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Scope of Discussion

Objectives & Strategies Employees must be working in the same direction. Performance and objectives and responsibilities must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the company Employees job content, position description, job responsibilities & competencies munity

Focus on the How work gets accomplished Goes beyond technical skills into behavioral components (not just activities) Opens up multi-career paths Recognizes different value within different levels of the organization Still includes an element of work directed munity

Competencies Definition

A combination of observable and applied skills, knowledge and behaviors that is important for the success of the organization, personal performance, and enhanced contribution munity

Identifying Job Competencies

Refer to Job Description for each position Coordinates with the designated supervisor/managers of the employee on how he/she performs the task or conduct their role. Identify Knowledge and Skills needed on the job. HR & Managers identifies ideal competencies for each position which shall be linked in the Performance Appraisal munity


Role Task Related/Business Knowledge Essential to add value to the business (differentiators) munity


Role Task Related Essential to perform assigned roles munity


Underlying attributes that cause people to behave in certain ways. Motives, Personal Style, Traits and Attitudes Essential to qualify and function in the organization munity


This phase shall establish essential link between department goals and objectives and individual performance expectations. By having the same direction the employee will be focused on doing the right things. munity

Establish Performance Objectives

Specific desired end result or output Jointly established by the Immediate Head and employee Participatory Approach employee will be more motivated to work toward the objectives munity

Effective Objectives

Consistent and should support organizations mission, goals and objectives. Focus on the critical tasks and assignments Reflect the more important job responsibilities. munity

Specific in stating output and timing expected Realistic and attainable within the scope of control of the employee munity

Development of Objectives 3 Criteria May Be Used:

Quantity How quickly or in what time frame the How much is produced? Timeliness task is completed? Quality How effectively the work is performed?Critical to define and clarify; Expectations and parameters of what constitutes quality in performance. munity

5 Dimensions of Quality 1. Reliability ability to provide what was promised, dependability and accurately. 2. Assurance knowledge and courtesy, ability to convey trust and confidence 3. Tangible physical facilities and appearance 4. Empathy degree of caring and attention provided 5. Responsiveness willingness to help and provide prompt service. munity

Type of Objectives


Maintenance Desire to maintain performance in a critical responsibility area at a currently acceptable or more than acceptable level. Legally mandate performance. Problem Solving or Improvement conditions or performance levels are not at the desired level. Objectives need to be solve an individual or organizational problem that is hampering the performance. Change in performance. ex. Increase on expected output munity

3. Innovative aimed at developing better or more efficient methods of fulfilling certain objectives or job responsibilities. It might address the need for a feasibility study, new manual or systems, training or personnel programs. munity


A Process that enhances performance, personal growth and company productivity munity

Performance Management
An ongoing communication process that involves both the performance manager and the employee in:

Identifying and describing essential job functions and relating them to the mission and goals of the organization Developing realistic and appropriate performance standards Giving and receiving feedback about performance munity

Writing and communicating constructive performance appraisals

Planning education and development opportunities to sustain, improve or build on employee work performance. munity



The person whose performance is managed. munity

Performance Standards

Standards of performance are written statements describing how well a job should be performed. munity

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is a process of assessing, summarizing, and developing the work performance of an employee. munity

Human Resources Department

The Human Resources department within the company. munity

Designated Supervisor

A performance manager who is officially recognized as a supervisor by the company munity

Company Directive/Objective

MO NA munity

Over-all Objectives of Performance Reviews

Provide basis for performance feedback Provides a place and time to discuss and agree on work responsibilities and goals. Tool to help determine salary actions as merit or promotional increases Identifies training and development needs munity

Provides individual recognition Helps identify employees special skills, abilities and interests munity

Objectives Performance Appraisal to each Function

Executives It should focus on organizational energy on the attainment of strategic business objectives. munity

Human Resource Management It should give HR Personnel powerful ammunition in the event a personnel action is challenged. munity

Team Heads/Supervisors/Managers

System should help raters to feedback their subordinates about their performance. Helps them set goals for themselves and their team members that are meaningful and important. Helps them identify and communicate the things their subordinates should do more and less of. munity

Makes it easier for the raters to explain decisions that they make which directly affect associates promotions, reassignments, raises, assignment to training or special projects.
Provides a return on their investment of time, effort and emotional energy that is well justified by results. munity


Discovers where they stand

Knows what to do to improve their performance and increase the likelihood of receiving an increase in pay (Mgt.s discretion) Knows where to concentrate their self development efforts Knows what possible career paths may be available to them in the organization, if any. munity

Methods of Appraising

Rating provides a very defined description of performance a descriptive word or phrase or a number. It is easy to communicate to employees and use in personnel decision making. munity

Essay provides a very individualized description of performance incorporating real life examples and expectations that provide the groundwork for communicating positive and negative feedback. It is also important in the event a rating is challenged. munity

2nd PHASE - Preparing for the Appraisal

Both managers and the employee play an important role in creating a productive performance appraisal process. Here are some suggestions to get the employee involved: munity


Schedule a mutually convenient time and place for the performance appraisal discussion. Allow enough time and ensure privacy. Explain that you would like the discussion to be a dialog, with input from both of you included in the final written document.



The employee can address accomplishments and things that could be done better. Explain that you will be doing the same and that you may exchange these documents a few hours before your meeting munity

4. Give the employee a list of questions to consider to evaluate his own performance. Sample questions might be: What have been your major accomplishments? What could you have done better? What could I do as your supervisor to help you do your job better? Would you like to see your responsibilities change? If so, how? munity

5. Prepare a draft appraisal, making sure you have as much information as possible, including:

job description card performance standards previous appraisals letters of commendation and/or criticism samples of work records of disciplinary action munity

6. Consider the question, What can I do to help the employee do the job better and achieve developmental goals? munity

3rd PHASE - Conducting the Appraisal Discussion

Continue the momentum you have established throughout the year with your ongoing dialog about performance. You want to set the tone for an open and productive discussion. Here are some steps you can take to make it as successful as possible: munity

Create a supportive environment by stating clearly the purpose of the discussion. Be as non-threatening and open as possible since the employee may be tense or uncomfortable. Discuss key areas of responsibility and give examples of specific results. Have the employee go first, based on the self-appraisal or the questions you provided in advance. Ask lots of questions and get clarification to make sure you understand the employee's point of view. Discuss what could have been done better. Identify your concerns and listen to the employee's explanations. munity

Ask your employee for help in resolving problems. Focus on future performance and be sure the employee takes responsibility for improvement. Make sure you and the employee have an understanding the same understanding of future expectations regarding performance. Give positive recognition for performance that reinforces the goals of the work unit. Discuss the employee's interests and potential new responsibilities. Discuss both of your roles in achieving new objectives while maintaining ongoing responsibilities. Conclude on a positive note, emphasizing the benefits of your munity dialog.

The Final Appraisal Document

Record the results of your discussion on the performance appraisal form. Ask the employee to sign the form, and explain that this signature acknowledges discussion of the contents, not necessarily agreement with them. Route to your manager for final signatures and placement in the employee's departmental personnel file. munity

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