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Expressing Regret

Conditional 3 (third) I wish + Past Perfect Outght to/Should + Present Perfect

Exercise 1: Match the sentences on the left to the appropriate ones on the right. 1. My girlfriend left me. 2. She won't be able to finish her dinner. 3. This movie is really boring. 4. I think that dress looks awful on her. 5. This food is burnt. 6. My feet are freezing! 7. I was really late for work today 8. The interview didn't go too well. a. I shouldn't have gone to bed so late last night. b. I should have prepared more thoroughly. c. I should have put on thicker socks. d. She should have chosen a different colour. e. I should have been nicer to her. f. We should have chosen a romantic one. g. She shouldn't have ordered so much.

Exercise 2: Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d which best fits the space. 1. I've got a terrible headache. I all that beer. a. shouldn't have drank b. should've drink c. should've drunk d. shouldn't have drunk Pgina 1

2. I went to work yesterday, even though I felt ill. Today I feel even worse. I . a. shouldn't have stayed at home b. shouldn't have gone to work c. should have stayed at home d. should have gone to work

3. My kids are so spoilt. I should have with them. a. been stricter b. stricted c. being stricter d. been stricting

4. You didn't believe me, but I was telling the truth. You should me. a. believed b. have believed c. have believe d. have believing

5. Mary only married Doug for his money. Now he thinks his friends ... . a. should have warned him about her. b. shouldn't have warned him about her. c. should have warned her about him. d. shouldn't have warned her about him. 6. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt, so he was injured in the crash. He should have it. a. wore b. wearing c. worn d. wored Pgina 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type III. Example: If I _______ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film. Answer: If I had gone to the cinema, I would have watched an interesting film.

1) If the weather 2) If we 3) If John 4) If the boys 5) If the teacher 6) If they 7) If the police 8) If you 9) If Alex 10) If he

(to be) nice, they (to go) to a good restaurant, we (to learn) more words, he (to take) the bus to school, they (to explain) the homework, I (to wait) for another 10 minutes, they (to come) earlier, they (to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad (to ask) me, I (to speak) more slowy, Peggy

(to play) football. (to have) a better dinner. (to write) a good report. (to arrive) on time. (to do) it. (to see) the pop star. (to arrest) the burglar. (to taste) better.

(to email) the documents. (to understand) him.

1) If the weather 2) If we 3) If John 4) If the boys 5) If the teacher

(to be) nice, they (to go) to a good restaurant, we (to learn) more words, he (to take) the bus to school, they (to explain) the homework, I

(to play) football. (to have) a better dinner. (to write) a good report. (to arrive) on time. (to do) it.

Pgina 3

6) If they 7) If the police 8) If you 9) If Alex 10) If he

(to wait) for another 10 minutes, they (to come) earlier, they (to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad (to ask) me, I (to speak) more slowy, Peggy

(to see) the pop star. (to arrest) the burglar. (to taste) better.

(to email) the documents. (to understand) him.

1) If you desert. 2) If it 3) If my parents 4) If she 5) If we 6) If Tom 7) If the police 8) If his older brother other car. 9) If Fred father. 10) If I

(to check) the car, it

(not/to break) down in the middle of the

(not/to rain), the children (not/to be) so tired, they (to buy) a new hard disk, she (to use) the town map, we (to eat) more salad, he (not/to stop) me, I (not/to drive) so fast, he

(to play) outside. (to watch) the film on TV. (not/to lose) all data. (not/to get) lost. (not/to catch) a cold. (to reach) you in time. (not/to crash) into the

(not/to cheat) at the test, his teacher

(not/to phone) his

(not/to switch off) the radio, I

(to know) about the second goal.

Put the verb in correct tense. Conditional 1,2 or 3

1) If we meet at 9:30, we 2) Lisa would find the milk if she (to have) plenty of time. (to look) in the fridge. (to feed)the animals.

3) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she 4) If you spoke louder, your classmates 5) Dan 6) You

(to understand) you.

(to arrive) safe if he drove slowly. (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

Pgina 4

7) If you

(to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold. (to press) the green button.

8) The door will unlock if you 9) If Mel 10) I

(to ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions. (to call) the office if I was/were you.

Exercise 1: Form Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. 1. I hate the food at that restaurant... 2. It's raining... 3. It was freezing in the park... 4. I've got a horrible stomach ache... 5. My brother isn't speaking to me... 6. I'm really lonely... 7. I'm hungry... 8. I hated every minute of that holiday... a. I wish I'd brought my umbrella. b. I wish I hadn't shouted at him. c. I wish I'd eaten a proper breakfast. d. I wish we'd gone to Paris. e. I wish I'd worn a coat. f. I wish I hadnt eaten so much popcorn. g. I wish we'd eaten somewhere else. h. I wish I hadn't broken up with my boyfriend.

Exercise 2: Positive / Negative Read the sentence and choose the option which best expresses a past regret. 1. I shouted at my little sister this morning. I feel bad about it now. a. I wish I had shouted at my little sister b. I wish I hadn't shouted at my little sister

2. I didn't go to the library yesterday. It's closed today. a. I wish I had gone to the library b. I wish I hadn't gone to the library

3. I took no notice of the teacher, and I did really badly in the test. Pgina 5

a. I wish I had taken more notice b. I wish I hadn't taken more notice

4. They stayed up really late, and they are very tired, so the boss is most displeased. a. The boss wishes they had stayed up b. The boss wishes they hadn't stayed up

5. Jack didn't tell his wife he was going to be late, and she got really angry with him. a. Jack wishes he had told his wife b. Jack wishes he hadn't told his wife

6. Mary told her brother she was going to be late, so he didn't wait for her. a. Mary wishes she had told her brother b. Mary wishes she hadn't told her brother Exercise 3: Questions Choose the 5 words which complete each question: 1. Mary didnt prepare for the interview, and she's sad because she didnt get the job. prepared for the interview? wish wishes does had did Mary she

2. I wanted to wash my car, but I didnt have time. time to wash your car? does you'd had you do wish have

3. Michal wanted to buy a diamond ring for his girlfriend, but he couldnt afford it. Does Michal's girlfriend a diamond ring? wish wishes had hadn't bought he her 4. Maria ate too many sweets when she was a child, and now she has lost her teeth Pgina 6

Does Maria sweets when she was a child? eaten had hadn't wish ate fewer she

5. Frank and Bill ran all the way to school, but they were still late. Do all the way to school? hadn't run ran they they hadn't wish

6. Benny asked her to have dinner with him, but she laughed and said no. asked her to have dinner with him? hadn't he he do does wish had

Pgina 7

Answers: Exercise 1: Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. 1. My girlfriend left me. e. I should have been nicer to her. 2. She won't be able to finish her dinner. g. She shouldn't have ordered so much. 3. This movie is really boring. f. We should have chosen a romantic one. 4. I think that dress looks awful on her. d. She should have chosen a different colour. 5. This food is burnt. h. You shouldn't have left it in the oven so long. 6. My feet are freezing! c. I should have put on thicker socks. 7. I was really late for work today. a. I shouldn't have gone to bed so late last night. 8. The interview didn't go too well. b. I should have prepared more thoroughly.

Exercise 2: Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d which best fits the space. 1. I've got a terrible headache. I all that beer. a. shouldn't have drank Wrong the verb is in the wrong form. b. should've drink Wrong the speaker regrets drinking the beer, and the verb is in the wrong form. c. should've drunk Wrong the speaker regrets drinking the beer. d. shouldn't have drunk Correct the speaker regrets drinking the beer.

2. I went to work yesterday, even though I felt ill. Today I feel even worse. I . a. shouldn't have stayed at home Wrong the speaker DIDNT stay at home yesterday. b. shouldn't have went to work Wrong 'went' is not the past participle of 'go'. c. should have stayed at home - Correct the speaker regrets going to work yesterday. d. should have gone to work Wrong the speaker DID go to work yesterday.

3. My kids are so spoilt. I should have with them. Pgina 8

a. been stricter Correct the speaker regrets not being strict. b. stricted Wrong 'strict' is not a verb. c. being stricter Wrong 'being' is not a past participle. d. been stricting Wrong 'strict' can not take '-ing'.

4. You didn't believe me, but I was telling the truth. You should me. a. believed Wrong you need to add 'have' to this sentence. b. have believed Correct the speaker is unhappy that s/he wasnt believed. c. have believe Wrong 'believe' is not a past participle. d. have believing Wrong 'believing' is not a past participle.

5. Mary only married Doug for his money. Now he thinks his friends ... . a. should have warned him about her Correct this is his opinion about a past mistake. b. shouldn't have warned him about her Wrong they DIDN'T warn him. c. should have warned her about him Wrong the pronouns are wrong. d. shouldn't have warnt him about her Wrong 'warnt' is not the correct spelling of the past participle, and they DIDN'T warn him about her

6. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt, so he was injured in the crash. He should have it. a. wore Wrong 'wore' is not a past participle. b. wearing Wrong 'wearing' is not a past participle. c. worn Correct this is an opinion about a past mistake. d. wored Wrong 'wored' is not a past participle.

1) If the weather had been nice, they would have played football. 2) If we had gone to a good restaurant, we would have had a better dinner. 3) If John had learned more words, he would have written a good report. 4) If the boys had taken the bus to school, they would have arrived on time. 5) If the teacher had explained the homework, I would have done it. 6) If they had waited for another 10 minutes, they would have seen the pop star.

Pgina 9

7) If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar. 8) If you had bought fresh green vegetable, your salad would have tasted better. 9) If Alex had asked me, I would have emailed the documents. 10) If he had spoken more slowy, Peggy would have understood him.

1) If the weather had been nice, they would have played football. 2) If we had gone to a good restaurant, we would have had a better dinner. 3) If John had learned more words, he would have written a good report. 4) If the boys had taken the bus to school, they would have arrived on time. 5) If the teacher had explained the homework, I would have done it. 6) If they had waited for another 10 minutes, they would have seen the pop star. 7) If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar. 8) If you had bought fresh green vegetable, your salad would have tasted better. 9) If Alex had asked me, I would have emailed the documents. 10) If he had spoken more slowy, Peggy would have understood him.

1) If you had checked the car, it would not have broken down in the middle of the desert. 2) If it had not rained, the children would have played outside. 3) If my parents had not been so tired, they would have watched the film on TV. 4) If she had bought a new hard disk, she would not have lost all data. 5) If we had used the town map, we would not have got lost. 6) If Tom had eaten more salad, he would not have caught a cold. 7) If the police had not stopped me, I would have reached you in time. 8) If his older brother had not driven so fast, he would not have crashed into the other car. 9) If Fred had not cheated at the test, his teacher would not have phoned his father. 10) If I had not switched off the radio, I would have known about the second goal. 1) If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time. 2) Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge. 3) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had fed the animals. 4) If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you. 5) Dan would arrive safe if he drove slowly. 6) You would have had no trouble at school if you had done your homework. 7) If you swim in this lake, you'll shiver from cold. 8) The door will unlock if you press the green button. 9) If Mel had asked her teacher, he'd have answered her questions. 10) I would call the office if I was/were you.

Exercise 1: Form Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. 1. I hate the food at that restaurant... g. I wish we'd eaten somewhere else. 2. It's raining... a. I wish I'd brought my umbrella. Pgina 10 3. It was freezing in the park... e. I wish I'd worn a coat. 4. I've got a horrible stomach ache... f. I wish I hadnt eaten so much popcorn.

5. My brother isn't speaking to me... b. I wish I hadn't shouted at him. 6. I'm really lonely... h. I wish I hadn't broken up with my boyfriend.

7. I'm hungry... c I wish I'd eaten a proper breakfast. 8. I hated every minute of that holiday... d. I wish we'd gone to Paris.

Exercise 2: Positive / Negative Read the sentence and choose the option which best expresses a past regret. 1. I shouted at my little sister this morning. I feel bad about it now. a. I wish I had shouted at my little sister - WRONG b. I wish I hadn't shouted at my little sister - CORRECT

2. I didn't go to the library yesterday. It's closed today. a. I wish I had gone to the library - CORRECT b. I wish I hadn't gone to the library - WRONG

3. I took no notice of the teacher, and I did really badly in the test. a. I wish I had taken more notice - CORRECT b. I wish I hadn't taken more notice - WRONG

4. They stayed up really late, and they are very tired, so the boss is most displeased. a. The boss wishes they had stayed up - WRONG b. The boss wishes they hadn't stayed up - CORRECT

5. Jack didn't tell his wife he was going to be late, and she got really angry with him. a. Jack wishes he had told his wife - CORRECT b. Jack wishes he hadn't told his wife - WRONG

Pgina 11

6. Mary told her brother she was going to be late, so he didn't wait for her. a. Mary wishes she had told her brother - WRONG b. Mary wishes she hadn't told her brother CORRECT

Exercise 3: Questions Choose the 5 words which complete each question: 1. Mary didnt prepare for the interview, and she's sad because she didnt get the job. Does Mary wish she had prepared for the interview? 2. I wanted to wash my car, but I didnt have time. Do you wish you'd had time to wash your car? 3. Michal wanted to buy a diamond ring for his girlfriend, but he couldnt afford it. Does Michal's girlfriend wish he had bought her a diamond ring? 4. Maria ate too many sweets when she was a child, and now she has lost her teeth. Does Maria wish she had eaten fewer sweets when she was a child? 5. Frank and Bill ran all the way to school, but they were still late. Do they wish they hadn't run all the way to school?

6. Benny asked her to have dinner with him, but she laughed and said no. Does he wish he hadn't asked her to have dinner with him?

Pgina 12

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