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Osmosis investigation
Testing the rate of osmosis on plant cells


Anthony Perez

Candidate Number 4129
Mrs Armstrong.

Introduction - Osmosis is the diffusion of molecules from a place
of higher concentration to that of a lower concentration through a
semi-permeable membrane until there is a state of equilibrium on
both sides of the solution. There are three different types of
solutions in osmosis which are Hypertonic which is a concentrated
solution, with a lower water concentration than the cell the cell
will lose water by osmosis. Isotonic is a solution with exactly the
same water concentration as the cell there will be very little
movement of water across the cell membrane and Hypotonic a
dilute solution, with a higher water concentration than the cell the
cell will gain water through osmosis.

Preliminary Work – Mrs. Armstrong carried out the experiment

first so that we could see whether there was any difference in the
rate of osmosis in a solution of sugar and in a solution of pure
water. For the experiment Mrs. Armstrong used one knife, a
potato, a tile, a ruler calibrated in Mm, two 100ml beakers, a large
beaker of one molar solution and a large beaker of water. First
she measured 100ml of one molar solution into beaker A and then
measured 100ml of water into Beaker B, she cut the potato into
two 5cm chips measuring them with the ruler she then put one of
the chips into beaker A and one of the chips into beaker B she
then left both beakers on a shelf for 30 minutes when we returned
you could definitely notice that one had grown longer and on
closer inspection the it was also very hard. So this experiment has
obviously shown that there is a difference in the rate of osmosis
meaning that we can carry on and do a more concise experiment
to find the isotonic point.

Preliminary results table –

Sugar Length at Length at Time

Conc. start (Cm) End (Cm) (Minute
(Moles) s)

Zero 5 5.3 30

One 5 4.7 30

The results emphasize that there is a difference between the

rates of osmosis in each solution; if we had left the solution for
longer we would see more dramatic effects but the preliminary
work is just to prove that there is in fact a difference.

Results Table -


My Preliminary test – I carried out the same experiment as Mrs.
Armstrong but refined it so that I would get more readings and
henceforth a more accurate results table and graphs and also
have a clearer idea of where the isotonic point is. The main
differences were that I used a core borer instead of a knife for
accuracy and to keep the surface area of each chip the same as
this effects the rate of osmosis furthermore I decided to use a
number six core borer as it is easier to use and unlike the number
five borer you do not need to push the potato out of the borer
which would make the potato core denser at one end meaning it
would enlarge like a sponge in the water. I used five different
100ml beakers and labeled each beaker starting with 0.2moles
going up by 0.2moles each beaker.

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