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Berkeley United Methodist Church

2407 Berkeley Ave., Austin, TX 78745 Phone: (512) 447-6633 Fax: (512) 851-8438
February 24, 2013 8:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. Second Sunday in Lent

mighty God, and shine your light upon us, that we may have the courage to brave the deepest night and find others who are lost in the dark. WORDS OF ASSURANCE Leader: Christ desires to gather us together, as a mother hen gathers her brood under her wing. Gods love and mercy pursue us, even in the darkest night. Rejoice in the good news of Gods forgiveness! People: Thanks be to God!


UMH #94

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Please take a moment to silence your cell phones now. GATHERING SONG Welcome W&S #3152


CHILDRENS TIME Where Children Belong TFWS #2233


*SENDING SONG O Jesus, I Have Promised UMH #396

Welcome to this place. Youre invited to come and know Gods grace. All are welcome the love of God to share Cause all of us are welcome here; All are welcome in this place.

This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, Gods Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong. READING FROM THE PSALMS SPECIAL MUSIC BIBLE READING Psalm 23 By Phillip Dietterich Psalm 27 UMH #758 Chancel Choir Luke 13:31-35

If you would like to know more about baptism or becoming a member of Berkeley United Methodist Church by profession of faith or transfer of your current church membership, please call the church office and make an appointment to speak with Rev. Devine. THE BENEDICTION You are invited to join hands as we share in the song: I Want Jesus to Walk with Me UMH #521

As we greet one another and have some brief announcements, please fill in the yellow card to let us know of your presence and your prayers!
When this sign (*) appears, you are invited to stand if it is comfortable to do so.

PRELUDE AND LIGHTING THE CANDLES *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: The Lord is our light and our salvation; People: whom shall we fear? Leader: Though adversaries encamp against us, People: God conceals and protects us from harm. Leader: Though enemies seek to bring us low, People: God lifts us up to stand on higher ground. Leader: Sing to the Lord with songs of joy. People: Make melody to the Lord, our God. Leader: The Lord is our light and our salvation; People: whom shall we fear? *OPENING HYMN How Like a Gentle Spirit UMH #115

Leader: This is the Word of God for us, the people of God. All: Thanks be to God! SERMON Spoiler Alert Rev. Jeanne Devine

I want Jesus to walk with me. (walk with me) I want Jesus to walk with me. (walk with me) All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. (walk with me) Thank you for worshiping with us today! In between our services, you are invited for coffee and fellowship on the deckwed love to get to know you better! THOSE LEADING IN WORSHIP TODAY Rev. Jeanne Devine will bring the sermon. Our worship leader for the 8:30 service is Kathy Beth Stavinoha and for the 10:50 service is Julie Burns. Media Operator for the 8:30 service is Elizabeth Walters and for the 10:50 service is Steve Collins. Carol Denton leads our Childrens Time. We thank all our greeters, ushers, and acolytes. CHURCH NURSERY Child care is available for children up to age 5 in the church nursery on Sunday mornings. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary. Children's Sunday School is offered after Childrens Time in the 10:50 worship service.



WE PRAY FOR OTHERS The pastor will share prayer requests and the congregation will respond: Lord, hear our prayer. After the prayers have been lifted, we will pray together the Lords Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. OFFERING OUR GIFTS AND PRAYERS If you are worshiping with us today for the first time, your gift is your presence with us.

Ushers will collect yellow cards; please pass yours down to the end of the row. PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious God, we would rather warn your servants when they are in danger, than join them in their work: healing the sick and offering good news to the downtrodden. We would rather keep our faith a private affair, than proclaim boldly for all to hear: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Find us in the dark,

Upcoming Events This Week

Sunday, February 24 Second Sunday in Lent Newsletter deadline 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 2:30 pm Disciples/Change the World Study (7) 3:30 pm Confirmation Class (9) 4:00 pm Family Ministries (7) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (FH) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9) Monday, February 25 10:00 am Womens Group (CLC) 7:00 pm Covenant Group (9) Tuesday, February 26 11:00 am Disciples/Change the World Study (7) 5:45 pm Spiritual Care (7) 7:00 pm Church Council (FH) Wednesday, February 27 6:00 pm Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, February 28 5:30 pm Saint Louise House (CLC) Saturday, March 2 8:00 am-3:00 pm Emmaus (CLC & sanctuary) Sunday, March 3 Third Sunday in Lent 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 3:30 pm Confirmation Class (9) 3:30 pm Disciples/Change the World Study (7) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (FH) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9)

Announcements Lent DevotionalsThere are still a few copies of The Sanctuary for Lent devotion available in the narthex. Robert V. Dodd explores the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus as described in the gospels as well as their meaning for today. Every devotion includes a suggested Scripture reading and a closing prayer. We believe that these daily devotions will make Lent and Easter more meaningful to you. Help Raise the RoofMontopolis Friendship Community Center is a United Methodist Women-supported facility in the Montopolis neighborhood, comprising a thrift store; Mother's Day Out Program; and Colorado Hall, a large meeting room where the neighborhood community comes to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, wedding receptions and other community events. MFCC needs a NEW ROOF over the Colorado Hall! The $4000 cost is not covered in the annual budget, so they are asking for help from Austin area church members. You can help by buying one square foot of shingles for $3.33 OR 3 sq ft for $10.00! A little help from many will add up quickly. Berkeley United Methodist Women has made a generous donation of $500 to this effort, but we wanted to offer the opportunity to other church members who might like to contribute, above and beyond your regular giving to the church. If you choose to donate, please mark your envelope or check "Montopolis" so the church can direct it to this special effort. Check should be made to Berkeley UMC. Bulletin and Altar ArtworkThis detailed map of Jerusalem (Hierosolima) is a replica of a wood cut image from the 15th century Nuremberg Chronicle. The map was drawn and painted by Michael Wohlgemuth in 1493. The image includes the several gates in the city walls and shows the Temple of Solomon (Salomois) which was rebuilt by King Herod before Jesus birth. The Latin text above the map was composed by Hartmann Schedel, a 15th century German cartographer and doctor.

February 24, 2013 Second Sunday in Lent

Ministers: Members of the Congregation Pastor: Rev. Jeanne Devine ( ph. 761-4977 Director of Music: Victoria Schwarz ( Pianist: Dr. Tyler Mabry ( Media Manager: Elizabeth Walters ( Administrative Assistant: Tara Nash ( Childcare Director: Allison McGillicuddy (

Serving God + + Sharing Christ + + Receiving Mercy

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