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Name of Patient: Jocelyn Jacosalem Diagnosis:

Age: 36 y.o.
Attending Physician: Dr. Fernandez
Pregnancy (Teratogenic Effects) : Pregnancy Category B.
Reproduction studies have been performed in rats, mice, and rabbits at doses
up to 25 times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of impaired
fertility or harm to the fetus due to ANCEF. There are, however, no adequate
Drug Study and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction

Generic Brand Classi- Mechanism of Dosage & Time Student’s C.I.’s

Date Name Name fication Indication Adverse Reaction Nursing Considerations sign
Action Frequency Given Signature
Treatment of the
02-13- C A A following infections A 500mg q8o 10:0 • Assess patient for infection
09 E N N due to susceptible
semisynthetic 0 am Gastrointestinal Diarrhea, oral candidiasis (vital signs; appearance of
F C T cephalosporin (oral thrush), vomiting, nausea, stomach surgical site, urine; WBC) at
7am- A E I analog with cramps, anorexia, and pseudomembranous beginning and during therapy.
3pm Z F - Urinary Tract
InfectionsDue to E. broad- colitis. Onset of pseudomembranous colitis • Before initiating therapy,
O I symptoms may occur during or after obtain a history to determine
coli, P mirabilis. spectrum
L F antibiotic treatment (see WARNINGS). previous use of and reactions
action due to Nausea and vomiting have been reported to penicillins or
N C Skin and Skin
rarely. cephalosphorins. Persons with
T Structure Infections inhibition of
Due to S. aureus bacterial cell a negative history of penicillin
I (including β-
V wall synthesis. Allergic : Anaphylaxis, eosinophilia, itching, sensitivity may still have an
lactamase−producing drug fever, skin rash, Stevens-Johnson
E It attains high allergic response.
strains), S.
syndrome. • Obtain specimens for culture
S pyogenes, and other serum levels
strains of and sensitivity before initiating
and is
streptococci. Hematologic: Neutropenia, leukopenia, therapy.
thrombocytopenia, thrombocythemia. • Observe patient for signs and
quickly via the
Genital Infections symptoms of anaphylaxis
(i.e., prostatitis, urine. (rash, pruritis, laryngeal
Hepatic : Transient rise in SGOT, SGPT, and
epididymitis) due to edema, wheezing). Discontinue
E. coli, P. mirabilis. alkaline phosphatase levels has been
observed. As with other cephalosporins, drug and notify physician or
reports of hepatitis have been received. other health care professional
Septicemia Due to S. immediately if these problems
pneumoniae, S.
aureus (including β- Renal : As with other cephalosporins, occur. Keep epinephrine, an
lactamase−producing reports of increased BUN and creatinine antihistamine, and
strains), P. mirabilis, levels, as well as renal failure, have been resuscitation equipment close
E. coli. by in case of anaphylactic
Local Reactions : Rare instances of • Monitor site for
phlebitis have been reported at site of thrombophlebitis (pain,
injection. Pain at the site of injection after redness, swelling). Change
intramuscular administration has occurred sites every 48-72 hr to prevent
infrequently. Some induration has occurred. phlebitis.
• Instruct patient to report
signs of superinfection (furry
Other Reactions : Genital and anal overgrowth on the tongue,
pruritus (including vulvar pruritus, genital vaginal itching or discharge,
moniliasis, and vaginitis). loose or foul-smelling stools)
and allergy.
• Instruct patient to notify
health care professional if
fever and diarrhea develop,
especially if diarrhea contains
blood, mucus, or pus. Advise
not to treat diarrhea without
consulting healthcare

Heading – Classification- Dosage & Freq- Nsg. Consideration -
Date – Indication: - Time Given-
Generic Name- Mechanism of Action - Adverse Reaction- TOTAL:
To be submitted to:

Charlene T.Tumanda R.N

Clinical Instructor

To be submitted by:

Michelle C. Manaois

February 14, 2009

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