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This chapter presents a discussion of the literature and studies related to the present study.

It also presents the theoretical and conceptual framework upon which this study is based. Theoretical Framework Thousand of teens experience difficulty in school almost every day of their lives about social interaction. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students, and it has made everyone worried, not just kids on its receiving end. Adaptation is defined as, the process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons, as individuals or in groups, use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration. In expanding her philosophic statements in 1997, Roy drew on the richness found in a diversity of cultures. The philosophic premise is stated as nursing sees persons as co-extensive with their physical and social environments. Nurse scholars take a value-based stance. Rooted in beliefs and hopes about the nature of the human person, they fashion a discipline that participates in the well-being of persons (Roy, 1997a, p. 42). The philosophical assumptions in the model are the following; a focus on awareness and the notion of eliminating false consciousness, enlightenment to reach self-control, balance and quietude, and the reclamation of earthly creation as the core of faith. Roy continued her development of philosophic assumptions to include a focus on peoples mutuality with others, the world and God. The four major concepts of the Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) are the following; Humans as adaptive systems as both individuals and groups, the environment, health and the goal of nursing.

Roy conceptualizes the human system in a holistic perspective as holism stems from the underlying philosophic assumption of the model. Holism is the aspect of unified meaningfulness of human behavior in which the human system is greater than the sum individual parts. The cell is a living system. System openness, therefore, implies the constant exchange of information, matter, and energy between system and the environment. These system qualities are held by the individuals as well as by groups or aggregates of humans. The human adaptive system has inputs of stimuli and adaptation level, outputs as behavioral responses that serve as feedback and control processes known as coping mechanisms. The human adaptive system has input coming from the external environment as well as from within the system. Roy identifies inputs as stimuli and adaptation level (a particular internal pooling of stimuli). Stimuli are conceptualized as falling into three classifications: 1) Focal stimulus most immediately

confronting the human 2) Contextual stimuli are all other stimuli of the human systems internal and external worlds that can be identified as having a positive or negative influence on the situation; and 3) Residual stimuli are those internal or external factors whose current effects are unclear. Adaptation level is the combining of stimuli that represents the condition of life processes for the human adaptive system. The three levels define by Roy are: 1) Integrated processes are present when the adaptation level is working as a whole to meet the needs of the human system; 2)Compensatory processes occur when the humans responses systems have been activated; and 3)compromised processes, which activates the systems compensatory processes . Output responses become feedback to the system and to the environment. Roy categorizes outputs of the system as either adaptive responses or ineffective responses. Adaptive

responses are those that promote the integrity of the human system. Ineffective responses, on the other hand, do not support the goals of human as adaptive systems. Ineffective responses can immediately or gradually threaten the systems survival, growth, reproduction, mastery, or transformation. Roy has used the term coping mechanism to describe the control processes of the human as an adaptive system. Roy represents a unique nursing science concept of control mechanisms: 1) regulator subsystem has the components of input, internal process, and output; and 2) cognator subsystem are related to the higher brain functions of perception or, information processing, learning, judgment, and emotion. In maintaining the integrity of the person, the regulator and the cognator are postulated as interrelated and acting together. Roy has identified four adaptive modes as categories for assessment of behavior resulting from regulator-cognator coping mechanism in persons or stabilizer-innovator coping processes in groups. These adaptive modes: 1) Physiological-physical mode represents the human-systems physical responses and interactions with the environment; 2) Self concept group identity mode focuses on the psychological and spiritual integrity and sense of unity, meaning purposefulness in the universe; 3) Role function mode refers to with the roles that individuals occupy in society fulfilling with needs for social integrity or it is knowing who one is, in relation to others; and 4) Interdependence mode, the close relationship of people and their purpose, structure and development individually and in groups and the adaptation potential of these relationships. According to Roy, stimuli from within the human adaptive system and stimuli from around the system represent the element of environment. Roy specifically defines environment as all conditions, circumstances, and influences that surround and affect the development and

behavior of humans as adaptive systems with particular consideration of person and earth resources. In the adaptation model of Roy the assumptions are specified as to scientific assumptions or philosophical assumptions. For the scientific assumptions it consist of the systems of matter and energy that progresses to higher levels of complex self- organization. The consciousness and meaning are constitutive of person and environment integration. Awareness of self and environment is rooted in thinking and feeling. Humans by their decisions are accountable for the integration of creative processes. Thinking and feeling of an individual mediate human action. System relationships include acceptance, protection, and fostering of interdependence. Persons and the earth have common patterns and integral relationships. Persons and environment transformations are created in human consciousness. The integration of human and environment meanings results in adaptation. The scientific assumption of Roy represents the factor that affects the student to cope with bullying situation. When an individual becomes aware to the environment of bullying, the student initiates action to adapt to the environment and decides for what specific coping mechanism that is effective to that will be applied to address the problem of bullying. For the philosophical assumption it says that persons have mutual relationships with the world and God Human meaning is rooted in the omega point convergence of the universe. God is intimately revealed in the diversity of creation and is the common destiny of creation. Persons use human creative abilities of awareness, enlightenment, and faith. Persons are accountable for the processes of deriving, sustaining and transforming the universe. The philosophical assumption of Roy describes the relationship of the individual to the environment and others. It also explains that the world and the individual is one even though individual characteristics of

one another are diverse. An individual is responsible in improving and preserving the environment and if environment cannot be modified it is the initiative of the individual to adapt to its changes. According also to Roy (1976) a person is a bio-psycho-social being and is in constant interaction with a changing environment. Which means an individual is always interacting with the environment and other people as to student interacting to other student in the school. To respond positively to environmental changes, the person must adapt. To cope with a changing world, person uses both innate and acquired mechanisms which are biological, psychological and social in origin. This statement relates to the ability of an individual to cope with the changes in the environment. A bullied student tries to solve the conflict between the bully through the coping mechanism that were innate and acquired. In the environment the focal is the internal and external and immediately confronting the person. The contextual are all the stimuli present in the situation that contribute to effect of focal and the residual is a factor whose effects in the current situation are unclear.

Conceptual Framework


Outcomes of the Coping Strategies


Coping strategies

The figures represent the paradigm of the researcher used in determining the different factors that affects how a student copes up with bullying. In the first box contains the word bullying which represents the problem that the participant experiences. The bullying experienced by the participant may it be physical, social, verbal, emotional, or cyber or electronic is being represented by the first box in the paradigm which is preceded by an arrow down going to the second box that contains the word effects. This second box is the summary of the effects of bullying to the participant may it be positive or negative so it follows a certain chains of event which is the coping strategies. The third box represents the adaptation of the participant towards the effects of bullying wherein a two-way arrow is seen between the effects and coping strategies furthermore it shows the interaction of the effects of bullying and the coping strategies applied by the participant to adapt towards bullying. In addition to that there is an arrow that points toward the fourth box which represents the outcome of the coping strategies employed by the participant. If the coping strategies employed by the participant is effective enough to addressed bullying the positive adaptation occurs but if the coping strategies employed by the participant is not effective then negative adaptation occurs hence a two-way arrow is connecting the first box

and the fourth box that represents the interaction of bullying and the outcome of the coping strategies employed by the participant. In addition to that if a negative adaptation occurs, the process of bullying will go on just like an unending chain which may hinder the participant to positively adapt to the effects of bullying. The more effective is the coping strategies employed by the participant to addressed bullying and its effects the easier is the participant to break the process of bullying. This paradigm used by the researcher shows that over-all interaction and interrelationship of bullying, effects of bullying, coping strategies, and outcomes of the coping strategies.

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