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Slalen IsIand 5, Nev Yoik

IORT WADSWORTH 1663-1963. . . A Hisloiy. . .
Ioil Wadsvoilh has lhe dislinclion of leing lhe oIdesl conlinuaIIy-nanned inslaIIalion in lhe Uniled
Slales and lhis yeai naiks lhe 3OOlh Anniveisaiy of ils conlinuous use.
The niIilaiy hisloiy of lhis oId foil is a pail of lhe ell and fIov of oui Nalion's pasl, fion ils liilh
lo lhe cuiienl day. Il legins vhen lhe Dulch puichased Slalen IsIand in 1626 fion lhe Indians.
SellIenenl of lhe IsIand legan sIovIy and il vas 1632 lefoie an allenpl vas nade lo eslalIish a
connunily. In 1636 an enleipiising Dulchnan luiIl lhe fiisl lIock foil on lhe heighls nov occupied ly
Ioil Wadsvoilh, lhis vas sulsequenlIy deslioyed ly lhe Indians in 1655. The Dulch, hovevei, ieluiIl
lhe lIock house in 1663 onIy a fev yaids fion lhe pievious iII-faled foil, and lhis dale naiks lhe
leginning of lhe uninleiiupled use of lhis posl as a niIilaiy inslaIIalion.
Thiough lhe coIoniaI peiiod, and lhe RevoIulionaiy Wai, lhe Wai of I8I2, lhe CiviI Wai and lhe
Spanish-Aneiican Wai, and WoiId Wai 1, lhe Ioil conlinued lo expand, occupying a pioninenl posilion
in lhe defense of lhe vilaI Hev Yoik Hailoi fion ils defense posl on lhe heighls oveiIooking lhe
Naiiovs. Duiing WoiId Wai II, oId Ioil Tonpkins seived as a Iookoul posl foi ships using lhe Hev
Yoik Hailoi. Moie iecenlIy lhis slalion vas used as lhe sile of lhe MissiIe Defense Connand of lhe Hev
Yoik MeliopoIilan aiea.
I an pioud lo piesenl you vilh lhis copy of a speciaI liicenlenaiy edilion of lhe hisloiy of Ioil
Wadsvoilh fion 1663 lo 1963.

CoIoneI, Infanliy Connanding
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Slalen IsIand 5, Nev Yoik
TalIe of Conlenls
Hisloiy of Ioil WADSWORTH 1
Hisloiy of MiIIei Ainy AiifieId 2O
CeneiaI Oideis Naning Iosl and alleiies Annex A
Iage 25
iief Refeiences lo lhe Ieisons foi Whon lhe alleiies aie Naned Annex
Iage 3O
Deeds Coveiing Lands IncIuded in lhe Ioil Wadsvoilh Iosl Annex C
Iage 32
Dales of Acquisilion of Tiacls of Land Annex D
Iage 35
Lavs of Cession of Land ly Slale lo lhe Uniled Slales Annex L
Iage 37
Lasenenl foi Road, Slieel and iidge Annex I
Maps of Ioil Wadsvoilh
1781 Annex C
1831 Annex H
1859 Annex I
1887 Annex }
1936 Annex K
1963 Annex L
Map of Slalen IsIand. Annex M
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Ioi 3OO yeais Ioil WADSWORTH has Iooked lo lhe sea ils guns veie liained on lhe Naiiovs,
defending lhe appioaches lo Nev Yoik Hailoi and lhe vasl indusliiaI conpIex lhal Iays al lhe valei's edge.
This defensive nission vas lasicaIIy lhe sane in 1636, vhen a coupIe of nen guaided lhe fiisl liny Dulch
lIockhouse foil, as il vas lhiee cenluiies Ialei, vhen seveiaI hundied soIdieis nanned lhe huge seacoasl
guns on lhe heighls, and lhe anli-aiiciafl ailiIIeiy of Iosl WoiId Wai II peiiod.
Ceogiaphy pie-deslined foi Ioil Wadsvoilh a vilaI niIilaiy ioIe Silualed high on lhe vooded lIuffs
oveiIooking lhe Naiiovs, conlioI of lhe foil assuied ils naslei slialegic conlioI of lhe Nev Yoik aiea. This
lasic piincipIe has heIped Ioil Wadsvoilh lecone lhe oIdesl conlinuousIy nanned posilion in lhe Uniled
Slales. The Indians giasped lhe piincipIe in lhe eaiIy days of coIonizalion vhen, fion a Iookoul poinl on lhe
foil's piesenl sile, lhey valched Heniy Hudson
s "HaIf Moon" saiI inlo Nev Yoik Hailoi. Il vas aIso loine
in nind ly lhe Dulch, LngIish, and Aneiican goveinnenls, aII of vhon gaiiisoned lioops heie.
One of Slalen IsIand's hisloiians, Iia K. Moiiis, says In his nenoiiaI sludy: "The Dulch had a foil on
lhe heighls of lhe Naiiovs (nov Ioil Wadsvoilh), duiing lheii conlioI, lhe LngIish enIaiged and slienglh-
ened il, lhe Slale of Nev Yoik incieased ils inpoilance duiing lhe "Wai of 1812, and lhe NalionaI
Coveinnenl has fion line lo line added lo ils inpoilance, unliI nov il is one of lhe sliongesl poinls of
defense in lhe vhoIe counliy," Thus, conlinues lhe hisloiian, lhe scene of lhe IillIe Dulch lIockhouse and
liading-posl of 1614, and Ialei, lhe caslIe-Iike foils of 1812 has lecone one of lhe nosl inpoilanl niIilaiy
posls on lhe conlinenl."
Ioil Wadsvoilh has leen defended ly Indian, Dulchnen, LngIishnen, and Aneiican. ul il vas an
IlaIian, Ciovanni Veiiazzano, caiiying lhe fIag of a Iiench king, Iiancis 1, vho fiisl discoveied ils piesenl
sile* Veiiazzano enleied lhe Naiiovs in 1524, and anchoied oveinighl opposile lhe hiIIs on vhich lhe Ioil
nov slands. The nexl noining, hovevei, a vioIenl gaIe diove hin oul lo sea.
Nol unliI 16O9 veie lhe Naiiovs again penelialed. On Seplenlei 11, Heniy Hudson, seiving undei
lhe Dulch Lasl India Conpany, discoveied Nev Yoik Hailoi and legan lo invesligale ils uppei ieaches.
Lalei expIoieis Ieained lhal as soon as Hudson saiIed pasl lhe Naiiovs inlo lhe hailoi lhe Indians eiecled
Iook-oul loveis on lhe highesl poinl of lhe Iosl and al Todl HiII, in lhe niddIe of lhe IsIand. Iion lhese
slalions, signaIs veie lo le senl lo aII lhe neighloiing liiles lo iaIIy and iepeI lhe inliudeis. Hudson naned
lhis IsIand Slalen LyIandl (isIand of lhe Slales), in honoi of lhe NelheiIands goveining lody, lhe Slales-
CeneiaI. The Dulch puichased Slalen IsIand lo 1626 fion lhe Aquehounga Indians, a lianch of lhe Raiilan
liiles. SellIenenl pioceeded sIovIy, and il vas 1632 lefoie David Iieleisen de Viies fiisl allenpled lo eslal-
Iish a connunily. Il vas de Viies vho, in 1636, luiIl lhe fiisl lIock foil, defended ly one oi lvo nen, on lhe
heighls nov occupied ly Ioil Wadsvoilh. De Viies aIso consliucled a signaI slalion on lhe hiII, lhe fiisl lo
le luiIl ly vhiIe nen in Noilh Aneiica,
The fiisl peinanenl sellIenenl cane in 1641 al Oude Doip (OId Tovn) jusl soulh of Ioil Wadsvoilh
and vilhin vaIking dislance. ul lhe coIony and de Viies
lIock foil and signaI slalion, veie deslioyed ly
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lhe Indians in 1655. The 1655 nassacie vas liiggeied ly a Dulchnan, Hendiick Van Dyck, foinei alloiney-
geneiaI of Nev Ansleidan. Van Dyck, on iising one noining, discoveied a squav in his gaiden sleaIing
peaches) in a nonenl of angei he seized his gun and shol hei, kiIIing hei inslanlIy," In ielaIialion, lhe
Raiilan liiles dispalched 1, 9OO Indians in 64 canoes lo Slalen IsIand, kiIIing 22 of lhe 9O inhalilanls and
caiiying nosl of lhe suivivois inlo caplivily,
Thiee yeais Ialei lhe Dulch sellIeis luiId a nev coIony, Nieve Doip, on lhe sile of lhe piesenl MiIIei
Ainy Aii IieId, ly 1663 anolhei lIockhouse had iisen, neai lhe piesenl Ioil Tonpkins and onIy a fev yaids
fion de Viies' iII-faled foil. This dale naiks lhe leginning of lhe uninleiiupled use of lhis posl as a niIilaiy
InslaIIalion, aIlhough il vas fiisl used in 1636, OnIy 2O feel squaie, lhe vooden defense vas guaided ly six,
oi al nosl, len nen, ained vilh a giand-lolaI of lvo iifIes This Dulch gaiiison pioved inadequale lo slave
off an allack ly lhe Duke of Yoik's huge fIeel in lhe foIIoving yeai, and conlioI of lhe iegion feII lo LngIand.
The iilish cIeaiIy iecognized lhe slialegic vaIue of lhe posilions sliaddIing lhe Naiiovs. In 17 O7,
lhey Ievied a lax of 3, OOO pounds on lhe }uslices of Richnond Counly, lo defiay lhe cosl of foilifying Nev
Yoik Cily. Iails of lhe funds veie channeIed inlo lhe consliuclion of addilionaI lIockhouses aIong lhe
Wilh lhe slail of lhe RevoIulionaiy Wai, lhe Slalen IsIand gaiiison again cane inlo pioninence. Il is
aInosl ceilain lhal Ioil Wadsvoilh vas used ly CeneiaI Ceoige Washinglon's nen as a Iook-oul and signaI
posl. The enliy foi ApiiI 25, 1776 in lhe CeneiaI's Iog look, vhich he kepl foi lhe ConlinenlaI Congiess lo
iecoid his vai expendiluies, shovs an ilen of 16 pounds, 1O shiIIings, "To lhe Lxpn. of nyseIf and paily
iecclg. lhe sevI, Ianding pIaces of Slalen IsIand." A veek aflei Washinglon's ieconnoileiing nission, he senl
a delachnenl of nen lo lhe heighls oveiIooking lhe Naiiovs lo keep valch foi lhe aiiivaI of lhe iilish fIeel.
The lioops veie posled on vhal vas lhen "SignaI HiII". To connunicale vilh Nev Yoik Cily, lhey used a
piinilive veision of lhe leIegiaph, Iack and vhile kegs oi Iaige laIIs veie hoisled on lhe oId fIagslaff lo
signaI lhe appioach of eneny vesseIs. LaiIy in }uIy, 1776, CeneiaI Hove -Ianded vilhoul opposilion an
LngIish ainy of 9, OOO nen on Slalen IsIand, ShoilIy afleivaids his liolhei, Loid Hove, saiIed inlo Nev
Yoik Hailoi vilh a Iaige fIeel, and Ianded 2O, OOO noie lioops on lhe IsIand. Loid Hove, connanding lhe
conlined ainies, ciossed lhe Naiiovs a nonlh Ialei. A snaII gaiiison Ialei ieinfoiced, vas Iefl on lhe
IsIand. One of lhe iilon's fiisl jols duiing lhe faII of 1776 vas lhe ieluiIding of Slalen IsIand's defenses,
incIuding lhe foiliesses on lhis sile. The iilish occupied lhe IsIand unliI I783.
Al lhe end of lhe RevoIulion, lhe Ioil eained anolhei dislinclion aIlhough a ialhei dulious one: il vas
lhe laigel foi lhe Iasl iilish shol of lhe Wai. On Lvacualion Day, 25 Novenlei, 1783, a Iaige civiIian ciovd
galheied on lhe heighls, neai lhe piesenl Ioil Tonpkins quadiangIe lo jeei al lhe iilish as lhey saiIed oul of
lhe Hailoi. The ciev of one iilish gunloal, snailing fion lheii defeal and iesenling lhe Slalen IsIandeis'
deiision, fiied a shol inlo lhe ciovd. ul lhe laII feII shoil, and no one vas injuied.
Aflei lhe RevoIulionaiy Wai lhe IsIandeis Ievied laxes lo iesloie danaged foilificalions. They
ienaned lhis pail of lhe IsIand Ioil Richnond. y 18O8 foui gaiiisons piolecled SignaI HiII: Ioil Richnond
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al lhe edge of lhe Maiiovs, Ioils Moilon and Hudson on lhe sIopes of lhe hiII, and Ioil Tonpkins, on lhe
peak of lhe hiII.
Despile iesloialion effoils, lhe IsIand's defenses veie scaiceIy adequale as lhe Wai of 1812 diev
neai. In 18O8, lhe sane yeai lhe foui foils veie ieconsliucled, aII of Slalen IsIand had onIy 164 guns. Nev
Yoiks' Coveinoi DanieI D. Tonpkins, fiequenl lenefacloi and idoI of lhe IsIandeis, and Ialei a Vice-
Iiesidenl of lhe Uniled Slales, appiopiialed $25, OOO foi fuilhei foilificalion of lhe Naiiovs. Wilh lhe
oullieak of vai, seveiaI ailiIIeiy conpanies nanned lhe lalleiies on lhe IsIand, and 5OO niIilianen aiiived
al Ioil Richnond in Augusl I8I2. Tvo veeks Ialei lhe Naiiovs defenses ieached a naxinun vhen 12
conpanies of voIunleeis aiiived. ul lhey veie ieIieved fion duly in Novenlei vhen nevs of lhe vicloiies
of lhe "Conslilulion" ovei lhe Cueiiieie" and of lhe "Wasp" ovei lhe "IioIic" leIaledIy ieached Nev Yoik.
LaiIy in I8I3, seveiaI iilish vesseIs veie sighled off Sandy Hook. The Ioil svung inlo aclion. As
one hisloiian desciiles il, lhe fuinaces foi healing lhe cannon laIIs veie nade ieady. The leIegiaph,
consisling of a nunlei of vhile and lIack laIIs oi kegs hoisled in a pieconceiled nannei, gave signaIs easiIy
seen fion Nev Yoik." ul lhe lalleiies' slale of ieadiness, and defensive piecaulions lhal had leen laken,
saved Nev Yoik fion assauIl, and lhe iilish ships veie deleiied and sleeied cIeai of lhe Naiiovs guns.
SliII fuilhei piecaulions veie laken. In }une, 89 addilionaI cannon veie nounled al Ioils Richnond
and Hudson. The 24lh US Infanliy aiiived in lhe Iale faII, loIsleied ly a ieginenl of Nev Yoik voIunleeis.
And in ApiiI, I8I4 Coveinoi Tonpkins secuied anolhei $5O,OOO lo conpIele Ioils Tonpkins and Richnond.
UnliI lhen, Tonpkins had leen onIy a seiies of lenpoiaiy eailhvoiks. Hisloiians iepoil lhal on ils
conpIelion in May, lhe coineislone vas Iaid vilh gieal ceienony. A speciaI sleanloal vas engaged and lhe
land capluied vhen lhe "Macedonian" vas laken suppIied lhe nusic." Red sandslone vas used lo ieluiId
lhe lvo oulposls, Ioil Tonpkins iesenlIed oId CaslIe WiIIians, cuiienlIy used as lhe Coveinois IsIand
slockade, in ils aichilecluiaI slyIe. Ioil Richnond vas haIf-noon shaped.
Coveinoi Tonpkins piessed foi noie inpiovenenls and in Oclolei, 1814, anolhei $5O,OOO vas
appiopiialed. The lIockhouse and eailhvoiks al Iiince's ay veie slienglhened, and lhe caIilei of lhe
cannon al lhe Ioils aIong lhe Naiiovs vas incieased. y 1815, lhe shoies neai lhe piesenl Ioil liislIed vilh
9OO cannon, incIuding 25 lhiily-lvo-poundeis, each veighing one-and-a-haIf lons, 44 lvenly-foui-poundeis,
4 eighleen-poundeis and 7 nine-poundeis.
Nevs of lhe Tiealy of Chenl, concIuding lhe Wai of I8I2, did nol ieach Nev Yoik unliI 11 Ieliuaiy
1815, aIlhough lhe peace vas nade 24 Decenlei 1814. The ceIelialion on Slalen IsIand look lhe foin of a
nalionaI saIule fion lhe guns al Ioil Richnond, foIIoved ly a 'feu de joie' fion lhe infanliy vilh an exlia
ialion of Iiquoi.
A giaphic nenoii of lhe Iosl in 183O vas diavn ly a nenlei of one of Slalen IsIand's oId faniIies,
}uIia H. ScofieId, vho Iived on lhe edge of lhe ieseivalion. In lhe 3O May 1895 edilion of "Slalen IsIandei", a
gazelle, she viiles: The oId ied sandslone foil vhich slood on lhe piesenl sile of Ioil Wadsvoilh had nany
alliaclions. We Ioved lo cioss lhe iickely oId liidge vhich spanned lhe giass giovn noal, and enleiing lhe
Iov poilaI lo find oui vay lo lhe danp and daiksone casenales, Iislening lo lhe echoes oui voices voke in
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feai and lienlIing. Theie ve vouId lieak off lhe Iong slaIacliles lhal hung Iike snovy icicIes fion lhe ioof.
Wilhin lhe aiea encIosed ly lhe Ioil vas an oId Iock House, luiIl of huge Iogs fasl faIIing inlo iuin. Anolhei
alliaclion vas an uncoveied, deep and dangeious veII, lhe leiioi of oui caielakeis, lul in vhich ve
deIighled lo lhiov pellIes and Iislen lo heai lhen sliike lhe valei sone hundied feel leIov. Leaving lhe
oId Ioil and going soulh-vaid ve ieached lhe TeIegiaph slalion slanding on a high lIuff~do nol le slailIed
al lhe seening anachionisn, foi lhis vas Iong lefoie lhe days of eIecliic leIegiaphs. The one vhich I
ienenlei vas a leIegiaph of len ienovalIe ains, each signifying a nuneiaI vhich vouId le seen lolh al
Mev Yoik and Sandy Hook. The nexl oljecl of inleiesl on oui vay vas a iov of diIapidaled laiiacks, lhe
uppei fIooi of vhich had leen a ness ioon and vheie an ancienl naiden Iady loId ne she had danced al lhe
'Ieace aII' given ly lhe officeis of lhe Caiiison in 1814. Nexl ve cane lo lhe Iighlhouse, and lhen nuch
fuilhei soulh lhan il is nov. Wesl of lhe Iighlhouse on a iising giound slood a pielly collage lhal ve veie
loId had leen lhe officeis
quaileis in lhe line of lhe vai." The iuin and disiepaii of 183O nenlioned ly Miss
ScofieId acceIeialed, unliI Ioils Richnond and Tonpkins veie decIaied unfil foi use in 1835. Rusled guns,
decayed caiiiages, and iolled vood foIIoved disuse and negIecl. An accounl of lhe Ioils in 1835 cones fion
a Nev Yoik pulIicalion, "NalionaI Tiades Union". In an ailicIe enlilIed, A Visil lo Ioil Richnond and
Tonpkins," lhe aulhoi says: "On lhe 17lh inslanl lhe viilei avaiIed hinseIf of an invilalion fion
Connissaiy-CeneiaI AicuIaiius, lo acconpany hin and Caplain Shav lo inspecl lhe alove-naned foils,
Iocaled al lhe Naiiovs, on lhe Slalen IsIand side. This is a veiy inpoilanl and sliong niIilaiy posl. Theie
oui Slale expended, aloul lhe peiiod of lhe Iale vai (18I2), upvaids of $5OO, OOO in eiecling lieaslvoiks and
"In lhe haIf-noon lalleiy lheie aie lvenly-five lhiily-lvo poundeis and lvo lvenly-fouis. My
fiiend infoined us of vhal, I couId haidIy ieaIize, lhal lhese nolIe cannons, vilh lul one exceplion, veie
faliicaled in oui ovn counliy upvaids of foily yeais ago. They have a iough exleiioi, lul aie pionounced
ly hin lo le exceIIenl guns. The caiiiages nusl have cosl a gieal sun, ly lheii appeaiance lhey aie veII
nade, lul have leen Iefl exposed lo lhe sloins, lhe vealhei and spiays of lhe sea unliI lhey have sunk lo lhe
fIooi ly decay and undei lhe veighl of lheii luilhen. The iion voik aloul lhen is good yel. The fIooi oi
pIalfoin, on vhich lhey aie pIaced, had yieIded lo lhe deslioying eIenenls, and lheie is nolhing nov fil foi
use in oi aloul lhe voiks, excepl lhe inleiioi of lhe laiiacks and a fev inpIenenls foi lhe seivice of lhe gun.
Theie is nol a singIe piece lhal couId le used vilh effecl, if lhe safely of lhe cily depended upon a singIe shol!
"A gieal quanlily of lhiily-lvo pound shol scalleied aloul lhe foil iusling and coiioding avay,
inviles piIfeieis lo heIp lhenseIves, and enough enliaced lhe invilalion and loie avay nany a shol and
soId lhen foi oId nelaI. The Connissaiy-CeneiaI secuied lhe enliasuies, galheied upvaid of six-
lhousand lhiily-lvo pound shol (voilh al Ieasl $8,OOO), secuied lhen in lhe oId nagazines, and has as fai as
lhe neans aIIoved ly hin lhe niggaid poIicy of oui Slale, pIaced lhe pulIic piopeily lheie-aloul in a nuch
safei condilion,
"The CeneiaI poinled oul lo us one piece of cannon, vhose hisloiy is veiy inleiesling. Il foineiIy
heId a posilion in and Iooked oul of oId Ioil Ansleidan, afleivaid caIIed Ioil Ceoige, on lhe alleiy, al lhe
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Iovei end of lhis (Nev Yoik) cily. Il is a doulIe lhiily-lvo poundei and vas used ly lhe suljecls of Ceoige
The IedeiaI Coveinnenl decided lo puichase lhe decaying Naiiovs oulposls, leing nov iequiied
ly lhe Uniled Slales foi lhe puipose of consliucling and nainlaining piopei defenses foi lhe pioleclion of
lhe hailoi of Nev Yoik," accoiding lo lhe Ielleis palenl iecoiding lhe saIe. Aulhoiizing IegisIalion vas
passed in 1836, lul foinaI puichase of lhe pienises vas nade 15 Ieliuaiy 1847. Ioi a liacl of 47.5 acies, lhe
Coveinnenl paid $33, 284.87.
The oId ied sandslone foils veie loin dovn and lhe naleiiaI soId. Consliuclion of lhe oulposls
vhich sliII sland loday. Ioil Tonpkins and alleiy Weed, vas legun in 1814. Il look 14 yeais lo conpIele
lhen and lhe fiisl lioops veie gaiiisoned on 8 Augusl 1861.
The Richnond Counly Cazelle of 7 May 1862, desciiles Ioils Richnond (lhe piesenl alleiy Weed) and
Tonpkins, "These defenses of oui hailoi aie leing daiIy slienglhened ly aII lhe neans and appIicalions of
noden vaifaie. Ioil Richnond nounled lelveen 14O and 15O cannon, neaiIy aII in pIace. Il vas
gaiiisoned ly quile a sliong foice of soIdieis fion lhe 5lh Reginenl Nev Yoik VoIunleeis AiliIIeiy, CoI.
Ciahan daiIy piaclices vilh lhe Iaige guns," Tonpkins, lhe accounl conlinues, is in a faii slale of
piogiession, "and lesides lhese foilificalions lheie aie lvo poveifuI lalleiies, alleiy Hudson and alleiy
Moilon, one of vhich is Iocaled neai lhe Iighlhouse" On 7 Novenlei 1865, Ioil Wadsvoilh's piesenl nane
vas eslalIished ly Wai Depailnenl CeneiaI Oidei No. 161. The oidei specifies, "The niIilaiy posl on Slalen
IsIand, Nev Yoik Hailoi, nov knovn as Ioil Richnond, viII heieaflei le caIIed Ioil Wadsvoilh, in
nenoiy of lhe gaIIanl and paliiolic seivices of iigadiei CeneiaI }anes S. Wadsvoilh vho vas kiIIed, al lhe
head of his connand, in lhe allIe of lhe WiIdeiness, Viiginia, May 6, 1864" CeneiaI Wadsvoilh vas aIso
ciled foi liaveiy in lhe allIe al Cellysluig, IennsyIvania, vheie a slalue of hin vas eiecled ly Nev Yoik
Slale and dedicaled in 1911. efoie lhe Wai Depailnenl ie-naned il, lhis Iosl loie seveiaI lilIes, aII
iefeiiing lo ils use foi signaIing lefoie lhe eia nf eIecliic leIegiaphy These incIude "SignaI HiII" "IIagslaff",
"The TeIegiaph", "Look Oul" and "CIiflon and TeIegiaph Slage".
In accoidance vilh CeneiaI Oideis 66, Wai Depailnenl, daled 24 Novenlei 1897, lhe nane Ioil
Wadsvoilh vas exlended lo lhe gaiiison al lhe edge of lhe valei. An on 14 Ieliuaiy 19O2, lhe Wai
Depailnenl issued CeneiaI Oideis 16, ievoking CeneiaI Oideis 66 and appIying lhe nane Ioil Wadsvoilh
lo aII lhe foilificalions Iocaled on lhe niIilaiy ieseivalion on lhe vesl side of lhe Naiiovs. These Oideis aIso
diiecled lhal lhe slone foil al lhe valeis edge le naned "alleiy Weed, in honoi of Caplain Slephen H.
Weed, 5lh U.S., AiliIIeiy, iigadiei CeneiaI, Uniled Slales VoIunleeis, vho vas kiIIed in lhe allIe of
Cellysluig, IennsyIvania, }uIy 2, 1863."
Duiing lhe yeais lelveen lhe CiviI Wai and WoiId Wai One, lhe Ioil expanded neaiIy lhieefoId.
The najoi expansion look pIace lelveen 1892 and 19O1. To lhe oiiginaI ieseivalion of Iess lhan 9O acies, lhe
Coveinnenl added seveiaI piivale piopeilies il had puichased, giving Ioil Wadsvoilh a lolaI liacl of 226.5
acie's. Ioilificalions veie nodeinized. "The effecl" of lhe expansion, iepoil a chionicIei, "has leen lo foin a
consideialIe, sonevhal paik-Iike aiea in vhich, duiing lhe line of peace, one nay lake pIeasanl vaIks."
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WhiIe lhe aiea easl of Nev Yoik Avenue vas occupied ly lhe ieseivalion piioi lo 1892, lhe Coveinnenl
acquisilions added a Iaige pIol lo lhe vesl of lhe Avenue. The Iosl foIIoved lhe pallein of noinaI gaiiison
Iife lovaid lhe end of lhe cenluiy. A iepoil ly lhe Suigeon-CeneiaI's Office on hygiene and Iiving condilions
in lhe Ainy gave lhis accounl in 1875:
"The nen occupy foui doiniloiies casenales in Ioil Tonpkins, aveiaging len nen and leds in each. The
casenales aie confoilalIy vained ly Iaige anlhiacile coaI-slove in each, Iighled ly candIes al nighl. Aii
space anpIe, each occupanl has five-hundied culic feel". UnliI lhe end of WoiId Wai One in 1918, Ioil
Wadsvoilh ienained a coasl ailiIIeiy posl of lhe fiisl nagnilude, one of lhe conlinenls sliongesl gaiiisons.
One aulhoi, viiling in 1935 said, Iion lhe CiviI Wai loo shoilIy lefoie lhe WoiId Wai lhis posl vas one of
lhe nosl heaviIy ained foils. Nov aflei advenl of Iong iange guns and aiipIanes, il has lecone an infanliy
posl vilh onIy a snaII C.A.C. (Coasl AiliIIeiy Coips) delachnenl. The ailiIIeiy unil nainlained lhe heavy
cannon sliII in connission al lhe line.
Bctwccn Wars
Ioil Wadsvoilh assuned a nev Iook lelveen lhe vais. Mosl of ils laiiacks, ioads, adninislialion
luiIdings, and liaining fieIds veie eiecled duiing lhe 192O's and 3O's. Long lIeak, liovn, vooded laiiacks
of lhe Woiks Iiojecls Adninislialion and lhe CiviIian Conseivalion Coips nushiooned, housing nen vho
assisled lhe Ainy Lngineeis vilh lheii face Iifling choies. Infanliy unils fion lhe faned 1sl Division--fiisl
oveiseas duiing WoiId Wai I, fiisl lo hil lhe Noinandy eaches in lhe second WoiId Wai, and lhen lhe ig
Red One in gyioscope fion Ceinany aflei a decade of palioI---nade up lhe najoi conpIenenl of lioops
duiing lhis peiiod. LIenenls of lhe 16
Infanliy Reginenl veie heie duiing lhe 192Os, foIIoved in lhe eaiIy
lhiilies ly lhe Second and Thiid lallaIions of lhe 18
Infanliy. olh ieginenls loasled of lallIe iecoids
daling lack lo ShiIoh in lhe CiviI Wai, Sanliago and ManiIa duiing lhe Spanish Aneiican Wai, and Meuse-
Aigonne, Sl MichieI, ad Aisne-Maine duiing WoiId Wai One. And lolh veie deslined lo Ieave Ioil
Wadsvoilh jusl lefoie WoiId Wai Tvo lo pIay a lienendous pail in lhe Afiican and Luiopean conlal
lhealeis. A delachnenl fion lhe 5lh Coasl AiliIIeiy Reginenl nainlained lhe guns oveiIooking lhe Naiiovs.
Unils fion lhe Quaileinaslei Coips and lhe MedicaI Depailnenl conpIeled lhe Iosls inlei-vai gaiiison.
The yeai 1925 naiks lhe junping-off poinl foi a cycIe of najoi consliuclion vhich Iasled ovei a
decade-and-a-haIf. In lhal yeai lhe Iosl Lngineeis legan voiking on a Iaiade Ciound. Thiee najoi
olslacIes had lo le oveicone lefoie lhe lioad, IeveI, giassy fieId couId lake shape, svanps, hiIIs, and liees.
The Lngineeis diained lhe svanp, IeveIed lhen off, and fiIIed lhen in. Diainage vas a pailicuIaiIy difficuIl
jol~a pipe had lo le iun fion lhe fieId lo lhe opposile side of Nev Yoik Avenue, connecling vilh a sevage
syslen. olh pipe and sevei veie viiluaIIy on lhe sane IeveI, lul a fiaclionaI diffeience enalIed lhe
Lngineeis lo cIeai lhe valei fion lhe fieId and fiII il in. The huge oak liees Iining lhe fieId had lo le cul
dovn, and lhe slunps dynaniled. The nonconnissioned office in chaige of lhe piojecl, Maslei Seigeanl Ld
CiavIey, iecaIIs lhal one slunp, lIasled noie lhan 1OO yaids lhiough lhe aii, cane ciashing lhiough lhe ioof
and poich of an officeis iesidence. y 1927, hovevei, lhe Iaiade Ciound vas conpIeled, and giass vas
pIanled on il. ounded ly Nev Yoik Avenue and a diil ioad caIIed "The CeneiaIs Road", lhe Iaiade
Ciound vas doninaled ly "The CeneiaI^ House", an oId vood fiane luiIding vhich peiched on hiII alove
2/22/2004 10
il. The house, inlacl fion lhe day il vas puichased as pail of lhe oId }oseph . Whilney eslale in 1898, vas
used as lhe Connanding CeneiaI

s iesidence unliI lhe leginning of WoiId Wai Tvo.

Modein conciele infanliy laiiacks veie legun in 1929 - Tvo sels of lallaIion laiiacks, each designed
lo house 6O2 nen, veie finished ly 1931 al an iniliaI cosl of $675,727.49. The Lngineeis eiecled a Iaige liick
slalIe, vilh a capacily of 51 aninaIs, lo hoId lhe Ainy's nuIes and Hoises In 1932, a Iosl Thealei vas luiId
ly IedeiaI piisoneis, undei lhe supeivision of Ainy Lngineeis. The piisoneis veie quaileied al lhe oId Ioil
Tonpkins QuadiangIe vhiIe lhey veie voiking lon lhe sliucluie.
In 1935, a gioup of W.I.A. Ialoieis aiiived on Iosl, noving Intn speciaIIy-luiId vood pIank laiiacks
al lhe veslein end of Nev Yoik Avenue. They veie foIIoved ly lhe 39Olh Veleians Conpany of lhe C.C.C.,
vho occupied an encanped on lhe veslein seclion of lhe ieseivalion. The W.I.A. accounled foi lhe fionl
and lack gales of Ioil Wadsvoilh, gaiages, seveiaI guaidhouses, lhe Officeis
CIul, a handlaII couil lehind
lhe infanliy laiiacks, and seveiaI ioads. Il vas aIso W.I.A. Ialoi lhal consliucled lhe oId Iosl Lxchange in
1938. C.C.C. voikeis aie ciediled vilh luiIding pail of lhe sea vaII, and vilh sone Iiniled foiesliy voik
aiound lhe ieseivalion,
On 1 Oclolei 1931, MiIIei IieId officiaIIy lecane a sul-posl of Ioil Wadsvoilh. Seiving as a slalion
foi Ainy lioops, an eneigency Ianding fieId and nainlenance aiea foi Iand and sea pIanes, a liaining sile
and ainoiy foi aii unils of lhe Nev Yoik NalionaI Cuaid, and Ialei, lhe IocaIe of 9Onn anliaiiciafl guns and
iadai equipnenl, lhe fieId coveis sone 214 acies. Il is Iocaled lhiee niIes soulhvesl of Ioil Wadsvoilh, In
Nev Doip, Slalen IsIand.
MiIIei IieId vas aulhoiized in 1917 as an Aeio Coasl Defense slalion. The Coveinnenl consideied il
an ideaI Iocalion foi Iand and sea pIanes, and spenl $42O,O41.48 lo puichase lhe acieage fion lhe Ceoige W.
VandeiliIl eslale in 1919. Consliuclion on lhe fieId legan in lhe yeai il vas puichased. The fieId vas naned
undei CeneiaI Oidei 1, 192O, in nenoiy of Caplain }anes L. MiIIei, vho vas kiIIed in aclion 8 Maich 1918,
neai Aisne, Iiance MiIIei had leen seiving vilh lhe 95lh Aeio Squadion on lhe Soissons secloi.,
Duiing lhe 193O lhe lase vas lhe hone of lhe 1sl Tank Conpany. Ils hangais sheIleied AdniiaI yid's
pIanes liiefIy in 1933, vhen lhe pIanes veie seiviced al MiIIei IieId lefoie yid's expedilion lo lhe Noilh
IoIe. An IlaIian seapIane ciealed a slii al MiIIei in lhe nid-3O vhen il Ianded lheie aflei a lians-AlIanlic
Wnr!d War II
Wilh lhe appioach of WoiId Wai Tvo, Ioil Wadsvoilh's nission changed once again Iiisl Division
infanliynen, incIuding one lallaIion of lhe I6lh Infanliy and lvo lallaIions of lhe I8lh Infanliy veie
liansfeiied lo olhei siles in lhe neliopoIilan aiea foi liaining puiposes. LillIe acluaI infanliy liaining vas
done heie and lhe lallaIions slalioned al Wadsvoilh usuaIIy noved lo Ioil Dix foi sunnei naneuveis. y
27 Ieliuaiy 1941, lhe infanliy unils veie cIeaied fion lhe Iosl. LaiIy in Maich, Ioil Wadsvoilh vas
conlioIIed ly Coasl AiliIIeiynen foi lhe fiisl line since 1919 - Al lhe sane line, lhe 12O5lh Seivice
Connand Seivice Unil, piovisionaIIy oiganized in Decenlei, 194O, vas officiaIIy designaled and slalioned
heie. Aflei 22 yeais, lhe 12O5lh (nov lhe 12O5lh US Ainy Caiiison, is sliII al Ioil Wadsvoilh. The lioops
innedialeIy legan inlensive liaining foi lheii nev duaI nission-coaslaI and anliaiiciafl defense. SeveiaI
2/22/2004 11
connand posl exeicises enphasized connunicalions nelvoiks, nine pIanling, and defense of vilaI
inslaIIalions. In giving a ciilique on one of lhe exeicises. Lieulenanl CeneiaI Hugh. Diun, Iiisl Ainy
Connanding CeneiaI, sliessed lhe nev ioIe of lioops as aclive soIdieis, no Iongei caielakeis.
ReIief fion lhe piessuies of aII-oul liaining cane on 7 }une 19^1^ vhen a ceienony vas heId on lhe
Iaiade Ciound foi ChiIIean Anlassadoi Senoi Don RodoIfo MicheIs and his slaff. The ChiIean Anlassadoi
visiled lhe giave of ChiIena, voiId chanpion niIilaiy nounl vhich vas luiied on lhe Wadsvoilh
ieseivalion aflei ils dealh on 3O Novenlei 194O. ChiIena, a ChiIean Ainy hoise, had capluied voiId honois
in lhe junping conpelilion al Madison Squaie Caiden jusl lefoie il lioke ils neck in a faII.
LaiIy in }une, lioop lianspoils caiiying lhe I6lh infanliy sleaned pasl Ioil Wadsvoilh, eniool lo a
nev liaining canp. Wilhin a yeai, lhe I6lh and lhe I8lh veie shipped oveiseas, leginning a jouiney lhal
caiiied lhen lhiough AIgeiia, Moiocco, Tunisia, SiciIy, Noinandy, lhe RhineIand, lhe allIe of lhe uIge,
and finaIIy, CenliaI Luiope. A fev days Ialei, lhe Iosl Iog look iecoids lhe depailuie of lhe lianspoil Wesl
fion Nev Yoik Hailoi, leaiing Ceinan and IlaIian consuIai peisonneI tn lheii honeIands.
SuppIies and equipnenl legan pouiing inlo Ioil Wadsvoilh lo aid in ils lask. Lale in 1941, nany of
lhe heavy seacoasl guns veie disnanlIed and soId foi sciap. Mosl of lhese veie iepIaced duiing lhe eaiIy
yeais of lhe Wai vilh seaichIighl lalleiies and anliaiiciafl ailiIIeiy, incIuding lhiee-inch guns. SeveiaI 155
nn guns veie enpIaced. The "CeneiaI Oid" a nine pIanlei, aiiived foi lhe use of lhe Iosl's nine lalleiy.
The unil heIped Iay an exlensive sulnaiine nel acioss lhe Naiiovs. ConpIeled 1944, lhe nel slielched fion
MiIIei Ainy AiifieId lo Svinluine IsIand neai lhe Naiiovs, and on lo lhe nain channeI. A gap vas Iefl in
lhe channeI, and lhe nel picked up again on lhe iookIyn side of lhe Naiiovs, neai Ioil HaniIlon, and
exlended lo lhe Rockavays. A signaI poIe, lo le used ly lhe Hailoi Lnliance ConlioI Iosl heie, vas iaised
on lhe paiapel of Ioil Tonpkins. Liecled in eighl houis, lhe poIe vas equipped vilh iadio anlennae and
signaI haIyaids. The Hailoi Lnliance ConlioI Iosl conposed of Ainy and Navy delachnenls iesponsilIe
foi checking vesseIs enleiing and Ieaving Nev Yoik Hailoi, ienained heie unliI 1946. SeveiaI poveifuI anli-
aiiciafl poilalIe seaichIighls and povei pIanls veie sel up, lesled and nanned. The Iosls lalleiies engaged
in Iong fiiing piaclices.
In Oclolei, lhe aiea-vide "Inleiceploi" exeicises legan. A hosliIe "Iack IIeel" vilh aii and nosquilo
loal conponenls allacked aII lhe hailoi defenses fion Sandy Hook lo lhe Naiiovs. }oinl Ainy and Navy
gioups veie iesponsilIe foi piolecling lhe inslaIIalions, vhiIe seaichIighl cievs fion lhe anliaiiciafl
lalleiies spolled lhe invadeis. The Iosl Iog look iepoils: Mosquilo loal allack nade al 7:45 IM in lvo
vaves RepuIsed."
The gaiiison venl on an eneigency lasis on 7 Decenlei, vilh lhe oullieak of WoiId Wai Tvo,
Cuaids veie posled and lhe lalleiies nanned 24 houis a day. Wilhin a veek aflei lhe slail of hosliIilies,
eIenenl of lvo Coasl AiliIIeiy (Anliaiiciafl AiliIIeiy) Reginenls pouied inlo Wadsvoilh~lhe 6Isl C.A.
(A.A.) and lhe 197lh C.A. (A.A.) alleiies fion lhese ieginenls fanned oul in defensive posilions lhioughoul
lhe neliopoIilan aiea. ul neilhei of lhese Coasl AiliIIeiy unils vas heie foi Iong. Thiee veeks aflei lhey
aiiived, lhe 6Isl lioops shipped oul foi Ioil Hancock, Nev }eisey, The Iog look enliy foi 6 }anuaiy 1942
ieads "Lven a Iosl Diaiy is enlilIed lo a lil of phiIosophic specuIalion as lo anolhei~and Iess pIeasanl~
deslinalion, An anolhei deslinalion il vas, foi ly lhe end of lhe Wai, lhe 6Isl vas ciediled vilh giound
2/22/2004 12
conlal in lhe Luiopean-Afiican-MiddIe Laslein Thealei. The 197lh Iefl lhe Iosl a veek Ialei, headed foi
Ioil Dix.
The 213lh C.A. (A.A.) noved in lo iepIace lhe oulgoing ieginenls, and legan lo assenlIe and nan 9O-
nn anliaiiciafl guns. The 213lh and lhe 245|n C.A. a NalionaI Cuaid Reginenl fion iookIyn look pail in
lhe fiisl funclionaI fiiing of aII aclive lalleiies on lhe Iosl in lhiily yeais. alleiies CalIin, TuinluII, MiIIs,
and Dix fiied lheii seacoasl and anliaiiciafl guns duiing lhe exeicises.
efoie Iong, lhe 213lh legan piepaialions foi depailuie. Movenenl of lhe ieginenl piesenled lhe
Iosl Quaileinaslei vilh his liggesl headache. elveen 18-21 }uIy 1942, veII ovei 6OO,OOO pounds of
peisonaI geai, suppIies, and heavy guns veie assenlIed, gulling lhe paiapels of Ioil Tonpkins. olh
civiIian and Ainy liucks veie iequisilioned lo liansfei lhe equipnenl lo lhe docks. The 213lh evenluaIIy
venl oveiseas pailicipaling in lhe AIgeiia-Iiench Moiocco, NapIes-Ioggia, and Rone-Aino canpaigns.
Tvo MiIilaiy IoIice allaIions veie aclivaled and oiganized al Wadsvoilh, and Ialei shipped oul.
The 731sl Iefl lhe Iosl lovaid lhe end of 1942 pieceded eaiIiei in lhe yeai ly lhe 7I6lh M.I. allaIion. Aflei
lhiee yeais of dislinguished seivice, lhe 7I6lh ieluined lo Wads-voilh in Oclolei, 1945, noving lack inlo lhe
sane laiiacks il had occupied vhen il vas fiisl aclivaled. The 7I6lh seived as an honoi unil in lhe luiiaI
iiles foi Iiesidenl IiankIin D. RooseveIl al Hyde Iaik, Nev Yoik, on 15 ApiiI 1945 Il aIso fuinished lhe
Honoi Cuaid foi lhe ieceplion of CeneiaI }onalhan Wainviighl in 1945 aflei his ieIease fion a }apanese
piisonei-of-vai canp, and foi CeneiaI of lhe Ainy Dvighl D. Lisenhovei's aiiivaI in Nev Yoik duiing lhe
sane yeai. Aflei spending seveiaI nonlhs heie upon ils ieluin lhe allaIion noved lo Ioil Dix.
Thus, in lhe eaiIy yeais of lhe Wai, lhe nissions of lhe Iosl veie lhiee-foId. Iiisl, seveiaI unils veie
oiganized, aclivaled, and equipped heie, given sone liaining, and shipped lo olhei posls piioi lo oveiseas
assignnenls. Second, nosl of Wadsvoilh's 3,5OO lioops veie iesponsilIe foi coaslaI and anliaiiciafl defense
and lhiid, sone 12, OOO lo 15, OOO nanning gun posilions lhioughoul Slalen IsIand and shoie poinls aIong lhe
Nev }eisey coasl, in addilion lo seveiaI MiIilaiy IoIice Lscoil Cuaid Conpanies, veie suppIied and seiviced
ly lhe 12O5lh. ul lhe Iosl fuIfiIIed seveiaI olhei jols. Ioi ovei a yeai, il quaileied an IlaIian Seivice Unil,
conposed of 25 officeis and 25O enIisled nen, aII IlaIian piisonei-of-vais. Connanded ly iigadiei CeneiaI
}ohn M. Lagei, lhe unil aiiived al Ioil Wadsvoilh 2O Maich 1944. Il vas one of neaiIy 2OO voIunleeis unils
foined lhioughoul lhe Uniled Slales duiing lhal yeai. Ovei 38, OOO of lhe 52, OOO IlaIian IOW's in lhis
counliy voIunleeied lo voik foi lhe unils and veie soon conliiluling one niIIion nan-days of Ialoi pei
nonlh lo lhe AIIies
vai effoil againsl Ceinany. In ieluin foi lheii voik, lhe IlaIians veie paid eighly cenls
a day, vhich vas lhen slandaid pay foi piisoneis engaged in haid Ialoi. The Seivice Unil ienained heie
unliI Augusl 1945, vhen il vas liansfeiied lo Canp Ialiick Heniy, Viiginia, foi iepaliialion. AII lhiough
lhe Wai, olhei gioups of piisonei~incIuding IoIes, Czechs, and eIgians veie senl lo MiIIei IieId lefoie
lhey veie ieIocaled in voik oi concenlialion canps.
LaiIy in 1945, Ioil Wadsvoilh vas ciovded vilh aII MiIIei IieId lioops vhen lhey veie noved lo
nake ioon foi lhe inconing 1247lh HospilaI Tiains Cioup. Ovei 2, OOO enIisled nen and I65 officeis fion
lhe Cioup encanped al MiIIei IieId.

2/22/2004 13
Wai end lioughl noie changes and a liilhday~lo Ioil Wadsvoilh. Since ils officiaI naning dales
fion 7 Novenlei 1865, ils anniveisaiy is ceIelialed on lhal dale. In 1945, lhe Iosl loasled 8O yeais of of-
ficiaI seivice, and ovei lhiee cenluiies of niIilaiy liadilion. The yeai 1945 aIso sav lhe liansfei oi
deaclivalion of nosl of lhe M.I. Lscoil Cuaid Conpanies slalioned heie duiing lhe Wai. The 7I6lh M.I al-
laIion ieluined foi a fev nonlhs, and lhen vas off again foi a nev assignnenl. Ioil Wadsvoilh liiefIy
lecane a sepaialion cenlei, and ovei 6OO nen, officiaI iecoid jackels undei lheii ains, lade faieveII lo lhe
seivice al lhe Iosls nain gale. A CIassificalion and Assignnenl
Delachnenl vas eslalIished, piocessing
duiing lhe Iasl lhiee nonlhs of lhe yeai ovei 5,OOO iepIacenenls foi seivice connand inslaIIalions.
The quiel yeais sel in aiound 1946, lhe yeais vhen lhe nosl connon Iog look enliy vas, "UsuaI
gaiiison dulies." One exceplion is iecoided in Decenlei 1947, hovevei, vhen a snovfaII of lIizzaid
dinensions hil Slalen IsIand. Aflei 2O inches of snov caipeled lhe IsIand, slianding hundieds of civiIians al
lhe Sl. Ceoige Ieiiy TeininaI on lheii vay hone fion voik, eighl Ainy liucks veie sunnoned lo lhe
iescue. AII civiIian lianspoilalion had leen haIled, and, as lhe Iog look iepoils, as genlIenan "*** fion S.I.
AssenlIy caIIed and iequesled lianspoilalion as a iiol nighl occui in lhe leininaI."
In 1948, Ioil Wadsvoilh lecane lhe hone of Nev Ycr| Cily fiisl and onIy~liaiIei canp. MuIlipIying
fion one lo neaiIy 4O faniIies, lhe canp oved ils giovlh lo lvo faclois: high-ienl housing in lhe neliopoIis,
and seivicenan naluiaI desiie lo le vilh his faniIy. The canp is unique in Nev Yoik lecause lhe cily code
piohilils lhe use of liaiIeis as Iiving quaileis vilhin lhe cily Iinils. OnIy ils consliuclion on Coveinnenl
piopeily piolecls Ioil Wadsvoilh's coIony, Consliucled on lhe sile of lhe lai-papei laiiacks vhich had
spiung up duiing WoiId Wai.
One canp loasled 36 liaiIei spaces vilh valei and eIecliic povei oulIels, and a pipe Iink lo lhe Wadsvoilh
sevage syslen. A chenicaI vaifaie liaining luiIding, noved lo lhe canp in ils enliiely fion anolhei pail of
lhe Iosl uas used as a cenliaI healing and sanilalion sliucluie. AIlhough nosl ils inhalilanls veie
Wadsvoilh and MiIIei IieId peisonneI, lhe canp has leen hone lo nen in lhe Maiines, Aii Ioice, Navy, and
Coasl Cuaid as veII, Hovevei, aII good lhings nusl cone lo an end soneline, and lhis canp is scheduIed lo
le cIosed in 1965.
SeveiaI unils aiiived on Iosl foi duly duiing lhis peiiod, incIuding lhe 21sl SignaI Opeialions,
Conpany, lhe 1267lh S.U. (Iiisl US Ainy SignaI Seivice Unil), and lhe 24lh SignaI Seivice allaIion. The
34lh Anliaiiciafl AiliIIeiy iigade aiiived in 195O fion Ioil Iiss, Texas, shoilIy lo le iepIaced ly lhe 1O2d
AAA iigade, a Nev Yoik NalionaI Cuaid unil,
When lhe Koiean Wai eiupled in }une 195O, Ioil Wadsvoilh vas used liiefIy as a lasic liaining
slalion, as veII as an anliaiiciafl defense sile. Sone 1OO SeIeclive Seivice diaflees aiiived eaiIy in 1951 fion
Ioil Dix ieceplion cenlei foi an eighl-veek infanliy liaining cycIe, and lhey veie soon diiIIing on lhe Iaiade
Ciound and sIashing lhiough lhe Slalen IsIand voods on laclicaI naiches. ul lhe faciIilies heie pioved
inadequale foi liaining ieciuils, and Ioil Dix soon assuned Wadsvoilhs luiden,
When in 1952, lhe Coveinnenl diiecled lhal IedeiaI unils iepIace NalionaI Cuaid oulfils in lhe
anliaiiciafl defense of piinaiy conlinenlaI laigels, lhe 1O2d AAA iigade, a NalionaI Cuaid unil, vas lians-
feiied fion Ioil Wadsvoilh. The 52 AAA iigade, a dislinguished WoiId Wai Tvo unil, vas ieaclivaled,
ieoiganized, and peinanenlIy assigned heie on 13 }une 1952.
2/22/2004 14
In 1951 lhe lig void vas "NIKL". Il has leen lhe lig void evei since. Ioi il vas Nike~lhe iadio-
conlioIIed supeisonic anliaiiciafl guided nissiIe capalIe of liacking dovn and deslioying eneny lonleis~
lhal noie lhan evei lefoie in ils hisloiy nade Ioil Wadsvoilh one of oui nalion's nosl inpoilanl niIilaiy
posls. Thiough Iale 1953 and inlo 1954, iigade officeis and Ainy Lngineeis sludied aieas in Nev Yoik,
Long IsIand, and Nev }eisey lo le used as Nike Iaunching siles undei lhe connand of lhe 52d AAA
iigade. Oflen acconpanied ly lhe piolesls of IocaI cilizens, vho feIl an Ainy inslaIIalion in lhe niddIe of
lheii ovn lovn vouId depieciale ieaI eslale vaIues, siles veie chosen and consliuclion legun.
One of lhe chief difficuIlies posed ly Nike vas a knolly connunily ieIalions piolIen. Siles
nushiooned in heaviIy popuIaled aieas, and in quiel iesidenliaI disliicls of snaIIei lovnships. Thiough
Iecluie and inleivievs, lhe nission of Nike vas disseninaled. NevIy avaie lhal lhese nen vho sland ly lhe
deadIy nissiIes 24 houis a day, seven days a veek, aie oui finaI oulposl of defense fion nucIeai allack, lhe
pulIic finaIIy accepled and even veIcone lhe Nike lallaIions as peinanenl neighlois. WhiIe lhe iigade's
Nike siles spiang up and lioops veie senl lo seivice lhe nissiIes. Ioil Wadsvoilh invoIved in anolhei
deveIopnenl vhich poilend gieal changes foi lhe Iosl. LaiIy in 1955 a $22O,OOO, OOO liidge Iinking Slalen
IsIand and iookIyn vas aulhoiized ly lhe IedeiaI Coveinnenl - The 12-Iane doulIe-deck suspension
liidge, a scheduIed 2, 5 niIes Iong, incIuding appioaches, vouId slielch fion Ioil HaniIlon on lhe iookIyn
side lo Ioil Wadsvoilh on lhe Slalen IsIand side,
Wilh lhe conpIelion of lhe "MissiIe Maslei Syslen" al HighIands, Nev }eisey, lhe 52 iigade
liansfeiied aII ils aclivilies lo lhe HighIands Aii Ioice ase, Ioil Wadsvoilh is nov availing lhe nexl
deveIopnenl in ils Iong hisloiy, lhe aiiivaI of ils Ialesl lenanl lhe II US Ainy Coips vhich viII nake ils
headquaileis heie in }une 1963 .
Whal lhe fuluie hoId foi Ioil Wadsvoilh no one knovs, hovevei, lhis nuch is suie, lhe Iosl is
aIvays ieady and alIe lo seive ils counliy in lhe fuluie as il has done so alIy in lhe pasl.
2/22/2004 15
Duiing WoiId Wai I, il vas decided, lo eslalIish an Aii Coasl Defense foi lhe pioleclion of vilaI
IocaIilies silualed on oi neai lhe exlended Coasl Line of lhe Uniled Slales. Nev Yoik leing lhe pieniei poil
of enlaikalion, lolh foi lioops and suppIies, il vas naluiaI lhal one of lhe Aii Seivice Slalions lo le used in
lhe Coasl Defense piojecl shouId le in lhe vicinily of lhis neliopoIis. Vaiious IocaIilies veie consideied
lefoie a finaI decision vas ieached, none of vhich fuIfiIIed lhe iequiied condilions. IinaIIy, a liacl of Iand
vas found vilh conlined faciIilies peinilling lhe use of lolh Iand and sea pIanes, lhe Iand pIanes foi lhe
defense of Nev Yoik Cily and lhe sea pIanes foi coaslaI defense. The pIol of Iand seIecled vas Iocaled in lhe
lovn of Nev Doip, Slalen IsIand (oiough of Richnond), Nev Yoik Cily.
Ils silualion vas ideaI foi lhe defense of Nev Yoik Cily, leing aloul 1O niIes lheie fion in an aii Iine
and aloul lhiee niIes soulhvesl of Ioil Wadsvoilh. Il vas easiIy accessilIe lo Nev Yoik Cily ly
aulonoliIe, lus oi liain fion Nev Doip lo Sl. Ceoige, Slalen IsIand, and lhence ly Ieiiy lo lhe alleiy in
Nev Yoik Cily.
Il vas adniialIy Iocaled foi lhe defense of lhe enliance lo Nev Yoik Hailoi as aII ships enleiing oi
Ieaving lhe hailoi via Anliose ChanneI nusl pass vilhin five niIes of lhis sile.
As lhis liacl of Iand fuIfiIIed aII lhe essenliaI condilions, il vas puichased foi lhe IedeiaI Coveinnenl
ly aulhoiily of lhe Secielaiy of Wai, The HonoialIe Nevlon D. akei, as of Novenlei 12, 1919, aIlhough lhe
dale of saIe as noled in lhe deed vas Maich 12, 1919 - The Iand vas puichased fion Ldilh S. and WiIIian K.
VandeiliIl, lo vhon vas paid $42O, O41.48.
The liacl vas knovn as lhe VandeiliIl Lslale, having leen puichased by Connodoie CoineIius
VandeiliIl in 1843 vho conveyed il lo his son, WiIIian H. VandeiliIl on Ieliuaiy 26, 1855.
The hisloiy of lhis liacl dales lack lo 1677 vhen lhe Iand cane inlo lhe possession of one }ohn DaIy
vho is leIieved lo have leen a iilish soIdiei, as a RoyaI suivey vas nade foi hin in lhal yeai. The DaIy
liacl conposed lhe Soulheasl poilion of lhe piesenl posl vhich conlains lhe LIn Tiee eacon. This eacon
deiived ils nane fion an innense LIn Tiee vhich slood on lhe sile of lhe oId Iighlhouse and on vhich
ships enleiing oi Ieaving lhe hailoi vouId gel lheii leaiings.
DaIy heId lhe Iand foi appioxinaleIy eighl yeais, lhen conveyed il lo IauIus Richaids on Oclolei 13,
1685, laking a Iease on il foi a peiiod of seven yeais. The uIlinale disposilion of lhe Iand is nol iecoided lul
il nusl have leen acquiied ly WiIIian iillon, lhe ovnei of lhe Noilhveslein poilion of lhe piesenl posl, as
iillon conveyed lolh lhe DaIy and iillon poilions lo Hendiick Van Lava in 1719. The Iand passed in 1748
lo }ohannes Sinonson, vho viIIed il lo }anes Lgleil in 1797. On lhe dealh of }anes Lgleil, il vas conveyed
ly lhe paililioneis of his eslale lo Richaid Connei, }i., on Seplenlei 19, 1831. Iion Richaid Connei, }i., lhe
Iand vas liansfeiied lhiough vaiious ovneis and finaIIy possessed ly WaIlei Livingslon vho conveyed il lo
CoineIius VandeiliIl ly gifl, lhence ly viII lo Ceoige W. VandeiliIl and finaIIy lhiough his heiis, Ldilh S.
and WiIIian K. VandeiliIl, il cane inlo lhe possession of lhe Uniled Slales Coveinnenl. Al lhe line of
liansfei lo lhe Coveinnenl, lhe eslale had a nunlei of luiIdings Iocaled on il, sone of vhich veie
peinilled lo ienain as pail of lhe posl. The oId VandeiliIl house knovn as lhe "Mansion," and lhe oId
Walei Tovei, veie denoIished in }une 1936 lo peinil exlension of lhe Ianding fieId lo lhe noilh.
2/22/2004 16
Though lenpoiaiiIy deIayed due lo lhe signing of lhe Ainislice, consliuclion of lhe posl vas
aulhoiized ly lhe Secielaiy of Wai on May 22, 1919 - Much difficuIly vas encounleied in gelling fiins lo
lid on lhe voik. Conliacls veie finaIIy Iel lul il vas nol unliI Novenlei 17, 1919 lhal voik on lhe piojecl
connenced. Aflei nany deIays due lo vealhei, Ialoi condilions, iaiIioad sliikes, elc, lhe consliuclion
piojecl vas conpIeled and finaI paynenl on a lolaI consliuclion cosl of $1, 335, 144, and 69 vas nade }une
30, 1921. On }uIy 2O, 1921, lhe conpIeled piojecl vas liansfeiied lo lhe Aii Seivice, leing accepled ly Majoi
Heniy Alley, }i., A, S., vho lecane lhe fiisl Connanding Officei of lhe nev ainy posl.
Undei dale of Decenlei 3O, 1919, lhe Secielaiy of Wai diiecled lhal lhe fieId le naned MILLLR
IILLD in nenoiy of CAITAIN }AMLS LLY MILLLR vho vas kiIIed in aclion Maich 9, 1918, aloul foui
kiIoneleis noilh of Coileny, Iiance, vhiIe seiving vilh lhe 95lh Aeio Squadion on lhe Soissons secloi.
The nane, "MILLLR IILLD," vas pulIished lo lhe Ainy in Seclion II, CeneiaI Oideis Nunlei 1, Wai
Depailnenl, daled }anuaiy 5, 192O.
Caplain }anes LIy MiIIei, loin Maich 24, 1883, al Nev Yoik Cily, vas lhe son of ChaiIes Addison and
Maiy MiIIei. He giadualed fion YaIe Univeisily in lhe cIass of 19O4. WhiIe allending YaIe, he vas a
nenlei of lhe Univeisily Ciev, lhe IoollaII Tean, lhe ChapeI Choii and CIee CIul, as veII as lhe }unioi
and Senioi Socielies. Aflei giadualion, he enleied lhe Knickeilockei Tiusl Conpany and lecane nanagei
of ils 34lh Slieel ianch and a Vice Iiesidenl of lhe CoIunlia Tiusl Conpany.
In 19O8, he naiiied CIadys KisseI, daughlei of RudoIph H. KisseI of Moiiislovn and Nev Yoik. Al
lhe line of his dealh, he vas suivived ly his vife and one daughlei.
Caplain MiIIei fiisl enIisled as a piivale in Squadion A, CavaIiy, NalionaI Cuaid of lhe Slale of Nev
Yoik, vas honoialIy dischaiged Decenlei 8, 1911, Connissioned 1sl Lieulenanl, 1sl allaIion, SignaI
Coips, Nev Yoik NalionaI Cuaid, }uIy 1, 19I6, accepled 1 }uIy 1916 and vas HonoialIy Dischaiged on
Ieliuaiy 6, 1917.
He accepled appoinlnenl as Caplain, Avialion Seclion, SignaI Officeis Reseive Coips, May 5, 1917, vas
assigned lo aclive duly in Wai Depailnenl oideis of May 1O, 1917, iepoiled al Coveinois IsIand, Nev Yoik,
May 15, 1917, foi duly vilh lhe 1sl Reseive Aeio Squadion, and pailicipaled in aeiiaI fIighls fion May 16,
1917 - In Wai Depailnenl oideis of }uIy 13, 1917, he vas oideied lo Ioil Wood, Nev Yoik lo lake
connand of lhe SignaI Coips Delachnenl and Iefl lhe Uniled Slales }uIy 23, 1917, undei oideis lo pioceed lo
Iiance and iepoil lo lhe Connanding CeneiaI, U.S. Tioops, foi duly. In oideis of Augusl 28, 1917,
Headquaileis, A.L.I., he vas diiecled lo pioceed fion Iaiis, Iiance and iepoil lo lhe Connandanl of
Avialion, Iiench Ainy, foi a peiiod of foui lo seven days, lo olseive Iiench AeiiaI olseivalion and
ieconnaissance voik al lhe fionl. On Oclolei 4, 1917, he vas oideied lo Iaiis lo iepoil lo lhe Connanding
CeneiaI, Line of Connunicalions, foi assignnenl lo duly and slalion. He vas assigned lo lhe Thiid
Avialion Insliuclion Cenlei, engaged in lhe oiganizalion of lhe unil, and vas assigned as Connanding
Officei of lhe slalion Oclolei 28, 1917. Undei dales of Novenlei 5lh, I4lh and 27lh, 1917, he vas appoinled
a nenlei of a oaid of Officeis diiecled lo neel al Issoudun, Iiance, foi lhe puipose of exanining such
officeis as nighl le oideied lo appeai lefoie il lo deleinine lheii filness foi appoinlnenl as }unioi MiIilaiy
Avialois, Undei lhe dale of Ieliuaiy 14, 1918, Caplain MiIIei vas oideied lo ViIIeneuve (Maine) foi
peinanenl duly in conneclion vilh avialion, and, on Ieliuaiy 2O, 1918, look connand of lhe 85lh Aii
2/22/2004 17
Squadion vhich squadion had Iefl Issoudun foi lhe fionl on Ieliuaiy 16, 1918, He vas kiIIed in aclion
Maich 9, 1918.
The delaiIs of lhe engagenenl in vhich Caplain MiIIei nel his dealh aie as foIIovs: On Maich 9, 1918
al aloul 3: 2O IM, Majoi Davenpoil }ohnson and Caplain MiIIei fIev fion Coincy on a palioI ovei lhe Iines.
A iepoil fion Majoi }ohnson shovs lhal lhey fIev fion Coincy and al 4: 2O IM, al a poinl alove lhe Iines
opposile }uvincouil of Danaiy, allacked lvo Ceinan pIanes, one of vhich descended in a laiI spin unliI Iosl
lo viev. They ieluined alove oui Iines, conlinued Wesl unliI Coilony vas ieached al aloul 4: 4O IM, al an
aIlilude of 35OO neleis. When aloul foui kiIoneleis lehind lhe Ceinan Iines, noilh of Coilony, lhey
allacked lvo Ceinan pIanes. Majoi }ohnson had fiied aloul lvenly-five cailiidges al lhe highesl pIane
vhen his nachine gun lioke. Caplain MiIIei conlinued lhe fighl, fiiing a nunlei of shols, lhe Ceinan
nachine spiiaIing dovn vilh Caplain MiIIei foIIoving hin. "Caplain MiIIei venl inlo a laiIspin al 32OO
neleis, cane-oul of il aflei aloul lvo luins, aflei vhich lhe Ceinan nachine vas alove hin spiiaIing dovn
fiiing al hin. Caplain MiIIei nade aloul 4 laiIspins of aloul lvo oi lhiee luins unliI I Iosl sighl of hin al
aloul 1OOO neleis, jusl alove lhe foiesl vhich is aloul foui kiIoneleis due noilh of Coilony and jusl vesl of
eiiieux. I foIIoved dovn unliI aloul 25OO neleis lul as ny nachine gun vas lioken, couId do nolhing, so
ieluined lo Coincy aiiiving al 5:O5 IM. Iion lhe vay Caplain MiIIei vouId cone oul of lhe laiI spins, he
seened lo have conlioI of his nachine and I do nol lhink he vas kiIIed lul vas foiced lo Iand lehind lhe
Ceinan Iines. (Repoil of Majoi }ohnson,)
Caplain MiIIei vas lhus "lhe fiisl avialoi seiving vilh an Aneiican Unil lo le kiIIed in Conlal in
Iiance." The alove is pail of lhe insciiplion on lhe lionze nenoiiaI lalIel pIaced on lhe fionl vaII of
Headquaileis uiIding. This lalIel vas piesenled ly his nolhei and dedicaled Novenlei 11, 1924,
Upon MiIIei IieId leing luined ovei lo lhe Aii Seivice on }uIy 2O, 1921, il vas nade a sul-posl of
MilcheII IieId and vas gaiiisoned ly IIighl "A," 5lh Squadion, Aii Seivice, connanded ly Iiisl Lieulenanl
WiIIian C. Mooie, Aii Seivice, vho vas Ialei kiIIed in an aii accidenl vhiIe seiving in lhe IhiIippine IsIands.
Lieulenanl Mooie ceased lo le lhe Connanding Officei of MiIIei IieId, }uIy 31, 1921, and lhe iecoids do nol
shov vho vas in connand lelveen lhal dale and Maich 3O, 1922, vhen il ceased lo le a sul-posl of
MilcheII IieId and lecane a sul-posl of Ioil Wadsvoilh. The change in slalus acluaIIy look pIace on Maich
1, 1922, on lhe ieIief of lhe Aii Seivice Tioops ly lhe Hovilzei Conpany, 22nd Infanliy, undei lhe connand
of Caplain }ohn L. Tiedenan. On Maich 29, 1922, lhe Iiisl Lngineeis, Caplain CIaience N. Iiy. Lngineei
Coips, Connanding, aiiived al MiIIei IieId fion ColIenz, Ceinany, ienaining unliI }uIy 1922. On }une 1,
1922, lhe 1sl SignaI Conpany, Caplain AIexandei L. Wilhvoilh, Connanding, aiiived al MiIIei IieId fion
Canp Dix, N.}., foi slalion unliI Seplenlei 2, 1922. Iiioi lo lhis dale, lhe posl had leen connanded ly
Majoi Spencei . Aiken, S.C. and Caplain AIexandei L. Wilhvoilh.SC. On Seplenlei 2, 1922, lhe 1sl Tank
Conpany, Caplain H. W. oIan, Infanliy, (Tanks) connanding, aiiived foi slalion, Caplain oIan laking
connand of lhe posl. Duiing lhis nonlh, lhe 1sl Oidnance Conpany aIso aiiived, foi slalion - The 1sl Tank
Conpany and 1sl Oidnance Conpany, logelhei vilh 1O2d Olseivalion Squadion, Nev Yoik NalionaI
Cuaid Aii Seivice, undei lhe connand of Majoi Kennelh I. Lillauei, N.Y.N.C,, foined lhe gaiiison, lhe
NalionaI Cuaid Aii Seivice having leen given lhe use of lhe hangais as an ainoiy.
CoIoneI Chauncey . Hunphiey, Infanliy, assuned connand of lhe posl in Oclolei 1922, and MiIIei
IieId ceased lo le a sul-posl of Ioil Wadsvoilh, leconing an independenl posl.
2/22/2004 18
On Oclolei 1, 1931, lhe posl again lecane a sul-posl of Ioil Wadsvoilh.
2/22/2004 19
Nunlei 161) Adjulanl CeneiaI's Office
Washinglon, Novenlei 7, I865
The niIilaiy posl on Slalen IsIand, Nev Yoik Hailoi, nov knovn as Ioil Richnond, viII
heieaflei le caIIed Ioil Wadsvoilh, in nenoiy of lhe gaIIanl and paliiolic seivices of iigadiei CeneiaI
}AMLS S. WADSWORTH, vho vas kiIIed, al lhe head of his connand, in lhe lallIe of The WiIdeiness,
Viiginia, May 6, I864.
y oidei of lhe Secielaiy of Wai:-
L. D. TOWNSLND Assislanl Adjulanl CeneiaI,
CeneiaI Wadsvoilh vas loin in Hev Yoik, and appoinled lo lhe Ainy fion lhe sane slale. His
iecoid is as foIIovs:-
VoIunleei Aid-De-Canp lo CeneiaI McDoveII, }uIy 6, I86I, iigadiei CeneiaI of VoIunleeis
Augusl 9, 1861, ievel Majoi CeneiaI of VoIunleeis, May 6, 1864, foi gaIIanl conducl al lhe lallIe of
Cellysluig, IennsyIvania and The WiIdeiness, Viiginia.
He died May 8, 1864, al lhe lallIe of lhe WiIdeiness, Viiginia.
: Adjulanl CeneiaI's Office, Nunlei 66) Washinglon,
Novenlei 24, 1897.
The foIIoving oidei has leen ieceived fion lhe Wai Depailnenl:
WAR DLIARTMLNT Washinglon, Novenlei 12, 1897.
y diieclion of lhe Iiesidenl, lhe lvo lalleiies of 1O-inch guns on Slalen IsIand neai Ioil
Wadsvoilh, Nev Yoik, nov designaled as lhe CIiflon and Ravenna alleiies', logelhei vilh any adjacenl
defenses yel lo le luiIl, viII heieaflei le knovn and designaled as Ioil Nevlon, in honoi of lhe Iale CeneiaI
}ohn Nevlon, Chief of Lngineeis, U.S. Ainy, vho foi nany yeais vas in diiecl chaige of lhe voiks in Nev
Yoik Hailoi.
R. A. ALCLR, Secielaiy of Wai.
y connand of Majoi CeneiaI MiIes:
SAM'L RLCK, Adjulanl CeneiaI.
Annex A 1
2/22/2004 20
Nunlei 16) Adjulanl CeneiaI's Office, Washinglon,
Ieliuaiy 4,19O2
1. The foIIoving oidei has leen ieceived fion lhe Wai Depailnenl and is pulIished lo lhe Ainy foi
lhe infoinalion and guidance of aII conceined:
Washinglon, Ieliuaiy 11, 19O2 <
1 y diieclion of lhe Iiesidenl, Wai Depailnenl oideis of Novenlei 12, 1897, pulIished in CeneiaI Oideis
No. 66, Headquaileis of lhe Ainy, viII heie aflei appIy lo aII of lhe foilificalions al piesenl Iocaled on lhe
niIilaiy ieseivalion on lhe Wesl side of lhe Naiiovs, and nanes lo lhe lalleiies consliucled lheieon aie
given as foIIovs:

ATTLRY AYLRS, In honoi of CoIoneI Roneyn . Ayeis, 2d U.S. AiliIIeiy, Majoi CeneiaI, Uniled Slales
VoIunleeis, vho died Decenlei 4, 1888.

ATTLRY ARRY, in honoi of CoIoneI WiIIian I. aiiy, 2d U.S. AiliIIeiy, Majoi CeneiaI, Uniled Slales
VoIunleeis, and Chief of AiliIIeiy, Ainy of lhe Iolonac, vho died }uIy 18, 1879.

ATTLRY LMORY UITON, In honoi of CoIoneI Lneiy Uplon, 4lh U.S. AiliIIeiy, Majoi CeneiaI, Uniled
Slales VoIunleeis, vho died Maich 15, 1881.

ATTLRY WLLD, In honoi of Caplain Slephen H. Weed, 5lh U.S. AiliIIeiy iigadiei CeneiaI, Uniled Slales
VoIunleeis, vho vas kiIIed in lhe allIe of Cellysluig, IennsyIvania, }uIy 2, 1863.
LIihu Rool,
Secielaiy of Wai
The specific lalleiies lo vhich lhe foiegoing nanes have leen given viII le connunicaled lo Depailnenl
Connandeis ly Iellei.
Adjulanl CeneiaI,
Majoi CeneiaI. U.S. Ainy.

Annex A

Nunlei 43) Adjulanl CeneiaIs Office, Washinglon,
ApiiI 4, 19OO
2/22/2004 21
The foIIoving oidei fion lhe Wai Depailnenl is pulIished lo lhe Ainy foi lhe infoinalion and
guidance of aII conceined:
Maich 24, 19OO.
y diieclion of lhe Iiesidenl, and undei lhe piovisions of paiagiaph 198, Ainy ReguIalions, nanes lo nev
lalleiies vhich have iecenlIy leen consliucled and siles foi voiks lo le consliucled aIong lhe sea-coasl of
lhe Uniled Slales aie heiely announced as foIIovs:

ATTLRY DUANL, In honoi of lhe Iale iigadiei CeneiaI }anes C. Duane, U. S. Ainy, a nalive of Nev
Yoik, a dislinguished officei of lhe Wai of 1861 - 1865, and Chief of Lngineeis, U. S. Ainy, 1886 - 1888.

ATTLRY HUDSON, aflei lhe oId eailh lalleiy in vhich Iocaled.

ATTLRY RICHMOND, aflei oId Ioil Richnond, nov Ioil Wadsvoilh, vhich vas naned fion lhe
Counly in vhich il vas silualed.

LIihu Rool, Secielaiy of Wai.

H. C. CORIN, Adjulanl

Annex A

Nunlei 78 Adjulanl CeneiaI S Office,)
Washinglon, May 25, 19O3. XXX

WAR DLIARTMLNT, Washinglon, Maich 3O, 19O3.
2/22/2004 22

2. y diieclion of lhe Iiesidenl, and undei lhe piovisions of paiagiaph 2I6, of lhe ReguIalions, nanes of sea-
coasl foils and lalleiies aie announced as foIIovs:

ATTLRY ACON, In honoi of Iiisl Lieulenanl }ohn D. acon, 6lh U.S. Infanliy, vho died Oclolei 12, 1847
of vounds ieceived al lhe allIe of Chuiulusco, Mexico.

ATTLRY AROUR, In honoi of Caplain IhiIip H. ailoui, 3d U.S. Infanliy, vho vas kiIIed Seplenlei 21,
1846, al lhe allIe of Monleiiey, Mexico*

ATTLRY DIX, In honoi of Majoi CeneiaI }ohn A. Dix, U.S. Ainy, vho seived duiing lhe Wai of I8I2, and
lhe CiviI Wai, and vho died ApiiI 21, 1879, al Nev Yoik Cily, Nev Yoik,

LIihu Rool,
Secielaiy of Wai.

The specific lalleiies lo vhich lhe foiegoing nanes have leen given viII le connunicaled ly Iellei lo lhe
Depailnenl Connandei.


Adjulanl CeneiaI Majoi
CeneiaI* US Ainy
Annex A

2/22/2004 23
Nunlei 194 Washinglon, Decenlei 27, 19O4,

1* Undei lhe piovisions of paiagiaph 198, Ainy ReguIalions, nanes of seacoasl 'lalleiies aie announced as

BATTERY ROBERT CATLIN, In honoi of Caplain Reloil CalIin, U.S. Ainy, vho vas vounded in aclion al
WeIdon RaiIioad, Viiginia, Augusl 21, 1864, and vho died Decenlei 28, 19O3.

BATTERY WILLIAM TURNBULL In honoi of ievel CoIoneI WiIIian TuinluII U.S. Ainy (Majoi, U.S.
Topogiaphic Lngineeis), vho seived vilh dislinclion duiing lhe Wai vilh Mexico, and vho died Decenlei
9, 1857 -
I. C. Ainsvoilh, Adua R. Chaffee
The MiIilaiy Secielaiy. Lieulenanl CeneiaI, Chief of Slaffs

Washinglon, }anuaiy 25, 1906,

2 Undei lhe piovisions of paiagiaph 198, Ainy ReguIalions, nanes of seacoasl lalleiies aie announced as

BATTERY CHARLE5 MILL5, In honoi of ievel CoIoneI ChaiIes }. MiIIs, U.S. VoIunleeis (Caplain,
Assislanl Adjulanl CeneiaI, U.S. VoIunleeis), vho seived vilh dislinclion duiing lhe CiviI Wai, and vho
vas kiIIed in aclion al Halcheis Run, neai Ieleisluig, Viiginia, Maich 31, I864


I. C. Ainsvoilh, }, C. ATLS,
The MiIilaiy Secielaiy, Majoi CeneiaI, Chief of Slaff,

Annex A
2/22/2004 24
ATTLRY AYLRS: In honoi of CoIoneI Reneyn eck Ayeis, 2d U.S. AiliIIeiy CoIoneI Ayeis vas loin
in Nev Yoik. He vas appoinled lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale }uIy 1, 1843, giadualed and
appoinled ievel 2nd Lieulenanl 4lh AiliIIeiy, }uIy 1, 1847, 2nd Lieulenanl, 3d AiliIIeiy, Seplenlei 22, 1847,
1sl Lieulenanl, Maich 16, 1852, Caplain 5lh AiliIIeiy, May 14, 1861, Lieulenanl CoIoneI 28lh Infanliy, }uIy 28,
1866, liansfeiied lo 19lh Infanliy, Maich 15, 1869, liansfeiied lo 3d AiliIIeiy Decenlei 15, 187O, CoIoneI, 2d
AiliIIeiy, }uIy 18, 1879.
ATTLRY ACON: In honoi of 1sl Lieulenanl }ohn Danfoilh acon, 6lh U.S. Infanliy Lieulenanl
acon vas loin in Maine. He vas appoinled lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale }uIy 1, 1836. He
giadualed }uIy 1, 184O, appoinled ievel 2d Lieulenanl, 2d Infanliy }uIy 1, 184O, 2d Lieulenanl, 6lh Infanliy
Decenlei 3, I84O and 1sl Lieulenanl }uIy 18, 1846, He died Oclolei 12, 1847 of vounds ieceived Augusl 2O,
I847 al lhe allIe of Chuiulusco, Mexico.
ATTLRY AROUR: In honoi of Caplain IhiIip Noidlouine ailoui, 3D U.S. Infanliy. Caplain
ailoui vas loin in Kenlucky. He vas appoinled tn lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale }uIy 1, 1829.
He giadualed and vas appoinled ievel 2d Lieulenanl, 3d Infanliy, }uIy 1, 1834, 2d Lieulenanl ApiiI 1, 1836,
1sl Lieulenanl }uIy 7, 1837, Caplain, Novenlei 26, 1845. He vas kiIIed Seplenlei 21, 1846 in lhe allIe of
Monleiey, Mexico.
ATTLRY IARRY: In honoi of CoIoneI WiIIian Iaiquhai aiiy, 2d U.S. AiliIIeiy. CoIoneI aiiy vas
loin in Nev Yoik. He vas appoinled lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale Seplenlei 1, 1834,
giadualed and appoinled ievel 2d Lieulenanl, 4lh AiliIIeiy }uIy 1, 1838, 2d Lieulenanl, }uIy 7, 1838,
liansfeiied lo 2d AiliIIeiy }uIy 12, 1838, 1sl Lieulenanl Augusl 17, 1842, Caplain, }uIy 1, 1852, Majoi 5lh
AiliIIeiy May 14, 186I, Lieulenanl CoIoneI, 1sl AiliIIeiy Augusl 1, 1863, CoIoneI 2d AiliIIeiy, Decenlei 11,
1865. He died }uIy 18, 1879.
ATTLRY CATLIN: In honoi of Caplain Roleil CalIin. Caplain CalIin vas loin in IIIinois. He vas
appoinled fion Washinglon Teiiiloiy lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny }uIy 1, 1859. He giadualed }une 11, 1863, vas
appoinled 2d Lieulenanl, 5lh AiliIIeiy, sane dale, ieliied ApiiI 26, 1865, appoinled Caplain 43d Infanliy,
}uIy 28, 1866, ieliied Decenlei 15, 187O. He died Decenlei 28, 19O3, - al Washinglon, Disliicl of CoIunlia.
ATTLRY DIX: In honoi of Majoi CeneiaI }ohn Adans Dix, U.S. Ainy. CeneiaI Dix vas loin in Nev
Hanpshiie }uIy 24, 1798. He vas appoinled an Lnsign in lhe Ainy fion lhe Slale of Nev Yoik May 1O, 18I3,
3d Lieulenanl 21sl Infanliy Maich 7, 18I4, 2d Lieulenanl Maich 8, 18I4, liansfeiied lo Coips of AiliIIeiy
Augusl 9, 1814, 1sl Lieulenanl Maich 23, 1818, liansfeiied lo 1sl AiliIIeiy }une 1, 1821, liansfeiied lo 3d
AiliIIeiy Augusl 16, 1821, Caplain Augusl 3O, 1825, iesigned Decenlei 31, 1828, Majoi CeneiaI of VoIunleeis
May 16, 1861, iesigned Novenlei 3O, 1865, He vas U.S. Senaloi 1845 - 1849, and Coveinoi of Nev Yoik in
1872. He died ApiiI 21, 1879.

2/22/2004 25
ATTLRY DUANL: In honoi of iigadiei CeneiaI }anes Chalhan Duane, Chief of Lngineeis, U.S.
Ainy, 1886 - 1888. CeneiaI Duane vas loin in Nev Yoik. He vas appoinled, lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion
lhe sane Slale }uIy 1, 1844. He giadualed and vas appoinled ievel 2d Lieulenanl Lngineeis }uIy 1, 1848, 2d
Lieulenanl Maich 16, 1853, 1sl Lieulenanl }uIy 1, 1855,
Caplain, Augusl 6, 1861, Majoi, Maich 3, 1863, Lieulenanl CoIoneI, Maich 7, 1867,
CoIoneI, }anuaiy 1O, 1883, iigadiei CeneiaI, Chief nf Lngineeis, Oclolei 11, 1886, ieliied }une 3O, 1888.
ATTLRY HUDSON: Aflei lhe oId eailh lalleiy in vhich Iocaled.
ATTLRY MILLS: In honoi of ievel CoIoneI ChaiIes }. MiIIs, U.S. VoIunleeis (Caplain, Assislanl
Adjulanl CeneiaI, Uniled Slales VoIunleeis) vho seived vilh dislinclion duiing lhe CiviI Wai, and vho vas
kiIIed in aclion al Halcheis Run, neai Ieleisluig, Viiginia, Maich 31, 1865.
CoIoneI MiIIs vas loin in Massachusells. He vas appoinled 1sl Lieulenanl, 2d Massachusells
Infanliy, Seplenlei 5, 1862, honoialIy dischaiged, Maich 18, 1863, 1sl Lieulenanl and Adjulanl 56lh
Massachusells Infanliy Seplenlei 1, 1863, Caplain, Augusl 1, 1864, Caplain, Assislanl Adjulanl CeneiaI of
VoIunleeis, }uIy 25, 1864.
ATTLRY RICHMOND: Aflei oId Ioil Richnond, nov Ioil Wadsvoilh, vhich vas naned fion lhe
Counly in vhich il vas silualed.
ATTLRY TURNULL: In honoi of Majoi WiIIian TuinluII, TopogiaphicaI Lngineeis. Majoi
TuinluII vas loin in MaiyIand. He vas appoinled lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale Seplenlei
3O, 1814, 2d Lieulenanl, Coips of AiliIIeiy, }uIy 1, 1819, liansfeiied lo lhe 4lh AiliIIeiy, }une 1, 1821,
1sl Lieulenanl, }anuaiy 1, 1823, Majoi, Topogiaphic Lngineeis, }uIy 7, 1838. He died Decenlei 9, 1857*
ATTLRY UITON: In honoi of CoIoneI Lneiy Uplon. oin in Hev Yoik. He vas appoinled fion
lhe sane Slale lo lhe .MiIilaiy Acadeny }uIy 1, 1856. Ciadualed and appoinled 2d Lieulenanl, 4lh AiliIIeiy,
May 6, 1861, 1sl Lieulenanl, 5lh AiliIIeiy, May 14, 1861, Caplain, 5ll AiliIIeiy, Ieliuaiy 22, 1865, Lieulenanl
CoIoneI, 25lh Infanliy, }uIy 28, 1866, liansfeiied lo lhe 18lh Infanliy, Maich 15, i86O, unassigned, }uIy 1, 187O,
assigned lo 1st AiliIIeiy, Decenlei 15, 1870, liansfeiied tn 4th AiliIIeiy, Maich 16, 1877, CoIoneI, }uIy 1,
188O. He died Maich 15, 1881.
ATTLRY WLLD: In honoi of Caplain Slephen H. Weed, 5lh U.S. AiliIIeiy. Caplain Weed vas loin
in Nev Yoik. He vas appoinled lo lhe MiIilaiy Acadeny fion lhe sane Slale }uIy 1, 185O, giadualed and
appoinled ievel 2d Lieulenanl, 2d Lieulenanl AiliIIeiy }uIy 1, 1854, 2d Lieulenanl, 4lh AiliIIeiy, Decenlei
..-18, 1854, 1sl Lieulenanl, Novenlei I6, 1856, Caplain, 5lh AiliIIeiy, May 14, 1861, iigadiei CeneiaI of
VoIunleeis, }une 6, 1863. He vas kiIIed }uIy 2, 1863, al lhe allIe of Cellysluig, IennsyIvania.

2/22/2004 26
Recoided lhe foIIoving Lelleis Ialenl foi lhe he Uniled Slales of Aneiica, lhe lvenly-lhiid day
of ApiiI 1847 al 1/2 aflei 2: OO I.M., }oseph Lgleil, CIeik,
The IeopIe of lhe Slale of Mev Yoik, ly lhe Ciace of Cood Iiee and Independenl - To aII lo
vhon lhese piesenls shaII cone. Cieeling, Knov Ye, lhal puisuanl lo lhe piovisions of lhe Acl of oui
LegisIaluie enlilIed:
"An Acl aulhoiizing lhe saIe lo lhe Uniled Slales of ceilain Iands on Slalen IsIand." Iassed Ieliuaiy 6, 1836
and agieealIe lo a ResoIulion of lhe Connissioneis of oui Land Office daled lhis day, and foi and in
consideialion of lhe sun of lhiily-lhiee lhousand lvo hundied and eighly-foui doIIais and eighly-seven
cenls paid inlo oui Tieasuiy ly lhe Uniled Slales, We have given, gianled and confiined, and ly lhese
piesenls do give, gianl, code and confiin unlo lhe Uniled Slales of Aneiica AII lhose lvo ceilain pieces oi
paiceIs of Iand siluale in oui Counly of Richnond- The Iiisl, leing lhe Iol of Iand vhich vas conveyed lo
us ly Ann }acolson, and Calhaiine Vandevenlei of lhe said Counly ly Deed leaiing dale lhe lvenly-fouilh
day of Novenlei in lhe yeai of oui Loid one lhousand seven hundied and ninely-foui, ly Mi. Spiong,
Suiveyoi on lhe pail and lehaIf of lhe said Ann }acolson and Calheiine Vandevenlei, and Lveil anckei
}unioi Suiveyoi on lhe pail and lehaIf of lhe IeopIe of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, and is lulled lounded and
desciiled as foIIovs: eginning al a slake and slones leaiing Noilh sixly-one degiees Lasl fion lhe
Noilhvesl coinei of lhe house al piesenl occupied ly CoineIius McLean, and chain and sixly-one Iinks
dislance , lhence Noilh eIeven degiees Wesl lvo chains and lvenly-foui. Iinks lo lhe Lasl end of a iock
lhiee fool Iong, lhence Noilh sevenly-nine degiees Lasl one chain and sevenly-foui Iinks, lhence Noilh len
degiees and lhiily ninules Wesl len chains and sixly-lhiee Iinks, lhence Soulh sixly-nine degiees Wesl
lhiee chains and lvenly-one Iinks aIong lhe fence, lhence Noilh foily degiees Wesl five chains and foily-
eighl Iinks,
Thus Soulh sixly-lhiee degiees and lhiily ninules Wesl five chains and ninely-eighl Iinks, lhence Noilh
lvenly-five degiees Wesl nine chains and foily Iinks,
lhence noilh sixly lhiee degiees an lhiily ninules Lasl seven chains and foily lhiee Iinks lhence noilh
lhiily degiees Wesl one chain and foily-five Iinks, lhence Noilh fifleen degiees Wesl five chains and foily-
eighl Iinks,
lhence Noilh lvo chains and sixly six Iinks lo a iock lvo feel ovei al egIes Iine, lhence Noilh sixly-seven
deciees Lasl sixly-eighl Iinks lo lhe lank, lhence Noilh sixly- seven degiees Lasl one chain and sevenly-five
Iinks dovn lhe lank lo high valei naik, lhence Soulh eIeven degiees Lasl five chains and foily-eighl Iinks
lo lhe fIal al aloul lvenly Iinks fion high valei naik,
lhence Soulh fifly-lvo degiees Lasl eIeven chains and eighly Iinks aIong lhe fIal al aloul lvenly Iinks fion
high valei naik, lhence Soulh sixleen degiees Lasl five chains and eighly-foui Iinks lo lhe fool of lhe lank
al high valei naik, lhence Soulh eighl degiees Lasl lveIve chains and fouileen Iinks aIong lhe fool of lhe
lank, lhence Soulh sevenly-nine degiees Wesl one chain and sixly Iinks up lhe lank, lhence Soulh sevenly-
nine degiees Vesl lvo chains and fifly-lvo Iinks lo lhe slake and slones al lhe pIace of leginning. The
vhoIe conlaining aloul lvenly-five Acies le lhe sane noie oi Iess.
2/22/2004 27
The second leing lhe Iands vhich veie conveyed lo us ly }ohn V.D. }acolson of SoulhfieId,
in lhe said Counly and NeIelhay, his vife ly deed leaiing dale lhe lvenlielh day of Novenlei in lhe yeai
of oui Loid one lhousand eighl hundied and nine, and aie desciiled in lhe said deed as foIIovs, lo vil:
AII lhese pails of lhal ceilain piece oi paiceI of Iand silualed al SoulhfieId in lhe Counly and Slale
afoiesaid lounded as foIIovs, viz, eginning al lhe valei on lhe shoie of lhe Naiiovs on lhe
SoulheasleiIy coinei of Iand Iale lhe piopeily of }ohn edeII deceased, and iunning lhence Soulh sixly-
foui degiees fifleen ninules Wesl five hundied, and ninely-nine fool lo a cul slone sel in lhe giound,
lhence Soulh lvenly-five degiees lvenly ninules Lasl lvo lhousand lhiee hundied and lvenly feel lo a
slone slanding in lhe Iine of }acolson's VauIl Lol, lhence noilh sixly-one degiees and len ninule's Lasl one
hundied feel lo a cul slone: Soulh lvenly-five degiees lvenly ninules easl one hundied and nine feel lo a
cul slone lhence Soulh sixly-foui degiees len ninules Wesl one hundied feel lo a cul slone sel in lhe
giound, lhence Soulh lvenly-five degiees lvenly ninules Lasl fifly-seven feel foui inches lo a cul slone,
lhence Noilh eighly-seven degiees Lasl one hundied and eighly-foui feel nine inches lo a cul slone,
lhence Soulh sevenly-six degiees Lasl one hundied and sixly feel noie oi Iess lo lhe valei on ay Shoie
as fai as lhe iighl of lhe said }ohn V. D. }acolson and NeIelhay his vife exlends lheie, lhence
NoilheasleiIy and NoilheiIy aIong lhe valei oi shoie of lhe ay and Naiiovs as fai as lheii iighl exlends
lo lhe pIace of leginning - Conlaining in addilion lo lhe Iands heielofoie ovned ly lhe IeopIe of lhe said
Slale aloul lvenly-lvo acies and an haIf le lhe sane noie oi Iess - vhich have nol heielofoie leen soId
and conveyed lo lhe said. IeopIe.
And aIso, aII and eveiy pail of lhe said Iands, lenenenls, and heiedilanenls lounded as
foIIovs, viz, eginning al lhe valei al lhe SoulheiIy poinl of lhe Iand alove gianled and iuns lhence
Noilh sevenly-six degiees Wesl one hundied feel lo lhe Iasl nenlioned Cul slone in lhe alove loundaiies,
lhence Soulh lvenly-five degiees lvenly ninules Lasl lo lhe valei oi ay shoie - Togelhei vilh aII and
singuIai lhe iighls, heiedilanenls and appuilenances lo lhe sane leIonging oi in any vise appeilaining
excepling and ieseiving lo ouiseIves aII CoId and SiIvei nines, To have and lo hoId lhe alove desciiled,
and gianled, pienises unlo lhe said. The Uniled.Slales of Aneiica foievei, lhe sane leing nov iequiied,
ly lhe Uniled Slales foi lhe puipose of consliucling and nainlaining piopei defenses foi lhe pioleclion of
lhe hailoi of Nev Yoik, and. lhe juiisdiclion of lhe sane foi lhe puipose afoiesaid is heiely ceded lo lhe
said The Uniled Slales of Aneiica, Iiovided neveilheIess lhal lhis Cianl and Cession shaII nol le so
consliued as lo pievenl oi inpede lhe Lxeculion of any piocess CiviI oi CiininaI undei lhe aulhoiily of
oui said slale excepl so fai as such piocess nay effecl lhe ieaI oi peisonaI piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales
vilhin lhe said liacls of Iand.
In leslinony vheieof, ve have caused lhese oui Lelleis lo le nade Ialenl and lhe Cieal SeaI
of oui said Slale lo le heieunlo affixed - Wilness, }ohn Young Coveinoi of oui said Slale al oui Cily of
AIlany lhe fifleenlh day of Ieliuaiy in lhe yeai of oui Loid one lhousand eighl hundied and foily-seven,
and in lhe sevenly fiisl yeai of oui Independence.
}ohn Young Iassed lhe Secielaiy's Office lhe 15lh day of Ieliuaiy 1847.
Aich d CanpleII Dep. Sec. of Slale
2/22/2004 28
Lxliacl fion lhe ninules of lhe Connissioneis of lhe Land Office daled Ieliuaiy 15,
ResoIved lhal lhe palenl issued lo lhe Uniled Slales of Aneiica lhis day foi lhe Slale
Iands al lhe Naiiovs in lhe Counly of Richnond le deIiveied lo Heniy Sloins, Connissaiy CeneiaI
lo le given ly hin lo Majoi Richaid DeIafieId of lhe Uniled Slales Lngineeis on his deposiling in lhe
Manhallan ank lo lhe ciedil of lhe Tieasuiei of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik lhe sun of lhiily-lhiee
lhousand lvo hundied and eighly-foui doIIais and eighly-seven cenls.
Slale of Nev Yoik) Secielaiy's Office)
I ceilify lhe pieceding lo le a liue Lxliacl fion lhe ninules nf lhe Connissioneis of lhe
Iand office of lhis Slale.
Civen undei ny hand and lhe SeaI of lhis Office al lhe Cily of AIlany lhe fifleenlh day of Ieliuaiy in
lhe yeai of oui Loid One lhousand eighl hundied and foily-seven.
Aich d CanpleII Dep. Sec. of Slale.
The IeopIe of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, ly lhe giace of Cod, fiee and independenl.
To aII lo vhon lhese piesenls shaII cone, gieeling:
Knov ye, Thal puisuanl lo lhe piovisions of chaplei lvo hundied foily of lhe Iavs of
nineleen hundied five and in accoidance vilh a iesoIulion of lhe Connissioneis of lhe Land Office,
adopled Maich 25, 19O9, ve have gianled, ieIeased and quil-cIained, and ly lhese piesenls do gianl,
ieIease and quil-cIain unlo lhe UNITLD STATLS OI AMLRICA, aII lhe iighl lilIe and inleiesl vhich
lhe peopIe of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik acquiied lhiough lhe saIe foi unpaid laxes, heId ly lhe Tieasuiei
of Richnond Counly in lhe yeai 1896 lo Iol nunlei eIeven, nap oi page eIeven, lax naps of lhe lovn
of SoulhfieId, Richnond Counly.
In Teslinony Wheieof, We have caused lhese oui Lelleis lo le nade Ialenl, and lhe
Cieal SeaI of oui said Slale lo le heieunlo affixed.
Wilness, Hoiace While, Lieulenanl Coveinoi of oui said Slale al oui Cily of AIlany, lhe
27lh day of Maich in lhe yeai of oui Loid one lhousand nine hundied nine.

(Signed) Hoiace While.
Iassed lhe Secielaiy's office lhe 27lh day of Maich, 19O9.
(Signed) Thonas I. IenneII,
Depuly Secielaiy of Slale.
2/22/2004 29

Dales of
Tiacl No._1.- Aiea 47.5O acies, fion Slale of Nev Yoik) tn Uniled Slales. Ialenl
iecoided in Lilei 15, page 266 elc., of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi Acl
of cession see page 7 el seq
Iel.15, 1847
Tiacl No. 2. Aiea 5.2 acies, fion Ielei }acolson) and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales. Deed
iecoided in Lilei 34, page 628, elc., of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly)Ioi Acl
of cession see page 7 el seq
Aug. 8, 1854
Tiacl no. 3.- Aiea 17 acies, fion WiIIian H. AspinvaII and vife lo Uniled Slales,
conveying a liacl of Iand ly neles and lounds. Deed iecoided in Lilei 4O, Iage 4O4,)
elc., of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el
May 28, 1856
Tiacl no. 4. Aiea 7.58 acies, fion }. }. AIexandie and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales. Deed
iecoided in Lilei 223, page 438, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly.
Deciee of condennalion iendeied Novenlei 25, 1892 and fiIed vilh lhe iecoids of
lhe Uniled Slales Disliicl Couil foi lhe Laslein Disliicl of Nev Yoik Ioi Acl of
cession see page 7 el seq
}an. 5, 1893
Tiacl No. 5.- Aiea 18.797 acies, fion }. H. AIexandie and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales.
Deed iecoided in Lilei 223, page 435, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly.
Deciee of condennalion iendeied Novenlei 25, 1892, and fiIed vilh lhe iecoids of
lhe Uniled Slales Disliicl) Couil foi lhe Laslein Disliicl of Nev Yoik. Ioi Acl of
cession see page 7 el seq.)
}an 5, 1893
Tiacl No. 6.- Aiea 9 acies, fion LIIen Lee Mayo lo lhe Uniled Slales. Deed iecoided
in Lilei 225, page 381, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Deciee of
condennalion iendeied Novenlei 25, 1892, and) fiIed vilh lhe iecoids of lhe Uniled
Slales Disliicl Couil foi lhe Laslein Disliicl of Nev Yoik. Ioi Acl of cession see page
7 el seq.
}an. 5, 1893
Tiacl No. 7'- Aiea 5O acies, (incIudes Tiacls 7, 8 and 9) fion Seiena I. AppIelon lo lhe
Uniled Slales. Deed iecoided in Lilei 223, page 431, of lhe deed iecoids of)
Richnond Counly. Deciee of condennalion iendeied Novenlei 25, 1892, and fiIed
vilh lhe iecoids of lhe Uniled Slales Disliicl Couil foi lhe Laslein Disliicl of Nev
Yoik.) Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
}an. 5, 1893

2/22/2004 30

Tiacl No. 8.- Aiea Tiacls No. 8 and 9) 14 acies. Iion }osef a De La Seina De
Hegevisch and husland lo lhe Uniled Slales, conveying a liacl of Iand ly neles and
lounds. Deed iecoided in Lilei 2I6, page 534 of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond
Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Maich 4, 1892
Tiacl No. 9.- Iion AdoIfo Hegevisch and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales, conveying a liacl
of Iand ly neles and lounds. Deed iecoided in Lilei 2I6, page 538, of lhe deed
iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.)
Maich 14,

Tiacl No. 1O.- Aiea 6.25 acies, fion Saiah SchuyIei Mailin lo lhe Uniled Slales. Deed
iecoided in Lilei 24O page 374, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi Acl of
cession see page 7 el seq.
Iel. 1, 1895
Tiacl No. 11.- Aiea 7 acies, fion }oseph . Whilney and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales,
conveying a liacl of Iand ly neles and lounds. Deed iecoided in Lilei 259, page 574,
of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Maich 11,
Tiacl No. 12.- Aiea 6.72 acies, fion LIizalelh D. Ockeihausen el aI. lo lhe Uniled
Slales. Deed iecoided in Lilei 264, page 4O2, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond
Counly. Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Aug. 3O, 1898
Tiacl No. 13.- Aiea 7.725 acies, fion }oseph . Whilney) and vife el aI. lo lhe Uniled
Slales. Deed iecoided in Lilei 282, page 1O9, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond
Counly. Ioi Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Ocl. 18, 19OO
Tiacl No. 14.- Aiea 5.O9 acies, fion AdeIine Haxlun and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales.
Deed iecoided in Lilei 285, page 387, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi
Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Iel. 14, 19O1
Tiacl No. 15.- Aiea 3.9 acies, fion Heniy Mouquin and vife lo lhe Uniled Slales.
Deed iecoided in Lilei 288, page 1O, of lhe deed iecoids of Richnond Counly. Ioi
Acl of cession see page 7 el seq.
Ocl. 2, 19O1
Iion infoinalion conlained in look enlilIed "U. S. MiIilaiy Reseivalions, NalionaI Ceneleiies and
MiIilaiy Iaiks, Llc", piepaied in lhe office of lhe }udge Advocale CeneiaI, U. S. Ainy, Revised Ldilion
1916, il appeais lhal nn addilions veie nade lo lhe Ioil Wadsvoilh Reseivalion aflei 19O1. This look
gives lhe acieage of lhis Iosl as 226 lul does nol definileIy slale fion vhon lhe enliie 226 acies veie
ollained. The slalenenl is nade lhal lhe acieage nn May 26, 188O, vas aloul 9O acies.
2/22/2004 31
}uiisdiclion of lhe fiisl desciiled, puichase vas aulhoiized lo le ceded vilh lilIe ly an Acl of lhe Slale
LegisIaluie, passed Ieliuaiy 6, 1836, vhich piovides as foIIovs,
"Seclion 1. The connissioneis of lhe Iand office aie heiely aulhoiized lo seII lo lhe Uniled Slales of
Aneiica, upon such leins as lhey nay lhink piopei, so nuch of lhe Iand upon Slalen IsIand leIonging lo lhe
Slale of Nev Yoik, heielofoie used foi niIilaiy puiposes, as nay le iequiied ly lhe goveinnenl of lhe
Uniled Slales lo consliucl and nainlain piopei defenses foi lhe pioleclion of lhe hailoi of Nev Yoik."
"Seclion 2. The juiisdiclion ovei such Iand as nay le soId ly viilue of lhe fiisl seclion of lhis acl, fion
and aflei such saIe, shaII le ceded lo lhe Uniled Slales of Aneiica, foi lhe puiposes foi vhich such Iand shaII
have leen soId. ul such juiisdiclion shaII nol le consliued so as lo pievenl oi inpede lhe execulion of any
piocess, civiI oi ciininaI undei lhe aulhoiily of lhis Slale, excepl so fai as such piocess nay affecl lhe ieaI oi
peisonaI piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales vilhin lhe said liacl of Iand." (Iassed Ieliuaiy 6, 1836. Rev. Slals. of
N.Y. 8lh ed,. VoI. 1, page 17O).
Ioi deed, in puisuance of said Acl, see No. 1 heiein ("Lelleis Ialenl fion lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, elc."
Ieliuaiy 15, I847).
}uiisdiclion vas aIso ceded ly acls of lhe Slale LegisIaluie, passed ApiiI 15, 1857, ApiiI 18, 1861,
Ieliuaiy 2O, 1862, foi valei coveied Iands May 7, 186O, foi addilionaI Iands May 6, 1893 and Ieliuaiy 14,
1896, vhich acls piovide as foIIovs:
Seclion 2. The consenl of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik is a!sn given lo lhe puichase ly lhe Uniled Slales, of
aII, each and eveiy poilion of lhal liacl of Iand on Slalen IsIand, in lhe Counly of Richnond, Nev Yoik, nov
ovned ly WiIIian. H. AspinvaII, vho is lo convey lhe sane lo lhe Uniled Slales, said Iand Iying nainIy
lelveen lhe Iand of lhe Uniled Slales and Nev Yoik Avenue, foi puipose of luiIding and nainlaining
lheieon foils, nagazines, aisenaIs, and olhei necessaiy sliucluies, vilh lheii appendages."
Seclion 3. The juiisdiclion of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, in and ovei lhe said piopeily iefeiied lo and sel
foilh in lhe second seclion heieof, shaII, le, and lhe sane is heiely, ceded lo lhe Uniled Slales, suljecl lo lhe
iesliiclion heieinaflei nenlioned."
"Seclion 4. The said consenl is given, and lhe said juiisdiclion ceded upon lhe expiess condilion lhal
lhe Slale of Nev Yoik shaII ielain a concuiienl juiisdiclion vilh lhe Uniled Slales in and ovei lhe said
piopeily, so fai as lhal aII civiI, ciininaI and olhei piocess, vhich nay issue undei lhe Iavs nr aulhoiily of
lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, nay le execuled lheieon, in lhe sane vay and nannei as if such consenl had nol
leen given, oi juiisdiclion ceded, excepl so fai as such piocess nay affecl lhe ieaI oi peisonaI piopeily nf lhe
Uniled Slales."
2/22/2004 32
"Seclion 5. The said piopeily, vhen acquiied ly lhe Uniled Slales, shaII le and conlinue foievei
lheieaflei exoneialed and dischaiged fion aII laxes, assessnenls, and olhei chaiges, vhich nay le Ievied oi
inposed undei lhe aulhoiily of lhis slale, lul lhe juiisdiclion heiely ceded, and lhe exenplion fion laxalion
heiely gianled, shaII conlinue in iespecl lo said piopeily, and lo each poilion lheieof, so Iong as lhe sane
shaII ienain lhe piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales, and le used foi lhe puiposes afoiesaid, and no Iongei."
(Iassed ApiiI 15, 1857. Rev. Slals. of Nev Yoik, 8lh ed. VoI. 1, page 189.)
"Seclion 6. The juiisdiclion heiely ceded shaII nol vesl in any iespecl lo any poilion of said piopeily
unliI lhe Uniled Slales shaII have acquiied lhe lilIe lheielo, ly puichase oi olheivise."
Ioi Acl of lhe Slale LegisIaluie, passed ApiiI 18, 1861, see Ioil HaniIlon.
"Seclion 1. The Iasl paiagiaph of lhe sevenlh seclion of lhe acl enlilIed*** (alove Acl of ApiiI 18, 1861)
is heiely anended so as lo iead as foIIovs: Ioi lhe puipose of luiIding and nainlaining lheieon lalleiies,
foils, nagazines, vhaifs, and olhei necessaiy sliucluies, vilh lheii appendages, adjacenl lo Ioil HaniIlon,
Kings Counly, Long IsIand, and adjacenl lo Ioil Tonpkins, in lhe lovn of SoulhfieId, Counly of Richnond,
Slalen IsIand," (Iassed Ieliuaiy 2O, 1862.)
See aIso Ioil HaniIlon foi Acl of Ieliuaiy 2O, 1862, as lo condennalion pioceedings foi juiisdiclion
ovei valei coveied Iands, see Acl of lhe Slale LegisIaluie passed May 7, 186O, as sel oul undei caplion of
"Ioil Weed."
y Ialenl of lhe Coveinoi of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, daled May 26, 188O, lilIe lo and juiisdiclion ovei
lhe pienises desciiled in lhe Acl of May 7, 188O, veie gianled and conveyed lo lhe Uniled Slales, suljecl lo
lhe leins of lhe said acl and lhe Iinilalions conlained lheiein. Ialenl iecoided May 26, 188O, in ook of
Ialenls No. 44, page 6O4, elc., of lhe iecoids of Ialenls in lhe Office of lhe Secielaiy of Slale of Nev Yoik.
}uiisdiclion ovei lhe addilionaI Iands vas ceded lo lhe Uniled Slales, ly acls of lhe Slale LegisIaluie,
passed May 26, 1893, and Ieliuaiy 14, 1896, vhich acls piovide as foIIovs:
"Seclion 1. The consenl of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik is heiely given lo lhe acquisilion ly lhe Uniled
Slales of lhe foIIoving desciiled liacls oi paiceIs of Iand upon lhe paynenl of lhe laxes nov due lheieon,
naneIy: AII lhose ceilain liacls oi paiceIs of Iand, silualed, Iying and leing in lhe viIIage of Ldgevalei, in
lhe lovn of SoulhfieId, in lhe Counly of Richnond, and Slale of Nev Yoik, adjacenl lo lhe niIilaiy
ieseivalion of Ioil Wadsvoilh on Slalen IsIand, as foIIovs, lo vil, One ceilain liacl of Iand conlaining aloul
fouileen acies, and lhe Iand and Iand undei valei Iying in fionl lheieof, and lelveen oidinaiy high valei
naik of Nev Yoik ay and lhe piei and luIkhead Iine eslalIished ly lhe Uniled Slales, and foui ceilain
adjacenl liacls of Iand, conlaining in lhe aggiegale aloul eighly-lvo acies, and aloul foui and eighl hundied
and fifly-five one lhousandlhs acies of Iand and Iand undei valei, Iying in fionl of lhal poilion lheieof, lhal
loideis on lhe shoie of Nev Yoik ay, and lelveen oidinaiy high valei naik of said Nev Yoik ay and lhe
piei and luIkhead Iine eslalIished ly lhe Uniled Slales, and il is heiely piovided lhal lhe Uniled Slales nay
eiecl foilificalions, laiiacks, and olhei luiIdings lheieon foi lhe defense of Nev Yoik Hailoi, and lhe
Uniled Slales shaII have, hoId and occupy
2/22/2004 33
said Iands lhus acquiied, and shaII exeicise juiisdiclion and conlioI ovei lhe sanc and eveiy pail lheieof,
suljecl lo lhe iesliiclions heieinaflei nenlioned."
"Seclion 2. The juiisdiclion heiely ceded shaII vesl vhen pIals and desciiplions of lhe said Iands lhus
acquiied, shaII have leen fiIed in lhe Office of lhe Secielaiy of Slale of lhe S|a|c of Nev Yoik, such juiisdiclion
shaII conlinue no Iongei lhan lhe Uniled Slales shaII ovn such Iands, and such consenl is given and
juiisdiclion ceded upon lhe expiess condilion lhal lhe Slale of Nev Yoik shaII ielain concuiienl juiisdiclion
vilh lhe Uniled Slales In and ovei such Iands so fai as lhal aII civiI, and ciininaI piocess, duIy issued undei
lhe Iavs of said S|ale, foi acls done oi offenses connilled vilhin said Slale, nay le fieeIy and fuIIy execuled
on and vilhin lhe said Iands, excepl so fai as such piocesses nay affecl lhe ieaI oi peisonaI piopeily of lhe
Uniled Slales."
"Seclion 3. So Iong as such Iands lhus acquiied shaII ienain lhe piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales, and no
Iongei, lhe sane shaII le and conlinue exoneialed fion aII laxes, assessnenls, and olhei chaiges vhich nay
le Ievied oi inposed undei lhe aulhoiily of lhis Slale." (Iassed May 6, 1893, Lavs of Nev Yoik, 1893 VoI. 2,
page 1423.)
}uiisdiclion ovei lhe liacls ieceived fion LIizalelh D. Okeihauson, }oseph . Whilney, AdeIine
Haxlun, and Heniy Mouquin iespecliveIy, vas ceded ly lhe Coveinoi, undei lhe piovisions of lhe CeneiaI
Acl of Cession,. undei dales of Oclolei 24, 1898, Decenlei 19, 19OO, May 9, 19O1 and Decenlei 19, 19O1.
See aIso CeneiaI Acl of Cession, and Acl enlilIed "Acl lo ReIease lo lhe Uniled Slales, elc." daled Maich
12, 19O3.
RevocalIe Licenses: License, ApiiI 11, 1896, lo lhe Slalen IsIand LIecliic RaiIioad Conpany lo
consliucl, nainlain and opeiale an eIecliic slieel suiface iaiIioad on so nuch of Richnond Avenue as Iies
vilhin oi aluls upon lhe ieseivalion.
License, Seplenlei 3O, 19O1, lo lhe Tieasuiy Depailnenl lo occupy foi a Iighl-keepei's dveIIing a liacl
of Iand 1OO ly 125 feel neai lhe inleiseclion of Nev Yoik and Richnond Avenues. (Localion changed ly
Lellei of lhe Secielaiy of Wai lo lhe Secielaiy of Conneice and Laloi, Novenlei 5.19O3, accepled ly lhe
Iallei Ieliuaiy 15, 19O4.)
Lndoisenenl on Iellei of Connanding Officei asking foi infoinalion conceining juiisdiclion ovei
Nev Yoik and Richnond Avenues.
(18O3) 5lh Indoisenenl. C.
RespeclfuIIy ieluined lo lhe MiIilaiy Secielaiy. The }uiisdiclion ovei lhe Iands acquiied foi lhe enIaigenenl
of lhe niIilaiy ieseivalion of Ioil Wadsvoilh, Nev Yoik, iesls on lhe Acls of lhe Slale LegisIaluie, appioved
May 26, 1893, and Ieliuaiy 14, 1896, and upon ceilain Coveinoi's deeds ceding juiisdiclion undei lhe geneiaI
acl of ApiiI 17, 1896. y lhe fiisl lvo acls, consenl
2/22/2004 34
vas given lo lhe puichase of ceilain paiceIs of Iand, and in lhe puichase lheie undei lhe Iands veie
desciiled as incIuding poilions of Nev Yoik Avenue and of Richnond Avenue, so lhal upon such puichase,
puisuanl lo lhe consenl of lhe IegisIaluie, lhe Uniled Slales acquiied juiisdiclion ovei lhe enliie liacl
puichased, incIuding lhal poilion of lhe sane vilhin lhe Iinils of saId Avenues.
The Coveinoi's deed of Decenlei 19, 19OO, ceding juiisdiclion undei lhe geneiaI acl of ApiiI 17, 1896,
ovei lhe liacls of Iand acquiied ly deed, daled Oclolei 18, 19OO, fion }oseph . Whilney, ct. a!., aftcr
desciiling lhe pienises as lounded ly Richnond Avenue, Sea Avenue, and Tonpkins Avenue adds
"logelhei vilh lhe one-haIf of Sea, Richnond and Tonpkins Avenues adjoining said pienises. The deed
puipoils lo ieIease lo lhe Uniled Slales of Aneiica lhe juiisdiclion of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik upon and ovei
lhe said paiceI of Iand alove desciiled ---,-. "lhe Uniled Slales lo hoId, possess, and exeicise such juiisdiclion
suljecl lo lhe leins and condilions of said acl of lhe LegisIaluie of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik." Theie is no
specific act nf cession of juiisdiclion ovei lhe Avenues iefeiied lo vilhin.
Gcn. . Davis, }udge Advocale CeneiaI.
"Seclion 1. The consenl of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik is heiely given lo lhe puichase ly lhe goveinnenl of
lhe Uniled Slales, and undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe sane, of any liacl, piece oi paiceI of Iand fion any
individuaI oi individuaIs, lodies poIilic oi coipoiale vilhin lhe loundaiies of lhis Slale, siluale upon oi
adjacenl lo lhe navigalIe valeis lheieof, foi lhe puipose of eiecling lheieon Iighl-houses, leacons, Iighl-
house keepei's dveIIings, voiks foi inpioving navigalion, posl offices, cuslon-houses, foilificalions, and aII
deeds, conveyances oi olhei papeis ieIaling lo lhe lilIe lheieof, shaII le iecoided in lhe office of lhe iegislei
oi counly cIeik of lhe counly vheie lhe said Iands arc silualed."
"Seclion 2. Whenevei lhe Uniled Slales is desiious of puichasing oi acquiiing lhe lilIe lo any liacl,
piece oi paiceI of Iand vilhin lhe loundaiies of lhis slale foi any of lhe puiposes afoiesaid, and cannol agiee
vilh lhe ovnei oi ovneis lheieof as lo lhe puichase lheieof, oi if lhe ovneis of any of said Iands aie
unknovn, infanls, of unsound nind, oi noniesidenls, oi if foi any olhei ieason a peifecl lilIe can nol le nade
lo said Iands, oi any pail lheieof lhe Uniled Slales ly any agenl aulhoiized undei lhe hand and seaI of any
head of any execulive depailnenl of lhe goveinnenl of lhe Uniled Slales, is aulhoiized lo appIy lo lhe
Supiene Couil of lhe slale, in and foi lhe counly vilhin vhich lhe said Iands aie silualed, lo have lhe said
Iands condenned foi lhe use and lenefil of lhe Uniled Slales, undei lhe piovisions of lhe slalules of lhis slale
appIying lo condennalion of Iands."
"Seclion 3. Whenevei lhe Uniled Slales ly any agenl aulhoiized undei lhe hand and seaI of any head
of an execulive depailnenl of lhe goveinnenl of lhe Uniled Slales, shaII cause lo le fiIed and iecoided in lhe
office of lhe secielaiy of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, ceilified copies of lhe iecoid of liansfei lo lhe Uniled Slales of
any liacls oi paiceIs of Iand vilhin lhe slale, vhich have leen acquiied ly lhe Uniled Slales foi any of lhe
puiposes afoiesaid, logelhei vilh naps oi pIals and desciiplions of such Iands ly neles and lounds,

2/22/2004 35
and a ceilificale of lhe alloiney-geneiaI of lhe Uniled Slales lhal lhe Uniled Slales is in possession of said Iands
and pienises foi eilhei of lhe voiks oi puiposes afoiesaid, undei a cIeai and conpIele lilIe, lhe goveinoi of lhe
slale is aulhoiized, if he deens piopei, lo execule in dupIicale, in lhe nane of lhe slale and undei ils gieal seaI, a
deed oi ieIease of lhe slale ceding lo lhe Uniled Slales lhe juiisdiclion of said liacls oi paiceIs of Iand as
heieinaflei piovided."
"Seclion 4. The said juiisdiclion so ceded shaII le upon lhe expiess condilion lhal lhe slale of Nev Yoik
shaII ielain a concuiienl juiisdiclion vilh lhe Uniled Slales on and ovei lhe piopeily and pienises so conveyed,
so fai as lhal aII civiI and ciininaI piocess, vhich nay issue undei lhe Iavs oi aulhoiily of lhe slale of Nev
Yoik, nay le execuled lheieon in lhe sane vay and nannei as if such juiisdiclion had nol leen ceded, excepl so
fai as such piocess nay affecl lhe ieaI oi peisonaI piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales."
"Seclion 5. The said piopeily shaII le and conlinue foievei lheieaflei exoneialed and dischaiged fion aII
laxes, assessnenls and olhei chaiges, vhich nay le Ievied oi inposed undei lhe aulhoiily of lhis slale, lul lhe
juiisdiclion heiely ceded and lhe exenplion fion laxalion heiely gianled, shaII conlinue in iespecl lo such
piopeily so Iong as lhe sane shaII ienain lhe piopeily of lhe Uniled Slales, and le used foi lhe puiposes
afoiesaid, and no Iongei."
"Seclion 6. One of lhe deeds of Ieases so execuled in dupIicale shaII le deIiveied lo lhe duIy aulhoiized
agenl of lhe Uniled Slales, and lhe olhei deed oi ieIease shaII le fiIed and iecoided in lhe office of lhe secielaiy
of slale of lhe Slale of Nev Yoik, and said deed oi ieIease shaII lecone vaIid and effecluaI onIy upon such fiIing
and iecoiding in said office.
"Seclion 7 The secielaiy of slale shaII cause lo le piinled in lhe session Iavs of lhe yeai succeeding fiIe in
his office of said deed, a slalenenl of lhe dale of lhe appIicalion of lhe Uniled Slales foi said deed and a copy of
lhe desciiplion of lhe Iands so conveyed oi ceded, logelhei vilh lhe dale of lhe iecoiding of said deed in lhe
office of lhe said secielaiy of slale."
"Seclion 8. This acl shaII nol appIy lo lhe counly of Oiange." (Appioved ApiiI 17, 1896. Lavs of Nev Yoik,
1896, VoI. 1, p. 377.)
E 5

2/22/2004 36
The pioposed Iocalion nf lhe Veiiazzano-Naiiovs iidge and appioaches wnu!d pIace lhe vesl leininus
lhiough lhe cenliaI poilion of Ioil Wadsvoilh. The Slalen IsIand ToII IIaza and appioach lo lhe liidge
necessilales lhe laking of sone piopeily fion lhe posl. The aiea Iosl consisls of an easleiIy-vesleiIy sliip,
ioughIy lisecling lhe sile inlo lvo segnenls, lhe unily leing nainlained ly sufficienl easenenls lhiough lhe
Oulgianl pioviding adequale ioadvays passing undei lhe eIevaled liidge appioaches lo nainlain adequale
liaffic ciicuIalion lelveen lhe lvo poilions*
Of lhe lolaI exisling Iand aiea of 226 acies, lhe Oulgianl paiceI foi lhe liidge appioaches consisls of 23.47
acies (IaiceI "A"). An addilionaI aiea of 1.O6 acies (IaiceI "") is laken foi videning of LiIy Iond Avenue on lhe
vesleiIy loundaiy of lhe posl. oideiing each paiceI is a 5O fool vide luffei sliip. This iesliicled-use aiea
lolaIs 7. 1 acies adjacenl lo IaiceI "A", and 1.3l acies adjacenl lo IaiceI "". The nel uniesliicled usalIe aiea foi
lhe posl is lheiefoie ieduced fion 226 acies lo 193 -O1 -
The Secielaiy of lhe Ainy, undei and ly viilue of lhe aulhoiily vesled in hin ly TilIe II, Iiisl Wai
Ioveis Acl (5O USC 611) as anended and Lxeculive Oidei 1O21O, 2 Ieliuaiy 1951 and TilIe 1O USC 2668 heiely
gianls lo The Ioil of Nev Yoik Aulhoiily, a lody coipoiale and poIilic ciealed ly conpacl lelveen lhe Slales of
Nev }eisey and Nev Yoik, vilh lhe consenl of Congiess of lhe Uniled Slales, vilh ils piincipaI office al 111
Lighlh Avenue in lhe oiough of Manhallan, Cily, Counly and Slale of Nev Yoik, heieinaflei designaled as lhe
gianlee, an easenenl foi a iighl of vay foi ioad, slieel and liidge puiposes ovei, acioss, in and upon Iands of
lhe Uniled Slales and desciiled as foIIovs:
IARCLL A, AII lhose ceilain Iols, pieces, oi paiceIs of Iand siluale, Iying and leing in lhe Counly of
Richnond, Cily and Slale of Nev Yoik, leing a pail of lhe Ioil Wadsvoilh MiIilaiy Reseivalion, lounded and
desciiled as foIIovs:
eginning al a poinl designaled as Ioinl 24 on a ceilain nap of Ioil Wadsvoilh enlilIed "Maslei IIan foi
Re-deveIopnenl - Reseivalion oundaiy Map," diavn ly Madigan-HyIand, daled 1 }une 1956 and leaiing IiIe
No. 7O72-323 in lhe Office of lhe Disliicl Lngineei of lhe Nev Yoik Disliicl of lhe Coips of Lngineeis, U. S.
Ainy, and leing Diaving No. 18-O4-O2, Sheel 3 of 29, vhich poinl is naiked ly a nonunenl designaled as
Monunenl ''L" on said nap, iunning lhence (1) N 6652'19" L noie oi Iess, aIong a couise paiaIIeI lo and dislanl
1O8.5O feel noilheiIy fion a Iine diavn lelveen lvo nonunenls designaled as Monunenl "A" and Monunenl
"" on said nap, a dislance of 8O2.25 feel noie oi Iess, lo a poinl in lhe easleiIy exleiioi Iine of Ioil Wadsvoilh
Reseivalion, said esleiioi Iine leing lhe U. S. Iieihead and uIkhead Line,

2/22/2004 37
lhence (2) aIong said exleiioi Iine and lhe U.S. Iieihead and uIkhead Line 'S 9OO' L, noie oi Iess, 223.77 feel
noie oi Iess, lo a poinl, lhence (3) lhiough Iands of said Reseivalion S 6652'19" W, noie oi Iess, 747.63 feel,
noie oi Iess, lo a poinl vhich is in a Iine diavn in conlinualion of couise (14) heieinaflei desciiled, said couise
(3) leing paiaIIeI lo and dislanl 217.OO feel soulheiIy fion couise (1) heieinlefoie desciiled, lhence (4) al iighl
angIes lo couise (3) S 23
4I" L noie oi Iess, 27.5O feel lo a poinl, lhence (5) al iighl angIes lo couise (4) S
6652'19" W noie oi Iess, 1, 273.77 feel lo a poinl, lhence (6) S 8221' W noie oi Iess, aIong a couise vhich foins
an inleiioi of 1 (164 31' 19'' vilh couise (5), a dislance of 54O.48 feel noie oi Iess, lo a poinl in lhe vesleiIy Iine
of Iands of said Ioil Wadsvoilh Reseivalion, said poinl leing dislanl 461.7 feel noie oi Iess, neasuied aIong a
coaise having a leaiing of N 2843'1O" W, fion a nonunenl in said exleiioi Iine, said nonunenl leing in lhe
noilheiIy Iine of Richnond Avenue, aIso knovn as McCIean Avenue, lhence (7) aIong said vesleiIy exleiioi Iine
of said Reseivalion N 2843'1O" W 345.OO feel noie oi Iess lo a nonunenl, lhence (8) S 65
11'1O" W 197.5O feel lo
a nonunenl in lhe easleiIy Iine of Tonpkins Avenue, lhence (9) al iighl angIes lo Tonpkins Avenue, S 6I41'2O"
W 3O.OO feel lo a nonunenl in lhe vesleiIy exleiioi Iine of said Reseivalion and In lhe cenlei Iine of Tonpkins
Avenue, lhence (1O) sliII aIong said exleiioi Iine and aIong lhe cenlei Iine of Tonpkins Avenue N 2818'4O" W
775.OO feel noie oi Iess lo & poinl in said Iine, lhence (11) lhiough lhe Iands of Ioil Wadsvoilh Reseivalion S
O7'15" L noie oi Iess, aIong a couise vhich foins an inleiioi angIe of 19952'45" vilh couise (12) heieinaflei
desciiled, a dislance of 1, 194.OO feel noie oi Iess, lo a poinl, lhence (12) S 89OO' L noie oi Iess, aIong a couise
vhich foins an inleiioi angIe of 2O4O7'41" vilh couise (13) heieinaflei desciiled, a dislance of 365.32 feel, lo a
poinl, lhence (13) N 6652'19" L noie oi Iess, and paiaIIeI lo couise (1) heieinlefoie desciiled, a dislance of
933.4O feel, lo a poinl, lhence (14) al iighl angIes lo couise (13) S 23O7'4I" L noie oi Iess, 27.5O feel lo lhe poinl oi
pIace of leginning.
Conlaining 23.47 acies, le lhe sane noie oi Iess.
PARCEL B: eginning al a poinl foined ly lhe Inleiseclion of lhe SoulheiIy side of McCIean Avenue as adopled
ly lhe oaid of Lslinale and Appoilionnenl of lhe Cily of Nev Yoik on Maich 1, 1935, and lhe easleiIy ide, of
LiIy Iond Avenue, as foineiIy eslalIished, lhe said poinl of leginning having lhe cooidinale vaIues of S
21532.227 W 5786.856 in a syslen eslalIished ly lhe U.S. Coasl and Ceodelic Suivey foi lhe oiough of
Richnond, and iunning lhence (1) N 6636 41" L, aIong lhe said soulheiIy side of McCIean Avenue 36.86 feel lo
lhe easleiIy side of LiIy Iond Avenue as shovn on Map NO 284O enlilIed "Map LslalIishing a Change in lhe
Lines and Ciades of LiIy 'Pcnd Avenue- fion McCIean Avenue lo Seaside ouIevaid in Seclion 13," daled ]unc,
3O, I
1955 and fiIed in lhe office of lhe Iiesidenl of lhe oiough of Richnond, lhence (2) S 3128''OO" L aIong lhe
said easleiIy side of LiIy Iond Avenue as shovn on said Map NO. 284O, 1O44.18 feel lo a poinl, lhence (3)
SoulheiIy aIong a cuive lo lhe iighl having a iadius of 69.35 feel, and langenl lo lhe pieceding couise, aIong lhe
said easleiIy side of LiIy Iond Atcnuc, as shovn on said Map No. 284O, 88.34 feel lo lhe said easleiIy side of LiIy
Iond Avenue as foineiIy eslalIished, lhence (4) N 3O49'26W, aIong lhe said easleiIy side of LiIy Iond Avenue
as foineiIy eslalIished, 1115.72 feel lo lhe said soulheiIy side of McCIean Avenue as adopled, vhich is aIso lhe
said poinl oi pIace of leginning, leing lhe vesleiIy sliip of Iands of lhe Uniled Slales Coveinnenl MiIilaiy
Reseivalion al Ioil Wadsvoilh Iying in lhe led of LiIy Iond Avenue as shovn on said Map No. 284O.
Conlaining 1.O6 acies, le lhe sane noie oi Iess.

2/22/2004 38
Reseiving lo lhe gianloi iighls of passage and ie-passage and of nainlenance ovei, upon and acioss
lhiee ceilain ioads undei lhe liidge lo le consliucled and vhich said ioads inleisecl lhe piopeily desciiled
in IaiceI A, logelhei vilh lhe iighl lo consliucl, use and nainlain, uliIilies and olhei faciIilies in lhe led of
said ioads, sepaialeIy desciiled as foIIovs:
IARCLL I - NLW YORK AVLNUL: eginning al a poinl in lhe lhiileenlh couise of lhe alove
desciiplion of IaiceI A, said poinl leing dislanl 371.51 feel noie oi Iess neasuied aIong said couise fion
lhe slailing poinl of said couise, iunning lhence (1) aIong said lhiileenlh couise N 6652'19" L noie oi Iess,
1OO.58 feel lo a poinl in sane, lhence (2) S 2917'4I" L noie oi Iess, 273.58 feel noie oi Iess, lo a poinl in lhe
fiflh couise of said desciiplion of IaiceI A, lhence (3) aIong said fiflh couise S 6652'19" W noie oi Iess,
1OO.58 feel lo a poinl In sane, lhence (4) S 2917'4I" W noie oi Iess, 273 58 feel noie oi Iess, lo lhe poinl oi
pIace of leginning.
Conlaining O.61 acies, le lhe sane noie oi Iess.
IARCLL II - HUDSON ROAD, eginning al a poinl in lhe fiisl couise of lhe alove desciiplion of
IaiceI A, said poinl leing dislanl 337 2O feel noie oi Iess neasuied aIong said fiisl couise fion lhe slailing
poinl of said fiisl couise, iunning lhence (1) aIong said fiisl couise N 6652'19" L noie oi Iess, 51.O3 feel lo a
poinl in sane, lhence (2) S 1136'L noie oi Iess, 221.47 feel noie oi Iess, lo a poinl in lhe lhiid couise of said
desciiplion of IaiceI A, lhence (3) aIong said lhiid couise S 6652'19" W noie oi Iess, 51. O3 feel lo a poinl in
sane, lhence (4) N 1136'W noie oi Iess, 221.47 feel noie oi Iess tn lhe poinl oi pIace of leginning.
Conlaining O.25 acies, le lhe sane noie oi Iess.
IARCLL III IORT WLLD ROAD: eginning al a poinl in lhe fiisl couise of lhe alove desciiplion of
IaiceI A, said poinl leing dislanl 545.32 feel noie oi Iess neasuied, aIong said fiisl couise fion lhe slailing
poinl of said fiisl couise, iunning lhence (1) aIong said fiisl couise N 6652'19"" L noie oi Iess, 53.O6 feel lo
a poinl in sane, lhence (2) S 333' 41" L 145.O6 feel lo a poinl, lhence (3) S 4833''4I" L 28.OO feel lo a poinl,
lhence (4) S 2348'15" W 8O.58 feel noie oi Iess lo a poinl in lhe lhiid couise cf said desciiplion of IaiceI A,
lhence (5) aIong said lhiid couise .' S 6652'19" W noie oi Iess, 73.22 feel lo a poinl in sane, lhence (6) N`
2348'15' L 97.5O feel lo a poinl, lhence (7) N 4833'41" W 12.14 feel lo a poinl, lhence (8) N 333'41 W 148.OO
feel noie oi Iess lo lhe poinl oi pIace of leginning.
Conlaining O.29 acies, bc lhe sane noie oi Iess.

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