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Gl Istvn MAKSAI PTER ANGOL NYELV BETHLEN GBOR-LETRAJZA 1629-BL Magyar szerz els mve Angliban magyar trtnelemrl A XVII. szzad egyik legolvasottabb knyve volt az t kiadst megrt enciklopdia, benne Magyarorszgra vonatkoz alapvet ismeretek kzlsvel. Botero vilgfldrajzi kziknyv ben az akkori fggetlen magyar politika els, nem magyar llamkltsgen megjelent angol nyelv apolgija kerlt az angol nyelv nyugati kznsg el. Magyar szerz els angol nyelv krkpe Magyarorszg s Erdly korabeli trtnelmrl, fldrajzrl s klpolitikjrl. Kakas Istvn Erzsbet kirlyn eltti beszde Erdly fggetlensgnek okairl s szksges sgrl az angol kirlyi udvar szk krre szortkozott, s itthon sem vlt ismeretess a nagy nyilvnossg eltt Bethlen Farkas kzlsig. Hungarica-irodalmunk sem tartja nyilvn, egyik kiadst ugyan az OSzK nhny ve megvette, de ebben ppen az itt kzlend rdekesebb fejezet nem lehetett mg benne. Az 1630-ban kiadott j kiadsba viszont az jranyomott s a magyar esemnyeket 1595-ig ismertet fejezeten kvl egy magyar szerz ltal rt j nagy fejezet kerlt. Ez a klfld Bethlen Gbor-irodalmban is kimagasl helyet foglal el. Magyarorszg Botero Vilgfldrajznak angol fordtsban A British Museum knyvtrnak (j, mai nevn: British Library) tulajdonban van az olasz antropogeogrfiai iskola kivlsgnak Boternak 1601 s 1630 kztt t kiadst megrt enciklopdija.1 A m cmlapja kiadsrl kiadsra nmi vltoztatssal, bvtssel s kiegsz tssel jelent meg, akrcsak maga a m. Els kiadsnak teljes cme a kvetkez: The World, or an historicall description of the most famoues kingdomes and commonweals therein. Translated from Giovanni Botero's Relazioni Universali by Robert Johnson. (A vilg, vagyis a leghresebb kirlysgok s kztrsasgok trtneti lersa. Botero Vilghradjbl fordtotta Robert Johnson.) London 1601. Az j kiadsok cmben a kvetkez vltoztatsokat eszkzltk: Relations of the most famous kingdomes and commonwealths throughout the world. The theatre of the world. Relations of the most famous kingdomes and commonwealths through the world enlarged with an addition of the estates of Saxony, Germany, Geneva, Hungary and the East Indies. (Hradsolt az egsz fldkereksg leghresebb kirlysgairl s kztrsasgairl Szszorszg, Nmetorszg, Genf, Magyarorszg s a Kelet-Indik llamainak fggelkvel.) Ez az 1630-i, tdik, itt szbanforg kiads cme. Giovanni Botero (15331617) az antropogeogrfia egyik ttrje, Bodin kortrsa, Bayle s Montesquieu elfutra. A piemonti szrmazs statisztikus s fldrajztuds, Borromei Szent Kroly titkra 1576 1584-ig, majd a savoyai hercegek szolglatba szegdtt. Poli tikai, trtnelmi s teolgiai mveket rt. Machiavelli ellenfele. A modern trtnetfilozfusok s kzgazdszok kzl Luio Brentano, Cesare Cantu, Benedetto Croce, Werner Sombart s Max Weber nagyrabecslik. Legszellemesebb, Gibbont s Spenglert messze megelz vilg trtnete, Delle causa della grandezza delle citt c. mve, a vilgtrtnelem mint vrosok tr tnete elbeszlve, hogy Spengler meghatrozst idzzk. Hrom nagy mve kzl legismer tebb az 1589 s 1596 kztt megjelent Relazioni Universali. Ennek magyar fejezett fordtot1 E. G. R. TAYLOR: Lat Tudor and early Stuart geography 15531660. A sequel to Tudor geography 15531660. A sequel to Tudor geography 1485 1553. London 1934. 559., 609., 797. Chamber's Encyclopaedia. Oxford 1967. 2. kt. 461.


tk az egykor kziratok szerzi. A magyar nemzeti jellem egyik els sikerlt ksrlete. Botero egy msik kisebb munkjban is elrulta Magyarorszgrl s a magyarsgrl val jlrtesltsgt. Ez a Notitia rerumpublicarum, ebben Magyarorszgrl s Erdlyrl rtkes sorokat r, emlti Budt s Posonit, Erdlyrl azt tudja, hogy ngy nemzet lakja, a szkelyekrl, hogy a hunok leszrmazottai. A Del Dispregio del Mond (Milano 1584) pedig Bthory Andrsnak van ajnlva.2 A kiadsrl kiadsra vltozatlanul megjelen magyarorszgi fejezet (372394) sorra veszi Magyarorszg tjait, szomszdait, kormnyzatt, szrazfldi s folyami haderejt, erdt mnyeit, termszeti gazdagsgt, bnyit, a trk itteni tartzkodsnak okait, nagysgnak s hanyatlsnak jeleit. Mr az 1601-i s ksbb vltozatlanul tvett magyar szveg slyosan eltli az 1590-es veknek a Nyugat rszrl ki nem hasznlt alkalmait a trk kizsre, s vdolja az osztrk udvart, hogy sem megfelel erej haddal, sem a szksges hadvezrekkel nem segtette a magyarsgot az ltala kivvott elnyk kiaknzsban. 3 Botero els kiadsbl mr szznegyven v ta ismeretes a XVI. szzad utols veiben kszlt magyar fejezete, amelynek kt egykor angol kzirata ugyanott tallhat. 4 Ennek szvegt mr tbb magyar fordtsban kzreadtk s jra meg jra flfedezik, nem tudvn eredeti forrsrl. A British Museumnak ez a kt magyar vonatkozs kzirata 1599-es vszmmal van kel tezve, gy lehetsges, hogy az olasz eredetibl kszlt fordts. Olyan flttelezs azonban, hogy Magyarorszgon jrt angol diplomata vagy a trk harcokban rszt vett angol katona, esetleg katonatiszt eredeti megfigyelseken alapul beszmolja, mindenkppen flrevezet.5 A kt szveg csekly eltrssel ugyanannak az olasz eredetinek angol fordtsa. Kln-kln mnek val felttelezsk tves, mgttk ugyanaz a forrs rejlik. Els magyar nyelv kzlse Szemere Bertalan tollbl val.6 Rviddel utna A. J. Blackwell msolatbl Szchenyi Istvn titkra, Tasner Antal is kzlte.7 Azta jra meg jra flfedezik.8

The State of Bethlen Gbor in Transilvania This Country hath Nature it selfe at one time both fortified and honoured: for the woods and Hercynian mountaines doe round about invironit, gathering it int the shape of a Crowne. The length is two hundred twenty five miles English, and the breadth two hundred. The Ancients made it a part of Dacia; but the latter-Writers from the lying of it beyond the woods, have called it Transylvania. The Germn name Siebenburgen, or the new Latin name Septem Castro, it hath not from the seven Castles set to defend the Frontiers (as som mistake it;) but from those seven Quarters or Camps, int which the old Hunnes at their invasion divided their Army. Thorow these woods and mountaines there be but eleven Avenues or entraces out of other Countries int Transylvania. It is inhabited by three severall Nations; the Siculi which be the ancientest, the Hungarians, and the Saxons. The Religions publikely professed are three also: The Arrian, the Romish, and the Reformed: and this last divided int the Lutheran and Calvinisticall. The Popish hath continued there of old. The Arrian heresie was first brought in by Blandrata, Anno 1556. It chiefly infected the Towne of Clausenburg, where evn at this day the Arrians have a populous College and a free Church; though by the religious diligence of Bethlen Gbor scarce one fourth part of the City be now infected with this poyson. Both Popists and Arrians professe in great freedome; for that the Prince at this Inauguration

2 Alberto MAGNAGHI: Le Relazioni tiniversali" di Giovanni Botero e le Origini della Statistica e dell'Antropogeografia. Torino 1906. 121. M. de B E R N A R D I : Giovanni Botero economista. Torino 1931. 75 76., 135., 282283. DILTHEY, Wilhelm: Gesammelte Schriften. II. Bd. Leipzig u. Berlin 1914. Weltanschau ung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und Reformation. Die Funktion der Anthropologie in der Kultur des XVI. und X V I I . Jahrhunderts. 416 492. Guicciardini s Paruta mell lltja Botert: 269., 440. 3 Az 1616-os kiads az antropogeogrfiai mdszerrl szl bevezet tanulmnnyal kezddik. Az 1. knyv a megfigyelsrl, az ghajlatrl, a fldrajzi helyzetrl, az alkotmnyrl, az szaki s dli npek klnbsgrl s a rgi birodalmakrl szl. A 2. knyv Eurpa "fldrajzt ismerteti, Nagy-Britannit rendkvl bven (39 76). A 3. knyv Bulgrit, Dalmcit, Romnit s Valachit, a 4. a kt Magyarorszgot, az 5. Indit, Knt, J a p n t , a 6. Amerikt (ahogy nevezi kznsgesen Nyugat-Indit") foglalja magba. OSzK. Apponyi. Nr. 3068. 4 Lelhelyei: Harley MS 7314 s Lansdowne MS 775. 5 VARANNAI Aurl: Magyarorszg 1598-ban. Egykori angol diplomata eddig publiklatlan jelentse. Magyar Nemzet 1974. aug. 14. 6. 6 SZEMERE Bertalan: Utazs klfldn 2. bv. kiad. Pest 1845. II. 110112. '8 TASNER Antal: Magyarorszg a XVI-ik szzad vgn. T u d o m n y t r 1843. 259269. RCSEY Viktor: Magyarorszg a British Museumban. Magyar Nemzet 1900. pr. 13. RNA v a : Early travel-books and MSS. on Hungary 14501650. Angol Filolgiai Tanulmnyok. I I I . 1938. 37 58, kl. 5 4 - 5 6 .


is alwayes sworne to defend them, As members politike of the Kingdome. The Saxons use their own mother tongue, the rest speak the Hungrin. The number of Seven is much observed in Transilvania: for by this number is the whole Countrey variously divided. For first, both the Simli and Saxons, and each severally have divided their portions into seven Countries or Seats, the Shire-towne (as it were) being head of the Villages about it; to which Townes those of that division repaire for matter of Justice. Secondly, there bee seven capitall Townes, unto which the Villagers round about are to bring their Taxes and Tributes; where being received by Auditors and under-Treasurers, it is afterward returned into the grand Exchequer. Thirdly, over and above all these is the whole land of Transilvania divided into seven larger Counties. First, Coloszien, whose Metropolis or chiefe City is Clausenburg. Secondly, Szolnok, whose chiefe towne is Dees. Thirdly, Dobocen-Land. The fourth Countie hath Alba lulia or Weisenburg for its chiefe; and that famous for the Residence and Palace of the Prince. The fifth is named Thorden, from Thorda, its Metropolis. The sixth is Keokeollea, which takes name from the River Keokeolleo, and gives name to its chiefe Towne Keokeolleovar. The seventh and last Towne and County is Hungad, which gave birth and name to the famous Family of Hungades. Seven principall Cities it also hath: First, Hermanstadt, the ancient Metropolis of Transylvania. Secondly, Cronstat. Thirdly, Szas. Fourthly, Clausenburg. Fifthly, Bestercze. Sixthly, Sespurg. And seventhly, Medroish, in the middle of all the Countrey. The whole Countrey is very fruitfull in one Commoditie or other; Corne, Beeves, Muttons and Fish,! Gods plentie; all cheape beyond imagination: a fat one being not worth above ten or twelve Shillings English. So much Wine they have in som places, that at Vintage time it may be bought for an English farthing or halfe-peny a pint. Very rieh it is also under ground; as in Salt-pits, Stone-quarries (wher of som be pretious) and mines both of Gold and Silver, Irn, Qick-silver, and other metals: So that nothing is wanting for the life of man, either for nutriment or ornament: and (that which is part of a wonder also) though there be nowhere more store of money, yet be there nowhere meaner prizes for their commodities. For proofe of this, at the election of Bethlen Gbor, there were an hundred measures of Wheat sold in Clausenburg Market, for one Rix Dollar: and few Genfiemen there be, who yearely reape not ten, twenty or thirty stacks of Wheat as big as houses, saith mine Author; Their droves and flocks be answerable also. This did Trajan expresse in his Coine or Medaglia, which had the Image of Ceres on the Reverse, with this Motto, Abundantia Dacie. From the Riches of the Countrey comes in the Revenue of the Prince. This is raised first out of his own Crown-lands: the Tenants (it seemes) paying as in Scotland, so many Chaldron of victuals. So that one where or other in the Country, the Princes yearly parts come to a thousand mowes or stacks of wheat, foure thousand Beeves, and as many Horses hee hath still running, and of sheepe about thirty thousand. His second way of Revenues is by his Tenths out of the mines, &c. whereof Transilvania hath three of Gold; two of Silver, with Quick-silver among; three of Irn, som of Copper, Steele, and Antimony: Lastly, out of eight Salt-pits something comes to him also. The third way arises out of the yearely Tribute and ordinary impositions; besides his extraordinary Subsidies in times of warre. So that though we by reson of distance and information cannot certainly value (?) trada, yet verily hath it never beene read, that the Princes of Transilvania ever wanted either money or victuals for their Armies, either in warres offensive or defensive. The neighbours unto Transilvania bee the Moldavians and Walachians, all three Confederates: who in a leaguer war have not only resisted the Turks, but freed their Countries of them; The Trke at this day being glad of a small Tribute for an acknowledgement from them; knowing, that if the Should oppresse them, the Emperour would be glad to rake them into his protection. His other neighbours be the Tartars and Russes; who being Boot-halers rather than Souldiers, he keeps them out of his Countrey by fortifying upon the eleven Gates or Passages. But the two neighbours most to be accounted of, are the Trke and the Emperour; able friends, but too mightie enemies for the Transilvanian: But this helpe he hath against them both; that if one proves his enemie, hee puts himselfe under the protection of the other. Thus John Zepusio, beatem by Ferdinand, was restored by the Armes of Slymn: and Sigismund of Transilvania falling out with the Turkes, committed himselfe to the Emperour Rodulphus. Againe, for these last thirtie yeares, have three severall Princes of Transilvania thought it more ease and safetie to incline themselves unto the Turkish favour, than unto the Emperours. The Forces that this Prince is able to raise, may be som five and twenty or thirty thousand horse and foot; and so many he may well lead out of the Countrey to a forren Expedition; but the whole strength of the Land for the resisting of a common Enemie, have beene numbred to amount unto ninety thousand fighting men; resolute souldiers, able bodies, and ftill inured, at least to heare of the warres. But the maine strength of Transilvania consists in the multitude of Forts and Castles, built not only upon the elegen passages aforesaid, for the keep225

ing out of the Invaders; bat aptly disposed in severall places within Land also; as two-namely at Alba Iulia, lately erected by Bethlen Gbor as very many other likewise have beene since the yeare 1621 that he came to the government: so that if hee continues but few yeares, he will leave his Transilvania as well fortified as the Low-Countries. 18. or 20. principall peeces of strength are in the Princes hand, all well garrison'd; the Country being bound to finde the souldiers their provisions. The Fort of Fogaras is one of the most impregnable places in the whole world: and nor much inferiour unto that is the Castle of Radnet, where sometimes Bethlen Gbor keepes his Court. I omit here the usuall Guards of the Prince: which though they be souldiers in time of warre, yet are they but lik our Genfiemen pensioners, and my fellowes of the Guard in time of peace. The Government and Religion both are wonderfully much amended since the time of the noble Bethlen Gbor. The people are growne more civill, and the Countrey less infested with Robbers. As for the Religion, Bethlen himselfe is a zealous Calvinist, seldome going without a Latin Testament in nis poeket. Churches are so well repayred and served, that nne wants an Universitie man for its Minister: Bethlen still maintining an hundred poore Schollers upon his owne charges in the Universities of Germanie. Colleges he hath built and endowed; whereof that one of Clausenburg hath thirtie Fellowships: yearely Synodes and disputations he appoints; himselfe setting, on, incouraging and feasting the Divines and Disputers. Thus reclaimes he the Hereticks, for he usually cals it a marke of Antichrist, By the sword to inforce the conscience. The Estate of Gabriel Bethlen or Bethlen Gbor in Hungria: which came to him either by Election, or by Conquest atchieved from the Emperour: With a briefe Relation or Chronicle of his Birth and fortunes. Transilvania is (as the maps shew) on the East confined by Hungria: in the description wherof we told you of 11. famous gates or Avenues, thorow which the Passages lead out of one Countrey into another: Foure of which lie betwixt the possession of this Prince in both kingdomes: and next to the first of them on Hungria side, are his Counties of Szolnok and Maramaros; this latter being governed by Stephan Bethlen, brother unto Gabriel Bethlen: The chiefe Towne is Szighet. A rieh Countrey it is, and watered with the famous Tibiscus, which in this County hath its fountaine. Abutting upon the next Passage, is the most plentifull Coun trey called Szilagy; and is divided into two Counties, Crastno, and the other Szolnok. Upon the ninth Passage, along the River Keoreo, lyes the most delicate Country Keoreos Vidke, the chiefe Towne whereof is Varad; whose Castle indured a siege of three hundred thousand Turkes, in the yeare 1598. who yet rose without it. Which Fort hath the famous Bethlen now re-edified from the very foundation, fortified it alla moderna, and built most stately Palaces about it. Adorned also it is with a College of five and thirty Fellowes, an hindred Schollars, a Master and a publike Reader. It hath two hot Baths likewise. In this Countrey lyes the Co unty of Bihar, so named of Bihar its Metropolis; and another County called Ermellyeke, whose head is Dioszegh; and the chiefe Forts, Somlgo and Szekelhid. Upon the fourth Passage (which is the eighth in order of those of Transilvania) lyes the Countrey of Belenyes, the head-Towne being of the same name also. This is the native foile of our famous Gabriel Bethlen; who was here borne in a Mannor house of his owne, called Iktar: hereabouts also is the Seat of Kornis, the Family of his mother. A Country it is plentifull in Woods, Cattell, Corne, Iron and Copper mines; and on the South part it reaches unto the Castle of Illyem, the Inheritance of his brother Stephan Bethlen: on another side touching upon the Country of Torontli, which is under the Turks, who hath also incroached into a part of this Countrey. Here be the two strong Castles, Jeneo, and Baiom; this latter is built in the middest of a Lake, and is in the Maps falsly called Echyed. And these be the Countries of Hungria, which lying neere to the Trke, and further from the Emperor, did for their owne safeguard. Voluntarily at first put themselves under the protection of Bethlen Gbor, whom with the Transilvanians they also elected for their Prince. And now follow those seven Counties which the same Prince hath by the sword and conquest taken from the Germn Emperour, which lie next in Situation unto those before mentioned. The first of these is that of Szatmar, lying neerer to Transilvania, and touching both upon Maramaros and Szolnok aforesaid. The chiefe Towne gives name to the Shire; being a very strong one, and served by a most plentifull Country about it. The next Country so conquered is Zabolczi; whose Burrough Towne is Debrecen, situate in a large and most fertile leveli of an hundred English miles long and broad, and adorned with a goodly College of Students This County from the Southerne parts of Hungria subject to the Turkes, reaches over the goodly River Tibiscus, fifty English miles right out, ascending from the East to the South and West; in which parts be the townes and villages of the warlike Hayduks, so famous in the Tur226

kish History; a free people they held themselves; all Gentlemen, in service of no Lord, but of their, Leaders in time of warres; and those are still of their owne Nation, yet all bound to serve in the Armies of the Prince of Transilvania. They live by their owne private Lawes, and are most stiffe for the Calvinist Religion. Next come those Counties which lie in the midst of these aforenamed. The first of which is Bereghez, whose Metropolis is Berekszas: and this is the driest and barrennest Country of Hungria. Here is the Fort of Echyed, so built in the midst of Lakes and Bogs, that there is no approach to be made within foure miles of it, either by horse of foot but by one bridge onely: This makes it have the name of the strongest peece of all Bethlen Gabors Dominions (perhaps of the whole world) and therefore chosen by him to keepe the Crowne of Hungria in, when he had it in his custody, Anno 1622. All these three Countries aforesaid, conquered from the Emperour, together with these former which belong unto him by Election, lie situated in the forme of a ragged Triangle, betwixt Transilvania and the River Tibiscus: the first line whereof is made up by the County Maramaros, out of wich Tibiscus flowes originally. The second line is either made by the River of Maros (Marusius) which falls into the Tibiscus necre Lippa, a towne of the Turkes dominions: although the better and evener line be made by the County Beienges. The third line of this Triangle (towards the West) ends at the Castle of Tokai, under whose walls the River Brodogh falls into the Tibiscus. From this Castle we beginne to account the other foure conquered Counties, which lie on Hungria side, and in respect of Transilvania are beyond the Tibiscus. The first of which lying beyond Tibiscus and Brodogh is called Vgocz or Vngh (of a River of that name) whose chiefe towne is Vnghar; the second is Hommona, where the Iesuites have a College. This Country touches upon Poland. The second of these conquered Counties (a member also of this latter) is called Zemlen, as its chiefe City also is. Its second City is Sros Patak, where the Palatine or Earle-marcher of that part of Hungria, subject to Bethlen Gabor, usually keepes his residence. Ennoblished it is besides with the greatest College Belonging to the reformed Religion in all those parts: wherein (namely) are fourescore Fellowes, three hundred Schollars a Master and foure Readers, all maintained by their owne setled Revenues like ours in England, and all planted in a dainty aire, a rieh and most delicate Country. The third conquered County is Borsod, whose Metropolis is Tokay aforesaid; which with its Fort and Castle was in consideration of 60 000. pounds rendred by the Emperour unto Bethlen Gbor in the yeare 1628. August the 10. which its new Lord hath sincere-edified. This towne is overlookt by that which they call The golden Mountaine, three English miles in height, and seven in compasse, which beares a wine of a more delicate and rieh race than the Canaries, and inestimable plenty too, here and all abouts the Country. This Country confronts upon the Turkish Territories; and beyond Rudabanya in the west parts begins the dominion of the Emperour. The fourth of these Counties of this beyond Tibiscus, and the utmost bounds of his conquests, is called Abavyvar; whose Metropolis is Cassovia, the fairest and richest of all those parts, and newly walled and fortified by the Conquerour. Inhabited it is by the Hungrin and Germn Nations, both of which here have their severall Churches. Here likewise is a College, as there also bee at Geonez and Sepsi, two neighbour Cities. Here also is the Bishopricke of Lelesz, which being popish, was upon request delivered up unto the Emperours disposing in that late treaty of Pacification. And these be the goodly dominons of Bethlen Gbor in Hungria; which on the East are bounded with Transilvania, on the West with the Turkish parts of Hungria, on the North with Poland, and on the South with the Counties of Heves, Tom, and Genevar, &c. all subject to the Emperour. As for his two Dukedomes of Oppelen and Ratibor in Silesia; they being farre distant and chargeable to hold, hee made a faire surrender of them into the Emperours hands, in that treaty of Peace concluded betwixt them Anno 1624. What Revenues and Certainties may bee raised from hence, is not to bee ghessed at in these troublesome times; in which seasons quiet possession us to bee aecounted the chiefe part of the Revenues, seeing the subject is then rather to bee releeved than oppressed. The Forces which hee is able to raise from hence with his owne pay and money must needs be very great, seeing that with them hee hath not onely defended himselfe, and gained upon the Emperour, but so farre pressed upon him as to set so many townes on fire in Austria seife; that by the light of those Bonefires the Emperour might reade a Letter in his owne Bed-chamber in Vienna. Bethlen Gbor finally, both for his valour and fortune is more dreaded by the Emperour than any other Christian King or Potentt of Europe. And now for that this Prince hath so arrested the incroching greatnesse of the Emperour Ferdinand in those parts, that he may well be called, The scourge of the house of Austria: he is therefore most mortally hated by all the Papists of Christendome, who are sottishly addicted unto that Family. Hence those feornes and slanders of him, that he was basely borne, that the was a Trke in Religion, yca Circumcised, and

an hundred other Iesuiticall knaveris. And for that hee hath not still beene ready to doe as we would have him in England, since these infortunate warres of Bohemia, even we good Protestants have thought that hee hath hitherto done nothing. To rehearse therefore what hee is, and how his time and Armes have beene imploved, may against these calumnics serve for a reall Apologie. This Gabriel Bethlen (whom we call Bethlen Gbor) now writing himselfe Printe of the Sacred Roman Empire, Lord of som part of Hungria, Duke of Oppelen and Ratibor, &c. was about the yeare 1580. borne of an ancient Nobility, in his owne inheritance of Iktar, aforesaid. His Fathers name was the Lord Wolfgang Bethlen; his Mother was descended also of the house of Kornis, a Noble and an Ancient Sept or Tribe of the Sicali, which bee the eldest Inhabitants of Transilvania. His childhood was rather addicted to Armes than to Letters; c his Tutor had much adoe in keeping him from his delight of riding the horses, &c. But comming to more maturity and discretion, he so well redeemed his time lost at schoole, that he attained to so much perfection in the Latin tongue, as he was able extempore to answer the Emperours Ambassadeurs Oration in that language, Anno 1622. Being afterwards brought up in the Court of Stephan Bathori, Prince of Transilvania (whose house in those dayes was a very schoole of military knowledge and exercises) he so aproved jimseife to that judicious Prince, as he first of all made him a Captaine; and to be briefe, he was by the next Prince Stephan Boczkai made Generali of his Armies. This honour, and his fortunate management of it, obtained him a wife of the noble Family of the Caroli, by whom he had divers children, though now all deceased. Prince Boczkai dying, the next Prince Gabriel Bathori continued him likewise in his military honour aforesaid, swearing him also of his Privie Councell. But this double greatnesse made him envied of the Nobility; and this following occasion rendred him hatefull to the Prince. It fortuned that in the yeare 1611. this Gabriel Bathori most unjustly bereaved the Saxon Nation of their chiefe City of Hermanstad: whereupon complaint is made to the great Trke abroad, and at home that Nation makes choiee of the favour and greatnesse of Bethlen Gbor to the their mediator to the Prince: Youthfull Batkori hereupon suspects him to be too populr, offers him both ill language and blowes to boot. Bethlen avoiding the Court escapes to Buda, and from thence to Constantinople, where hee was faine to stay two hole yeares. Neanes being made in the meane time for the Saxons, they obtaine an Armie of the Trke, and request him to appoint Bethlen Gbor for his and their Generali. Thus in October 1613. is he called backe to rendresse the wrongs offered by a hated Prince, and to releeve the miseries of his owne Countrie. So welcome he proves and so successefull, that the States and Chiefes, both of the Saxons and the Siculi, run amaine to Clausenburgh; in the chiefe Temple wherof they for three daies together hold a great Councell about the deposing of their Prince. Whereupon Bathori making shew fiecly to relinquish that which he could not hold, did with a loud voiee (in the hearing of our Author then 15. years old, and a studient in the Towne) grant a free election; for himselfe prosessing in thefe very words; That what soever Prince this Kingdome of Transilvania shall make choiee of, Jfsaith he) am ready also to acknowledge for my Prince, upon condition, that he exercises no tyranny upon the three Nations ofthe the Siculi, Saxon, and Hungarians. Upon this resignation is Gabriel Bethlen elected and sworne Prince of Transilvania. Gabriel Bathori (a Prince neither lawfully elected, nor lawfully governing) retires himselfe to his Castle of Varadinum: where he is shortly and treacherously murthered by his owne servants; for which they are executed by Bethlen Gbor the yeare following. He being thus setled, first of all sets upon the reparations of the Castles and Forts of his Countrey; re-edifies and iniarges Varadinum, lately dismantled the Turkes. Thus spends he his two first yeares, 1614. and 1615. The next yeare the Trke comes downe against Poland with 410000. men, and the Polander meets him with 250000. Gabriel foreknowing, that whosoever gained the victory might afterwards turne his Armes upon him; goes with 25000. men into the neighbour Moldvia, where the other two Armies lay incamped: with this handfull of men he passes the River Nester, puts himselfe betwixt both Armies, mediates a peace, effects it, is storm'd at by the Turkes, and much thanked by the Polander; but ill requited afterward, when in the yeare 1620. Bethlen was ingaged in his warres with the Emperour. Returning home, hee the same yeare 1616. (being his third) founds a College at Alba lulia, takes order for solemne and frequent disputations against the Arrians and Papists, converts many of the first sort. The next two yeares he revives and betters the execution of good lawes; reduces Justice and Civility; and though the warres were hot, and the Reformed Religion much afficted in Germany, Bohemia, &c. yet hee intends his owne Government, and intermeddles not: but intereepting at length some intelligence of the publike design of the Princes leaguers of the Romish Religion (which was utterly to root out the Reformed) and pereeiving the Icsuites and others more busie and pragmaticall at home; and that the Emperours Armie pretended fo be sent against the Turkes, was now upon its march, and very suspicionsly advanced as tarre as the frontiers of his Transilvania; he thinks it time to take the alarum; he armes, and 228

with a small conpany drawes neere to observe the motions of the Imperialists; Stands still upon the defensive, and docs no more. Not long after is aid solicired by the Ambassadeurs of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, his confederates, miserably troubled by the Emperor for Reli gion: For them he first peaceably mediates to Caesar, and being neglected hee in the yeare 1620. Ieads out his Armies, if not to releeve them, yet to countenancetheir cause, and to drawn the Emperour to more moderate conditions. In their quarreil and Religions, he takes Presburg from the Imperialists, October 13. 1620. Next yeare he passes the Danubie, and to be short, is fairely elected King of Hungarie; amd though hee had the Imperial Crowne of Hungarie in his owne hands, yet refused he to be crowned with it. This temper of his preserved him; for besides the treachery of his owne Popish subjeets, he had heard a suspitious word let fall by the Emperour of the Turks to this purpose; Now (saith he) that Bethlen Gbor is King of Hungarie, he must reeds in the next place affect our Buda (the ancient royeall Citie) to reigne in. This word made him feare the Turks, and forbeare his owne Coronation, onely carrying the Crowne away with him. Thus ended the yeare 1621. The next yeare the Emperour remanding the Crowne, Bethlen assemble a Parliament at Cassaw, where the Popish party prevailes; the Crowne is sent backe; the title of King is laid downe; in Heu of which he reeeives these condi tions from the Emperour: First, he is acknowledged a soveraigne and independent Prince: Secondly, he is made a Prince of the Empire; and thirdly, are the two Dukedomes of Oppelen and Ratibor in Silesia estated upon him. This yeare his wife Susanna Katherina leaves him a widower; and the rest is spent in Embassies and Treaties with the Emperour. The next yeare 1623. was passed over in peace; the Emperour sends him a diamond ring; which some conjeetured was meant for a wedding ring, and that the Emperour was desirous to allie him to this house of Austria. Ann. 1624. was quiet and peaceable. Anno 1625. he by his Ambassadeurs wooes the Lady Kather ine, sister to the Elector of Brandenburgh; whom in February 1626. he solemnly espouses in Cassovia: and is so potent and happy, that Iuly 16. following, he procures her to be elected Princesse of Transilvania after him, (in case she survided him) and his owne brother Stephan Bethlen to be Regent under her. This yeare there hapned some more bustling against the Emperour; but a peace quickly concludes it. The next yeare 1627. the Turkish Sultan honours Bethlens Princesse with a solemne Embassie, to her principally directed; sends her a Scepter; requires her name also (as an absolute Princesse which one day might be) to be put into the treaty of a perpetuall league. The yeare 1627. he had peace on every side, which continued the next yeare also. When October 21. he solemnly buries his Predecessor Gabriel Bathori aforesaid. Finally, this yeare 1629. for thankfulnesse to God, and the good of this Church and Countrey, hee erects an University at Alba Iulia, which crownes and blesses all the fame of this former actions. He hath this Summer beene dangerously sicke; but we have heard newes of his safe recovery. And thus ends the Chronicle of Bethlen Gbor the famous; a man much talkt of, but little knowne. Let this at last be answered to his Traducers: that he must needs be a brave fellow, who was favoured and preferred by so many Princes; that from a private fortune should upon his owne deserts be advanced by his Nation to the chaire of soveraignty: that was able to gaine so much upon the Emperour; to suecour his friends, and compose a quarrel betweene two such potent enemies; that is in his owne person so dexterous both at Arts and Armes: that desires so much the good of his Country, as to foortile all the passages; to adorne it with Palaces, Churches, Colleges, and Universities: that takes the right course to advance Religion; to incourage, countenance, and promote learning, &c to doe that in beating down heresie by the Word, which the laws of his Nation forbid him to do by the Sword: that hath quickned Justice and good manners; is beloved of his loyall subjeets, and feared by the disloyall: that being so dangerously situated hath the spirit and skill to defend his little Countrey from the power of the house of Ottoman, the ambition of the house of Austria, the might of the Pole, and the barbarous inroads of the Russes and Tartarians: that finally maintaines his subjeets in abundance of safety, and abundance of plenty: and though perchance hated, yet feared, and highly honoured by his greatest enemy, the Emperour. Master Petrus Eusenius*MAXAI A szveg magyar rtelmezse Bethlen Gborrl tl sokat beszlnek, rja Maksai, de keveset tudnak . . . Hadd vlaszol juk ezt brlinak. Mgiscsak derk ember kell hogy legyen, ha oly sok fejedelem kedvelte s kereste bartsgt; ha szerny sorbl nehz krlmnyek kztt nemzete az uralkod szkbe emelte; ha kpes a csszr ellenben oly sokat kivvni; ha tmogatni tudta bartait s viszlyt tudott elidzni kt olyan hatalmas ellenfele kztt; ha a maga szemlyben egyszerre rtett a tudomnyhoz meg a fegyverforgatshoz; ha tudatban volt, milyen jt tesz hazjnak, amikor a szorosokat mind megersti, amikor palotkkal, templomokkal, kollgiumokkal s

egyetemekkel kesti, tudvn, hogy ezzel vallsa helyes elmenetelt mozdtja el; amikor btortja, biztostja s segti a tudomnyt s amikor az eretneksget vitval gyzi le, nempedig, amit orszga egybknt is tilt, karddal; hogy meggyorstotta az igazsgszolgltats s a j erklcsk kialakulst, hogy minden hsges alattvalja szereti s minden hitvny fl tle; hogy olyan veszlyes fldrajzi krlmnyek kztt megvan a llekjelenlte s szakrtelme, hogy kicsiny orszgt megvdje az ozmn hz hatalmval, az osztrk hz ambcijval, a lengyelek haderejvel s az oroszok s tatrok barbr invziival szemben, hogy vgl alatt valit a biztonsg s bsg ldsaiban rszesti; s hogy br itt-ott gyllik, mgis flnek tle, s mg legnagyobb ellensge, a csszr is nagyra tartja." Maksai tanulmnya vdirata a Habsburg-propaganda ltal gyalzott Bethlen Gbornak, emberi alakja, orszga s birtokai, gazdagsga s ereje bemutatsval: Bethlen Gbortl btorsgrt s szerencsjrt sokkal jobban fl a csszr, mint Eurpa brmely ms keresztny kirlytl vagy hatalmassgtl. s minthogy a fejedelem Ferdinnd csszr hatalmnak gyarapodst a magyarorszgi rszeken megllaptotta gy, hogy joggal nevezik t tsknek az osztrk hz oldalban: ezrt pedig a keresztny vilg ppisti, akik annyira fggnek a Habsburg-csaldtl, valamennyien hallosan gyllik t. Tlk szrmaz nak azok a pletykk s rgalmak felle, hogy zabigyerekknt szletett, hogy vallsra nzve trk, st, hogy krlmetlkedett, s mg szz ms jezsuita kitalls. s minthogy nem volt mindig kpes azt vgrehajtani, amit Angliban elvrtak tle a csehorszgi szerencstlen h bor ta, mg mi j protestnsok is azt hittk, hogy eddigel semmit sem cselekedett. ppen ezrt nagyon is jl fog szolglni, mint valdi apolgija, ezek ellen a maszlagok ellen flidzni, hogy kicsoda is s hogy hasznlta fel lett s haderejt." Rszletesen elmondja Bethlen Gbor letrajzt, hadvezri plyjt, fejedelmi tnykedst, nemzetkzi szvetkezseit s kulturlis tevkenysgt. Gyerekkort, mesli, inkbb katons kodssal mint tanulssal tlttte. De ahogy jobban megrett, behozta iskola nlkl elveszte getett idejt s a latin nyelvben olyan tklyre emelkedett, hogy a csszr kveteinek besz deire vlaszolni extempore volt kpes". Hangslyozza, hogy szles kr kvnsgra trt vissza Erdlybe s vlaszts tjn lett Erdly fejedelme, biztostva Erdly hrom nemzett, a sz kelyeket, a szszokat s magyarokat, hogy megvja ket a zsarnoksgtl. Kiemeli, hogy br megvlasztottk magyar kirlynak s a korona is a kezben volt, jzansga megvta attl, hogy kirlly koronztassa magt. Maksai rszletes lerst ad Bethlen Gbor orszgrl. Ehhez foghat a korabeli magyar irodalomban sem maradt fnn. Java szvege a kvetkez: Ezt az orszgot maga a termszet erdtette meg s emelte ki: ugyanis erdsgek s renge teg hegysgek veszik krs-krl. Hossza 250, szlessge 200 angol mrfld. Az antikok Dcia rszv tettk, a ksbbi rk azonban azrt, mert az erdsgek mgtt fekszik, Transylvaninak neveztk el. Nmet neve Siebenbrgen, j latin neve pedig Septem Castra, ez azonban nem a hatrait vd ht vrrl szrmazik, mint sokan tvesen hiszik, hanem arrl a ht kerletrl vagy tborrl, amelyekbe a rgi hunok bejvetelkkor hadaikat felosztottk. Ezeken az erd sgeken s hegysgeken keresztl 11 szoros vagy hg vezet ki-be ms orszgokba. Hrom klnbz nemzet lakja: a szkelyek, akik a legrgibbek, a magyarok s a szszok . . . Erdly egsz fldje ht nagyobb megyre van felosztva. Az 1. Kolozs, ennek szkvrosa Klausenburg, a 2. Szolnok, amelynek fvrosa Ds, a 3. Doboka, a 4. Fehrvr, Alba Julia vagy Weisenburg. Arrl hres, hogy itt van a fejedelem rezidencija s palotja. Az 5-et Tordnak hvjk, szk helyrl Tordrl. A 6. Kkll, amely nevt a Kkll folyrl kapta s szkhelynek Kkllvrnak adja. A 7. s utols vros s megye Hunyad, amely a Hunyadiak hres csaldjnak szl- s nvad helye. Ht nevezetesebb vrosa van: az 1. Nagyszeben, Erdly rgi fvrosa, a 2. Brass, a 3. Szszvros, a 4. Kolozsvr, az 5. Beszterce, a 6. Segesvr s a 7. Medgyes az orszg kzepn." A Bethlenrl kialaktott hamis nyugati kp, az ingatagsg, a kiszmthatatlansg, az va tossg vonsai ellen flhozza a knyszert krlmnyeket: Erdly szomszdai a moldvaiak s valachiaiak mindhrman szvetsgesek: ezek egy kzs helyzetben nemcsak ellenlltak a trknek, hanem hazjukat meg is szabadtottk tle; a trk napjainkban rl annak a csekly vjradknak is, amivel t elismerik; tudja, hogy ha elnyomja, a csszr boldogan veszi oltalmba ket. Erdly ms szomszdai a tatrok s az oroszok; ket az orszgon kvl tartja a tizenegy hg s szoros megerdtsvel. De az a kt szomszd, amellyel leginkbb kell szmolni, a trk meg a csszr; hasznlhat bartok, de tl hatalmas ellensgek az erdlyi embernek. Kettejk ellen ilyen cselhez folyamodik: ha valamelyik ellensgnek bizonyul, a msik oltalma al helyezi magt. gy Zpolya Jnost, amikor Ferdinnd megverte, Szulejmn hadai hoztk vissza, s Bthory Zsigmond, a tr kkkel szemben veresget szenvedve, Rudolf csszrhoz kttte magt. Ebben az utols har minc vben Erdly hrom klnbz fejedelme ismtelten gy vlekedett, hogy clszerbb s biztonsgosabb a trk kegyt keresni, mint a csszrt." 230

Erdly Magyarorszggal annak keleti hatrn fgg ssze vele. Mr lertuk, hogy 11 hres szoros vagy hg vezet be ms orszgokbl. Ngy ezek kzl Bethlen kt orszgban lev birtokai kztt van. A magyar oldalon legkzelebb fekszik hozz Szolnok s Mramaros, szk vrosa Sziget. Gazdag terlet, a hres Tisza ntzi, ennek itt is van a forrsa, tovbbmenve a kvetkez szorosra a leggazdagabb vidket Szilgynak hvjk: ez kt megyre oszlik, Krasznra s Szolnokra. A Krs foly mentn fekszik a Krsvidke nyjas tartomnya, ennek fvrosa Vrad. Itt terl el Bihar megye, szkvrosrl Biharrl elnevezve. A kvetkez megye rmellyke, szkhelye Diszeg. Hres vrai Somly s Szkelyhd. A kvetkez szorosnl fek szik Belnyes vidke, szkvrosnak is ugyanaz a neve. Ez a tj bvelkedik fban, marhban, gabonban, vas- s rzbnykban. Dlen lenylik Hlye vrig, a msik oldalon hatros Toron tl vrmegyvel. Itt kt ers vr van, Jen s Bajom; az utbbi egy t kzepn plt. Fogaras erdje az egsz vilg egyik legthatolhatatlanabb helye; s nem sokkal alsbb rend ennl Radnt vra, ahol Bethlen Gbor idnkint udvart tartja. Most pedig az a ht megye kvetkezik, amelyet a fejedelem karddal s hdtssal szerzett meg a nmet csszrtl. Ezek kzl az els Szatmr, ez rintkezik Mramarossal s Szolnok kal. Szkvrosa adja nevt a megynek, jl meg vannak erdtve, gazdag s igen termkeny vidk veszi krl. A kvetkez meghdtott megye Szabolcs. Ennek szkvrosa Debrecen, 100 angol mrfld szles s hossz, nagy s igen termkeny sksggal krlvve. A trk hist riban oly hres harckedvel hajdk vrosai s falvai a Tisztl 50 angol mrfld hosszsg ban terlnek el keletrl dlre s nyugatra ereszkedve. A hajdk szabad npnek tartjk magu kat, valamennyien nemesemberek, semmilyen urat nem szolglnak, kivve sajt vezreiket hbor idejn; ezek sajt vrkbl valk, de azrt Erdly fejedelmnek hadaiban ktelesek szolglni. A hajdk sajt kln trvnyeik szerint lnek. A kvetkez megyk a kzpen terlnek el. Az els kzlk Bereg, szkhelye Beregszsz; ez Magyarorszg legszrazabb s legtermketlenebb vidke. Itt ll Ecsed vra, tavak s mo csarak kz ptve, gy hogy 4 mrfld krzetben lhton vagy gyalog egyetlen hdon lehet csak megkzelteni. Ez Bethlen Gbor s taln az egsz fldkereksg legersebb erdje, ezrt vlasztotta ki arra, hogy itt tartsk a magyar koront, amikor rizetben volt 1622-ben. Ez a hrom megye a csszrtl elhdtva, az elbbiekkel, amelyekkel vlaszts tjn tartoznak hozz, Erdly s a Tisza foly kztt hromszg alakban terl el. Ennek egyik oldala Mra maros megye, a msik a Maros foly, amely Lippnl folyik a Tiszba, harmadik oldala pedig Nyugat fel Tokaj vra, amelynek falai alatt a Bodrog folyik a Tiszba. Ettl a vrtl kezdjk szmtani a msik ngy meghdtott megyt, amely a magyar oldalon fekszik s Erdlybl nzve tl a Tiszn terl el. Az 1., amely a Tisza s Bodrog kztt fekszik Ugocsa vagy Ung, szkhelye Ungvr, msik vrosa Homonna. Ez a megye Lengyelorszggal rintkezik. A 2. meghdtott megye Zempln, ahogy a szkhelye is az. 2. vrosa Srospatak, ahol a Palatnus Bethlen Gbornak alrendelve tartja rendesen szkhelyt. A 3. meghdtott megye Borsod, szkvrosa Tokaj, amelynek erdjt s vrt 60 000 fontrt a csszr 1628-ban tengedte Bethlen Gbornak, aki azta megerdtette. E vros mgtt hzdik az Aranyhegy hrom angol mrfld magasan s ht mrfld hosszan, amelyen sokkal zesebb s gazdagabb borfajta terem, mint a Kanri-szigeteken. Ez a megye a trk terletekkel rintkezik; Rudabnya mellett nyugatra pedig kezddik a csszr birtoka. A 4. megye a Tisza mgtt Abajvr, szkvrosa Kassa, az sszes terletek legszebb s leggazdagabb vrosa, amelyet j fallal s erdtmnnyel vett krl a hdt. Nmetek s magyarok lakjk, mindegyiknek szmos temp loma van. Kt szomszd vrosa Gnc s Szepsi. Itt van a leleszi pspksg is." Erdly gazdagsgrl ezt rja: Az egsz orszg rendkvl gazdag egyik-msik termny ben; gabona, marha, juh s hal van bsgesen; ezek mind kpzeleten fll olcsk: egy hz nem drgbb 1012 angol shillingnl. Bor meg annyi van nmely helyen, hogy szretkor pintje egy angol garasrt vagy flpennyrt kaphat. Nagyon gazdag az orszg a fld alatt is; sbnyk, kbnyk, st mg drgakbnyk, arany- s ezst-, vasrc-, higany- s ms rc bnyk: gyhogy az ember meglhetshez, akrcsak lelmezshez vagy ruhzkodshoz nem hagy semmi kvnnivalt; s ez is hozztartozik a csodhoz, hogy br sehol sem lehet tbb megtakartott pnzt tallni, a mindennapi szksgletek rai sehol nem lehetnek alacsonyab bak." Bethlen Gbor szvetsgnek rtkt bizonytva hadseregnek j megszervezettsgt s tkpessgt igy ecseteli: A fejedelem kpes olyan nagy hadert lltani, amelyben 25 vagy 30 000 lovas s gyalogos van; ennyit tud egy klfldi hadjratra az orszgbl kiveznyelni; de az orszg teljes hadereje ellenfl tmadsa esetn 90 000 harcost szmll: elsznt katonk, kpzett emberek. Erdly fereje azonban erdinek s vrainak sokasgbl ll, spedig nemcsak a tizenegy szorosnl pltekbl, hogy a behatolkat kvl tartsk; de ezek bent az orszgban is szmos helyen alkalmasan vannak elhelyezve. Kett ilyen van Gyulafehrvr krl, ezeket Bethlen Gbor mint mg sok mst is, azta emelte az utbbi vekben, amita van kormnyon, gy hogy
6 Irodalomtrtneti Kzlemnyek


ha folytatja nhny vig, Erdlyt olyan jl megerdtve hagyja majd htra, mint amilyen orszg Hollandia. 18 vagy 20 erd van a fejedelem kezn, valamennyi jl elltva katonasggal; az orszg ktelezve van r, hogy a katonasg elltsrl gondoskodjk." A szerz hangslyozza a szabad vallsgyakorlatot Bethlen uralma alatt: A hrom elismert valls az arinus, a rmai s a reformlt: ez az utols a luternus s klvinista hitre oszlik. A rmai nagyon rgta ltezik. Az arinus eretneksget elszr Blandrata hozta be 1566-ban, fknt Kolozsvr vrost fertzte meg, ahol ma is szabad egyhzuk van, br Bethlen Gbor vallsos hitbuzgsga alig negyedre cskkentette a vrosnak ezzel a mreggel fertztt rszt. A ppistk s az arinusok nagy szabadsgban gyakoroljk hitket; a fejedelem ugyanis be iktatsakor mindig fleskszik arra, hogy mint az orszg politikai tagjait vdelmezi ket. Bethlen Gbor vallst illeten maga fantikus klvinista, ritkn megy valahov zsebben a latin biblia nlkl. A templomokat alaposan kijavttatta. vente zsinatokat s hitvitkat rendez, ezeken maga elnkl, btortva s nnepelve a papokat s vitzkat. gy hdtja vissza az eretnekeket, mert az Antikrisztus jellemzjnek tartja, hogy karddal avatkozzanak be valakinek lelkiismereti gyeibe." A harmincves hborban val rszvtelrl ezt rja: Br Nmetorszgban, Csehorszg ban s msutt nagyban zajlott a hbor s a reformtus vallst nagyon rintette, elszr sajt kormnyra gyelt s nem avatkozott be; de tltva a katolikus vallst kvet fejedelmek ligjnak nyilvnoss vlt tervein, akik gykerben akartk kitpni a reformtus vallst, s a jezsuitkat s msokat ltetni helybe s, hogy a csszr seregt a trk ellen akarva kldeni az mr ton is van s vatosan olyan messze vonult elre, mint Erdly hatrai: gy gondolta, itt az id, hogy riadt fjjon, nekiindult hadaival s egy kis sereggel kzel frkzik, hogy a csszriak hadmozdulatait szemgyre vegye, vdekez llspontot foglal el mg mindig s nem tesz tbbet. Nem sokkal ezutn CsehMorvaorszg s Szilzia kvetei segtsgt krik, mert siralmasan rettegteti ket a csszr vallsuk miatt. Elszr rdekkben bksen kzben jr a csszrnl, de az nem trdvn vele, 1620-ban hadai lre ll, hogy ne csak knnytsen rajtuk, de gyket is vdelmbe vegye s a csszrt enyhbb bkefelttelekre szortsa. 1620. okt. 13-n vallshborjuk kzepette Pozsonyt elfoglalja a csszriaktl, a kvetkez vben tkel a Dunn s megvlasztjk Magyarorszg kirlynak." Hangslyozza Bethlen Gbor iskolaalapt tevkenysgt: nmet egyetemeken sajt klt sgn szz szegny dikot tanttat. Ezek hazatrve az iskolk s egyhzak lre kerlnek. Br elssorban a sajt felekezetebelieknek emel kollgiumokat, de megengedi az arinus s katolikus kollgiumok mkdst is. 1629-ben Isten irnti hlbl egyhza s az orszg javra Gyula fehrvrt egyetemet emelt, amely sszes elz jtettt megkoronzza s megldja". Vrad dsze egy kollgium 35 tanrral, 100 dikkal. Kollgiumait alaptvnyokkal ltta el, ezek egyike, a kolozsvri, 30 sztndjjal rendelkezik. Srospatakot a magyarorszgi rszek legnagyobb reformtus valls kollgiumval tntette ki. Itt 4 tanr, 300 dik ugyangy van elltva, mint az angliaiak. Debrecen dikok jhr kollgiumval van kestve. Kassnak is van kollgiuma. Megemlti a homonnai s leleszi jezsuita kollgiumot is. Klnleges gondot fordt a valls szabadsg s tolerancia mltatsra. A keresztny felekezetek mltnyos prtfogst emeli ki, kivve a szocininusok, az unitriusok elleni vitkat; ezek eltlsben az anglikn s ms szenthromsghiv angliai felekezetek kedvben akart jrni. Magyar fldrajzi nevek els kt angol jegyzke Maksai magyar fldrajza eltt egyetlen rszletesebb angol fldrajzi lersa van Magyarorszg nak, spedig a lohn Speede-fle: The Mape of Hungari trkp htlapjn 1626-bl. Ez a Magyar orszggal krlbell szznegyven sorban foglalkoz szveg kevs, de szmos tves kzlst ad. Erdlynek tizennyolc sor jut. Transylvanit mint a hajdani Dacia egy provincijt emlti. Megjegyzi rla, hogy a ht szsz erd alapjn nevezik Sibenburgen-nak is. Termkeny s npes tartomny, szp tzes lovak s vad bikk nevel helye. Lakosai sem valami szeldek helyen knt. Transylvaninak szaki (!) provincija Zaculeta (Szkelyfld), ahol a lakosok a tr kktl s nmetektl elszedett hadizskmnyon lnek. A helvtre emlkeztet kormnyzati rendszere, illetve rendszertelensge (want of government) van ennek a Zaculetnak. A lakosok nak hrom f helysgk van, ahol sszejnnek kormnyzati gyeiket megbeszlni, gymint Hisdy, Corbay s Scepsy. (Az els taln Szkeshd ?, a kzpst nem lehetett megfejteni, az utols alighanem Sepsiszentgyrgy.) Transylvaninak f vrosai: Harmenstad, Alba Julia vagy Weisenberg (Alba utn vessz van !), Clansenberg (sic), Schlesburg, Millenbachium s Corona vagy Cronstat.9
* ORSZGH Lszl szves kzlse a birtokban lev trkprl. Erdly els rszletesebb fldrajza, de sajnos nmet helynevekkel: F R H L I C H , David: Medulla Geographiae. 1639. 3 6 3 - 3 7 8 . Kzirata: MTA Knyvtrnak Kzirattra. Fldr. O. 367. V. K E L E M E N Lajos: Erdly lersa 1639-bl. Fldrajzi Kzle mnyek 1907. 5 9 - 7 1 .


Maksai szvege feltnen nagyszm magyar fldrajzi nevet tartalmaz. Ezek a kvet kezk: Abajvr, Alba Iulia, Baiom, Belenges, Bereghez, Berekszas, Bestercze, Bihar, Borsod, Brodogh, Buda, Cassaw, Cassovia, Clausenburgh, Coloszien, Crastnoe, Cronstat, Danubius, Debrecen, Dees, Dioszegh, Dobokenland, Echyd, Ermellyke, Fogaras, Genevar, Geoncz, Heregsz, Hermannstadt, Heves, Homonna, Hungad, Iktar, Hlyem, Jeneo, Keokeollea, Keokeolleavar, Keoreos Vidke, Lelesz, Lippa, Maramaros, Maros, Medriasch, Presburgh, Radnet, Rudabaneya, Sros Patak, Sepsi, Sesburgh, Somlgo, Szatmar, Szekelhid, Szes, Szighet, Szilagy, Szolnok, Thorda, Thorden, Tibiscus, Tokai, Tokay, Torontli, Torn, Varad, Varadinum, Vgoce, Vngh, Vnghar, Weisenburg, Zabolczi, Zemelen, Zemlen. Sok magyar helynv, kztk tbb nehezebb, nyomdai kpe hibtlan. Helyesen rva szere pel a megyk kzl: Bihar, Borsod, Heves, Mramaros, Szatmar, Szilgy, Szolnok, a vrosok s vrak kzl: Abajvr, Bajom, Belnyes, Beregszsz, Beszterce, Debrecen, Fogaras, Homonna, Hunyad, Iktr, Hlye, Lelesz, Lippa, Radnt, Rudabnya, Srospatak, Somly, Szkelyhd, Tokaj, Torda, Torontl, Ungvr, Vrad, a folyk kzl a Bodrog, a Maros, az Ung. Nmetl rja Kolozsvr s a szsz vrosok nevt, latinul a Dunt s a Tiszt, Gyulafehrvrt ltalban Alba Jlinak, de kt olyan nehz szt, mint az Ermellyke s Krsvidk teljesen magyarosan kzl. A helynevek kzl Kasst Cassaw-nak, Ecsedet Echyd-nek, Gnct Geoncznek rja; Budt mindig magyarul, Pozsonyt azonban nmetl. Hromfle helyesrsi sajtossg akad: 1. A magyar kzirat hasonl alak betinek flre olvassa: Belenge (Belnyes), Bereghaz (Beregszsz), Crastnoe (Kraszna), Brodogh (Bodrog), Somlgo (Somly), Zemelen (Zempln); 2. rgies magyar helyesrs: Dees (Ds), Echyd (Ecsed), Jeneo (Jen), Vgoce (Ugocsa), Vngh (Ung); 3. magyar magnhangzk trsa: Keoreos (Krs), Keokeollea (Kkll). Kvetkezetesen a nmet nevet hasznlja a kvetkez vrosoknl: Clausenburgh, Cronstat, Hermannstadt, Presburgh, Sesburgh. Maksai Pter, a szerz A tanulmny vgn mint szerz Master Petrus Eusenius Maxai neve szerepel. Maxai, azaz eddigi nevn Maksai se Pter nem egszen ismeretlen Erdly mveldstrtnetben. Herepei Jnos Bod Pter nyomn nevezi gy, holott ppen idzi Maksainak egy kolozsvri knyvtr ban szerepl knyvben a Petrus Ese Maxai bejegyzst. De Odera menti frankfurti egyetemi matrikuljnak bejegyzsben is a Petrus o Maxai nv tallhat. 10 Haller Gbor napljban 11 Maxai Pterknt emlegeti ktszer is. Indokolt teht a Maksai Pter nv hasznlata ezentl. Koncz Jzsef Bethlen Gbor nagy tudsai, Bojthi Veres, Bocatius, Keseri Dajka, Milotai Nyilas, Vzaknai, Laskai Csks, Decsi Csimor s Szenczi Molnr utn Balai Mihly es Z. Petri Ferenc mellett emlegeti mint akadmikust, kpzett, mvelt tuds"-t. Az irodalom trtneti lexikonok (Hornyi, Szinnyei) annyit mondanak rla, hogy Angliban tanult, a canterbury-i rsek prtfogolta s hogy 1627-ben egy disszertcija jelent meg (De justificatione hominis peccatoris, coram Deo. Alba Julia 1627). Mint 15 ves dik, jelent volt a kolozs vri nagytemplomban Bthori Gbor lemondsakor teht 1598-ban szletett. 1622ben az Odera menti Frankfurtban, 1623-ban Franekerben, 1628-ban Bzelben, 1629-ben Leydenben tanult. Teht 1623 s 1629 kztt lehetett Keseri Dajka alatt Fehrvrott akademilcus mester ^ Jogos a flttelezs, hogy Maksai nemcsak a fejedelmi fiskolval val sszekttetsei rvn kerlt Angliba, hanem magasabb megbzatsbl. Kzenfekv, hogy Bethlen Gaborroi es korrl az addig megjelent irodalmat annyira ismerhette, hogy nyugodtan r lehetett bzni egy ilyen fontos nemzetkzi kiadvnyban a magyar fejezet megrst. Mindenesetre Maksai a legnagyobb siker mindazok kztt a magyar dikok kztt, akik Bethlen Gabor idejeben jrtak Angliban. Ezek: Szepsi Csombor Mrton (1616), Kassai Bakai Benedek (1622), Corvinus M. Mihly (1623), Salnki Gyrgy (1623), Thllyai Jnos (1624), Keresztri Biro Pal U?25), Kecskemti Mt (1628), a St. Andrews-i eddig ismeretlen nev magyar kolt (1628), Baniiy Hunyadi Jnos. 33 Vgl a fejedelem unokaccse, Bethlen Pter s ksrete: Tthvaradi Komis
10 H E R E P E I Jnos: Adatok X V I I . szzadi szellemi mozgalmaink trtnethez. I I I . B p . r S z e g e d 1970. Az Adatok Angliban jrt magyar dekokrl s egyb angol emlkek cm fejezetben Maksairl. 4 ^ u - * z i . Elzen rla ua. uo. I. 1965. 2 9 1 - 2 9 4 . 11 Erdlyi Trtnelmi Adatok. Szerk. SZAB Kroly. Kolozsvr 1855. 59. 12 KONCZ Jzsef: A marosvsrhelyi evang. reform, kollgium trtnete. Marosvsrhely_US. 5W. la Hollandia s Anglia magyar dikjainak els nemzedke. Herepei i. m. I. 2 7 3 - 3 1 2 . F U I N U K A C Z , J O zsef: Magyar dikok Angliban. Ppa 1914. - TRCSANYI Berta: Reformtus theolgusok Angliban a X V I - X V I I . szzadban. Angol Filolgiai Tanulmnyok V - V I . 1944. 1 1 5 - 1 4 6 - Album Amicoruma: OSzK Kzirattr Oct. Lat. 114. (Szchnyi Ferenc knyvtrbl.) - Szepsi Csombor Mrton sszes Mvei. Sajt al rendezte KOVCS Sndor Ivn s KULCSR Pter. Bp. 1968. 414.



Mihly, Cseffey Lszl, Bornemissza Ferenc s Plczi Horvth Jnos (1628). Bethlen Pter s ksrete a legmagasabb szint fogadtatsban rszeslt, I. Kroly kirly azonnal fogadta ket, s sajt udvari fogatt bocstotta rendelkezskre London megtekintsre. Cseffey Lszl s Plczi Horvth Jnos londoni, cambridge-i s oxfordi tjukrl levelekben szmoltak be gazdjuknak, Bethlen Istvn kormnyznak, Bethlen Gbor helyettesnek betegeskedse idejn.14 Bethlen Gbor a Habsburg-bart nyugati irodalomban A Bethlen Gborrl szl korabeli nyugati irodalom elssorban a modern jsg elzmny ben, az gynevezett jsglevelekben tallhat. Ezek tbbnyire prsoros hreket tartalmaznak, elssorban a harmincves hbor rvid hrei. De akadnak mr ebben az idben olyan apr nyomtatvnyok, amelyek egy-egy hadjratrl vagy csatjrl szmolnak be. Szerb Antal magyar irodalomtrtnetben Bethlen eurpai hrnevrl ezt rja: Bethlen Gbor felkelst az egsz protestns vilg llegzetvisszafojtva figyeli, egykori gazettk, a napi lapok sei, llandan kzlik a harctri tudstsokat, mg a tvol Angliban is . . . A kor el terjedt politikai kulcsregnyben, John Barclay latin nyelv Argenisben, Bethlen Gbor Perianhelus (Erdntli vagyis Transylvanicus; nven szerepet jtszik, mert nagy szerepet jtszott a kor kpzeletben." Szerb Antal azonban flrerti Bethlen szerepeltetst, mert el tekintve attl, hogy Barclay eredeti nevn meg sem emlti, belltsa egyltaln nem elnys. A nmet npkltszet 1623-ig hatvanhat Bethlent gnyol kltemnyt tart nyilvn. Az ellene irnyul rgalmak nhny jellemz motvuma: hogy a trk tette meg Erdly fejedelmnek; hogy eldjt, Bthori Gbort tette el lb all; hogy a csehek megsegtse csak rgy volt a magyar korona megszerzsre; hogy osztrk hercegnt is hatalomvgybl akart elvenni stb. Mindezeket a machiavellista vonsokat sajt uralkodiknl elvisel, de Bethlen esetben t relmetlenl tmad l jellemvonsokat mg a francia enciklopdista irodalom is visszhan gozza. Nyugtalan, hatrtalan becsvgy embernek ismerik, az egsz keresztnysg ellen a trkkel sztt stt terveket, a birodalmi zavarokat kihasznlva trt a magyar s lengyel kirlysgra.15 Rvsz Imre az lltlagos megbzhatatlan s ktszn Bethlent azzal vli vdeni, hogy sokfel val s nem mindig a legegyenesebb utakon jr praktikzsnak klnben ms kofabeli nemes alaknl, gy Gusztv Adolfnl is megtallhatni a prjt"; Pareusra s Lockera hivatkozva pedig az evangliumi hitet ldz zsarnok fejedelem elleni fegyveres ellenlls esetn jogosult a klfldi igaz keresztny hatalmakat segtsgl hvni. A fenti vonsok minden esetre lnken ellentmondanak annak az elemzsnek, amely a protestns felfogs isteni ere det abszolutizmus megtesteslst vli Bethlenben ltni: Ez az abszolutizmus a religiosumba van gyazva s mint ilyen, mindaddig megtmadhatatlan, mg az ugyancsak a vallsos hittel kiindul fogadalom nem kl fl ellene . . . Ezek az rk a zsoltros Dvid kirly, a kegyes s filozfus Marcus Aurelius s a vilgbr Nagy Sndor fejedelmi egynisgnek szintzisre trekednek."16 Bethlen Gbor, Anglia s a westminsteri szerzds Az angol udvar a XV. szzad elejtl, Zsigmond kortl meg-megjul figyelemmel ksrte a trk betrst s terjeszkedst Kelet- s Kzp-Eurpban. A londoni lengyel kvet fl jegyezte, hogy VIII. Henrik, akitl veken t segtsget krt II. Lajos, knnyeket ejtett, amikor a mohcsi csata hrt kzltk vele. Morus Tams Magyar Dialgusa ta visszatr szveg angol hivatalos nyilatkozatokban rk, trtnet- s fldrajztudsok mveiben, hogy Magyarorszg a keresztnysg vdbstyja. A Kzp-Eurpa irnt egymssal verseng XVI. szzad vgi angol s orosz politika lnk rdekldssel fordult a magyar fld s trsadai u L U K I N I C H Imre: Bethlen Pter klfldi iskolztatshoz. Szzadok 1911. 4 4 4 - 4 4 5 . Bethlen Gbor nstrukcija Kornishoz: Szz. 1911. 716 718. Cseffey Lszl levele Londonbl 1628. pr. 8-rl. Trt. Tr 1881. 195 196. Plczi Horvth Jnos levele uo.-nan 1628. pr. 18-n uo. 1884. 5 9 1 - 5 9 6 . 16 K R I S T F Gyrgy: Bethlen Gbor neve a klfldn. MNy 1931. 1 8 0 - 1 8 3 . - L E F F L E R Bla: Magyar vonatkozs nmet npnekek Bethlen Gborrl. Szz. 1911. 347 358. Ua.: Magyar vonatkozs nmet jsglapok bibliogrfija. Magyar Knyvszemle 1913. 321331. K R I S T F Gyrgy: Bethlen Gbor alakja az egykor nmet npkltszet tkrben. ProtSz 1930. 521545. J. T R O S T L E R : Gabor Bethlen in der zeitgenssischen deutschen Dichtung. Deutsch-Ungarische Heimatsbltter. 1932. 82. PRDNYI Olivr: Bethlen Gbor francia neve. I t K 1930. 163165. BRDOS Jzsef: Magyarorszg a tizennyolcadik szzadi francia enciklopdista irodalomban. Magyarsgtudomny 1936. 235 236. " R V S Z Imre: Bethlen Gbor, a klvinista fejedelem. ProtSz 1914. 3 3 8 - 3 5 8 . - K E R E C S N Y I Dezs: Fejedelmek rja. ProtSz 1929. 620621.


lom vltozsai fel. Fennmaradt 1595-bl Borisz Godunov cr levele I. Erzsbethez, amelyben slyos szavakkal figyelmezteti konstantinpolyi kvetnek a trk tborban val megjele nsre Eger ostroma idejn. I. Jakab maga ezersoros verset rt a lepanti csatrl. Az els trk kvet 1607-ben rkezett Londonba. I. Jakab kijelentse szerint minden tle telhett meg fog tenni a szultn ellen mg akkor is, ha a trk tmads segtsget jelentene sajt lnya, Erzsbet frjnek, Pfalzi Frigyesnek, akinek cseh hborjt nem helyeselte. Az angol kirly hzassgi ksrlete a spanyol infnsnvel egy kzs spanyolangol trkellenes szvetsg remnyt is megcsillogtatta. Bacon 1617 mrciusban egy szent hbor tervt terjesztette a kirly el, Sully herceg ugyanakkor IV. Henrik el terjesztette egy trkellenes angolfrancia szvetsg tlett. I. Jakab semmikppen sem tartotta igazolhatnak Bethlennek a trkkel val szvetsgt, s vakodott attl, hogy t a protestns llamok szvetsgbe beengedje. Az OSzK 1909-ben megvsrolta I. Jakabnak egy fihoz intzett Bethlen-ellenes levelt. rdekes ez azrt is, mert Bethlen Gbor maga a Basilicon Dron-tl. Jakab knyvt az uralko ds mestersgrl magyarra fordttatta s tanult belle, I. Jakab unokjnak, Rupert her cegnek pedig keresztapja is lett. Anglia azonban 1623-ig birodalmi bajai miatt sajt magval lvn elfoglalva, a protestns vallsi sszetartozst nem tartotta elgg nemzeti rdeknek a tvoli Erdllyel val szvetkezsre. Utda, I. Kroly azonban 1625. december 9-n a hgai konfderciban Dnival s Hollandival egytt biztostotta Bethlent rszvtelnek lehets gt, gy jtt ltre 1626. november 30-n, ppen 350 ve az gynevezett westminsteri szerz ds, az els llamszerzds Anglia s Magyarorszg kztt, amely a tovbbi kedvez diplo mciai, kereskedelmi s kulturlis kapcsolatok alapjt megvetette. Bethlen Gbor a kvetelt szzezer tallrbl negyvenezret kapott meg, ezrt 15 ezer magyarral kellett harcba indulnia a koncentrlt Habsburg-ellenes tmadskor. Szekf Gyula is elismeri Bethlen diplomcij nak nagy eredmnyt: A westminsteri szerzds j korszakot nyit Erdly s Kzp-Eurpa trtnetben, azt a korszakot, amikor a sajt nclsgra bredt Erdly, a trk hatalom lland prtfogst felttelezve, a Habsburg hz nyugati ellensgeivel szvetsgben tesz j s j ksrleteket a Kzp-Eurpt reprezentl nagyhatalom megsemmistsre."17 Angolmagyar kereskedelmi kapcsolatok Bethlen korban Bethlen Gbornak angol diplomciai, katonai s egyhzi kapcsolatai valsznleg kisebb fontossgak az utbbi idben fltrt kereskedelmi-gazdasgi sszekttetseinl. A magyar trtnettudomny legjabban a XVII. szzad elejn megvltoz vilgkeres kedelmi hlzat mdosulsval, valamint a kelet-eurpai polgrosods j ignyvel hozza ssze fggsbe Bethlen Gbor gazdasgi s kereskedelempolitikjt. A modern vilggazdasg ki alakulsnak els idszakban mg nem a tengerentli gyarmatok, hanem ppen Kelet-KzpEurpa orszgai kapcsoldtak az j kereskedelmi tvonalakba. A XVI. szzad kzeptl a textilimport dominlt, a behozatal krlbell negyven szzalka tmegfogyasztst szolgl iparcikk, kzttk jelents rszesedsben angol poszt, vszon s szvet. Az angliai poszt fajtk nvekv terjedse nemcsak az jabban megtallt s kirtkelt posztcgplombkbl, de szmadsknyvek szmlibl, st, mg szabrjegyzkek adataibl is szles krben nyomon kvethet Bethlen Gbor magyar terletein, klnsen Kassn s a Felvidken. Az angol posztfajtk, londoni poszt", Englisch", lundis", londis", fjlondis", norder poszt", karasia", borsita", pajt", sajeta", rsa", septas", frezes", kentala", flanell" nven vrs, zld, fekete sznben 1618 s 1627 kztt nagy mennyisgben minden trsadalmi rteg rszre flhasznlsra kerlnek nadrg, mente, dolmny, szoknya, sveg s ms ruhzati cikkek formjban.
17 S Z E K F Gvula: Bethlen Gbor. Bp. 1929. 219. NAGY Lszl: Bethlen Gbor a fggetlen Magyar orszgrt. Bp. 1969. 383. BENDA Klmn: .Habsburg-politika s rendi ellenlls a XVII. szzad elejn Trtnelmi Szemle 1970. 413 426. TARNC Mrton: Bethlen Gbor mveldspolitikja. Helikon 1971. 331343. SZILGYI Sndor: Adalkok Bethlen Gbor szvetkezseinek trtnethez. Bp. 1873. A west minsteri szerzds szvege: 78 80, a hgai konfderci: 80 89. MARCZALI Henrik: Az angol hivatalos levltrak Bethlen Gbor trtnetre vonatkoz oklevelei. Trt. Tr 1879. 539 557. KVACSALA J n o s : Az angolmagyar rintkezsek trtnethez 16201670. Szz. 1892. 709 719 s 793810. ANGYAL Dvid: Ptlkok a Londoni Okmnytrhoz. Trt. Tr 1901. 412 423. U.: Erdly politikai rintkezse Anglival. Bp. 1902. 36 75. Bvtett szveg: Geschichte der politischen Beziehungen Siebenbrgens zu England. Bp. 1905. 17 40. U.: Bethlen Gbor diplomcijnak vdelme. A Magyar Nemzet Trtnete. (Millenniumi) VI. k. 139 326. D E P N E R , Maja: Das Frstentum Siebenbrgen im Kampf gegen Habsburg. Untersuchungen ber die Politik Siebenbrgens whrend des Dreissigjhringen Krieges. S t u t t g a r t 1938. 26-237. Cseh-angol s r o m n - a n g o l kapcsolatok Bethlen Gbor korban: P O L I S E N S K Y , Josef: Bohemia, t h e Trk and the Christian Commonwealth (1462-1620). Byzantinoslavica 1933. 8 1 - 8 5 . - U.: Anglia a Bil Hra. (The Bohemian War and British Policy 1618-1620.) Praha 1949. - K L E I N E R , K-: Sedm set let angloceskych vztahu. London 1942. 5161, kl. 57. EVANS, R. J. W.: Bohemia, the Emperor, and the Porte, 15501600. Oxford Slavonic Papers Okszfordszkie Szlavianszki Zapiszki. New Ser. Vol 3. 1970. OSTWALD, Walther: English Personalities in Czech History. Contemporary Review 1940. 465 468. IORGA.M.:. Histoire des relations anglo-roumaines. Jassy 1917.


Az angol poszt nagyarny kzp-eurpai s magyar terletre val importjnak megvolt a maga megfelel exportja. Kt skt keresked, id. William Kate s fia, George Peter William Kate 1624. janurban Besztercebnyn Blavry Dviddal, Bethlen Gbor Tiszn inneni jszg kormnyzjval hrom vre szl szerzdst kttt higany s viasz exportjra. Az svny kincsek, valamint a higany s viasz exportjt a fejedelem minsgileg sajtmaga ellenrizte, a bnykba is eljrt, a felgyeletet maga gyakorolta. A magyar rz Nyugat- s szak-Eurpa kereskedelmben fontos tnyez mg ebben az idben is. Az eddig ismert legkorbbi adatot, Edward Browne-nak, II. Kroly kirly megbzottjnak 166970-i felvidki bnykban vg zett tanulmnytjt messze megelzen mr 1615-ben a fels-magyarorszgi bnyk tanul mnyozsra jn ide John Baptist Merin. Az angol irodalmi s politikai tudatban mr a XIII. szzad ta svnykincseirl Eldord hrben ll Magyarorszg kpe mg VIII. Henrik s I. Erzsbet kornak a valsgot jobban megismer diplomciai kapcsolatait is tltlte. Robert Burton, Shakespeare s Donne bartja, nagy mvben, A melanklia anatmij-ban rszle tesen beszl a magyar bnykrl. Burton ugyan Hollandival lltja prhuzamba Erdlyt, hogy hangslyozza, nem a fld kincsei tesznek egy kis orszgot naggy, hanem az ipar s a civi lizci; Hollandinak nincs aranya, ezstje, fja, nja, cinkje, vasa, selyme, gyapjja vagy frne, mgsem hasonlthat hozz Magyarorszg s Erdly, a bnyk e kincstra.18 Bethlen Gbor az angol irodalomban Bethlen Gbor korban tbb vilghrv vlt angol utaz jrt magyar fldn, tinaplik vagy tiieveleik azonban Bethlen letben nem jelentek meg, st, mg az is ritkasgszmba ment, ha rviddel halla utn kerltek kiadsra.19 gy a kortrs Anglia rla alkotott kpt befolysolni nem tudtk. Annl jobban hatott az angol udvar s klpolitika dntseire az angol diplomcia egyik legnagyobb alakjnak mrhetetlen mennyisg jelentse konstanti npolyi kvet korbl. Ez Sir Thomas Roe (15811644), az angol birodalomszervezs, fl fedezstrtnet s vilgkereskedelem egyik legzsenilisabb ttrje. I. Jakab lnya, a ksbbi cseh kirlyn kt nyugat-indiai expedcira kldte 160913 kztt, dertette fl az Atlanti cen partvidkt az Amazon folytl az Orinocig; addig ugyanis azt hittk Dl-Amerika szaki rszrl, hogy sszefgg folytatsa a nyugat-indiaia szigetvilgnak. 1614-ben nagy kvet a Nagy Mogulnl Hindusztnban. Bombay alaptsa s Brit-India megalapozsa az mve volt. 1621 szeptembertl 1628 mjusig a Portn volt angol nagykvet. Algirtl Erdlyig nagy karjban hozz tartozott az oszmn uralom alatt ll hatalmas terlet. 1629-ben Gusztv Adolfnl nagykvet, 1642-tl pedig Bcsben. A harmincves hbor folyamn volt Anglia kpviselje a hamburgi, regensburgi s bcsi bke megktsnl. Bethlen Gbor gyors s gyes diplomciai sakkhzsait az els vekben mrhetetlen izgalommal jegyezte fl s jelen tette, ksbb azonban szinte tmogatja lett, megrtette kzdelmeit s voltakppen ked vezre fordult llspontjnak volt betudhat, hogy Bethlen Gbor csatlakozhatott az eurpai protestns szvetsghez.20
18 PACH Zsigmond Pl: A nemzetkzi kereskedelmi tvonalak XV XVII. szzadi thelyezdsnek kr dshez. Szz 1968. 869., 879. - ZIMNYI (MRZ) Vera: Bethlen Gbor gazdasgpolitikja. Uo. 1953. 512 564., kl. 885. SZKELY Gyrgy: A nmetalfldi s az angol poszt fajtinak elterjedse a X I I I X V I I . szzadi Kzp-Eurpban. Uo. 1968. 27 31. K E R E K E S Gyrgy: Bethlen Gbor fejedelem Kassn 1 6 1 9 - 1 6 2 9 . Kassa 1943. 202., 224. - R. VRKONYI gnes: Bethlen, Zrnyi Rkczi. Trtnelmi szem lyisgek a X V I I . szzadi Magyarorszgon. Valsg 1970. mjus 6 7. HUSZR Lajos: Merchants' seals of the 16th and 17th centuries. Flia Archaeologica 1961. 187194. Robert B U R T O N : The Anatomy of Melancholy. London 1926. I. 99. (Els kiadsa 1621-ben, Bethlen letben mg kett: 1624-ben s 1628-ban.) 19 Bethlen Gbor korban magyar fldn jrt angolok: MERLIN, John Baptist (1615): Beszmolja meg jelent 1732-ben: A Journey. . . to the Mines of Hungary. London 1732. LITHGOW (1616-ban jrt itt, naplja 1631-ben): The Total Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painfull Peregrinations. F E S T , Sndor: Lithgow Magyarorszgon (1616-ban). Szz. 1913. 2629. V.: B A E R L E I N , Henry: The Romnin Scene. London 1940. 1416. H I B B E R T , Christopher: The Grand Tour. London 1969. POYNTZ, Sydnam (naplja megje lent 1908-ban): The Relation of Sydnam Poyntz 16241636. London 1928. Fest: Sydnam Poyntz angol katona kalandjai Magyarorszgon (1626). Trtnelmi Szemle 1914. 100103. MUNDY, Pter (itt jrt 1620-ban, szvege megjelent 1907-ben): Travels in Europe. Cambridge 1907. HEYLYN, Pter (itt jrt 1626, megjelent 1632-ben). jsglapok Bethlenrl: J. B. WILLIAMS: A history of English journalism. To the foundation of t h e Gazette. London 1908. 14., 17. Matthias A. S H A A B E R : The history of the first English newspaper. Studies in Philology 1932. 551587. RNA va: The beginning of English journalism. Angol Filolgiai Tanulmnyok IV. 1942. 54 71, kl. ?59 70. Angol nyelv rpiratok Bethlenrl az Apponyi-gyjtemnyben: 787, 800, 850, 2003, 2004, 2454. Az angol nyelv rpiratok csekly szmhoz kpest sok latin, nmet, olasz, francia s holland nyelv van. Th. C A P E K and A. Vostrovsky CAPEK: Bohemian (Cech) bibliography. A finding list of writings in English relating to Bohemia and the Cechs. New York Chicago 1918. 89, 218, 224, 226, 228, 230. 235. 20 Roe, SIR THOMAS: The negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe in his embassy to the Ottoman Porte, 1621 38. . . his correspondence with Bethlen Gabor, Prince of Transylvania. London 1740. Bethlenrl: IX, X I . X I V , 28, 39, 42, 51, 54, 55, 56, 66, 70, 73, 75, 78, 93, 98, 99, 110, 114, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 1 3 1 - 1 3 5 , 138, 148, 1 5 5 - 1 5 7 , 1 6 3 - 1 6 4 , 170, 1 8 5 - 1 8 7 , 189, 192, 195, 1 9 6 , 2 0 4 - 2 0 5 , 2 2 6 , 2 3 4 , 2 4 3 - 2 4 8 , 2 4 9 , 2 5 4 , 2 6 7 - 2 6 8 , 275, 276, 280, 284, 287, 299, 304, 307, 317, 335, 336, 337, 3 4 5 - 3 4 6 , 360, 369, 381, 383, 395, 396, 403, 405,


Roe irodalmi rang s rtk jelentseit nem kisebb angol klasszikus rendezte sajt al s adta ki, mint az els nagy angol regnyr, Smuel Richardson. Roe-kiadsban, mint a llektani mlysgek irnt is rdekld r, valsgos regnyhsknt ltja kiemelkedni Bethlen Gbor izgat szemlyisgt. Ezt rja rla: Annak a kornak legszmottevbb trtnelmi sze replje volt, akit a trkk a csszriakkal vltakozva hol krludvaroltak, hol meg retteg tek tle, akrcsak Eurpa ms uralkodi. Hadviselsben s diplomciban kornak egyik leg tekintlyesebb uralkodja azltal, hogy hatalmban llt trk tancsosait irnytani. Ahogy szmos esetben megtette, br alrendelt s adfizet fejedelem volt; sajt orszgt kitnen kormnyozta s thatolhatatlan ktsznsgvel kornak valamennyi fejedelmt s kvett izgalomban tartotta; ezt a szerepet bizonyos fokig knytelen volt megjtszani a kt hatalmas birodalom kzti helyzetbl kvetkezen . . . s valban be kell vallanunk, hogy azok a halo gatsok s hanyagsgok, amelyekkel azoknak az uralkodknak az oldalrl tallkozott, akik az osztrk hz ellen szvetkeztek, valamint az angol udvar hatrozatlansga egyfell, a francia udvar ingatagsga msfell, nagyban hozzjrultak, hogy neki legyen igaza . . . " 21 Bethlen Gbor hrnevnek diabolikus vonsaibl eszkblt ssze Bethlen-figurt s ll totta be Magyarorszgon jtszd utpisztikus regnye hsnek William Godwin 1799-ben. Ez a regny volt kedvenc dikkori olvasmnya Shelleynek22 Lord Byron Werner cm drm jban mr nem is uralkodnak, hanem ravaszdi udvaroncnak teszi meg Bethlent.23 A reform kor magyarsg irnti rdekldsnek eredmnye kt rtkes megnyilatkozs: John Paget s Thomas Watts portrja rla. Paget Wesselnyi Mikls unokahgt, Wesselnyi Polyxnt vette felesgl, gy benfentes erdlyiek tolmcsolsbl vehetett tudomst trtnelmi szereprl: Erdly fejedelmei kzl csak kevs szerzett vagy rdemelt ki eurpai hrnevet. A legnagyobb kivtel Bethlen Gbor, aki Erdly sorsa fltt rendelkezett, majdnem ugyanabban az idben, amikor Cromwell Angli fltt; akrcsak Cromwell, is Klvin hitelveinek kvetje volt, nagysiker hadvezr s hat rozott vilgnzet s fradhatatlan energij f r f i . . . Az a szerepe, amellyel Bethlen rszt vett a harmincves hborban, eurpai fontossgot adott Erdlynek, olyat, amilyet sem az eltt, sem azta nem lvezett."24 Thomas Watts, a British Museum Hungarica-gyjtemnynek megalaptja az 1850-es vek nagy angol letrajzi lexikonban rt cmszt rla. Ebben gy tli meg: Bethlen uralma Erdly szmra dicssges volt. A harmincves hborban jtszott szerepe eurpai fontoss got adott annak az orszgnak, melyet azta sosem rt el; s a gyulafehrvri fiskola alapts val a civilizci rangjra emelte. Bethlen maga nagytehetsg ember volt, fradhatatlan ener gij s hatrozott nzet hadvezr. Szigor klvinista s br azt hirdette, hogy Magyarorszg vallsszabadsgrt kzd, nem agglyoskodott, hogy az erdlyi orthodoxitl eltrket hallra tlje."25 * Bethlen Gbor az angol irodalom s gy az angol kztudat magyarsgkpnek kimagasl alakja. Thkly Imre, II. Rkczi Ferenc, Szchenyi Istvn s Kossuth Lajos sornak az ln ll, mint a magyar trtnelem els jkori nemzetkzi befolys szemlyisge. Bonyolult jelle mnek s sokg trtnelmi szerepnek helyes megtlshez gyulafehrvri fiskoljnak magisztere, Maksai Pter fent idzett s ismertetett tanulmnyval jelents mrtkben hozz jrult. Maksai Pter nemcsak a magyarangol irodalmi kapcsolatok trtnetben foglal el ezentl jelents helyet, de bizonyra belekerl a XVII. szzad magyar rinak sorba is.26

408, 411, 412, 419, 433, 439, 440, 443, 446, 452, 458, 460, 475, 476, 478, 4 3 0 - 4 3 1 , 486, 489, 492493, 499 503, 524, 529, 530, 533, 536, 538, 539, 542, 567, 5 6 8 - 5 7 1 , 6 3 5 - 6 3 6 , 6 3 9 - 6 4 1 , 6 5 5 - 5 6 , 6 6 4 - 6 5 , 681 - 6 8 4 , 714716. GL Istvn: Borsos Tams Londonban rztt kt levele. Korunk 1969. 932934. Korabeli nagy angol r emltse Bethlenrl: FEST Sndor: Magyar vonatkozsok Ben Jonson mveiben. E P h K 1913 2 0 621 -208. GL Istvn: Richardson Bethlen Gbor-kpe egy Apponyianban. MKSz 1970. 3. sz. 218220. 22 GL Istvn: Shelley tudomsa a magyar trtnelemrl. Forrs 1973. m r c pr. 8486. 23 FEST Sndor: Byron magyar Gborja. Irodalomtrtnet 1913. II. 100103. 24 John PAGET: Hungary and Transylvania. London 1838. II. k. 264265., 411. 25 Cyclopaedia of Biography. Conducted by Ch. Knight. London 1858. Vol. I. 685. 26 Szekf Gyula mr Bethlen Gbor-monogrfijban srgette a klfldi trk-irodalom magyar v o n a t k o zs anyagnak tvizsglst. Ennek elsegtsre a kvetkez hrom jelents jabb nyugati kzlemnyre hvom fl a figyelmet: COLES, Paul: The Ottoman Impact on Europe. London 1968. kl.: H u n g a r y and Eastern-Europe, 79 88, The Zone of Ottoman Conquest, Balkans and Danubian Europe, 110118, The Hungrin problem, 192195. BAUMER, Franklin L.: England, the Trk, and the Common Corps of Christendom. American Historical Review Vol. 50. 19441945. 26 48, kl. 46. BURIAN, Orhan: Interest of the English in Turkey as reflected in English literature of the Renaissance. Oriens, V. 209 229.

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