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Gorgeous Geek Chapter LXIV: Boy Conscious

Chapter LXIV: Boy Conscious

Hanging out with Jennifer after school, Eunice hopped up and down, telling her best everything that happened. Eunice knew that Tiffany was completely against anything Kristian-related so she decided that she wouldn't tell Tiffany unless something big happened later on. Even though Jennifer beamed and told Eunice that she was happy for her, Eunice could tell that Jennifer was only half-paying attention to what Eunice was saying. What's worst? asked Jennifer suddenly, drumming her fingers against her cheek. They were sitting in their usual spot near the front gates of the school. Liking someone who is taken and knowing you have zero chance until they separate or liking someone who is not taken and knowing you have zero chance forever? Eunice stopped hopping. Are you talking about Faith again, Jenny? I'm happy for you, Eunie, said Jennifer quickly, patting her hand against her heart now. I really am. Did something happen between you and Faith? asked Eunice, concerned. Even though Eunice was beyond happy about what happened between her and Kristian, she couldn't remain in the same good mood when her best friend was like this. Or did you fight with Tiffy again? Eunie, I don't think I can be friends with Tiffy anymore, said Jennifer sadly, lowering her eyes and placing her elbows on top of her velvet red purse. Eunice gasped. She told me that she had been warning Faith about me even before I talked to him. How is that fair at all, Eunie? What gives her to interfere in my love life? I'm sure Tiffy is only worried about your welfare. Come on, Eunie, said Jennifer, shaking her head. How would you feel if Tiffy get in between you and Kristian herself just because she thinks he's not right for you? I wouldn't mind, said Eunice, unable to face Jennifer. Because Tiffy is my one of my closest friends and friends come before one-sided relationships... Eunice reddened and fidgeted her hands. Even though I have no chance with Kristian and I whine about it with you guys a lot, Tiffy always supports and comforts me even if she hates Kristian. I think that's really nice of her because it must be hard on her. You're always like this Eunie! Eunice blinked. Like this? Jennifer nodded fiercely. You're always so passive when it comes to your crushes. You just watch them from afar and you're content with a hello down the hallway. Eunice blushed further, knowing it was true. Why can't you be more aggressive and pursue them? He already has a girlfriend. You're an Asian Gossip Girl, said Jennifer, annoyed. We know exactly what's going on with Kristian and Rin Hamada. With some interference, they'll break up in no time. Then, you have your chance and- I can't do that Jenny, said Eunice with wide eyes. Why not? Because, said Eunice, smiling faintly. Kristian doesn't like those types of girls. But he'll never noticed you by this rate. I am the one who had to give you that opportunity today. You never create opportunities for yourself. If he likes me one day instead of Rin Hamada, said Eunice shyly. Then we'll

naturally get together. I don't want to do anything to hurt Rin Hamada. She's Jin's best friend and Jin has helped me countless times. You owe Jin, not Rin Hamada. And you're being such a romantic again. Jenny, are you really not going to be friends with Tiffy again? asked Eunice, frowning. We have been in this group for so long. That's why I'm leaving the group. I already found another Asian group to hang out with. I don't need to stay here with Tiffy anymore. But, said Eunice, upset. We can't leave the Asian Gossip Girls until Tiffy graduates! It's in our contracts! This isn't a job, said Jennifer, waving it off. Besides, I already broke one rule. It doesn't matter if I were to break another. More importantly, Jennifer beamed at Eunice. You should join me, Eunie. At the suggestion, Eunice thought about it for a few seconds before she shook her head frantically. I don't want to break any rules. Besides, Tiffy has a hard time making friends than you Jenny. If I leave, she'll be by herself. I don't want her to be all alone. It's... Eunice became tearful. Sad. See? said Jennifer, getting up. You're always like this. I'm leaving. Sitting by herself, Eunice watched Jennifer walk out the front gates. Out of impulse, Eunice pulled her camera out quickly. Since it was already on, Eunice took a quick snapshot of Jennifer. Once Eunice was done, she checked the picture she took. Her back was beautifully sad. Eunice couldn't help but sniff back tears. ********************************************** In the nearby restaurant after school, Sherry and Sidney were having late lunch together. They were celebrating how successful the science team had been since all the freshmen and sophomores joined the team. Even though they invited Arav and Lydia to join them, Arav had homework to take care of and Lydia had cheerleading practice. They didn't want to invite the twins or Rin Hamada since those two were even busier on Thursdays. Sidney watched Sherry pick the strawberries out of her dessert. It had been a long time since they ate together like this. Usually, they ate in a group or after a hike. That was it. Did Stan see the video? asked Sidney, leaning his cheek against the top of his hand. Yes, said Sherry, taking a bite of her strawberry. Did you? I did. I liked it. What happen to you that day anyways? Sidney brightened up at her question. Actually, Sherry Pie, I was with another girl that day. Sherry nodded, taking a second bite out of the same strawberry. She had a stomachache so I took her home. That's nice of you to do, said Sherry with a soft smile. It can't be helped then. At least you saw the video. You're not mad? asked Sidney suspiciously. Nope, said Sherry easily, starting on her next strawberry. Why would I be? You're always so mellow, Sherry Pie, except when you're driving of course. Those motherfuckers, said Sherry, switching to her other face. Don't they understand that they have to share the road with everyone else? Selfish bitches. There you go, said Sidney in amusement. Why aren't you more like that when it comes to me and the freshmen girls? What about you and them? I talk to them a lot and arrange dates with them and Arav. Sherry laughed. You're helping Arav find a date? That's sweet of you, Sidney.

Suddenly, Sidney slammed his cup down on the table, surprising Sherry. Coughing slightly, Sidney picked the cup back up and drank it all in one gulp. Sherry blinked, not understanding. At last, Sidney got enough courage to bring the subject that had been bugging him from the very beginning. Sherry, why aren't you ever jealous? Sherry stirred the fork on top of her plate. We talked about this before. It's because I trust you. Because you trust me, said Sidney slowly. You don't feel jealous of other girls? That's right, said Sherry, lifting her eyes off her dessert. At least, you feel jealous on the inside right? Sherry shook her head, flinging her braids around. Not at all. I dated five girls before you, said Sidney in reminder, trying to catch any sign on her face of jealousy. Sherry shrugged. Why would you trust someone like me? I just do, said Sherry, breaking a piece of the cake off. I'm nave like that. Stan wouldn't be happy. Sherry frowned. Stan should also get himself a girlfriend already. He's not badlooking and has a ton of charisma and charm. You should e-mail him and tell him to do so. Stan and I don't talk much anymore. Oh? Is that so? He's been against us from the very beginning, said Sidney in a defeated voice. Until the day we break up, I don't think he'll talk to me the same as before. Which is not going to happen, said Sherry, smiling softly and placing the piece of cake in her mouth. Because we trust each other and we're going to the same uni. Give it a couple of months. Stan will get used to it. I doubt that, said Sidney in a lowered tone. Sherry pointed her fork at him. What's with you? Why do you sound so down? I don't understand this trust issue between us, said Sidney, gazing intently at her cake instead of at her face. You trust me enough to take a sick girl to her house but you don't trust me enough to ever go up to my bedroom. I'm nave, not stupid, said Sherry, sticking out a tongue at him. Have you forgotten? I'm pro when it comes to how most insects reproduce. Which one should we talk about today? The mantis? Sidney laughed loudly to stop her. Let's not go there again. In any case, I'm way too young to think about that, said Sherry, shaking her head. And I'm not mature like Lydia and Odette. They can talk and do those adult things just fine, as if it's nothing, but I can't be like that. I just want to have fun. It's okay, Sherry Pie. Sherry beamed. I'm visiting Rin Hamada after school. You coming? I have things to do after school. That's cool, said Sherry, pushing her empty plate away. I'll call you later. After a quick kiss, Sherry left with her braids flying. Sidney watched her with a displeased expression on his face. Sherry was always like this. Similar to Rin Hamada, Sherry was serious about certain issues and self-sufficient. She drove her own monster truck. She took care of all of her pets by herself. She knew exactly how to be safe from him. Whenever they went on dates, she would invite another couple like Eddie and Lydia. Whenever they hung out at his house, she would make sure to stay downstairs, away from his bedroom. At her house, her bedroom was fine but it had no lock and she liked to leave the door open. Her father passed by often.

Unlike his girlfriend, most of the girls in his grade often came over to his house, either for fun or schoolwork. They were very boy-conscious and aggressive. They would snatch at the opportunity to go up to his bedroom. After all, he was the captain of the baseball team and belonged in a lot of club activities. They all knew what he was capable of and who he was. Since he was a boy and a popular one, he didn't mind their attention. More importantly, Sherry didn't mind either. He could do whatever he liked without upsetting her. Instead, he was upset at himself. After paying the bills, Sidney left the restaurant and walked around the school to his car. He parked near the football area because the baseball field was nearby too. He usually went home right after practice, except for today since he didn't have any. Right when he spot his car, he heard some giggling and chatting nearby. It was none other than the girls on JV tennis hanging out off the courts to wait for their turn to play after the Varsity girls. Even though Sidney didn't play tennis, he enjoyed watching it. After all, two of his closest friends David and Grim were tennis players. He stood by the outside fence and watched the Varsity girls play. Yvette and Venus were excellent like always, playing against Lexi and Xuan Lan. At the sight of Lexi, Sidney remembered what she told him a while ago about how she had to try so hard to gain the attention of boys. There really were two types of girls, Sidney admitted. The first type was like his current girlfriend, Lydia, and Rin Hamada. They didn't care much for boys in general or at least acted the part and boys automatically went after them. On the other hand, there were girls like Lexi and the other freshmen girls on the science team who would do anything to gain the attention of boys. Whether or not they succeed depended on the girl mostly. Hey Sidney! said Lexi after practice was over for her. Sidney smiled back. Hey there. Are you waiting for someone? asked Lexi curiously, looking around. Not in particular, said Sidney, laughing at the sight of Yvette screaming at Roselle again. I enjoy watching tennis. You do? asked Lexi, attaching herself to his arm. I do too! That one tennis tournament is on later today, said Sidney, going up to his car. Lexi followed. You want to watch it together at my house? Sure! said Lexi, happy. I need to call my mother first. You do that, said Sidney, unlocking his car. Once Sidney sat down in his seat, he stared at the tennis courts, thinking about Sherry again. He had always been popular with the girls. He could say a couple of lines and get any girl he wanted. They were either unsuspecting like Lexi or calculating like his frequent pursuers. But when it came to Sherry, he had to convince her to like him back. It took a lot of effort on his part. But why Sherry? Sidney knew he didn't have feelings for her or at least, the romantic type. To him, she was Stan's weird, younger sister that watched them play video games when Stan invited them over to his house. She was so into her geology and dangerous pets that Sidney and the rest of them found her an oddball. Plus, her habit of recognizing people by their shoes was a quirk none of them quite understood. Despite all this, one of them managed to really like her. There was no doubt about it. Sidney knew that his best friend Eugene was in love with weird Sherry. Stan knew it too. He actually did everything he could to get them together. Of course, Sherry was oblivious to it all and thought Stan was doing all this just to tease her. Of course, Eugene was oblivious too since he knew Sherry longer than Sidney

had. Thanks to these two reasons, it was so easy to stop them from getting together. Lately though, Sidney felt that he became too attached to Sherry. They spent almost every morning together hiking. He didn't even like to hike but he did it to please her. He hated spending money the most and he just paid for her dessert a few minutes ago. Now, even when he flirted with other girls in front of her, she didn't seem to care. She never showed a single sign of jealousy. She said she trusted him and yet she wouldn't go up to his bedroom. Sidney was getting fed up with her mixed signals. If she liked Eugene better, why did she date him instead of Eugene? Against Stan's wishes? Was it her form of rebellion against her older brother? Sidney never liked the word playboy but he had to admit as he drove Lexi in his car that he was one in disguise. He only acted like a perfect gentleman in front of Sherry because she was the only one that mattered. Before, he flirted because it was fun and easy. Now, he did it to get a reaction out of her. Since it didn't work, he felt like maybe he had to do more outlandish things. Outlandish things that will make her hate him. Anything was better than this static relationship. Anything. ******************************************************* If there was one thing Jin wasn't used to, it was a Jezebelle on her period. Even though he had only discovered about this an hour ago, it seemed surreal to him. He knew girls had periods. He just didn't know they could get it at the age of six and they could bleed this much in a short period of time. With this much blood, Jin thought Jezebelle was going to die. There was no way that would happen but Jin felt extremely jumpy because of the thought of this. In addition, Jezebelle's mood swings had been terrible. Here is the deal, Jin Song, said Wendy, wrapping her arms in front of her chest and throwing her legs on top of the kitchen table. Jin told himself that he had to wipe the table after she leaves. Jezebelle has terrible cramps... the worst imaginable. Is she going to die? asked Jin, nearly tearful. Wendy pouted at how serious Jin's face was. Yes. No! Wait! Is there a painless way to go? Are you going with her? Jin nodded weakly. Yes... So loyal, said Wendy, coughing. But no, I was joking. She's not going to die. Hurray! But! Jin tossed Wendy a puppy look. There's always a 'but'. Oh my fucking God, said Wendy, reddening and glancing away. Stop giving me those looks Jin Song! You know how easy I fall for that. Oh man. Jin blinked. I thought you're tough, Wendy. I am tough. I have to be tough to hang out with your girlfriend. I'm sorry then, said Jin, lowering his eyes sadly. Wendy watched with blushing cheeks. I won't make those 'faces' you hate so much anymore. What kind of face do I make again? Can you show it to me so I won't do it anymore? Wendy groaned. I don't hate it. Just every time you do it, I want to hug you. Is that a bad thing? Yes, said Wendy, playing with her spiky bracelet around her wrist. Because I'm not supposed to want to hug my leader's boyfriend. You hugged me in the mall before, Wendy, said Jin innocently. But that was different!

How was it different? Shaking her head, Wendy muttered, Forget it. We're not supposed to talk about our relationship. We're supposed to talk about Jezebelle. Right, said Jin firmly. Please continue Wendy. Right, said Wendy, cooling herself down. Ever since Wendy broke up with Jordan earlier this year, Jin had been the one who had been very nice and supportive of her. Sometimes, she felt like if it were Jin and he wasn't taken, she wouldn't mind dating him. It would make for a nice change since he wasn't like Jordan and he wasn't like Zack either. By watching how much Jin adored Jezebelle, Wendy wanted to know how that felt like. She thought about making Jin cheat on Jezebelle before but in the end, she was simply too loyal to the girl to do it. Though whenever Jezebelle made an insensitive comment, Wendy had that thought in her head. If she made Jin cheat, it would be two birds with one stone- she could be with someone like Jin and she could get back at Jezebelle. Alas, she was too much of a moral person. Her cramps are so painful that she can't leave the bed, said Wendy, dragging her legs off the table and sitting up straight. I have never met someone who have such cramps before. She literally had to roll on her bed to survive the pain. I'm surprised she's actually taking this so well. Poor Fi... is there anything we can do? From what I heard form her, said Wendy thoughtfully. She took these special pills before that were made for her cramps by her family doctor. Jin nodded optimistically. But since her father had left for Africa, she had no way of contacting that doctor and even if she found a way to find the doctor, it would take a while for a year supply shipment of the pill to arrive here. I'll do anything to find his phone number, said Jin, determined. It's not a game, Jin Song, said Wendy in reminder. Jin sighed. I'm actually surprised by this development. Jezebelle seems like the type of person that wouldn't forget something as important as her pills before moving in with your family. I wonder... She told me that only her father knows this and that, said Wendy, tilting her head. It's like her father controls every aspect of her life or some shit like that. Jin's eyes widened. And here, I thought she was this strong, independent woman. Maybe on the inside, she's really just the apple of her father's eye, you get what I mean? I know a girl's need for gossip, said Jin, scratching the back of his head. But I don't really want to know why her father knows everything and she doesn't. That doesn't matter at the moment. Wendy frowned. What really matters and what I want to know is how to stop this pain for her. If she's in pain, I'm in pain... I know I shouldn't talk about this with anyone but I think it's safe with you, said Wendy in a solemn voice. What's wrong Wendy? Wendy sighed and went to the refrigerator to grab a cup of water. I actually have horrible cramps before when I got my period at twelve. Hurriedly, Jin went over and poured a cup for her. Really? It was horrible. I couldn't play basketball at all. I'm sorry to hear that. Back at their seats, Wendy took a sip of her water before she continued, But by the age of thirteen, they stopped completely. I didn't take any pills or anything. Jin's eyes widened. Wow. What did you do?

Do you really want to know? asked Wendy cautiously. Yes, said Jin, anxious. Maybe we can stop the pain for Fi forever. I... said Wendy, holding the spike bracelet in her hands now. I slept with Zack. Jin's eyes widened. Is that your ex-boyfriend? It's hard for me to call him my ex-boyfriend since, said Wendy weakly, staring blankly at her cup. We never broke up. He passed away in a gang-related accident by taking the shot for me. I never knew, said Jin sadly. Again, I'm sorry. Don't be sorry, said Wendy, placing the bracelet carefully on the table and picking up her cup of water instead. I didn't have feelings for him. He only had feelings for me. It was one of those one-sided loves that worked simply because I cooperated. It's the same with Cash and I now. I don't have feelings for him but his feelings for me are more than enough to make up for both of us. I see, said Jin, trying hard to smile. I'm glad then. But you understand what this means don't you? asked Wendy in a more serious voice now. I can't believe I'm saying this but Jezebelle's a virgin. I already knew that, said Jin proudly. She told my parents that. And you believed her? Why wouldn't I believe Fi? Wendy laughed at Jin's question. You poor boy. You've been trained by her. Trained? Never mind, said Wendy, shaking her head. She's a virgin so she still gets cramps. How in the world did she date nine times before this and still be a virgin? It's a miracle. Plus, by her attitude, you wouldn't think she haven't had sex yet. Actually, I believe it, said Jin in a lowered tone. Wendy glanced in Jin's direction, giving him her full attention. Back at her former school, she only dated boys to help herself become popular and them to become even more popular. I'm not sure on the details but to me, it seems like her dating them is out of a business agreement, rather than love and affection. So what? asked Wendy, heaving her shoulders. People have sex with people they don't love all the time. That might be true but for someone like Fi, she wouldn't sleep with someone she doesn't respect, said Jin, stating it like it was fact. It's not because she cares for love or respect or any of that. It's because Fi thinks she's too good for the guy. She's better than him so why should she give in to what he wants? When you put it that way, said Wendy in awe. It does sound like her. Besides, said Jin, smiling. She's like those heroes in my video games! They're too busy saving the world to think about those things. You're comparing Fi to a video game character, Jin Song, said Wendy, smacking her forehead. This conversation just went out the window for me. Thanks a lot. Sorry again, said Jin shyly, trying to think of what to phrase it better. But you get what I'm saying. Fi only gives off that vibe but once you get to know her, you know there's no way she'll do things like that. True, said Wendy in agreement now. She dresses like a bitch and acts like a bitch but you can so tell she's one of those girls who'll just tease and punish the guy to death but she still won't fuck him by the end of it. It's like she's purposely trying to be a pretentious bitch to hook boys for fun. Yeah, said Jin, paling slightly. What you said.

She is only fourteen so I shouldn't expect her to have sex yet but she feels like a mature adult most of the time so it's still mind-boggling that there's something about her that's well, Wendy shrugged. A child. She'll kill you if she hears that, said Jin, fearful for Wendy. I don't fucking care, said Wendy, rolling her eyes. She's the bedridden one, not me. Still, Wendy glanced up at her room to make sure the lights were still on in there. But really, Jin Song, what are you going to do now? What do you mean? asked Jin, confused. I mean, said Wendy, leaning closer to him across the table. I told you how you can solve Fi's terrible cramps already. Are you going to do it or not? Yes, the pills and the- said Jin, stopping. Oh. Well, Jin Song? Your answer? Jin blushed. I can't do it, Wendy. Why not? You love her. She loves you as a servant. You're her boyfriend. She's your girlfriend. You're both under eighteen. It'll only take like five minutes. Sighing, Jin said, You don't understand, Wendy. My parents will kill me. Your parents don't have to know. I can't lie to my parents, said Jin, uncomfortable. You don't have to lie to them if they never ask, said Wendy, smirking. Jin was stunned at what she was suggesting. Do your parents randomly go up to you and ask whether you had sex with your girlfriend? Er... no? Wendy nodded. You're not lying to them. You just don't have to say anything. Who's side are you on, Wendy? asked Jin desperately. I'm here to help, said Wendy, standing up. If you don't do it, it's fine too. I'll go home and ask Dad to search out for that doctor. He's the only man who knows which type of pill Jezebelle needs exactly. Thanks, Wendy. Smiling at Jin, Wendy pushed the chair against the table. But remember, Wendy headed up the stairs. Even if I find him by today, she won't have her pills until tomorrow, the soonest. You take good care of her tonight. Quickly, Wendy said goodbye Jezebelle in her bedroom before she went down the stairs, waved at Jin, and left the house in a hurry. Jin was so thankful for Wendy figuring out the whole problem with Jezebelle. As a boy, he did not know what to say or do with how Jezebelle was now. He didn't even know what sex or period were until health class in 9th grade. His parents got him out of the health class in 7th grade for reasons he did not understand. Fi? asked Jin timidly, poking his head in her room. The blood on her sheets were gone thanks to Jin. The teddy bear was in the garage which Jin told himself he would stay up washing the blood off it. If his parents were to see the teddy bear in that condition, they might believed the worst has happened to them both. Since Jezebelle didn't have her teddy, she was hiding underneath her blankets with her back to the door. I hate you, said Jezebelle in an irritable voice. Go away. With all the courage he could manage, Jin went inside her room and sat down on her bed. Without asking her, Jin placed both his hands on her left shoulder. She didn't say or move. Taking this as her giving in, Jin began to massage her shoulder and then down her arm. Slowly and carefully, he removed the blanket over her body so that he could massage

the rest of her body. Much to his surprise, Jezebelle was not dressed appropriately. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt along with black underwear. Her legs were completely bare. Gulping, Jin tried to ignore the feeling in his chest and the rest of his body as he massaged the side of her body and then her hips and legs in a hurry. Even though Jezebelle was in a bad mood, she could tell Jin wanted to finish up the massage by the end so she turned to him. You, said Jezebelle, stopping Jin from running away. Where are you going? I'm washing your teddy bear now, said Jin, hoping that excuse would work. Come back, Jin, said Jezebelle, sitting up straight and using her forefinger to lure him back. She was in pain but she had to pretend that it didn't matter. Come back, my obedient boyfriend. Jin scratched the back of his head. You told me to leave so I'll leave. Come here! Yes Fi! Back to her side, Jin didn't know what to do now. He had already massaged one side of her body. What else could he do for her? With a smirk on her lips, Jezebelle held her left leg up to his face. Blinking at the smooth curve of her leg, Jin reddened and tried not to stare. He wanted to leave. He didn't want to stay here before he lost control. You didn't massage my legs correctly, said Jezebelle, pouting. Oh, I'm sorry. Now, Jin was trapped. He couldn't say no to helping Jezebelle. Taking her leg in his hands, Jin massaged from her thighs and down to her ankles. Jezebelle watched him in amusement. When he was done, she didn't let him leave either. She held her right leg up now. Since Jin knew how hard it must be for her, he did the same with her right leg with care. All the meanwhile, Jezebelle watched his face with a playful smirk on her face. Done, Fi, said Jin, wiping some sweat off his brow. His entire body was hot and tense but he tried not to show it. I should cook dinner and wash your bear now. Stay, said Jezebelle in a bossy tone. I really should go... No, you should stay, said Jezebelle, using her legs to wrap Jin's right arm. He tried to pull away but her grip was hard. She giggled darkly to him. My whole body is hurting so much right now and you're going to leave me? What kind of boyfriend are you? Jin felt a strong pang of guilt. I'll stay Fi! Good boy, said Jezebelle, crawling up to him and then biting the top of his ear. Jin didn't say or do anything but sat there and blushed. I know what we should do. You should start a hot bath for me like you always do. A bath is nice, said Jin, liking any opportunity to leave. I'll make it to you right now! I'll come back once I'm done! Without waiting for Jezebelle's reply, Jin darted out of the room and into the nearest bathroom. Jezebelle smirked after him. He really should have stayed a bit longer. If he did, he would know that she was going to suggest that they take a bath together. Oh well. Since he left before she said anything, he gave his consent. And there was nothing he could to take it back. **************************************************** That evening, Kristian felt like work was never going to end. He did every job possible today because one of the other workers was out sick with a fever. At least, with Jordan's help, the server job was easier than usual today. It was nice having another person who knew how to serve as well as chat to all the girls around here. His looks made him very

popular in a short amount of time. Kristian wasn't jealous, though he thought about Jordan and Rin in the back of his mind the entire time. Ever since their imaginary breakup, Kristian had been more wary of Jordan in general. He knew it was stupid but he couldn't help it. Resting on the bench, Kristian thought about the long day still ahead of him. Sure, he did skip school by lunchtime and stayed home to rest for a while but he did not feel better about anything. Everything bugged him today and his mood was going downhill. He tried to act happy and enthusiastic during his shift. Since it was over, he could let it all out once he was done moving Jordan's things back to his house. "Kris," said Priscilla, entering the room. "What's up?" asked Kristian in a bored tone. "I," said Priscilla with a shameful look on her face. "I'm so sorry!" Kristian sat up straight. "What happen now?" "You must help me no matter what," said Priscilla, teary-eyed. "I can't ask anyone else but you." "Start from the beginning, Pris," said Kristian, anxious for her. "What's going on?" "My grandmother who lives in Oregon collapsed a few hours ago." "That's horrible. Is she all right?" Priscilla shook her head. "I don't know about the details but my parents and I are going to Oregon to see her." "Wow..." said Kristian, sighing. "That's why," said Priscilla, bowing her head low. "Can you please take over my shift tomorrow? I know it's your first day off since you work here but this is an emergency." Priscilla frowned, feeling horrible. "You can take my day off next time if you want to. Please, Kris, just this once." "Hold your horses, young lady," said Kristian, holding his hands up at her. "You're leaving for Oregon tomorrow?" "Yes, Kris, yes." Kristian thought about what he was planning to do with his day off. "Fuck. I told my girlfriend I would go on a date with her tomorrow." "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to inconvenient you!" "Fuck it," said Kristian, waving it off. "I'll take over your shift. I'll survive her wrath. Your grandmother is more important." Priscilla hugged Kristian from behind. "Thank you so much Kris! I'll remember this for the rest of my life!" "Now, you're being dramatic for no reason." "I know right?" asked Priscilla, trying hard to smile. "I really am thankful." In the middle of their talk, Jordan walked in to change clothes when he noticed what was going on between Kristian and Priscilla. Jordan didn't say anything but he purposely changed out of his current shirt slower just to watch what was going on. "I really have to go now," said Priscilla, releasing her embrace from Kristian and checking the time. "I need to pack to leave for tomorrow. Tell Rin Hamada I'm sorry too, will you Kris?" "Sure," said Kristian with a sweet smile. The brown-haired girl said goodbye to Jordan on her way out. Once she was gone, Kristian released a heavy sigh and dropped his head in between his legs. Jordan just finished changing so he was going to leave Kristian alone to his brooding when Kristian motioned for him to come over. Obediently, Jordan sat down next to Kristian. "Hey Jordan," said Kristian, giving the boy a teasing smile. "You heard me lie to her


"I know," said Jordan, uncomfortable. "There's no way you can tell that banshee you call your girlfriend about her." "What should I do?" asked Kristian, sighing again. "I can't tell Rin-chan I'm working and I can't tell her that I'm switching shifts with Priscilla because of her grandmother. She's going to murder me for sure." "Yeah... she totally would." Kristian stood up and opened his worker locker. "And I'm picking your stuff up from her house too. I'll have to tell her in person that our date is canceled again." "You can always lessen the impact," said Jordan, trying to help Kristian. "How? Send her a text message?" Jordan shook his head. "If you do that, all that rage will build up and she'll explode for sure." "She does explode often." "Too often." "I don't want to lie or make up a lousy excuse," said Kristian, throwing his apron in the locker. "I'll tell her," said Jordan, receiving Kristian's full attention now. "When I grab my belongings, I'll tell her for you." "Isn't that a little suspicious?" asked Kristian, lifting a brow. "She'll get mad at the messenger instead," said Jordan, flashing Kristian a grin. "It's the least I can do after all you did for me. We are friends after all." Friends... We are friends, Kristian. "I know," said Kristian, returning the gesture. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about you and Rin-chan like that. I'm really possessive when it comes to her." "It's cool," said Jordan, leaving the room. "Though I don't see why you want to knock up that girl." At Jordan's comment, Kristian laughed loudly after the other boy. Though Kristian was almost certain that Rin and Jordan were not cheating on him behind his back, he was still suspicious. If Jordan were to get together with Sandara already, Kristian would feel better. Heck, if Jordan were taken by anyone, it would put Kristian at ease. Since Jordan's shift wasn't over until an hour later, Kristian sat back down on his seat and text his good friend Sandara, asking how things were going between her and Jordan. Over in Rin's house, Rin was happily chatting with Sherry about the science team after the other girl was nice enough to come visit Rin to ask for her health since she wasn't at school yesterday. Since Rin liked Sherry's company so much, she ended up staying for dinner and even later so both of them could study together. Even though Rin and Sherry weren't the best of friends, they had known each other since freshman year and Sherry was one of the few girls Rin liked at Wilson High so all of this was plausible. I hear knocking, said Ms. Hamada in a blissful mood, leaving the kitchen where the girls were at. I'll be right back. Make yourself at home, Sherry. I wonder if it's Kristian, said Sherry in a teasing voice. And it's so late too. Wait, said Rin, realizing who it was at this time and running out of the kitchen. Mother! Don't open the door! But when Rin left the kitchen, it was already too late. Jordan thanked Ms. Hamada for letting him in. At the sight of Rin standing with a dropped jaw near the kitchen door, he flashed her a warm smile. Much to Rin's surprise, Sherry didn't leave the kitchen to see

what the commotion was all about outside. Ri-chan, said Jordan, climbing up the stairs. I'm moving out of here by tonight. Good, said Rin after him. It's about time! We don't keep around stray dogs! Even though Jordan heard her, he didn't say anything until he came back down the stairs with his luggage and her shampoo. Without warning, Jordan petted her fondly on the head until she smacked it away irritably. You're the pet around here, said Jordan in a teasing voice. Who's your pet? cried Rin, angry. Jordan held up the shampoo to her face. I'm taking this. Thief! Seriously, this brand is excellent, said Jordan, putting the shampoo body away in one of the pouches on his suitcase. Before I get my paycheck and buy my own, I'm using this one. Thanks a bunch, Ri-chan. I didn't say yes yet! said Rin, frustrated. And you shouldn't walk in other people's houses and take their belongings without permission first! Your mother said yes. Rin glared. I knew it. I saw it coming from a mile away! Noticing that Rin was slowly becoming angrier by the minute, Jordan clapped his hand over her mouth and dragged her back up the stairs. After they disappeared, Sherry emerged from the kitchen and tilted her head. She could have sworn that voice belonged to Jordan Greene but it wasn't possible for the hottest boy of their school to be in Rin's house right? Curiously, Sherry went over to check the shoes that belonged to the person who just entered. Upstairs, once Rin was in the guest room with Jordan, he released her in which she began to scream at him and smack his shoulders several times. Rin was mad because he took her by surprise and it almost reminded her of the kidnapping incident earlier this week. At last, they both calmed down and spoke in lowered tones. What was that for? asked Rin fiercely in a whisper. I saw a truck parked up front, said Jordan carefully. Who is it? Sherry Lee? Jordan blinked. Oh. It's only her? Who else? Laughing, Jordan was relieved now. I thought that one friend of yours got himself such a huge truck to drive in. Which friend? asked Rin, suspicious now. You know, the pale one, said Jordan, trying to remember his name. Vance? Vance owns a black convertible, said Rin, shaking her head. She didn't want to get distracted. If you knew someone was in, why did you call me a pet and everything? What if that classmate got the wrong idea? That's why I called you a pet, said Jordan, annoyed. Rin frowned at him. What do you want me to call you instead? My tutor? My friend? My best friend's ex-best friend? Oh shut up Jordan. Jordan went over to the window and noticed that Kristian was still sitting in his car. Hey Ri-chan. What now? Kristian can't go on that date with you tomorrow because he got errands to run again, said Jordan, turning around to face her. He cringed back, ready to receive either a physical or verbal blow but none came. After a few seconds, Jordan returned his attention

to her face. No reaction? What do you want me to do or say? asked Rin in a defeated voice. Are you okay? asked Jordan, concerned. It's sad to say this but, said Rin, sighing. I'm beginning to get used to it. The last time I got my expectations up, they were shot down in an instant. Every single time, it's been like this. Rin clasped her hands together. He's always too busy. I'm always too busy. We can never find time for each other anymore. It's sad but I have already accepted the truth. We're in high school. We shouldn't be trying so hard to be with one another. Are you still irritated at what happened earlier during first period? asked Jordan softly to her. Rin shook her head. He has every right to be like that. Sure, I'm annoyed but at least, I can see where he's coming from so I can't really do anything about it. Jordan smiled weakly at her. At least, that's one improvement. I know already, said Rin, pouting. She felt like she was being lectured by her master. Anyways, tell him since he's too busy with errands, it's his own fault if I decide to be cold and hate him for the rest of the week. Harsh, Ri-chan. Rin wrapped her arms stubbornly in front of her chest. Just because I'm not lashing out on him now doesn't mean I won't remember this later and get mad about it. Since you two rarely see each other outside of school as it is, said Jordan, opening the door for them to leave. You should treasure every precious moment you are together with him, Ri-chan. I think that's your biggest problem. Rin rolled her eyes. Or else what? Or else, said Jordan, shrugging. Maybe some girl will steal him away. This is Kristian we're talking about, said Rin as if his name explained everything. Jordan looked lost now. There's no girl that cunning, that devious, that dark, that sexy- Rin thought of someone and then she connected the dots. I'm changing clothes. You stay here. No looking. What the fuck? asked Jordan after her. Don't tell me you're about to change and don't tell me not to look! You're just tempting me otherwise! Rin went across the hall into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. What the hell is that pet doing now? After Rin changed into her outdoor clothes, she grabbed Jordan by the sleeve and made him follow her down the stairs. Right when they got there, Sherry looked up at them from where all the shoes were at. Rin momentarily forgot she was still here so Rin blushed at being caught with Jordan. Before they could say anything, Sherry pointed at the suitcase near the front door. You've been co-habitating? asked Sherry, blinking innocently. Rin clapped her hands together and bowed her head. We're not living together! And please don't tell anyone Sherry! These are actually Kristian's luggage, said Jordan suddenly, much to Rin's surprise. He asked me to come pick it up for him. He had been staying over at Rin's house recently for, Jordan winked. You know what reasons. Sherry glanced sideways at Rin. Excuse my pun, but you have moved far in your relationship with Kristian, Rin Hamada. It's not like that! cried Rin, flushing red. If a girl like you can secure around your boyfriend like that, said Sherry, looking down now. Maybe I have been too hard on Sidney. Sidney Park? asked Jordan for clarification.

Sherry nodded. Believe it or not, Sidney and I have been dating for almost five months now and we haven't moved past first base. Oh, said Rin, uncomfortable at where she was at. I see. I hate to say this but, said Sherry with a thoughtful expression on her face. Maybe I listen to Stan too much. He's always been against my relationship with Sidney so I can never get past that first stage in our relationship. I'm just not ready for it. You want Stan's acceptance first? asked Rin curiously. To some extent, yes. There's nothing wrong with that, said Jordan, surprising both girls again. If you're not ready for it, you're not ready for it. You shouldn't force yourself to move your relationship at a pace you're not comfortable with it. Should you of all people be saying that? asked Rin, pouting at him. Jordan lifted a brow. I don't sleep with all sixty or more girls I went out with. Sure, you don't. Believe me or not is up to you, Ri-chan, since I have nothing to prove to you, said Jordan, returning his attention to Sherry now. Rin continued to glare at him. Even if Sidney wants to move the relationship forward but you don't want to, you can't help it. If he makes you, it's not worth it. But I feel like my insecurity is dragging him down, said Sherry sadly. Serious relationships are build on insecurities, said Jordan plainly. You like someone. You go out with them. There's no guarantee you'll be with each other forever. For whatever reason, Rin took everything Jordan was saying personally as she thought about her and Kristian. Relationships themselves are a huge gamble. You're going to get hurt but there's that chance you'll also be really happy until it lasts. And if by chance, you found the perfect person and it lasts for a long time, good for you. You're one of the few lucky ones in the world. Jordan... said Sherry, speechless. Is this really the boy who won't even say hi to me when he passes me in the hallway? Sadly, yes, said Jordan, sighing. But I do know your name. It's Sherry isn't it? Did Rin Hamada tell you that? I knew that for years now, said Jordan, slightly insulted. Just because I don't talk to you doesn't mean I don't know of your existence. At least, this goes for a lot of girls in our grade that are 'ignored' by me. Ever since you lost your popularity, you changed Jordan, said Sherry, smiling. That's even more sad, said Jordan, looking down. I've always been like this. I haven't changed that much. It's just that I never get the chance to show it. Sherry glanced over to Rin for help. Rin sighed and said, It's true. Nevertheless, said Sherry, bowing deeply at Jordan. Thank you for your advice, Jordan. I will leave you two alone now. I have to go home and study history by myself. Sherry wore her tiny shoes quickly before she beamed at Rin. Thank you for the food, Rinchan, though I'm glad you yourself didn't cook it. Hey, said Rin after the Korean girl as she bounced out of the house. My cooking is not that terrible! Hey you, the puppy, said Jordan, forcing Rin to turn around to look at him. She didn't like to be called a puppy. You're a bad cook? I am not, said Rin stubbornly. There's nothing to be ashamed of, said Jordan, amused. Ask Jin for cooking lessons. He's really good at making salad and spaghetti.

Rin groaned. I'm definitely not asking him. Rin tossed Jordan a weird look. You tried Jin's cooking before? Since when? A while ago, said Jordan, blushing. He made lunch for me once. Rin gaped. Like a real couple! N-No! Not like that, said Jordan, hiding his red face behind his hand much to Rin's amusement. He made the same lunch for Jezebelle so it doesn't mean anything at all! Jordan had a sad, miserable look on his face. You shouldn't get my hopes up. True, said Rin, thinking. Am I the only person who knows about your crush? Roselle does too. Interesting. Jordan indicated at her clothes to change the subject. Where are you going? I'm going with you and Kristian, said Rin in a firm voice. Why? asked Jordan, shocked. Kristian's going to visit Jezebelle tonight, right? asked Rin, receiving a shrug from Jordan. I'm going with him. I want to see her and Jin too. Either that or you're jealous. At Jordan's assumption, Rin glared and cried, I am definitely not jealous of Jin and Jezebelle together! Jordan blinked. Oh. I mean, Jezebelle and Kristian. Blushing at her mistake, Rin muttered, That too. I'm not jealous of that either! When Kristian unlocked the door for Jordan to sit in the passenger seat, he did not expect Rin to push Jordan out of the way and grab the seat for herself. Kristian gawked at the sight of Rin while Jordan went to the back seat instead with an annoyed look on his face. Thinking that Rin was mad at him for canceling their date, Kristian thought of a nice excuse to answer when Rin slammed the door close and declared out loud. We're going to Jin's house right now! Kristian looked at the rear mirror at Jordan, who shook his head, and then responded with a simple, Okay? Okay, said Rin, pouting. Step on it. Let's go. We don't have all night. Do I have to come too? asked Jordan timidly from the back seat. I really don't want to see those two together at this hour and I really need my sleep. You have to come, said Rin fiercely. No, you don't, said Kristian, starting the car and driving out into the street. I'll drop you off first Jordan since it's on the way there and then, Rin-chan and I will go see Jin and Tilly together. Jordan sighed in relief. Thank goodness. Why can't Jordan come too? asked Rin, angry at Kristian. You heard him. He needs his sleep. Rin scowled and sat back in her seat. Fine. But I'm still mad at you. This is what I deal with every day, said Kristian over his shoulder to Jordan, who chuckled. Before Rin could fight against Kristian's statement, Kristian added, And I love you Rin-chan. Never change. Rin blushed and pouted. I'm not saying anything. Even though Kristian felt guilty about not being with her tomorrow, he told himself he was doing all this for her in the first place. He was going to surprise her someday. With that in mind, he felt better. At the red light, he leaned over and kissed her quickly on the cheek, in which she complained for the rest of the way there but Kristian didn't mind at all. ************************************************

When Jezebelle told Jin to take a bath with her, of course Jin refused. He knew that she was teasing him and testing his limits like always so he wasn't going to fall for it. Though they argued for a bit, he ended up shampooing her hair outside of the bathtub as she laid in there under red water and bubbles. Since she was on her period, Jin thought using red food dye was the best. A month ago, Jin would never imagine himself sitting here on this stool and shampooing a girl's hair for her. The idea of a girlfriend never even struck his mind. Sure, he thought about relationships before when he saw his classmates walk around in pairs. Jin imagined his future girlfriend many times in sophomore year. She was supposed to be short and cute with a mild temper and shy nature. A girl that he could protect and fond over. In other words, the opposite of Jezebelle. Jin didn't even know girls like Jezebelle existed. He knew there were high-maintenance girls, but he didn't mind that. He knew there were selfish girls, but he didn't mind that either. He knew there were girls who were stronger than men and independent-minded, which again, he didn't care much. He just didn't think there was someone who had all those traits combined into his girlfriend in front of him right now. But it didn't matter because Jin loved Jezebelle with all his heart. How ironic. For example, when Spring asked him in the first week of school if he loved Jezebelle, Jin laughed it off as a joke. It was ridiculous he would fall in love with this girl forced upon him. Sure, he liked her and protected her, but only out of a sense of duty. His parents left her with him so she was his responsibility. Over time though, she grew on him. He knew all her bad habits, her favorites, and much more. Except for her past, Jin knew everything about Jezebelle. She eventually became the closest person to him too, replacing everyone else. He started to understand the world better and grew as a person thanks to her. If there was a real give and take relationship, Jin believed they had one. If there was a man who could stand her and live with her forever, Jin believed he was the only one. If there was such thing as unselfish love, he wanted that to be his. Since Jin was done shampooing her, he began to wash away the foam in her hair. She didn't say anything as she kept her eyes in front of her. The red water was so high up that he couldn't see her chest, only her neck. He was thankful for this. His mind continued to wander. When did he really start loving Jezebelle? A few days ago, Jin decided. When Grant and those Poly students took her away, he knew for sure he loved her. When he saw her on the ground being attacked on all side, he confirmed his feelings once and for all. He didn't want to lose her. It didn't matter what happened to him as long as she was fine. On both of his shoulders, he had the injuries to prove it. The proof that he was Jezebelle's boyfriend and he loved her more than anyone else. Jin truly believed this. Jin. Hearing his name, Jin broke out of his trance, Yes Fi? Is Wendy going to find Mr. Reece? asked Jezebelle, keeping her eyes straight ahead. Yes, said Jin with a nod. She'll find him by tonight or tomorrow morning. Once I find that fuck tard, I want to break his neck. Jin blinked. Fi? He was supposed to send my birth control pills a week ago, said Jezebelle angrily, growling. She smacked some bubbles away from her. Of course he fucking doesn't because my father didn't tell him to. I doesn't give a crap about what I tell him to do. I'm sorry to hear that, said Jin softly.

Jezebelle shook her head, almost smacking Jin in the face with her wet hair. You don't understand at all... what it means to be powerless. Jezebelle paused and played with the surface of the water. That's why I can relate so well to that Odette girl. To have control over one's own body is a form of escape. Your father isn't here right now, said Jin, trying to help her feel better. Jezebelle spat. I thought I was finally free after he was gone but no. It's still better than before, right? I suppose, said Jezebelle, reluctant. Though I can go without this stupid period. You'll be fine by tomorrow, said Jin, smiling sweetly at her. Suddenly, Jezebelle turned her head around to face him with hurt eyes. Since Jin had never seen Jezebelle like this close up, he was too shocked to say anything. Jezebelle continued to stare at him like she was feeling powerless and helpless like she did in bed several hours ago. That couldn't be possible could it? He didn't do anything to her yet, not that he didn't want to but because he was afraid. Wait a second. Jin began to panic. Even though Jezebelle was so mature, she was still only fourteen. He shouldn't even be thinking about the possibility in the first place. You know, don't you? asked Jezebelle, irritated now. Jin blinked twice. Know what? A way to help me without the pills. When did I say that? Rolling her eyes, Jezebelle removed her attention from him. I saw it in your eyes. You're so easy to read it's not even funny. When Jezebelle said that, Jin didn't feel insulted at all. Instead, he came to a realization about Jezebelle. She didn't know everything after all. All this time, he assumed she knew everything there was to know about life. She knew how to apply make-up like an adult. She knew how to handle high school students. She observed people and never really acted childish. And yet, underneath all that, Jezebelle was still a fourteen-year-old girl who probably liked to be spoiled by her father. Most importantly, she was a virgin. The fact finally sunk in for Jin. Wendy told me that cramps go away if, said Jin, pausing indecisively. Should he tell Jezebelle or not? He was always so honest to her about everything. Every day, when he came home from school with her, he would tell her everything he did or found out. That was why she was able to help him become popular. She knew exactly who he was as well as his relationships with all those around him. The only thing he kept a secret from her really was Jordan and his suicidal thoughts. If? asked Jezebelle impatiently. If we get married, said Jin, thinking this was the best phrasing he could come up with. It won't hurt as much anymore. Jezebelle lifted her brow at him. Wendy told you that? Yes, she did. Did she do it with Jordan within those two days? I have no idea, said Jin, reddening. Was this what girls called 'gossiping'? She only talked about her middle school boyfriend. That loser, said Jezebelle, suddenly smiling now. She didn't do it with him. How do you know? It's Wendy, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. If she did, she would have told you. I don't think she would. Jezebelle snorted and pulled her wet hair in a bundle. She totally would. I wouldn't

call it a crush but she thinks you're a really good person and admires you a lot, Jin. If you were to ask her, she wouldn't lie to you. Jin smiled softly. I see. Anyways, said Jezebelle, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. Though I don't show it, I'm not in the best shape. Seeing how you know a way to help me and decide not to do it, Jezebelle opened her eyes and tossed him an annoyed look. Pisses me off. Jin almost sat away from her, scared, until he remembered she was still naked inside the tub so she wouldn't suddenly stand up and attack him. With this in mind, Jin had enough courage to continue with this dangerous conversation. It's not that, Fi, said Jin under his breath. What is it then? asked Jezebelle, glaring. You know I can't do that to you, said Jin lamely. It's your parents again isn't it? asked Jezebelle, folding her arms in front of her chest. It's always about your parents. Why can't you move away from them? No, Fi, said Jin in a stern voice. That's not it. At least, not the real reason. You know I'll disobey my parents for you if it's an emergency like this one. What is it then? Fi, you know the answer to that, said Jin, blushing and glancing away. You're only fourteen! I'm sixteen! We have a two year difference and, Jin stopped and sighed. I'm afraid that once I help you this one time, I can't stop myself in the future and it'll be bad once I hit eighteen. What? asked Jezebelle, pouting. You think I'll have you arrested? Jin shook his head. It's just unethical, Fi. You know we can't do those things. You're so dumb, said Jezebelle, irked. Why are you worrying what will happen once you turn eighteen? I'm leaving by the end of June this year. I won't even turn sixteen by then. At the sight of Jin's horrified face, Jezebelle giggled and added, Oh I didn't tell you did I? I'm leaving once school's over. No, said Jin, depressed. I might as well tell you now than later. No! Even though Jezebelle was not usually stunned by anything, she was unable to move against Jin's embrace. For that moment, Jin forgot that she was still in the bathtub and embraced her against him. His arms were wrapped tightly around her neck, dangling off her back. Jezebelle didn't exactly return the hug but she didn't do anything to push him away either. She was actually comfortable in this position. I don't want you to leave, said Jin in a whisper. Jezebelle didn't want to show any emotion in her face or voice as she said, Everyone has to eventually. I'll be gone sooner than most people you know that's all. You should stay, said Jin, miserable. Forever. Right then, Jin and Jezebelle heard knocking so they pulled away from each other. Blushing, Jin said a quick apology to Jezebelle before he dashed out of the room. Jezebelle didn't really care whether he saw her naked or not. However, she did care that there were people over at this hour so she better picked the right clothes to wear to present herself. She had to endure the pain. It was not that hard for her to not show it. Hey, said Kristian, passing by Jin. Hi Jin, said Rin with a friendly smile. She also went pass him. Hey guys, said Jin, watching them make themselves at home on his couch. What's going on?

We're here to visit Tilly, said Kristian with a comforting smile. Is she all right? Somewhat, said Jin, nodding. Thanks Kristian, Rin-chan. You smell like soap, said Rin, making a face at Jin. Oh, you know how it is, said Jin, blushing. Rin lifted a brow. You guys want some leftovers? I made dinner but Fi doesn't want to eat any today. Sure, said Kristian, getting up and heading toward the kitchen. I rarely eat dinner until ten nowadays so I'm starving. Rin tossed Jin a stern look once Kristian was gone. What's wrong with her? With Fi? asked Jin, clarifying. Rin confirmed. You know, the monthly thing. Oh, said Rin with wide eyes. Really? Yes. Is it really that severe? Yes. Frowning, Rin and Jin entered the kitchen after Kristian. That's tough for her. I know, said Jin, sighing. I feel like I can't do anything to help her. However, Rin didn't reply to Jin because she was busy watching Kristian. Jin was curious so he paid attention to Kristian as well. It seemed that Kristian found Jezebelle before Jin and Rin did. They were sitting across from each other on the table with Jezebelle eating her mochi ice cream and Kristian staring at her without blinking. It couldn't be helped because Jezebelle clipped her hair up along with a one-piece black dress. Furthermore, since Jezebelle didn't have make-up, she looked ridiculously cute with her hair up. Rin was upset now. Kristian, said Rin, kicking his leg. Snap out of it. Huh? asked Kristian, blinking up at Rin. Rin glared at him. We're here to see if she's doing all right remember? Right, said Kristian, shifting his eyes over at Jezebelle again. He stared at her for a bit in silence before he said, Is this how you usually dress at home? Kristian! shrieked Rin, angry. No actually, said Jezebelle, saving Kristian from Rin's wrath. Today's special for Jin and I. She said Jin, said Kristian, gaping. I know she did, said Rin, annoyed at him. This is the first time, said Jezebelle, finishing her ice cream and beaming beautifully. We had sex in the shower. Everyone froze, including Jin. Isn't that right Jin? Er... said Jin, speechless. No... yes... no... Jin, said Rin, horrified. That means it's not your first time... No! said Jin, panicking. No, that's not it, Rin-chan! I'm envious, said Kristian, smirking. Well done, Jin. Jin blushed. No, she's joking. Jin whirled on Jezebelle with a pleading look on his face. Fi, tell them you're joking about what you just said. Now that I said what needs to be said, said Jezebelle, getting up and wrapping her arms in front of her chest. I need to talk to the short one. It's Rin, said Rin in reminder. Rinny, said Jezebelle, using her usual nickname for Rin. Let's talk. Girls only. I don't think that's a good idea, said Rin bravely in the face of Jezebelle's stern look. We're going to be leaving soon anyways. Don't tell me you're so attached to your boyfriend that you can't leave his side for a second, said Jezebelle, gasping at Rin.

Rin glared. No! Definitely not! You know the motto, said Jezebelle, grabbing a hold of Rin's wrist and forcing her out of her chair in one strong motion. Chicks over dicks. We're talking in my room. After they left, Kristian muttered, Tilly never ceases to surprise me. You're not worried about Rin-chan? asked Jin, surprised. Last I checked they're friends but not, said Kristian, shrugging. Tilly won't do anything to Rin-chan and vice versa. Anyways, Kristian licked his lips and returned his attention to Jin now. What's it like to do it in the shower? I've never tried it myself. Jin flushed. We didn't do anything! In Jezebelle's room, Jezebelle locked the door behind her as she went over to the sheets and touched them with a slouched back. Rin was behind her, not knowing what to do or say. They weren't exactly the best of friends but Rin knew a couple of things about Jezebelle that no one else knew about. They even went on a date and fought side by side once. Sometimes, when Rin didn't know something, she thought of asking Jezebelle for help. The last time she barged in Jin's house like this, she absolutely hated this girl. Now, Rin felt sympathetic to her. I don't fucking care what kind of pills they are anymore, said Jezebelle, stumbling on the ground. Rin didn't dare touch her but she moved in closer to see what was going on. Jezebelle clutched her arms against her stomach. Do you have any birth control pills on you at home? No, said Rin, frowning. I actually don't need them. You don't get cramps? It's uncomfortable, but, said Rin, crouching down behind Jezebelle. I'm fine without taking them monthly. Are you... Rin refrained herself from touching Jezebelle. All right, Fi-Fi? Whatever, said Jezebelle, trying to stand up. Who gives a fuck. You should probably rest then, said Rin, glancing at the sheets. They smelled new. Did you change your bedsheets recently? Duh, said Jezebelle, sitting on top of the bed now. You should look into what kind of pill is good for you. Rin's eyes widened. Why would I need them? My cramps are fine. Not for that reason, silly. Oh, said Rin, flushing at the amused look on Jezebelle's face. I still don't need it then because we're going to wait. Poor Shiratori. Rin paled. Stop it, Fi-Fi. You're horrible. You're making me feel guilty. What? asked Jezebelle innocently, glancing sideways. I didn't say anything. I'm not ready yet, said Rin, remembering what happened between Sherry and Jordan. I'm not mature enough to know what I want or don't want. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not the right person for Kristian. Rin paused and realized what she just said. Forget it. Forget I said that. You're so wishy-washy, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. It's really pathetic. You don't have to say it like that. Jezebelle laid her head down on her pillow. That boyfriend of mine knows we only have a limited time together. After the end of June, I'm not going to be here anymore. Despite this, he's trying his best to make this relationship work. Jezebelle widened her smirk at Rin. Isn't it hilarious? The couple with the time limit attached is making better use of the time they have together. Rin felt even more guilty so she simply got up and sat

down next to Jezebelle. Or is it because you and Shiratori know you have so much time in the future that you hesitate to be a real couple? That's not true, said Rin, shaking now. After senior year, Kristian and I won't be together anymore. If I get in, I'll be at Harvard. He'll join the Marines. Rin tried not to cry in front of Jezebelle. It'll be years later until we're together again. I wonder who's holding the relationship back then if it's not time, said Jezebelle, raising her eyes heavenward. Shiratori or you? Stunned, Rin was unable to reply to Jezebelle's words. In the back of her head, she blamed herself mostly for having a hard time expressing her feelings for Kristian. But at the same time, she remembered how he had to cancel their date again. At times, she was making more of an effort than him. Then, what was missing really? How come Jezebelle and Jin were making more progress than them? They weren't even in love. Jin loved Jezebelle but Jezebelle didn't return his feelings. For her and Kristian, it was mutual. What was wrong with her relationship in comparison to her best friend's? While Rin had her thinking face on, Jezebelle watched her and tried to hold back against the pain in her body. Jezebelle decided against telling Rin one more important information about how there was a third person in both her and Rin's relationship. Oh well, thought Jezebelle. She'll figure out sooner or later. Once Rin told Jezebelle that it was probably her much later, they talked about how periods were for both of them before Rin left the room. It was already midnight after all. When they came outside, they noticed that Jin and Kristian were playing video games while eating unhealthy food in the living room. Jin's father was in the kitchen, reading. However, at the sight of Rin and Jezebelle coming down the stairs, he yawned and went upstairs to his room. Rin was surprised he didn't mind to see the way Jezebelle dressed. We're leaving, said Rin, grabbing Kristian's hand. It's late and we have school tomorrow. We can't ditch school again remember? I know, said Kristian, turning to Jezebelle. You stay sexy, bitch. Jezebelle smirked back at Kristian. You too, dick. Seeing their exchange, Rin tugged Kristian's hand and indicated at the door. We're leaving now. We both need to sleep and get up early tomorrow. Later Jin, said Kristian, winking. Bye Kristian and Rin-chan, said Jin, smiling. Thanks again for coming! Once Rin and Kristian left the house, they continued to the car hand in hand. Rin thought about what kind of couple Kristian and Jezebelle would make. They both gave off this mature, dark, and sexy vibe that she couldn't stand, especially when they talked to each other. This was the exact reason why she came, though she hated to admit it. Kristian noticed the look on Rin's face and wrapped his arms around her neck. You okay? Rin smiled weakly at him. Yes. I'm sleepy that's all. Please don't misunderstand me, Rin-chan. I don't mean to give you the feeling that I want to be with you for sex or anything physical like that. When Rin heard that as well as Kristian's tightening grip around her neck, she softened up, I know. You just want to possess me. Kristian laughed. Yeah. You didn't even bother to hide it. Why bother? asked Kristian, amused. Now, it's you that's bothering me. Are you as possessive over me as I am over you? Why did you force yourself to come here even though you hate the sight of Jin and Jezebelle together?

Because... Because? asked Kristian hopefully. Because I haven't seen Jin in a long time, said Rin, thinking of a believable excuse. Kristian frowned. You didn't even talk to Jin much. Huffing, a flustered Rin went in Kristian's car without another word. Kristian chuckled in amusement at her reaction. He already knew why she wanted to come, especially what happened to them in school today and him canceling their date at the last minute, but he wanted to hear her say it out loud. Though she hadn't improved drastically since their fake breakup two days ago, Rin had definitely moved past some barriers. Kristian could only hope she keeps this up until they were both mature enough to be supportive couple. After Jin packed up his video games and then washed Jezebelle Junior by hand, Jin was relieved to head to the restroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He did this quickly before he headed off to bed. However, on his way to his bedroom, he stopped by Jezebelle's room to check up on her. Much to his dismay, she was rolling below the blanket. Jin frowned. She must be in great pain. How was she supposed to sleep tonight? Fi? asked Jin carefully. Once Jin was by her bedside, Jezebelle stopped and breathed in deeply. This shit is nothing. Jin thought he saw tears in Jezebelle's eyes as she continued. This is just another form of punishment. He's controlling me even when he's not here. Emotional, Jin climbed into her bed and held her close to him. He brushed her hair and tugged her dress strap higher up over her shoulders. Jezebelle didn't cry. She simply didn't say or do anything as she laid her head against his chest. Since her teddy bear was wet and was out to dry, Jin knew he had to be its replacement. Back then, said Jin in a whisper over her ear. At the age of six, what did you do? Jezebelle knew exactly what he was referring to. I didn't do anything. Weren't you scared at all? I was too busy looking for Tessa to think about it. How about after Tessa and the others were gone? At Jin's question, Jezebelle thought about it. I don't remember much. Is this what they mean when they say you block out things you don't want to remember? Didn't you talk to your father or your friends about it? Shrugging, Jezebelle muttered, My father eventually found out by himself and back then, I didn't have any friends. I never cared for friends so they didn't care of me either. I was always in my room back then. Jin's eyes widened. Me too. As if. Really, said Jin, frowning. I always try to please my parents so I stay home instead of hanging out with my friends. Eventually, I only had Rin-chan and my video games left. Soon enough, I prefer staying in my room and playing video games instead of socializing with people since Rin-chan was always studying. Geek. Jin smiled at her insult. It's weird. I can't believe it. My obsession over video games stemmed from my lonely childhood. I guess... Jin looked down at Jezebelle. We're not so different after all, Fi. You keep telling yourself that, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. But today, when I played video games with Kristian, said Jin thoughtfully. I don't get that rush of thrill I used to get anymore. Ever since I met you, my relationship with

video games hasn't been the same anymore. I don't need to play it all the time anymore. What are you going on about now? asked Jezebelle in interruption. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, said Jin, feeling his heart beat in his chest. Since Jezebelle's head was there, Jin wondered if she could hear it too. I got over my loneliness. I don't need to fill that void with video games anymore. I have you now, Fi. Jezebelle pouted. That's like the lamest pick-up line I have ever heard. It wasn't supposed to be a pick-up line... It doesn't matter, said Jezebelle, sitting up straight and tilting her head so that their lips touched. Because it worked. After a quick kiss, Jin got off her bed, turned off the lights, closed the door tightly, and returned back to her bed.

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