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CHELSEA SHARON MIRANDA / 1012150018 / TRANSLATION 2 Mahasiswa Indonesia dan Kampus Mereka Indonesian Students and Their Campus

Many constraints happen to Indonesian students which scattered in dozens of college at England. Starts at the custom adaptation to academic matters. Its really under-reported by the managers of the campus where theyre studying. Therefore, the university take some steps to help them. However, the succeded of students are also the achievements for the university. According to Louise Smith, the administrator for East Asia Team in International Office, University of Southhampton, presently there are ten Indonesian students studying in his university. The constraint of Indonesian students typical are their ability to speak in English. We offers a wide variety of online or face-to-face courses to help them, said Smith. Meanwhile, there are four students studying in Goldsmiths, University of London New. Their constraints are bigger than their friends in Southhampton. Unfortunately, it is financial things, said Lesley Hewings, Student Recruitment Officer (Postgraduate) at this university. According to Hewings, this is too bad because the Indonesian students are hardworker, diligent, and also good listeners. Goldsmith helps the students by held 16 competitively appreciations which is equivalent with college fee 1500 for the international students who applied for full-time taught post graduate programme. In both campus, there is no alumnae organization from Indonesian because the number of Indonesian students are very few. Our plan in to start it next year, said Smith. To enhance the students from Indonesia, University of Southhampton establishes cooperation with British Council and offering full scholarship for three students which will study for about 18 months at three Europe countries starting 2008. Its offered only for the students from Aceh. (to be continued)

Kuliah di negeri jauh memang sebuah tantangan tersendiri. Banyak kendala yang dialami ribuan mahasiswa Indonesia yang tersebar di puluhan perguruan tinggi di Inggris. Mulai penyesuaian budaya sampai urusan akademik. Hal ini sangat disadari oleh para pengelola kampus tempat mereka belajar. Oleh sebab itu, pihak universitas melakukan sejumlah langkah untuk membantu mereka. Bagaimanapun, kesuksesan mahasiswa berarti keberhasilan perguruan tinggi tempat mereka belajar juga. Menurut Louise Smith, administrator untuk East Asia Team di International Office, University of Southampton, saat ini ada sepuluh mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di tempatnya. Kendala yang tipikal mahasiswa Indonesia di kampusnya adalah kemampuan mereka berbahasa Inggris. Kami menawarkan berbagai kursus online maupun tatap muka untuk membantu mereka, ujar Smith. Sementara itu, mahasiswa yang studi di Goldsmiths, University of London New, ada empat orang. Kesulitan mereka lebih besar ketimbang rekan-rekan mereka di Southhampton. Keuangan, itu sayangnya, ujar Lesley Hewings, Student Recruitment Officer (Postgraduate) di universitas ini. Menurut Hewings, kendala ini patut disayangkan karena mahasiswa Indonesia di tempatnya semua pekerja keras, tekun, pendengar yang baik, dan sungguh-sungguh. Prestasi akademik mereka pun tak jelek. Cara yang ditempuh oleh Goldsmiths untuk membantu adalah menggelar 16 penghargaan kompetitif yang nilainya setara dengan uang SPP 1500 bagi mahasiswa internasional yang melamar untuk full-time taught post graduate programme. Dari kedua kampus tersebut, belum ada organisasi alumni asal Indonesia karena jumlah mahasiswa asal Indonesia memang masih sangat sedikit. Kami berencana memulainya tahun depan, ujar Smith. Untuk menambah mahasiswa asal Indonesia, University of Southampton menjalin kerja sama dengan British Council menawarkan beasiswa penuh untuk tiga mahasiswa yang bakal menjalani studi selama 18 bulan di tiga negara Eropa mulai tahun 2008. Hanya saja, tawaran kali ini khusus bagi mahasiswa asal Aceh. (Bersambung)

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