LJH Student Handbook (Pages 3-5)

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campus within reasonable time.

6&+22/'$< The school day starts at 8:05 each day and school dismissal will be 3:05 each day except
Ior each Friday. Each Friday school will be dismissed at 2:35.
%86,1)250$7,21Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the buses will result in
the loss oI this privilege. Only regularly scheduled bus students are to ride the school buses. Bus students
are to go immediately to the buses as soon as they are dismissed Irom school in the aIternoon.
Students must ride the assigned bus shuttle between the high school and the junior high school. Above all,
please keep saIety in mind. In order to take advantage oI bus service, students must be willing to accept and
comply with the Iollowing general regulations and responsibilities as well as speciIic rules as set down by
the driver.
1. Respect the person and property oI others.
2. Obey all school rules while on the school bus.
3. Be honest.
4. Obey the driver and other school employees at all times.
5. Stay properly seated
6. Keep the bus clean.
7. Use appropriate conversation.
8. The no`s No Iighting
9. No proIanity
10. No eating or drinking

The School Board has authorized the installation oI video cameras on school buses Ior purposes oI
monitoring student behavior. Actual videotaping oI the students on any particular bus will be done on a
random-selection basis.
II a student is reported to have misbehaved on a bus and his/her actions were recorded on a videotape, the
tape will be submitted to the principal and may be used as evidence oI the misbehavior. Since these tapes
are considered part oI a student`s record, they can be viewed only in accordance with Federal law.
A student who becomes a behavior problem on the bus shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student
Discipline Code and may be deprived oI the privilege oI riding on the bus.

Students at Lincoln Junior High School may possess wireless communication devices (WCDs) in school,
on school property, at aIter school activities and at school-related Iunctions. WCDs include but are not
limited to cellular and wireless telephones, pagers/beepers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), Blackberrys/
Smartphones, Wi-Fi-enables or broadband access devises, two-way radios or video broadcasting devices,
laptops, and other devices that allow a person to record and/or transmit, on either a real time or delayed
basis, sound video, or still images, text, or other inIormation. Students may not use WCDs on school
property or at a school-sponsored activity to access and/or view Internet websites that are otherwise
blocked to students at school. WCDs are expected to be oII during school hours (8:05am-3:05pm).
The requirement that WCDs be powered oII will not apply when the student is using the WCD Ior an

educational or instructional purpose (e.g. taking notes, recording a class lecture, writing papers) with the
teacher`s permission and supervision.
The use of WCDs in locker rooms, hallways, and bathrooms is prohibited.
Possession oI a WCD by a student is a privilege, which may be IorIeited by any student who Iails to abide by the
terms oI this policy, or otherwise engages in misuse oI this privilege.
II the WCD is conIiscated, it will be released/returned to the student`s parent/guardian. The building principal may
also reIer the matter to law enIorcement iI the violation involves an illegal activity.
The student who possesses a WCD is responsible Ior its care. Lincoln Junior High School and the Board are not
responsible Ior preventing theIt, loss, damage, or vandalism to WCDs brought onto its property.
Parents/guardians are advised that the best way to get in touch with their child during the school day is by calling the
school oIIice. Students may use school phones to contact parents/guardians during the school day.

Important Notice to Students and Parents
Regarding Cell Phone Content and Display

The Child Abuse/Neglect Law requires school personnel to report to law enIorcement or child
protective services whenever a reason to believe that any person/student is involved with 'child
exploitation or 'child pornography as deIined by Indiana Criminal States exists.
It is the 'child exploitation, a Class C Ielony under I.C. 35-42-4-4(b), Ior any person/student (1) to
exhibit, photograph, or create a digitalized image oI any incident that includes 'sexual conduct by a
child under the age oI 18; or (2) to disseminate, exhibit to another person, or oIIer to so disseminate
or exhibit, matter that depicts or describes 'sexual conduct by a child under the age oI 18.
It is 'child pornography, a Class D Ielony under I.C. 35-42-4-4(c), Ior any person/student to
possess a photograph, motion picture, digitalized image, or any pictorial representation, that depicts
or describes 'sexual conduct by a child who the person knows is less than 16 years oI age or who
appears less than age 16.
'Sexual conduct is deIined by I.C. 35-42-4-4(a) to include sexual intercourse, exhibition oI the
uncovered genitals intended to satisIy or arouse the sexual desires oI any person, or any Iondling or
touching oI a child by another person or oI another person by a child intended to arouse or satisIy
the sexual desires oI the child or other person.
The Indiana Sex OIIender Registration Statue at I.C. 11-8-8-7 and the Sex OIIender Registry
OIIense Statute at I.C. 35-42-4-11, as oI May 2009, require persons convicted oI or adjudicated as a
juvenile delinquent Ior violating the Child Exploitation Statute at I.C. 35-42-4-4 (b) to register as a
sex oIIender.
Because student cell phones have been Iound in a number oI Indiana school districts to have
contained evidence oI 'sexual conduct as deIined above, parents and students must be aware oI the
legal consequences should this occur in the Plymouth Community School Corporation.

Lincoln Junior High School is committed to use technology as a tool to prepare our students Ior Iuture
success. Network and Technologv use is a privilege, not a right. This technology is property oI Lincoln

Junior High School. This technology equipment and services are intended Ior educational and school
business by promoting educational excellence, Iacilitating resources sharing, innovation, collaboration, and
communication. When using this technology, all rules and policies apply. These rules include speciIied
rules in this student handbook and the student network and Internet acceptable use and saIety agreement.

The Iollowing activities associated with Lincoln's technology are not permitted:
Sharing your ID/password or using someone else's ID/password.
Displaying, opening, sending, or creating oIIensive messages or pictures.
Harassing, insulting, or attacking others via the technology
Using the technology Ior non-school commercial purposes
Electronic trespassing and/or violating copyright and licensing laws.
Using the technology during class that is not consistent with class/school guidelines
Damaging or attempting to damage hardware, soItware, or internet services
Streaming audio or video Ior non-academic purposes (ex. listening/watching movies, television, radio,
etc. via the internet)
Utilizing proxy websites to access restricted inIormation.

No student is permitted to leave school grounds at noon. Each student has three alternatives Ior lunch:
a. bring a sack lunch (milk available at school)
b. purchase a hot lunch
c. choose items Irom the ala carte line
Students will have their own meal accounts. Lunches can be purchased by using money Irom their accounts
or by paying the cashier as they exit the lunch line. There is no limit to the amount deposited in their
account. Prepayments will be accepted each morning at the breakIast cashier register or in the treasurer`s
oIIice during the day. The entire amount presented Ior payment must be deposited; no change Ior checks
or currency will be given at the cash registers. Students may check their account balance at any time in the
treasurer`s oIIice. Students are not permitted to charge lunches. Parents/guardians may designate hot lunch
only, iI they wish. Students receiving Iree, reduced or prepaid lunches should take only the regular hot
lunch, not ala carte. The computer will keep a record oI what each student purchases. Each student going
through the line must use a tray and set the tray down at the cash register. Students may go through the line
only once.
Students should eat breakIast immediately aIter arriving at school. Walkers should eat immediately and bus
riders will go directly to breakIast upon arriving. BreakIast is designed Ior those students that do not have
an opportunity to eat at home. BreakIast will only be served until 8:00.

Recreational Time
Recreation time can be earned Ior students during their 30 minute lunch time. Students are expected to
Iollow all procedures in the caIeteria in order to earn recreation time.

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