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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter May 14, 2013

Pastors Notes: What a great time we had this past Sunday as we honored and remembered the Mothers & women of our lives. Our church has been truly blessed by great women over the years. They have been our Moms, grandmothers, leaders, teachers, name it and they have filled in that role. What a blessing to have a day to honor great women of God. It is our sincere hope that you had a great time in honoring those women who have formed and nurtured your life. As Paul wrote to Timothy, the faith that he had was passed down from his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. What an example for us to learn in the importance of passing down our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have a rich heritage of faith because of my grandparents and my parents. I hope that my children and grandchildren will be able to look back and know that their faith in Christ came from their grandparents and parents.

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. What a wonderful time for Pentecostals around the world as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Ghost. There will be 2 special things happening this Sunday. On Sunday morning, well be focusing our attention on the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Sunday night, the Woodruff District of Churches will be meeting at the Enoree Church of God at 6:00 PM. We ARE NOT cancelling our service. We are simply MOVING our services to the Enoree Church of God. Please join us there along with the Switzer Church, Gray Court Church, Roebuck Church, Living Way Church and Enoree Church.

There will be a special Baccalaureate Service for our graduates on Sunday, May 26th in the AM service. Please make sure you have made contact with Pastor Jason Fowler if you plan on being part of this service. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I want to say a special Congratulations to Rev. Sergio Burgos & his wife Mayra and to Rev. Donna Burdette & her husband Garren on completing the Ministerial Internship Program through the Church of God. This program in an intensive program designed to better equip them for ministry. After 9 months of work, they will be graduating this Saturday in Cleveland Tennessee. They have worked hard and done a great job. We are proud of them!!!!!! FIRST FALLFEST MEETING for this year is Thursday May 23rd at 7:00 PM. We need all of those involved in last years event, as well as anyone that wants to be involved to join with us in the CLC. We need you input as we seek to make this years FallFest something to be remembered. Sunday Lunch May 19th- The Jamaican Missions Team is sponsoring lunch, next Sunday. The menu is Turkey & Dressing, Mac & Cheese, Green Beams, Rolls, Drink & dessert. The cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. Stacey & Tammy Stricklands new contact information: PO Box 455 Bethune, SC 29009 Home: 843-334-8225 Stacey Cell: 843-680-0230 Tammy Cell: 843-680-1963 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ethan & Owen Ballard had a new baby sister born Thursday, May 9th. Ivy LeeAnn weighed 5lb 15oz and was 19.5 inches long. The proud parents are Ryan & Carrie Ballard, and Grandparents are Terry and Cheryl Ballard & Kevan and Cynthia Wallace.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Lisa Culbertson, Kenneth Hand, Curtis Culpepper, Clyde Roberson, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Rev. Buster Ball, Kay Simmons, Mertice Whitmore, Danny Cooper, Myrtis Fortner, Kim Roberson, Sis Durham, Loretta Kelley, Thomas Stewart, Todd & Brianna Smith, TJ Nabors, Roger, Paula, & Alex Beck, Christina O'Shields, Ted Owings, Michael Boware, Chris Lyda, Tracey Joyner, John Stankus, Kaye Brandanburg, Carol Hopson, Linda Lida, Ricky Fortner, Ethel Cooper, Ernie Gowins, Tom Gowins, Rick Howard, Jeremy Briggs, EJ Lanford, McKailey Smith, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear black & white this week.

This is the last week for you to sign up for the Joy Club meeting on the 23rd. Please go by the bulletin board and put your name on the list so that we will know just how many to prepare for. You will also need to sign up for one of the side dishes. We are looking forward to a great time of fun and fellowship and really want all of you to be part of it with us. Again feel free to invite a friend to come with you. Just remember when you invite someone to come you will need to bring additional sides to help with the meal.

May 17 Greenville Drive Baseball Game vs. the Charleston Riverdogs. The game begins at 7:05. We will leave the church at 6:00. Tickets are $10. Look for the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hall way.

Color Wars during May!

Bible School Meeting has been reschedule to May 26 at 5:00 in CLC. Please plan to be at this meeting very important. No praise and worship practice or drama, service will be held at Enoree Church of God at 6:00 pm. Thank you to all those who donated and helped with the Lunch to the community on Saturday! You are a blessing to the Extreme Kidz and to this community. Upcoming Events: May 25: Get your Bikes ready!! We are going to have a bike parade from the church to the Woodruff park. We will have a pinic lunch at the park!! If you have any questions please see Ms Donna or Ms Deanna! Youth Camp is just around the corner. Here are the dates: Mauldin Senior High June 24-28 Mauldin Jr. High July 1-5 Mauldin Intermediate July 8-12 Mauldin Mini Camp July 15-18 Mauldin Young Adult Camp July 19-21 If youd like an application, see Ms. Donna.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Kathy Arellano & Carolyn Everette Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt Bus Take Home: Clint Letoureau and Daniel Johnson Van 1: Garren Burdette and Austin Rhodes Van 2: Tim Vassey and Rob Laster Wednesday Night Late workers: Lori and Genise

Sunday Morning Youth Workers: Katie, Amber, Zack and Joshua NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Stephanie Fowler and Savannah Fowler Music Sunday AM-Brad Burnett Praise Team-Gold Computer Chas Guitar Korey, Duck, & Greg

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