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MRS Annual Conference


MRS Evidence Matters

Date: 03/21/2013

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


Session MRS Annual Conference

Introduction: Analysis of the second day at #MRSlive, the MRS Annual Conference. Amazing two days. The tweets have been divided into categories for each speaker and for rooms.


Categories total tweets

Retweets Links

Replies Pictures


159 35

Tweets Check-ins

248 0

26 16

Category Other Positive Links Room 2 Room 1 Manifestos for Change Katherine Grainger Replies Rest of categories

534.672 Impressions
Potential impact

Tweets per user


Total tweets 81 80 72 58 40 38 27 26 62

% 17 17 15 12 8 8 6 5 13

Original Tweets 58 68 35 31 27 23 16 26 41

RT 23 12 37 27 13 15 11 0 21

Users 56 59 46 35 26 32 24 24 49

161.133 Users
Potential reach

Followers per user


num. tweets

Most Active Users


tweets followers



tweets 4
00:00 20 mar 00:00 21 mar




tweets followers

num. users






16 13 11 9 7 8 11 9 7

2 3 >10000

tweets followers














1500-5000 5000-10000

num. followers

5 6



num. tweets per user



>5 5 4 3 2 1 10 12 13


tweets followers



21 86
num. users

tweets followers



Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category

Ranking of Categories. Top categories with the highest number of: Potential Reach Links Other Manifestos for ... Potential Impact Links Other Manifestos for ... Users Positive Other Links Number of tweets Positive Other Links Retweets Links Room 2 Other

4 5

Room 2 Positive

4 5

Room 2 Positive

4 5

Room 2 Manifestos for ...

4 5

Room 2 Room 1

4 5

Manifestos for ... Room 1

Charts Impressions per category Tweets per category Users per category

Categories Category Other Positive Links Room 2 Room 1 Manifestos for Change Katherine Grainger Replies Pictures Workshops Jim Al Khalili OBE Awards Total tweets 81 80 72 58 40 38 27 26 25 17 11 9 % 17 17 15 12 8 8 6 5 5 4 2 2 Original Tweets 58 68 35 31 27 23 16 26 16 12 9 4 RT 23 12 37 27 13 15 11 0 9 5 2 5 Users 56 59 46 35 26 32 24 24 21 12 8 8 Impressions 52.990 42.958 228.949 51.466 22.718 51.674 13.559 17.832 16.331 9.028 19.418 7.749 Potential Reach 43.415 33.023 102.702 25.135 14.650 29.138 12.283 15.836 12.216 5.129 18.867 4.718 Tweets/ User 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,5 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,1 Followers/ User 775 559 2.232 718 563 910 511 659 581 427 2.358 589

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


Number of users Top 5 users Most active users

Number of users per category

Number of tweets per user

Number of impressions per user

Most popular users


Users with the highest impact


tweets LeonCGunning elmorsa

followers TweetMRS


tweets irrationalagcy researchlive

followers ipsosperu





4 5


tweets researchlive

4 5


followers tomewing

4 5


impressions elmorsa




Most participative users



Most original users


num. categories LeonCGunning irrationalagcy

num. of RTs LeonCGunning

original tweets

num. categories _FlexMR _FlexMR

num. of RTs AskiaJerry

original tweets

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

4 5


num. categories DavidValhalla

4 5


num. of RTs lcrwedderburn

4 5


original tweets BrassInsight

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

Followers per user MEDIUM-HIGH INFLUENCE

50 40 26 20 4
influence level
Very low 0 to 10 followers Low 10 to 50 followers Medium-low 50 to 200 followers Medium 200 to 500 followers Medium-high High 500 to 1000 1000 to 5000 followers followers

20 5
Very high >5000 followers

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


Robin de Rooij @Robin_de_Rooij

12:18 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Workshops

Oli Sweet @olisweet

11:00 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Workshops

Hackaton Workshop not very structured, but definitely inspiring: get together in a room for a day and "fix it"! @TweetMRS #mrslive

#mrslive A MUST SEE @ChicaElla presenting why difference is important, and how we need diversity in the research world. Room 1, 1145am.

Robin de Rooij @Robin_de_Rooij

10:31 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Workshops

asi Ltd @asi_radiotv

14:19 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 2

Missed the keynote, but here now and ready for action. Very curious about the Hackaton workshop! @TweetMRS #mrslive

RT @fairdata: Big Data does not always equal big insight. #bigdatadebate #mrslive #fairdata #MTPlayground

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

12:24 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 2

Phil Rance @philrance

12:20 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 2

Google, Mark Riseley: multiple devices gives broken picture - analytics getting less and less useful #mrslive #mrx

Our data contains a lot of "what" but not a lot of "why", we need research for context says Google's Mark Risely at #mrslive

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

14:40 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 1

Jane Frost @JaneFrostMRS

14:29 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 1

RT @Livwithme: Sharing will become the default setting says IBMs Guy Stephens #mrslive

Think of data as the next natural resource - IBM, guy stephens #mrslive #mrx

FlexMR @_FlexMR

13:55 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 1

Jigsaw Research @jigsawpiecesuk

11:56 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Room 1

'The dynamics of engagement' coming up at #MRSLive! Interesting topic for us as we pride ourselves on our engaging online tools! #mrx

"If we feel nothing, we do nothing " Orlando Woods on emotion in advertising #MRSLive

Rufus Weston @Rufii

20:45 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Brass Insight @BrassInsight

18:01 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Congratulations @gilescolborne on winning #MRSlive best presentation. Thoroughly deserved! #warmupact

Great day at #mrslive: new ideas, interesting people & fish finger/curry combination at lunch. Katherine Graingers talk made it for me [SS]

David Smith @DVLSmith

17:49 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Join the Dots @WeJoinTheDots

16:33 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Congratulations to all award winners and all presenters and chairs at the MRS Conference. Great effort by so many people. #MRSLive

Interesting #MRSLive skills debate - much talk of joining the dots between different disciplines. As our #JtD name suggests, we fully agree!

The Big Picture @TBPresearch

15:30 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

FreshMinds Research @FreshMindsRes

13:47 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Really enjoyed hearing about @SpaceDoctors1 work with InterContinental hotels at the #MRSconference yesterday! Inspiring #semiotics #MRSlive

Looking forward to @cplumb debating the skills required to be a great researcher in the future. 14.10 Room 2 - be there! #mrslive #mrx

Intersperience @Intersperience

12:09 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Nick Bonney @Gate15

10:55 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Excellent hackathon with @mngfl great ideas that I won't give away and important focus on openness between clients and agencies #mrslive

Great start to mrs conference from Olympic winner kath grainger #inspirational #mrslive

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category

Jon Gilchrist @Jon_Gilchrist

10:27 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Carrot Intelligence @carrotmrrecruit

09:31 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

Listening to Katherine Grainger talking about winning Olympic gold. Incredible. Inspiring. She won at 36. That gives me 5 years... #MRSLive

#mrslive excited to hear from Katherine Grainger this morninginspirational

Janice Townley @cookiedunker

08:55 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Positive

NatCen @NatCen

10:56 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Other

Looking forward to a day of inspiration at #mrslive

We're at #mrslive conference for day 2. Come and talk to us!

HRW @HRWhealthcare

14:33 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Manifestos for Change

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

13:28 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Manifestos for Change

Very interesting paper from @HandALondon about how structured realities can be used in research settings #MRSlive

Brian Tarran introduces himself as future editor of new MRS quarterly mag 'Impact'. Coming in April. More mag info in conf bags. #mrslive

Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

13:26 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Manifestos for Change

HRW @HRWhealthcare

11:55 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Katherine Grainger

About to present her manifesto for market research: @infomagpie. #mrslive

Inspirational keynote speech from gold medal olympian Katherine Grainger on the psychology of success #MRSlive

Jane Frost @JaneFrostMRS

10:54 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Katherine Grainger

Intersperience @Intersperience

10:46 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Katherine Grainger

'Detail fuelled by passion' - keynote inspiration Katherine Grainger #mrslive

Checking every detail to achieve that small margin that makes you the best - Katherine Grainger #mrslive

Matt Powell @mattpowell2705

18:30 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Jim Al Khalili OBE

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

16:58 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Jim Al Khalili OBE

Really enjoyed @jimalkhalili discussing paradoxes. Came away with the paradox of having learned more, but feeling more stupid #MRSLive

Totally baffled by Jim Al-Khalili's weird and wonderful explanations behind paradoxical probability #mrslive @TweetMRS

Phil Rance @philrance

16:48 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Jim Al Khalili OBE

ESROresearch @ESROresearch

18:00 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Awards

A veridical paradox: every Scotsman who moves to England raises the average IQ of both nations says @jimalkhalili #mrslive

RT @TweetMRS: The #MRSLive Best Presentation Award 2013 goes to: Gemma Jones (@SpaceDoctors1) Tim Jones (@InterConHotels) & Robin Ph ...

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:48 - 20 Mar 13

Cat.: Awards

And finally the Award for Best Contribution to #MRSLive 2013 goes to: @ChloeRazor and the readers from #MRSBooks

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Positive Tweets

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. northstarlondon 2. PennyYNatCen 3. AskiaJerry 4. BrassInsight 5. DVLSmith

FlexMR @_FlexMR

06:01 - 20 Mar 13

R.T.G Ltd @RTG_Ltd

08:32 - 20 Mar 13

Good morning all! Is everyone else as excited about hearing from Katherine Grainger CBE as we are? #MRSLive

So much fun was being had last night at the #MRSLive party that no pictures were taken to share! Thanks @ResearchNowUK for a good party #mrx

Janice Townley @cookiedunker

Looking forward to a day of inspiration at #mrslive

08:55 - 20 Mar 13

Rob Linsdell @robertclinsdell

08:55 - 20 Mar 13

Biscuits before 9am. A dangerous start to the day. #mrslive

Brass Insight @BrassInsight

08:55 - 20 Mar 13

White Tiger @TweetingTiger

09:13 - 20 Mar 13

Day 2 of #mrslive - looking forward to sensation, storytelling and behavioural sillynomics. In that order. [SS]

Looking forward to hearing from gold medallist Katherine Grainger this morning. #MRSLive

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

09:15 - 20 Mar 13

Sai Watson @SaiWatson

09:29 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to getting started on day two at #MRSLive #MRX

Great party last night! Thanks for not boo-ing me off the mic. Looking forward to Day 2 #mrslive

Carrot Intelligence @carrotmrrecruit

09:31 - 20 Mar 13

David Smith @DVLSmith

09:41 - 20 Mar 13

#mrslive excited to hear from Katherine Grainger this morninginspirational

Video of Katherine Grainger's journey to gold - inspirational start to the day. Thank you @mrsconnect #MRSlive

HRW @HRWhealthcare

09:44 - 20 Mar 13

Terence Newnham @Tezamabot

Incredible Olympic montage #mrslive

10:22 - 20 Mar 13

Day 2 of the MRS 'Shock of the new' Conference today - looking forward to more presentations and discussion. #MRSlive

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

10:23 - 20 Mar 13

Jon Gilchrist @Jon_Gilchrist

10:27 - 20 Mar 13

Feeling mildly ropey from the @tweetmrs party, but excited for day 2 of #mrslive! Sheepish after singing Dont Stop Me Now on karaoke....

Listening to Katherine Grainger talking about winning Olympic gold. Incredible. Inspiring. She won at 36. That gives me 5 years... #MRSLive

Andy Warmington @acwarmington

10:41 - 20 Mar 13

Christoph Irmer @ChristophODC

10:44 - 20 Mar 13

Katherine Granger's talk @ #mrslive was great. Nice to see everyone still gets a little bit silly when a London gold medalist is in the room

Nice party yesterday at the #MRSLive with @GaelleNormand and other great people! #London, always happy to be here

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category

Martin @martmcg_

10:46 - 20 Mar 13

Alison Starr @AlisonStarr

10:51 - 20 Mar 13

Just got to shake the hand of the *amazing* Katherine Grainger. A pretty good start to the day. #mrslive

An emotional start to the day watching Olympics footage @TheICG #mrslive *re-applies mascara*

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

10:53 - 20 Mar 13

Penny Young NatCen @PennyYNatCen

10:53 - 20 Mar 13

Great quote. RT @Intersperience: Checking every detail to achieve that small margin that makes you the best - Katherine Grainger #mrslive

Great day at #MRSLive yesterday. Am abt to tweet a few thoughts from the sessions I attended.

Penny Young NatCen @PennyYNatCen

10:54 - 20 Mar 13

Penny Young NatCen @PennyYNatCen

10:55 - 20 Mar 13

Prof Paddy Barwise also said that trust in organisations comes from them keeping their promises. End of. So true. #MRSLive

Most intriguing session for me: Robin Pharoah from ESRO on doing ethnography in hotels to redesign hotel rooms. Great stuff. #MRSLive

Nick Bonney @Gate15

10:55 - 20 Mar 13

Louise Brice @LouiseEBrice

11:15 - 20 Mar 13

Great start to mrs conference from Olympic winner kath grainger #inspirational #mrslive

#mrslive great intro to second session from @condimentjunkie

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

11:25 - 20 Mar 13

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

11:35 - 20 Mar 13

Semiotics Audrey Hepburn and big data. The most amazing combination of concepts I will hear today. #mrslive

Creepy music makes us more excited about VW. Good news for the German company? Cue Flight of Valkyries and panzer divisions #mrslive

Jack @research_runner

11:40 - 20 Mar 13

Sai Watson @SaiWatson

11:51 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to Big Data and Manifestos for Change at #MRSLive today #MRX

Hsbc gets emotional with their advertising distinguishing themselves from competitors #mrslive

Joaquim Bretcha @jbretcha

11:56 - 20 Mar 13

Deep See @DeepSeeResearch

11:58 - 20 Mar 13

Brillante ejemplo de cambio radical de comunicacion de HSBC basado en las "emociones"(lemon).Congrats @ChiefJuicer #mrslive #mrxes @netquest

"Advertising that focuses on emotion can increase market share, boost profits and (if very successful) reduce price sensitivity". #MRSLive

Tom Ewing @tomewing

12:01 - 20 Mar 13

Karen Schofield @Karen_Schofield

12:06 - 20 Mar 13

Shout out to the #mrslive crew - the greatest show in research, sad to be missing it for the first time in 7 years.

Interesting stuff on using timed responses to get to implicit views on ads #MRSLive #JtD

Layla Northern @LaylaNorthern

12:08 - 20 Mar 13

Intersperience @Intersperience

12:09 - 20 Mar 13

Sight, sound & emotion - a thought provoking session, really enjoyed it #mrslive

Excellent hackathon with @mngfl great ideas that I won't give away and important focus on openness between clients and agencies #mrslive

Maria Twigge @Livwithme

12:09 - 20 Mar 13

Leapfrog Research @LeapfrogLive

12:12 - 20 Mar 13

Excellent hackathon with @mngfl great ideas that I won't give away and important focus on openness between clients and agencies #mrslive

On the UN international Happiness day good to be reminded of the power of emotion in advertising #mrslive #mrx

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category

Jerome Sopocko @AskiaJerry

12:24 - 20 Mar 13

David Penn @DavidPenn1

12:33 - 20 Mar 13

#MRSlive big data is getting worse because of the number of connected machines per person increases... Hence harder to match

Real time data can be great real time response can be premature says Mark Riseley at #mrslive

Phil Rance @philrance

12:36 - 20 Mar 13

B Hunter @socialBedia

12:42 - 20 Mar 13

Now looking forward to @ESOMAR lunch upstairs in the restaurant at #mrslive

Some interesting stuff going off on >>> #mrslive today

netquest @netquest

12:48 - 20 Mar 13

Truth @TruthConsulting

12:51 - 20 Mar 13

2nd day at MRS conferences, learning lots of interesting experiences about the lecturers. #mrslive #mrx

Great #mrslive session on #ethnography. #HSBC explain benefits of photojournalism in helping stakeholders to understand #culturaldiversity

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

13:13 - 20 Mar 13

FreshMinds Research @FreshMindsRes

13:47 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to partaking in Manifestos for Change with @researchlive at #MRSLive

Looking forward to @cplumb debating the skills required to be a great researcher in the future. 14.10 Room 2 - be there! #mrslive #mrx

Kate Langford @KateLangford

14:06 - 20 Mar 13

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

14:21 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to watching our very own @SineadH at #MRSLive

#mrslive looking forward to some #SocialMedia discussion

Erin Leahy @Erin_Leahy

14:33 - 20 Mar 13

David Hall @DavidValhalla

15:22 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to the #MRSLive drinks this evening! Should be an interesting evening of chat!

RT @DavidPenn1: @leighblue looking forward to it - it's definitely time for BE to move from aspiration to application #mrslive

ResearchNowUK @ResearchNowUK

14:42 - 20 Mar 13

Bonamy Finch @bonamyfinch

14:49 - 20 Mar 13

Great to see everyone at our #mrslive party last night & thanks for all the kind mentions @rtg_ltd @saiwatson @john_bizzell @brassinsight

Nick Bonney @ EE: researcher of the future can't be 1 person - too many conflicting skillsets & increasingly outsourced #MRSlive

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

15:14 - 20 Mar 13

White Tiger @TweetingTiger

15:26 - 20 Mar 13

Looking forward to some BE with @leighblue #MRSLive #MRX

Really looking forward to the Behavioural Economics sessions this afternoon. #MRSLive

The Big Picture @TBPresearch

15:30 - 20 Mar 13

Kate Langford @KateLangford

15:33 - 20 Mar 13

Really enjoyed hearing about @SpaceDoctors1 work with InterContinental hotels at the #MRSconference yesterday! Inspiring #semiotics #MRSlive

Slightly scary that a main focus of #MRSLive is a book my Mum is reading, thank goodness she told me about it !

Bonamy Finch @bonamyfinch

15:34 - 20 Mar 13

Jerome Sopocko @AskiaJerry

15:47 - 20 Mar 13

Amazing stats on impact of public sector co-creation. 80% of 1st offence cases dealt with by youth juries. Re-offend rate 50% lower #MRSlive

#MRSlive rational response loses to emotional response as age increases according to BE

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category

Gaelle Bertrand @GaelleAnneClair

16:02 - 20 Mar 13

Andrew Vincent @Waves05

16:04 - 20 Mar 13

BE: older consumers are less likely to respond to emotional messages. Change as we age or generational gap? #mrslive #mrx

Big Window and Homebase; my System 1 response - a great paper. #MRSlive @TweetMRS #mrx

Join the Dots @WeJoinTheDots

16:33 - 20 Mar 13

Karen Schofield @Karen_Schofield

16:38 - 20 Mar 13

Interesting #MRSLive skills debate - much talk of joining the dots between different disciplines. As our #JtD name suggests, we fully agree!

We use system 2 thinking more as we get older - interesting implications for comms, thanks bigwindow and Homebase #MRSLive #JtD

Sarah Morris @Sarah_W_Morris

16:58 - 20 Mar 13

Hanson Search @HansonSearch

17:31 - 20 Mar 13

and great debate on 'the new research professional' - reassured me that @TrajectoryTweet is on the right Trajectory! #shamelessplug #mrslive

On our way to celebrate the end of #mrslive hope to see you there!

David Smith @DVLSmith

17:49 - 20 Mar 13

Andrew Vincent @Waves05

17:50 - 20 Mar 13

Congratulations to all award winners and all presenters and chairs at the MRS Conference. Great effort by so many people. #MRSLive

THX all @TweetMRS and #MRSlive for all the inspiration

Brass Insight @BrassInsight

18:01 - 20 Mar 13

Giles Colborne @gilescolborne

19:58 - 20 Mar 13

Great day at #mrslive: new ideas, interesting people & fish finger/curry combination at lunch. Katherine Graingers talk made it for me [SS]

A call from #MRSlive to say my presentation yesterday won a best in conference award. Thanks!

Intersperience @Intersperience

20:01 - 20 Mar 13

Rob Matthews @matichin

20:28 - 20 Mar 13

Looking for creative stories, applied academics, data used with integrity, seen it all at #mrslive today thanks @TweetMRS for grt 2 days

Congrats! "@TweetMRS: The #MRSLive Best Newcomer 2013 is: @gilescolborne from @cxpartners"

Rufus Weston @Rufii

20:45 - 20 Mar 13

Congratulations @gilescolborne on winning #MRSlive best presentation. Thoroughly deserved! #warmupact

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Manifestos for Change

Tweets related with the session: Manifestos for change

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. TweetMRS 2. ClaireLMoon 3. neilwholey 4. researchlive 5. roi_sample

FlexMR @_FlexMR

13:43 - 20 Mar 13

Neil Wholey @neilwholey

06:46 - 20 Mar 13

RT @TweetMRS: Brian Tarran introduces himself as future editor of new MRS quarterly mag 'Impact'. Coming in April. #mrslive

RT @NatCen: @PennyYNatCen as an industry we need to be bolder and braver in owning and synthesising our research #mrslive

Amelia Bryant @Bryant_erotica

08:10 - 20 Mar 13

Brass Insight @BrassInsight

08:58 - 20 Mar 13

Wonder if #MRSLive attendees will be reading my smutty #marketresearch #mrx stories on their #kindle instead of listening to speakers! ;-)

Enjoyed the @ResearchNowUK party last night - crashing the Boots team night out. The green drinks were...interesting #mrslive [SS]

eDigitalResearch @eDRtweet

10:01 - 20 Mar 13

John Bizzell @John_Bizzell

10:31 - 20 Mar 13

Day two of the #mrslive #annualconference is underway! Pop by the eDigitalResearch stand to collect your own eDR dog

Newton Faulkner & video from London 2012. I've come over very emotional. Might still be feeling the effects of @ResearchNowUK party #mrslive

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

12:15 - 20 Mar 13

Research Magazine @researchlive

12:47 - 20 Mar 13

BSkyB: Job of research team is to make things simpler for the business. #mrslive #Mrx

#mrslive who's ready for Manifestos for Change, 1.25pm? Bring your lunch if you like, but they'll be plenty of food for thought on offer.

Ben Schneider @SchneiderBen

12:50 - 20 Mar 13

Oi Sample @roi_sample

12:51 - 20 Mar 13

Presenting more research in images to avoid the linear limitations of the written word... Interesting! #mrslive

The essentials of online research! MT @AlisonStarr: "See people as people and not just as numbers". The power of photojournalism #mrslive

Research Magazine @researchlive

12:52 - 20 Mar 13

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

12:58 - 20 Mar 13

#mrslive who's ready for Manifestos for Change, 1.20pm? Bring your lunch if you like, but they'll be plenty of food for thought on offer.

Is market research just about surveys? Good question from #gfk #mrslive

Karen Schofield @Karen_Schofield

13:13 - 20 Mar 13

Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

13:26 - 20 Mar 13

Structured reality to reveal true motivators - Towie in research! #MRSLive #JtD

About to present her manifesto for market research: @infomagpie. #mrslive

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

13:28 - 20 Mar 13

Andrew Vincent @Waves05

14:11 - 20 Mar 13

Brian Tarran introduces himself as future editor of new MRS quarterly mag 'Impact'. Coming in April. More mag info in conf bags. #mrslive

Manifesto #MRSlive we want implications and recommendations; future direction creative suggestion .... #mrx

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


Leapfrog Research @LeapfrogLive

14:15 - 20 Mar 13

Claire Moon @ClaireLMoon

'Without impact, research is academic' #mrslive

14:26 - 20 Mar 13

Research risks being misleading if it focuses on our similarities to the detriment of our individual differences #mrslive #mrx

HRW @HRWhealthcare

14:33 - 20 Mar 13

Cog Research @CogResearch

14:50 - 20 Mar 13

Very interesting paper from @HandALondon about how structured realities can be used in research settings #MRSlive

#mrslive Good sense being talked about what skills future research professionals need and how needs are shifting

Claire Moon @ClaireLMoon

14:52 - 20 Mar 13

theirrationalagency @irrationalagcy

15:45 - 20 Mar 13

Research can inspire and add human/consumer element to commercial decisions - but needs to be relevant at all levels #mrslive

RT @CogResearch: #mrslive Dr Fasolo on B E - we just focus on a few issues (loss aversion) due to availability heuristic. We mis-represe ...

Sarah Morris @Sarah_W_Morris

16:48 - 20 Mar 13

Danielle Jauncey @daniellejauncey

17:24 - 20 Mar 13

and fascinating stuff from Condiment Junkie on cross modal research and Fat Duck's signature Sounds of the Sea dish #mrslive

Most valuable research is that which contradicts hypotheses #mrx #mrslive

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:45 - 20 Mar 13

Caroline Herring @northernb1rd

17:50 - 20 Mar 13

The #MRSLive Best Presentation Award 2013 goes to: Gemma Jones (@SpaceDoctors1) Tim Jones (@InterConHotels) & Robin Pharaoh (@ESROresearch)

Award for Best Contribution to #MRSLive 2013 @ChloeRazor & the readers from #MRSBooks @RazorResearch @jonhildrew Yay! Well deserved guys!

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Katherine Grainger
Tweets related with Katherine Grainger

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. Dave_Leach1 2. LouiseEBrice 3. northstarlondon 4. AlecFarwell1 5. AlexandraDFry

Dave Leach @Dave_Leach1

10:42 - 20 Mar 13

Resighter @harrym16

08:23 - 20 Mar 13

RT @marcsbrenner: #mrslive Katherine Grainger off to a flyer. No change there.

Katherine Grainger in an hour. #inspireme #mrx #mrslive

Rob Linsdell @robertclinsdell

09:36 - 20 Mar 13

Louise Brice @LouiseEBrice

09:37 - 20 Mar 13

Katherine Grainger video montage to start #mrslive - that's woken me up...

#mrslive Re-living a glorious Olympic moment with Katherine Grainger. What an inspiration

marcsbrenner @marcsbrenner

09:40 - 20 Mar 13

Paul Roberts @bigtalkingshop

09:48 - 20 Mar 13

#mrslive Katherine Grainger off to a flyer. No change there.

Day2 @ #mrslive Interesting start to the morning with Katherine Grainger

Alison Starr @AlisonStarr

10:00 - 20 Mar 13

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

10:09 - 20 Mar 13

Brilliant to see footage of Katharine Grainger's gold-medal race again #MRSLive

Passionate keynote by Olympian #KatherineGrainger at the #mrslive

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

10:19 - 20 Mar 13

Andrew Vincent @Waves05

10:23 - 20 Mar 13

"Make it better. Make it better. Always make it better" - an inspiring keynote from Katherine Grainger to open day 2 of #mrslive

Katherine Grainger: its all about hard work, detail and passion #MRSlive

Ella Fryer-Smith @ChicaElla

10:24 - 20 Mar 13

Northstar Research @northstarlondon

10:40 - 20 Mar 13

Inspirational start to the day at #mrslive with Katharine Grainger on how to achieve success

#mrslive Inspirational talk from Katherine Grainger to get the day started #MRX

Intersperience @Intersperience

10:46 - 20 Mar 13

Jane Frost @JaneFrostMRS

10:54 - 20 Mar 13

Checking every detail to achieve that small margin that makes you the best - Katherine Grainger #mrslive

'Detail fuelled by passion' - keynote inspiration Katherine Grainger #mrslive

Alexandra Fry @AlexandraDFry

11:22 - 20 Mar 13

HRW @HRWhealthcare

11:55 - 20 Mar 13

PASSION - key message from Katherine Grainger CBE @NatCen #mrslive

Inspirational keynote speech from gold medal olympian Katherine Grainger on the psychology of success #MRSlive

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


Karen Smith @schmaren

13:52 - 20 Mar 13

At the #mrslive conference. Kathy Grainger gave a fab speech and interesting day all round.

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Tweets related with the workshop: The devil is in the detail

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1. ChicaElla 2. LeonCGunning 3. Robin_de_Rooij 4. TweetMRS 5. TweetingTiger

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

10:16 - 20 Mar 13

caroline hayter @carolineacacia

07:10 - 20 Mar 13

RT @carolineacacia: Really excellent MRS Bookclub today - smart, fluid, provocative. Well done, all #mrslive

Countdown to Tales of the Unexpected. Today at the MRS 11.55am #mrslive

Robin de Rooij @Robin_de_Rooij

10:31 - 20 Mar 13

Oli Sweet @olisweet

11:00 - 20 Mar 13

Missed the keynote, but here now and ready for action. Very curious about the Hackaton workshop! @TweetMRS #mrslive

#mrslive A MUST SEE @ChicaElla presenting why difference is important, and how we need diversity in the research world. Room 1, 1145am.

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

11:43 - 20 Mar 13

White Tiger @TweetingTiger

12:00 - 20 Mar 13

System 1 vs system 2 thinking. #mrslive Don't allow people to think.

Pre-eminence of System 1 thinking in advertising. But is this already outdated and needs to be improved upon? #MRSLive

Leon Gunning @LeonCGunning

12:01 - 20 Mar 13

Robin de Rooij @Robin_de_Rooij

12:18 - 20 Mar 13

Massive challenge to the emotional manipulation marketing #neuroscience system 1 vs system 2 #mrslive some of us consumers like to think.

Hackaton Workshop not very structured, but definitely inspiring: get together in a room for a day and "fix it"! @TweetMRS #mrslive

Carrot Intelligence @carrotmrrecruit

12:37 - 20 Mar 13

Jigsaw Research @jigsawpiecesuk

14:41 - 20 Mar 13

#mrslive @chicElla making good points about diversity of MR industry, lack of knowledge of his it is now, and whether it needs to change

Research industry focused too much on innovation in methodology and not enough on innovation in output (Caroline Plumb Freshminds)#MRSLive

White Tiger @TweetingTiger

System 1 responses drop with age. #MRSLive

16:00 - 20 Mar 13

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:37 - 20 Mar 13

The #MRSLive Best Workshop Award 2013 goes to: Jen del Carlo (@DVLSmith) & Catherine Starkey (@SABMiller)

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:40 - 20 Mar 13

The #MRSLive Best Session Award 2013 goes to: Tales of the Unexpected, chaired by Caroline Hayter (@AcaciaAvenue)

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Jim Al Khalili OBE

Tweets related with Jim Al Khalili

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1. lcrwedderburn 2. philrance 3. DeepSeeResearch 4. Livwithme 5. Robin_de_Rooij

Research Magazine @researchlive

16:42 - 20 Mar 13

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

16:46 - 20 Mar 13

Final keynote at #mrslive @jimalkhalili says "I'm the warming down session on the treadmill. I'm going to stretch your minds"

'A veridical paradox is a seeming absurdity that is nevertheless true because it is perfectly logical' #mrslive @TweetMRS

Phil Rance @philrance

16:48 - 20 Mar 13

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

16:49 - 20 Mar 13

A veridical paradox: every Scotsman who moves to England raises the average IQ of both nations says @jimalkhalili #mrslive

A falsidical paradox is a seemingly logical demonstation of an aburdity - Jim Al-Khalili #mrslive

louisa wedderburn @lcrwedderburn

16:58 - 20 Mar 13

Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

17:08 - 20 Mar 13

Totally baffled by Jim Al-Khalili's weird and wonderful explanations behind paradoxical probability #mrslive @TweetMRS

Jim Al-Khalili presenting on physics and (apparent) paradoxes. Of course relevant to market research because, um. Bazinga! #mrslive

Phil Rance @philrance

17:08 - 20 Mar 13

Deep See @DeepSeeResearch

18:27 - 20 Mar 13

It gets dark at night because the Big Bang happened says @jimalkhalili. Don't ask me to explain why... #mrslive

Great final session to wrap up the conference from @jimalkhalili discussing paradoxes. #MRSLive

Matt Powell @mattpowell2705

18:30 - 20 Mar 13

Really enjoyed @jimalkhalili discussing paradoxes. Came away with the paradox of having learned more, but feeling more stupid #MRSLive

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category



Tweets related with the awards

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1. TweetMRS 2. ESROresearch 3. LaylaNorthern 4. innovationldrs 5. jemazing

jemazing @jemazing

17:37 - 20 Mar 13

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:42 - 20 Mar 13

Uneccessary flashing lights at the #MRSlive awards session. My eyes!

The #MRSLive Best Newcomer 2013 is: @gilescolborne from @cxpartners

ESROresearch @ESROresearch

18:00 - 20 Mar 13

TweetMRS @TweetMRS

17:48 - 20 Mar 13

RT @TweetMRS: The #MRSLive Best Presentation Award 2013 goes to: Gemma Jones (@SpaceDoctors1) Tim Jones (@InterConHotels) & Robin Ph ...

And finally the Award for Best Contribution to #MRSLive 2013 goes to: @ChloeRazor and the readers from #MRSBooks

Layla Northern @LaylaNorthern

22:10 - 20 Mar 13

Fantastic! RT @TweetMRS: And finally the Award for Best Contribution to #MRSLive 2013 goes to: @ChloeRazor and the readers from #MRSBooks

Analysis of the session 'MRS Annual Conference' created with Tweet Category


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