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: Hello, Foster. Where are you off to ? : Hello, Connealius. Im going for a meeting at the WWF local chapter.

We want to discuss our Plans for Earth Day and Earth Hour. : Oh, good! I am very curious about Earth Day and Earth Hour.Can I ask you some questions? Before you leaving for a meeting. : Sure ! Fire away ! :Firstly, when was Earth Day and Earth Hour first thought of ? :In 2004, WWF Australia mooted the idea to take climate change mainstream. In 2005, to instil hope and personal responsibility for the future of our planet, WWF Australia came up with the slogan The Big Flick which was renamed Earth Hour. :I see , so, when was Earth Hour inaugurated? :On 31st March 2007, Earth Hour was inaugurated in Sydney Australia from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Sydney residents and businesses participated by flicking off their lights for one hour to take a stand against climate change. : Another question is, How did other countries become involved in Earth Hour, Besides, Australia ? I am very curious . : In 2008, the plan was to take Earth Hour to the rest of Australia. But by then Toronto, Canada, had signed up. It wasnt long before 35 countries and almost 400 cities and towns were part of the event . With the invitation to switch off extended to everyone, Earth Hour quickly became an annual global event to save the earth from global warming. : I see and obviously, Its scheduled on the last Saturday of March every year to coincide with the equinox or a time of the year at which the sun

crosses the equator and when day and night are equal length. Since then, people, businesses and governments around the world unite each year to support the largest environmental event in history, Earth Hour. Do you agree with that? because I search this information from the internet yesterday for my assignment. : Absolutely! : So, what happened in 2011? : In 2011, Earth Hour saw millions of people across 135 countries switch off lights for an hour. It also marked the start of going Beyond the Hour where the global community is committed to create a more sustainable planet. : What are the plans for 2012 ? : Earth Hour 2012 will be held on Saturday March 31st from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Wherever you are in the world. Check website to find out whats in store. Earth Hour is organized by the World Wide Fund (WWF). WWFs mission is to stop the degradation of the Earths natural environment and build a future where people live harmony with nature. : In other circumstances, Earth Hour is a great event to stop the Global Warming and thank you for your cooperation, hopefully all the conversation just now can help me to finish my assignment. : Youre welcome. : We have to be involved in sustaining the environment for a better tomorrow. Do you agree with me? Can I join WWF-Malaysia? :To both questions, yes! Welcome aboard!

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