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Ghosters Draft


People walk quickly in all directions through the corridor. The PRESENTERS voice, he talks clearly and thoughtfully.

PRESENTER Chavs, emos, nerds, jocks, the list goes on. But do todays adolescent generation have to conform to one of these stereotpyes?
Or is there room for a new group to captivate the teenagers of Britain?

Did you struggle to fit in as a youth?

Torn between following the crowd and expressing your individuality? Join us as we investigate a local college and take a look at some kids who are challenging the norm.

FADE TO BLACK The word Ghosters appears in center screen, and soon dissolves into the black background. EXT. THE SIGN AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE COLLEGE The PRESENTER is stood in in front of the sign, addressing the camera. He is well dressed and neat. PRESENTER Hello, my name is (PRESENTER) and Im here outside (a) College, where there has been a series of supernatural sightings.
But this phenomena comes in he form of a new subculture, the Ghosters.

Will you soon be seeing these teen mediums walking the streets of your town? He turns and walks towards the college and out of sight. CUT TO

2. A BLACK BACKGROUND We rotate around a boy stood up straight and still, looking ahead and wearing a hooded black robe. The only visible light is on him. CUT TO INT. THE COLLEGE, AT A TABLE IN A CLASSROOM/LIBRARY Four teenagers in hooded robes are sat around the table, talking inaudibly with seemingly little enthusiasm, nodding occasionally. We hear the PRESENTER. PRESENTER These, are the Ghosters. CUT TO
We only see the boy from earlier as he continues talking to the others, apparently oblivious to the camera in his face.

PRESENTER And this is our guide to the occult, (GUIDE). (GUIDE) is 16 and studying psychology, religious education and textiles. GUIDE fidgets with his robe at the mention of textiles. CUT TO GUIDE is now stood up and alone. He looks into the camera as he talks. PRESENTER Medium-ship is an unusual hobby for a teenager to have, so tell me how you got into it. GUIDE talks in an obvious/matter of fact way GUIDE Back when I was a kid, I had trouble making friends, but then my spirit guide (z) came to me, and has been there for me since. He beckons to his side but we do not see anybody stood there.

CONTINUED: GUIDE And I soon realised I had this incredible gift that only a select few are lucky enough to possess. When I got to college I convinced the others of their psychic potential and it brought us together so that we can help all the non believers contact the spirit world.


He looks at a TALL BOY who passes him, walking away, with his head down and his hands in his pockets. GUIDE continues to watch him as he talks. GUIDE Speaking of... CUT TO The TALL BOY is leaning against a wall, still looking down sadly. GUIDE approaches him, grinning. He speaks cheerily and (unknowingly) insensitively. GUIDE Hey (TALL BOY), I saw your FaceBook status saying your dad has journeyed to the other side. (z) here says your Dad wants to talk to you.
GUIDE beckons to his side at an empty space mentions (z). TALL BOY looks up slowly, his sadness now one of rage. He takes his hands pockets and exhales loudly as he raises his again when he expression of out of his head.

We see the GUIDE again, who addresses the camera but is now holding a tissue to his nose, on which we can see blood.

PRESENTER So, how did it go? GUIDE replies slowly, breathing heavily but muffled by the tissue. GUIDE Its never easy getting through to the non-believers, but eventually, well make him see the light. GUIDE narrows his eyes as he says this last phrase. (CONTINUE D)



INT. A FLIGHT OF STAIRS INSIDE AN APARTMENT BUILDING PRESENTER is addressing the camera whilst he ascends the stairs. PRESENTER Ive come to (GUIDE)s flat, where Im going to find out what his parents think of his selfprofessed abilities. He walks out of sight. CUT TO INT. THE LIVING ROOM OF THE FLAT
We see the sofa in the center, with GUIDE and his DAD sat on either side of it. In the middle of the mantelpiece behind them sits an urn. DAD is distracted by the television just out of sight and never addresses the camera directly. GUIDE sits solemnly with his hands on his knees, looking down at his feet apparently uncomfortable. Throughout the interview we can hear the football fans on the television cheering.

PRESENTER So Mr (GUIDE), what do you and Mrs (GUIDE) think of (GUIDES) Ghoster activities? DAD laughs at the name given for his son and looks down at him for the first time. DAD Is that what youre calling yourself now, was Roger not good enough for you?
DAD looks back to the side of the camera, re-focused on the television. He speaks with no emotion for his wifes death.

DAD Actually Mrs (GUIDE) bit the dust when (GUIDE) was just a kid. I think thats what started all this to be honest.


CONTINUED: PRESENTER Sorry to hear, do you think that has effected how your son has developed socially. DAD Nah, hes got that invisible friend, and those mates in those dressing gowns. Course if he came to watch the footy with me once in a while-


DAD stops talking to cheer and motion at the television. DAD Come on my son!
GUIDE looks up hopefully when he hears "son", then understands and resumes looking at the floor.

PRESENTER And you dont think this hobby has negatively impacted his education? DAD He does great in that home economics class, hes always bringing home different dressing gowns to chill out in. GUIDE looks up at his DAD. He is frustrated but comes across as whiney. GUIDE Dad its called textiles class, and these are my robes! DAD gives his son a quick look up and down before returning his attention to the television. DAD It all looks the same to me. PRESENTER Right. And how do you feel aboutDAD interrupts PRESENTER, shouting at the television once again. DAD What you playin at ref?! Send him off!


CONTINUED: PRESENTER Maybe well just catch up with Mr.(GUIDE) later.


CUT TO EXT. LOOKING UP AT BURROW MUMP, FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL The Ghosters are walking up the hill as the sun shines behind them, darkening them and making them into silhouettes. CUT TO EXT. BURROW MUMP CHURCH, LOOKING INTO THE TOWER PRESENTER is stood to the left in the foreground. Behind him in the tower the robed Ghosters are visible, stood in a circle holding a crystal ball and muttering inaudibly. PRESENTER addresses the camera. PRESENTER Once a month, the Ghosters make a pilgrimage on the number 29 to Burrow Mump, where they attempt to summon the spirits of the people who once walked upon this hill. As you can see theyre very focused, so lets sneak over and check how its going. The camera moves towards the circle, and zooms in on the crystal ball they are holding. CUT TO We are looking up at GUIDEs face, as if from the crystal ball. GUIDE speaks loudly and clearly to nobody in particular. GUIDE There is someone here, could you please give us a sign that you are amongst us. We hear wind picks up for a moment as GUIDE awaits a response.


CONTINUED: GUIDE Did you guys hear that. It definitely said hello.


We pan to each of the other Ghosters in turn and they each nod excitedly, occasionally glancing at the camera for a moment. We pan back to GUIDE. GUIDE What is your business spirit? The wind picks up once again, and again GUIDE waits. GUIDE Im sure that I just heard it say "warning". CUT TO We can now see the entire circle of Ghosters. PRESENTER is heard. When he speaks, he is sarcastic but not condescending. PRESENTER I think you just heard a "whoosh", you know, the noise the wind makes. The entire group turns suddenly and synchronously towards him when he has spoken, leering. Soon GUIDE turns to address and empty corner. GUIDE Whats that (z)? The rest of the group mimic him and turn to where he is facing. GUIDE nods and turns back to look at PRESENTER and the group follows his lead. GUIDE speaks coldly, almost threateningly. GUIDE (Z) says the spirits feel disrespected. You do not want to take the spirits lightly. PRESENTER Yeah, I learned that pretty quickly when I turned 18. The Ghosters do not react, they just continue to glare. CUT TO

8. EXT. THE GRAVEYARD TO THE SIDE OF BURROW MUMP, NIGHT TIME We see the Ghosters sat nearby a gravestone. One GHOSTER is reading a book on fortune telling whilst GUIDE is shuffling Tarot cards. PRESENTER is sat with them in the circle next to GUIDE and he addresses the camera. GUIDE It seems Ive been branded a nonbeliever by the Ghosters, but they have kindly offered to give me a Tarot reading to open my mind to the spirit world. CUT TO We now only see PRESENTER, GUIDE and GHOSTER. PRESENTER turns to the other two. PRESENTER Shall we get started then? GUIDE and GHOSTER smirk at each other then look back to PRESENTER. GUIDE Okay then, you asked for it. We will draw 3 cards and well tell you what they spell out for you. He pulls a card from the top of the deck and holds it up. GUIDE The Fool. GHOSTER flicks through several pages and reads one, then looks at PRESENTER. GHOSTER While its wonderful to be enthralled with all around you, you still need to watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool. GUIDE and GHOSTER look at each other and pass a sly smirk again. As they do, PRESENTER looks at the camera and rolls his eyes. When they all return their attention to each other, GUIDE draws another card and holds up. GUIDE The Hanged Man.




Once again GHOSTER turns some pages in the book, reads something and looks back to PRESENTER. GHOSTER The Hanged Man reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. I think you can relate with Odin in that sense. PRESENTER Im sure I will do. GUIDE draws a third card then holds it up. GUIDE Death.
GHOSTER starts to thumb through the book but PRESENTER speaks sarcastically to them before he can explain the card.

PRESENTER Hey I think the spirits are at work, because I definitely saw that coming. GUIDE responds bitterly, once again trying to intimidate PRESENTER. GUIDE You still doubt our abilities dont you. Unlike us, you should be afraid of the spirits because unlike us A noise similar to a sheep is heard in the distance which startles the GUIDE. He talks to GHOSTER. GUIDE What was that? GUIDE looks around then points to something out of sight. He is visibly frightened. GHOSTER Look, there! What was that? We pan to what he is pointing at. It is a white shape billowing in a nearby tree. CUT TO



The Ghosters all scramble to their feet and flee out of sight and out of the graveyard in terror, sounding scared, and leaving the cards, book and other items behind. PRESENTER remains seated, watching them run, bewildered but not scared. FADE TO PRESENTER is still in the graveyard, but has stood up. He is walking around, bending over to pick up scattered cards. As he does he reflects through a voice over. PRESENTER Spending time with the Ghosters has reminded me of my adolescence and has shown me how difficult it is growing up in the twenty-first century.
While I may not have become a Ghoster myself I have realised how seriously they take spiritualism. But whether this is done as a bonding point, or whether the Ghosters genuinely seeks solace with the spirits, these kids are doing what they want to regardless of how society brands them.

CUT TO PRESENTER has walked to the the Ghosters. He reaches up walking out of sight, as he the object is a carrier bag white object that frightened and touches it briefly before finishes reflecting. We can see caught in the tree.

PRESENTER So ask yourself, are they the actual misunderstood outcasts in todays society? The credits scroll along the bottom of the screen as the carrier bag continues to billow. SLOW FADE TO BLACK

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