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(lssuedunder Presidential Decree1586) E C CN o C A R 1 2 1 1-0146

This is to certify that SAGADA - BESAO WIND POWER CORPORATION (SBWPC) is granted this ECC for the SAGADA - BESAO 15 MW WIND POWER PROJECT locatedalong the boundaryof Sagada and Besao, both in the Provinceof Mt. Province by the Departmentof Environmentand Natural Resources (DENR), through the Environmental Management Bureau-CordilleraAdministrative Region (EMB-CAR) SUBJECT ONLY to the conditions and restrictions set-out in thrs Certificate PROJECTDESCRIPTION
planls (Group ll. C.5.olherpower andpower facilities) The project basically involves the developmentof a wind power facility with an output wrthinthe awarded servicecontract capacityof 15 megawatt(MW). lt will be implemented of Besao along Pilao - LangsayanRidge coveringboth the Municipalities area particularly The facilitywill require.among others,the erectionof ten (10) and Sagada in Mt. Province. of project wind towers and facilitieshaving an individualcapacityof 1.5 MW, construction of a power stationand officefacilities. and/or,as describedin accessroads.the construction Wind Turbine No. 1 is located approximatelyin the intersection the submineddocuments. of geographicalcoordinates17"6'1.0" North Latitudeand 120'53'02 3" East Longitude.

of Presidential DecreeNo. to the requirements ThrsECC is issuedrn compliance AdminiskativeOrder No 2003-30. EMB, DENR 1586 in accordanceto Department any from reevaluating, adding,removingand correcting CAR, however,is not precluded the Revised Procedural or errorsthat may be found to be inconsistent with deficiencies Manualfor DAO 2003-30after issuanceof this Certificate

Vg 2 0 1 2 lssued o n N OZ




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IAM Division

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OlC, Regyx:6iDirector

the n thrs President and CEO takes full responsibility in complying with afl ondilign-s.. (ECC) as well as the submitted EIA documents. Further,I HEREBY Compliance Certificale Environmental project provided pertaining are true and lo the DENR CAR to this thal the inlormalion EMB, CERTTFY correct to the besl of my personal knowledgeand based on lhe records on my possession.

- Besao (SBVVPC), represented by the undersigned WindPower Corporation Sagada

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Annex A CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT shallstrictly implemenucomply the following mitigating, enhancement The proponent measures: andrehabilitating 1. The proponentshall ensure that all commitments, mitigating/enhancement measuresdescribedin the EIA documents and other submissions shall be instituted and strictly implemented throughout the projectimplementation, properly spoilsshallbe disposed-off Earth materialsand otherconstruction in a designated disposalsite and to be maintainedin a stable and nonpollutive condition. The same shall be prevented from deposition to and alongpublicroads,natural waterways,waterbodies/sources and otherareas sensitive; considered environmentally The proponent shall, during project construction,effect solid waste the segregation,recycling and managementat source encompassing, wastes. The proponentshall provide and compostingof biodegradable maintain at least two (2) receptaclesfor biodegradableand non biodegradable wastes; Plan in coordrnation withthe Formulate and implement a SocialDevelopment LGU's/Government Agencies concemed; and The proponentshall submit to EMB-CARone (1) year pnor to the final plan.In relation, the shutdown of the pOect a comprehensive abandonment of the environmental aspects/components EMBshallfirst reviewand approve prior plan the consistent with EMBfunctions to abandonment.



4. 5.

CONDITIONS GENERAL conditions for the grant of this Certificate shall be strictly Furtheradministrative complied. 1. pursuantto RA 6969 also known as the Toxic The legal requirements WasteControl Act of 1990,RA 9275 and Hazardous and Nuclear Substances or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 and, RA 8749 or the Philippine shall be securedconsistent to the CleanAir Act of 1999,where applicable, operation of the project. Compliance to said requirementsshall be coordinated with the EMB-CAR; Secure the necessary permit(s)/clearancesrelative the project as implementation/operation to cover the appurtenantfacilities/structures priorto project required by otherconcemed agencies/LcU's implementation; shallallowentryof EMB-CAR field personnel into the project The proponent site at all times to conduct tangible monitonngand to validate project's compliance to the ECC conditions stipulated therein, the impacts planand, proposed mitigating measures; management of any undertaking whichma, The proponent shallcausethe implementation called be imposed by EMB-CARas a result of TechnicalConference/s issues arising from the implementation of the relatrveto environmental






For the information of the public, a billboard of appropriate this sizecontaining message"Noticeto the Public,This project(titleof the project)of (Nameof has been issued an Environmental the proponent) Compliance Certificate (ECC Number) by the Environmental Management Bureauof the Department - Cordillera Administrative Regionon of Environment and NaturalResources places public; (date)" be installed along visible to the shall An Environmental Unit (EU) or its equivalent shall be establishedto competently handleenvironment relatedaspectsof the project. In addition to the monitoringrequirementsas specified in the Environmental/lmpacts Management Plan/Environmental Monitoring Plan,the EU shall. 6.1 6.2 Monitor actual project impacts vis-d-vis the described predicted measures: impacts and management and to EMB - CAR a The proponentshall submit semi-annually Monitoring Report(CMR)withinone (1) monthafterevery Compliance semester. to the said requirements shall be coordinated Compliance wrthEMB-CAR.


prior to Risk Categorization Submit an updated Project Environmental implementation or as soon as the final siting and designof facilitieshave comesearlier; and beendecided, whichever but not shall undergothe requirements of DENR includrng, The proponent knownas the Forestry Code of the limited to, those underPD 705 otherwise and the latestissuances relative thereto with regardto the treesto Philippines laws and regulations. Replacement of be affected,and to other applicable trees shallbe in accordance with Memorandum Order affected/cuurelocated ratiofor cut or relocated trees or No. 2012 - 02 on the uniformreolacement rssuances. withany relevant



RESTRICTIONS: subjected to the following restrictions. The proponent is strictly 1. shall be in accordance with the submitted documents. Projectdevelopment and/orexpansion shall be subjectto the Environmental Majormodifications (ElS)Systemrequirement; lmpactStatement carries the same conditionsand Any transfer of project proprietorship shallbe to the EMB-CAR restnction in this ECCfor whicha writtennotification and madeby the transferee withinfifteen(15)daysfrom suchtransfer, expiredif the development shall be considered automatically This Certificate of the projecthas not commenced withina periodof five (5) yearsfrom the operation for aboutfive years. issuance thereof or has stopped



shallbe a sufficient causefor the Non-complrance with any of the conditions of a fine In an or suspension of this Certlficate and/or rmposition cancellation for everyviolation thereof Pesos(50.000) amountnot to exceedFifiyThousand

O.R No. _ _- 'rb o R trto li-: f O . RN .o

Procedrral Screening Fee Managemenl Fee Datdase Fee Processing

P 300.00 P 1.000.00 e 2. /00.00

Date Dale -' Date

, = l'" )r' i

Annex B PROJECTASSESSMENTPLANNINGTOOL other For the assistance of the Proponent, other DENR Divisions/Bureaus, project government of the and for agencies and LGUs in the management concerned better coordinationin the mitigationof the impact(s)of the project on its surrounding areas and to the environment. the following have been taken notice of jn the By way of recommendation, to the parties and are forwardingthese recommendations of the application assessment and action,and integrationinto their concernedfor proper appreciation and authorities process. decision making 1 Priority employmentof qualified local residentsdurrng the development of the project; and operation at sourceduring proiectoperation(i.e.waste Observewaste management segregation,re-use ancyor composting)consistentwith the Ecological Solid Act of 2000 (RA 9003) and the Ecological SolidWaste Management Waste ManagemeniProgramof the host LGU; properlyduring reasonable time periods The projectshouldbe undertaken so as not to cause undue disturbance, of the projectby competenttechnical of the development Tight supervision personnel to ensure that standards and requirements of sound are strictlyfollowed; safetyand healthpractices engineering, Device and implementan appropriatemonitoringscheme in coordination with the concernedgovernmentagenciespertainingthe noise emanating from the wind turbines: The proponent should coordinate with the concerned government agencies for the development and implementationof a doable forest programto maintainand enhancethe hydrological resourcemanagement and ecological systemof the servicearea, and Locatingthe proposedaccess road to areas which will lessen its overall thereat. and water resources effectto the vegetations







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