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Womens Rights Process paper

Written By: Kelsey ,Kiersten, Madison, and Yvonne

We chose our topic because Womens Rights is one of the most important turning points in history. It would also have an enormous effect on our everyday lives. If, perhaps womens rights were not fought for then all of the girls and women of not only our society but, the whole world would go uneducated and disrespected

by men. We whole-heartedly fell for this topic because we believed that Womens Rights is one of the most important events that have gone on in history and is still being worked on to this day. When researching our topic, we used all of the resources that we could obtain but, mostly web pages and sites because we created a web-based project. Books and encyclopedia were also a major part of our research. One of those books are Created Equal; Voices On Womens Right by Anna Horsbrughporter, which provided an abundance of information which we included in our project. Every piece of information was very valuable in the production of our project. We chose to create a website for our National History Day project because we thought that, with our computer tech, knowledge, that a website would be the most simple of the projects that we could create. Using Weebly website creator we pieced together multimedia, pictures, plenty of information, varying opinions and, new laws that effect womens rights. We produced a website on womens rights that we think meets the standards and expectations of this contest. Or website relates to the National History Day theme because women rights is an enormous and very vital turning point in the history of women and in history in general. Without womens right women and girls if many societies would still be excluded in home and land ownership and many other privileges such as voting and an education.

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