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Career and Professional Development Plan The journey of completing the Master of Education Degree in Teaching and Learning

with a specialization in Instructional Technology has built within me a drive to achieve and a confidence in myself that I can use the technology available to successfully reach the students I face daily. Pursuing this Masters, along with pursuing the Masters in Educational Leadership, has been a wonderful thing. Now, not only do I have a better grasp on technology and its uses in the classroom, I also understand how important technology integration is from the viewpoint of an administrator. I am currently hold a B.A. in Early Childhood, a M.Ed. in Divergent Learning, and will soon obtain a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. These degrees, along with the experience they have provided me give me a sense of security in my current job. The experience I have gained and the knowledge I already had, when put together, I feel, makes me a very viable candidate for future positions in various fields. The prospect of finding a job in the field of technology is very exciting. Having an advanced degree in the field of Instructional Technology would set me up for an entry level position teaching in a college or university setting. It is not too difficult for me to think of how I could use this degree. I have always loved the idea of teaching technology at the college level. I like that I could continue teaching in my current setting, work to stay aware of new technologies that arise and continue to introduce young minds to the wonders of technology. I know that true integration of technology, with students becoming the teachers is the future. While I do love my teach job, I can easily see me actively pursuing technology positions in the field of education. I have worked with and trained teachers on the technologies found in my current school, I know would like the challenge of doing the same at a higher level.

Strengths and Weaknesses in Regards to NETS T Standards Strengths: Due in large part to the pursuit of the M.Ed. in Instructional Technology I already have a leg up on many teachers with regards to knowledge of the standards and my strengths within those standards. Standard one focuses on teachers using their knowledge of the subject matter they teach to facilitate and inspire student creativity. My teaching style, I feel, goes well with this standard. My strengths within this standard are indicators (a) and (b). Indicator (a) states that teachers will promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. This indicator plays well into my strengths since acquiring the skills from this program. I make it a point to think outside of the box in my classroom and not limit the creativeness that comes naturally to children. Each and every tool I use is an avenue for a students creative expression to come out. I am always available to my students and others in the school, when they are in need of help with technological applications. Indicator (b) states that teachers will engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. I feel this is strength with regards to my teaching styles because it is my goal to help my students become good, productive citizens. This was the guiding principle behind the Safety Tips work sample. There was a problem in my school with students getting hurt at recess. Our discussions on this topic led to the video contained in the student work sample section. A third strength of mine with regards to the NETS-T standards is standard two, specifically indicator (a). This indicator states that teachers design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and

creativity. This indicator fits perfectly in line with my Black History Project work sample. I feel that this is a great example of how I design lessons that puts the students creativity in the forefront. I talk to my students several times throughout the year about their likes and strengths. I used the conversations to group my children for various projects. By doing this, I am ensuring that the students strong points are being utilized. I will very seldom ever give exact parameters for assignments. The students I teach know they are free to explore and create without fear of failure. A fourth strength for me is standard three, indicator (b). This indicator requires that teachers collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. I achieve this indicator in several ways. First, our school uses ParentPortal, an extension of PowerSchool to keep parents informed of grades. I also make frequent use of the school webpage, of which I am webmaster. I post the school calendar, my homework calendar, weekly assignments, and my contact information. Along with these tools I send emails to the parents of my students in an effort to keep them abreast of the goings-on in the classroom. Finally, I have a blog on my teacher website that parents are encouraged to utilize. A fifth strength for me is standard five, indicator (b). This indicator states that teachers exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. My time serving as School Technology Facilitator helped me to reach each of these requirements. In that capacity, I served as the Chairperson of the Maryville Elementary Technology team. This was the committee that received requests for Promethean Boards, projectors, document cameras, and other technologies from the staff and either approved it to go

to the principal for consideration, or denied the request, gave a specific reason for the denial, and gave options the teacher could pursue whether it be similar technologies or beneficial classes. I also served on the district level technology team where we discussed funding and appropriate purchases, as well as arranged technology classes for the general public. Finally, while serving as School Technology Facilitator, I held several staff development and professional development sessions for the faculty of Maryville, as well as sessions for teachers around the school district. I also did a session at Coastal Carolina University for education interns on the basics of the Promethean software. Weaknesses: A weakness I have with regards to the NETS-T standards is standard two, indicator (b). I have never had the opportunity to develop technology-enriched learning environments where children gauged their own progress. This is due, I feel, in large part to the grade level I teach. The young students I lead are not mentally capable of understanding when they are sufficiently ready to move on to another area within a subject. Along with this, they are not able to effectively set proper learning goals for themselves as they do not fully understand the process. However, I would like to gain experience with this indicator. But, I feel that as long as I stay in early education my opportunities with that will be few. Another weakness is standard four, indicator (d). Indicator (d) states that teachers develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools. To improve upon this standard I would have to actively seek out opportunities. I must find website or web tools that would make this possible on a scale that would benefit my students. Again, at

their young ages, this indicator may pose a problem. From what I have seen, the majority of tools designed for this type of activity are largely developed for older age students. While Skype and other like programs would make this possible, Skype is banned in our school settings and poses many potential CIPA violations. It is possible, however, to find a site that specialized in educational networking and give it a try. I could integrate the site into my weekly lesson plans. This would help to give my students an understanding of the world in which they live, which, at right now, does not go far beyond the borders of the state, much less the nation.

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