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HIS1GMS, Assessment task 1B. Steven Truong John Izzard postulates that the academic nation-haters are rewriting the history of the White Australia Policy. This extremely conservative stance in Izzards article The Deceit of Immigration Nation, 1 published in the magazine Quadrant. Attacks the documentary Immigration Nation: Secret History of Us,2 arguing the case that the academics are bias in portraying the Australian past of settlement as full of bloodshed and degradation to the Indigenous people of Australia as well as exclusion for the majority of the people of world in terms of their immigration policy. Izzard denies these claims and counters with an attack on the way the documentary itself was made and filmed. Citing it as propaganda (Izzard, 2011, p. 28) Izzards opinion does not altogether reflect the arguments and evidence put forward in Immigration nation. Instead it weakly tries to find miniscule flaws to degrade the quality of the documentary. Trumped-up charges of genocide; the imaginative creation of the Stolen Generation. (Izzard, 2011, p. 28) Are Izzards feeble attempt of an illusion of righteousness in white mans role in an atrocity of human rights to their fellow Australians. There is no place in this brave new world for the aboriginal people, the first Australians were beneath contempt. (Narrator, Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us, Episode 1). Viewed as a relic of an early stage of human development. (Professor. Andrew M, Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us, Episode 1)

Izzard, J. The Deceit of Immigration Nation, Quadrant Magazine Company (Online), Inc. March 2011, Volume 55, Issue# 3, page 28. Viewed 21st of March 2 Hickey, J. (Director & Producer), Shackleford, B. (Director), 2011, "Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us", SBS Australia, Australia. Episodes 1-3.
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The Aboriginal race and culture only survived to the 19th and 20th century due to a quirk of fate and scientific delusion of the time believed that Aboriginals would become extinct. (Professor. Lake. M, Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us, Episode 1). From the beginning of federation the ugly head of racism presented itself within the Constitution of Australia, firstly with section 51 (XXVI) 3 created different laws for different states on the treatment and policies for the Aboriginal people and section 127 4 excluded Aboriginals from any census. These laws and policies from federation all the way to 1970s created what is now known as The Stolen Generation.5 Even with Izzards denial of these events the Inquiry of 1997 document Bringing them Home, found that; that the separation of Indigenous people from their families as children and the abuse some experienced at the hands of the authorities or their delegates have permanently scarred their lives. The harm continues in later generations, affecting their children and grandchildren. ( Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 |, 1. About the Inquiry; Resource Sheet) Along with the formal apology by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to the indigenous people in 2008 in the Federal House of Representatives, cemented the events of the Stolen Generation into widely accepted fact.

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 9 July 1900 (UK), pp. 1011. Courtesy of Parliament House, Canberra. National Archive of Australia, Viewed 22nd or March 4 In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted. Museum of Australian Democracy, 2011,Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act Amendment to Section 127, page 24, viewed 22nd of March. 5 ReconciliACTION Network, Stolen Generations Fact Sheet, ReconciliACTION! Last updated: 21 Feb 2012, viewed 22nd of March.
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The Commonwealth of Australia is built upon a paradox.(Narrator, Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us, Episode 1-3) Izzard rebuffs the cases and evidence presented in the documentary, writing that: Australia wasnt built upon a paradox. Australia did not exclude the vast majority of humanity the objective that there would be [only] be members of the white race, in Australia.6(Izzard J, 2011, p. 28) This statement is clearly false since immigration policy was made to be discriminate. The dictation test was a sieve that cleverly rejected anyone the Government felt was undesirable to their standard of a white Anglo-Australian paradise (Hickey, J. Shackleford, B. Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us" Episode 1-3, 2011). Two major case of blatant racism was the case of the deportation of five year old Nancy Prasad7 and the rejection of Jan Allen from the Mother Country8 who skills as an computer engineer was dearly needed in Australia. The reason for this rejection, simple he was black. (Hickey, J. Shackleford, B. Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us" Episode 3, 2011).

Ultimately Izzards case fails, only picking up, minute problems or embellishing the slight manipulation (Izzard J, 2011, p. 28) in the documentary to epic proportion. The countries academics are not nation haters (Izzard J, 2011, p. 28) they are instead quite proud of this nations revolutionary change from a discriminate and eugenic past to a multicultural and accepting nation both today and into the future.


Izzard, J. The Deceit of Immigration Nation, Quadrant Magazine Company (Online), Inc. March 2011, Volume 55, Issue# 3, page 28, paragraph 14. Viewed 23rd of March 7 Copyright SBS 2012, Immigration Nation: Resources: Nancy Prasad. Viewed 23d of March, 8 United Kingdoms

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Bibliography Australian Human Rights Commission 2010, 1. About the Inquiry; Resource Sheet. Constitution for a Nation, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, (ONLINE) 9 July 1900 (UK), pp. 1011. Courtesy of Parliament House, Canberra. National Archive of Australia.

Hickey, J. (Director & Producer), Shackleford, B. (Director), 2011, "Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us", SBS Australia, Australia. Series: Episodes 1-3.

Izzard, J. The Deceit of Immigration Nation, Quadrant Magazine Company (Online), Inc. March 2011, Volume 55, Issue# 3, page 28. Kirk. A, 13 February, 2008 Rudd apologises to Stolen Generations (Online), Hansard. Parliament of Australia.;adv=yes;orderBy=customrank; page=0;query=hansard%20Decade%3A%222000s%22%20Year%3A%222008%22%20Mon th%3A%2202%22%20Day%3A%2213%22;rec=11;resCount=Default

Museum of Australian Democracy, 2011 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act Amendment to Section 127, page 24 (Online),

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ReconciliACTION Network, Stolen Generations Fact Sheet, ReconciliACTION! (Online) Last updated: 21 Feb 2012.

SBS 2012, Immigration Nation: Resources: Nancy Prasad. (Online)

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