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Revenge of Stranger

Man Woman Porter

Scene: 1
[A women fully covered by clothes enters in waiting room of railway station. Her clothes are completely wet. She keeps her suitcase at the bench and evaluates the room] P: Let me arrange some gas fire to warm your body. Its very heavy stormy night. [Lights the gas fire] W: oh... Thank you. There were no arrangements of heat in the car. [Takes her hat, coat and gloves off and enjoys the warmness of gas fire.]

[Suddenly a man enters in the room shut the room throws his and cap, jerks his coat and says] M: What a bad night this is! I have been completely wet only about to reach here from the entrance. P: ok. I am going out. Twenty minutes are left to the train. [Man stares at women, then women gaze] [Man stares at women, then women gaze] M: So, we will have to wait here for 20 minutes. W: yeah right M: hopes you have no objection if we discuss so. W: NO. We should take the benefit of time. Well where are you going? M: I am going to Lahore to meet Mrs. Samira [women surprises] W: yeah she lives in Lahore. M: Do u know her? What kind of women she is?

W: you mean to say by look or by behavior? M: I very well know her behavior. W: she has got very ordinary face; short height weighs about 40 kgs but has not got any extra ordinary qualities [smiles] but why do you want to know all these? M: so that I can identify her easily when I will meet her. W: thats fine. But what is special in this? Reach at her home knock the door with her reply you can easily judge that whether she is beautiful or not? M: No. Not at all. I just want to serve 10 minutes all alone with her. W: Thats not an uphill task. You have already passed 5 minutes with me. M: And now we have only 15 minutes left [stares at woman] W: [Anxiously] yes! We are alone here till next 15 minutes. I often think about these kinds of short meeting. We meet many people in the buses, in the streets, markets etc. Might they die very next day? You meet each other for just couple of minutes and then you take your way and I mine. M: [Intensely] it is also possible that meetings would have changed your life. W: [with fear] I dont have any experience like this. M: well you cannot guess what is going to happen next? However I can tell you about two occasions among them which have left deep impact on my life. If these meetings had not occurred I would had been differently. W: some incidents or moments in the life [man interrupts] M: I will tell you only one of them. M: When I was in Korea I was wounded and waiting for the ambulance on the stretcher. I was willing to die because the pain increasing by the time and suddenly lost senses. When I came in my conscious I saw a girl aged nearly about 14. She was not very beautiful but the sign of friendship from her brown eyes were attracting me. She did not say a single word. She smiled and I replied her with a smile too then the ambulance took me away. The pain was much than before but now I was not willing to die but my intensions were to live. I met her in very short time but this small meeting provided me the courage and strength. She granted me motive of my life. Her feeling had dominated me. W: I can understand. Her smile made you feel that world is good

M: [with disheartens] actually she made feel that if my daughter were alive how she would look like? W: oh...Its sad. Very sorry M: she has given me a plan for life. W: Which plan? M: [furiously] the revenge W: [softly] well God has advised about not taking the revenge. M: I dont believe on this fake orders mainly after that when my small daughter and wife were killed. [Looks towards woman and smiles a little] W: Mrs. Samira whom you are going to meet. You said a strange sentence about her. M: Yes? W: You said you dont know her but you know her behavior very well. Is not this strange? M: what I need to know I know about her. W: do you think it is enough for meeting? M: yes. Men have got several types but woman has only two. W: [with laughing] you mean to say beautiful and ugly] M: [shout] no. I mean good or bad. W: [After thinking] in which type Mrs. Samira can be counted? M: [comes in front of woman] now see you know her and you know what she has done? Dont you know? W: I think I know what you mean to say. M: so you distinguish very well that what I mean? She killed my beloved daughter and wife. W: She has faced he penalty.

M: [Hated] no they call it a humans murder while I will name this a heartless and brutal murder. W: This was an incident. M: No it wasnt. Hundreds of people could see there that she murdered on purpose. W: [weekly] no. This is not true. M: yes. This is true. You know that she was driving with 50 miles per hour speed in a populated area. At a turn she accelerated the speed. She had realized that her car would have collided by the truck coming from opposite way. There were only two choices either collision or crush the pedestrians and she didnt damn care. She only cared about her own life and hit into the pedestrians therefore she is alive today and my small daughter and wife has died. W: [with covering her face] so sad. I cant tell you how sad it is to me. M: you know she was in drinking stage. W: [Protest] she wasnt M: [forcing her] she was actually. She was returning from a party. You are better aware about that roads and traffic there therefore you cant say that it was not a pre planned murder. W: police doesnt say this. M: But I will call it a pre planned murder. And even you too have accepted by your heart that I am right. Who were my daughter and wife to her? Quite stranger. You recently talked about meeting strangers that we meet each other for some moment and forget for good. Mrs. Samira just met my daughter and wife for a second and put out their lives even she could not see them properly. W: But she has passed 18 months sentence in the prison. M: No. it is not enough for me. She killed an innocent child and passed just 18 months in the prison. Its not enough. Never W: So you are going to meet her now what will you do there? M: [in satisfaction] I would kill her. W: Kill her. No. You cant do this. M: I just didnt resolve to kill her. I want make him feel the pain.

W: would you let her know her crime? M: Yes she would be known that what for this punishment is. W: So you will attempt a murder too. M: No I will do the justice and maybe I complete my duty toddys night W: todays night M: I might dont have much time. W: but why are you admitting before me? If I inform police? M: I have made my mind about this. [He moves towards her. She gets ready to yelling but he smiles and raises his hand towards her] our meeting is just about to finish. Wasnt this a great story to pass this time? We could waste this time in seeing each other but that was rubbish therefore I thought why should not I tell you a story for making you happy? W: How did you realize that I want to be happy? M: All women want the same. In fact men are only for making women happy. W: But your happy story is just opposed to my humor. M: Assert here that you didnt enjoy it. You were not laughing during the story. W: No. I never took this as a pleasure because this story is fact. There is a lady in Lahore named Mrs. Samira. Once she was driving her car in a rush she met an accident and one little child and a lady was died there. Mrs. Samira also had the 18 months sentence. M: [Serious] I know W: As I can guess you are the husband of that lady. M: [Heavily] yes thats me. W: so you your story was true and your purpose for being here is to kill Mrs. Samira. M: [Intensely and quietly] yes its true. W: [stands in a furious way] I cant tolerate now. I will start to shout now. M: nobody is here to listening you. [He goes at the door opens a little takes his revolver out and aims at woman suddenly he hears some sort of sound and kept revolver in]

P: [comes in] M: Train has arrived? P: NO. I am here to inform you that train is 5 minutes late so stay here. M: Thank you for the information. [Porter leaves them] M: so we have five minutes more now. W: [Sadly] what are you going to do in these 5 minutes? M: This time is enough to kill you. W: [in a pretending way] me? M: Yes you Mrs. Samira. W: No. No. you cant mean this. M: I mean this the same [put his revolver out and says] you killed my daughter and wife. You snatched their lives and destroyed me. Is not this my right to snatch your live? W: [requesting] yes. You have right but my punishment is very bitter more than being your defaulter. M: [Heatedly] just pass 18 months in a comfortable jail with a relaxing mood is not enough. Now bend at your knees and beg your life. W: you cant understand. Its only one door of punishment shut to me. What do you think what I have been doing during these 18 months? In this all period I only had one face in front of me. I swear I had never seen them but later on I saw them. You were saved to face them but I.I always have been seeing them. I can see them very clearly. This terrible moment always chases me and this is certain my punishment. I often cannot tolerate this [with covering her face] do you want to punish me more? M: Are you begging your life? W: No. I want death. Please kill me. Remove this picture from my eyes. I cant bear this. M: [Suspicious] Do u mean that to kill you is just a mercy for you and to make you live will be the righteous revenge?

W: Kill me. Kill me. M: I never thought like this? W: it is true if you hate me so let me live. Punish me by giving life. M:[Push her back and she falls down] you are right. Your life is great punishment for you and great revenge of me. [Takes his bag and goes out] W: [Stands and start to laugh heartedly and says]Hahahahhahaa.foolI made him fool. M: [Opens the doors suddenly and fires] Woman dies.

Revenge renders ears deaf. - William Shakespeare

Often a clever culprit is caught by the trap of his own blunders.


Those who cause tragedies in thee lives of others inevitably meet the tragic end. Beyond any shadow of doubt an evildoer is the engineer of his own catastrophe.

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