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10 theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 2 2009

speak up!


Where being
blyman after PKR’s V. Arumugam
stepped down, paving the way for
this by-election.
Despite the speculations that
have floated around, the fact is that
PLUS takeover proposal
most of the Malays here are well at
ease with the Indian candidates – as
long as they are local. It is this local
merits support
local counts essence, not the racial identity, that
touches the soft spot of the electorate
When PKR candidate S. Maniku-
mar, for example, addresses crowds
at rallies, people of different ethnici-
ties take to him like a local darling
I AM very happy that my proposal would be an effective platform
on takeover of PLUS by the gov- for the MCA ministers to see this
ernment has been accepted by the proposal to its conclusion.
MCA presidential council and the
central committee.
A review of the financial com-
pensation to PLUS by the govern-
I brought up the issue on the ment would glaringly reveal the
possibility of the government tak- financial burden to the govern-
ARCHAEOLOGISTS last year outsider from just on hearing the familiar lilt of his ing over PLUS on Feb 26 in Parlia- ment. The figures are as follows:
stumbled upon at least 30 structures any other part native tongue. Manikumar once told ment.
from an ancient Indianised civilisa- of the country reporters that if he were speaking on Following
tion that existed in the region of Ke- would find the the phone, a stranger on the other that I made a Year 2003 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08
dah as far back as 1,700 years ago. language used side of the line would think he was presentation Payout RM295m 307m 171m 654m 680m 730m
The lost kingdom of the Bujang here peculiar. a local Malay. to the MCA
Valley was once spread across a The Kedah TheNutmeg The independents too are not presidential
vast tract of land that still surrounds Malay dialect, Verses short of appeal. Most are strong local council meeting on March 3. I Even though the amount an-
majestic Gunung Jerai. Over the with its clipped community leaders who have been also had the opportunity to brief nounced in the media for recent
last fifty years, a stream of precious guttural sound by Himanshu Bhatt holding posts in chambers of com- the president on my proposal. deferment in toll hike for 2009 is
artefacts have been unearthed from and distinc- merce, community societies, profes- I understand that the proposal RM195 million, no reference is
the area, pointing to the existence of tive diction, is sional associations and charitable was combined with the MCA Youth being disclosed on the amount of
the civilisation called “Kataha” or an interesting cultural feature that groups at level. legal team to explore the possibil- compensation of RM730 million
“Kidaram”, with trading links with has helped to bring the people here Indeed, the level of integration ity of acquiring PLUS. payable to PLUS. Hence, if the
societies in India and China. together. And this feature can be at grassroots level is remarkable. At During one of the dialogues RM195 million is additional an-
Today, just miles away from seen in the daily ceramah and rallies one ceramah in Bukit Selambau, a with Datuk Seri Najib Razak, I also nouncement thus the compensa-
where this forgotten kingdom once being held in the area till polling on multiracial crowd stood and clapped brought up the proposal on the tion would have totalled to RM925
thrived, a different kind of history April 7. together as an Indian leader spoke takeover of PLUS. As reported in million.
is being made. A by-election for the And most of the Indians here in Malay and then at great length the media, Najib did not reject the I am willing to provide further
state assembly seat of Bukit Selam- possess this same accent when in Tamil, without anyone the least proposal outright, and mentioned assistance, especially on the finan-
bau has generated a different kind of speaking in Malay. It is normal to bit perturbed. What makes it unique that further study would need to cial aspect of it, to the newly setup
excitement as a record number of 15 see crowds of Indians and Malays is that this integration has grown be carried out. He further added MCA team tasked for acquiring
candidates are vying for the seat. milling around chatting with each organically with communities natu- that he is aware that the toll rate PLUS.
It is perhaps no surprise that of the other in the local lingo during politi- rally evolving together over the last hike once every three years is a Since I was not informed of the
fifteen, eight are Indians. This quaint cal gatherings, as they await leaders few centuries. By and large, the In- burden to the rakyat. existence of this task force until I
southern part of Kedah, including the to take to the podium. dian estate workers, Malay farmers I understand that MCA has set read about in the papers, I assume
districts of Sungai Petani and Kulim, If anything, the by-election has and Chinese traders have somehow up a team led by Vice-President I am not a member of this task
has one of the highest concentra- brought to the notice of the country developed a brand of bonding just Datuk Liow Tiong Lai to convey force. But in the name of the party,
tions of Indians in the country today. how Malaysians of different races by virtue of being local. the suggestion to the works min- I will do what is necessary as this
In Bukit Selambau alone, some 30% can be brought together by a com- With such a level of acceptance ister. proposal would greatly benefit the
of the population are Indians, mostly mon ingrained native identity. and identity, one can say this by- I believe MCA ministers should rakyat and the government.
ethnic Tamils. Half the population is There were reports of lobbying election is certainly making a new bring out the issue on the takeover
Malay, and about a tenth is Chinese within both the Barisan Nasional history of sorts, just as the ancient of PLUS and to champion it for the Chua Tee Yong
along with a few hundred Siamese. (BN) and PKR for Malay candidates predecessors of this land did in a dis- benefit of the rakyat. The cabinet Labis MP
The unusual multi-cultural con- to vie in the by-election. But such tant civilisation, some two thousand
figuration here is reflected through a lobbying was somewhat small. Both years ago.
brand of interaction among the peo- parties opted for Indians to represent
ple here that seems to have a unique
social texture of its own. As it is, an
them, more so because Kedah now
does not have a single Indian assem-
Himanshu is Penang bureau chief.
Strategic retraining holds
key for premier party
THE most important ingredient Only then can the organisation
in the reform package of Umno boast of having the interest of its
must surely lie in the reeducation staff at heart. Only then will they
and retraining of its cadres and be motivated to give their best
members. performance and loyalty.
In his address to the Wanita, Umno leaders have sat on their
Youth and Puteri wings, the new responsibilities for far too long.
president, Datuk Seri Najib Razak Political rhetoric is no longer an
stressed the need for more courses effective tool to bring about the
to be organised for the improve- promised change and reform. Too
ment of Umno members. In the much talk is boringly circular and
outgoing president’s address, has been to no avail as the current
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad slide in the party’s performance
Badawi urged members to initi- shows.
Sarkozy ate change within themselves as In fact, the conflicting views are
warns G20 much as within the party. confusing and potentially destruc-
over false In-house training is a basic pro- tive. When one leader condemns
gramme run by corporate organi- money politics and another calls
compromises sations. Multinationals like Shell, for a standing ovation for a mem-
pg 13 Nestle, GE and HP have regular ber who has been convicted, the
courses and workshops with the delegates at the recent general
aim of empowering their person- assembly were left directionless.
nel with skills and knowledge to What Umno must implement
boost the company’s performance. immediately in all its wings is
Nearer home, Petronas and the a structured programme for all
country’s GLCs have in place staff levels of the party organisation
training to create awareness of starting with the executive council
changing patterns in the market- and supreme council, the branch
place and how to effectively deal and division heads and their com-
with them. mittees. Mobilise the best minds
As part of the circuit, local and in the country’s think-tanks, NGOs
international gurus are invited and academia to work with the top
as facilitators. Even universities party leadership and come up with
and institutions of learning have a strategic training programme.
adopted corporate organisational These facilitators must come from
structures to run with greater outside of the party’s structure in
efficacy and efficiency, with order for the desired change in
on-going programmes to expose Umno’s culture and thinking to
academic staff to management and happen.
corporate best practice. Image- Among the areas that need im-
building and the establishment of mediate attention are ethics and
a credible corporate/ institutional decorum, including the proper use
culture is a key element in these of language for communication
programmes. and political discourse. This is a
The continuous training of key course that the members of parlia-
management personnel and heads ment must also be compelled to
of departments will filter down to attend.
their staff and so the corporate
mission, goals and culture will Halimah Mohd Said
be entrenched and reinforced. Kuala Lumpur

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