Wellness pdf?MOD AJPERES

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CAP Project Proposal In this project the main focus will be on the debate of prevention rather than cure.

The audience can range from literally anyone because disease prevention deals with every person of every population to prolong life as much as possible. The purpose is to get the point across that if you can prevent a disease or illness, then the step of curing can be taken out of the conversation. For instance, in this article they state that most of the chronic diseases that people acquired were in fact preventable diseases and mostly by healthy lifestyle behaviors. Source: http://www.jnj.com/wps/wcm/connect/ab3b3c004f5567fd9f9cbf1bb31559c7/prevention-andwellness.pdf?MOD=AJPERES In this article the fact that most of the chronic diseases that people acquire are preventable. This makes you wonder why people choose the bad and unhealthy lifestyles that lead to chronic illnesses and most of them know that. This piece is important to respond to because it is a major issue with the topic of prevention rather than cure because it all starts with someones lifestyle and behavior choices which lead to illness and even death. I just want to say or question why would people continue a unhealthy lifestyle knowing the consequences and not trying to better themselves. Is it addiction, hereditary, or just popular in society? With this topic, I not only want to respond but I want to question it. Why? Why do people continue to do badly to their bodies with unhealthy lifestyles? I intend to respond in a way that hopefully it would get the point across to someone and somebody taking place in those bad habits whether its smoking, over-eating, or lack of exercise for example. I dont want to make fun of these people but I want to make sure Im bold about the fact that people; specifically Americans, can change their bad habits and make themselves healthier and promote a better life which then would save them and prevent them from diseases and more importantly chronic diseases. In this article specifically Im coinciding with the author and his/her views. They have very important information in which I agree on, which is why Im taking their side to fight against the audience to make a change in their life and the life of others. Im trying to accomplish the acceptance of the audience and to make a change in a way that others will use this information and maybe want to make a change in their own lives to better themselves. Like I said earlier; prevention is ahead of cure, if you can prevent by promoting a healthy lifestyle then there will be no need for cure. With this being said, I intend to write an article addressing the same audience this author is addressing.

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