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Kobe Lepe Period 1 2-12-13

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Q u ic k T im e a n d QuickTime a T IF F ( U n c o m p r e s saredneeded tom anddecom e ) d e c o see r a pict p TIFF (Uncompressed) e s s o a r e n e e d e d t o s e e t h is p ic t u r this e.

The People Brazilians are friendly and free-spirited, with an incredible passion for life. They are very risk-oriented and creative. They are predominantly Roman Catholic. Brazilian families are large and mostly include extended family members. Family, educational and socioeconomic backgrounds are very important to Brazilians. Brazilians take to greet and say good-bye to each person present. The women kiss twice once on each cheek if they are married. For those women who are single add third kiss. Australia is home to nearly 5 million immigrants from over 160 countries. Australia is rich in cultural diversity. Australians enjoy an easygoing lifestyle and are generally friendly and relaxed. Modesty and equality are valued. Thais are tolerant of individualism; find comfort, and security in being part of a group. Thais are productive and hardworking while at the time happy with what they are. They are smiling, pleasant, humble and patient people who laugh easily. Thais are very proud of their cultural heritage and enjoy talking about it with people. When being introduced or greeting someone, men say Sawatdee-krap and women say Sawatdee-kah. Wai (why) a person places the palm of his or her hands together, with their fingers extended at chest level close to their body and bows slightly. Monks do not return a wai. Thais say,

Meeting and Greeting

Shake hands with every one that is present upon meeting and before leaving. Allow women to offer their hand first. Women generally dont shake hands with other women. Use titles Mr., Mrs., or Miss when first introduced. Australians

generally move to a firstname basis quickly. Body Physical contact is part of Language simple communication. Touching arms, elbows, and backs is very common and acceptable. Brazilians also stand extremely close to one another. Do not back away. The O.K. sign is considered very rude and vulgar; the thumbs up gesture is used for approval. Corporat Your personality and e Culture ability to establish
strong personal and business relationships is important to the success of your business endeavor. Meetings are conducted at a casual, unhurried pace. Dont get right down to business. Engage in conversation first.

To beckon a waiter use a quiet hand motion. When yawning, cover your mouth and excuse yourself. Winking at a woman is considered rude. The V sign is very vulgar gesture. The thumbs up gesture is also considered obscene.
Personal relationships are important in the Australian business world. Connections are valued. An introduction by an established representative may be helpful in establishing a relationship with Australian Australians take punctuality seriously. If possible, arrive fifteen minutes early for a business meeting. firm. Aussies dislike class distinctions and have a history of "cutting down the tall poppy." This grew out of the Australian prisoners' hatred of their British overseers. Many Australian politicians have declined the designation of knighthood for fear of alienating their constituents.

where are going rather than hello a polite response is just down the street. Touching between the same sex is more common in Thailand than in many other Asian countries. However, touching someone of the opposite sex is taboo. Do not show affection in public.

Thailand has a probusiness attitude. Business decisions are slow. Decisions pass through many levels before being decided upon. Planning is shortterm. Top management is often family. Who you know is important. Powerful connections are respected.

Helpful Hints

Dont assume that the "self-made" businessperson is admired in Brazil. Inherited wealth and a good family background are much more desirable.

Show great respect for the royal family. They are highly respected by most Thais. Stand in respect when the Thai national anthem is played.

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