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Class Play

(Source: Highlight)

Lets find these objects!

What is this?
What is this? digunakan ketika menanyakan nama benda yang berada di dekat kita. Ayo kita coba!

What is this

This is a cup cake.

Sekarang giliran kamu.

What is ________

This is a______________

What ___ ______

This ____ ___ _________

What ___ ______

This ____ ___ _________

____ ___ ______

_____ ____ ____ ______

____ ___ ______

_____ ____ ____ ______

____ ___ ______

_____ ____ ____ ______

Well done!

In the Tub

(Source: Highlight)

Lets find these objects and color them!

What is that?
Jika What is this? untuk menanyakan sebuah benda yang berada di

dekat kita, maka

What is that? digunakan untuk menanyakan sebuah benda yang berada jauh dari kita. Coba perhatikan contoh di bawah ini. What is that? That is a butterfly.

Sekarang cobalah!
What is that? That is a _____________.

What is ______?

That is ___ ____________.

What ___ _____?

That ____ _____ _______.

_______ _____ ______?

______ ____ ______ _______.

_______ _____ ______?

______ ____ ______ _______.

Good Job!


(Source: Highlght)

Lets find these objects!

Is this a bell?
Is this a bell? adalah contoh kalimat tanya sederhana. Alternatif jawabannya adalah yes, this is dan no, this is not.
Mari, perhatikan contoh di bawah ini. Question Answer : Is this a bell? : Yes, this is.

Question Answer

: Is this a bell? : No, this is not.

Cobalah membuat Question and Answer seperti contoh di atas. Question Answer : _______________________________ : _______________________________

Question Answer

: _______________________________ : _______________________________

Question Answer

: _______________________________ : _______________________________

Here is your star!

Circus Clown

(Source: Highlight)

Can you tell me where these objects are?

Is that a spoon?
Is this a bell?, Is that a spoon? juga merupakan contoh kalimat tanya sederhana. Alternatif jawabannya adalah yes, that is dan no, that is not.
Seperti halnya Ini dia contohnya! Question Answer : Is that a spoon? : Yes, that is.

Question Answer

: Is this a bell? : No, this is not.

Sekarang cobalah kamu membuat Question and Answer sendiri. Question Answer : _______________________ : _______________________

Question Answer

: _______________________ : _______________________

Question Answer

: _______________________ : _______________________

Question Answer

: _______________________ : _______________________


Back Yard Garden

(Source: Highlight)

Are they in the back yard garden?

What are these?

What are they? digunakan untuk menanyakan nama beberapa benda yang terletak di dekat kita.
Coba perhatikan contoh berikut. What are these?

These are bulbs Karena jumlah bulb lebih dari satu, maka harus ditambah huruf s dibelakangnya.

Nah, sekarang giliran kamu.

What are these?

These are_________________

What are these?

These are _________________

What are these?

These _________ _____________

Here is your star!


Bunnies and Flowers

(Source: Highlight)

What do bunnies have? Color them.


What are those?

Bagaimana dengan What are those? No problem. Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk menanyakan nama beberapa benda yang letaknya jauh dari kita. Ayo, perhatikan contoh di bawah ni! What are those? Those are caps Mengapa kata cap-nya ditambah huruf s? Itu karena jumlah cap dalam gambar lebih dari satu atau jamak.

Berani mencoba?
What are those?

Those are ______________________________

What are those?

Those are ______________________________

What are ___________________?

Those _______ __________________________

Good Job!


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