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Throughout the Annals of history, mankind has gone through many revolutions has made a significant change to the

world. Notably, there are two that basically shaped the world we live in today which are, The Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution. First, the Industrial Revolution, started in 1750, happened which started to change the way people make things. The life of humans were practically the same for centuries before the industrial revolution came which then changed the way people made things by taking the process of production and giving it to a machine to work for them. A prime example of this would be the flying shuttle that was used in looms to make clothes and textiles. With the start of small and simple creations came the more complex inventions that surpass its predecessor every time. For example, the power loom was created to speed up the weaving process that was previously done by the spinning machine. From that, the cotton gin was invented to meet with the high demand for raw cotton. The list goes on as the process of invention is perpetual. In 1980s, the creation of the transistor was an invention so powerful that it led the world to another Revolution; the Digital Revolution. When the transistor was created, it sparked a series of inventions that revolutionized the way we work and do things every day. From many inventions then led to the creation of the computer, which got us to where we are today. In todays society, a computer is a tool in which humans use to do work, whether it be homework, movies, powerpoints for meetings, and as a mean of entertainment, such as video games, movies, and videos just to name a few. However, computers can also be used to do much more. The computer is an invention that uses binary codes to do various tasks that are set by humans, and only take a matter of seconds to do. For example, in maths, you can now find quadratic regressions of lines in a matter of seconds if the command is correct. This essay will discuss how the impact of Digital Revolution is greater than the Industrial Revolution onSocial Aspects of todays society and its productiveness.

Today, we live in a world where computers and robots are slowly taking over the work of men, as new inventions and upgrades to these machines allow them to do human tasks.For example, the method of making cars back in 1913 was to use an assembly line, which meant that the car was put on a conveyor belt and was taken to different people who had specific jobs on making that car. Perfected by Henry T. Ford, the method of the assembly line became revolutionary because it decreased the price of the car by allowing the company to pay lower wages due to the limited simple work that workers had to do and was then used in many different ways. Mcdonalds adopted the idea of the assembly line and incorporated that in food which then led to having fast foods. However, in todays society, we find that jobs in assembly lines have become obsolete because today, there are machines and robots that can do the work much more efficiently. With the press of a button, companies can make a car in less than 20 hours, which, in Renault cars specifically in the Douai Plant, 99% of the 2nd main stage of creating their cars is done automatically by 1200 machines and robots. By using machines, companies lower their production cost because they wont need to pay as much with robots than with workers. According to Andrew McAfee, co-writer of Race against The Machine said that Companies brought new machines in, but not new people. This shows that the jobs are being taken by robots and machines therefore leading the world into unemployment. What the Industrial Revolution did was introduced new methods in which work could be done in an easier, faster and more efficient way. However, the Digital Revolution brought the advanced inventions and introduced it to work which then replaced human labor thus creating a social scar as it is a main reason that leads to unemployment. Only time can tell how this negative impact will turn out to be.

Still, the advanced technology brought by the Digital Revolution has helped to boost productivity. For example, sticking with the car example, although it has put people out of their jobs, due to its accuracy and its repetitiveness, productivity has had a major improvement because machines are able to recreate something flawlessly as the machine is very accurate. By programming, machines can perform work to create the same identical piece. If something were created by humans, there would be flaws that are made by human error. Because it is very accurate, Machines are given jobs that require a lot of attention and precision, things like making cars, engines, etc. Also, the computer has played a huge role in productivity. With a computer, you can basically create documents, presentations, videos, pictures, etc., as long as you have the program. For example, right now, this essay is currently being made on Word, an application made by Microsoft that allows you to create documents. By having programs like this, it makes presentation easier and more efficient than just using your hand to write. Now, with the accessibility of the internet, not only is can you produce work easily (as writing is more strenuous than typing), you can also find pictures on the internet to help explain whatever it is that you are presenting. Back in the 1990s, what you could do on a computer is very limited compared to what you can do today. Throughout the past 20 years, the software that was then deemed as expensive and Hi-tech becomes todays everyday affordable applications. For example, back in the 1990s, it was very hard to produce a movie or video that had the quality of movies that come out. Nowadays, you can get the same tools and equipment the professionals are using and then creating your own Hollywood grade videos. The productivity that was made possible by Digital Revolution far surpasses the productivity of people back then during the Industrial Revolution because things are more available for people to use.

Another advancement brought by the Digital Revolution which has had a huge impact on society, is in the branch of telecommunications. Back in the 1970s, cell phones were only for the privileged, due to it being the advanced technology at the time. Not only was it heavy but also very rigid. Nowadays, with a small device like a phone, we can contact people mostly anywhere around the world! Also, before, at the end of the 19th century, the only mean of talking was by mail. Mail took a very long time to get from the sender to the recipient. Following the creation of the internet and various other things, the email was created. From that moment on, people were able to talk to one another and send e-mail to each other in a matter of seconds. Today, we have social media networks such as facebook that we can use to talk to people in real time, as if the messages were actual face to face conversations. Not only that, there are companies such as Skype that allows people to video chat faceto-face. For example, if I had a friend in New York and I wanted to contact him, I could call him on skype, and if he is online, he would pick up, and we could have a real conversation, as if he were actually in my room. You will also find that websites like Youtube are also a mean of communicating. Sometimes, when you want to communicate to people, you can video yourself or of the things you want people to see and post it on youtube. After tagging the videos, people will be able to find it and comment on the video or share it. Today, there are endless ways of communicating ideas across to people, in ways that were never ever thought of back in the days of Industrial Revolution, thus the Digital Revolution again has a bigger impact in todays society than the Industrial Revolution.

In conclusion, although being a product of Industrial Revolution, the Digital Revolution has had more impact on todays society, regardless of it being negative or positive impacts. Today, we, as humans, are very dependent on the digital electronics because it has now become part of culture and in our everyday lives. However, there are social repercussions that come out from being surrounded by these machines which only time can tell whether it will lead us to a brighter future or to the doom of humanity.

Works Cited "81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution." 81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2013. Brynjolfsson, Erik, and Andrew McAfee. Race against the Machine: How the Digital Revolution Is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and the Economy. Lexington, MA: Digital Frontier, 2012. Print. "Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908." Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. "INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION." INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2013. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. Renault Inside- Manufacturing Process of the Megane Coupe Cabriolet. Prod. Renault Cars. YouTube. Renault, 15 July 2010. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube, 05 Oct. 2009. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>.

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