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.. T1UI Blood of J"1111 Chrut . Hu Son 1111 From .AU Sin.
Vol. XIII.
Los Angeles, California, March 11, 1909 No. 37
X Where to Pla,ce the Emphasis.
1m HE birth of a new ecclesiasticism
at f. time when "creeds" are
- . being discarded and despised ;
when the empltasis is being placed upon
life and conduct instead of faith and
cha racter; when sin is made to consist
of wrong action only, not omiHsions;
when natural corruption or ancestral
pcn rersity is considered a delusion ;
when t here is a distinct loss of faith in
t he necessity for the new birth of the
soul ; when r eformation is substituted
. fot r egeneration, and good works for
the haptism with the Holy Ghost; when
ments? Look at the Epworth League, then intellectual. The tendency in
born te>- "sp-iritual" endeavor, when the most churches is to separate these, a
lamentation of spiritual di-.:th ascends very grave error. Irresistible if com-
from. every sanctuary, .and say she has bined, weak and factional if separated.
not partaken of the spirit of her envi- A r eligion void of spirituality will run
ronments, and that other agencies are into formalism and be designated
not now b eing formed to do the work "high church," while a society void of
originally assigned to her 7 development nnfortu-
A new denomination, to escape ad- nately, be des-ignated " low church, "
-verse influences, must have a positive and more easily turned to certain forms
experience, joy, ready and substantial of fanaticism. l\Iost people f ear fanati-
knowledge of l)er doctrines, and in cism intensely, but court formalism.
which she possesses unboundi rig faith. :Yet formalism in worship is the worst
Her literature must give no uncertain kind of fanaticism. the most prevalent,
sound. Some dcnorninational publish- insidious, intractibl e rind destructive.
ing houses publish books teaching t.he Emphasize sound doctrine . in pulpit,
doctrine of sanctifi cation by faith pew, preS.<;, family circle. e,er ywhere,
1 hrough the Holy Ghost, and from th? t hat only and continually. and never
same press. at t he same time, books ha,-e hut o11e standa1d in. the whole
that d eny sandification by faith, and church. Submitting fundamentals to
advertise t hem in t he same catalogue, the capri ces of the people. and accept-
and put t he m side by side on the same ing the result as the diYine leading, may
shelf. ,\.Yhat \vould be thought of a prove very disastrous. For a church
temperance organization advertising of power, maintain the proper relations
wine and beer in its offi cial organ to between the spiri tual and intell ectual;
help pay expenses? Unity of faith arid " proclaimthis to be the Dispensation of
,.hiltltcn are said to be "born regene-
rat.c" and ar c to be "preserved" by
r nlt:urc_; when church member ship and
d .hita1 'culture is b(' ing substituted for
repentance, pardon and regeneration;
whPH pie,_t.y and purity are made to con-
sist i11 negative livi11g and a silent wit-
ll!'Ss i11sterul of a living, positive oral
t estimony of the saving power of
<'hrist, as though all were the product
of hu_man energy and wisdom; when
fonnality and ritualism dominate
<'hnrch l ife; when the pulpit has been
secularized and the church commer-
when so many question the in-
spit4'1lion of' the Scriptures and the
.Deity of Christ; when hi gh officials and
cJii.1rcli - -deno-minational org-:l"ri s- da1ril
t hat the acceptance of the Deity of
Christ is ''not essential to the highest
type of a Christian'' ; when the officers
of ''movements,'' and organized agen-
cies are exalted above the Holy Ghost;
when . the Holy Ghost is sought for
"power" rather than purity; when the
sin of the age, t he modern church and
m.inistry, is the r ejection of the Holy
Ghost; when the Dispensation of the
Holy Spirit is being lost sight of en-
tirely; and when other agencies are-be-
ing sought as the ultimaJ;e guide of the
Christian rather than t he Holy Ghost,
where should that new ecclesiasticism
f:ilace"tlie-eirii>liiisis if into
. the experience of holiness is impossible the Holy Ghost, and His re j ection to
where truth and errQr, faith and unbe- be the . .siJt.,.._of the age and modern
li ef hear the same seal of denomina- Do not overshadow the Holy
tional approval. This is deep, and Ghost, or His office-work, b'y multiply-
ruinious. __ ing _organizations. and .. agencies- :w-ithin-
:.-I)oSitTve,- inspiring presentation of the the church; there is not a denomination
truth. Unity of doctrine must be in America t hat is not being nursed to
served, and those in authority should her death by substitutes and auxilliaries
see to that. If we may offer a sugges- ;mel officers and ''movements' ' and
exist ence under these circumstances
mic, l not be. a partaker of her environ-
tion, rather than a criticism, preach the brotherhoods, and, and, and . . Describe
f\1-ndamental doctrines more, and give the disease, and prescribe the remedy.
ample space in all literatur e. Denomi- St. Stephen came to his death for this,
national Sunday school literature give but by this means the world is to be
the scientific, geographi cal , piographi- saved:
cal and historical fact s, but no doc- Sharptown, 1\fd.
trinal, when at least luilf the space .- J/1 J/1
should be given to fundamentals. If SOMETHING EACH DAY.
teachers and preachers do not get the Something each day-a _word,
corr ect interpretation and statement We cannot know its-power;
through your literature, disaster is It grows in fruitfulness
As grows the gentle shower.
ahead of you. Reports of work -Whatcomfort-it' may bring; -
1'n1r-first,-, ' and ''second principles'' Where all is dark and drear!
indispensible to soiidity and unity. For a: kind _word every day
Make your ri'hurch first spiritual, Makes pleasant all the year.
Contributed Articles
Air-"Annic Lnuric."
Do you know the blessed Jesus,
Your dearest Friend so Lrue?
Do you know on. Calvary's mountain
He bled and died for you?
And now He has in love
Prepared for you above
A crown and heavenly mansion
When you Jay you down to die.
CHORUS-He longs to make you free;
He has ransomed you and me;
Son so loved lost sinners
That He died on Calvary.
Do you know He died to win-you,
A. j ewel for His crown?
That He came to seek and save you
And make you all His own?
And now He has the robe,
The ring and sandals, too;
, All He asks is, Son, or Daughter,
. Give me your heart; be true.
Do you know that time is fieetiflg,
The Judgment soon will come?
Will you heed that blessed greeting
When He shall say,' "Well done"?
Or shall it be, "Depart,
In sin; I knew you not"?
Christ's blood can save all sinners,
0 come, give God heart!
tc" I(" I("
The sm of unbeli ef , or doubting, of
which "e speak ; is more especially a
sin of the church. . It is not exactly a
sin of r ebellion; it is that more grevious
sin-a lack . of confidence in God. vVe
can forgive r ebellioi1 and almost any
wrong that may be clone us, but it is
hard, almost impossible, to forget
a iack of confidence in our integrity.
If it hurts us so sprely to have our good
.- intent.loos doubted, ho;w much. more
it niust be to the infinite
Father 'to have his-"orcl' called in ques-
'The Israelites were not a r ebellions
people in the ordinary sense of that
tet:rn; they "ere a doubting people;
thev tlid uot prefer the wilderness to
.. but whcn.they wo-l1id enter in
fear helcl .them back; they doubted God
and his po-\yer to RaYe, and they could
not enter in because of unbelief. Un-
belieYing I srael did not all perish on
tli'e far side of Jordan, in 1he clays of
l\Ioses, but t od ay the church is full of
feelers and see-ers and doubters; and
much of the apparent fine concientious-
ness we have to deal with at our altars
comes through fear of failure rather
than a not to be hypocritical.
Fear is a deterrent; it prevents
Nazarene Messenger
many sins of commission through fear
of God, but pnfortunat ely it causes
many sins of through fear of
man. 'l'he fear of humiliation, as a r e-
sult. of failure, keeps more p'eople out
of the kingdom and ont of C'imaau than
other one cause.
God will he tOJ. us (according to his
protnise.) just what onr ftiith claims
him to I f" we are honest in our
hearts and stand . out on the p'roniisc
He. will .make the promise good; if we
doubt God and let down iit our test.i-
mony "ill find that our experience
will he down with our teRtitnony if we
do not lose it a ltogether. 'l'his iR alRo
true in dealing 'dth other R. in reprov-
ing sin, in st anding for rightcousness.
It is true we u1ust use wisdom, but some
of us use so much wisdom ( ?) that. it
borders on cowardice.
If we speak at the bchC'st.' of thC'
Spirit, " e find God gives us gt"a ce and
tf."i"'' .
tact to deliver the message; if we
and fail we arc hnrt iu onr own
experience. Ho" many tim0s. seeing
our failure, h:ave we tried to do in our
owri strength what God had promised
to help us to do, but like as with the
ancient Israelites, the opportupity had
passed, .. grace failed and we . " er e
driven back. Israel doubt('(l God and
Br.ethren, l et us step out on the prom-
ise, walk in the light, heed the behcst s
of the Spirit, lest we fall t hrough the
same example of unbeli ef.
.35 $ $
vVhenever a sinner is t.t"oublcd with
convictions of si ns, !"t e is alRo assured
that it is of God. In spite of all 'rill
power on his part. he often f ears and
trembles. His condcmna tion is as pia in
as if God actually in person s poke to
him. He feels helpless and l ost. Now
he may seek to hide himself, but in his
heart he confesses to himself. He cioes
not wish to be found out, ye,t he :lmo"s
that God has found the trnc coliClitiotts
of his soul. Ther e are those who are
conscious of the voi ce of God, but still
will seek to quiet their cogi tati011s.
Some men spitefully enter d eeper iii to
sins to drive away the spirit of . eonvi c-
tions, but. know well and are..rttssured
that God has spoken to them. l\Iemory
is often a future witness of these things.
There remains the fact of their con-
scious awakening. The heathen, as
well as sinners under gospel impre:.-
sions; do testify to this. Many a
heathen resorts to idols to. obtain mercy
[March 11,
when bur(Lenecl with his sins. . t he
spirit of condemning power .especially
attends the gospel. St. Paul wrote, '' l\Iy
speech .and my preaching was not with
enticing words of ma.n ,s wisdom, but
in demonstration of the spirit and of
power." 1 Cor . 2:4. Thi s shows thc
presence and activity of God with the
preaching of the truth. 'l'he reason why
we see so little displaiY of this pow<' r is
men are not ptcachipg the gospel ns t-he
apostles peeachcd it.
Let us note the voice of t he Spitit
a testimony of filiation. Punl "TotL',
" For they nrc t-h e ol' God.'' 0/ow
no sensi ble p et"son will be ignoeaut of
the nnseci1 power tha t moves it, whet h-
er to .virtue oe to sin. '!'her e ar e alwa ys
hYo personR when' otw l cndR t he Ht her;
so Paul "-rit-es of those who arc born
unto sonship/"l'he Spiri t llimRclf hcat-
C't h wi t ness with our spit"it, t hat we aec
children of God." Rom 8 :14. Here
then is given us the life of t he Spirit ,
called the spirit t>f adoption, so that
while we are yet in body the children
o;f Adam, we are t he children of God
in person and spirit. And we become
conscious that God is our F nther; t hat
a st1perhuman hand leads, no.urishcs
and protects -us. Rem0mber : we get
God's Spirit, t he life and the
ness from God. Now t his lift; or Spirit.
is a witness that we -are the children of
God. St. John (1 Jno. 2 ':27) calls it
"the anointing" and t hat this" nnoint-
ing t ea cheth you all things." Having
been changed with r espect to onr rela-
tion, nature and power, having bcen
taught and cared foe of God, and om
spi.ri-tR being alive to gtace and Godly
eonRcio11sness. "e testify to an experi-
l'nce. And t he conehtRion is
hy self-assurance or faith. W<' arc in-
tleed the ehildt"Pn _of God. John RayR,
"It doth not yet appeat what we shall
be. "(]; J ohn :3:2.) Bnt this we 1mow
faith that the \Vonl aRsnr cs ns; the
Spil"it 's t eriehing also assm"<'R us;
and our bl essings of gra ce have m;Hil'
us self-conscious to assure our h0a dR
that ""C are heirR with Christ of God
and of t his infinite glory.
But what ar e our assurmwcR in eit.
ti ee san ctifica1ion ? Aml how may "o
distinguish to understand t he testi.
mony concerning this r edeeming grace?
said, "The Comforter, the Holy
Ghost, whom the Father will send in
my name, He shall t each you all
things" (Jno. 14:26). John wrote, "We
have an unction from the Holy One and
ye know all things. " (1 Jno, .2 :20.}
Then certainly. we do not gtope in
March 11, 1909]
jO'uorance. as to this matter . 'l'he writer
t he I-iebrews writes, ''By. one offer-
iug Jie hath . perfected . forevel!. . them
that are sanctified. And the Holy
t } . I t " 'I' I .
Spi tit also Jearc 1 WI n ess o us. 11s
,t.cstin:wny is the same as in the filial
rdation we, save that it is now
the covenant made with one having re-
ceived the first grace or blessing. For
a divine law is written on the heart.
'l'his iaw by consecration and gooi;l
111 0
1als is in itself a testimony scaling
ns to obedien ce in the will of God.
(Read Heb. 10 :11-19.) 'l'he impres-
sion is made that we are henceforth
wholl y t he 's, both in good-will
antl in service and that the all-sufficient
pmrer of the IT oly Ghost is gi vcn to
I1 Plp tts. By this help we get" certain
ions as a pmc hemt by faitl1.
(,\,1: 1:) :8. !J. ) By these ohtainnJtnts
\\'!' know. helitving the word of n oel
:111d ]Jis Spi1it. that thPsP atc
ll'lll! :1nd OJJI' S; and that they Sl'I' \' C Olll"
d JlJands :1s '' gt<at: g1ace." 'l'hc pcr-
1'<1 ion ot: pcafC. a nd lu\e.
1\l,ss Uod the :tSSlll'an tn is . nnmi stak -
ahl c.
lkcbc, Ark.
, )C .:'-
.. C. F.. CORNELL.
That ongh t to li ve a holy life?
That lnflnt'ncP for gootl or evi l
is far-r<'al'hing?
That habits now hPi ng formed t end
In fixetln Pss of Pharal't r r ?
'.l' hat God will judge you according
to yo11r works ?
That yo11 <:m hPip put cl0\\'11 t h n rnm

'l'h:Jt s t inginrss towm(l God will l1 clp
dll'arl' yniiJ' spirit11al li.fc?
Th:Jt spJfistJncss will r ncl angc1 yonr
son! ?
Thai a toh:uro-nsing Christian is a
diJ"t v one?
Titat. i'P :11' 1' us uall y mor e nwn and
\\'olnl' n in the lodge rootn than the
<htmh prnyPr nwding?
' l'hnt: you arc knmYn b;'l' the company
ynll kPr p- ont of ?
That 1 he .rsti ma tc of your n eighbor s
nhoul si;,rs 11p your trnc'
That hlood of ,Jcsns Clulst can
lllnk<' whiter than snow?
\\." 11 . think ahont t hese things.
lf :VOlt get a noti ce eoncemin g the explra-
. I ion of your suhscritJI ion and you e ntirely
i;: nore or. for get It, DON'T go t o the 11astor
and say, "I don 't know why I can ' t get my
pape r r egularly. The people at the Publish -
ing House a r e carel ess, a nd I don't think we
ought l.o stand it."
'If You have a r eal complaint, send It to
us at once. and we will dQ, our b est to ser ve
but DON'T mis r e present us even unin-
t entionally .. We have enough necessary
lmubles without the extras.
Nazarene Messenger
Selected Articles
The following is a part of an editor-
ial in the Holiness Bvangel, which we
wish to pass on for a wider reading:
''Our race is fast becoming corrupted
and our nation defiled, and it is higl).
time that both pulpit and press lend
their influence to banish this unclean-
ness from our midst. 'rhe Evangel for
one has always stood for a single stand-
. ard of morals. \ Ve take advantage of
this opportunity to warn our people
against the impending dangers of the
increasing deterioration of the divorce
''You may ask are there not many
good people anc.l even preachers among
bot h men and women who have been
divOI' el' d a nd have rcma:nicd ? 'l'o this
question we arc bound to .answer that
t his docs not dct rcase the enormity of
the crime. Adulter y is classed
t'IJC Yilcst s ins, and in the s ight of God
is just as blaek in t he of a Holiness
man or woman as it is in a :\[et hodi st
or a Baptist.
" \Yc would not for a mom.ont dis-
courage any good brother or sister who
may have been unfortunate in t his re-
speet , n eit her ean we just for t heir s:lkc
k eep silent, when the destiny of our
people is nt stake. w e haYe not 1is y e t
undertaken to decide for t hose who are
in this eondi t ion ,just to what extent
r estitntion should be made. \Y c are
bound to leave t hi s matter with them
and God. 'l'hc1 c arc hundreds of peo-
ple " ho WPJ'C diYorcc(.l and r emarri ed
whil e in s in, not knowing that i t ,,as
wrong, afterwards were saved, sancti-
fi ed and called to Gospel work; t hey
ha\'e rai sctl up famili es of children, and
now t hey get li gl!t on t he divorce ques-
tion, what shall they do ? \Vc have
be<' n asked thjs question many t imes by
honest cnquircrs, to which we have al-
ways a nswer cd e mphatically, '' Confess
your wrong. ask God to forgive you,
a nd \\arn evcr.vbocly yon can a gainst
this pitfa ll. " ..-\ s to. t heir SPparation,
we arc not pl epar ed to say it. should be
done in <' Yl' l'\' ,ase. '!'his is a eriti t! al
point and sl;ould be handl ed wisely.
So far as we ]mow the Bibl e does not
g ive poi nted directions .inst how 'to
procr ed in a case like we have men-
ti on ed , bnt it does give ampl e " arning
t o save <'\'l' l'V individual on eart'11 from
!win g cnsn;{n<l. if thPy \\oulcl only
s<'al'(.' h t he S< 1i pturPs a nd be warned
ther ehy.
dD nnt mrai1 to t a k e the j nclg-
Jlltnt. sta t and enndPmn folks to Ptcn1 al
flanws just hccansc Pa nnot srP
thin gs as \\'C do. \ Ye would
to advise t hn hreaki11g up of homrs and
t.hP scpa1ation of chitdrrn. as in
f'asrs this woul<l donhtless r Psnlt in
hl ast erl hopes. li ves an!l. a gen-.
ern! disappointmeilt t hrongli. life. anrl
p1ohably a clo.ubling of t he crime on
t he part of the fathr 1 a nd mother
whose last state would bP.. worse tlran
the first.
''With our= present light we would
have 'to advise those who have .been
thus unl{twfully ,joined together and
have children, especially small ones, to
k eep them together and raise t hem for
God, wal'lling them against this evil . as
they grow up to manhood and woman-
hood, children ean 't always under-
stand spiritual things, especially when
they interfer e with the happiness of
their home life.
'"rhis article is not in t ended so much
for those who are already joined to-
gether in this unholy r elation, for God
alone knows how to manage them, but
it. is given as a warning to all who are
free, that they may never be caught in
this, one of Satan traps, into which so
many of our race have blindly "alked
and afterward r egretted.''
How to Create Missionary. Enthusiasm!
\Ve believe our p eople will support
our miss ionary inter ests at home and
in the foreigD fi elds, if we will f nn:1ish .
them with a r easonable amount of in-
formation r elative to the n eeds an(l
methods of the work and t he workers.
To do this we would suggest that all.
of our Church ::\Ii ssionary Boards ar-
range wi t h the pastor of the church for
a r egular monthly missionary meeting,
to be held in the church o1 mission
building for t he public at which time I
would have t he :\Iissimia ry Board,
t hrough its pastor, or on e of their other
member s, or by some one t hey may
choose, r ead a well-prcpa.r ed articl e on
some one of the ina11y missionary fields,
or what mi ght be better have some one
prepared to give a verbal report of
so111 c field or work that they lt:1\e r ead
up upol1. It goes saying such
meeting s hould ha Yc appropriat e scri p-
ture lessons r ead . and s uch . songs and
hymns sung as \YOt'i'ld l ead t o the s ub-
j ect to be ptcs" in the meet ing,
mixed with a goot'l lot of ea m est prayer
for t he \YOrk aml the worker s and for
God's blessing on 'the subj ect to be pr e-
sen t ed .
'!'hat all of our Chutch 1Iiss ionary
Boards he t hotoughly ou
t. various fields, a nd ])J"epa r ecl to in-
form other s , I wonhl st ate that books
whi L" h will furni sh mnple. info nna ti on
for s twh meetings as s nggest ed aboYe,
ca n he fo\tnd in '' The Forwar d :Mission
Study C'omses," a ntl can be :.
50 ecnts. each, cloth binding, or
cadt iit paper coym:, from a.1;1y of
t he lmgar deuomina t ional publishing
houses-Eat on ancl i :\fa ins. ' York.
or J eim.ingsarrd-Gruhaill, Cincinnati---'-
who will sup_ply' catalogue&.,-on ""applica-
tion. H. F. Reynolds.
"" .,.t& ""
Our Father is still "fith. us spiritually
but His financial blessings come in very
slowly . . 'rhe walls of new building
are up five feet and $42 on ha.nd to con-
tinue w.ith. It will take lj;200 to finish.
The minds- and spirits of the childten
are brightening, and the .school is do-
ing nicely, althon:gh we lost four of our
Catholic pupils. One little boy. asked
his mother to le(him " stay hoine from
She sai,d '' \Vhy ?''
"Those U)lages are onl y w'oocl, " he re-
plied. They took him out of school at
once and some others followed their
example. But that Catholi cism
is foreYer tuined. quite a number of
adults have dropped their images, a
few of these have professed to accept
Jesus Christ as their personal Savior,
and a few of these quite regular
attendants &t services. vVe are open
every night in Brother Delgado's house.
Brother :Miller reports spiritual bless-
ings and progress in the work in lVIex-
i co City. This means much for Bro.
Miller is exceedingly modest i.n his re-
All day yesterday a steady of
pilgrims passed en route to Cuetiala,
the Catholic church of which has an
image of Jesus said to ha"\re come down
from the skies at the time of the Span-
ish Conquest. and tp him they owe their
health for the year past. and they go
there and pay their health vows to that
priest. He gets his harvest once a year.
It is said the American people like to
be. hnn"il)ugged, but as we pass down
into heathendom they like it better.
The differ ence is .the American
people are further out than these. God
is Truth and in Him is no deception,
so the nearer we are to Him the further
we are from heathendom. Let us go
on. 0. C. \\. oodrow.
.;J $ $
. : ...
\Ve can r eport victory here . . We
. fotmd the little flock full of rejoicing
and with great faith for the blessing
of God. \Ve have for various reasons
been delayed in beginning our meet-
ings, but began on 'l'uesday night -with
oile soul seeking Jesus. On \Vednes-
day at 10 we went to the l\Iission to
give Sant6s a lesson,. cmd when the
doors were opened they filled the Mis-
.. sion and we preached and sang until
1 0 'clock p. m., and then had to dis-
miss them. At 2 :30 again it was the
same way until 6 p. m. ::\[any outside
say very terrible words agaim;;t them
that One young man came to
the front at the altar call withapaper;.
saying, ''I want to accept your religion
if you can. prove that it is better than
mine." He had alsowritten in one of
Nazarene "1Jles.8enger,
our hyinq,...)>ooks, h I do> not like this
bq.ok because it does :rw.t say any.thing
about the Virgin Mary.' " We told hiin
the best way to prove our religion was
to get it, to go down at the altar. and
ask God to pardon his sins-which he
did, and h.ow his face . changed as he
prayed and accepted Jesus as his per-
sonal Saviour. He forgot about Maiy.
I am writing this saturday morning.
There have been more than thirty seek-
for pardon, aud last night nine were
seeking a clean heart-among thmri the
Baptist lVIexi can minister, a Methodist
preacher and the husband and son of.
Santos. Please pray mightily; this is
a great .opeu door and . vary important
for us to occupy-nml God is with ns.
Mrs. lVL 1\'IcRc:ntOlds.
At the First Church of the Nazarene
a veritable tide of salvation is on. "The
pastor, Rev. C. E. Cornell, is preaching
a series of Stmday morning sermons on
''The Ministry of the Spirit, : and at
evening on the subject "A Bible Hell."
These necessary and timely topics are
attracting large audiences and the
truth seems greatly appreciated.
Sunday, February 21st, there. were
eighteen persons who fo.und salvation
at the altar, and Sunday, February
28th, not l ess than sixteen.
In the afternoon of the 28th, a cloud-
burst of glory struck the audience;
. people all over the church sprang to
their feet exclamations of joy
which lasted nearly ten minutes. It
was a real outpouring of the Holy
The Sunday school is very prosper-
ous with an attendance last Sunday of
261, and collection amounting to $14.83.
In the evening 110 persons were. pres- .
ent at the Young People's meeting, and
the offering was $12.00. All depart-
ments of the church are flourishing and
. /there is _faith and h_armony.
- We give- God all the- glory and push
on for more victory.
F. r .
A personal letter from Rev. J. H.
Mcintyre of February 3d says that they
are having a blessed revival at Ponca
. <;;ity. Brother J ernigan, the District
Superititendt:mt, ,is with them; also
Brother Roberts of Pilot Point, Texas.
That there is great interest and much
conviction, and tluit over fifty have
been at the altar and a goodly number
have prayed. through to victory. They
have been obliged to secure a larger
hall, where they can . seat 300, and it
was .. full . and. map.y .. h_ome to
God.. Brother says it i. glo-
rious, and that they doubtless have
a great center of fire. there. We greatly
[March ll, l909
rejoice . _in . . i_t __ greatly
help. thmgs m that- country.. we are
that Brother J ernigan will
have a very great district, which will
make several .districts and a great em-
pire for holiness.
,jl ""
Perh.aps it would not be ainiss for llle
to write you It short. articl e from this
beautiful. country. , We are just two
. miles from Red river, whose valleys nrc
ri ch, and make this a gl'eat. corn lllnr-
Ii:ct.. Bast of us we ha vc. a great tnHl c
countr y. 'rhis country is fnll of p1om.
ise. A $30,000 school a-
hig its conipletion within : three hlokR
of my home . . 'l'he devil and boot:l<' g-g- s
arc busy t.ryii.lg to diseouragi\' t lw. h n- .
pcrance forces. but t.hniil( Gotl Wl' 111' l'
getting_ and for the
real fight and we expect a sol id snuth
for prohibition.
I have now the names of fifteen JJt w
applications for thcu).hership in the
Duncan church. Though I am not thf' it
pasto_r now, the church is going t() go
m thts country, but people arc a little
afraid, having b.een turned out of other
churches. We only need a few lllore
influential ones and the landslidt> will
be ours. There is a goodly nnmhl' l' of .
men who are getting tired of paying
evangelists- to get men sanctifiNl and
paying a pastor to backslide th .. m.
Also a few of us are getting to he! i,e
thrit it is good common sense to sl' nd
men and women to the foreign fi eld "ho
are definite and Straight On the St 't '
ond blessing. I am doing what I ;m
for Bro. Stafford in :Mexi co. I ha,e
considerable jewelry gathered up. 1Jt ' 11 1'-
forty rings, some btacel ets and
chains and other things. Smnl' of' 1 h(
rings. wer e made from t en dollat .,.old
.- pieces. I am o;1ly offer ed l'nr
the e1itire lot of rings. \Vhat can T tlo
with t hem to get the' most ont of th<> Jn
for the l\Iexi co mission. J sent a SllJall
amount some time ago ; will sC'ncl nJPt'C
.n ext week. I am doing niy best to
push the chur ch work and will do11ht-
l ess . organize other churches soon. I
shall never get over the Pilot Point
meeting, and{. will never forget . the :'\az-
arene family I met there. I am so 1.datl
that I can say I am one of them.
J . w. Pierre.
.JJ .J/1 ,.
Dear saints and r eaders of the Nnza-
rene Messenger, greeting -in t he name
of the Lord. The work of the Loi.'tl is '
prospering at Troy, Idaho, where I hn ve
been laboring as pastor for some tiine.
We have just closed revival meeting of
ab.out three weeks, in which there wt' re
quite a goodly number of professions. of
both pardon and sanctification. There
were seven, additions to the chmth.
'!'here are a few true saints theie .who
are coifsecrated to the last fiber of their
being, and the Lord is hearing nnd
March ll. ioo9 J
Nai:arene . 5
answering thei.r _in the .. org11nization where be con-
tfon of a serv:ed. By G()Gl 's grace me,
sample -copies .oJ M'essenger .I thmk JI w1ll work and to th1s end.
that I can use themto goo4. advantage Jesus does sanct1fy my soul and body
in some J?irect to today whollY: unt?, . that
Spokane R. F . D. 3. Yours m Jesus. may be glor1fied m 1t, and that H1s
. We have been. in extra meetings le(l-
on by our pastor, E. J . n1:arv-in. Carl"
' wm. S: Rice. cause may be advanced in this wicked
world. .
. r eport victory for the work her e. 'God
is blessing t he faithf ul work and
preaching of our pastor. 'vve have had
seekers about every week since Novem-
ber 1st. Some finders and six.additions
to the church. A live young .people's
meeting is. held every Sunday after-
noon. d We are all prayed up. God is
in our midst and faith is claiming al,l
old-fashioned awakening. . Some Cath-
olics attend our services. Opposition T
We a r e glad to report that" we .are
w working on a building that the
-dear Lord has made iLpossible- for us
to get hold of to remodel for a church.
We expect to get it .in shape to hold our
camp meeting in May, with Brother
Ruth and Sister Wallace. We are look-
ing np and praying and expecting great
things from the Lord. Brother Rice
] JUs been with us and we heartily praise
God f{)r him, as he preaches the truth
clear and strong. We had a. meeting
:i nd some r eal definite work was done
in saving and, san.ctifying souls, and a
!,!nod fonndation laid. . .
E.- E. Armstrong.
"" "" .JI
'l'he past month has been the most
prnspelous month for years and :per-
llaps in t he hist ory onr organization
hen. Our SundaY. School is incr easing .
both in attendance and in inter est, and
nn1 \' lnireh membership is at its highes t .
wi t h more coming in. Praise the Lord.
w e have good times here at Yakima,
as \r.ell as elsewher e . . Sjster Epperson
has been with us for a month helping
ns with the good work Brother Creigh-
_ton is on the upward puB with the help
of Pvcry one of the flock.
\Ye 11ic hoping in the future to open
up fiYe or six new fi elds around her e.
ther e is such a wide demand.
RIIJ't>lv t he Lord is with us.
V. W. Anglin.

I have beeri r eading the Nazarene
f or seventeen months and
ra n say truly that it is the best r eligions
paper I have ever had the privilege to
r ra1l. 'What a delight it is to a sanc-
titit>d soul to sit down and read of the
wonderful work 1 h e P entecostal Church
of the Nazarene is accomplishing
throughout the land. My heart throbs
and r e.joi ces . with delight when I sec
t hrough its pages what our .. God is ae-
romplishing through this great organ-
ized holiness movement. God is cer-
t ainly being glorified in this movement;
it .inst. suits me.
\V c have no church organiz.ation here
in Mc:i\Iinnville y et , but God knows l
am r eady to malw any sa crifice He re-
qnites of me in order that it may be
hronght about. --Pray that this may
soon be.
We have a holiness band h er e of
rightee11 per sons ; we had lnore :than
t hi s immber ,__ but some ha ve forsaken
Hs; pray for them also.' We will have
a camp meeting h er e the fore par t of
.Tune ; 'Ye are -looking and bclicving f or
Vl l:)tory, and some of us arc pra:v-
mg earnestly for God to bring about an
There' are six churches in this town,
but no place where souls can be helped
to get a real May the dear
Lord help us, I .pray. .
S. D. Crawford.

God is giving us gracious victory in
our church, . Sister Etta Gibson is wjth
us at this time, and God is making her a
great blessing to . the saints, and souls
are being saved and sanctifi ed. One
evening eight were- seeking. To God be
all the glory! In a r ecent meeting held
in Clarksburg, W. Va., one of the popu-
lar preachers of the town prea ched . a
S(!rmon against holiness, anc;I in his re-
marks he stated they (church folks)
ought to drive me out of town, and
totten egg me while I was going. But
it only seemed to adver t ise the meeting
and in spite of. preacher and church,
his folk can1e and caught ,tlte blessing.
_Thank God for the old time gospel!
Pray for us.
. E.
Yes! VictoryT Sure! .
Wm. A. White, Clerk.
$ $
W c had. been looking forward to a
day of . victory in our first all-day
monthly mee.ting, and we were
not disap.pointed. God met - with us in
all three ser vices l\Iarch 2d. Rev. J. G.
Rodgers, from Ocean Park, Cal. , was
the preacher for the day. God gave
him liberty in t he gospel. Some souls
came fonvard aud I . bclieYe found the
Comforter. 'V c arc marching on from
vi ct or y to victor y . Pray f or us. ,
Sunday, Ma r ch 7th, was a day of
blessings; precious souls got to God in
both afternoon and meetings.
Harry J . Elliott , Pastor.
$ $
SAYRE, P A. All . ll
1s we with us. God is here in
God gaye us_ a good meeting at Johns- wonderful convicting power , and we
town, Pa. Many got through to God. expect great things and greater things
Came her e ago. Altar fun
and the greatest t hings of His kingdom.
night after night with seeking souls 'Ve are praying for a deacness that
for pardon or ,purity. l1ast night about can pray glory down on the poor
seventy persons came up and crowded Christ-less mothers and their sick chil-
thc altar and front seats, as definite dren. God is going to do P entecostal
.seek ers for the '-' double cure. " A things for this place. .Glory to His
blessed break indeed! . Perhaps sixty or dear name.
seventy will join the church n ext Sun-
I leave-her e t omorrow for Brook-
.]yn, N. Y. , wher e I will begin with Bro.
Hoople in his church. I will be there
in the John Wesley Pentecostal Church
of the Nazaren e for a f ew weeks at
least . .. J ask the r eaders of the Messen-
ger to pray for our meetings in Br.ook-
.John Norbcrry.
. .- .JI .JIJ
"vVe have just closed a glorious two
weeks' meeting with Brother F. W. Cox
as evangelist, with a nunibcr at the
altar.- God is wit h us. The blood
cl eanses; and onr fni t h is strong in the
Lord. Not a single month has passed
since up t he pastorate h er e that
one or mor e souls have not been at our
altar. Praise God. A united faith. and
. a steady pull t ogether will bring con-
stant victory. Amen. We turn our at-
t ention now to planning for the coming
District Assembly,. and in t he mean-
t ime k eep righ_t mi fishing. Glory -to
J esus.
Howard E ck el , Pastor.
Will C. Williams.
Just a line from this part of the field,
and a child of God, saved and sanctified,
kept by the'' power of J esus' blood:
May the Lord move ever y blood-washed
to pray mightily for t he Imperial
Valley. 'Ve n eed laborer s. The har::
vest is l\Iay the Lord of the har-
vest send help. How those blessed
words ring Otlt t o cvery child of (}od-
"But when He saw the multitudes He
was moved with compassion on them,
because they fainted , and wer e scat-
t er ed as sheep having no shep-
herd. Then saith He unt o His disci-
ples, The harvest t ruly is plenteous, but .
the laborer s are f ew; pray ye t herefore
the Lord of the har-vest, that He will
. send fort h laborers into His harvest."
:Mary l\f. 'Yey miller.
.JIJ .JIJ ,.
Miss Newman, 309 N. Euclid avenue,
Pasadena, . can care for aged or invalid
ladies at r easonable rates.- She is
antly situat ed and any who se.ek such
a place can address her as above.
. Messenger
P. F ... Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce, . ORice Editor
C: _J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
Enter<>d a t the Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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"No. haim can come to the ship, where
. .
The Author of ocean and earth and
skies." .,
He has assured us that ''All thing's
wolili: together for good to them that
love God." They who have the vision
of _perfect who see through the
clearness of a pure h eart, a heart from
which all doubt has been elimill.ated,
and in which faith has been perfected,
will find through the unfailing fidelity
of God great biessing and constant
victor y i n the experiences of the work-
ing of t hese "ali" things:"
"To feeble sense" it looks some-
times_..:not unfrequently- as if all
things were going against us. But as
Faber says, '.'.It is not . so, . but so it
looks:;' Like the wheels of a clock,
some move one way and some the
other, but thejr work together to show
the time, so all things work together
for good to them that love God. Lower
things are sometimes sacrificed for
higher things, and eve1{ things of lesser
value for things of greater. Good gifts
are sometimes changed into perfect
gifts, and things temporary and seen
. -transmuted into unseen eternal'-verit i es.
The tendencies of God's love and grace
are ever towards the best- stones are
turned to iron and iron to brass and
brass to silver and silver to gold . . God's
--richest .gifts, the greatest good which
can come "from Him to a human .soul,
are those which are personal, which
Nazarene Messenoer
' t ;
11, 1909.
enter into and becon'Ie a part df us, God the )ight which falis.
\vhich, .no wreck of the traii1, no in Hi!! holy san'ct-iiai'y up6ri . his
ing of freight, can at all effei'\t that and he saw how the wicked stoorl in
which is a part . of onr being in any' . slippery and are. cast down
world. This is well enou gh named to destruction; how they are b-tonght
"the grace of God." It has to do unto ' clesol.ation. in .a moment and are
our personality. The way of His work- utterly consumed with terrors. As he
ing is in provision arid then in prepara- emerged from this valley and shadow,
tion, by dealing with the sin question, he found hi111self in such close touch
whereby sin in. us and sinning by us with God .declared "I ain con-
ar e done away, and His supreme gift tinually with. thee; thou hast holdcu .
of liimself is imparted made man- my right hand. \ Vhom have I in
ifest by the coming into us of the Holy heaven but thee, and there is none upon
Ghost. \ Vithout t his gift, t he r eveal- that I d esire beside thee. God is
ing, empowering. enri ching Holy the strength of my heart and my por-
Spirit, we me pover ty stri cken. As tion forever."
necessarY and blessed as is t he dealing " I worship 'rhee, 0 Holy Ghost,
with t he s in question as a preparation, I love to worship Thee ; .
yet without the gift of Himself we are 'With Thee each day is P entecost ,
not r eally blest . Each night nativity."
other gifts cannot suffice,
Unless. t hyself be given."
Pardon or cl eansing are not lumin-
ous. God only is our light and our
joy. God's great suffering effort,
minating in Calvar y and the coming of
the Holy' is that He may dwell
in man, as tl1e Father is in Christ, and .
Christ in the Father, so redeemed and
holy peopl e ar(;l to be in oneness with
God:--He in u.s . :and we in Him. To
this. .. end .all. things .work to them who
love Him. Pr.osperity comes that we
Inay see His goodness. Adversity
comes that we may hide away in Him.
Healt h comes that we may serve Him
and find His loving hand in bearing
the burdens and doing the tqil , and
sickness comes that we may in
His pavilion. and came n earrr to Hi s
comforting heart. Adversaries are
permitted to smite us, that bei ng made
partakers of His sufferings . we may
more know the riches of His love. Sor-
rows and desolati9ns come upon all(].
about us like . billows. that we may
know the imperial glory of the soli-
tudes of God. No weapon formed
again His own can. prosper. No enemy
can triumph over them. The wicked
may be in great power .and spr ead him-
self like a green bay t r ee, ''yet he
passed away so he was not, yea I
sought him, but he could nqt be
SometimE!s things seemed to go
against the servant of the Lord until
he was ''tempted that h e had cl eansed
his heart and washed his hands inno-
cency all in vain. It seen1ed as though
it -..vas the ungodly who prospered,
while bitters water.s fnll.. cup. were
wrung out to him, until .the problems
were too painful for him to consider.
.J' .ti .J'
There are many adversaries, and t he
adversary has many ways as well as
many agencies. The trnth itself is as-
sailed. It is declared a new doctrine,
and those who preach it are regar<led
as fanatics. This form of opposition is
especially prominent during the earlier
developments of the work, though it
sometimes long continues. Mr. \ Vesley,
writing in 1771 says, '' l\Iany ye;'trs
since I saw that ' without holiness no
man sha ll se t he Lord,' I began follow-
ing after it and inciting all with whom
I had any intercourse to do t h e sa me.
Ten years after, God gave me a clearer
vi ew than . I had before, of the way t o
attain this, naniely, by faith in t he Son
of God. And im1i1ediately I de?la.rt"d
to all '\Ve are saved from si n, arc.
made holy by .. This I tcstitietl
in private, in publi c. in print ; a nd Go<l
confirmed it by a thousand witness<s.
I have coi1tinncd to this for
above thirty years and God hath <on-
tinuecl to confirm the woicl of His
gr ace. But during t his time well ni g.h
all the religious " ;oriel bath set t hem-
selves .in array against me, and among
the rest, many of my own childnn,
following . the exampl e of one of my
eldest sons, l\1r. W. Their general <'I'Y
has been, 'He is unsound in the faith,
he another gospel!' I answer ,
whether it be the same which tlwy
preach or not, . it is the same. which I
have preach ed for above thirty years."
It seems as if Mr. vVesley, notwith-
standing his t enacious, scriptural pre-
sentation of the truth, and his lucid
a.nd .. accurate, style, n,.ev<')r got over t l1is
of being ''unsound in . the
faith." Any minister of r el igion who
March 11, 1909}
Nazarene Messenger
prei"ches clearly this great . Notes
truth so as to have . it confirmed by .
. -- . . -- a blessed
and and arc to commence :with the -
Ontario church this week until. March
. many witnesses, will find the siune re-
sults. It is also true that members of
the church who have received this
pri c;lcss grace and t.estify to it, be they
ever so ' and faith-
ful ; are not desired. The way that men
who holiness and lead thP. peo-
pl e unto the experience are diiven from
the pulpits of the churehes is sad and
discouraging beyond expression. .l\len
who were in good churches. and. in d c-
ma nd as pastors and for specia I occa-
s ions, al'C driven out nnti l theit' r. r.v
s np to God. P crsonal .l etters come
to ns ftom these men wlli ch are enough
to 111 ovc a heart of A )ctte'r r c-
<cived this' hour, since this note' was
IJ<' gnn. from a minist eT-not a fadist,
ot imprudent nor a crnnk-who has
hccn driven from place and position,
hc(ausc he stands for the salvation
that saves all. sin, "I've been
slow to see it for I have loved old
church, but the cl ear fa ct is. the most
of t he 'powers that be' are as d et er-
mined t o root us, lovers of holiness, out
of tlu,; church, as the .Jews were to cru-
cify Christ. The cr y of most of our
District Superintendents is that we
.. holiness. preachers are 'not acceptable
to people. ' If we l ead souls into holi-
ness, the man that follows us snubs,
browbeats and mistreats these dear
ones and silences their testimonies.
Thus our work is d estroyed.
I ean not eonsent. any longer to stay in
any such church. I want to get out.
I want to enter the Church of t he
al' ene, and do so without - d elay. God
is providentially raising up- this 'sane,
solid. aggressive, holiness church. I have
gi,en it close' attention, studied its J;l eth-
ods, accept all it stands for and ask
fol' a place as a member and'' a preacher
in its .ranks. I am a subscriber f or
the Nazarene Messenger anll k csp
posted. I don't ask for big things, giYc
me phtce and by the grace of God I
will .make a place for myself."
While holiness is propagated through
Climp meetings and other undenomina-
tional \vays, the time has come for mak-
ing a home for it. Like all new move-
ments it demands hardships. and hero-
ism, but the men and women who. love
God with all their .heart ar e equal to
t he occasion.
Dr. Bresee will preach a:t the Tab-
bernacle next Sabbath morning on
. ".The' .. Great Young
people are especially invited. to
present. Bro. (}oodwin at night.
- -+- - - .
Rev. B. B. Fish of New Lathrop,
Mich. , has been called to and accepted
the pastorate of our church at warren,
. 21st.
Brother Pierce spent a blessed Sab-
bath with the Nazarenes of Whittier.
The full gospel js having an .influence .
under the ministry of Brother Johnson
Dr. '1'. L. Cuyler of Btooklyn, N. Y., and t heir n eat little church held a good
one of the most noted and clear r eli- congregation. One soul sought deliver-
gious writers in America, died last ance from the carnal mind at. night, and
week at the age of 87. a good day was enjoyed.
'l'hc Oecan Park church, under the .:1' .il&
direetion of Brother Rogers. is taking ALABAMA AND. SOUTHEASTERN :DIS-
oll new fire and blessing. They ar e haY- TRICTS.
i11g specia l cottage meet ings which a.r_e In view of the f act that the General
mnch bl essell of the Lord. and the rev1- :\Iissionary Secr etary. II. F. Reynolds,
val fire has already commenced to burn. who is also gen eral superintendent, is
about to. make a tour through the.
Brother Goodwin p1icached. for the Southeastern and t he and -
PasadCJ1a church on Sunday morning,' Alabama Dist ricts. we deem it that
the pastor, Rev. E. F. walker ; being he at this time hold t he A!':sembly in
temporarily ill. This chnrdJ is going t}I ese (listricts, nnd we her eb;v.
on under the efficient labors of this -District Assembly of the MlSSISSlppl
strong man of God. )'lay the d ear Lord and Alabama to meet at Jasper , Ala-
greatly increase the revival fire. bama, :\larch 5th to the 7th and the
Southeastern Distri ct Assembly to meet
Broth61' s Gallahorn and Ledford, at Donaldson, Georgia, :March 9th to
who haYe been successful evangelists 11th.
in this countr\' . will be in full swing
for a meeting our work in Pomona
by n ext This work is in great
need and we trust for a great tide of
blessing among the p eople.
Brother 1\Iiller. who has been supply-
-ii1g our church at Uplands, closed his
l abors there last Sunday. He plans to
r eturn East Yery soon. \Ve are sorry
that his work has been s,o hindered on
a ccount of his health. but we trust he
will soon be in a condition and able to
. take up work.
\Yc> l eaTn that ReY. Geo. Sharpe. the
and pastor of the P entecostal
C' hurel1 of Glasgo" Scotlancl . is to Yisit
this (' OHntrY summer and " ill be _
hc>a rd at of "ot1r r amp meetings.
\Ve hope to sec him on the Pacifi c
Coast. for s melv in his work and doc-
trine he is "one' of us."
P. F.
H. R. Reynolds,
E. P . Ellyson,
General Superintendents.
.,. .,. .,.
According to the power Yest cd in us
as General Superintendents concerning
a new district not yet we
hereby appoint A. 0. Dtmcan of Mill-
cr eek, Oklahoma. as district secr etary
of the Oklahoma and Kansas District
Assembly and the following named per-
soils as the advisor y hoard of t he sanHl
district: S. C. B1:il hart. J . IT.
tyre, S. C. E tter, A. J. Pack.
P. F . Bresee,
E. P. Ellyson,
H. F . Reyn'olds.
.Jil .:1' .JI
The San Francisco District Asseru'bly
Brother S. H. Anernheimer. a mem- is ito meet at Berkeley May 20th, at 9
bcr of the church at Cucamonga . and a . Northwest cin.Distri ct Assembly
now 11 missionary in India. writes: ' 'I
enjoy the Nazarene Messenger as usual. is to meet at Seattle May 27th, at
It is a welcome weekly Yisitor. It is 9 expect ed that in each case the.
helpful and inspiring. Its articl es ar e preceding ("Wednesday) evening wjll
to the Pol' nt <''Jlcl r eal 0111-foocl . .
" '' - - be g ivG,JJ to a great evangelistic service,
God continue to it a great means and that bc::!l Assemblies will r emain in
to spread scriptural h oliness unto all' session over t he Sabbath.
the ends of t he " orld is . my prayer.
God bless .the Pentecostal Churches : of. . .JI .:1' .JI
Brother and Sister Tri ck. who have
.been holding meetings h1 several of our
churches. have been wonderfully bless-
ed of the Lord. And a good number
have united with our churches in eveiy
place. Tliey se{!m ,to .be able t(! bnild
their seek ers in the blessing of full sal-
vation. which is the crowning work of
evangelisti c effort. TheY: have just.
Southeastern . District-March . 9-11,
Donaldsonville, Ga. ; ;March 13-14, Du-
rant, Fla.
Kentucky District -.:' March 17-18,
1\<Iont .Eagle, Tenn.; March 19, MGntera,
Tenn.; March 20-21, N. c.:
. -Marcil 23,
washington, D. C. (at night).
Philadelphia District Assembly-
March Chester , Pa.
. 8
Lt1s Angeles and Vicinity
There was the usual great Sabbath
morning audience interspersed . with
many strangers. After the usual intro-
ductory services, a part of which was
the magnificent singing of Bernard's
great hymri, "For thee, oh dear, dear
country," and prayer by Brother Allen
of Portland, Ore. F. C. Epper-
son then made, at the request of the
Church Board, a very full and clear
statement in r eference to the financial
:work of the church.
Dr. Bresee preached from Acts 2 :12,
''What meaneth this?'' He brought
before the audience the picture of the
Pentecost, with the coming of the mul:
titudes, and the miraculous hearing of
the message each in his o,\rn tongue
wherein he was born, and the astonish-
ment which led to this inquiry, "\\That
meaneth He spoke of the trend
of carnal worldliness sweeping over
the r evelations of God continually' in
history, and how with Constantine
the1e came in a tide that had largely
buried spiritually ever since. Here and
there a man , or a cluster of men, had .
b een as a rock in the desert and stopped
for a little the drift and there had been
a sheltered spot, but the drift soon
closed beyond andswept on. H e spoke
of the evi dent purpose of God in this
age, as one of spirituality and holy
triumph, and of the specific difficulties
in the way of those who see the vision
and hear His voice, and the way of
There having occurred several vacan-
cies in the Church Board some little
time ago and as they had been filled
recently, the whole board was called
about the altar. There were thirty-six
present, thirty-one men and five wo-
men: They w:ere as noble a band of
holy, heroic, loyal men and women as
one need d esire to look upon. A brief
service was held with them, a few re-
marks made by the pastor and one man
received jnto the church, who gave a
precious testimony the whole
church rejoiced and praised .God.
The afternoon love feast was well at-
tended and there was a precious spirit
of. unity throughout. Dr. Bresee led
the people on to heights1: of spiritual
fervor with a deep unfoldment of the
seventeenth chapter of John. This pre-
pared the way .to partake of the DJ.;.flad
and water of holy fellowship, while the
saints praised the Lord for such unity.
'l'he testimonies which followed were
poured forth in much while
many wept 'fQr joy and rejoiced in God,
especially tlie--=elear, optimistic. utterc
ances of Brother Gay, coming out
through his wide touch with the work
as missionary treasurer, showing that
it woplp take rapid pace by us to keep
-step with the Lord in this great move-
ment. The service closed as the people
gathered around the altar with. much
'l'he evening service in charge of Rev.
JVazarene Messenger
J. v.;r_ Goodwin, who the
sage from-Rom. 7 :17, wa!:! victorious _to
the close of the altar sen; ice. In the
opening of the service Brother Goodwii1 .
brought forward two mei1 . to testify to
saving grace, one having been r eached
by the street meeting and professed
conver sion and the other just from the
St. Stephen meeting in t.he joys of sins
-[March. if, .1909
last...Sunchty nigl)t after -the' messao-e
'meetings. The alfar
g1ven by- Brother Gay was blessed o.l'
God in the salvation of threl'l
souls. Our God is working in El l'aso
and is blessing Sister McReynolds in
the preaching of the wor.d. souls arc
being saved and the work has grown
so as to necessitate r enting a larger
hall and still it is too small for all who
come to hear the gospel.
F . H. Peterson.
. forgiven. There was not only joy in
the presence of the angels, but as the
two men gave their glad testimony the
people also rejoiced with great joy and
praised the Lord in shout and sQng with .- .- .-
waving of handkerchiefs. The earnest , .GRAND AVENUE CHURCH.
message of the evening three Mrs. Carrie Crow, accompanied by
to the altar, and service; Iier mother, and Mrs. Dr. Kell and hc.r
brought to a brother R. M. Kell of M d' -
around the altar m earnest test1momes. . . ' a . Isonvi e,
"Another good day in the Lord" was Ky., and Rev. Joseph Owen .of Alaba-
the expression of many. ma, arrived in \ the city on Saturdav
The monthl_y missioi1ar y me<'ting of noon c)ver the - Santa Fe. They
even_mg at Co. E <? ne of t he Lenten series of r evival services nt
pecuhar nn ctwn .and great blessmg to tl
e Grand \ e h 1 1 t c 1
11 I
. J , L v nue c nrc 1 on as :>H l -
a w 1() were pernntte(t to hear the mes- batll allCl 11 t' t'l E t rt '
f S
. r:r d I . ' < " ' } con Inue un I <as cr. : s
sage o 1ster "-Y e as s 1e r ei a tetl a ht- ''' otth a t tl t t

tl f I
f ' np across 1e conn ry .o wa1
e o 1er experi ence () twenty :vears her sin .
d 1 t d ''A. .. ' ,:
spent. on the missionm:v field anrl of n'
t' l
eg 'on s
?u mfi
G d
' 1 - f b
r wen IS a 1ne prca c 1cr ;111 (
o s marve ous .provlSIOJH; or . ot 1 l\hs C f 11 f fi 1 ' J
soul and body. Our hearts wer e gr <'a tly j)less.
:of.wo. Js. l u
rde, gory
1 d b tl t 'tl f ., r m 1eaven, an can preac 1
ei;courage .Y Ie mn mg WI .
with unction that brin t' t
nme young women to stand for the . gs con vic IOn .o
k G d I ll d t
. ..,
J. all heaters. She preached at the morn-
wor o 1as ca e us o o.., ennmo- - d -
. Ch t "' Ing an evenmg serviCes, and Bro. 0Wf'n
youno- women o r1s . t t l f
"' a 1e a ternoon serviCe. Meetmgs n1c
-" .JI .!!1 held,- every night at 7 :30 o'clock. Hr!-
MORNING AND STREET MEETING. ferring to her trip across the country
she said:
I want to say to the glory of God my
soul was blessed in the morning meet-
ing. There was not mai1y present., but
the dear Lord was ther e. Hm\r we
would enjoy seeing more of our dear
saints out to this service.
The street meeting at six o'clock was
well attended. The evening was windy ,
and cool, but the . Lord was \ovith us.
A,fter reading a scripture lesson there
was one man came out and dropped OIJ.>
his knees and cried for mercy. The
Lord heard him and answered his cries,
and he afterward came into the church
servic,e; also another one convicted of
his sins came to the church service.
-J . C. L.
$ $
We are praising the Lord for another
week of victory and for the manifesta-
tion of His presence with us in the sal-
vation of precious souls. As we look
over the fields it is truly as the l\J)ister
has . said: "They are
the harvest but the laborers are few.''
We are determined by the grace of God
to r each as many as,, possible with the
glad tidings of salvation and a Savior
that saves from all sin.
-We were highly favored with the
presence of Brother and Sister Gay on
Sunday night. Brother Gay brought
us a message full of blessing and
couragement to our hearts. We can-
not forget _to God for the pres-
ence of Sister Snyder and Brother
Athans and others have .stood by,
us with p1:ayers and assistance in
''I like this t hing of traveling west.
It takes two engines to pull through.
That's the kind of r eligio_n I have, a
doubl e-header. One engine is aU right
for awhile when you're on a smooth
track and lever grade, but when yon
come to a strong pull up hill and a
sharp grade, it takes another engine
to come through. The first blessing of
r egeneration is all right when you take
a start for glory, but when you come
to hard places and it's up hill work,
it takes the second blessing of entire
sanctification 'to pull you through.
"Then you come to the tunnels: :My,
how dark it is; have to light the lamps
andcan't see a thing outside. Nothin.g
but darknes!il,. around, but a light in-
side. Who cares how many tunnels you
have to go through if you have the light
inside all aglow? We came through c
one short tunnel, just a short one, so
the porter did not light the lamps, and
my, how dark it was. Couldn't see a
thing anywhere. But the train went
right on through. No stops, and soon
i t was light again. That 's it again. God
lets yon go into a .dark place once in a
while, but it hlways is ..._a short ,\rhil f' .
and soon it's l ight again. Wlien we got
into the Ught again, after ' passing
through the tunnel we had the same
conductor and engineer as we J1ad whf' i1
we went in. That's so. God is the same
in the dark places and .going through
tunnels, as when the road is open, and
its light all around."
At the afternoon service Rev. -Owen
preached on ''Elijah, Prepared, Teste(l,
Sustained and Crowned. ava i I-
:::- . ,,
March 11, .1909'
able seat was fil_led at Five
souls were at the altar .. during the day
and found Q-od in. salvation.
Next Sabbath, March 14th, an. all
important day for this church. 'fhe
first anniyersary of the organization
will be held .. Special programs are pie-
pared and all are for .a great
victory. At the mornmg serviCes the
pastor al}d Mrs. Crow will speak.
the afternoon Dr. P , F. Bresee wtll
preach the anniversary at t_hree
o' eloek and the evangehsts at mght.
Bl'01hcr Kell and Sister Crow sing at all
and it is a rich treat to hear
t.h em peal forth glorious gospel in
rin ging s,ong and shouts. Better . eome .
ancl hear them. An amfiversary offer-
itt" will be received at the afternoon
Extra chairs will be provitlcd
, to n<.;eommodate everycbody .
. C. V. L.
-lC "' "'
Snch were the first four Of last
. \\'(tk in our church at Pasadena.
On Monday Mrs. IJulu B. Rogers
pn' ached, afternoon and night, on Holi-
ness the Great Essential; and 0Yercom-
of strength and persua-
siveness. r .
.. , Tuesday we were again ,delighted
with the ministry of Rev. \V. C. \Vilson,
pastor of Long Beach, who preach ed in
the afternoon on Depravity and the
Devil-two very related subjects upon
\lhi eh the people need deeper . . conYic-
hon ; and these sermons contributed to
sur h.
\Y edncsday, in the afternoon: we sat
unclcr the strong ministry of Pastor ('.
V. La Fontaine ()f Los Angeles: who
prca{;her on the Power of the Spirit.
\Vednesday night Pastor Lucy P.
Knott of Los Angeles delighted and
helped us by her sermon on t.he
Lions we have to meet and conqnt'r . ..A
number of her faithful people eame
O\' P I' \\'ith her , to onr delight and lwlp.
. Thursday was the aH-day mel'ting.
nnd in the morning, while this pastor
songht to fill the place of .Dr. Bres<-e at
tit e Bible School in Los Angeles. thC' lat-
. f preached to our J:?eople on im-
. pcnt.ant factors of holiness.
In the afternoon District SUJWrin-
hndent Rev, J. W. Goodwin. who is-
c prtainly niaking full proof of his min-
istry as superintendent, and also co-
Nazarene Messenger
atthe of the. grace that
bringeth salvation and its . fullness; and
they seeined to ''get through,'' and so
professed; and all of the goodly com-
pany who attended. were upbuilt on
'' most holy faith.'' .
This writer is persuaded that such
''four days' meetings'' should be fre-
quent among us as a denomination. \Ve
ought not to be dependent on ''pro-
tracted efforts'' nuder the leadership
of evangelists, though such are proper
and fruitful as a rule. But briefer
meetings, under the ministry of "our
own," should be held for mutual ac-
quaintanceship and helpfulness of our
ehnrches and ptenehers, as well as for
the advancement and consecration of.
the work of holiness over this Hmd. 1
wish that a series of such mee_tings
could be arranged for the Southern
. California Distri ct , and hope it may
prove feasible to have such.
Edward F. "
.JI .}II
Sabbath (February 28th) was itlto-
gether a glorious and beautiful day,
both materially and spiritually for the
Nazarenes of . Pasadena, and conse-
quently there was a very good-sized at-
t endance at the morning services.
'fhe morning servi ce was given to the
administration of the Holy Sacrament.
This was a very blessed season
of heart searching and prayer and was
of an unusually impressive nature.
'fhe afternoon love feast was again
postponed to allow the people to attend
the mass meeting at the .Friend's
church. wher e the reYiYal under the
l eadership of Brother Huff has been
going ot:.
In the evening the Young People 's
meeting was led by Brother 'fraC)' and
Brother F'ike from t he Bible School at
Los Angt>l cs. The Lord \\'as wondcr-
in this Sl'nicc and gteatly
the hearts of all present. Our
young p eople a rc alwnys greatly en-
eonraged by the t estimonies
and SI)O,ltS of praise of these tlear peo-
ple. \.dw .haYe given themselves enf.irely
to the 1Iaster 's sen ice.
.-\t the eYcning preaching s enice .the
al t endance was about as usual. Bt'b'ther
\Valkl' r preached from the text taken
from Acts 9:6, "Lord, what wilt thou
have me to do?" He said that there
were not e nough of us earnestly asking
. God this question; that too many of us
are not willing to surrender uncondi-
tionally, but we will never get into this
blessed experience until we do, for God
requires of us an unconditional sur-
Will Convi(:t, Inspire al_ld Bless
Apples of Gold ;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGE!t during. the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introduction
by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25 Cents
by mail30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cloth, 60 cents ..
Address, "R. P. "
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Jacob Heelgrasper,
. . OR
Sorrie of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait artd Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from the life of Jacob, writ-
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist. , " .
Bound in Cloth, Pr-ice. $1.00
Nazarene Pt1blishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
New Manual
The usual .prices in quantities .
Retail price 25c post paid.
.1\azarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
pastor of the leading churl' h of the .
trict, strongly and tenderly ininistered ,. .1."'+
the word of Waiting on the Lord.
At the concluding service, .Thursday.
night, Dr. Bresee again preached, pre-
senting some "Axioms of Holiness."
At the conclusion of each "axiom" all
JH'csent must have felt, ''that's so.''
A number of fri en.ds of like precious
faith were in attendance from other
eongregations and cities, and W<' were
much comforted and helped by their
JWcs cnce.
On the \vhole the meeting, though it
could hardly be. called
was very helpful to us. . S everal were
We Can Fill .Your Orders for
The Assembly Minutes
Na'zarene Publishing Co.
Los Angeles, California.
10 Nazarene
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal . .
COLLEGE NOTES. . History classes are uot neglected;.
Oue soul was at the altar at the close n either are their heavy lessons in The-
of the Tuesday preaching services, and ology, Homiletics, Old and New 'l'esta-
ment Studies, Church and Bible His-
seven of the young people from the tory and the music pupils
college were called to pray with four keep the pianos busy all day long, so
seeking souls Saturday evening. that with eating, sleeping and work in
One r eads the Bible r egular- the home ai1q on the grounds added to
ly each p. m. to two dear old, their preaching, praying and studying,
the College is a veritable "bee hive"
colored women who never being al- week in and week out, where no cross
lowed to attend school, yet long to hear words are spoken, every one "helps his
the blessed worlls of Jesus r ead to n eighbor, '' and ''God is the h ead of
them. One student assists i11 the .Span- the College, the .. beloved listener to
ish mission, some visit at t he hospital, ever y conversation, and the honored
guest at every meal." Amen and
and others fill appointments wheu railed a men. while a dded to all the abov<.>.
on. so t hat with S unday srhool elasses, . . a ha lf hour of outdoor on thc
Yonug P eople ' s meetings, gospel si ng- rings. " ith t he 01; " alhing in
i11g, nnll <1 ltar "orl.;:. Sunday is a hnsy the open ai1 , is a mecli ein e f or nil.
'\Ye thank '' Our Friend'' and two
day, n1Hl ::.Honcl ay morning worsh1p 1s
" pra,, in g fl'i enth;" for :\:10.00 for n S JH'-
must: interesti ng. as the differ ent on es cinl case. J.VI r s. Trnvis for $10.00 to
repol't the " oikin gs of our Gocl in the as nccd t:>;l. nncl $7.55 from two pterions
diff( r ent. ser vicE's wher e t hev havo,.-bcen friends. their "tithe." God bless them
I ' l t tt d . -- .. _ alL_ .Also om hearts go o nt in !lTal'i- . vc . o a , .en . , .
tude to Brother imd Sister Adams fo'r
lcmous-thc lemon pntldiug ' made was
But all blessed priYilt>ges of
working for thE> Mnster nre not allowed
to hi11dcr th<'ir "ea ll" to study to show
themseh es "approved workmen, " and
l\Iot!day at D o'dock finds them gnther-
<'d in their different. < lnss rooms . . The
Gtammnr, Bibli cal. Gtography and Gen-
. a r'enl treat to the boys and girls; also
the ornnges and fish rind vegetables
sent . by Sister Spcnrcr and BL'OthC'r
. .
. ''For ri ll tEe Tiord iws clon c"for ns.
we IW\'Pt' shall. :<"cnse t o prn isc Him. "
. '

Below we give the course of study
fot t he preachers who are seeking
elde1; orders in t he church. This course
was arr a ngell by the gent>ral superin-
t ell(lents by order of the General As-
sembly held at Pilot Point last fall and
shonlcl .have been printed in the Man-
ual, but owing to t he gr eat rns h of lmsi-
ncss s ince the Assembly it ronhl not be
without a grc1;ter d elay to the
l\IanuaL '\Ve would advise y on to cut
this o'nt and past e in yom
First Year.
1. . Bible-The P entateuch.
2. Smith's Old Testament Ili story.
:l, 'l'heologiral
4. ..\fanual of the Chnrr h.
To he rtad:
1. \\'<'sit\ 's fin Sermons .
2. Ho>Y to be a Past or-Cuyler.
:3. Ta lks on Prayer__:Gordon.
4. One Hundred Years of l\Jissions
-l;conard .
Third. Year.
1. l3ible-'fhc ::.\Injor Propltt>ts.
2. I-Iisforv of the Clni sti nn Church,
.:3. EYiden ces of C'lnistianity-Hop-
4. All About the Bible-Collett.
To he r ea d.
'1 .
2. Lcdures on P teaclt i ng:-P.impson.
:{. Impressions-Knapp.
4. I,i fe of ,TriO. G. Patton.
u. One of the Chnrch Papers.
Fourth Year.
1. BihlC'-Panline
2. Histol'\' of the Christian < ' hnr<"h,
2nd half-Fisher.
- 11, ll:J09
I t is r eported that there were 400
.churches in New York City which did
not have a cci n version last .year. V>lltat 's
the matter?
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy has made
a gift of money to a Boston hospital. .
My, " consistency thou art a jewel."
. We thought there were no su ch thingR
as sickness or pain.
Rev. F. B. Meyer ' r ecently a ddressed
800 Christian students at Lovedal c.
South Mrica, among whom wer e thirty
sons of chiefs. These young men arr!
to be the future rulers among the tribes
in Sontlt Africa.
The C'anndian gov:crnment hns an-
nounced that no liquor will .be allo\\'ccl
along the line of the Grand 'rrnnk J'n-
eifi c railwny . . The . r eason g iven, ' ' To
sa ve t he expense of police forer.."
'\Vhnt a comment on the liquor busi-
It is reported t hat "the chink lwl,i t
is on the d.own grade in England.
Br ewer y sha r es arc chopping and sn1all
manufacturer s and pnblil'mls arr. hl' ing
cr o,nled ont, and tli e big h otels nnd
t.he big companies arc less prospeto11s
than formerly, a nd l:t;stmirnnt. k<rpTs
arc in despair at the eonsnnlp-
tion. of wine."
.Any one a bonnet
or bonnet fra me can obtain them fro1 n
l\ri;s. N. C. Ra dfortl. 7:35 Crocker strcet,
Los .A1'1geles, Cal.
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
for an Inspiring Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
one. 30c. pos,tpaid: 10 for $2.
Pil]s ..
We have a new supply of.Nazarene
' Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
blac'K le ttering.
(' Nickel
25c each
Shell 2. Quiet Talks on Power - Gordou.
:l. l'reac:ht rs and Prayer-Bonnds.
-L :\'on<" Likl' It-Pal'lmr.
3. Theology-'\Yake{i elll. '
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
'>. One of the C'hnrC'h Papers.
Second Year.
1. Bihle-Thc Four Gosp.cls and
2. :\' ew 1'cstament History.
:1. Hnml,book ti f
4. - Lectm;es on. Homil eti cs:=..Kern .
To be read: .
1. Entite Snnc tifi<>ntinn-Rrith.
4. Ph of the Plan of h a-
t ion-'\Yalker.
To be r ead:
1. H oliness and Power-Hills.
2. I-iints to. St>lf E<lntah<l
3. The Gospel of the C't) lllfor h' r-
Steel. -. . ... .
.J.. Lnmb of <God:_PI.riklrant.
5. One of the Clnir ch Papers.
. Gen r ra l Snperi ritPn<knts.
New. Unique, Attractive; a pictUre and t ext on
every' stamP. Suitable for on pn-
. p ct;s bOoks, etc. Cheaper and more efTecttve thnn
tracts. 120 sta'mps in bobk (60 vnrletjcs ) , lOc JK!r.
book; 3 for 25c. Agents Wanted. ,.
NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., los Cal .
March 11, 1909]
Our Young People
Grandmother dear is a very old lady;
Grandmother dear can't see,
But when she things or loses he r spec-
tacl es,
Grandmother's eyes are--me.
Giandmother dear is a very old lady,
Sometimes she neve r hears;
But I run when the postman comes
I can be grandmother's ears._
Grandmother dear _is a ver.y'old lady.
Can' t walk a nd can' t hear and _can't see ; .
You never could t ell, thoug h, the f un we
have playing, -
Grandmother dear and me. - E :r. -
. ...: , ,; "
A li tf'lc child gave a most exquisite
explanation of walking with God. She
went home from Sunday school. and
her n10thcr said, <'' Tell me what you
harned at school?" And she said:
"Don 't you know, mother, we have
been hraring about a man who used to
go fot walks with God. His name was
Enorh. He used to go walks with God.
And, mother, one day thcy \vent for an
extr a long walk, and they walked on
and on. unt il God said to -Enoch, 'Yon
arc a long way from home ; yon had
bettc'r come in and stay.' And h e
\I'Pn t. "-Sel ected.
-" -" -"
"I saw a blind man today goiti g
ahout begging. I'm glad l'm not blind.
aipn ' t yon. Uncle J esse?"
do yon know you mr not
blind ?" askecl his uncl e.
" 'Cansc I can sec, " r epli ed \Villie.
'' ,\ r r von s ure?''
" 'D<'c'tl I a m," was the confi dent
answct. . - "
" l am certainly glad to h ear it ; for
most pcopl.e nt:c .a littl e blin(l. "
"-:\[ost people ? \ Vhy, I lt:nc st't n
onlv a fe, v. ''
, ;
J'her e are differ ent kinds of
ness. One boy . can't see thr nsr of
going to school and lenrning ; another
boy 't see why must his
father and mother ; ariot.hrr cannot. see
t hat it is very wrong t<;> lie atHl st eal.
So t.hcr e arc many who arc hl ind to
othr t
' ' I di dn't mean t hat kind of blind-
'"l'hat is the ver v worst. sort . . ' l'hc::>rc
arr many people s ight has brrn
taken away who have l emned to see
t hemselves as sinners, and have rome
to J esus and forgiveness. There are
thousands of others whose eyes are
good who do n ot see t hat they' n eed a
Savior; a nd t hnt is the worst kind of
" How are we to learn to se_e our
sins 1'' asked Willie, soberiy .
. "That is one of the very things that
Nazarene _Messenger
' . .. .. .:-) . . ..... .
Jesus came to teach us. If we ask him
to open our eyes, so can see our
sins and weakness es, and- try r eal 'hard
to .. obey Him, we shall l earn to sec .
mere and more clearly. "
''I'm going to ask the Lord to open
my eyes so that I can sec everything
that is good 1111(1 cvcr yth ing that is
bad." , . .
"If yon once l earn to see! all t hat,
t.hen yonr eyes will be inclecd opened."
-Select ed.
-" "" -"
The Stone fa mil v wcr r -in tlit'C! dis-
t r ess. 'l'imes li ard. antl li ttle
Hobhy. was gPt ting titccl of it. Pri n-
tipally, hr snlfcr c<l front a s t.uf cit of
brr a<l atHl cllippi ng. A sli e of this
<laint' y Pj,ltahlc fonnccl hjs htcakfast.
and ven often. alas. his <linner and
supper :;s wf'll. One clay lie t ebcl lecl
"I tl on 't " ant thipping," he sa id ,
" I want huttcr."
"Be than kfnl for what yon can gC' t."
cried his mot her. "Drippin g wi ll do
yon -mor e good. ''
'"'lt won't. It's killin' me! I \ e
been feeling had l ntely , and now I 've
found out. ftom a book t hat it 's drip
ping that's doing me all the harm! "
" \Vhy, what rubbish has the child
got hold of?"
" ' Taint rubbish. It's t he b nt h. It
said ' Constant dripping a way a
. Stone, ' and it's ri ght. " - Our
$ $ $
"T;ltlllll v. " sa ill a fat her to his son.
" han yot.t hlcn at those six pea r: hcs [
put in thc. euphoarcl '!" .
" Fathrr. " sa icl lool{in g into
his cyrs. "I .hn,e not toiHh r d on!.".
'' ThPn how is it vonr mot her fo11111l
fin' pr:11h st ones ' in 'your bcclroot n. and
there is only one peach l eft- ;(rn 1l1e
plate? " - .. . . . .
'"fhnt," said Tommy , .as he dashed
wi lill y for the door, ''is t lie one I d idn't
\ Villi c- Papa. if I wns twi ns would
you hny the otlt et hoy a banana, too 7
Papa-Cer ta inly, my son.
\Yilli f' - \\'c.. II. you sutcly ain't .
going to cheat me out" of another bana-
na ,j ust 'callS!! J ' tu all in one 7-
Sclec: t cd.
The Time to Strike; .
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the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
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lover of cleanness and purity.
Nazarene Publishing Company
Los Angeles, Cal.
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
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A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in .Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as erltertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
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An admirable g ift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
two for 25c Los Angeles, Cal.
1.,exas Holiness University, PENIEL,
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Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is g iven
to each pupil. pupils is our
recomme nda lion.
and Greek courses. Bible work equals
that done in any tra ining school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
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The Auditorium- One of our Three Large ' Buildhigs in the South.
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Serid for Illusti'aied REV: :P: --ELLYSON. B.S., Pres.
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Jwrt a little song-bird
In a leafy tree,
Singing of a true love
. In sweet melody.
Just a little brooklet
: Running to the sea,
Mingling. with its murmurs
Words o hope to me.
Just a little flower
Glistening with dew, ,
Breathing in its fragrance
Tales of love to you.
Bird and brook and blossom,
Do. they speak in vain ?
Life your eyes, and let me read
.All my loss or gain.
... -" .ll
An English writ er , Ellis Roberts,
thinks that if the Church of England
had been hless.ed with some sagacious
leader at the time Mr. \Yesley came
into aetion :md elect ed him a bishop
. Nazarene Messengf!T
tlwy followed me !' Yes, nud. so .. I
thought the de.vil had his hnsket of
b eans under his arm, and he- drops them .
as he goes along, oi\n what multitudes
he induces to follow him by a few
beans, to an everlasting slaughter
house ! "-Gospel in All J.1nnds.
. ... -" "'
Consecration is man's part; sanctifi.-
cation is God's. What we consecrate,
God sanctifies. But, we beg to ask,
how: can God sanctify a half-hearted,
a partial, a lesser consecration? If we
consecrate our waking hours to mate-
rialism, to worldly pleasures, ambitions,
remunerations, how cim God sanctify
what leav;i1gs, what chaff and dre gs
are left for Him? Some men only con-
s eCIate n small part of one day a week
to. God; they even give a good part of
that one day to the Sunday nc wspnpcr .
To those whose consecration is so pnr-
tial. the slag and refns<'. as it wer\'. of
lift' . we might well r ep<>at the words of
Sniptnre: ''Be not d c!'civnd,_ God
is not moeked-he that sowPth spar-
ingly shall r eap also sparingly." No,
t.lw eall is to a complet<'. a s a1"isfyiug.
a radiant eonserration of our all.-Cen-
' tral Christian Advocate.
LMarch 11, UJ09
re.ceive you unto myself, I
am, "there ye may be also.'' '' 'l'hat is
the ver!j.e, '' said dying
man. 1s not the mansiOns, it is
Hi1hself I want.' '-Selected.
If any young person wants THE YOUTH's
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The subscription price is 76c a year. In
clubs of five it is 60c. Get four persons to
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get your own subscription free. If you wish
to try this plan send at once for some sam-
ple copies and a blank receipt hook. You can
do it if you try. .
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
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in the Church of England, Methodism .)1 _,. ""
would have remained in the Church of THE SWEETEST VERSE.
-or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
England to enlarge and sweeten its A young Christian, at t.lw dPathlwd
evangelical life. The London qnartt'rly
. . '
thinks tha t the emeer of l\Iethodism in of an aged saint, said to him: "Shall
the OJWn air and nndcr the !?nidancP of I read toyou the swcetPst Yl'rsc of the
This book by this noted Evangelist will
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the limitations of the C'hnrch of Eng- it " '('l"l' not so I would have told yon ;
land. The grea test . . act of :i\I r . 1 g() to
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v.resle:v was the ordmatton of Thomas said the dYing man. "that is not the --
Coke. foun_d- justification- in -t he- sweetest - Y;'rse; rea_d_ on.' --Tile- young--- NAZARENE PUBLISHING CQ.
whtch_ upo_n l\Ir. man read: "And if I go and prepare 730 SAN PEDRO STREET
V. esley. It was sclnsmatlc when JUdged a place for you, I will come aga in and LOS ANGELES, CAL.
England, but in the presence of the
then-prevailing conditions, the act was HAVE
a tremendous act of faith akin to that
of Abraham.-Cal1fornia Christian Ad-
vocate . .
.- .- _,.
The celebrated Rowland Hill starlted
his congregation one Sunday morning
b.v a sharp illustration. Said he: "My
friends, the other. day I was going down
the street and I saw a drove of pigs
following a man. Of course I was in-
t<'rested, my curiosity was greatly ex-
cited, and so f .d etermined to follow.
T did so and, to my great surprise, I
saw thet11 follow hi1tl into the slaughter
house. With some there seemed but
little hesitation, but they all finally
went into the enclosure . . I was anx-
ious to know how this was brought
" about, and so I said to the man : 'My
friend. how did you induce these pi'gs
to follow you here?' 'Oh, don't you
see!' said the mall, 'I had a -basket of
beans under my arni ; so I . occasionally
dropped a few as I went along, and
' . __
A weekly holi11ese' paper for young
Comn . 'Ode I>e?fle. "Full ' of "goodreading matter .
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School is highly pleased with it."
REV. C. E. CORNELL, Pastor of First Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
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RADE. It is neatly f.rinted, wholesome and spiritual. The reading matter IS
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