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Cassie Greco Morality Final Review Sheet Vocabulary Words Conscience The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to ones

s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong. A judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform, is in the process of performing, or has already completed. Conscience is awareness of Gods call to be. It is Gods call to know and do good, that is, to love. Conscience is a practical judgment of the intellect. Yes, you must always follow your conscience. Yes, even a well-formed conscience can make mistakes. However, we must always follow the dictates of our conscience, even if it is erroneous. Two major reasons for an erroneous conscience are ignorance, and insincerity. Conscientious Decision Making SEER Method. Study-be informed. Gather information about the moral object. Consider the various options. Elect- chose the right course of action. Be in the presence of the Lord and pray. Execute- put into action what you have decided in conscience is the right course of action for you right now. Be an actor not a reactor. Review- evaluate and reflect on the action you have performed. Following the Crowd Fortitude can help you to resist negative peer pressure. How to say no: resolve to be your own person. If it doesnt feel like you, dont do it. Know your own standards. Use humor and grace to say no. Stay away from situations that might tempt you. Remember the power of prayer. Myth Some people deny the very existence of personal conscience. They believe conscience is a fake concept. The denial of conscience leads to the death of morality. Jiminy Cricket Some people think of conscience as an internal voice, a separate person who lives inside of is, dictating to us what we should do. Conscience is not something whispering into ones ear. A Gut Instinct This feels right. My hunch tells me I should act this way. This can be a helpful start in decision-making; a Christian conscience is much more grown up. It applies ones intellect and judgment to figure out how we are to love both God and others. Super Ego The leftover rules of childhood that we carry around in our sub conscience. All of the should and have-tos that our authority figures have taught us.

First Three Commandments First: I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. Second: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Third: Remember to keep holy the Lords Day. Last Seven Commandments Fourth: Honor your father and mother. Fifth: You shall not kill. Sixth: You shall not commit adultery. Seventh: You shall not steal. Eighth: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Ninth: you shall not covet your neighbors wife. Tenth: You shall not covet your neighbors goods. Decalogue Literally means ten words. Often what the 10 commandments are called. Divination Attempts to unveil what God wants hidden by calling up demonic powers; consulting horoscopes; the stars or mediums; palm reading; etc. All of these practices dishonor and disrespect a loving God who is in control of our futures. The church warns against magic, sorcery, and spiritism. Against the first commandment. Humanism A belief that defies humanity and human potential to the exclusion of any belief in or any reliance on God. Makes humanity its God. Against first commandment. Five Steps of the Sacrament of Reconciliation First: Examine your conscience. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you examine sin in your life. Reflect on Christs law of love of God, neighbor and self, the Ten Commandments, your practice of the virtues and your following of Jesus. Second: Have contrition for your sins. Contrition is another word for sorrow. There must be genuine sadness for not loving, for causing harm in your relationship with God, others, or self. Third: Confess your sins. Own up to what you have done. Fourth: Absolution. The priest will announce the words of absolution, announcing Gods forgiveness. Fifth: Do the Penance Assigned. The sacrament is not finished until this is done. Sacrilege Profane or unworthy treatment of the sacraments; other liturgical actions, and persons, places, and things consecrated to God. Irreligion. Against first commandment. Idolatry The worship of false gods. Against the first commandment.

Marxism Makes the economic or social order the sole source of human freedom. Against the first commandment. Yahweh Means, I am who I am. This stresses Gods mysterious nature and perfect holiness. Must always respect Gods name. The second commandment. The Paschal Mystery Sunday is the day to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christs love. The third commandment. Eucharist We go to mass to give as well as receive. We receive the Lord himself in Holy Communion. His presence in our lives empowers us to live moral, upright, and Christian lives. Blasphemy Hateful, defiant, reproachful, thoughts, words, or acts against God, Jesus, his Church, the saints, or holy things. They speak ill of God, misuse his name, or fails to show respect for God in speech. Against the second commandment. Perjury False witness under oath. Undermines justice by falsely accusing innocent people, by allowing guilty persons to go free, or by increasing the punishment of accuse criminals. Against the eighth commandment. Agnosticism A person who claims ignorance about Gods existence saying it cannot be proved. An agnostic decides not to decide, often out of indifference or laziness. Most agnostics are practical atheists. Against the first commandment. Simony The buying or selling of spiritual goods. Against the first commandment. Apostasy The total rejection of the Christian faith. Destroys faith. Heresy The outright denial by baptized persons of some essential truth of the Catholic faith we must believe. Destroys faith. Sabbath Day Made to praise, worship and adore a God who covenanted with the chosen people by freeing them from slavery in Egypt and who covenants with all people in his Son Jesus Christ. For Jews the Sabbath day is Saturday. For Christians the Sabbath day is Sunday. The third commandment.

Hope Related to the virtue of faith. Hope gives us confidence that God keeps all his promises. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of hop and trust in Gods goodness. God gives us hope because he gives us himself. God is our hope and our salvation. Despair A way of losing hope. It loses the hope that God can save us, give us help to attain heaven, or forgive our sins. It insults Gods goodness, justice, and mercy. Says God is not faithful to his promises. Presumption A way of losing hope. It takes for granted that we can save ourselves without God. Or it is the expectation that God will automatically be merciful even if one does not repent. Seven Capital Sins Capital means grave, that is, having serious consequences. It also means principal, that is, comprising the highest category. One: Pride. An unlimited appreciation for ones own worth; arrogance; excessively high opinion of oneself. Two: Greed (Avarice). Immoderate desire for earthly goods; love of money or possessions rather than loving God and others. Three: Envy. Sorrow over anothers good fortune; covetousness; jealousy over anothers possessions or characteristics. Four: Anger (Wrath). Intemperate desire for revenge; hostile and wrathful feelings toward others. Five: Lust. Inordinate, unrestrained craving for pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. Six: Gluttony. Unrestrained, immoderate consumption of food or drink. Seven: Sloth. Laziness in keeping the faith or practicing virtue; neglecting to do ones duties out of lethargy. Hattah Means missing the mark. Our target in life should be union with God, that is, doing Gods will here and now so we can be with our loving Triune God in eternity. Pesha Means rebellion. A willful violation of Gods law, or deliberately rebelling against Gods reign. Awon Means guilt or iniquity. It refers to the consequences of sin, and how sin causes permanent damage to the sinner. Apathy Lack of interest in anything.

Missing the Mark We take something intended to be good and make it into our god. We choose to be less than we can be. We could be less thoughtful, less honest and less loving. We make choices that are unworthy of our dignity as Gods children. Original Sin The consequence of our first parents; the hereditary stain with which human beings are born because of our origins or descendent from Adam and Eve. All humans are born into the condition of original sin. All subsequent human sins resemble the original sin of our first parents because they are in disobedience and a lack in trust of God. Effects of Original Sin Alienates us from God. Sin deprives us the glory of God and if serious, kills charity in us and results in the loss of sanctifying grace. Alienation from Gods love and his grace lead to sickness and death. Alienates us from ourselves. Sin crushes the lives of sinners, hardens our hearts, weakens our intellects, and enslaves our wills. Alienates us from others. Sin is relational. When we sin we hurt others. Mortal Sin Personal sin that involves a serous matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will. It results in total rejection of God and alienation from him. Kills our relationship with God. Is deadly sin. Conditions for Mortal Sin First: it must be a grave matter. What we do must be serious enough to destroy Gods love in us, turning us away from him. The Ten Commandments point to what constitutes grave matter. Second: we must be full of knowledge. We must know what we are doing is seriously wrong. Third: we must have complete consent. The person must full consent of will. Venial Sin Venial means easily forgivable. We commit venial sin when we disobey Gods law in something grave, but without full knowledge or without complete consent. A partial rejection of God. They dont directly oppose Gods will, or break the friendship relationship we have with Christ, they do keep us from growing in holiness. Social Sin This takes place when we directly and voluntarily participate in the sins of another. When we order, advise, praise, or approve the sins of another person. When we do not disclose or stop the commission of a sin when we are duty bound to do so. When we protect evildoers. A cycle of sin, violence, and injustice caused by individual sins.

Personal Sin A failure to love God above everything and our neighbor as ourselves. You and I personally and freely commit. Personal sin is any free and deliberate act, word, thought, or desire that turns us away from Gods law of love. Personal sin either weakens or destroys our relationship with God. Sins of Omission Sinning in the failure to act. Sins of Commission Know something is wrong but do it anyway. Atheism Denies Gods existence. Against the first commandment. Temperance Is the virtue of moderation that brings balance to our life. It helps regulate our appetite for the good things God has given to us. Assists us in counteracting the vices of greed, gluttony, and lust by helping us master the appetites of our senses and indulge them within honorable limits. Sobriety Moderation or abstinence from alcoholic beverages or the use of drugs. Purposes of Punishment To set right the disorder caused by criminal offenses. To preserve public order and personal safety. And to correct the offender. Self-esteem A sense of happiness and contentment about who you are as a human being. People with self-esteem consciously appreciate their own worth and importance as if viewed in the eyes of God. We should accept ourselves as God accepts us. Euthanasia Direct or active euthanasia is any action or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering. Direct euthanasia is always wrong despite ones good intensions. Terrorism Its a type of war waged on innocent people to gain some political or other advantage. It involves the threat to kill or the actual destruction of innocent lives, or the indiscriminant destruction of property, simply to spread all-pervasive fear. They can never be justified. Ageism One being prejudice against old people. Assisted Suicide The intentional assistance of any dying or suffering person in taking his or her own life. Polygamy The practice of having more than one spouse.

Free Unions Extended relationships where couples refuse to have commitment formalized or sanctioned by law. Divorce Is the dissolution of the marriage contract. Jesus outlawed divorce by restoring Gods original intent that marriage be indissoluble. Incest Sexual intimacy between relatives or in laws. Rape Forcing another to have sex. It is always a serious matter. Intrinsically evil act. In most societies it is also felonious. Rape violates anothers sexuality. Rape violates both in a most serious way and does incomparable harm to its victims. Pornography Comes from the Greek word meaning writing about prostitutes. Removes sexual acts from the intimacy of a loving marriage and depersonalizes it for deliberate display to others. It is seriously wrong and shows disrespect for, and all damages the dignity of, those who create, see, and use it to arouse sexual passions. Prostitution Involves engaging in intercourse or other sexual activity for money or some other advantage. Prostitution is a serious sin for both parties involved, those who accept money and those who pay money. Fornication Sexual intercourse engaged in by an unmarried make and female. It is clearly wrong because it is selfish and it exploits the other person. Selfishness and treating others as objects for self-gratification is cruel and irresponsible. Adultery Sexual intercourse between a man and women who are married to other people. Abstinence Tempers our desires for food and other pleasure-producing substance like tobacco and drugs. Chastity The moral virtue that helps one control sexual drive and expression in a way compatible to his or her state in life. Fecundity The ability to produce offspring, a gift proper to marriage, which can allow the husband and wife to participate with God in the creation of new life. Sex Derived from the Latin word secare, which means to separate.

Sexuality Involves our emotional and spiritual makeup. Ones sexuality affects all aspects of the human person, especially our capacity to love and procreate new human life. Our sexuality is our way of reaching out to people both to receive and give love. Purposes of Sex in Marriage The sharing of love between the spouses and the transmission of life. Modesty The virtue of temperance applies to how a person speaks, dresses, and conducts himself or herself. Related to the virtue of purity, modesty protects the intimate center of a person by refusing to unveil what should remain hidden.

Possible Essay Topics List and discuss four wrong ideas about conscience. (what conscience is not) Define what conscience is. Conscience is the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to ones conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong. A judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform, is in the process of performing, or has already completed. Conscience is awareness of Gods call to be. It is Gods call to know and do good, that is, to love. Conscience is a practical judgment of the intellect. Yes, you must always follow your conscience. Yes, even a well-formed conscience can make mistakes. However, we must always follow the dictates of our conscience, even if it is erroneous. Two major reasons for an erroneous conscience are ignorance, and insincerity. What conscience is not (*****I list 6 only need 4*****): conscience as majority option: there are those who claim conscience is simply a matter of doing what the crowd does. If every one is doing it it must be ok. Conscience as a feeling: if it feels good do it. This view holds that individuals are the creators of their own moral rules and are only answerable to themselves. Our feelings may be out of touch with reality. Conscience as superego: the leftover rules of childhood that we carry around in our subconscious. Guilt-ridden. Conscience is base on our own decision, acting, and evaluating. Conscience as gut-instinct: The gut-instinct can be helpful but a conscience is much more grown up that a gut-instinct. Conscience as Jiminy Cricket: as an internal voice, or a separate person who lives inside of us. Conscience as a myth: some people deny the very existence of personal conscience. They say conscience is a false concept.

List and explain the 10 commandments in order. First: I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. The first commandment teaches us to accept the one true God. To accept God we must worship him. Strengthen your virtue of faith. Avoid temptations and sins that destroy faith. Have adoration for God. Second: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. The second commandment also underscores the holiness of our own personal names. Our name is sacred a name we receive for eternity. Third: Remember to keep holy the Lords Day. The third commandment stresses the value of play and prayer on the Sabbath day, which celebrates both Gods creative activity and Gods covenant with his people. Fourth: Honor your father and mother. The fourth commandment promotes family values. The family is societies foundational unit. It helps regulate relationships within other social groups where authority is exercised. Honor involves respect and flows from the virtue of justice. Every human being is worth honor. Parents must also honor their children. Fifth: You shall not kill. The fifth commandment teaches respect for human life and condemns as gravely sinful any direct, intentional killing. Sixth: You shall not commit adultery. (GOES ALONG WITH 9TH COMMANDMENT) Serves as a safeguard of Gods intention for human sexuality. Warn against those disrespectful and harmful actions involving sex that are contrary to our own good. Encourages the practice of virtues that help us respect our sexuality and that to others. Seventh: You shall not steal. The seventh commandment forbids theft that is usurping anothers property against the reasonable will of the owner. There is no theft if consent can be presumed or if refusal is contrary to reason and the universal destination of goods. Eighth: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. The eighth commandment goes along with the virtue of faithfulness. It tells us to be true to ourselves in word and in deed. It involves both honesty in revealing what should be known and discretion in not expressing what justice requires us to keep secret. Ninth: you shall not covet your neighbors wife. (GOES ALONG WITH 6TH COMMANDMENT) Serves as a safeguard of Gods intention for human sexuality. Warn against those disrespectful and harmful actions involving sex that are contrary to our own good. Encourages the practice of virtues that help us respect our sexuality and that to others. Tenth: You shall not covet your neighbors goods. The tenth commandment outlaws greed avarice, envy and using unjust means.

Define and give an example of each of the capital sins Capital means grave, that is, having serious consequences. It also means principal, that is, comprising the highest category. One: Pride is an unlimited appreciation for ones own worth; arrogance; excessively high opinion of oneself. Root of all sin. Pride is believing so much in what you believe in that you just neglect to compromise in any way. Two: Greed (Avarice) is an immoderate desire for earthly goods; love of money or possessions rather than loving God and others. Greed is wanting everything for yourself, perhaps wanting more than what you need. Three: Envy is sorrow over anothers good fortune; covetousness; jealousy over anothers possessions or characteristics. You are jealous of someone else. Four: Anger (Wrath) is intemperate desire for revenge; hostile and wrathful feelings toward others. Five: Lust is inordinate, unrestrained craving for pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. Six: Gluttony is unrestrained, immoderate consumption of food or drink. Youre not hungry but you still eat and eat. Seven: Sloth is laziness in keeping the faith or practicing virtue; neglecting to do ones duties out of lethargy. What is the distinction between mortal and venial sin? What must be present for a person to be guilty of mortal sin? Mortal sin is personal sin that involves a serious matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will. It results in total rejection of God and alienation from him. Kills our relationship with God. It is a deadly sin. Mortal sin destroys charity in the human heart. We should avoid mortal sin at all costs. What must be present for a sin to be mortal is: First: it must be a grave matter. What we do must be serious enough to destroy Gods love in us, turning us away from him. The Ten Commandments point to what constitutes grave matter. Second: we must be full of knowledge. We must know what we are doing is seriously wrong. Pretending to be ignorant does not excuse us from sin. Third: we must have complete consent. The person must full consent of will. They must intend to perform the sin. Venial means easily forgivable. We commit venial sin when we disobey Gods law in something grave, but without full knowledge or without complete consent. A partial rejection of God. They dont directly oppose Gods will, or break the friendship relationship we have with Christ, they do keep us from growing in holiness. Charity is weakened but it is not destroyed. The church recommends that we confess our venial sins in the sacrament of reconciliation.

Define the following types of sin: original, personal, mortal, venial, social, omission, and commission. Original sin is the consequence of our first parents; the hereditary stain with which human beings are born because of our origins or descendent from Adam and Eve. All humans are born into the condition of original sin. All subsequent human sins resemble the original sin of our first parents because they are in disobedience and a lack in trust of God. Alienates us from God. Sin deprives us the glory of God and if serious, kills charity in us and results in the loss of sanctifying grace. Alienation from Gods love and his grace lead to sickness and death. Alienates us from ourselves. Sin crushes the lives of sinners, hardens our hearts, weakens our intellects, and enslaves our wills. Alienates us from others. Sin is relational. When we sin we hurt others. Mortal Sin is personal sin that involves a serous matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will. It results in total rejection of God and alienation from him. Kills our relationship with God. Is deadly sin. Venial means easily forgivable. We commit venial sin when we disobey Gods law in something grave, but without full knowledge or without complete consent. A partial rejection of God. They dont directly oppose Gods will, or break the friendship relationship we have with Christ, they do keep us from growing in holiness. Social Sin takes place when we directly and voluntarily participate in the sins of another. When we order, advise, praise, or approve the sins of another person. When we do not disclose or stop the commission of a sin when we are duty bound to do so. When we protect evildoers. A cycle of sin, violence, and injustice caused by individual sins. Personal Sin Is a failure to love God above everything and our neighbor as ourselves. You and I personally and freely commit. Personal sin is any free and deliberate act, word, thought, or desire that turns us away from Gods law of love. Personal sin either weakens or destroys our relationship with God. Sins of Omission is when you are sinning in the failure to act. Sins of Commission is when you know something is wrong but do it anyway. You actively take part in an action that is sinful. List and Describe the 5 steps of reconciliation First: Examine your conscience. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you examine sin in your life. Reflect on Christs law of love of God, neighbor and self, the Ten Commandments, your practice of the virtues and your following of Jesus. Second: Have contrition for your sins. Contrition is another word for sorrow. There must be genuine sadness for not loving, for causing harm in your relationship with God, others, or self. Third: Confess your sins. Own up to what you have done. Fourth: Absolution. The priest will announce the words of absolution, announcing Gods forgiveness. Fifth: Do the Penance Assigned. The sacrament is not finished until this is done.

What are the theological and cardinal virtues? Theological virtues are gifts from God that empower us to be good so that we may do good. They are faith, hope and charity (love), which enable us to live in relationship to the Blessed Trinity. They serve as the basis of a Christian moral life. Faith enables us to believe in God, all that God has said, and all that the Church proposes for our belief because God is truth itself. Hope enables us to desire heaven and eternal life, trusting in Gods promises and relying of the help of the Holy Spirit and his graces. It keeps us from getting discouraged as we live the Christian life. Charity/Love is the greatest virtue of all, which empowers us to love God above all things for his own sake. It enables us to observe the commandments and love everyone. What are some values the fourth commandment and fifth commandment emphasize? Fourth: Honor your father and mother. The fourth commandment promotes family values. The family is societies foundational unit. It helps regulate relationships within other social groups where authority is exercised. Honor involves respect and flows from the virtue of justice. Every human being is worth honor. Parents must also honor their children. Fifth: You shall not kill. The fifth commandment teaches respect for human life and condemns as gravely sinful any direct, intentional killing List and discuss the conditions necessary for a Just War to take place. There must be a real, lasting, grave, and certain damage inflicted by an aggressor on a nation or a community of nations. War must be a last resort. The right and values in the conflict must be so important that they justify killing. A war cannot be just unless waged for the noblest of reasons and with a commitment to postwar reconciliation with the enemy. Only proper representatives of the people entrusted with the common good, have the right to declare a war of defense. The chances for success must be calculated against the human cost of the war to proven hopeless use of force and resistance when either will prove futile anyway. Armed conflict must not create even worse evil than meant to be eliminated. What does the Catholic Church teach about the morality of abortion? Direct abortion is seriously wrong because it is an unjustified attack on innocent human life. Human life must be respected and protected from the very first moment. All human life is sacred. It is a violation of the natural law. It is a grave and unjustified attach on innocent human life. One must care for the human embryo since it is truly a human person. Abortion is a direct challenge to the ethics of Jesus.

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