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nehemias: Hi! Can you help me, please? carolina: Yes of course.

nehemias: Do you know where the Shanon hotel is? carolina: Yes. Do you see that big poster? Well there it's the place you have to turn nehemias: Do I have to turn towards the right or the left? carolina: You've to turn towards the right and there you will see it darwin:Oh! My God! Do you mean there it is the Shanon hotel? No there you can find the Cinema. nehemias: So where I have to go? To the left? carolina: Don't listen to him. He is mad darwin: The one who is crazy isn't me! While the couple was arguing the tourist goes to another couple. nehemias: Hello, Do you know where the Shanon hotel is? carolina: Yes, just here, you only have to turn to the left and you'll see it. patricio: No is not here, you have to walk during an hour. nehemias: Please, don't! Don't start again! I need to know where it is. Normally I wake up at six o'clock and strech a little in my bed. After several minutes I get up and put my jogging clothes on. On my tip toes (because I don't want to wake everybody up) I begin a forty minutes walk and jogging. In the morning very early ,it is a pleasure to breath profoundly, it seams that I renew and clean up my lungs. At seven o'clock I come back home and I can smell the coffee brewer my mom put on.,and I give her a big morning hug so as for everybody who is already up.But first of all I take a good shower,put on some fresh

clothes, a bit of make up and comb myself neetly. Last point: a little lotion behind my ears !Now I am ready to conquer the world.. After a little breakfast and leave my room tidy I am ready to go to school. You all know what school is about, so I will not mention it too extensively. Yes of course we have a break at eleven o'clock, it is the moment when we all have a good chat. Back home at four,I prepare myself for sport: I use to play basquetball.At six,all my family is usely together to have dinner and share the moments of our day. After that I make my home work, go downstairs to see t.v..At ten o'clock I take another brief shower and go to bed. Sweet dreams, body! Normalmente me levanto a las seis y estirar un poco en mi cama. Despus de varios minutos me levanto y me pongo mi ropa de correr en. En mis puntas de pie (porque no me quiero despertar a todo el mundo) Comienzo de cuarenta minutos a pie y correr. Por la maana muy temprano, es un placer de respirar profundamente, costuras que renuevo y limpiar mis pulmones. A las siete vuelvo a casa y puedo oler la cafetera mi mam puso., Y yo le doy un gran abrazo maana as como para todos los que ya se up.But en primer lugar me tomo una buena ducha, se puso algo de ropa limpia, un poco de maquillaje y peinar yo neetly. ltimo punto: un poco de locin detrs de las orejas Ahora estoy listo para conquistar el mundo .. Despus de un pequeo desayuno y salir de mi habitacin ordenada Estoy listo para ir a la escuela. Todos ustedes saben lo que la escuela est a punto, as que no voy a mencionar tambin ampliamente. S, por supuesto, tenemos un descanso a las once, es el momento en que todo lo que tenemos una buena charla. De vuelta a casa a las cuatro, me

preparo para el deporte: que utilizo para jugar basquetball.At seis, toda mi familia es usely juntos para cenar y compartir los momentos de nuestro da. Despus de que hago mi trabajo a domicilio, ir abajo para ver tv.At diez tomo otra breve ducha e ir a la cama. Dulces sueos, cuerpo!

Lesson Plan for Talking about Schedules and Routines

People frequently talk about their daily or weekly routines and schedules, especially with family or friends. They may do so just out of curiosity or because they want to plan an event. When talking about daily schedules and routines adverbs of frequency are used to indicate how frequently you do things. Look at these common adverbs of frequency.
100% always all the time 80% usually most of the time 50% sometimes occasionally 20% seldom rarely 0% never not at all

Everyone has some kind of schedule or daily routine. They get up at a certain time, eat at a certain time, go groceryshopping on a certain day. For some people, schedules are very fixed and regimented. For others, schedules may be very flexible and varying. Most people have things on their schedules that have to be done, no matter what- like go to work, feed the baby, or taking medicine. Sometimes these things happen daily, sometimes weekly, and sometimes less frequently. No matter when or how often things are done, there are several expressions that can be used to ask or talk about about schedules, routines, and expressing obligations. Look at the examples below. Expressions when asking about schedules Expression: What time ( do you go to work)? Response: I usually leave the house around 7:30. Expression: What day do ( you usually do laundry)? Response: I usually do it on Saturday afternoons. Expression: When and where do ( you exercise)? Response: I go to a gym everyday in my neighborhood. Expressing Obligation Expression: I must go to ( class this morning). Response: Why? Do you have a test? Expression: He has to ( be at work by 8:00 AM) Response: What happens if he is a little late?

Expression: Im expected to ( visit my grandmother every Sunday afternoon). Response: Does she get upset if you dont show up? Expression: On Friday afternoons, I am supposed to ( deposit the stores weekly sales income in the bank). Response: Will you get fired if you dont? Expression: All applicants are required to ( have an eye vision test before getting a drivers license). Response: If your vision is poor, will they deny you a drivers license? ** Expected to and supposed to are primarily used to express intentions, not absolutes. Use have to to express something definite.

Dialogue about Talking about Daily Routines

Claudia: What time do you usually wake up Bridgette? Bridgette: Usually Im up by 6:00, even on weekends. Claudia: Why do you get up so early? Bridgette: I always exercise for an hour before getting ready for work. Claudia: When do you go to work? Bridgette: I leave my house at 8:30 and arrive at the office a little before 9:00. Claudia: When do you eat lunch? Bridgette: It depends on my schedule, anywhere from 11:30 to 2:00. Claudia: Where do you eat? Bridgette: Usually at my desk, Im too busy to take a full hour for lunch. I either bring my lunch from home or order food and have it delivered. Claudia: What time do you leave the office for the day? Bridgette: I try to get out of there by 6:00, but sometimes I work until 6:30 or 7:00. Claudia: What do you do after work? Bridgette: I go home and cook dinner, feed my cat, and watch TV or listen to music until I go to bed. On weekends I usually go out with friends. Claudia: What time do you go to bed? Bridgette: I go to bed by 10:30, but I read for at least a half an hour before I fall asleep.

Conversation Activities for Talking about Schedules and Routines

1. Pair work- discussion Tell your partner what your daily schedule is like. Be specific and detailed. Discuss what you do from the time you wake up until you go to bed, on weekdays and weekends. 2. Pair work-discussion Tell your partner some of the things that you have to do or are expected or supposed to do during the week. Your partner should continue the conversation by asking questions about when, why, and what happens if you do not do the thing.

3. Pair Work- discussion Do you ever play tennis? Ask your partner if they ever do any of the activities listed below. Ask other questions to get more information about when and, what time, where, how often, with who, cost, etc.
Swim in the ocean Go camping Sing karaoke Sky or scuba dive Watch foreign movies Cook pizza Knit Go on double dates Study all night Wake up late Ride the subway Play board games Buy expensive clothes Go to the zoo Write poetry Ride a motorcycle Argue with parents Go bowling Lift weights Ride a roller coaster Go to the theater

Laurie: So, what are your plans for this weekend? Christie: I dont know. Do you want to get together or something? Sarah: How about going to see a movie? Cinemax 26 on Carson Boulevard is showing Enchanted. Laurie: That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should go out to eat beforehand. Sarah: It is fine with me. Where do you want to meet? Christie: Lets meet at Summer Pizza House. I have not gone there for a long time. Laurie: Good idea again. I heard they just came up with a new pizza. It should be good because Summer Pizza House always has the best pizza in town. Sarah: When should we meet? Christie: Well, the movie is shown at 2:00PM, 4:00PM, 6:00PM and 8:00PM. Laurie: Why dont we go to the 2:00PM show? We can meet at Summer Pizza House at noon. That will give us plenty of time to enjoy our pizza. Sarah: My cousin Karen is in town. Can I bring her along? I hate to leave her home alone. Christie: Karen is in town? Yes, bring her along. Laurie, you remember Karen? We met her at Saras high school graduation party two years ago. Laurie: I do not quite remember her. What does she look like?

Sarah: She has blond hair, she is kind of slender, and she is about your height. Laurie: She wears eyeglasses, right? Sarah: Yes, and she was playing the piano off and on during the party. Laurie: I remember her now. Yes, do bring her along Sara. She is such a nice person, and funny too. Sarah: She will be happy to meet both of you again. Christie: What is she doing these days? Sarah: She graduated last June, and she will start her teaching career next week when the new school term begins. Laurie: What grade is she going to teach? Sarah: She will teach kindergarten. She loves working with kids, and she always has such a good rapport with them. Christie: Kindergarten? She must be a very patient person. I always think kindergarten is the most difficult class to teach. Most of the kids have never been to school, and they have never been away from mommy for long. Sarah: I think Karen will do fine. She knows how to handle young children. Laurie: I think the first few weeks will be tough. However, once the routine is set, it should not be too difficult to teach kindergarten. Christie: You are right. The kids might even look forward to going to school since they have so many friends to play with. Sarah: There are so many new things for them to do at school too. They do a lot of crafts in kindergarten. I am always amazed by the things kindergarten teachers do. Laurie: Yes, I have seen my niece come home with so many neat stuff. Christie: Maybe we can ask Karen to show us some of the things that we can do for this Halloween. Laurie: Maybe we can stop by the craft store after the movie. What do you think, Sara?

Sarah: I will talk to her. I think she will like that. It will help her with school projects when Halloween comes. Christie: Michaels is a good store for crafts. It always carries a variety of things, and you can find almost anything there. Laurie: There is a Michaels store not far away from Cinemax 26. I believe it is just around the corner, on Pioneer Avenue. We can even walk over there. Sarah: So, we plan to meet for pizza at noon, go to the movies at two, and shop at Michaels afterward. Right? Laurie and Christie: Yes.

Laurie: Entonces, cules son tus planes para este fin de semana? Christie: No lo s. Quieres estar juntos o algo as? Sarah: Qu va a ver una pelcula? Cinemax 26 en Carson Boulevard est mostrando Encantado. Laurie: Eso suena como una buena idea. Tal vez deberamos ir a comer de antemano. Sarah: Est bien conmigo. Dnde quiere conocer? Christie: Nos vemos en verano Pizza House. No he ido all por un largo tiempo. Laurie: Buena idea otra vez. He odo que slo ocurri una nueva pizza. Debe ser bueno porque Summer Pizza House siempre tiene la mejor pizza de la ciudad. Sarah: Cundo debemos cumplir? Christie: Bueno, la pelcula se muestra a 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00. Laurie: Por qu no vamos a la 14:00 show? Podemos encontrarnos en verano Pizza House al medioda. Eso nos dar tiempo de sobra para disfrutar de nuestra pizza. Sarah: Mi prima Karen est en la ciudad. Puedo traerla? Odio tener que dejar su casa sola. Christie: Karen est en la ciudad? S, traerla. Laurie, te acuerdas de Karen? Nos la encontramos en

De la fiesta de graduacin de la escuela secundaria hace dos aos, Sara. Laurie: No me acuerdo de ella. Qu aspecto tiene? Sarah: Ella tiene el pelo rubio, que es una especie de delgada, y es acerca de su estatura. Laurie: Lleva gafas, no? Sarah: S, y ella tocaba el piano de vez en cuando durante la fiesta. Laurie: la recuerdo ahora. S, hacer traerla Sara. Ella es una persona muy agradable y divertido tambin. Sarah: Ella estar encantado de conocer a los dos de nuevo. Christie: Qu est haciendo en estos das? Sarah: Se gradu en junio pasado, y ella va a empezar su carrera docente la prxima semana cuando el nuevo Comienza curso escolar. Laurie: En qu grado se le va a ensear? Sarah: Ella te ensear kindergarten. Le encanta trabajar con nios, y ella siempre tiene esa buena relacin con ellos. Christie: Kindergarten? Debe de ser una persona muy paciente. Siempre pienso que es el jardn de infantes clase ms difcil de ensear. La mayora de los nios nunca han ido a la escuela, y nunca tienen estado lejos de mam por mucho tiempo. Sarah: Creo que Karen lo har bien. Ella sabe cmo manejar los nios pequeos. Laurie: Creo que las primeras semanas sern difciles. Sin embargo, una vez que la rutina se establece, no debera ser muy difcil ensear jardn de infantes. Christie: Tienes razn. Los nios pueden incluso tenemos ganas de ir a la escuela ya que tienen muchos amigos para jugar. Sarah: Hay tantas cosas nuevas para que lo hagan en la escuela tambin. Hacen un montn de la artesana en

kindergarten. Siempre estoy sorprendido por las cosas que hacen los maestros de kindergarten. Laura: S, he visto a mi sobrina a casa con tantas cosas interesantes. Christie: A lo mejor podemos pedir Karen para mostrarnos algunas de las cosas que podemos hacer por este Halloween. Laurie: Tal vez podamos pasar por la tienda de artesana despus de la pelcula. Qu piensa usted, Sara? Sarah: Voy a hablar con ella. Creo que le gustar. Le ayudar con proyectos de la escuela cuando Viene Halloween. Christie: Michael es una buena tienda de artesana. Siempre lleva una variedad de cosas, y se puede encontrar casi cualquier cosa all. Laurie: Hay una tienda de Michaels no muy lejos de Cinemax 26. Creo que es a la vuelta de la esquina, el Pioneer Avenue. Incluso podemos caminar por all. Sarah: Entonces, tenemos la intencin de cumplir con la pizza al medioda, vamos al cine a los dos, y comprar en Michael despus. Cierto? Laurie y Christie: Si.

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