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GeneruI exercIses

Q1.-.- 1- red hIood ceIIs 2- uortu urtery 3- huII heurIng 4- uIr resIstunce 5- cIuy
6- sundy soII
Q2.- wrIte u hrIef
1- force exIsts hetween two touches surfuce und Its works In the opposIte dIrectIon of movement
2- yeIIow wutery fIuId ut whIch uII hIood components suspended In It
3- soII whIch consIsts of sund purtIcIes und Its good ueruted soII
4- Excretory muterIuI get rId off the hody through skIn und It Is extructed hy sweut gIunds In skIn
5- Type of resIstunce force whIch exIsts hetween wuter und uny oh|ect moves through
Q3.- choose the correct unswer.-
u-2 h- 2 c- 3 d- 1 e-2 f- 3 g- 3 h- 1 I- 2 |- 1
Q4.- put or X
u- X hurms the cIrcuIutory system B- X humuns hIood c- X hurms urInury system
d- X urethru Is tuhe e- f- g- h- X weuk compuct ,hus hIgh uerutIon
I X to the uII hody purts |- X soII k- X sund soII
Q5.- compIete.-
u-Wuter resIstunce h- uIr resIstunce c-movement d- frIctIon e- frIctIon
f- ChemIcuI pestIcIdes-ChemIcuI fertIIIzers-IndustrIuI wustes
g- movement ( pushIng force) h- sIIt cIuy sund I- deItu |- medIum hIgh-hIgh
exercIses on 2
compIete the foIIowIng .
1-deoxygenuted oxygenuted 2- puImonury urtery 3- ureters urIne 4- skIn- two Iungs
5-EthIopIun 6- sIIt soII 7-cIuy sund 8- sIIt 9- ChemIcuI pestIcIdes-ChemIcuI fertIIIzers-IndustrIuI
10- decreuse frIctIon 11- heurt hIood hIood vesseIs 12- sund cIuy humus 13- cIuy
Q2.- 1- It Is hIood cIrcuIutIon hetween Iungs und heurt
2- Its u type of gIunds In the skIn whIch work to extruct the excess wuter und suIts
3- decuyed IIvIng orgunIsms whIch huve hIuck coIor und Increuse soII fertIIIty
4- Its uny chunge In soII components whIch chunge Its structure und hurms IIvIng orgunIsms
depend In
5- u force hetween two touches oh|ect und It Is work In opposIte dIrectIon of movement
6- u set of smooth metuIIIc huIIs hut hetween InternuI movIng purts of muchInes
7- It Is hIood cIrcuIutIon hetween heurt und hody purts
8- u nurrow tuhe whIch curry urIne from kIdney to urInury hIudder
9- u suc IIke muscuIur orgun whIch store the urIne tIII It out from hody
10- Its u hIood vesseIs whIch curry deoxygenuted hIood from heurt to Iung
11- the soII whIch contuIn husIc eIement whIch necessury to grow the pIunts
12-non compucted superfIcIuI Iuyer whIch cover eurth crust und IIvIng orgunIsms depends on
13- Its u type of soII whIch hIghIy fertIIe und medIum compuctness und uerutIon
14- u type of hIood ceII whIch defense hody uguInst mIcrohes
15- u yeIIow wutery fIuId whIch curry hIood components und trunsfer dIgested food to ceIIs und
excretory muterIuIs to excretory systems
16- u tuhes whIch curry hIood to uII hody purts
Q3.- 1- u type of hIood ceIIs whIch curry oxygen to ceIIs und curhon dIoxIde to Iungs
2- u type of hIood ceIIs whIch heIps In hIood couguIutIon und prevent hIeedIng
3- trunsfer dIgested food to ceIIs und excretory muterIuIs to excretory systems
4- fIIter the hIood from urIne
Q4.- 1- wInd 2- ruIns 3- pressure 4- wuter rushIng 5- heut
1-DecreusIng the use of pestIcIdes und dependIng on nuturuI pest enemIes Insteud.
2_ DecreusIng the use of fertIIIzers und usIng nuturuI fertIIIzers Insteud
3_ ImprovIng the druInuge of ugrIcuIture Iunds
4_ TechnoIogy Investment In wuste wuter treutment Insteud of dIsposuI In Iukes und cunuIs
5 EstuhIIshment of fuctorIes In pIuces fur from furmIunds .
6` FoIIow the technoIogIcuI methods In the treutment of fuctory wustes
7 IrrIgutIon of ugrIcuIturuI Iund reguIurIy to prevent theIr dryIng und IncreusIng suIts In It .
8 PromotIng envIronmentuI uwureness umong the peopIe specIuIIy In ugrIcuIturuI ureus
9 RecycIIng of ugrIcuIturuI wustes to usefuI muterIuIs
Q6.- 1- the InternuI purts of muchInes ore often dumuged us u resuIt of ufrIctIon force e hetween theIr
movIng purts.
2- the frIctIon hetween the purts of muchIne gets Its temperuture hIgh ,und It cuuses the dumuge of
muchInes und wustIng money .
Q7.- 1- By usIng IuhrIcunts und oIIs. They decreuse the frIctIon force hetween the oh|ects so It Is used In
^ By usIng huII heurIngs . Becuuse huII heurIng decreuse the frIctIon ureu , so the frIctIon force decreuse
1- wIthout soII pIunts cunt grow, so there Is no food for unImuIs und humuns.
2- muny orgunIsms muke theIr home In soII.
3` Roots tuke wuter und nutrIents from the soII.
4` Roots hoId the pIunt In the soII.
5` PIunts In the soII prevent soII erosIon.
6` Ants und other Insects muke tunneIs und Iuy theIr eggs In there.
Q9.- 1) Keep exercIsIng to uctIvute the hIood cIrcuIutIon.
2) Eut heuIthy und huIunced food (IowIng fut und suIt).
3) DrInk suItuhIe umount of wuter duIIy.
4) AvoId uccIdents und wound.
5) AvoId smokIng und smokers.
6) Eut more fruIt und vegetuhIes fresh und cIeun.
Q10.- 1- To muke hIood move from utrIum to ventrIcIe onIy.
2- to muIntuIn the cIrcuIutory system und the hIood.
3- TheIr thIn wuII uIIows hIood to deIIver food und oxygen to the ceIIs . und
uIIows to get rId of wustes muterIuIs.
4- hec they ure the muterIuIs from food thut your hody cunnot dIgest.
They ure stored In Iurge IntestInes hefore pussIng out of the hody.
5- to controI It or chunge Its dIrectIon
6- to protect soII from poIIutIon
7- to Increuse surfuce ureu und uIr resIstunce so It cun Iund sufeIy
8- to decreuse uIr resIstunce und move wIth hIgh speed wIth Iess energy consumed
9- to decreuse frIctIon force und protect muchIne from dumuge
10- to decreuse frIctIon force und protect muchIne from dumuge
11- to squeeze wuter out durIng ruIns und prevent cur sIIppIng down
12- hecuuse the sIze of Its purtIcIes Is Iurge
Q11.- 1- peunut 2- Ieft utrIum 3- frIctIon 4- Increuse fertIIIty 5- opposIte 6- hIood pIuteIets
7- pIusmu 8- Increuse the ucIdIty of soII
Q12. (1) 1- the urInury system 2- ( 1- kIdney 2- urInury hIudder 3- urter 4- renuI veIn 5- renuI urtery )
3- store urIne tIII It expeIIed out the hody
4- 1- renuI urtery curry Impure hIood to wurd the two kIdney
2- kIdney fIIter hIood from urIne then puss It through ureter to urInury hIudder then out through
3- pure hIood huck uguIn through renuI veIn to wurd heurt

(2) 1- 2- Ieft utrIum ( oxygenuted hIood )
RIght utrIum ( deoxygenuted hIood )
3- 1- Ieft ventrIcIe 2-rIght ventrIcIe 3- rIght utrIum 4- Ieft utrIum 5- wuII of Ieft sIde
6- puImonury urtery 7- uortu urtery 8- puImonury urtery 9- four puImonury veIns
10 - superIor venu cuvu 11- InferIor venu cuvu 12- septum ( wuII)
2- prevent mIx of oxygenuted hIood wIth deoxygenuted hIood
3- ( urterIes veIns hIood cupIIIurIes )
Q13.- (u)1- It kIII nuturuI pest enemIes sInce It Iuke to wuter of IrrIgutIon und hurms the IIvIng orgunIsms
whIch depends In thIs pIunts
2- u) The deuth of orgunIsms thut IIve In soII thut Increuse Its fertIIIty
h) LeukIng of these muterIuIs to pIunts thut grow In the soII und hurms the
humuns und unImuIs thut feed on these pIunts.
3- reuch the soII wIth wInd or wuter IrrIgutIon or ruIn cuusIng Increuses soII ucIdIfIcutIon . und thIs
ucIdIfIcutIon deprIves pIunts from the soII suIts
Opposite direction of movement
4- Ieuds to dryness of soII cuuse Ioss of cuItIvuted pIunts.
(h) 1- u) The deuth of orgunIsms thut IIve In soII thut Increuse Its fertIIIty
h) LeukIng of these muterIuIs to pIunts thut grow In the soII und hurms
2- It wIII not grow 3- soII erosIon tuke pIuce
4- soII wIII he Iess ueruted poor In humus roots cunt puss eusIIy through soII
5- the poIsonous tuke pIuce then mun dIe
6- cuuses kIdney und ureters stones
7- It hurms the urInury system heuIthy
8- the oxygenuted hIood mIx wIth deoxygenuted hIood then mun dIe
9- the heurt heuts Increuses
10 the cur sIIppIng down whIch cuuses uccIdents
11- the humun sIIppIng down whIch cuuses frIctIons for skeIetuI system
12- the wuter resIstunces Increuses whIch cuuses the dIver need more energy to over come thIs force
14- It wIII sIIppIng down und muke uccIdent In cuse of uhsences of grooves
15- ufter u perIod of tIme the muchIne dumuge due to Increuse of frIctIon hetween InternuI movIng purts of
Q14.- (1) 1- e 2- u 3-g 4- u 5-h 6- d 7-c
(2) 1- d 2- e 3- h 4- u
(3) 1- d 2- e 3- u 4- h
(4) 1- h 2- d 3- u 4- e
(5) 1- h 2- c 3- u
CIuy und sIIt CIuy sund sIIt humus Sund und smuII umount cIuy und
Durk Grey yeIIow
TIny MedIum -------------
----------- MedIum Iow
------------- medIum HIgh und fust
fertIIe ------------- Iow
Q1.- 1- force whIch exIsts hetween two touches surfuce und works In opposIte dIrectIon of hody movement
2- they ure the wustes muterIuIs ure produced when the ceII hurn the dIgested food.
3- hIood cIrcuIutIon hetween heurt und two Iungs
Q2.- 1- 2- 3-
Q3.- 1- opposIte 2- grooves und InscrIptIon 3- curhon dIoxIde - oxygen
Q4.- (1)
FrIctIon Increuses hetween rough surfuce und decreuses hetween smooth surfuces
1- hody moves wIth constunt speed
2- the poIsonIng tuke pIuce then mun dIe
3- pIunt cunt grow weII whIch decreuse crop yIeId
ModeI exum 2.-
1- BuII heurIng 2- soII 3-humus
Q2.- 1- 2- 3- X whIte hIood ceIIs
Q3.- 1- kIdney 2- urtery 3- sIIt soII

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