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Gorgeous Geek Chapter XLI: Change of Wardrobe

Chapter XLI: Change of Wardrobe

I'm sad. Jennifer picked her eyes up from admiring her newest purse to pay attention to her best friend Eunice. Today, Eunice had a sad look on her usually happy face. She had a ribbon tied around her wrist today. Mondays were hard on the girls sometime. After all, they had to spread the latest rumors going on over the weekends. Eunie, why are you sad? asked Jennifer worriedly, placing her hands over her heart with a frown on her face. Eunice lowered her eyes to her tiny feet. Because... I saw Kristian cuddling with Rin Hamada this morning. That's not unusual, I think? asked Jennifer, tilting her head, obviously confused. Rin Hamada is wearing a skirt though. Dropping her purse on the ground, Jennifer squeaked, What? Unlike the two girls chatting about this new information, Tiffany was busy watching Jordan walking through the front gates with a smile on his face while he talked to Roselle next to him. She was being her usual self like always. Lifting a brow, Tiffany checked her watch once. He was here earlier than usual again. First, he decided to drop out of the basketball team and now, he was consistently early to school. Something was wrong. Though, nothing beat the Jin talk throughout the entire school... ********************************************** After Jazz band practice, Mr. Chan went up to Rin while the other members of the band began to clean up. Kristian noticed this but he didn't say anything and went inside the storage room with Edwin and the rest. Mr. Chan placed a firm hand on Rin's shoulder with a worried look on his face. You look exhausted today. Rin flushed slightly. Is that so... Is something wrong? Shaking her head, Rin answered honestly, I was up studying and working on my homework all night long. I had two hours of sleep. It's that early time of year after all and with so many AP classes I'm taking this year, it's bound to happen. Mr. Chan had an understanding look on his face. Get some sleep tonight, Rin. Yes, Mr. Chan, said Rin with a sweet smile. I'll make sure to get eight hours of sleep like you asked me to! Good. One last thing, said Mr. Chan after Rin took a few steps toward the storage room. Are you and Kristian Shiratori... dating? At such a question, Rin was taken aback. She hesitated to answer because she noticed Edwin leaving the storage room and glancing in their

direction before he left the band room with a disgruntled look on his face. However, once he left, she felt more at ease with the question. Actually, yes we are, said Rin honestly, flushing and looking down shyly. That makes perfect sense. Smiling nervously now, Rin thanked Mr. Chan for worrying about her before she ran in the storage room with her stand, music sheet folder, and saxophone case. Inside, everyone was gone except for Kristian who was patiently waiting for her in front of her storage space with a smirk on his lips. She pouted at him before she placed the stand on its rack. So... said Kristian, licking his lips slowly. You told him about us. Was I not supposed to? asked Rin back in a biting remark. Kristian chuckled. That's not it. I assumed you would deny about us in front of your teachers that love you ever so much. I'm not that mean, said Rin, yawning loudly and placing her folder in her storage space. Kristian immediately put her saxophone case in its spot. You heard everything? Every single word, said Kristian proudly. You're so nosy, said Rin in a chiding voice. Suddenly, Kristian wrapped his arm around her neck. What is it now? Kristian smirked again. You didn't tell him the real reason why you had to stay up all night, Rin-chan. Bad girl. I knew you couldn't say it. Hearing this, Rin scowled. You made that sound really wrong. I didn't make anything sound wrong, said Kristian innocently, gaping at her. You mean for a second there, you actually imagine us like that in that head of yours? For shame. You're so naughty, Rin-chan. Angry, Rin elbowed Kristian in the stomach. It's you with the dirty mind! I don't know about you but I mean our chatting session when I talk about your real reason for staying up, said Kristian, wrapping his arms around his chest with a puppy look on his face. Wow, Rin-chan, if you wanted to do it so badly, you can just ask. You didn't have to hint it in your Rin fashion. Rin turned on her heels. I'm leaving. Quickly, Kristian wrapped his arms around her neck to stop her from running off. He lowered his head and kissed her on the neck. Rin froze. She couldn't move. Her heart was beating so fast. Thankfully, Kristian didn't do anything and simply turned her around to face him directly with a gentle look on his face. I love you, said Kristian, gazing intently at her. Rin reddened. I... I'm going ahead to class now! This time, Kristian didn't stop her as she left the band room in a hurry. She kept running with a bright blush on her face. She couldn't say it. It was too embarrassing. Why was it so easy for him to say words like that? It was so difficult for her even though she had finally come to accept her mutual feelings for Kristian. They kissed and made up last night. And yet, she couldn't say those simple words.

The bell rang in the middle of her running so Rin decided it was best to head for class already. Of course, she kept in mind that Kristian sat next to her in Spanish so she couldn't escape him forever. Still, she wanted some time to think this all over. Even now, Rin remembered what occurred between them yesterday. Since Kristian wouldn't pick up his trusty cell phone, she panicked on the inside that something might have happened to him. To keep her mind off these terrible thoughts, she focused on her project instead. After she was done with her project though, she instantly thought of him. He haven't called her back. He haven't tried to contact her in any way. This was when Rin decided to take the bus to Kristian's house on her own. She used the bus a couple of times with Jin and Bo before. This should be simple enough. Much to her dismay though, when she asked for him, his parents told her that he hasn't returned home and that he hasn't called them about anything. Of course, in this type of situation, Rin thought of the worst case scenario. Kristian was already a reckless driver by nature. What if something happened to him? What if he was in the hospital right now? Why wouldn't he pick up? Even after all this, she had enough rationalization to call Roselle, only to have the other girl respond negatively to Kristian. What was she to do but worry? At that time, there were only three possible options in her mind as to why he wasn't picking up. One, he was cheating on her. This was the one she refused to believe. Two, he was in the hospital. This was the one she was afraid of. Three, he was mad at her. Out of all the possibilities, this seemed the most likely. Even though she would be thankful that he was still alive and well, she began to cry at the thought of him hating her. She didn't want him to hate her, not when she truly loved him. She couldn't stop thinking of him as she sat in front of his house and cried to herself. Miraculously to her, he was fine. Soon after his phone call, Kristian parked in his usual spot in front of his house and ran to her. She didn't even manage to say anything before Kristian tackled her into a tight embrace. Since she was relieved that he was alive and well, she hugged him back. He wouldn't stop squeezing her against him for what felt like forever before he offered to drive her back home. Once they were back home, Rin told her mother what happen before they went up to her room. Then, inside, Kristian kissed her passionately against the door. She didn't try to fight him off for once. Kristian was alive and in her arms after all. They ended up spending most of the night explaining things to each other. It was only when Kristian fell asleep on her bed that Rin went into studying and homework mode. Thanks to Kristian, she didn't finish them on Friday and Saturday as usual. Was this procrastination? This was the first time Rin did such a thing and when she woke up the following morning, she decided that she hated procrastination. All of that work piled up in one day? Why would anyone do that? In the present, Rin sat down in Spanish class, upset. She was extremely sleepy yet she had to keep herself awake or else she wouldn't understand the lectures. Much to her surprise though, Jordan was already in his seat when she

sat down in her eyes. Both of them were the first to sit down in their classroom. What? asked Rin, noticing the wide eyes on Jordan's face. Nerd, I mean, Rin Hamada, said Jordan, still looking shocked. He was trying to adjust to the change in habit. Why in the world are you wearing a skirt? Flushing bright red, Rin glanced away, Because I wanted to for once! You don't have a feminine side, said Jordan, scoffing that off. How do you know? asked Rin curiously, challenging him. That's because you're Nerd. Rin glared. That's not a good reason! Sure, it is, said Jordan, laying his head down on top of his hands and looking up at her with his beautiful eyes. Nerd is only allowed to wear cheap sweaters and jeans. Heels, jewelry, and make-up are not in her dictionary. Even if that's true, said Rin through gritted teeth. It doesn't prove that I don't have a feminine side! It doesn't, said Jordan in agreement suddenly. Your staid personality does. Oh shut up, Jordan Greene. Oh, sorry, said Jordan, holding up his hands defensively. You look nice Rin Hamada. There. Does that satisfy you now? Rin kicked him under the table. Not coming from you of all people. Never mind that, said Jordan, trying to ignore the pain in his left leg and leaning over to her on top of the table. We're meeting up today to talk about the Jin situation. You'll be there right Nerd? One, it's Rin Hamada and two, said Rin, noticing a couple of people coming in the classroom now. Rin leaned over as well to whisper to Jordan. I'll be there. I'll make sure of it. I'm not going to leave it to unreliable you. Touch, said Jordan, amused. What are you two doing? asked Kristian carefully, coming in at the same time as Cory and Gary. Jordan and Rin sat back straight in their seats. Conspiring something? Even though Kristian hit it dead on, Jordan said quickly, I was telling Nerd here how awful she looks in a skirt. Rin fumed now since he said the complete opposite when no one was around. I mean, why would a Nerd need to wear a skirt for? To get more attention? It's not going to help her when she has a humongous brain that threatens to eventuate the entire nerd population of this school. What's up with that sentence? asked Rin under her breath. At that comment though, Kristian chuckled, Thanks Jordan. Kristian! cried Rin, glaring at Kristian instead. I was afraid I might have competition here but since you said that, said Kristian, sitting next to Rin and placing his hands on her shoulders. This is all mine then. I don't need to defend her against you. You would have been a worthy opponent. I'm not yours, said Rin under her breath through gritted teeth.

I don't want her anyway, said Jordan, waving it off. Roselle's better. No, Rin-chan beats Roselle any day, said Kristian, annoyed now. Before the two could fight, Cash went in and sat down in his seat next to Jordan. He greeted the three before he started talking to the girls behind him. Suddenly, Jordan forgot about Kristian momentarily and turned to Cash. Hey, said Jordan, narrowing his eyes. We need to talk. If it's about that, said Cash, glancing at Kristian and Rin. I'm not talking to you. I don't care, said Jordan, frowning and laying his head on top of his arms. We're talking and that's that. There's something different about him, said Kristian to Rin while observing Jordan closely. I wonder what it is... Right after Kristian pondered this out loud, the door opened to reveal Jin and Jezebelle arm in arm with everyone else following them from behind. Vance was the last one to come in and meet Rin's curious eyes. Sighing, Vance tried to walk pass her when Rin frowned and grabbed his arm. Are you feeling better Vance? Vance nodded. I got your text message. I'm perfectly normal now. That's good, said Rin with a gentle smile. Kristian didn't say anything as he glanced from Rin to Vance. Why did you come in late? You rarely walk in last. Scowling, Vance answered quickly, I was trying to avoid the idiotic mob. The mob? asked Rin, even though she immediately glanced back to find more than half of the students in their class surrounding Jin. Jordan was sleeping on his arm or so it seemed like to her. Vance sighed. Oh them. Yes, this is very annoying. An understatement, I'm sure, said Vance, heading toward the crowd to his seat. The reason behind the crowd was none other than Grim's blog entry. Jin was supposedly the person who was willing to listen and help people with their problems. However, Jin had no idea that so many people had problems to talk to him about. They were all blurting out random information out at once that Jin began to feel slightly dizzy. Jezebelle didn't help much as she went back to her table to check up on Juliet who was sitting right now to her. Suddenly, Jin's admirers dispersed around him. The bell didn't ring yet so Jin was confused about this reaction when suddenly he met a familiar face. Alejandro was standing right in front of him with his arms wrapped in front of his chest with an amusing look on his face. The other students went back to their seats in a hurry. Rin eyed the giant with wide eyes. As for Jennifer who sat behind Jin, she was shaking and trying to concentrate on her purse instead. Jordan was still sleeping. Hey, said Alejandro in greeting in a growl. Jin beamed. Hey! What's up? Going to school, said Alejandro in distaste. Jin laughed but Alejandro ignored him and went on, Fuck this education shit. I'm here for other

reasons. Like? Alejandro walked away. None of your fucking business. Then, Alejandro noticed that Mr. Sanchez walked in the classroom one minute before the bell rang. Even though the bell rang, Alejandro ignored it and walked in his usual long strides up to the teacher's desk. On his way there, he noticed Kristian, Jordan, Cash, and Rin at the same table. Smirking, Alejandro punched hands with Kristian. Sup Shiratori. Nothing important, said Kristian, shrugging in a bored manner. Kristian lifted a fine brow. You going to class? What the fuck? Might as well, said Alejandro, walking up to Jordan and ruffling the blonde boy's hair to wake him up. Let's get this shit over with. Jordan woke up and blinked after Alejandro, who was now introducing himself to Mr. Sanchez as the student that didn't show up for the past two weeks. Frowning, Jordan wondered why Alejandro was suddenly at school. Last year, he did this too. Alejandro liked to randomly show up to class when he felt like it and no one could do anything about it. Why did he choose to come to school today of all days? At the corner of his eyes, Jordan noticed that Rin was not amused to see Alejandro again, unlike her boyfriend. Of course, none of them knew that the Beast was in their Spanish class until today but it was still shocking nevertheless to see him show up not only on a Monday but on time too. Plus, he spoke to Jin. What was going on between them? There's only two seats left in the last table, said Mr. Sanchez, indicating at the chair in front of Jezebelle and Juliet in the back. Mr. Sanchez was visibly mad at Alejandro for going to school weeks late. Please go and sit with Ms. Heart and Ms. Tilly. I'll mark you present for today. What a bother, said Alejandro, leaving the teacher's desk and obeying him nevertheless. He sat down in front of Juliet and Jezebelle and placed his legs on top of the desk. What's up ladies? Bored, said Jezebelle, flinging her hair backwards. Juliet was too shy and frighten to say anything. Jezebelle continued, You want to switch seats with Juliet here? I'd rather not sit next to you, said Alejandro honestly, watching her closely. A brilliant smirk played on Jezebelle's lips. Even the Beast is afraid of harmless old me? I'm flattered. At her comment, Alejandro laughed heartily. A couple of shaking students sent Jezebelle and Alejandro puzzled looks. Jezebelle continued to smirk at him while she played with her pen against the table. Juliet was so fearful of Alejandro that she chose to keep her eyes on Mr. Sanchez and the board instead of the two dark people around her. You alone? asked Alejandro incredulously. Fuck no. You with him? Alejandro glanced once in Jin's direction. Something is going to happen and I'm here to watch it. Alejandro smirked and gazed intently at Jezebelle.

What'll happen now? You tell me. A worried Juliet kept glancing and tugging at Jezebelle, but Jezebelle ignored her and continued, That chocolate truffle over there is going to destroy the food chain. About fucking time, said Alejandro, removing some strands of hair from his eyes. He had a dangerous glint to his eyes that scared Juliet so much that she had to hide her head behind Jezebelle's shoulder. This whole school social system is a load of bull shit in the first place. That's what sour cream thinks too, said Jezebelle, checking her nails now. Alejandro started to eat a bag of pretzels he got out of his backpack. Yesterday bothered the shit out of me. I don't fucking get it. How the hell did someone like him manage to beat up those scumbags from yesterday? Judging a book by its cover is terrible you know, said Jezebelle, pouting. Like a bitch like you? asked Alejandro scoffing it off. I'm only a bitch because I don't want people to know me, said Jezebelle suddenly with a devious smile on her face. Alejandro had a shocked look on his face but he shook it off and chuckled to himself. I'm joking. Why would I want a bunch of losers to know the great me? What you see is what you get after all. This is coming from Female Fury? No, said Jezebelle, winking. From Jezebelle Phoebe Tilly. ************************************ After class (Rick came in late again), Jin said goodbye to Jezebelle before he went the opposite direction of the hallway with Jordan and the rest of their Physics class right behind Jin and Jordan. Rin and Kristian were the last ones to leave the classroom. Ever since what happened on Friday, Vance had avoided Rin altogether and left earlier. Squeezing Rin's hand, Kristian said, So it's fine if I come over today? I guess, said Rin, shrugging. But you have to help with my studies. I know, I know, said Kristian, licking his lips. The two walked together to their second period together, hand in hand. Today, Rin received a number of stares from people who knew her thanks to the pink skirt she was wearing today. Depending on the person, it was either surprise or disappointment. Soon enough, Rin became very self-conscious how she looked. After second period, Rin sat in her chair and thought about calling her mother to bring her jeans to wear instead. She felt uncomfortable with the amount of people paying attention to her thanks to a single change. However, Kristian and Roselle were waiting for her outside of the classroom so Rin didn't have a chance to call. I hear the Sun Chips are half the price today, said Kristian enthusiastically, wrapping his arm over her shoulders. You want to go get some together? Rin remembered her conversation with Jordan earlier. Kristian... I...

Rin glanced at Roselle, who seemed to be awfully quiet today. I have to do something today so maybe you should hang out with your friends instead? You don't want to distance yourself from them because of me right? Oh, said Kristian, disappointed. All right, Rin-chan. I'll see you in third and fifth period then, said Rin, trying hard to sound optimistic. Right. We both have clubs during lunch time. Rin blushed slightly and glanced away. You'll be coming over to my house after school anyways so it's fine right? Kristian smiled weakly. Yes, it's fine. I'll see you later then. Let's go Roselle. I'll be right there, said Roselle to Kristian. The half-Japanese boy didn't seem to suspect anything as he went down the hall and down the stairs. Roselle tossed Rin an apologetic look. I'm sorry Rin Hamada but I must back out of helping Jin Song. Why? gasped Rin with a dropped jaw. Jezebelle Tilly knows anyways, said Roselle honestly, shrugging. What's the point? No... that's not it. Roselle shook her head sadly. To be honest, Rin Hamada, I don't think we should do this at all. Why not? Roselle bit her lip. I don't want Jordan back at the top. What's wrong with Jordan being at the top? asked Rin, placing her hands on her hips. He's been there since forever! Why must Jin be there instead? If you don't remember Roselle, Jordan is the one who wants his place back. He must be inwardly jealous of Jin taking over his spot. I don't mind though since we both want the same thing and- Rin Hamada, said Roselle in interruption. No offense since you're my friend since freshman year and all but... Roselle narrowed her eyes at the Japanese girl. What do you know about Jordan? He's not as shallow as you make him out to be. No, he is that shallow, said Rin without a doubt. Do you know how much he bullied me all these years? Now, he thinks he can just change all that by telling me he likes to read? I won't forgive him. Rin frowned. I refuse to forgive him. Then, why are you working with him? Because I like Jin more than I hate him. Roselle sighed. I understand how you feel Rin Hamada but maybe before you and Jordan can work together, you guys need to come to an understanding. You two should find out if you have anything in common at all and then, start anew as friends. It's better that way in my opinion. Jordan Greene and I? asked Rin in dismay. Never! Did you think you and Kristian would be like this now? asked Roselle in a daring tone. Rin didn't say anything. Exactly. Did you think someone like Jordan and I can get along this well? No. Therefore, you shouldn't be too quick to judge people. Rin shook her head. You don't understand. I hate Kristian all these years

because he keeps dating girls in front of me. He would be hugging some girl and then smirking at me at the same time. It's ridiculous. He enjoys seeing my angry face. That's why I hated him so much. It's not the same with Jordan Greene. The cases are not similar at him. Okay then, said Roselle, leaning toward Rin. Tell me then. Why do you hate Jordan so much? Forget I'm his girlfriend for a second. I'm your close female friend. You can at least explain to me this, Rin Hamada. I told you this already, said Rin, exasperated. He called me 'Nerd' all these years! He made that nickname infamous! Lots of people call me 'Nerd' randomly to copy him! It's so annoying and I hate it. Roselle's expression didn't change. Didn't you provoke him to spread it by returning the favor by calling him 'Brainless'? Rin gritted her teeth. An eye for an eye. I'm not going to take sides, said Roselle, pouting. On one hand, you're my friend Rin Hamada. On the other hand, he's my boyfriend and editor. Just be friends somehow. It's for the best for both your plans and your future relationship with Jin and I once you and Jin are back together in your private group. That's right, said Rin, widening her eyes. My truce with Jordan is not temporary... it might be permanent if Jordan Greene sticks around even after Jin and I work things out. Yup, said Roselle with a nod. Don't forget about my sake either! I know and I hate this, said Rin in a loud groan. I'll think of something... I'll try. Roselle beamed. Thanks! Now, I'm off to take care of your boyfriend. Good luck? asked Rin, uncertain. Roselle burst out laughing. I'll see you then. Thanks for your honesty as always. No problem, Rin Hamada. See you. Walking to the same building they met last time, Rin snuck in when no one was paying attention. Once she was inside, she released a sigh of relief. She was going to head upstairs when someone came out of the boys' bathroom. Rin and Jordan locked eyes, surprised to see the other person without someone else. Where's Roselle? asked Jordan immediately. Where's Vance? asked Rin in return. Jordan went first, Vance didn't want to come. Well, said Rin, glancing away. Roselle didn't want to come either. Is it going to be only me and you then? asked Jordan, lifting a brow. I hope not, said Rin instantly, slightly annoyed. Jordan was not amused by her comment, which Rin noticed and added, No offense. I didn't even do anything to you even though you tricked me, said Jordan with an offended look on his face. And when someone says 'no offense', it becomes even more offensive. You do know that right Rin Hamada? Tricked you? asked Rin, gasping. It was your own damn fault, Jordan Greene! I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place, said Jordan, pocketing

his hands. Well, you're an idiot for trusting me, said Rin mercilessly. Well, said Jordan, grabbing Rin by the wrist all of a sudden. You're more of an idiot for trusting me now. Rin glared at him. Let go, Brainless. Make me, said Jordan, narrowing his eyes at her. At those words, Rin remembered what happened when Kristian went after her outside his house. She couldn't do anything to free herself from Kristian when he grabbed her wrists so the uncomfortable feeling came back quickly at what Jordan was doing. Since Jordan was not seriously gripping onto her wrist, Rin managed to get away from him. I hate you, said Rin, turning her back to him. I hate you! Rapid topic change, said Jordan, amused. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I get it the first time. Tearing up, Rin ran and sat in the corner, acting like Vance. I don't want to get along with you! You're that horrible boy who gave me that nickname in front of everyone! I'll never forget it. Never. Ever. Jordan was stunned so he didn't say anything. It's almost as bad as the boy in elementary school! It's exactly the same! Feeling guilty now, Jordan went over to Rin who had her head against her knees. I... sincerely apologize to you on all accounts. Hearing this, Rin lifted her eyes up at him. I'm still not forgiving you. It's all right, said Jordan, crouching down to Rin and smiling. Rin blinked. I was a jack ass to you. I deserve this hatred. I really do. I just want you to know something, even if you don't believe me. Rin thought about it and asked weakly, What is it? Ever since you raised your hands and answered all the questions in class in ninth grade, someone thought it was funny to call you 'Nerd' or 'Teacher's Pet', said Jordan slowly, looking as guilty as ever. All the white boys in the class talked among themselves to see who should start the trend. I was just the unlucky one to lose in the game. Plus, I was pressured into doing it so... Rin groaned loudly. I knew people were laughing at me behind my back. Yeah, that's what happens to people who do well in class. That's stupid, said Rin with a sigh. I agree, said Jordan with a nod, surprising Rin a lot. I agree wholeheartedly. You want to do well in school? asked Rin suspiciously. Not really, said Jordan, lowering his eyes. I just want to do the best to my abilities without any outside influence. If I suck at math, I'll live. But I don't want to suck at a subject that I can actually do better in. Do you get what I'm saying? Yes, said Rin in a defeated tone. Yes, I get it. Jordan chuckled. Really though, Rin Hamada. I'm sorry for forcing that nickname on you. I'll make sure no one calls you that again all right? I'll do

something about it. I want to thank you but I can't, said Rin softly, hugging her knees. It's understandable, said Jordan, observing Rin closely. He noticed her dark hair and reached out for it before he stopped himself. He coughed and continued, Now that we have this talk, we should go upstairs now. What if someone sees us together? It doesn't matter, said Rin grumpily, getting up and heading toward the stairs now. Since I'm obviously only wearing a skirt to get attention... Jordan flushed slightly and ran after her to catch up. I didn't mean that! Rin kept going without looking back. Believe me for once, Rin Hamada! Oh fuck. Wait up! ***************************************** Oh man! cried Wendy, bursting into laughter. Juliet was quite used to Wendy's loud laugh by now. I only got half of those answers right? Oh wow! I suck! Juliet laughed behind her hand. Math is not your strong point... that's all... I'm not cut out for school, said Wendy, forcing herself to stop laughing. It's all right... said Juliet with a nod. You're good at other things... I'm not, said Wendy, waving it off with her tongue out. No, you must be... Suddenly, they noticed a crowd following Victoria and Frida nearby. At the sight of Victoria, Wendy could not help but scowl. She never liked the white girl but the sight of her without Jordan bothered her even more than when they were together. Wendy could not explain these feelings. On one hand, she was happy that Jordan was no longer with Victoria. On the other hand, it made her pride feel better that Jordan stuck with the girl he chose over her. What's with all the commotion? asked Wendy out loud to herself. Juliet shook her head, not knowing. However, much to Wendy's surprise, Kirk managed to slip in between the two girls and wrapped his arm over Wendy's shoulders. Sup Kirk? Yo, said Kirk with a wink. Where's Jez? Spring and Leader are off changing for their away tennis game today. That's hot, said Kirk mindlessly, glancing over in the direction of the crowd. Juliet was so afraid of Kirk that she scooted away from him. Kirk indicated at Victoria. Quite a makeover. What the fuck happen to her? Now that you mention it, said Wendy with wide eyes. She's not wearing her usual bright, girly clothes. She's wearing... Before Wendy could finish her though, Kirk started snickering. This is so fabulous. What is? asked Wendy, lifting a brow. Every fucking thing Jez said will happen is happening like she predicted, said Kirk, still snickering. He got up and smirked down at Wendy. If she keeps this up, I'll fucking get a sex change just to join her group. Wendy's eyes widened. She didn't tell me anything!

You? asked Kirk, laughing. Wendy glared at him. You're too fucking nice, Wendy. You're the daughter of a cop for fucking's sake. You'll just get in the way of people like Jez and I. Why would she tell you anything? That's not true, said Wendy bitterly. I can keep a secret too... Honey, said Kirk, pouting. You've been replaced. Deal with it okay? Watching Kirk leave, Wendy fumed. Juliet moved back to Wendy and whispered her words of comfort. At the end, Wendy sighed. She knew she was too emotional and nice to be trusted with Jezebelle's plans but why would she trust someone like Kirk? He wasn't even officially part of the group. Bothered by this, Wendy stood up. I'm seeing Jezebelle, said Wendy in declaration. But... said Juliet, tilting her head to the side. She's changing... So? asked Wendy, furious. She placed her hands on her hips. I'm going. You coming? I don't want to leave you by yourself Juliet. I don't think we should go... said Juliet, fidgeting with her hands. But I'll go... While the two girls left for the girls' locker room in a hurry, Frida was excited about Victoria's new look as well as everyone else. The other girls of their grade were asking Victoria various questions why she decided to change her look so drastically. Like to be honest, said Victoria, flushing. I like can't afford brand name anymore you know? So like I think anything is fine really what with my perfect skin and pretty hair and all, you get what I'm saying? Oh! squealed the cheerleaders around her. So, what you're saying is like you don't need to wear any fancy clothes when you're already pretty? Oh my God yes, said Frida, linking her arms to Victoria. I like so agree! Victoria nodded her pretty head. I think it's like really shallow to always like wear clothes just because they're in season you know? Like what if you can't afford it? Does that mean you're ugly? I mean like... isn't that wrong? I don't know? Frida thought about it. The reverse is also true... like what if someone who is not that pretty and they can like afford those clothes? That's right, Frida, said Victoria, beaming. People should just like be themselves! I like jumpers so I should like have the right to wear them right girls? Let's all wear jumpers from now on, said the cheerleaders to themselves. Victoria started shaking her head. No no! You girls should like wear whatever you feel like! You don't have to like copy me and wear jumpers because like I wear them. Like we shouldn't care what people think about the clothes we wear if we like feel good about our own selves right? That's easy for you to say Vic, said one of the cheerleaders, pouting. I have like such low self-esteem to begin with and like what if my boyfriend dumps me if I start to wear what I want to wear? Me too! cried another one.

Victoria smiled softly. Well... there's like one person who wouldn't care what you girls are like no matter what! Who? asked the girls with wide eyes. Hi Jin Song! said Frida, waving at the Korean boy who just came out of a building. Jin smiled and waved back. Frida nudged Victoria quickly. Him right? Jin! cried Victoria, obviously happy to see him. Come here Jin! Obviously oblivious to what they were talking about, Jin came over with a blank look on his face. Jin was in the middle of looking for Jezebelle when they called him over. He had been talking to random people in the hallways who somehow knew his name. Actually, everyone seemed to know his name and who he was. This was the fifteenth time he was called over but at least this time, he knew Victoria and Frida. The cheerleaders gasped at the sight of Jin coming over. It's Jin Song! Hi Jin Song! Hey, said Jin with a pleasant smile at all of them. Frida and Victoria beamed at the sight of him. I wish I can talk to you guys all the time but I'm not officially in the Populars yet so I'm just wandering around and looking for my girlfriend... Aw, said the girls in unison. He's so loyal! You should be in, said Frida, pouting. You and Jordan are like so close! Plus, Frida flushed slightly. We're like friends too you know? Yes, I know, said Jin gently. Victoria nodded her head frantically. You should! You should! I'm going to like tell Monika like right now! She's like being such a bitch about it and I like don't get why at all! I'm fine really, said Jin defensively. I don't want you guys to fight over this. Leave it to us, said Frida with a sweet smile at Jin. We'll convince her in like no time at all! You like mean so much to us and to the rest of the school. It's for the best. Jin laughed, defeated. Thanks really. I want to be able to with you guys and Jordan. I want to be able to do the best I can and be the leader some day. Leader? asked Frida and Victoria in surprise. Jin scratched his head now. I think it'll be fun. I want to change a couple of things around and it's better if I'm leader to do that. Victoria frowned. You sure Jin? Yes, absolutely, said Jin with a firm nod. The two girls exchanged a look before Frida said, If you insist... I don't see why not. Like oh my God, Jordan doesn't even want to be leader. It's like the complete opposite of you. I don't even know why we even hesitate. Before I can be leader though, said Jin with a determined look on his face. I'll convince Monika myself. I don't want either of you to do it for me. I'll do it. Oh okay... said the two girls, glancing at the cheerleaders who were in awe.

For now, said Jin, scratching the back of his head with an awkward smile on his face. I need to find Fi. She's not where she usually is. I wonder where she is... I need to figure out how we're getting home today with an away tennis game and all. Good luck! chirped the cheerleaders in unison. Jin grinned. Thanks guys. I'll find her for sure! After Jin left, the girls all gathered around Victoria and Frida, praising how nice and good-looking he was. While all of this was going on, Monika was sitting nearby with a frown on her face. She didn't say anything before she left to go see Tristan. **************************************** You left something behind, said Kristian, waving a pen in front of Lydia's eyes. The half-Indian girl smiled in amusement as she accepted the pen from Kristian. Hey Lydia. Long time no talk. Hey lovely, said Lydia, fluttering her long eyelashes. What's up babe? Nothing much, said Kristian casually, leaning against the nearest building. Just curious. Has my girlfriend been here with you girls? Rin Hamada? asked Lydia, gasping. No, dear, I haven't seen her. She hasn't been here in a while actually, said Felicia, licking off pudding off her spoon. Kristian smirked in amusement to see that Felicia was exactly the same as the year before. She's been busy I assume. I can't blame her. She's the valedictorian of our grade. I don't know about that, said Odette, texting on her cell phone as usual. This time though, she kept her eyes on Kristian. I passed by the library. I didn't see her there. She's probably off with some boy for all we know. Kristian licked his lips and laughed. Rin-chan? Not likely. Raising a fine brow, Odette added quickly, Of course, I can't see why she would want to be with anyone other than you Kris. I know right? asked Kristian, eying Odette. The French girl was wearing a green beret today along with a white and dark green outfit. How are you and Anna? Anna and I are closer than ever, said Odette carelessly, pouting. Why do you ask? You need to move on from Anna for your own good, Odette, said Kristian, smiling in amusement at her. She'll kill you eventually. I can take care of my own health, thanks. Why don't you talk to Jin about it like Grim advertised on his blog? Odette stopped texting for a second and thought about it. How about no? I don't have a problem. Kristian laughed it off and looked around. Where's Sherry Lee? She's playing Frisbee with those Korean boys over there, said Felicia, indicating at the running boys with her spoon. I don't know why she would want to be sweating this early in the day but then again, Sherry is an odd one. Sweat is good for you, said Kristian, winking at the girls. I'll ask her whether she has seen Rin-chan. Thanks girls. No problem darling, said Lydia with a wave of her hand. Ask us any


I see, said Odette, lowering her eyes and gaining attention from the other two. Kristian had already Kris hates Anna as much as always. It's hard not to hate Anna to be fair, said Felicia, eating more pudding. That's because you're a feminist, said Odette back at Felicia. It has nothing to do with being a feminist, said Felicia with a shake of her dark head. She adjusted her glasses. No girl should ever have to be friends with Anna, especially not someone like you Odette. I pity you sometimes. And she is supposed to be my best friend, said Odette with a frown after Felicia as the other girl went to the nearest trashcan to throw away her pudding container. Lydia tossed Odette a thoughtful look. Maybe you should talk to Jin about it, love? Sighing, Odette muttered, I'll think about it. Meanwhile, Kristian went up to Sherry and asked for Rin's whereabouts. Like the others, she had no clue where Rin was. However, despite this lack of information from Sherry's end, Kristian noticed something strange about the group around him. There was someone sorely missing. Excuse me, said Kristian, coming up to Eugene. Where's Bo? Bo? asked Eugene, looking around. Not here. I get that, Captain Obvious, said Kristian, chuckling and licking his lips. The other Korean boys gathered around Kristian. Do you have any idea where Bo is? He's usually with you guys now am I right? Bo said he had something to do, said Grim, adjusting his glasses. So, said Kristian, frowning. You guys have no idea where he is at all? Bo's a free spirit, said Sidney with a handsome smile before he wrapped his arms around Sherry's neck. It's none of our business what he wants to do with his free time. I have not the slightest idea where he is. You guys are going out? asked Kristian, shifting his attention from Sidney and Sherry. They both muttered positively. Cool. You two hid it well. I had no clue. Anyways, I'm off then. Before Kristian left the Frisbee area, he heard Sherry thanking Sidney. Kristian turned around and noticed that Sidney was handing Sherry a present for whatever reason. She was now holding onto a bright pink Care Bear. Suddenly, Kristian thought of something and ran back to them. Swiping the bear from Sherry's hands in a matter of seconds, Kristian smirked at her innocently. I'll buy it off you. Sherry scowled. But Sidney bought it for me! How much? asked Sidney, interested. Sidney! cried Sherry, outraged. You already gave it to me. Come now, Sherry pie, said Sidney with a lopsided grin. If he pays the right amount, I can buy you a bigger bear. Sherry was obviously upset but she didn't say anything. Cheery up Sherry. It'll only be one day late. That's Sidney for you, whispered Eugene to the other boys. Same as always. Name your price, said Kristian, taking out his black wallet

dramatically. The other boys looked impressed. Sherry did as well. I'm buying this for my girlfriend. I haven't found her weakness yet. It's about time I try everything. Rin Hamada and teddy bears? asked Sherry, giggling. Kristian gave her a confused look. Sherry shook her head. Nothing! You're a funny guy, Kristian. Good luck! Kristian gave her a charming smile. Thanks. After Kristian negotiated with Sidney on the price of the pink Care Bear, Kristian happily walked off with the bear in his hands. If Rin was going to spend her nutrition with Bo, he had to do something to remind her who she should really be with. Kristian promised himself not to get jealous since he would become cold and cruel towards her, which he didn't want to happen. He had to be a loving boyfriend from now on if he wished to win her over completely. He wasn't going to lose to Bo when he had the upper hand! **************************************** Kibuum! Hearing the shorter girl, Jezebelle lifted a fine brow, What? There were sparkles in Xuan Lan's eyes as she pointed at Jezebelle's hip. Kibuum! Such a pretty butterfly! Right now, Jezebelle and Xuan Lan were changing into their tennis uniforms in the girls' locker room. Although it wasn't supposed to be open at this time, Jezebelle asked for permission to have it open since she wouldn't have enough time later to change. Despite this being the first tennis game, Jezebelle was not nervous at all. She was completely at ease as she threw off her clothes. Right now though, she felt slightly flattered that Xuan Lan was in awe of her butterfly tattoo. Does Onii-chan know about your butterfly? asked Xuan Lan with wide eyes. Jezebelle shrugged. Probably not. Why do you want it there instead of at your arm or somewhere more noticeable? Giggling evilly, Jezebelle wore the uniform, hiding the butterfly once more. Because that wouldn't be fun would it? Oy, said Xuan Lan, still staring at where the butterfly used to be. I don't get it... Taking an interest in Xuan Lan, Jezebelle glanced about the locker-room to check. No one was here but her and the little girl. Jezebelle smirked and leaned down at the Vietnamese girl with a teasing look in her eyes. You don't happen to have a tampon or a pad on you, do you? Xuan Lan blinked innocently. What's that Jesse? I knew it, said Jezebelle, trying hard not to scare the girl. Jezebelle grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards her. Don't worry, Spring. I won't do anything to you. I want to check something, that's all. Hai, said Xuan Lan, blinking. After Jezebelle lifted Xuan Lan's arms up in the arm and then stared at her chest for a while, Jezebelle giggled and released the girl. With an amused

smirk on her face, Jezebelle went over and took out her tennis racket from her shared locker with Xuan Lan. The girl had no idea what was going so she had a lost look on her face. Since it's only me here, said Jezebelle, keeping her back to Xuan Lan. You have to tell me the truth or else, Jezebelle flung her hair back. I won't help you with your forehand anymore. Okay... said Xuan Lan miserably. I'll answer... How old are you really? Surprised at the question, Xuan Lan flushed and glanced away, Oy... You don't have to answer, said Jezebelle, sitting down on the bench and crossing her long legs with her racket against her shoulder. I'll go first and then, you can decide whether you want to answer my question or not. Xuan Lan lowered her eyes. Hai. I've actually taken an interest in you ever since I sent you on that errand to distract Monika that day. Xuan Lan bit her lip. Oy... You did it so easily too, said Jezebelle thoughtfully, tapping her chopsticks against her lips. Then, yesterday, after I saw those little girls on television with my chocolate cake, I understood something. I think I understand you a lot better now, dear. Xuan Lan still had the same lost look on her face. Let's just say that I step in your shoes for the day. It's not that easy, I must admit, but I get it now. I don't understand, said Xuan Lan, uneasy. Then, answer this, said Jezebelle, turning around to face Xuan Lan with a devious smirk on her face. How did you manage to get two football game tickets for the Beast and yourself? Are your parents football fans or something? Do you have a huge allowance? Xuan Lan glanced away. I won them. Liar, said Jezebelle, watching the girl closely. Besides Alejandro, how many other guys are there? Upset now, Xuan Lan shook her head frantically. It's not like that! Don't worry about it, said Jezebelle, checking her hair with interest. You are precisely the person I'm looking for. You should be happy that you're able to manipulate boys so easily with your cuteness. It's effective. I like it. I like it a lot. No... said Xuan Lan, miserable now. Jezebelle ignored her and went on, I know you're not innocent. I've been watching you for a while now. You know more than you let on. You're actually incredibly smart and cunning so it sickens me that you have to play this role to win favors with boys. It's not an act, said Xuan Lan quickly, sitting down next to Jezebelle. Anymore. Oh? asked Jezebelle, interested. So how old are you really? Ten. Skip grades? Hai.

Jezebelle began to laugh to herself. I was puzzled as to why you look like an elementary school student. It's because you really are part of that age group. That's a lot of grades to skip, Spring. You must be incredibly smart. Why the hell would you want to win those boys' attention? It's disgusting since I'm a feminist. How are you supposed to act when you're only ten and you're surrounded by people four years older than you? asked Xuan Lan with a serious expression on her face. She bit her lip again and held her racket close to her. How will people treat me if they know my real age? Isn't it better when people think you're just a cute, ditzy freshman girl? You're actually pretty mature aren't you? asked Jezebelle, closing in on Xuan Lan. Oy, said Xuan Lan, sighing. No... I'm not. But why? Why this act? asked Jezebelle in the best concerned voice she could pull off for now. Xuan Lan looked down. Because... I want to be able to fit in and act my age. I thought so, said Jezebelle, tapping her racket against her shoulder. You matured too fast thanks to skipping grades so now you want to act really young and cute to make up for it as well as use it to make friends. That's pretty stupid, Spring. Did you really think you can get away with this? I thought so, said Xuan Lan bitterly. How did you find out, Leader? Believe me, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. I've been around. No girl can actually be that cute without putting up an act. Are you saying cute girls are nonexistent? asked Xuan Lan suspiciously. Not at all, said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms in front of her chest now. There are real cuteness... then there's fake cuteness. I can usually smell fake cuteness from a mile away. Those girls on television I saw that day were all fake. They're catering to a male audience. They're trained to be cute. You're most likely the same, except you're training yourself to fit in. Oy, said Xuan Lan again, glancing away. High school is scary. Scary? How so? People look at you and judge you on everything, said Xuan Lan, shaking slightly. I didn't think it will be so different from elementary school... At least, I know Alejandro. You met him at elementary school, didn't you? asked Jezebelle, tossing Xuan Lan a hard look. The young girl nodded her head slowly. I knew there must be a special reason why he treats you differently than anyone else. You guys definitely knew each other from before school. Alejandro's siblings go to the same elementary school as me. Did you pick this high school because of him? Surprised, Xuan Lan gaped at Jezebelle. How do you know? Obviously, you're afraid of not fitting in so, said Jezebelle, tapping her long fingers against her arms. You would want to go to a high school where you know someone already. Isn't that how it works? Lots of people I know want to go to the same high school as their friends back in middle school.

Aren't you the same, Jesse? Jezebelle giggled at her assumption. Fuck no. I don't want to see the faces of those losers for the rest of my life. I don't care for friends. Why? asked Xuan Lan, lowering her eyes sadly. Cause, said Jezebelle, scowling. It's better to rely on yourself. Xuan Lan's eyes widened. If I fuck up, I can at least get over it. Once someone else fucks up my life, I want to murder myself and that person. I never thought of it that way, said Xuan Lan, nodding. But I still think friends are important... like you're my friend Jesse... You probably want to take that back, said Jezebelle, standing up and kicking the locker close. I'm better off as your ally than your friend. At least as an ally, you don't have to worry about me backstabbing and stepping over all your feelings and personal secrets. I don't have to worry about that with you though, Jesse! said Xuan Lan loudly after Jezebelle took a few steps toward the door. Willis told me that you're the best type of friend because you stab your friends in the front instead! You're the type of person who'll tell us outright that we're not perfect because you care. Jezebelle giggled for a long time before she said, No. I just stab you guys from the front because I can. Jezebelle turned around right at the door and smirked at Xuan Lan. After all, the view is better from the front. *************************************************** Thanks to Tiffany's skills as an organizer from being Chief-in-Editor, she managed to find the rest of her group a classroom to sit in upstairs ahead of time. She was weary that Rin and Jordan weren't really on good terms since they sat with a chair in between them. Even though they talked to each other, she could sense something stopping them from being friendly to one another. It was true that Jordan called Rin 'Nerd' all these years but they were on the same side now. Couldn't they set aside their differences? Yo Tiffany, said Bo, wrapping his arm across her shoulder playfully. Tiffany lifted a brow. You're late. Tiffany is reliable as always, said Bo with a grin. You manage to get us a room. Of course, said Tiffany, tossing Bo a suspicious look. You're in a good mood. I'm always in a good mood though! I see, said Tiffany, coughing and indicating at Jordan and Rin who were sitting with their faces away from each other. Those two refuse to get along. I've known Hamada-sama for a long time, said Bo, nodding. She really doesn't like Jordan Greene. She despises him... or so she says. What are we going to do then? asked Tiffany, sighing. I'm not even supposed to be part of this but now that I am, I want us all to work together against that bitch Jezebelle. She's one hard opponent and she's definitely endorsing Jin. She really is cunning, that hot one, said Bo in agreement. It's a good thing we have someone as beautiful and organized as you on our side, Tiffany.

Tiffany flushed brightly. N-No... I'm not that great. Thoughtfully, Bo rubbed his chin. Our meetings are practically useless unless those two get along no? Tiffany nodded sadly. Basically, we'll just need them time to work things out. However, Bo chuckled to himself. However, we don't have all the time in the world so we'll do this my way. Your way? asked Tiffany curiously. Bo placed a finger against his lips. Watch. I'll work my magic on them. Before Tiffany could say or do anything, Bo went over to the two who refused to face each other right now. Bo sat in between them and wrapped both of his arms across their shoulders. At his touch, both jumped and looked at him in surprise. However, when they saw it was only Bo, they went back to their own worlds. Hey beautiful, said Bo with a grin. Rin fumed and turned her head to him. I already have a boyfriend now Bo so you better stop- Rin blinked when she noticed that Bo was not looking at her but Jordan. Bo? Me? asked Jordan, blushing quickly. I never noticed this but, said Bo leaning toward Jordan. You have beautiful eyes. Not only was Rin speechless, Tiffany was speechless as well. The Chinese girl was standing a safe distance away but close enough to notice every little detail. Right now, Jordan looked like he got food poisoning, judging by the expression on his face. Even though Rin and Tiffany tried hard not to show any signs on their faces, Bo somehow managed to have a perfectly straight face on. So... said Bo, pushing his seat closer to Jordan. What types of guys do you like? I don't like guys, said Jordan, pushing his seat farther away from Bo. At the sight of Jordan panicking, Rin had to hold her arm against her lips to force herself not to laugh. Tiffany was in awe so she watched with wide eyes. That's what they all say until they meet me, said Bo, widening his grin. Jordan paled and fell out of his seat. Oh look at Jordan Greene now. The boy who has dated over thirty girls by now is afraid of me. Bo tossed Rin a sweet look. He's so shy that I want to hug him! No! screamed Jordan, running the other direction. I'm not into guys! Laughing out loud now, Rin watched as Jordan ran out of the room with Bo on his trails. Tiffany lifted a brow and followed Rin out of the room to watch them play tag in the halls. Suddenly, when Bo passed by her, he winked at her, as if telling her to do something. What was he asking her to do? Tiffany tried to figure it out when Bo and Jordan run back inside the classroom. The two girls went inside to watch. Right when Tiffany and Rin entered the classroom, Jordan fell over a chair and knocked Rin over on the ground. Bo grinned and left the room, dragging Tiffany by the arm. Once they were outside, Bo held his back to the door to make sure they couldn't get out. Tiffany understood now. So the plan from the beginning was to make sure that both of them get out of the room

safely without the other two. Are you sure it's safe to leave Rin Hamada in the same room as Jordan Greene? asked Tiffany cautiously. I'm sure, said Bo with a wide grin. Even if we lock Kristian with Hamada-sama in the same room, nothing will happen. Tiffany did not look convinced. Not because these guys are any less of a man but because it's Hamada-sama. Exactly like Bo said, Rin started hitting Jordan multiple times to get him off her. At last, Jordan got off her with a red face on. Rin flushed at the sight of his red face. The two of them sat on the ground for a while before they realized that Tiffany and Bo were missing. Despite them both working together to get the door to open, it wouldn't budge. Fuck, said Jordan, dropping his head on his knees. What now? They'll have to let us out when the bell rings, said Rin through gritted teeth. That's true, said Jordan, sighing. But why lock us in the same room together? It's probably some stupid prank, said Rin, rolling her eyes. Agreed, said Jordan with a nod. There was an awkward moment of silence between them before Jordan glanced over at Rin who was trying to occupy her time by reading her English book. Jordan kept staring at her black hair until he glanced away when she looked up at him suspiciously. What? asked Rin, obviously annoyed. Why do you wear that stupid sweater for? asked Jordan, trying hard not to stare her in the eye or anywhere else. What is that supposed to mean? I felt them when I fell, said Jordan, keeping his eyes away from her. They're big. You felt them, you freak? Hearing loud noises on the other side, Tiffany stood up quickly. Shouldn't we stop them from killing each other? Bo shook his head with his right hand over his chin. No, no, that's just Hamada-sama being herself. Give it a minute or two and she'll quiet down. Again, exactly like Bo said, the fighting on the other side of the door stopped. Tiffany sighed and sat down next to Bo. Even though she knew it was against the rules to leave two students alone inside a classroom, she went with Bo's plans. If nothing came out of his plan, she would make him pay later. However, she had faith in him since he knew Rin better than anyone with the exception of Jin. Eye candy, said Rin bitterly, glaring at Jordan. Book worm, said Jordan, returning the glare. Wrapping her arms in front of her chest, Rin glanced away, Whatever. I'm not going to fight with you anymore. Nothing will change between us. I don't even get how Jin can stand being friends with someone like you.

What do you know about me? asked Rin, growling. I don't get why Jin would want to hang out with you either! At least I apologize, said Jordan suddenly, upset. I don't see you apologizing to me about calling me 'Brainless' all these years! You started it, said Rin, pouting. Still, said Jordan, throwing his arms dramatically. We're on the same side now! Can't you leave your grudge against me until after we save Jin? You care for him as much as I do right? Can't you be a little less selfish? For whatever reason, Jordan's questions got to Rin. It was true that she cared for Jin. Actually, she cared for Jin more than anybody around him. Jordan knew Jin for two years. Rin had known him for seven years or so. Her friendship with him was more important than his friendship with Jordan. If there was someone who should save Jin, it should be she, not Jordan. Yes, this was how it should be. No, I care for him more than you do, said Rin fiercely. You can't say that, said Jordan, not impressed. You can't weigh your friendship with Jin against mine. They're not the same. Still, said Rin, standing up now. I'm not going to lose to you. Jordan sighed. We're on the same side. No one is going to lose to anyone else. If you think you're closer to Jin than I even if you believe they should be measure differently, said Rin slowly, placing her hands on her hips and looking down on Jordan. Think of a better plan to save him than I. I dare you to. I'll accept that dare, said Jordan, standing up as well with a fierce look on his face. As long as we play fair and agree to help one another on each other's plans. Rin scowled but she held her right hand up. You got yourself a deal. Done deal then, said Jordan, shaking Rin's hand. You have small hands. Shut up! cried Rin, releasing his hand and flushing red. She observed him quickly. Well... you have girly shoulders! That's a lie! Now, kids, said Bo, opening the door with a grin on his face. Tiffany was right behind him, relieved that they didn't do anything to each other. Let's settle down now. Since we only have ten minutes left, let's play nice. Agree? Jordan flushed and hid behind Rin without thinking. You! What are you? Homophobic? asked Rin with a teasing look on her face. You, said Jordan, gaping at her with a dropped jaw and wide eyes. I haven't forgotten how you tricked me over the phone with that Onii-chan crap! Rin started giggling to herself at the thought. Damn you woman! Tiffany and Bo watched as the two began to fight with one another before Bo chuckled and said, These two act the same way as the past two years. As upperclassmen, it's best for us to look over them. Shaking her head, Tiffany said, How troubling. ************************************************

At the tennis courts, Jezebelle and Xuan Lan went there to talk to Coach Marshall about the arrangement for today's times. Both Jezebelle and Xuan Lan had no clue what time they were supposed to come back to Wilson High after the tennis game was over at the other school. However, at the courts, Jezebelle was surprised to see that Wendy and Juliet was waiting for her. Hey bitch, said Jezebelle, amused at the sight of Wendy. Don't bitch me, said Wendy, punching her right hand into the fist of her left. I'm here to ask you a couple of questions! Sure, said Jezebelle, apathetic. She glanced over at Juliet. How about you? Me? asked Juliet, lost. Why are you here too? Juliet shyly played with her hair. I'm not sure... I'm here because Wendy is here... Good enough, said Jezebelle, walking over to the nearest bench and then sitting down with her legs crossed. So... go on? Is it true that you purposely leave me out of your plans? asked Wendy immediately. Yeah, said Jezebelle, uncaring. So what? Why would you tell someone like Kirk but not me? asked Wendy, jealous. Jezebelle rolled her eyes. This is the very reason why. You'll overreact like a bitch and bother me right before a match. You're the real bitch, said Wendy, furious. Waving it off, Jezebelle giggled, He got you good Wendy. What? Kirky really doesn't know my plans at all, said Jezebelle, pouting and twirling her light brown strands of hair. Why would I trust anyone with my plans? He was probably pulling shit out of his ass to get this kind of reaction from you and you fell for it, Wendy. If you want to be at the top, you need to be smarter than that, darling. Wendy scowled. I should have known. Don't worry, Wendy, said Jezebelle, petting her on the head fondly. I'll teach you the ways of being like me. Wendy laughed and glanced away. Jezebelle shot up her eyes at Xuan Lan. As for you, you need to work harder on your act. My act? asked Xuan Lan, obviously uncomfortable that Juliet and Wendy was here as well to hear this. Jezebelle smirked and pointed her tennis shoe to Juliet. You need to be more like this, Spring. It's more convincing. Oy... but you said innocent girls don't exist... Shaking her head, Jezebelle indicated at the spot next to her to Juliet. The junior blinked and automatically sat there just like Jezebelle ordered. Now, Jezebelle started to rub her on the head as well. Juliet didn't seem to mind though. I said there's real cuteness and fake cuteness, said Jezebelle, rolling

her eyes. Juliet here is the real deal. She's innocent to an extreme. You need to watch her and be more realistic if you wish to stay in this group. Hai Leader, said Xuan Lan with a determined nod. I have a feeling that we're being left out, said Wendy, slightly annoyed. Juliet tilted her head to the side. I'm so confused... Fi! Hearing that familiar voice, Jezebelle sighed, Here we go again. Hi Onii-chan! chirped Xuan Lan, beaming at the sight of Jin. Hey Lolita, said Jin, hugging her before noticing the glare from Jezebelle. Fi! Jin stopped and panted from running all the way from the middle of the school to the tennis courts. Fi! I need to talk to you about transportation! Since I'm team manager, I'll drive you from here to there and then back home! Don't you need permission for that shit? asked Jezebelle, flinging her hair back. She was wearing a visor currently. Or are we going illegal egg soup? I'll like that actually. No, said Jin with a shake of his head. We're not doing anything illegal. Bull crap, said Jezebelle, obviously disappointed. Jin had a proud look on his face. I planned this a few days ago so I already turned in all the necessary paperwork! Oh man, said Wendy, widening her eyes at Jin. I'm impressed yo! Thanks Wendy, said Jin with a soft smile before he turned to Jezebelle once more. Of course later on, we'll still need to take the bus to the school but for now, I'm allowed to drive both of us to our away court games! Is that all you want to tell me? asked Jezebelle, bored. Jin shook his head frantically before he took out a container. All of the girls except for Jezebelle went up to him to check what he was holding. Apparently, he made lunch for Jezebelle since it was mostly made of vegetables and kimchi. It's your first match right? asked Jin excitedly, handing her the container. Even someone as skillful at tennis as you need the energy to play well Fi! Jezebelle eyed the container cautiously. Is this edible? How mean, Fi, said Jin, shaking his head. However, Jin cheered up immediately. I woke up early this morning to make it with Mom! She lend me a hand so it should be fine. Whatever, said Jezebelle, putting it in her backpack. If I feel like it, I'll eat it. Cool, said Jin with a fine smile before he checked his cell phone. The bell's about to ring so I'll go on ahead. I'll see you at the end fourth period here! Bye Fi! See the rest of you guys later! What a nice boyfriend, said Wendy, amused. I envy you. Shut up bitch, said Jezebelle, placing her hand on her hip. Watch. He made more than enough for seconds.

Seconds for himself? asked Xuan Lan, clueless. Jezebelle smirked. No, actually. ************************************************* Walking to her third period class by herself, Rin was grumbling under her breath how she had to beat Jordan no matter what. She wasn't going to let him get away with stealing her best friend and then acting like he was the closest person to Jin either. Even though Rin was in a bad mood, she didn't fail to notice the crowd in front of her class. Rin-chan! said Kristian, waving at her. Rin blinked. What the? Once Rin got closer, she understood why everyone was crowding around Kristian. He was holding a bright, pink teddy bear. Anyone would have noticed it from a mile away. Even though Rin thought the bear was cute, she didn't say that out loud. She flushed bright red because she didn't remember him carrying that to school this morning. They went to school together after all. Where and when did he get that? Did he leave it in his locker last Friday? I missed our one-week anniversary so... said Kristian, licking his lips and then handing Rin the pink Care Bear. Rin was so embarrassed by all the stares that Kristian had to force her hands to hold onto it. Here's my late present. Kristian, said Rin in a fierce whisper. Must you do it in front of everyone? Why not? asked Kristian loudly in front of everybody. Right now, Rin was torn. She wanted to scream and hit Kristian for embarrassing her in front of everyone. Why couldn't he pick a better time for this? Yet, at the same time, she was touched he even went out of his way to get her a pink Care Bear in the first place. How should she react? Everyone was watching. Luckily for Rin, she didn't have to figure out how to react when Kristian kissed her behind the bear quickly. Happy late one-week anniversary, Rinchan. Kristian! cried Rin, bright red. You idiot! That's right, said Kristian, suddenly wrapping his arm possessively over Rin's neck. He was daring any other boy in the crowd to come near them. Rinchan belongs to me. However, instead of being happy that Kristian cared so much, Rin turned a dark shade of red and ran off the opposite direction. She had been getting stares all day because she was wearing a skirt. Now, everyone was going to find out about this. Everyone was going to make fun of her and laugh at her like always. Worst, she could already hear them calling her Kristian's newest toy. This was how her school was. For the first time since school started, she wanted to just disappear and pretend none of this ever happened. Rin stopped and panted. Stupid Kristian! Hugging the bear to her, she repeated it again, Stupid Kristian! Stupid Kristian! Stupid Kristian! ************************************************* Right when the warning bell rang, Jin slipped into his math class and into

his seat. He waited patiently in his seat for Jordan. Despite him waiting there, people randomly went up to him and talked to him about various subjects. At last, Jordan went in and was surprised to find Jin waving at him from afar. Hey, said Jordan, sitting down next to Jin. You look happy. What's up? Suddenly, Jin placed a container on Jordan's desk. Here! I made lunch for you! Unlike the oblivious Jin, Jordan noticed a couple of stares from people around him. Jordan beamed at Jin and said quickly, How nice of you Jin to make lunch for Vic. How did you know she hasn't been eating well these days? But I made them for- He's always too nice isn't he? asked Jordan loudly to the rest of the bystanders. Yeah, said the others, agreeing. Jin's always so nice. After they all left, Jordan dropped his head on the table and said, Jin, don't you ever do that again. Do what? asked Jin, confused. Make lunch for me and put it on my desk in front of everyone. Since Jordan didn't hear an answer from Jin, he looked up to find a sadlooking Jin. He was staring at the table and trembling slightly. Jordan felt bad so he quickly apologized in which Jin shook his head. It's not your fault, said Jin sadly, taking back the container. Jin thought about how he had tried so hard so far and yet, he hadn't made much progress to save Jordan. He was useless so far and this made him depressed. Much to Jin's surprise though, Jordan wouldn't let go of the container. Jordan? You made it for me right? asked Jordan, glancing away. I'll keep it. I made it as an apology actually. For? Jin lowered his eyes in shame. I told you that I would support you today when you ask your Coach to get your spot back on the basketball team but I completely forgot my duties as team manager for the Girls' Varsity Tennis Team. I can't go with you today. Oh that, said Jordan, shaking his head. Don't worry about it. Sighing, Jin continued, I hope this is enough to make up for it though. It's fine, said Jordan, smiling. This is more than enough to make up for it. I can go about it alone with your spiritual support. I'll do my best at basketball and you at team manager, okay? Promise? Of course, said Jin, smiling back at Jordan. I promise! Right when Jin started to take his binders out of his backpack, Jordan sighed and thought to himself, What am I going to do now...

Author's Note
I know it took me a while to finish this chapter but it's a bit harder to type than most. I'll try to keep this day to two chapters only. There's not much to say

except that I'll probably sort out most of the characters' arcs in the next couple of chapters. ^_^ Not all of them but the ones I've already sorted. Since I'm at the tennis girls' arc of the story, I'll try to make a chart with both the girls and boys on the teams in my free time. I fail at making charts though so if they're ugly, I'm sorry! Please comment and vote like always~ I love you all!

Kristian Shiratori

It's personal but what the hell? We only live once! Height: 5'10'' (My growth spurt hasn't come yet, that's all.) Weight: 142 lbs (Karate helps keep a fine young man like me in shape.) B-Day: March 29th (Sometimes, I feel less of a man knowing my girlfriend is one day older than me...) Blood type: O+ (Thanks Old Man!) Closest Friend: Cory (My obedient bitch. What a loyal pet, I mean, best friend.) Number of Relationships: 12 (Let's keep it that way.) Favorite type of music: Rap (Not modern rap. The good kind.) Favorite subject: Teacher Aid (I get a grade for doing nothing!) Favorite Word: Insurrectionist (You know I'm doing this as a favor for all the students out there. I should get a medal for my hard work.) Career Choice: Naval Commander (Since I'll be there for years, might as well get a title while I'm at it!)

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