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June Newsletter


O'Hare Child Development Center 2300 E. Devon, Suite 171 Des Plaines, IL 60018 847.803.5181

Early Yoga helps form a Bond of Love and Trust

We would like to thank you for all of your wonderful words about our centers to your friends and family! Our program continues to grow through your referrals, and because of this we are pleased to announce that the ReferA-Friend incentive will continue throughout the year. For every private pay family that you refer to us, that enrolls in our Center, and stays enrolled for at least six months, you will receive

Movement is familiar to a child from their earliest beginnings in utero when they experience movement through their mother's motion. As an infant grows movement continues to be a new and delightful experience when held closely in a parent's or teacher's arms. As your infant grows and develops, movement plays a central role. Touch is another important aspect to the healthy development of an infant. Our skin is our body's largest organ. Yoga provides opportunity to incorporate movement and touch between adult and infant or growing child, and reinforces the building of emotional

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June Newsletter

the value of one week's private childcare fees FREE for your oldest child. Half of the incentive award will be given at the time of the new private pay family's enrollment, the other half after six months. In order to be eligible for this incentive, they must list your name as the referral on the "New Family" application.

bonds between them. In our classrooms at O'Hare Child Development Center, we find that yoga is a wonderful way to make the child in our educare feel loved as we gaze into their eyes during the poses we take together. Our teachers incorporate yoga poses and short sequences into our days with infants and young children. We have also provided opportunities for parents to learn yoga with us and their infants.

Infant yoga helps energize or calm the nervous system. Practicing yoga with the infants helps calm and relax the child, which also helps them sleep better. It enhances understanding on a non-verbal level and nurtures a closeness between adult and child.

The Life Cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly

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June Newsletter

The children have been learning about caterpillars and their unique transformation into butterflies. When the caterpillars arrived we observed how small they were, and talked about what they would need to grow. The children saw the caterpillars' food was a paste that covered the bottom of the container, and as they ate we noticed that it looked like there were holes in the paste. Everyday we would check to see if the caterpillars were growing. The children were able to see differences in their sizes after a few days. As the caterpillars grew the children watched them shed their exoskeletons, the external skeletons that protect the internal parts of the caterpillars' bodies. The caterpillars shed their exoskeletons several times before they were big enough to climb to the cup and attach to the lids. Once they were attached, the caterpillars hardened into chrysalides, or cocoons. The children learned many new words as our caterpillars were transforming: caterpillars, skeletons, exoskeletons, chrysalis, cocoons, habitats, transformation. The children are also learning to be very gentle when handling the containers and when we have to leave them alone so as not to hurt them. The children watched as we transferred the chrysalides from their jars to the butterfly habitat. We kept a careful watch and when we saw the chrysalides shaking and moving we knew that our butterflies would be emerging soon. Once out it took a few hours for their wings to fully form and harden. The children helped mix the sugar water to feed the butterflies and were excited to see them drinking it. The children were very excited to help release the butterflies to find new homes in our bushes. Every time we see butterflies in our garden we know we helped them.

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June Newsletter

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O'Hare Child Development Center | 2300 E. Devon, Suite 171 | Des Plaines | IL | 60018

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