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City of Ashenbrooke

ow it is a great city with paved sidewalks and huge statues, the clearest water flows from a fountain near the main gate. People move through the somewhat quiet streets of the city and all seem more than happy with Duke DKorran the cities founder. The stores are beautiful and pristine and the shop owners seem very content where they are. Even though the City is deep in a valley far from any other permanent settlements it still seems successful and a popular place to visit in the world. It seems to have formed out of thin air about 5 years ago and no-one knows much of the area or its founder. And besides the occasional banditry outside the city it seems nothing bad happens here.

ot long ago this valley was nothing more than the charred ruins of a Vistani camp
reading and tinkering in his store he has very little desire to take part in the outside world but truly enjoys telling a good story when he can pull himself out of one of his books or his most recent project. Ragnos The Blacksmith, Minotaur. If youre nearby he doesnt like you. Hes unfriendly and never in a good mood. How he makes a living as a blacksmith is beyond all comprehension, except that the armor and weapons he makes are of exquisite quality and detail now where else will you find a better polish on a helm or hammer. Most of his work is sent to Delilah. Delilah The Dainty Dagger, A wonderful weapons shop that displays much of Ragnos work, is run by Delilah. She is a soft spoken halfling yet strong willed. She claims Ragnos is a bit rough around the edges but is truly a big teddy bear at heart. Her soft sweet demeanor is definitely not what one would expect from a weapons dealer but she knows every inch of her shop and loves what she does. She doesnt sell Ragnos armor because of its weight and size she does keep a few helmets and other smaller pieces in her shop and sells anything she feels is too large or cumbersome to a nearby armor shop Drothgart The owner of the Guard, the nearby Armor shop that happens to purchase most of its wares from Delilah including a few of the larger weapons that Delilah doesnt care to keep on hand. Drothgart is a dwarf among men, literally, he believes he is full sized and doesnt know that he isnt a human he wears armor as a display of his goods that is too long for him but snug in width. He is quite the talker and has very little to actually say. You could get caught for quite some time as he rambles on and on, the only way he seems to stay on topic is if youre making a purchase from his shop its also the easiest way to break a conversation with him. He is very personable with a long beard and long grey hair. Aelith The Alchemist, Rarely does she have anything of use in her shop nor is she very bright. As she normally has lots of ingredients and gadgetry ready and waiting to make salves and potions and whatnot but seems too absent minded to actually have anything made up to sell. Nobody really even knows if she can make potions, but she sure seems ready to. Her store is named, The Empty Bottle, and it seems very descriptive of both the store and Aelith.

People of Interest in Ashenbrooke

Duke DKorran The Very Wealthy and mysterious founder of Ashenbrooke. His large home sits far to the north within the city walls. He is rather tall fair-skinned handsome man with apparently no past. He claims to have been an adventurer, like you, that after many successful adventures amassed enough wealth to build a safe utopia for adventurers to rest before further exploration into the surrounding hills and mountains. He made a place where the shop owners could sell their wares to the most deserving of men and women and didnt have to worry about vagrants and civil disorder. Thorvak Owner of Winthrop Tavern this Goliath shop owner doesnt put up with hostile patrons and expels those who are dishonest and corrupt from his bar immediately and as painfully as possible. Always willing to part with a free beverage in return for some good competition, any competition will do. Thorvak is easy going happy and very very competitive. Gygax Owner of Hexed Hound Bookstore Gygex is a very reserved highly intelligent construct known as a Free-forged, part of a race following the ancestry of the ancient War-Forged the Free-Forged. The Free-Forged are created at a place known to them as the Great Forge where the Free forged have been creating more of their kind since the last of the War-forged Artificers stopped functioning 100s of years ago. The Free-Forged have no interest in war or violence except for subjects of study, they are driven by their intellect and interested in Story telling philosophy and Theories in probability. Gygex loves

City of Ashenbrooke

he Lands Around the Fine City of Ashenbrooke

The closest object known to contain civilization is a 2 day hike. The Dwarven Settlement of Daelgon that, until recently, had some bandit issues of their own. Thanks to our heroes this settlement now has a chance to spend a few moments at least in peace to try to rebuild and grow into a great city. This settlement is only the meager beginnings of a town with little more than mud beneath your feet. They have what every society should, a large tavern with their own brewing facility. The tavern serves as the town hall and much of Daelgons population call it home as well. Other than the Tavern they have a few homes and a supply depot with stables. Garth, a somewhat wildeyed old dwarf is one of the taverns many bartenders. He is very well informed and is always willing to give you information on nearby towns in need of aid, infact he was the one who sent for you to help the dwarven settlement and also informs you of Ashenbrookes need of aid.

To the South

To the West
The Scorched wood, this Dark place is a dense forest rolling over tall hills locals say that the forest contains an evil essence that keeps it alive. Many years before Ashenbrooke was founded the forest was green and alive and supported all forms of wild life and even proving grounds for elves that once dwelled in an expansive kingdom now in ruin deep in the woods. The woods now appear charred and lifeless however one could not see far into the woods through the trees that stand tall black and naked. The stories vary some say a mighty Black dragon came to the area and feasted in the valley of Ashenbrooke and the western wilds starting the wood to burn. Others say that an evil shaman curse the land driving those who live there to flee or be driven mad by the darkness creeping over this once lush landscape. Whatever stories you may hear they all end the same, the woods burned for 20 years until nothing living remained and the trees Charred but never fell.

Not even a half days journey is The Cliffs of Regret. The stories of these cliffs vary greatly but one fact remains true to them all, it is said that all those who attempt to venture into the cliffs regret it. These cliffs stand high above the city and make travel to the north nearly impossible with great effort and determination some have made it to the top of the cliffs never to be seen again.

To the North

The Giant lands known to all as The Slumbering Hills. If you listen carefully you can hear the roaming hill giants, that have made camp nearby, snore high up in these hills. The name for these hills seems to fit for that reason.

To the East

Further into the hills (at least several weeks worth of travel) is the Giants City of Treyva. You know little of this place because most people of average size tend to stay clear of such an abundance of Giants, though normally quiet pleasant company giants have trouble noticing people as they walk through their streets.

City of Ashenbrooke

Players Notes and Ideas.

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