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Students Name: _____________________ Date: _______________ Honors World Literature RUBRIC- Los Angeles Research REPORT

Instructions: For each category, indicate A-F, with an A being excellent and exceeding grade-level expectations. Category Content (40%) The following elements must be present:
1. History/Background/ Circumstances 2.Who: Important people involved 3.What: Details describing project (what is involved?) 4.When: Times (or time period) of impact 5.Where: location 6.Impact to cuture 7. Relevance to audience - MLA Style conventions followed - Proper parenthetical citations - At least 5 sources - Variety (data-driven, articles, interviews, etc) - Literature Review - Graphs and charts utilized to enhance understanding - Mechanics - Correct Word Usage - Grammar - Spelling

Student SelfAssessment

Teacher Assessment


Sources (25%)

Graphic Enhancements (10%) MUGS (25%)

Final Grade

RUBRIC- Senior Synthesis Research Presentation

Instructions: For each category, indicate A-F, with a A being excellent and exceeding grade-level expectations Category The following Student SelfTeacher Assessment Comments elements must be Assessment present: Content (35%) - Every item outlined in
research is present -Relevance to Los Angeles Culture is addressed - Note: You must have graphics and content - MLA Style conventions followed - Proper parenthetical citations - At least 5 sources referred to/used in the presentation - Variety (data-driven, articles, interviews, etc) -Utilize a variety of PPT/ presentation features (ie: sound) - Use of visual/textual aids beyond the selected method

Sources (15%)

PowerPoint/ Presentation Utility (25%)* *DID NOT SIMPLY READ OFF THE PPT SLIDES Presentation (25%) (additional information not present) Final Grade

- Voice carriage
- Posture - Eye contact - Good pacing - Rehearsed

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