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The Gist of My Story

Okay, Plisken was on a ship headed for this prison station because he was a member of a resistance against the oppressive US government in the UK. He is recruited into the Bounty Hunters Guild by Cid who is, unbeknown to Plisken at the time, is controlled/manipulated by a Sentient AI. The Sentient AI is called A.G.P. the Automated Governing Program. It was built to protect the United States from invasion of terrorist attacks. It is installed in a hovering robot that has many faces, each face representing a famous or prolific President. The very last face is incomplete because the program was disbanded due to costs. But the program, being so smart and stuff, remained alive and, in secret, built a massive planet destroying weapon. Plisken doesnt know this until later though. Anyway, Plisken joins with Kazuma, Jennifer and Barret to take down Ahbad Rafic. When retrieving his belongings from the Armoury he finds a sword with a label emblazoned with the Sect of Impulses insignia (this is an heirloom that used to belong to Alban Niall. Tantalus goes to Blue Kilbard. Plisken finds a watch with his grandfathers initials engraved on it. When Plisken and Barret save Jennifer, Kazuma repays them by giving each a gift (because they love each other). Kazuma reveals that he is the cousin of the Empress of Japan and gives Plisken his necklace because his grandfather use to own a ring that had the same symbol. Plisken goes to Japan and gains an audience with the Empress Yuna. When Plisken convinces her to give him the ring he opens the top, decorative part and it reveals a very small memory chip. The memory chip contains the location of the Impulses base. But it doesnt really. When Plisken leaves, a dark figure comes form the shadows and talks top Yuna about stuff. This dark figure is the same one from the bar at Blue Kilburn, minus the conspicuous gear. He is an android working for A.G.P. and is trying to take down Plisken because he was told so. At Cids office the same dark figure appears (his name is Soa by the way) and gives him a task from A.G.P. - to kill Plisken but to make it look like a Russian terrorist explosion. Anyway, Plisken is on his way to the supposed location of the Impulse Station, which according to the ring is in Moscow, Russia. When Plisken is about looking for a way into the Kremlin a bomb goes off near by, this bomb was meant for him but it detonates on a bus on the other side of the city. This is because a force unknown to Plisken made an android exactly like Plisken and they got it instead. Plisken manages to make it into the Kremlin but does not find the Impulse Station. Instead he finds a high security vault that contains information of the Sect. He finds that the last known bastion of the Sect was some where in Eastern Europe and the author of the document suggests that it was in Britain, Ireland, Greenland or Iceland. He makes his way out of the Kremlin but before he can plan how to get to Eastern Europe he is attacked by Soa and is caught in a brutal sword fight. When Plisken is about to be defeated, Soa is shot from and Plisken is grabbed and taken away. Soa is taken to a morgue where he comes back to life. Plisken notices Garry but does not take any interest in him. Soa then goes back to Cids office and paralyzes him. Soa takes his sword and kneels down, the blade pointing up in the air. Cid then falls on the blade and dies. Plisken is told by a Guild Official that Cid has been killed and everyone is called back to Pittsburgh. When Plisken gets back he meets up with Kazuma and Jennifer, who have come back to help find the killer, as well as Barret. All existing contracts are cancelled or suspended and various new contracts are being issued by the guild on suspected marks. Plisken et al are given a contract on Garry Borter. When tracking Garry down, they come into a skirmish with some of Garrys gang. Kazuma is wounded and is in need of medical attention. Jennifer takes him to the nearest doctor. Barret and Plisken stay to continue to track down Garry. Plisken and Barret end up in

Goodsprings, Nevada and find the journal left by a Borter Mercenary. Before they can make for Canada Barret has a heart attack. It transpires that Barret has a heart condition of some kind or another and Plisken, when Barret regains consciousness, urges him to stay in Goodsprings until he can have his heart repaired. Plisken is forced to go alone and while on his way to Canada something happens and he winds up on Waterloo Station. While Plisken dispatches the various Mercenaries and Spec. Ops. Soldiers there he is, unknowingly, stalked by Soa. When Plisken witnesses the events between Neon and Garry, Soa makes her/its way to the reactor core with the intention of blowing it up. When the confrontation between Neon and Garry is over, Plisken incapacitates Garry. Then stuff between Plisken and Neon happens. The station is then racked by an explosion that is cause by Soa. Plisken, Neon and Garry escape on Plisken/Tantaluss ship. Neon notices the ring with the Impulse Symbol on it and he asks Plisken about the Impulse Sect. Then, after a conversation about the Sect, Plisken drops Neon off near New York because he wants to go to Iceland. Neon convinces Plisken to go as well and they head off to Iceland. Garry questions as to why he was captured and they talk about Cids death. After Garry talks about how he could not have killed Cid because he was at the same place as Plisken when he was killed (Russia). Plisken frees Garry and Neon suggests that he should come as well. Garry agrees and continues to travel with Plisken and Neon. When they reach the Impulse Station Neon knows where it is Neon activates the door and they are greeted by Solar and Photon Impulse. At first they interrogate them as to how they got access to the Station before Neon explains that his ancestor was a member of the Sect, which explains his Impulse Suit. Plisken says that he was asked to find the Impulse Sect by a mysterious guy. He shows Photon and Solar the sword that belonged to Alban Niall. They bow respectfully as only high ranking Sect members had access to the Sword. Photon and Solar ask if Plisken would join the sect and Plisken takes part in the training course and then he is given the rank Xenon Impulse. Garry is also given the rank of Krypton Impulse. Plisken replaces the Albans sword and accepts his first mission from Photon. The mission is to disrupt an American supply train that is carrying small arms. When Plisken is executing the mission Soa attacks again and Plisken and Soa battle it out on top of a moving train. Plisken loses his pistol when Soa swings at his leg and the gun is broken. When Plisken defeats Soa for real this time he removes the head and takes it back to the Impulse Station where he also gets a new SAA. Solar analyses the memory centres but when the information is unlocked the Station receives a distress call. It is from a former captain in the British Royal Navy who was an ally of the Sect. The signal is coming from a POW camp inside a highly fortified Prison Station hidden deep in the dense Moldue Nebula. Plisken, Garry and Neon are all assigned to free the Captain. When they reach the Prison Station they fight their way to the Holding Cells and bust out the Captain. The Captains ship is still held with in the station and they steal it. Once the ship is safe and hidden in a resistance system, Plisken et al return to the station. Luckily the incident at the Prison Station is not publicised because the Prison Station is so secret. Plisken et als attention then turns back to their own agendas and Plisken goes back to the information recovered from Soas head. When Plisken is reading the information the Station is shook and explosions are heard.

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