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How to Prepare A Mexican Casserole

1 pound Ground Chuck 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 can Cream of Chicken Soup 1 can Cream of Celery Soup 1 can Hominy (Yellow or White) 1 can Rotel Tomatoes (Diced) 1 can Cheddar Cheese Soup 1 bag Taco Flavored Doritoes

A large skillet A stovetop A spatula or large spoon capable of stirring A large serving dish A knife

1. Remove your ground chuck from its container and pull it apart into small bits using your hands or a knife. 2. Place your meat into a large skillet with temperature set to high. 3. Move the meat around in the skillet as it cooks, allowing all of the pieces of meat to be cooked evenly. 4. Continue stirring and until the all of the pieces of meat reach a slight brown color (Figure 1).

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Figure 1: Browned meat in a skillet When the meat is completely browned, turn the temperature of the stove down to medium. Now open your cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, and cream of celery soup. Slowly add each of them into the skillet with the meat in no particular order. Now that the soups have been added, turn the temperature of the stove back up to high. Stir the mixture frequently while waiting for it to boil.

10. Continue stirring until bubbles begin rapidly forming and bursting at the top of the mixture, which indicates that it has come to boil. 11. Once it has come to boil, carefully add in your hominy 12. Right after adding in your hominy, add in the diced tomatoes 13. Next, pour in your cheddar cheese soup. 14. Mix all of the ingredients thoroughly in the skillet while waiting for them to boil. 15. Lower the temperature of your skillet to medium and allow your casserole to gently bubble until you are ready to serve it. Tip: Dont let your casserole boil over while letting it simmer. Make su re that it is only at a light bubble that will just keep it warm before serving it. 16. When ready to serve, pour your casserole evenly into the dish of your choice so that it is at a similar consistency throughout the dish. 17. Finally, crush a few handfuls of Doritoes using your hand and sprinkle them equally over the top of your casserole.

How to Prepare A King Ranch Chicken Casserole

4 Chicken Breasts 1 can Cream of Chicken soup 1 can Cream of Mushroom soup 1 can Rotel tomatoes Velveeta Cheese to taste Corn Tortillas Grated Cheese

A large boiler A small boiler A stovetop An oven A spatula or large spoon capable of stirring A 13 X 9 casserole dish A knife Tongs

1. Ready your chicken breast for cooking. 2. Fill a boiler with water. The water level should be high enough that your chicken breast will fit in completely, but not so high that the water will boil over. 3. Place your boiler on a stovetop and set the temperature to high. Wait for the water to come to a boil. 4. Carefully place your chicken breast into the boiler. WARNING: Do not let the boiling water from the boiler splash on you; it will burn your hand. If you feel uncomfortable putting the chicken breast in by hand, use tongs to ease the chicken breast in safely. 5. Let your chicken breast boil for about 20 minutes. 6. After 20 minutes, remove one of your chicken breasts with tongs and make a deep cut in it to check how cooked it is. 7. If it is fully cooked all the way through, remove the rest of your chicken breasts using tongs as you did before. If not, allow it to sit for another 5 minutes and check again. WARNING: Undercooked chicken is very dangerous and could lead to sickness. Make sure that all chicken you use is fully cooked through. 8. Lay chicken out to cool and move your chicken broth aside to reserve it for later. 9. Using your finger, break apart each of the chicken breasts into bite-sized chunks.

10. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 11. While waiting for the oven to preheat, prepare another large boiler by filling it with your cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, and Rotel tomatoes. 12. Place this mixture on a stovetop set to high and allow it to come to a boil. 13. After it has boiled, add in Velveeta cheese to get the desired consistency. 14. Next, add in your previously made bite-sized chicken to the soup by carefully putting each piece into it by hand. 15. Mix the soup completely, making sure that all of the materials in the soup are evenly spread out. 16. After you have fully mixed your soup, get your casserole dish ready. 17. Pour a thin layer of soup into your casserole bowl. There should be a thing covering over the entire bottom of the dish. 18. Now you need the chicken broth you set aside earlier. Pour it into a different boiler if you need to and bring it back to a consistent boil. 19. Using your tongs, dip each of your corn tortillas into the boiling chicken broth for s few seconds each. This will soften them up for your casserole. 20. Once you have done this with all of your tortillas, remove your boiler of broth and prepare to make the casserole itself. 21. Add tour tortillas over the top of the soup in the dish. There should be a thin, even covering over the soup itself, providing a different layer to your casserole. 22. Now add soup over your layer of tortilla shells, allowing for a thin but even coating over the shells. 23. Repeat this process of switching between shells and soup until your casserole is just a little bit below the top of the dish. 24. Now place your casserole in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. 25. After the 20 minutes, carefully remove the casserole from the oven without turning the oven off or letting it cool. 26. Now add your grated cheese evenly over the top of your casserole. 27. Insert the casserole with grated cheese back into the oven for 10 more minutes. 28. Remove your casserole for the final time and prepare to serve.

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