hell of a lot. Diplomas. Contracts. Constitutions." " In those cases, I agree the paper is worth something. But a marriage contract an d all that goes with it, the ring, the big meringue-puff wedding dress, doesn't mean anything. I could make Dane a legal promise that I would love him forever, but how can I be certain I will? You can't legislate emotions. You can't own som eone else. So the union is basically a propertysharing agreement. And of course if there are children, you have to work out the terms for co-parenting . . . but all of that can be handled without marriage. The institution has outlived its u sefulness The view is far more rewarding when there is some risk involved 'true love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have ever seen. ' Friends are the balm that soothes the heart Why was it that every time a single man declared his disinterest in love and mar riage, every woman within earshot considered it her personal mission to find him a bride? Measure your anger as you would gold, sparingly and with a sharp eye Use kindness always and keep it in your heart for it will shine from your eyes a drunken moment for him , a slice of heaven for her Sometimes we have to be unconventional to realize our dreams Of course I care. To a certain extent we all care, but we can t care to the point that we live in fear of others opinions, that we allow them to change who we are. We must be willing to stand up and defend what represents the very core of our being. Otherwise what is the purpose of individuality? We d be nothing but imitati ons of each other, and I daresay we d all be rather boring. Of course I care. To a certain extent we all care, but we can t care to the point that we live in fear of others opinions, that we allow them to change who we are. We must be willing to stand up and defend what represents the very core of our being. Otherwise what is the purpose of individuality? We d be nothing but imitati ons of each other, and I daresay we d all be rather boring. Of course I care. To a certain extent we all care, but we can t care to the point that we live in fear of others opinions, that we allow them to change who we are. We must be willing to stand up and defend what represents the very core of our being. Otherwise what is the purpose of individuality? We d be nothing but imitati ons of each other, and I daresay we d all be rather boring. Of course I care. To a certain extent we all care, but we can t care to the point that we live in fear of others opinions, that we allow them to change who we are. We must be willing to stand up and defend what represents the very core of our being. Otherwise what is the purpose of individuality? We d be nothing but imitati ons of each other, and I daresay we d all be rather boring. "It's called a calculated risk, your grace. We take them every day of our lives. " I read somewhere once that rules are made for the guidance of wise men and the bl ind obedience of fools Ideal ...

They are absolute principles that transcend reality ... The real world is just a bad game. The ideal world can only be found in a game. That's what I thought. But if the ideal can be found in a bad game, there might be an ideal route in th e real world ... For the discovery."---Keima Katsuragui I read somewhere once that ind obedience of fools rules are made for the guidance of wise men and the bl

Love is not the absence of logic but logic examined and recalculated heated and curved to fit inside the contours of the heart She felt like the living embodiment of Finagle s Law of Dynamic Negatives: Anythin g that can go wrong will and at the worst possible moment Wish my life were inside a book So I could turn to the ending, See if it is a love story Or a gothic disaster. I think you fall in love with someone when you least expect to. When it s the last thing you want. That s what s so great about it. But I d rather look back and regret something I did when I was young and crazy, th an look back and regret something I never had the courage to do, and realize it s too late.

"Falling in love leaves you vulnerable," she says slowly, gathering all her thou ghts. "It's giving your heart to someone and praying to God above they take it a nd protect it. And if they do you spend the rest of your days praying to that sa me God forever will it last, THEMAGICHOUR.Heidi remembered reading somewhere that that?s what photographers called the few hours before dusk, when the sun washed everything in a warm, gold en, almost surreal light. Especially the summer sun, which had transformed the s ky into a Monet painting come to life. drinking wasn t the answer. The knowing didn t take the need away. did you know that the pain of a broken heart causes the same activity in the br ain as physical pain Sometimes the risk can be worth the reward There s no simple way to say it, no way to fully express everything those two word s mean to me: she died. The feelings are muted most of the time, something only accomplished by the passing of time, but they ll never go away. I know that now. T here are moments I wish the pain would disappear, but mostly, it s a comforting ac he. I lost her, and I feel it sometimes like a bruise that doesn t hurt until it s pre ssed, sometimes like a knife. There s no simple way to say it, no way to fully express everything those two word s mean to me: she died. The feelings are muted most of the time, something only accomplished by the passing of time, but they ll never go away. I know that now. T

here are moments I wish the pain would disappear, but mostly, it s a comforting ac he. I lost her, and I feel it sometimes like a bruise that doesn t hurt until it s pre ssed, sometimes like a knife. There s no simple way to say it, no way to fully express everything those two word s mean to me: she died. The feelings are muted most of the time, something only accomplished by the passing of time, but they ll never go away. I know that now. T here are moments I wish the pain would disappear, but mostly, it s a comforting ac he. I lost her, and I feel it sometimes like a bruise that doesn t hurt until it s pre ssed, sometimes like a knife.

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