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Formal E-mail

Dear sir Salazar, My name is Camilo Romero. I am contacting you in regards to the meeting which will be done in Santoss house on March 29th.

The main objective of this meeting is to socialize and meet each other as people and not as fellow students that we tend to be. Also with the purpose of establishing a date and costs for the picnic that has been planned throughout the semester. If you decide to go please prepare an activity and be sure of wear comfortable clothes because it could be done physic activities.

Yours cordially, Camilo Romero Manager English Group 5 Events.

Semiformal E-mail

Dear Jhonatan, My name is Camilo Romero. I am writing to let you know the meeting will be done in Santoss house on March 29th.

The main objective of this meeting is to interact and meet each other as people and to put aside academic activities. Also with the purpose of establishing a date and costs for the picnic that has been planned throughout the semester. If you decide to go please prepare an activity and be sure of wear sport clothes because it could be done physic activities.

Best regards, Camilo Romero Manager English Group 5 Events.

Informal E-mail

Hey Jhonatan, My name is Camilo Romero. I am glad to inform you that we will do the meeting in Santoss house on March 29th.

The main objective of this meeting is to socialize and have some fun dancing, drinking, talking and so forth. Also we will establish a date and costs for the picnic that has been planned throughout the semester. If you want to go please prepare a nice activity and be sure of wear sneakers and sport clothes because we could do physic activities.

See you there, Your cool classmate Camilo Romero Manager English Group 5 Events

Formal letter

Chamon neighborhood Florencia Caquet 29th March, 2013 57 + 3112358839 Susana Portela, Secretary, Sausages and Horses Company, 34 La Salle St, Florencia Caquet Dear sir Salazar: I am writing to inform you that I have resigned from my position as manager in Jabones el Rey Company. After 4 years working in Jabones el Rey Company I feel ready to tackle new challenges. I would like to find a job as manager in which I could put into practice mi knowledge in legal representation and at the same time improve my knowledge in administration. If you know a person or company that could be interested in an employee with my profile, I would ask you to deliver the resume attached. Whether or not you can help me find the job I want to appreciate you have taken the time to consider my request.

Yours sincerely, Camilo Romero

Semiformal letter

Chamon neighborhood Florencia Caquet 29th March, 2013 57 + 3112358839

Dear Jhonatan: I am writing to let you know that I have resigned from my position as manager in Jabones el Rey Company. After 4 years working in Jabones el Rey Company I feel ready for new challenges. I would like to find a job as manager in which I could put into practice mi knowledge in legal representation and at the same time improve my knowledge in administration. If you know a person or company that is interested in an employee with my skills, I would ask you to deliver the resume attached. Whether or not you can help me find the job I want to appreciate you have considered my request.

Regards, Camilo Romero

Informal letter

Chamon neighborhood Florencia Caquet 29th March, 2013 57 + 3112358839

Dear Jhonatan: I am writing to tell you that I have resigned from my position as manager in Jabones el Rey Company. After 4 years working in Jabones el Rey Company I feel I need new challenges. I want to find a job as manager in which I could put into practice all my knowledge and my skills. If you know a person or company that needs an employee with my skills, I would be grateful if you recommend me. If you cannot help me find the job anyway I appreciate you have read this letter.

Regards, Camilo Romero

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