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Name: Date: Directions: select one of the options below and circle it.

Follow the directions listed to represent an aspect of the Crusades. You may complete a second one, if you have time or for homework, for extra credit. Your first (mandatory) project is worth 50 points. If you complete a second for extra credit, it will be worth 25 points. Option A Create an advertisement from either the Church or the Muslims to try and get people to join the army and fight. Your advertisement should use quotes from either the Pope or Saladin from page 386 of the textbook. If you are advertising for the church, you will use quotes from Source A (the Pope) and if your advertisement is for the Muslims, you will use quotes from Source C (Saladin). Your advertisement should also include an image or illustration and should be visually appealing. Option B Write a letter to either the Pope or Saladin expressing why you do or do not want to join their army and either fight with the Christian Crusaders or the Muslim army. Make sure to use reasons that we have discussed to support your answer. If you are saying you want to join the fight, tell me why using the reasons we listed in class. If you do not want to get involved, tell the Pope or Saladin why you do not agree with the war in your letter. Option C Using Primary Source C on page 386 of the textbook, draw an illustration of what he witnessed. Make sure your drawing is elaborate, and write a caption to explain what is happening in the image. Also, write 3 sentences summarizing the quote, and given the actions he witnessed by the Crusaders, why would someone get involved in the Crusades? Option D Create a skit to be performed in class of one aspect of the Crusades. It could be any event that occurred during the Crusades. Your skit should be at least 3 minutes, with at least 2 characters, and everyone must speak. Options: 1. Depict the Pope telling Western Christians that they should take up their arms and fight 2. Depict Saladin telling the Muslims they are going to defend Jerusalem 3. Depict a soldier telling his parents he is going to leave home to fight and his parents do not want him to leave 4. Event of your choice (get it approved by Ms. Jackson first) Option E Write a narrative from the perspective of a soldier who is fighting one either side. Tell me what he witnesses, how it feels to be fighting, why he got involved, and how he feels. Your story should be at least a page (two paragraphs minimum). Option F A project of your choice. You can do anything you want, but before you do it, you must get it approved by Ms. Jackson.

Total: _______/50

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