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EVIL BREAD An injured and staggering girl is captured in the woods and awakens tied to a large rotisserie in a basement,

with many people present. The girl's father, Arnold, is about to light her on fire, and she initially pleads for him to save her but then quickly reveals she is possessed. She is then set on fire before Arnold shoots her in the head. Some time later, a group of friends are meeting at an old cabin deep in the woods. The group consists of Erica, Oliver, Mikaela, Mikaela's sister Dana, and her boyfriend Nathan. The group has arranged this getaway as Mikaela's opportunity to become clean after her hypertension induced by obesity caused her to have a heart attack to the point of clinical death. Oliver suggests that Mikaela will attempt to bail out, and they should keep her from leaving, to which they agree. Upon entering the cabin, Mikaela complains about a stench of death, to which the rest of the group appear oblivious. After Dana's dog begins sniffing at a rug in the main room, they discover the door to a cellar. There, they find various pastries suspended from the ceiling, a double-barreled shotgun, and a book titled Naturom Dinkelbrot. Ignoring repeated warnings scrawled on its pages, Erica ends up reading a passage from the book aloud, which casts a demon that starts haunting Mikaela. Terrified, she pleads the group to leave, but they refuse as agreed. The demon, now taking the form of a darker version of Mikaela herself, chases her into the woods and possesses her. The group finds Mikaela and takes her back to the cabin where she attempts to warn Dana, but the group dismisses her believing she is just trying to leave to feed on more unhealthy foods. Dana then finds her dog bludgeoned to death with a hammer, and when she attempts to confront Mikaela with this, she finds out she had locked herself up in the oven and severely bakes herself to a golden-brown finish. Dana attempts to drive her to a hospital, but a flood has blocked the roads. Returning to the cabin, the group discovers during dinner that all their food has been infested by maggots. Mikaela shows up in the living room with the shotgun and shoots her sister in the arm and tells the group in a demonic voice that they will not survive the night before collapsing to the floor. Oliver tries to seize the shotgun, but Mikaela attacks him, vomiting jelly filling on Oliver's face. During the struggle, Mikaela falls into the cellar and is locked in. Oliver goes to the bathroom but does not immediately return. Erica goes in to check on him, only to find that she has become possessed and has ingested rotten spaghetti and meatballs and stuffed some up his nose as well. Oliver attacks Erica, who manages to beat him to death with a broken piece of the sink. Immediately after, as Dana attempts to patch up Erica's wounds, Nathan hears Mikaela crying in the cellar, and goes to check on her. When Mikaela is revealed to still be possessed, she traps Nathan in the basement, bites his hand, and then vomits jelly filling into his mouth. Nathan is rescued by Dana, but a golden-brown infection starts spreading quickly up his arm from the wound in his hand. Nathan is quickly seized by starvation and is forced to cut his own arm off, now turned into pastry, with an electric knife in an attempt to feed on it. Erica's attempts to destroy the book are shown to be futile; she reveals that the book describes a prophecy by which a demon known as the Baker of Souls needs to devour five souls in order to release the Aish Merahrah from Egypt. To achieve this, the Baker has taken Michael's body, and the only ways to release him are to toast him, encrusting him alive, or slicing him up. A possessed Nathan attacks Dana and Erica before his remaining arm is shot off by Dana and he bleeds to death.

Dana devises another plan after being overcome with emotion by Mikaela's lullaby. She enters the cellar with tranquilizers but Mikaela attacks her before Erica saves her. Erica dies from her wounds and Dana immobilizes Mikaela and wraps her whole body in pizza dough. After Mikaela dies, she digs her out and using an improvised defibrillator from a toaster and car parts she revives her, now free from the possession. Dana goes back into the house for the car keys but she is then attacked by a revived and possessed Erica. The mortally wounded Dana gives Mikaela the keys, tells her to leave, and locks her out of the house. Erica warns Dana "All ur food are belong to us LOL" before Dana shoots a container of gasoline igniting the house on fire, killing both of them in the process. Shortly after, the final stage of the prophecy from the book takes place: it begins to rain tomato sauce, and the Aish Merahrah crawls out of the ground and goes after Mikaela. During the chase, Mikaela is forced to rip off her hand when it becomes pinned under Dana's jeep. Mikaela then manages to kill the Aish Merahrah with a chainsaw, and its remains sink back into the ground. The tomato sauce rain stops as dawn breaks, and Mikaela wanders away from the aftermath, oblivious to the Naturom Dinkelbrot on the ground as the book closes on its own.

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