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The short range forces of attraction between molecules of the same substance are called cohesive forces. For instance, the force of attraction between two water molecules is cohesive force. However if we consider a glass of water, then some water molecules will be in contact with the glass surface. There surely be some force of attraction between water and glass molecules, however, such force does not qualify as cohesive force. Definition 2: Cohesive forces are short range molecular forces of attraction between similar (or like) molecules.

Water spiders have no difficulty even in breeding on water You must have observed that when a drop of water trickles down your face, it doesn't fall immediately. Before falling off, it becomes bigger. Only when it has become sufficiently big, does it fall. Haven't you ever wondered as to why the tips of fountain pens have a narrow groove? You probably have heard that insects can walk on water. In fact, some of them even lay their eggs on water surfaces. All this can be easily explained by the molecular theory of surface tension.


Again considering water in contact with glass, the short range molecular forces of attraction between the molecules of water and glass are called adhesive forces. There of course, also exist attractive forces between water-water and glassglass molecules, but these are cohesive forces. They do not qualify as adhesive force. Definition 2: Adhesive forces are short range molecular forces of attraction between dissimilar (or unlike) molecules.


Surface tension arises due to short range attractive forces between molecules. These forces are effective only up to 10^-9 m (i.e. one-millionth of a centimeter.) This means that such forces are perceivable only when the distance between the molecules is 10^-9 m or less. Beyond this distance, these forces can be completely neglected. 10^-9 m is called molecular range, its symbol is R. Definition 1: Molecular range is defined as the maximum distance up to which short range molecular forces of attraction are effective. Such attractive forces exist between all molecules.


To analyse the consequence of short range molecular forces acting on a given molecule, we have to consider each and every molecule which attracts the said molecule. In other words, we have to account for the force of attraction between the given molecule, and each other molecule which is within molecular range. The best way to do this is to draw an imaginary sphere around the given molecule (not a circle), with radius equal molecular range R. Thus each and every molecule within this sphere, and no other molecule, exerts short range attractive forces on the given molecule. This makes it easy to understand the net force acting on the given molecule, which is

conveniently placed at the centre of the sphere. It is not hard to see, why it is called the sphere of influence. Definition 3: In order to account for short range attractive forces acting on a given molecule, a sphere drawn with this molecule at its centre and radius equal to molecular range R, is called the sphere of influence of that molecule.

sphere of influence. Thus we have drawn a sphere of radius R with molecule A at it's centre. Each and every molecule in this sphere of influence, attracts molecule A. At the same time molecule A also attracts each and every molecule in this sphere. But since we are interested in finding the net force ON A, we shall consider the attractive forces exerted by other molecules. We should note that these forces experienced by A are cohesive.


Surface film refers to the uppermost film of the liquid surface, of thickness =R. This film is of key importance to understand how short range intermolecular forces lead to surface tension. We shall soon learn about it's significance, in more detail. Definition 4: The uppermost film (layer) of the liquid surface, of thickness equal to molecular range R, is called surface film.


In the above figure, the arrows indicate the direction of force experienced by A due to various molecules. These forces are balanced form all sides and thus cancel each other out. Look at it this way, in tug of war, if both teams pull the rope with the same force, the rope won't move a bit! Similarly, molecule A is being pulled in all directions by short range cohesive molecular force, there is thus no net force acting on it. It doesn't move a bit.

MOLECULE B: As far as molecule B is concerned, it sphere of influence in not completely in water. A part of it is in air. Now, we must realise that the density of air molecules in much smaller than that of water molecules. Thus the number of air molecules B's sphere of influence are much lesser than the number of water molecules in it. Also, the force of adhesion between air and water molecules is much weaker than the cohesive force between water molecules. Thus we conclude that the molecule experiences only negligible adhesive forces due to air molecules, and that such forces can be ignored. (Physicists like saying "negligibly small".) Keeping the above arguments in mind, we have represented cohesive forces acting on molecule B by arrows (like we did with molecule A.) The absence of arrows in that part of the sphere of influence which is in air is due to negligibly small adhesive forces between air and water molecules. It is quite clear, that this time all the forces acting on molecule B will not cancel each other out. This

Consider water in a glass beaker. KLMN is the surface film. i.e l(KN) = R. We shall dynamically analyse the net force acting on three molecules A, B and C. Molecule A is well inside the . B is in the surface film, but neither on KL nor on NM. Finally, C is on the topmost layer of the surface film, i.e. on KL. MOLECULE A: To compute the net force acting on a given molecule, the first step is the draw (construct) it's

time there would be some net force in the downward direction. To show this diagrammatically, the arrow in the downward direction has been drawn longer. At this stage it would be neat to discuss the implication of the fact that B is experiencing net downward force. However, we shall first analyse molecule C. MOLECULE C: Having already analysed molecules A and B, C shouldn't be any difficult. Like the previous two cases, we shall first construct the sphere of influence of molecule C. This time, half of this sphere lies in air. A larger proportion of C's sphere of influence is in air, in comparison with B. As with molecule B, we shall neglect the adhesive forces between air and water molecules. We must now realise that there were a few water molecules above molecule B which were pulling (attracting) it in the upward direction. However, these were less than those pulling it in the downward direction. In case of molecule C, there are no water molecules pulling it upwards, naturally, it experiences more net downward force. Now, it isn't hard to realise that all the molecules that lie within the surface film, will experience net downward force. Only those molecules which like on NM (lower edge of the surface film) will experience no net force as their sphere of influence (as in case of molecule A) will be complete in water. (KN=R implies that KL is tangential to the sphere of influence of such a molecule.) As we move upwards form KN, the net downward force experienced by molecules will go on increasing. It will be maximum for molecules which lie on KL. ENERGY OF THE SURFACE FILM

After crossing NM, you'd really have to pull Hard Now, imagine that you were to move a molecule which is initially positioned well inside the liquid (i.e. deep in the liquid) to surface KL. Moving this molecule up to NM would be literally an effortless task. But as soon as you cross NM, the molecule which you are trying to move upwards will start experiencing net downward force. As you move further away (upwards) form NM, this downward force will increase. Thus, in order to move the molecule to KL, you would have to apply force which is greater than the net downward force experienced by the molecule. Thus you would have done work in bringing this molecule to surface KL.

A slingshot uses your work in firing In physics of course, "work" has a completely different connotation. However, at this point 'work' means quite the same thing in physics as in day to day life. This work which you have done is stored in the molecule in the form of potential energy. Look at it this way, when you load/pull a catapult (or slingshot), you do work in doing so. When you release it, you don't really do any new work. The work which you had done in pulling it, was stored in the form of potential energy. During release, this energy is being used up in propelling the stone forward. Similarly when you compress a spring, you do work in doing so. Work done is stored in the form of potential energy, when you let go of the spring, it is utilised in springing up; i.e. re-attainment of the original shape and size. All physical objects, may they be springs, catapults or molecules, try to possess minimum energy. This is precisely why catapults work in

the first place. So, the molecule which you have pulled to surface KL will also want to minimize its energy. Thus it wants to move back downwards. But wait! There are tonnes of other such molecules in the surface film. All the molecules above NM, want to move downwards in an attempt to minimize their energy. This of course is not possible as though these forces are appreciable on a molecular scale, there come nowhere close to the force required to compress the liquid (in this case water.) But there is gotta be some remedy right? Yes, there is. The remedy is to minimize the area of the surface film. Molecular range R is fixed and hence it cannot be reduced (changed.) But area of the surface film can be reduced to a considerable extent; (i.e. considerable on a molecular scale.) Thus liquid surfaces tend minimize their area. They tend to have least area. To achieve this, the liquid surfaces tend to contract.

Remember? We said that short range molecular forces aren't strong enough to compress the liquid. The remedy to reducing the energy of molecules in the surface film is to minimize their area. Hence the contracting force. In our day to day lives, it is this inward (contracting) force that leads to numerous interesting situations. For instance, if a spider was to crawl on a drum's membrane, you wouldn't expect the membrane to rupture would you? Similarly, when water spiders crawl (or for that matter mate) on the water surface, you shouldn't expect the membrane to rupture. Of course, that wouldn't be the case if you try to walk on watter. But then again, you can always rupture the membrane of a drum with a hammer. I shall soon come up with an article about the consequences of surface tension. I surely will link to it form here. Until then, let your comments keep coming in. Hope you liked it.

Liquid surfaces are similar to stretched elastic membranes. Consider a drum. What do you think will happen if I make a small hole in its membrane? Do you think it could still be play music? No way! Ideally, the drum's membrane is (and has to be) stretched. Thus there seems to be an inward force which constantly wants to contract the membrane. Of course, such contraction cannot be easily seen by the naked eye. But on a molecular level, it is considerable. So if I puncture the drum, its membrane will contract (shrink) and will become useless. Liquid surfaces aren't any different. In order to minimize their surface area, they want to contract. Thus there seems to be a contracting force which pulls their surface inwards. Please note that the as per the molecular theory of surface tension, molecules in the surface film experience net downward force. The contracting (inward) force which we just explained is the indirect consequence of such downward force!

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