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U! FEATURE 14 theSun U!

| TUESDAY APRIL 21, 2009

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat. ● extreme fatigue

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of illness, ● rapid weight loss from an unknown cause
disability, and death from health complications such as (more than 10 lbs. in two months for no reason)
diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. ● appearance of swollen or tender glands in the
Diabetes is characterized by the inability of the body neck, armpits or groin, for no apparent reason,
to produce adequate amounts of the enzyme insulin, lasting for more than four weeks
which leads to high blood sugar levels that damage ● unexplained shortness of breath, frequently
the organs in the body over time. Heart disease, such accompanied by a dry cough, not due to allergies
as clogged arteries, are caused by an accumulation or smoking
of bad cholesterol (low density lipids) on the walls of ● persistent diarrhea
the arteries and puts one at risk of a stroke, and high ● intermittent high fever or soaking night sweats
blood pressure is a condition where blood pressure is of unknown origin
abnormally high, putting ones’ body at risk for extra ● a marked change in an illness pattern, either in
stress and of burst arteries. All these are risks that are frequency, severity, or length of sickness
caused by obesity. ● appearance of one or more purple spots on the
decisions Most commonly, obesity is judged by the Body Mass surface of the skin, inside the mouth, anus or
● fatigue and decreased energy Index, where a BMI of 30 and above is considered nasal passages
obesity. BMI is calculated The
by majestic
dividing weight Halong
(in kg) Bay.
● whitish coating on the tongue, throat or vagina
● feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
● feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism over height (squared, in metres). ● forgetfulness, confusion and other signs of
● insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping Obesity: Warning Signs mental deterioration
● irritability, restlessness An alarming increase in body fat and weight and the People who are not infected with HIV may also
● loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable presence of large amounts of fatty tissue. Obesity can develop these diseases; the presence of any one
● overeating or appetite loss also give rise to several other conditions, including: of these conditions does not mean the person has
● persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive ● Arthritis and other problems with bones and muscles, AIDS. To be diagnosed with AIDS, a person must
problems that do not ease even with treatment such as lower back pain be infected with HIV.
● persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings ● Heartburn AIDS/HIV: Prevention and Intervention
● thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts ● High cholesterol levels Work together to form a system that educates
In many cases, depression leads to suicide, and the symptoms of ● High blood pressure the youth about AIDS and HIV; how they can get
depression with suicide includes: ● Menstrual problems infected, and what are the consequences. Lack of
● a sudden switch from being very sad to being very calm or ● Shortness of breath education is often the most dangerous cause to
appearing to be happy ● Skin disorders the rising number of AIDS infections, and hence,
● always talking or thinking about death d Intervention (and Prevention) proper guidance and education is absolutely
● clinical depression (deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping The best way to prevent obesity is to avoid a high crucial to
and eating) that gets worse intake of fats. The National Cholesterol Education teach the
● having a "death wish," tempting fate by taking risks that could lead Program suggests that no more than 30 percent of the young what
to death, like driving through red lights calories people eat should come from fats. A good way they need
● losing interest in things one used to care about to monitor one’s diet is to keep a detailed food diary. to know
● making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless That way, one will know exactly how many calories to protect
● putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a will are consumed in a day and where those calories come themselves.
● saying things like "It would be better if I wasn't here" or "I want from.
out" A program of vigorous exercise is also very 5. Smok-
● talking about suicide (killing one's self) important. Activity is the only way that calories are ing: What
● visiting or calling people one cares about used up. The more active a person is, the less likely that is it?
Depression: Intervention calories will be converted into fat. The act
Call a local suicide hotline, such as the Befrienders, to seek An important tip to reduce the risk of being obese of inhaling
advice or help in dealing with a loved one or a friend whom you is to watch what and how much one eats. Keep a food smoke from
suspect suffers from depression. Do not hesitate to speak to him/ diary listing the foods one eats each day. Watch out lighting a
her, for sometimes the best thing to do is to be a listening ear. Be also for how you responds to food. As eating can reflect cigarette;
understanding, and be supportive. Get help from mental health psychological issues –a person under stress may binge, cigarettes which contain nicotine, tar and 4000
expert if necessary. Do not take threats of suicide lightly. it is important to be able to find other ways of dealing other chemical compounds which are known to be
If facing depression and suicide, get help immediately. Talk to with emotional issues besides eating. toxic carcinogens.
someone, do not despair that there is no one to talk to. Watch also how you spend your time. Many obese Smoking: Health Risks and Warning Signs
people have little It is often difficult to pinpoint symptoms of those
or no exercise. By
3. Obesity, Diabetes and Heart Disease: What is it? who are smoking, but some symptoms can be
making exercise observed:
a regular part of ● bad breath
your life, you may ● stained teeth
b e able to keep ● shortness of breath
i t off. ● constant smell of smoke on clothes and hair
● lack of appetite
4. Smokers run the risk of :
AIDS/HIV: ● High blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attacks
What is it? and stroke.
AIDS stands ● Heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema.
for Acquired ● Worsening asthma and counteracts asthma
Immune medication by worsening the inflammation of the
Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a airways that the medicine tries to ease.
serious condition that weakens the ● The blood vessels in the eye are sensitive and can
body’s immune system, leaving it be easily damaged by smoke, causing a bloodshot
unable to fight off illness. appearance and itchiness.
AIDS is the last stage in a progression of diseases ● Heavy smokers are twice as likely to get macular
resulting from a viral infection known as the Human degeneration, resulting in the gradual loss of eyesight.
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV or AIDS virus). The ● Smokers run an increased risk of cataracts
diseases include a number of unusual and severe ● Smoking stains your teeth and gums, and of
infections, cancers and debilitating illnesses, resulting in periodontal disease, which causes swollen gums, bad
severe weight loss or wasting away, and diseases breath and teeth to fall out.
affecting the brain and central nervous system. ● Smoking also affects your looks: smokers have paler
AIDS/HIV: Warning Signs skin and more wrinkles. This is because smoking
Immediately following infection with HIV, reduces the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels
most individuals develop a brief, nonspecific of vitamin A.
“viral illness” consisting of low grade fever, Smoking: Prevention and Intervention
rash, muscle aches, headache and/or fatigue. Take charge of your life and say no to temptation.
Like any other viral illness, these symptoms Find other ways to release the stress of life and work;
resolve over a period of five to 10 days. Then for exercise, music, sports or even movie outings can help
a period of several years (sometimes as long as take the stress out of life. Do not fall for the ‘cool’ image
several decades), people infected with HIV are that smoking so-called represents. There is nothing
asymptomatic (no symptoms). However, their cool about looking years older or having bad breath.
immune system is gradually being destroyed by Help someone kick the habit by supporting them
the virus. When this destruction has progressed through the process, or, if you are trying to quit
to a critical point, symptoms of AIDS appear. smoking also, do it together so the chances of success
These symptoms are as follows: are increased.

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