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Cautious Cease Certain Celebrity Fancy Diamond Charity

PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation...

PASO 2 - WRITE IT: Memorize the word...

* I really fancy the new teacher hes really handsome. ** Compton is notorious for drugs and crime. *** Vic and Doris never married but they remained life-long companions.


categora cauteloso detenerse / cesar seguro celebridad gustar (sentido romntico)* diamante caridad fantstico clich conocido (mala fama)** poco despus comenzar conflicto medios de comunicacin perseguir teatro a la vez / simultneamente compaero (colega no!)*** caos

Fantastic Clich Notorious Soon after Commence Conflict Media Chase Theatre At the same time Companion Chaos WORD-CHAIN

Rory Lynch 2010

Todays word-chain: diamonds Class activities: Writing Students divide into two groups: each one writes a story using todays word-chain. Class activities: Speaking The story circle. Student 1 thinks of the first line of story using the first word. Student 2 carries on the story using the second word, and so on. Class activities: Speaking Basic use: Each student has to think of a sentence that uses the target word.

PASO 3 - PLACE IT: Word association in an English to English context... A Category Cautious Cease Certain Celebrity Fancy Diamonds Charity Fantastic Clich Notorious Soon after Commence Conflict Media Chase Theatre At the same time Companion Chaos B Type. Famous people who're quite stupid, but we can't stop talking about. Someone whos proceeding carefully. Stop. Sure. Something the Muslim religion demands. Amazing, incredible - in a positive way. A saying or piece of knowledge that is universally known. To be attracted to. Apparently, theyre a girls best friend. Famous... usually in a negative way. A short time afterwards. To begin. A battle or fight or prolonged dispute. Television, radio and newspapers. Shakespeare's office. To run after. Somebody who accompanies. Simultaneously. Total disorder.

65 Vocatic
Rory Lynch 2010

STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions

STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What category of music did Bob Marley write? What sort of people should you deal with using a lot of caution? Will the Germans ever cease making beer? Are you certain that the sun will rise tomorrow? Who would make an interesting celebrity in this class? Do you fancy Shakira? How much would a diamond the size of my head be worth? Why give anything to charity? Was there anything fantastic on today's news?

celebridad gustar (romntico) diamante caridad fantstico clich conocido poco despus comenzar conflicto medios de comunicacin perseguir teatro a la vez compaero caos categora cauteloso cesar seguro

10. What's your favourite clich? 11. Are you notorious for anything? 12. Soon after you arrived at work yesterday, did you wish you were at home? 13. Shall we commence a new and fascinating project dedicated to poetry? 14. Where's the worst conflict in the world at the moment? 15. Why does everybody want to work in the media these days? 16. Do you like car chase scenes in movies? 17. When was the last time you went to the theatre? 18. What's the disadvantage of driving and speaking on a mobile at the same time? 19. Do you like to have a companion when you go out for a walk? 20. What is chaos theory?

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