You are on page 1of 2 catechism [kat-i-kiz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1. Ecclesiastical . a.

an elementary book containing a summary of the principles of the Christian relig ion, especially as maintained by a particular church, in the form of questions a nd answers. b. the contents of such a book. 2. a similar book of instruction in other subjects. 3. a series of formal questions put, as to political candidates, to bring out their views. 4. catechetical instruction. rigorous and persistent questioning, as in a test or interview BRAZEN: Shameless;Insolent MUTTER: Utter words in a barely audible Manner DECISIVE: conclusive;quick to decide DECLIVITY: downward Slope TRAMPLE: Tread under foot;press down or crush in this way. TRAMPLE ON : Tread heavily; Treat roughly or with contempt. REVERBERATE: (of sound,heat or light) Returned; reflected; echoed; Return(a soun d) in the way; (of an Event) producing a continuing effect,shock etc. LEVERAGE: Action or power of a lever;power to accomplish a purpose. REMIT :. To slacken or relax.;To transmit money, a check, etc., as in payment.;T o abate for a time or at intervals, as a fever.;To refrain from exacting, as a p ayment or service.;To pardon or forgive a sin, offense, etc. E.G.It matters not that we remit our attention, at times, to the pain or the ple asure; these are always in the background; and the strength of the appetite is t heir strength. (Remit is derived from the Latin roots re- meaning "back" and mit meaning "send, " so it literally meant "to send back.) ANTIPODE : A direct or exact opposite ESCULENT: something edible,especially a vegetable; suitable for use as a food E.G.There are many varieties of mushrooms, some of which are very poisonous; the refore you should be careful in selecting them, that you do not mistake the pois onous for the esculent ones. CREDULOUS : willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper o r adequate evidence; gullible OVERSEER: supervisor,manager. ARITSTOCRAT: anything regarded as the best, most elegant, or most stylish of its kind: the aristocrat of California wines. STOCKADE : Fortification . a defensive barrier consisting of strong posts or tim bers fixed upright in the ground;an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes. ;U.S. Military . a prison for military personnel. SHREWD : ASTUTE;CLEVER AND JUDICIOUS. CLAMOUR: A LOUD PERSISTENT OUTCRY, AS FROM LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE PROD : Stimulus Apropos : at an appropriate time. Facile : Done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy. Working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease and fluency. Arrived at without due care, effort, or examination; superficial: propo

sed a facile solution to a complex problem. Entente : 1. An agreement between two or more governments or powers for cooperat ive action or policy: "the economic entente between the Soviet Union and western Europe" (Robert W. Tucker). Inevitable : 1. Impossible to avoid or prevent. 2. Invariably occurring or appearing; predictable Strew :1. To spread here and there; scatter 2. To cover (an area or a surface) with things scattered or sprinkled: 3. disseminate. Bust : 1. A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest. Jubilant : 1. Exultingly joyful. 2. Expressing joy. Artillery : 1.Large-caliber weapons, such as cannon, howitzers, and missile laun chers, that are operated by crews. 2.The branch of an army that specializes in the use of such weapons Mortar : 1. A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle 2. A machine in which materials are ground and blended or crushed. 3.a. A portable, muzzleloading cannon used to fire shells at low veloci ties, short ranges, and high trajectories. b. Any of several similar devices, such as one that shoots life lines across a stretch of water. catharsis : 1. A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially p ity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audienc e. 2. A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experien ce, that restores or refreshes the spirit. Overwhelming : overpowering in effect or strength. Cogent : appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing (syn:conv incing, strong, powerful, effective, compelling, urgent, influential, potent) Stave : to break or crush; A narrow strip of wood forming part of the sides of a barrel, tub, or similar structure.

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