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The MSN Challenge Hosting Bid

Name: Jensen K. Host Nation: Norway Tell us something unique about yourself? I qualified for the Norwegian Winter Olympic Skiing Team in 2010 but I only made it to preliminaries. My great-grandfather was also the mayor of Bergen a popular city here in Norway. What got you interested in wanting to host The MSN Challenge? Im intrigued by cultural productions. For me personally its a way to give others a piece of who I am; what Im all about. It allows me to express myself to showcase my individuality. I think the MSN Challenge would be a good platform to prove my talents to others. What makes you different from the other four candidates? Im the oldest of the other candidates at 21 years of age. I have more maturity and Im much wiser which are traits necessary to take on such a big responsibility. If I know people are depending on me to get things done I dont mess around I get straight to work. How do you intend on devoting time to organize this production? Im free and available to devote time to this production three days out of the week which I think is sufficient time to put things together. What do you intend on adding to The MSN Challenge as a part of your hosting experience? I intend to open the games to more plays that way more people can participate rather than your usual 10 players limit. I also intend to add better press coverage for those who cant make it to the actual event.

The MSN Challenge Hosting Bid

Name: Jevine T. Host Nation: United States Tell us something unique about yourself? I have ADHD Im not exactly sure if that makes me unique or a reject but either way I roll with it lol. Its been something Ive been working on myself to keep me grounded. I can also speak American Sign Language to add to my oddness ;) What got you interested in wanting to host The MSN Challenge? Im a challenge seeker; I love challenging myself taking on new obstacles. An opportunity such as this one would allow me to engage and interact with people from across the world and acquire new traits and skills that Im eager to learn. Id like to improvise my socializing skills as well and this seems like a good opportunity to do just that. What makes you different from the other four candidates? Im determined and devoted. Anytime Im involved in any type of project I give it my all. Im the type of person that enjoys responsibilities because when I get things done theres always a sense of satisfaction to go along with it. When I set my mind on an objective I wont rest till Ive seen the outcome. How do you intend on devoting time to organize this production? I have a time-chart in mind that I intend on setting forward if Im granted the hosting slot. It would consist of weekends and Thursdays which is my day off from work. What do you intend on adding to The MSN Challenge as a part of your hosting experience? More socializing venues/events for the competitors to get to know one another better. More setups/chats were all the competitors can socialize and just enjoy more chit-chat time away from the games.

The MSN Challenge Hosting Bid

Name: Modiko G. Host Nation: Fiji Tell us something unique about yourself? Im an amateur tattoo artist! I like to draw and sketch tattoos a couple which Ive been able to tat on my friends but its all been amateur work up to this point. I hope to open up my own tattoo parlor someday in the future. What got you interested in wanting to host The MSN Challenge? Im a peoples person I like meeting new people. I think each person you meet can teach you something new in life and Id like to learn new things from this international circle. Id also like to give back by teaching everyone something about my heritage. What makes you different from the other four candidates? Im fun spirited I know how to have fun and how to be serious all at once. I dont get uptight about things. Most of the candidates campaigning seem strict and rigid. How do you intend on devoting time to organize this production? Im available and disposable to dedicate time to this project during week days afternoons when I have nothing in specific to do. What do you intend on adding to The MSN Challenge as a part of your hosting experience? Rather than being an eight day event Id like to stretch it to a ten day event. Id also like to add one extra part to each game competition making it three parts for each game competition.

The MSN Challenge Hosting Bid

Name: Lindsey H. Host Nation: Ireland Tell us something unique about yourself? I collect coins from all around the world I have a coin from just about 7/10 of the countries around the world and thats not an exaggeration. I plan on putting on some kind of demonstration at an Art Gallery someday when Im all done collecting my coins. What got you interested in wanting to host The MSN Challenge? I like being in charge of big projects for the creative aspects of it. Ever since I was a child I loved putting things together and organizing events. I organized my sisters sweet 16 all by myself and loved every minute of it. What makes you different from the other four candidates? I have a vision for everything; Im much more detailed than anyone else Ive met thats campaigning. I think small detailing is what truly brings a picture to life every art work you see has small detailing; it makes the art work itself so much more vibrant. How do you intend on devoting time to organize this production? Im looking into putting a certain number of hours into this project weekly versus a certain number a days. About 6 hours of work weekly maximum more or less. What do you intend on adding to The MSN Challenge as a part of your hosting experience? More introductory events to use as a bridge to get the competitors acquainted with one another. During The MSN Challenge Romania the only introductory event they put on was The Competitors Jukebox.

The MSN Challenge Hosting Bid

Name: Kadijah D. Host Nation: Morocco Tell us something unique about yourself? I compose music and create my own instruments. Its my dream to be a music producer someday even though my parents dont agree with it. What got you interested in wanting to host The MSN Challenge? I always thought it would be exciting to be a part of something big! Something that I could say I play a strong influential element in putting it together. I hear about The MSN Challenge and I thought this would be a good place to make my mark. What makes you different from the other four candidates? Im mysterious I have the most different ideas and concepts of how to put it all together. I think thats an exciting element when choosing a new host because you dont want to have the same repeat of things over and over. How do you intend on devoting time to organize this production? I have time set aside during some of the weekdays and weekends to work on the project itself. What do you intend on adding to The MSN Challenge as a part of your hosting experience? More entertainment for the candidates and audience which would include more cultural themed presentations throughout the eight days of the games.

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