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I S S U E N O.



nd illage a av Kurand e Journey Skylin

Kuranda is an Aboriginal village in the Mountains of Northern Queensland. there are markets and shops selling to the tourists who venture here on the train and the the skyline gondola. We rode to the village on the 7km gondola from the Coast into the rainforest, sailing over the tops of the trees, we could look out over the Coral Sea and the Jungle rivers winding through the dense vegetation. We stopped along the way to learn about the unique rainforest. It is home to the only conifer tree with leaves. Conifers live primarily in places where it snows, the needles do not hold the snow, therefore preventing the weight on the branches. The conifer in the rainforest has no trouble with snow, instead it wants large leaves as to absorb as much sun as possible. The markets had beautiful things, and the Aboriginal village was colorful and captivating. The Train on the way down took us over multiple bridges and through many tunnels. It was a fabulous way to see a part of Queensland that most overlook when they come to see the Great Barrier Reef.

The Cassowary Bird

The Cassowary is a bird that has been around for over 100 million years, it is part of a family of birds called the Ratite Family. There are only 5 species left in this family, the Cassowary, Ostrich, Emu, Rhea and Kiwi. This family is all large, ightless, and ancient birds. Its relative, the Moa is now extinct as well as many other birds of this family. There are only 1,000 Cassowaries left on earth. They live deep in the rainforest away from people. They are said by many to be the most dangerous birds it the world. There are struggling because of habitat loss, they live in the rainforest which is rapidly disappearing. They look much like dinosaurs with tough reptile-like skin on there head and feet. Its colors are spectacular and is one of the most sensational looking birds I have ever seen. (We didn't actually see one of course) I hope the Cassowaries can rebound along with many animals in the rainforest, I wish people with big power would think to do something for the animals that would really make a difference, I hope I can do that one day

Dangers in the Water

During the summer months, October - March, the water around Cairns is lled with poisonous stingers (jelly sh). The sting of these creatures is deadly. You cannot just go in the water wherever you please, you would be seriously risking your life. SLS or Surf Life Saving has put up stinger nets,, on the most popular beaches all over Queensland, the nets are an enclosed area for people to swim within. SLS has projects all over the pacic and are working on protection programs keeping people from the dangers of the ocean. There is also the matter of the man eating crocodiles that live here year round! Crocodiles are very aggressive and will attack for a few different reasons: Territorial or nest defense, if they feel threatened, for food, or if they are scared or surprised. Visiting in this area of Australia was quite intimidating. Always waiting for a Croc to jump up behind you!

The Aboriginals of Australia

! ! he Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for at least 40,000 years. They live in harmony with nature, not disturbing anyone or anything. They are careful to never endanger species of animals or plants. Living a seemingly perfect life, untouched by the new and growing world of European colonization until... 1787, a eet of 11 ships arrived from Great Britain, due to overcrowded prison in England, they carried prisoners and criminals. Many explorers had previously come to Australia and even mapped parts of it, but had not settled. ! The Aboriginal people have a tra gic histor y with the British that colonized here, being treated very poorly, as if they were not even humans. They were not allowed to associate in any way with the new settlers. Many Aboriginal children were unwillingly taken from their families and sent to missions where it was forbidden for them to practice their cultural traditions, they were taught European ways including Christianity. The missionaries looked at this and thought they were protecting these people from cruel and unfair prejudice that they were subject to. They believed sincerely that they were helping the children. ! A tradition of the Aboriginal people is to go on a Walkabout, Walkabout is when they walk through the outback for months at a time traveling in groups of tribal members. They have exceptional ways of asking the earth for the blessing of having food and water, very few things are brought with them, only the clothes on their back and animals skins to sleep on. I suggest the book: Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. It is a story told by an American woman about her 4 month walkabout with the Aboriginals, what she learned and her amazing experiences. ! I hope that that a! of the Australian people can accept the Aboriginals, forget the past and let go of the dierences. This would make it so that everyone, Aboriginals, Australians, and many diverse cultures of Australia can live the way they each believe in peace.

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